Class: GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Point
- Defined in:
- lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb
Represents a point. It is in 3D if the Z coordinate is not nil
Constant Summary collapse
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#m ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute m.
#r ⇒ Object
Polar stuff.
#t ⇒ Object
(also: #tet, #tetha)
radium and theta.
#x ⇒ Object
(also: #lon, #lng)
Returns the value of attribute x.
#y ⇒ Object
(also: #lat)
Returns the value of attribute y.
#z ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute z.
Attributes inherited from Geometry
Class Method Summary collapse
.from_coordinates(coords, srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ Object
creates a point from an array of coordinates.
.from_latlong(lat, lon, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
creates a point using coordinates like 22`34 23.45N.
.from_r_t(r, t, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
(also: from_rad_tet)
creates a point using polar coordinates r and theta(degrees).
.from_x_y(x, y, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
(also: xy, from_lon_lat)
creates a point from the X and Y coordinates.
.from_x_y_m(x, y, m, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
(also: from_lon_lat_m)
creates a point from the X, Y and M coordinates.
.from_x_y_z(x, y, z, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
(also: xyz, from_lon_lat_z)
creates a point from the X, Y and Z coordinates.
.from_x_y_z_m(x, y, z, m, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
(also: from_lon_lat_z_m)
creates a point from the X, Y, Z and M coordinates.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#-@ ⇒ Object
invert signal of all coordinates.
#==(other) ⇒ Object
tests the equality of the position of points + m.
#as_latlong(opts = { }) ⇒ Object
Outputs the geometry in coordinates format: 47°52′48″, -20°06′00″.
#as_polar ⇒ Object
outputs an array containing polar distance and theta.
#bearing_text(other) ⇒ Object
Bearing from a point to another as symbols.
#bearing_to(other) ⇒ Object
Bearing from a point to another, in degrees.
#binary_geometry_type ⇒ Object
WKB geometry type of a point.
#binary_representation(allow_z = true, allow_m = true) ⇒ Object
binary representation of a point.
#bounding_box ⇒ Object
Bounding box in 2D/3D.
#ellipsoidal_distance(point, a = 6378137.0, b = 6356752.3142) ⇒ Object
Ellipsoidal distance in m using Vincenty’s formula.
#euclidian_distance(point) ⇒ Object
Return the distance between the 2D points (ie taking care only of the x and y coordinates), assuming the points are in projected coordinates.
#georss_gml_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss gml representation.
#georss_simple_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss simple representation.
#georss_w3cgeo_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss w3c representation.
#initialize(srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ Point
A new instance of Point.
#kml_representation(options = {}) ⇒ Object
outputs the geometry in kml format : options are
. - #m_range ⇒ Object
#orthogonal_distance(line, tail = nil) ⇒ Object
Orthogonal Distance Based
#rad ⇒ Object
radium and theta.
#set_x_y(x, y) ⇒ Object
(also: #set_lon_lat)
sets all coordinates of a 2D point in one call.
#set_x_y_z(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
(also: #set_lon_lat_z)
sets all coordinates in one call.
#spherical_distance(point, r = 6370997.0) ⇒ Object
Spherical distance in meters, using ‘Haversine’ formula.
#text_geometry_type ⇒ Object
WKT geometry type of a point.
#text_representation(allow_z = true, allow_m = true) ⇒ Object
text representation of a point.
#theta_deg ⇒ Object
outputs theta in degrees.
#theta_rad ⇒ Object
outputs theta.
#to_coordinates ⇒ Object
TODO Perhaps should support with_m analogous to from_coordinates?.
#to_json(options = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #as_geojson)
simple geojson representation TODO add CRS / SRID support?.
Methods inherited from Geometry
#as_ewkb, #as_ewkt, #as_georss, #as_hex_ewkb, #as_hex_wkb, #as_kml, #as_wkb, #as_wkt, #envelope, from_ewkb, from_ewkt, from_geojson, from_georss, from_georss_with_tags, from_hex_ewkb, from_kml, kml_to_wkt
Constructor Details
#initialize(srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ Point
Returns a new instance of Point.
