Class: PaypalServerSdk::PaymentsController
- Inherits:
- Object
- BaseController
- PaypalServerSdk::PaymentsController
- Defined in:
- lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from BaseController
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from BaseController
Instance Method Summary collapse
#authorizations_capture(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Captures an authorized payment, by ID.
#authorizations_get(authorization_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for an authorized payment, by ID.
#authorizations_reauthorize(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Reauthorizes an authorized PayPal account payment, by ID.
#authorizations_void(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Voids, or cancels, an authorized payment, by ID.
#captures_get(capture_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for a captured payment, by ID.
#captures_refund(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Refunds a captured payment, by ID.
#refunds_get(refund_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for a refund, by ID.
Methods inherited from BaseController
#initialize, #new_api_call_builder, #new_parameter, #new_request_builder, #new_response_handler, user_agent, user_agent_parameters
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from PaypalServerSdk::BaseController
Instance Method Details
#authorizations_capture(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Captures an authorized payment, by ID. ID for the authorized payment to capture. keys for 45 days. upon successful completion of the request. Value is:<ul><li>return=minimal
. The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id
, status
and HATEOAS links.</li><li>return=representation
. The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.</li></ul>
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 61 def ( = {}) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::POST, '/v2/payments/authorizations/{authorization_id}/capture', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(['authorization_id'], key: 'authorization_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'Content-Type')) .header_param(new_parameter(['pay_pal_request_id'], key: 'PayPal-Request-Id')) .header_param(new_parameter(['prefer'], key: 'Prefer')) .body_param(new_parameter(['body'])) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .body_serializer(proc do |param| param.to_json unless param.nil? end) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(CapturedPayment.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('400', 'The request failed because it is not well-formed or is'\ ' syntactically incorrect or violates schema.', ErrorException) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('409', 'The server has detected a conflict while processing this'\ ' request.', ErrorException) .local_error('422', 'The request failed because it is semantically incorrect or'\ ' failed business validation.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#authorizations_get(authorization_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for an authorized payment, by ID. authorized payment for which to show details.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 13 def () new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::GET, '/v2/payments/authorizations/{authorization_id}', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(, key: 'authorization_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(PaymentAuthorization.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#authorizations_reauthorize(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Reauthorizes an authorized PayPal account payment, by ID. To ensure that funds are still available, reauthorize a payment after its initial three-day honor period expires. Within the 29-day authorization period, you can issue multiple re-authorizations after the honor period expires.<br/><br/>If 30 days have transpired since the date of the original authorization, you must create an authorized payment instead of reauthorizing the original authorized payment.<br/><br/>A reauthorized payment itself has a new honor period of three days.<br/><br/>You can reauthorize an authorized payment from 4 to 29 days after the 3-day honor period. The allowed amount depends on context and geography, for example in US it is up to 115% of the original authorized amount, not to exceed an increase of $75 USD.<br/><br/>Supports only the ‘amount` request parameter.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> This request is currently not supported for Partner use cases.</blockquote> ID for the authorized payment to reauthorize. keys for 45 days. upon successful completion of the request. Value is:<ul><li>return=minimal
. The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id
, status
and HATEOAS links.</li><li>return=representation
. The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.</li></ul>
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 139 def ( = {}) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::POST, '/v2/payments/authorizations/{authorization_id}/reauthorize', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(['authorization_id'], key: 'authorization_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'Content-Type')) .header_param(new_parameter(['pay_pal_request_id'], key: 'PayPal-Request-Id')) .header_param(new_parameter(['prefer'], key: 'Prefer')) .body_param(new_parameter(['body'])) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .body_serializer(proc do |param| param.to_json unless param.nil? end) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(PaymentAuthorization.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('400', 'The request failed because it is not well-formed or is'\ ' syntactically incorrect or violates schema.', ErrorException) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('422', 'The request failed because it either is semantically incorrect'\ ' or failed business validation.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#authorizations_void(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Voids, or cancels, an authorized payment, by ID. You cannot void an authorized payment that has been fully captured. ID for the authorized payment to void. API-caller-provided JSON Web Token (JWT) assertion that identifies the merchant. For details, see [PayPal-Auth-Assertion](/docs/api/reference/api-requests/#paypal-auth-asse rtion).<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong>For three party transactions in which a partner is managing the API calls on behalf of a merchant, the partner must identify the merchant using either a PayPal-Auth-Assertion header or an access token with target_subject.</blockquote> upon successful completion of the request. Value is:<ul><li>return=minimal
. The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id
, status
and HATEOAS links.</li><li>return=representation
. The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.</li></ul>
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 206 def ( = {}) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::POST, '/v2/payments/authorizations/{authorization_id}/void', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(['authorization_id'], key: 'authorization_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter(['pay_pal_auth_assertion'], key: 'PayPal-Auth-Assertion')) .header_param(new_parameter(['prefer'], key: 'Prefer')) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .is_nullable_response(true) .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(PaymentAuthorization.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('400', 'The request failed because it is not well-formed or is'\ ' syntactically incorrect or violates schema.', ErrorException) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('409', 'The request failed because a previous call for the given'\ ' resource is in progress.', ErrorException) .local_error('422', 'The request failed because it either is semantically incorrect'\ ' or failed business validation.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#captures_get(capture_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for a captured payment, by ID. the captured payment for which to show details.
