Module: RSolr::Connection::Utils
- Included in:
- Requestable
- Defined in:
- lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb
Helpful utility methods for building queries to a Solr server This includes helpers that the Direct connection can use.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#build_param(k, v) ⇒ Object
converts a key value pair to an escaped string: Example: build_param(:id, 1) == “id=1”.
#build_url(url = '', params = {}, string_query = '') ⇒ Object
creates and returns a url as a string “url” is the base url “params” is an optional hash of GET style query params “string_query” is an extra query string that will be appended to the result of “url” and “params”.
- #bytesize(string) ⇒ Object
- #create_base_string(method, url, params) ⇒ Object
- #create_signature(base_string, consumer_secret, token_secret = "") ⇒ Object
#encode_utf8(string) ⇒ Object
encodes the string as utf-8 in Ruby 1.9 returns the unaltered string in Ruby 1.8.
#escape(value) ⇒ Object
Performs URI escaping so that you can construct proper query strings faster.
#hash_to_query(params) ⇒ Object
converts hash into URL query string, keys get an alpha sort if a value is an array, the array values get mapped to the same key: hash_to_query(:q=>‘blah’, :fq=>[‘blah’, ‘blah’], :facet=>‘format_facet’]) returns: ?q=blah&fq=blah&fq=blah&facet.field=location_facet&facet.field=format.facet.
- #normalize_params(params) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Details
#build_param(k, v) ⇒ Object
converts a key value pair to an escaped string: Example: build_param(:id, 1) == “id=1”
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 49 def build_param(k,v) "#{escape(k)}=#{escape(v)}" end |
#build_url(url = '', params = {}, string_query = '') ⇒ Object
creates and returns a url as a string “url” is the base url “params” is an optional hash of GET style query params “string_query” is an extra query string that will be appended to the result of “url” and “params”.
39 40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 39 def build_url url='', params={}, string_query='' queries = [string_query, hash_to_query(params)] queries.delete_if{|i| i.to_s.empty?} url += "?#{queries.join('&')}" unless queries.empty? url end |
#bytesize(string) ⇒ Object
25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 25 def bytesize(string) string.bytesize end |
#create_base_string(method, url, params) ⇒ Object
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 89 def create_base_string(method, url, params) signature_base = method.upcase signature_base.concat("&") signature_base.concat(CGI::escape(url)) signature_base.concat("&") signature_base.concat(CGI::escape(normalize_params(params))) end |
#create_signature(base_string, consumer_secret, token_secret = "") ⇒ Object
97 98 99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 97 def create_signature(base_string, consumer_secret, token_secret="") require "hmac-sha1" secret = "#{escape(consumer_secret)}&#{escape(token_secret)}" Base64.encode64(HMAC::SHA1.digest(secret, base_string)).chomp.gsub(/\n/,'') end |
#encode_utf8(string) ⇒ Object
encodes the string as utf-8 in Ruby 1.9 returns the unaltered string in Ruby 1.8
17 18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 17 def encode_utf8 string (string.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and string.respond_to?(:encoding)) ? string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) : string end |
#escape(value) ⇒ Object
Performs URI escaping so that you can construct proper query strings faster. Use this rather than the cgi.rb version since it’s faster. (Stolen from Rack).
8 9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 8 def escape(s) s.to_s.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/n) { #'%'+$1.unpack('H2'*$1.size).join('%').upcase '%'+$1.unpack('H2'*bytesize($1)).join('%').upcase }.tr(' ', '+') end |
#hash_to_query(params) ⇒ Object
converts hash into URL query string, keys get an alpha sort if a value is an array, the array values get mapped to the same key:
hash_to_query(:q=>'blah', :fq=>['blah', 'blah'], :facet=>{:field=>['location_facet', 'format_facet']})
if a value is empty/nil etc., it is not added
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 61 def hash_to_query(params) mapped = do |k, v| next if v.to_s.empty? if v.class == Array hash_to_query( { |x| [k, x] }) else build_param k, v end end mapped.compact.join("&") end |
#normalize_params(params) ⇒ Object
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/rsolr/connection/utils.rb', line 73 def normalize_params(params) return_string = "" params.keys.sort.each do |k| v = params[k] if v.class == Array v.sort.each {|v| return_string.concat("#{k}=#{v}&")} else return_string.concat("#{k}=#{v}&") end end if !return_string.blank? return_string.chop! end return_string end |