21 22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 21 def initialize(srid=DEFAULT_SRID,with_z=false,with_m=false) super(srid,with_z,with_m) @x = @y = 0.0 @z=0.0 #default value : meaningful if with_z @m=0.0 #default value : meaningful if with_m end |
Instance Attribute Details
#m ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute m.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 10 def m @m end |
#r ⇒ Object (readonly)
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 11 def r @r end |
#t ⇒ Object (readonly) Also known as: tet, tetha
radium and theta
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 11 def t @t end |
#x ⇒ Object Also known as: lon, lng
Returns the value of attribute x.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 10 def x @x end |
#y ⇒ Object Also known as: lat
Returns the value of attribute y.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 10 def y @y end |
#z ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute z.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 10 def z @z end |
Class Method Details
.from_coordinates(coords, srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ Object
creates a point from an array of coordinates
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 308 def self.from_coordinates(coords,srid=DEFAULT_SRID,with_z=false,with_m=false) if ! (with_z or with_m) from_x_y(coords[0],coords[1],srid) elsif with_z and with_m from_x_y_z_m(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2],coords[3],srid) elsif with_z from_x_y_z(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2],srid) else from_x_y_m(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2],srid) end end |
.from_latlong(lat, lon, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object
creates a point using coordinates like 22`34 23.45N
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 357 def self.from_latlong(lat,lon,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) p = [lat,lon].map do |l| sig, deg, min, sec, cen = l.scan(/(-)?(\d{1,2})\D*(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})(\D*(\d{1,3}))?/).flatten sig = true if l =~ /W|S/ dec = deg.to_i + (min.to_i * 60 + "#{sec}#{cen}".to_f) / 3600 sig ? dec * -1 : dec end point= new(srid) point.set_x_y(p[0],p[1]) end |
.from_r_t(r, t, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object Also known as: from_rad_tet
creates a point using polar coordinates r and theta(degrees)
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 348 def self.from_r_t(r,t,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) t *= DEG2RAD x = r * Math.cos(t) y = r * Math.sin(t) point= new(srid) point.set_x_y(x,y) end |
.from_x_y(x, y, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object Also known as: xy, from_lon_lat
creates a point from the X and Y coordinates
321 322 323 324 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 321 def self.from_x_y(x,y,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) point= new(srid) point.set_x_y(x,y) end |
.from_x_y_m(x, y, m, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object Also known as: from_lon_lat_m
creates a point from the X, Y and M coordinates
333 334 335 336 337 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 333 def self.from_x_y_m(x,y,m,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) point= new(srid,false,true) point.m=m point.set_x_y(x,y) end |
.from_x_y_z(x, y, z, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object Also known as: xyz, from_lon_lat_z
creates a point from the X, Y and Z coordinates
327 328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 327 def self.from_x_y_z(x,y,z,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) point= new(srid,true) point.set_x_y_z(x,y,z) end |
.from_x_y_z_m(x, y, z, m, srid = DEFAULT_SRID) ⇒ Object Also known as: from_lon_lat_z_m
creates a point from the X, Y, Z and M coordinates
340 341 342 343 344 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 340 def self.from_x_y_z_m(x,y,z,m,srid=DEFAULT_SRID) point= new(srid,true,true) point.m=m point.set_x_y_z(x,y,z) end |
Instance Method Details
#-@ ⇒ Object
invert signal of all coordinates
286 287 288 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 286 def -@ set_x_y_z(-@x, -@y, -@z) end |
#==(other) ⇒ Object
tests the equality of the position of points + m
172 173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 172 def ==(other) return false unless other.kind_of?(Point) @x == other.x and @y == other.y and @z == other.z and @m == other.m end |
#as_latlong(opts = { }) ⇒ Object
Outputs the geometry in coordinates format: 47°52′48″, -20°06′00″
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 239 def as_latlong(opts = { }) val = [] [x,y].each_with_index do |l,i| deg = l.to_i.abs min = (60 * (l.abs - deg)).to_i labs = (l * 1000000).abs / 1000000 sec = ((((labs - labs.to_i) * 60) - ((labs - labs.to_i) * 60).to_i) * 100000) * 60 / 100000 str = opts[:full] ? "%.i°%.2i′%05.2f″" : "%.i°%.2i′%02.0f″" if opts[:coord] out = str % [deg,min,sec] if i == 0 out += l > 0 ? "N" : "S" else out += l > 0 ? "E" : "W" end val << out else val << str % [l.to_i, min, sec] end end val.join(", ") end |
#as_polar ⇒ Object
outputs an array containing polar distance and theta
283 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 283 def as_polar; [r,t]; end |
#bearing_text(other) ⇒ Object
Bearing from a point to another as symbols. (:n, :s, :sw, :ne…)
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 143 def bearing_text(other) case bearing_to(other) when 1..22 then :n when 23..66 then :ne when 67..112 then :e when 113..146 then :se when 147..202 then :s when 203..246 then :sw when 247..292 then :w when 293..336 then :nw when 337..360 then :n else nil end end |
#bearing_to(other) ⇒ Object
Bearing from a point to another, in degrees.
