Method: Primer::Alpha::FormButton#initialize

Defined in:



  • name (String)

    Value for the HTML name attribute.

  • id (String)

    Value for the HTML id attribute.

  • class (String)

    CSS classes to include in the input’s HTML ‘class` attribute. Exists for compatibility with Rails form builders.

  • classes (Array)

    CSS classes to include in the input’s HTML ‘class` attribute. Combined with the `:class` argument. The list may contain strings, hashes, or `nil` values, and is automatically cleaned up by Primer’s [‘class_name` helper]( (`nils`, falsy entries, and blank strings are ignored).

  • label (String)

    Label text displayed above the input.

  • aria (Hash)

    Key/value pairs that represent Aria attributes and their values. Eg. ‘aria: { current: true }` becomes `aria-current=“true”`.

  • data (Hash)

    Key/value pairs that represent data attributes and their values. Eg. ‘data: { foo: “bar” }` becomes `data-foo=“bar”`.

  • system_arguments (Hash)

    A hash of attributes passed to the underlying Rails builder methods. These options may mean something special depending on the type of input, otherwise they are emitted as HTML attributes. See the [Rails documentation]( for more information. In addition, the usual Primer utility arguments are accepted in system arguments. For example, passing ‘mt: 2` will add the `mt-2` class to the input. See the Primer system arguments docs for details.

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# File 'app/components/primer/alpha/form_button.rb', line 20