Module: Params::Registry::Types
- Defined in:
- lib/params/registry/types.rb
All the type coercions used in Params::Registry.
A bunch of integer types collapse
- DecimalInteger =
The problem with Kernel.Integer is that if a string representing a number begins with a zero it's treated as octal, so we have to compensate for that.
Nominal::Integer.constructor do |i| i.is_a?(::Numeric) ? i.to_i : ::Kernel.Integer(i.to_s, 10) end
- NonPositiveInteger =
DecimalInteger.constrained lteq: 0
- NonNegativeInteger =
DecimalInteger.constrained gteq: 0
- PositiveInteger =
DecimalInteger.constrained gt: 0
- NegativeInteger =
DecimalInteger.constrained lt: 0
Stringy stuff, à la XSD plus some others collapse
- NormalizedString =
This is
. Nominal::String.constructor do |s| s.to_s.gsub(/[\t\r\n]/, ' ') end
- Token =
This is
. NormalizedString.constructor { |s| s.tr_s(' ', ' ').strip }
- Symbol =
Coerce an
into a Symbol. Token.constructor { |t| t.to_sym }
- LCSymbol =
Coerce an
into a symbol with all lower-case letters. Token.constructor { |t| t.downcase.to_sym }
- UCSymbol =
Do the same but with upper-case letters.
Token.constructor { |t| t.upcase.to_sym }
- HyphenSymbol =
Create a symbol with all whitespace and underscores turned to hyphens.
Token.constructor { |t| t.tr_s(' _', ?-).to_sym }
- LCHyphenSymbol =
Do the same but with all lower-case letters.
HyphenSymbol.constructor { |s| s.to_s.downcase.to_sym }
- UCHyphenSymbol =
Do the same but with all upper-case letters.
HyphenSymbol.constructor { |s| s.to_s.upcase.to_sym }
- UnderscoreSymbol =
Create a symbol with all whitespace and hyphens turned to underscores.
Token.constructor { |t| t.tr_s(' -', ?_).to_sym }
- LCUnderscoreSymbol =
Do the same but with all lower-case letters.
UnderscoreSymbol.constructor do |s| s.to_s.downcase.to_sym end
- UCUnderscoreSymbol =
Do the same but with all upper-case letters.
UnderscoreSymbol.constructor do |s| s.to_s.upcase.to_sym end
- Symbolish =
This one is symbol-ish
self.Constructor(::Object) do |x| if [::String, ::Symbol].any? { |c| x.is_a? c } Symbol[x] else x end end
Dates & Times collapse
- Date =
Ye olde Date
self.Constructor(::Date) do |x| case x when ::Array then*x.take(3)) else ::Date.parse x end end
- DateTime =
And DateTime
self.Constructor(::DateTime) do |x| ::DateTime.parse x end
- Time =
Aaand Time
self.Constructor(::Time) do |x| case x when ::Array then*x) when (DecimalInteger[x] rescue nil) then[x]) else ::Time.parse x end end
Composite types not already defined collapse
- Set =
self.Constructor(::Set) { |x| ::Set[*x] }
- Range =
self.Constructor(::Range) { |x|*x.take(2)) }
- Registry =
The registry itself
- TemplateSpec =
Templates, Strict::Any)
- TemplateMap =
Hash|, TemplateSpec)
- GroupMap =
Hash|, Array|TemplateMap)
- Input =
self.Constructor(::Hash) do |input| input = input.query.to_s if input.is_a? ::URI input = ::URI.decode_www_form input if input.is_a? ::String case input when ::Hash then, Array.of(String))[input] when ::Array input.reduce({}) do |out, pair| k, *v = Strict::Array.constrained(min_size: 2)[pair] (out[Symbolish[k]] ||= []).push(*v) out end else raise Dry::Types::CoercionError, "not sure what to do with #{input.inspect}" end end
Constant Summary collapse
- NonNil =
Can be anything, as long as it isn't
. Strict::Any.constrained not_eql: nil
- Bool =
Gotta have a coercible boolean (which doesn't come stock for some reason)
Nominal::Bool.constructor do |x| case x.to_s.strip when /\A(1|true|on|yes)\Z/i then true when /\A(0|false|off|no|)\Z/i then false else raise Dry::Types::CoercionError, "#{x} can't be coerced to true or false" end end
- Proc =
For some reason there isn't a stock
type. self.Instance(::Proc)
Class Method Summary collapse
.[](const) ⇒ Dry::Types::Type
Syntactic sugar for retrieving types in the library.
Class Method Details
.[](const) ⇒ Dry::Types::Type
Syntactic sugar for retrieving types in the library.
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# File 'lib/params/registry/types.rb', line 21 def self.[] const return const if const.is_a? Dry::Types::Type begin const_get const.to_s.to_sym rescue NameError raise ArgumentError, "No type named #{const}" end end |