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 258 def captures_get(capture_id) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::GET, '/v2/payments/captures/{capture_id}', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(capture_id, key: 'capture_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(CapturedPayment.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#captures_refund(options = {}) ⇒ ApiResponse
Refunds a captured payment, by ID. For a full refund, include an empty payload in the JSON request body. For a partial refund, include an amount
object in the JSON request body. the captured payment to refund. keys for 45 days. upon successful completion of the request. Value is:<ul><li>return=minimal
. The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id
, status
and HATEOAS links.</li><li>return=representation
. The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.</li></ul> API-caller-provided JSON Web Token (JWT) assertion that identifies the merchant. For details, see [PayPal-Auth-Assertion](/docs/api/reference/api-requests/#paypal-auth-asse rtion).<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong>For three party transactions in which a partner is managing the API calls on behalf of a merchant, the partner must identify the merchant using either a PayPal-Auth-Assertion header or an access token with target_subject.</blockquote>
316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 316 def captures_refund( = {}) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::POST, '/v2/payments/captures/{capture_id}/refund', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(['capture_id'], key: 'capture_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'Content-Type')) .header_param(new_parameter(['pay_pal_request_id'], key: 'PayPal-Request-Id')) .header_param(new_parameter(['prefer'], key: 'Prefer')) .header_param(new_parameter(['pay_pal_auth_assertion'], key: 'PayPal-Auth-Assertion')) .body_param(new_parameter(['body'])) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .body_serializer(proc do |param| param.to_json unless param.nil? end) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(Refund.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('400', 'The request failed because it is not well-formed or is'\ ' syntactically incorrect or violates schema.', ErrorException) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('409', 'The request failed because a previous call for the given'\ ' resource is in progress.', ErrorException) .local_error('422', 'The request failed because it either is semantically incorrect'\ ' or failed business validation.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |
#refunds_get(refund_id) ⇒ ApiResponse
Shows details for a refund, by ID. the refund for which to show details.
371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/controllers/payments_controller.rb', line 371 def refunds_get(refund_id) new_api_call_builder .request(new_request_builder(HttpMethodEnum::GET, '/v2/payments/refunds/{refund_id}', Server::DEFAULT) .template_param(new_parameter(refund_id, key: 'refund_id') .should_encode(true)) .header_param(new_parameter('application/json', key: 'accept')) .auth('Oauth2'))) .response(new_response_handler .deserializer(APIHelper.method(:custom_type_deserializer)) .deserialize_into(Refund.method(:from_hash)) .is_api_response(true) .local_error('401', 'Authentication failed due to missing authorization header, or'\ ' invalid authentication credentials.', ErrorException) .local_error('403', 'The request failed because the caller has insufficient'\ ' permissions.', ErrorException) .local_error('404', 'The request failed because the resource does not exist.', ErrorException) .local_error('500', 'The request failed because an internal server error occurred.', APIException) .local_error('default', 'The error response.', ErrorException)) .execute end |