Class: Redis::Namespace
- Inherits:
- Object
- Redis::Namespace
- Defined in:
- lib/redis/namespace.rb
Constant Summary collapse
The following table defines how input parameters and result values should be modified for the namespace.
COMMANDS is a hash. Each key is the name of a command and each value is a two element array.
The first element in the value array describes how to modify the arguments passed. It can be one of:
nil Do nothing. :first Add the namespace to the first argument passed, e.g. GET key => GET namespace:key :all Add the namespace to all arguments passed, e.g. MGET key1 key2 => MGET namespace:key1 namespace:key2 :exclude_first Add the namespace to all arguments but the first, e.g. :exclude_last Add the namespace to all arguments but the last, e.g. BLPOP key1 key2 timeout => BLPOP namespace:key1 namespace:key2 timeout :alternate Add the namespace to every other argument, e.g. MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 => MSET namespace:key1 value1 namespace:key2 value2
The second element in the value array describes how to modify the return value of the Redis call. It can be one of:
nil Do nothing. :all Add the namespace to all elements returned, e.g. key1 key2 => namespace:key1 namespace:key2
{ "auth" => [], "bgrewriteaof" => [], "bgsave" => [], "blpop" => [ :exclude_last ], "brpop" => [ :exclude_last ], "dbsize" => [], "decr" => [ :first ], "decrby" => [ :first ], "del" => [ :all ], "exists" => [ :first ], "expire" => [ :first ], "flushall" => [], "flushdb" => [], "get" => [ :first ], "getset" => [ :first ], "hset" => [ :first ], "hget" => [ :first ], "hdel" => [ :first ], "hexists" => [ :first ], "hlen" => [ :first ], "hkeys" => [ :first ], "hvals" => [ :first ], "hgetall" => [ :first ], "incr" => [ :first ], "incrby" => [ :first ], "info" => [], "keys" => [ :first, :all ], "lastsave" => [], "lindex" => [ :first ], "llen" => [ :first ], "lpop" => [ :first ], "lpush" => [ :first ], "lrange" => [ :first ], "lrem" => [ :first ], "lset" => [ :first ], "ltrim" => [ :first ], "mapped_mget" => [ :all, :all ], "mget" => [ :all ], "monitor" => [ :monitor ], "move" => [ :first ], "mset" => [ :alternate ], "msetnx" => [ :alternate ], "quit" => [], "randomkey" => [], "rename" => [ :all ], "renamenx" => [ :all ], "rpop" => [ :first ], "rpoplpush" => [ :all ], "rpush" => [ :first ], "sadd" => [ :first ], "save" => [], "scard" => [ :first ], "sdiff" => [ :all ], "sdiffstore" => [ :all ], "select" => [], "set" => [ :first ], "setnx" => [ :first ], "shutdown" => [], "sinter" => [ :all ], "sinterstore" => [ :all ], "sismember" => [ :first ], "slaveof" => [], "smembers" => [ :first ], "smove" => [ :exclude_last ], "sort" => [ :sort ], "spop" => [ :first ], "srandmember" => [ :first ], "srem" => [ :first ], "sunion" => [ :all ], "sunionstore" => [ :all ], "ttl" => [ :first ], "type" => [ :first ], "zadd" => [ :first ], "zcard" => [ :first ], "zincrby" => [ :first ], "zrange" => [ :first ], "zrangebyscore" => [ :first ], "zrem" => [ :first ], "zremrangebyscore" => [ :first ], "zrevrange" => [ :first ], "zscore" => [ :first ], "[]" => [ :first ], "[]=" => [ :first ] }
{ "flush_db" => "flushdb", "flush_all" => "flushall", "last_save" => "lastsave", "key?" => "exists", "delete" => "del", "randkey" => "randomkey", "list_length" => "llen", "push_tail" => "rpush", "push_head" => "lpush", "pop_tail" => "rpop", "pop_head" => "lpop", "list_set" => "lset", "list_range" => "lrange", "list_trim" => "ltrim", "list_index" => "lindex", "list_rm" => "lrem", "set_add" => "sadd", "set_delete" => "srem", "set_count" => "scard", "set_member?" => "sismember", "set_members" => "smembers", "set_intersect" => "sinter", "set_intersect_store" => "sinterstore", "set_inter_store" => "sinterstore", "set_union" => "sunion", "set_union_store" => "sunionstore", "set_diff" => "sdiff", "set_diff_store" => "sdiffstore", "set_move" => "smove", "set_unless_exists" => "setnx", "rename_unless_exists" => "renamenx", "type?" => "type", "zset_add" => "zadd", "zset_count" => "zcard", "zset_range_by_score" => "zrangebyscore", "zset_reverse_range" => "zrevrange", "zset_range" => "zrange", "zset_delete" => "zrem", "zset_score" => "zscore", "zset_incr_by" => "zincrby", "zset_increment_by" => "zincrby" }
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#namespace ⇒ Object
support previous versions of redis gem ALIASES = (defined? Redis::Client) ? Redis::Client::ALIASES : Redis::ALIASES ALIASES = (defined? Redis::Client) ? Redis.instance_methods : Redis::ALIASES.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(namespace, options = {}) ⇒ Namespace
A new instance of Namespace.
- #method_missing(command, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
#type(key) ⇒ Object
Ruby defines a now deprecated type method so we need to override it here since it will never hit method_missing.
Constructor Details
#initialize(namespace, options = {}) ⇒ Namespace
Returns a new instance of Namespace.
174 175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/redis/namespace.rb', line 174 def initialize(namespace, = {}) @namespace = namespace @redis = [:redis] end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(command, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 |
# File 'lib/redis/namespace.rb', line 185 def method_missing(command, *args, &block) (before, after) = COMMANDS[command.to_s] || COMMANDS[ALIASES[command.to_s]] # Add the namespace to any parameters that are keys. case before when :first args[0] = add_namespace(args[0]) if args[0] when :all args = add_namespace(args) when :exclude_first first = args.shift args = add_namespace(args) args.unshift(first) if first when :exclude_last last = args.pop args = add_namespace(args) args.push(last) if last when :alternate args = [ add_namespace(Hash[*args]) ] end # Dispatch the command to Redis and store the result. result = @redis.send(command, *args, &block) # Remove the namespace from results that are keys. result = rem_namespace(result) if after == :all result end |
Instance Attribute Details
#namespace ⇒ Object
support previous versions of redis gem ALIASES = (defined? Redis::Client) ? Redis::Client::ALIASES : Redis::ALIASES ALIASES = (defined? Redis::Client) ? Redis.instance_methods : Redis::ALIASES
172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/redis/namespace.rb', line 172 def namespace @namespace end |
Instance Method Details
#type(key) ⇒ Object
Ruby defines a now deprecated type method so we need to override it here since it will never hit method_missing
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/redis/namespace.rb', line 181 def type(key) method_missing(:type, key) end |