Class: ERBLint::Linters::ArgumentMappers::Button
- Defined in:
- lib/primer/view_components/linters/argument_mappers/button.rb
Maps classes in a button element to arguments for the Button component.
Constant Summary collapse
Primer::ViewComponents::Constants.get( component: "Primer::ButtonComponent", constant: "SCHEME_MAPPINGS", symbolize: true ).freeze
Primer::ViewComponents::Constants.get( component: "Primer::ButtonComponent", constant: "SIZE_MAPPINGS", symbolize: true ).freeze
Primer::ViewComponents::Constants.get( component: "Primer::Beta::BaseButton", constant: "TYPE_OPTIONS" ).freeze
Primer::ViewComponents::Constants.get( component: "Primer::Beta::BaseButton", constant: "DEFAULT_TAG" ).freeze
%w[disabled type href name value tabindex].freeze
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Base
#initialize, #map_classes, #system_arguments_to_args, #to_args, #to_s
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from ERBLint::Linters::ArgumentMappers::Base
Instance Method Details
permalink #attribute_to_args(attribute) ⇒ Object
[View source]
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/primer/view_components/linters/argument_mappers/button.rb', line 34 def attribute_to_args(attribute) attr_name = case attr_name when "disabled" { disabled: true } when "type" # button is the default type, so we don't need to do anything. return {} if attribute.value == "button" raise ConversionError, "Button component does not support type \"#{attribute.value}\"" unless TYPE_OPTIONS.include?(attribute.value) { type: ":#{attribute.value}" } else { attr_name.to_sym => erb_helper.convert(attribute) } end end |
permalink #classes_to_args(classes) ⇒ Object
[View source]
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 |
# File 'lib/primer/view_components/linters/argument_mappers/button.rb', line 52 def classes_to_args(classes) classes.each_with_object({ classes: [] }) do |class_name, acc| next if class_name == "btn" if SCHEME_MAPPINGS[class_name] && acc[:scheme].nil? acc[:scheme] = SCHEME_MAPPINGS[class_name] elsif SIZE_MAPPINGS[class_name] && acc[:size].nil? acc[:size] = SIZE_MAPPINGS[class_name] elsif class_name == "btn-block" acc[:block] = true elsif class_name == "BtnGroup-item" acc[:group_item] = true else acc[:classes] << class_name end end end |