135 136 137 138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 135 def bearing_to(other) return 0 if self == other a,b = other.x - self.x, other.y - self.y res = Math.acos(b / Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b)) / Math::PI * 180; a < 0 ? 360 - res : res end |
#binary_geometry_type ⇒ Object
WKB geometry type of a point
186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 186 def binary_geometry_type#:nodoc: 1 end |
#binary_representation(allow_z = true, allow_m = true) ⇒ Object
binary representation of a point. It lacks some headers to be a valid EWKB representation.
178 179 180 181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 178 def binary_representation(allow_z=true,allow_m=true) #:nodoc: bin_rep = [@x.to_f,@y.to_f].pack("EE") bin_rep += [@z.to_f].pack("E") if @with_z and allow_z #Default value so no crash bin_rep += [@m.to_f].pack("E") if @with_m and allow_m #idem bin_rep end |
#bounding_box ⇒ Object
Bounding box in 2D/3D. Returns an array of 2 points
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 159 def bounding_box unless with_z [Point.from_x_y(@x,@y),Point.from_x_y(@x,@y)] else [Point.from_x_y_z(@x,@y,@z),Point.from_x_y_z(@x,@y,@z)] end end |
#ellipsoidal_distance(point, a = 6378137.0, b = 6356752.3142) ⇒ Object
Ellipsoidal distance in m using Vincenty’s formula. Lifted entirely from Chris Veness’s code at and adapted for Ruby. Assumes the x and y are the lon and lat in degrees. a is the semi-major axis (equatorial radius) of the ellipsoid b is the semi-minor axis (polar radius) of the ellipsoid Their values by default are set to the ones of the WGS84 ellipsoid
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 67 def ellipsoidal_distance(point, a = 6378137.0, b = 6356752.3142) f = (a-b) / a l = (point.lon - lon) * DEG2RAD u1 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan(lat * DEG2RAD )) u2 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan( * DEG2RAD)) sinU1 = Math.sin(u1) cosU1 = Math.cos(u1) sinU2 = Math.sin(u2) cosU2 = Math.cos(u2) lambda = l lambdaP = 2 * Math::PI iterLimit = 20 while (lambda-lambdaP).abs > 1e-12 && --iterLimit>0 sinLambda = Math.sin(lambda) cosLambda = Math.cos(lambda) sinSigma = Math.sqrt((cosU2*sinLambda) * (cosU2*sinLambda) + (cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda) * (cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda)) return 0 if sinSigma == 0 #coincident points cosSigma = sinU1*sinU2 + cosU1*cosU2*cosLambda sigma = Math.atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma) sinAlpha = cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma cosSqAlpha = 1 - sinAlpha*sinAlpha cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2*sinU1*sinU2/cosSqAlpha cos2SigmaM = 0 if (cos2SigmaM.nan?) #equatorial line: cosSqAlpha=0 c = f/16*cosSqAlpha*(4+f*(4-3*cosSqAlpha)) lambdaP = lambda lambda = l + (1-c) * f * sinAlpha * (sigma + c * sinSigma * (cos2SigmaM + c * cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM))) end return NaN if iterLimit==0 #formula failed to converge uSq = cosSqAlpha * (a*a - b*b) / (b*b) a_bis = 1 + uSq/16384*(4096+uSq*(-768+uSq*(320-175*uSq))) b_bis = uSq/1024 * (256+uSq*(-128+uSq*(74-47*uSq))) deltaSigma = b_bis * sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM + b_bis/4*(cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)- b_bis/6*cos2SigmaM*(-3+4*sinSigma*sinSigma)*(-3+4*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM))) b*a_bis*(sigma-deltaSigma) end |
#euclidian_distance(point) ⇒ Object
Return the distance between the 2D points (ie taking care only of the x and y coordinates), assuming the points are in projected coordinates. Euclidian distance in whatever unit the x and y ordinates are.
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 46 def euclidian_distance(point) Math.sqrt((point.x - x)**2 + (point.y - y)**2) end |
#georss_gml_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss gml representation
217 218 219 220 221 222 223 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 217 def georss_gml_representation() #:nodoc: georss_ns = [:georss_ns] || "georss" gml_ns = [:gml_ns] || "gml" result = "<#{georss_ns}:where>\n<#{gml_ns}:Point>\n<#{gml_ns}:pos>" result += "#{y} #{x}" result += "</#{gml_ns}:pos>\n</#{gml_ns}:Point>\n</#{georss_ns}:where>\n" end |
#georss_simple_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss simple representation
204 205 206 207 208 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 204 def georss_simple_representation() #:nodoc: georss_ns = [:georss_ns] || "georss" geom_attr = [:geom_attr] "<#{georss_ns}:point#{geom_attr}>#{y} #{x}</#{georss_ns}:point>\n" end |
#georss_w3cgeo_representation(options) ⇒ Object
georss w3c representation
211 212 213 214 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 211 def georss_w3cgeo_representation() #:nodoc: w3cgeo_ns = [:w3cgeo_ns] || "geo" "<#{w3cgeo_ns}:lat>#{y}</#{w3cgeo_ns}:lat>\n<#{w3cgeo_ns}:long>#{x}</#{w3cgeo_ns}:long>\n" end |
#kml_representation(options = {}) ⇒ Object
outputs the geometry in kml format : options are :id
, :tesselate
, :extrude
, :altitude_mode
. If the altitude_mode option is not present, the Z (if present) will not be output (since it won’t be used by GE anyway: clampToGround is the default)
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 228 def kml_representation( = {}) #:nodoc: result = "<Point#{[:id_attr]}>\n" result += [:geom_data] if [:geom_data] result += "<coordinates>#{x},#{y}" result += ",#{[:fixed_z] || z ||0}" if [:allow_z] result += "</coordinates>\n" result += "</Point>\n" end |
#m_range ⇒ Object
167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 167 def m_range [@m,@m] end |
#orthogonal_distance(line, tail = nil) ⇒ Object
Orthogonal Distance Based
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 113 def orthogonal_distance(line, tail = nil) head, tail = tail ? [line, tail] : [line[0], line[-1]] a, b = @x - head.x, @y - head.y c, d = tail.x - head.x, tail.y - head.y dot = a * c + b * d len = c * c + d * d res = dot / len xx, yy = if res < 0 [head.x, head.y] elsif res > 1 [tail.x, tail.y] else [head.x + res * c, head.y + res * d] end # todo benchmark if worth creating an instance # euclidian_distance(Point.from_x_y(xx, yy)) Math.sqrt((@x - xx) ** 2 + (@y - yy) ** 2) end |
#rad ⇒ Object
radium and theta
17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 17 def r @r end |
#set_x_y(x, y) ⇒ Object Also known as: set_lon_lat
sets all coordinates of a 2D point in one call
37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 37 def set_x_y(x,y) @x=x @y=y self end |
#set_x_y_z(x, y, z) ⇒ Object Also known as: set_lon_lat_z
sets all coordinates in one call. Use the m
accessor to set the m.
28 29 30 31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 28 def set_x_y_z(x,y,z) @x=x @y=y @z=z self end |
#spherical_distance(point, r = 6370997.0) ⇒ Object
Spherical distance in meters, using ‘Haversine’ formula. with a radius of 6471000m Assumes x is the lon and y the lat, in degrees (Changed in version 1.1). The user has to make sure using this distance makes sense (ie she should be in latlon coordinates)
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 54 def spherical_distance(point,r=6370997.0) dlat = ( - lat) * DEG2RAD / 2 dlon = (point.lon - lon) * DEG2RAD / 2 a = Math.sin(dlat)**2 + Math.cos(lat * DEG2RAD) * Math.cos( * DEG2RAD) * Math.sin(dlon)**2 c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)) r * c end |
#text_geometry_type ⇒ Object
WKT geometry type of a point
199 200 201 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 199 def text_geometry_type #:nodoc: "POINT" end |
#text_representation(allow_z = true, allow_m = true) ⇒ Object
text representation of a point
191 192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 191 def text_representation(allow_z=true,allow_m=true) #:nodoc: tex_rep = "#{@x} #{@y}" tex_rep += " #{@z}" if @with_z and allow_z tex_rep += " #{@m}" if @with_m and allow_m tex_rep end |
#theta_deg ⇒ Object
outputs theta in degrees
280 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 280 def theta_deg; theta_rad / DEG2RAD; end |
#theta_rad ⇒ Object
outputs theta
270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 270 def theta_rad if @y < 0 ? 3 * HALFPI : HALFPI else th = Math.atan(@y/@x) th += 2 * Math::PI if r > 0 end end |
#to_coordinates ⇒ Object
TODO Perhaps should support with_m analogous to from_coordinates?
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 291 def to_coordinates if with_z [x,y,z] else [x,y] end end |
#to_json(options = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: as_geojson
simple geojson representation TODO add CRS / SRID support?
301 302 303 304 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb', line 301 def to_json( = {}) {:type => 'Point', :coordinates => self.to_coordinates}.to_json() end |