Class: PaypalServerSdk::PurchaseUnit
- Defined in:
- lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb
The purchase unit details. Used to capture required information for the payment contract.
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#amount ⇒ AmountWithBreakdown
The total order amount with an optional breakdown that provides details, such as the total item amount, total tax amount, shipping, handling, insurance, and discounts, if any.<br/>If you specify ‘amount.breakdown`, the amount equals `item_total` plus `tax_total` plus `shipping` plus `handling` plus `insurance` minus `shipping_discount` minus discount.<br/>The amount must be a positive number.
#custom_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external ID.
#description ⇒ String
The purchase description.
#id ⇒ String
The PayPal-generated ID for the purchase unit.
#invoice_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external invoice ID for this order.
#items ⇒ Array[Item]
An array of items that the customer purchases from the merchant.
#most_recent_errors ⇒ Array[Object]
The error reason code and description that are the reason for the most recent order decline.
#payee ⇒ Payee
The merchant who receives the funds and fulfills the order.
#payment_instruction ⇒ PaymentInstruction
Any additional payment instructions to be consider during payment processing.
#payments ⇒ PaymentCollection
The collection of payments, or transactions, for a purchase unit in an order.
#reference_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external ID for the purchase unit.
#shipping ⇒ ShippingWithTrackingDetails
The order shipping details.
#soft_descriptor ⇒ String
The payment descriptor on account transactions on the customer’s credit card statement, that PayPal sends to processors.
#supplementary_data ⇒ SupplementaryData
Supplementary data about a payment.
Class Method Summary collapse
.from_hash(hash) ⇒ Object
Creates an instance of the object from a hash.
.names ⇒ Object
A mapping from model property names to API property names.
.nullables ⇒ Object
An array for nullable fields.
.optionals ⇒ Object
An array for optional fields.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(reference_id: SKIP, amount: SKIP, payee: SKIP, payment_instruction: SKIP, description: SKIP, custom_id: SKIP, invoice_id: SKIP, id: SKIP, soft_descriptor: SKIP, items: SKIP, shipping: SKIP, supplementary_data: SKIP, payments: SKIP, most_recent_errors: SKIP) ⇒ PurchaseUnit
A new instance of PurchaseUnit.
Methods inherited from BaseModel
Constructor Details
#initialize(reference_id: SKIP, amount: SKIP, payee: SKIP, payment_instruction: SKIP, description: SKIP, custom_id: SKIP, invoice_id: SKIP, id: SKIP, soft_descriptor: SKIP, items: SKIP, shipping: SKIP, supplementary_data: SKIP, payments: SKIP, most_recent_errors: SKIP) ⇒ PurchaseUnit
Returns a new instance of PurchaseUnit.
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 155 def initialize(reference_id: SKIP, amount: SKIP, payee: SKIP, payment_instruction: SKIP, description: SKIP, custom_id: SKIP, invoice_id: SKIP, id: SKIP, soft_descriptor: SKIP, items: SKIP, shipping: SKIP, supplementary_data: SKIP, payments: SKIP, most_recent_errors: SKIP) @reference_id = reference_id unless reference_id == SKIP @amount = amount unless amount == SKIP @payee = payee unless payee == SKIP @payment_instruction = payment_instruction unless payment_instruction == SKIP @description = description unless description == SKIP @custom_id = custom_id unless custom_id == SKIP @invoice_id = invoice_id unless invoice_id == SKIP @id = id unless id == SKIP @soft_descriptor = soft_descriptor unless soft_descriptor == SKIP @items = items unless items == SKIP @shipping = shipping unless shipping == SKIP @supplementary_data = supplementary_data unless supplementary_data == SKIP @payments = payments unless payments == SKIP @most_recent_errors = most_recent_errors unless most_recent_errors == SKIP end |
Instance Attribute Details
#amount ⇒ AmountWithBreakdown
The total order amount with an optional breakdown that provides details, such as the total item amount, total tax amount, shipping, handling, insurance, and discounts, if any.<br/>If you specify ‘amount.breakdown`, the amount equals `item_total` plus `tax_total` plus `shipping` plus `handling` plus `insurance` minus `shipping_discount` minus discount.<br/>The amount must be a positive number. For listed of supported currencies and decimal precision, see the PayPal REST APIs <a href=“/docs/integration/direct/rest/currency-codes/”>Currency Codes</a>.
31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 31 def amount @amount end |
#custom_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external ID. Used to reconcile API caller-initiated transactions with PayPal transactions. Appears in transaction and settlement reports.
52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 52 def custom_id @custom_id end |
#description ⇒ String
The purchase description.
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 46 def description @description end |
#id ⇒ String
The PayPal-generated ID for the purchase unit. This ID appears in both the payer’s transaction history and the emails that the payer receives. In addition, this ID is available in transaction and settlement reports that merchants and API callers can use to reconcile transactions. This ID is only available when an order is saved by calling v2/checkout/orders/id/save
65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 65 def id @id end |
#invoice_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external invoice ID for this order.
56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 56 def invoice_id @invoice_id end |
#items ⇒ Array[Item]
An array of items that the customer purchases from the merchant.
88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 88 def items @items end |
#most_recent_errors ⇒ Array[Object]
The error reason code and description that are the reason for the most recent order decline.
108 109 110 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 108 def most_recent_errors @most_recent_errors end |
#payee ⇒ Payee
The merchant who receives the funds and fulfills the order. The merchant is also known as the payee.
36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 36 def payee @payee end |
#payment_instruction ⇒ PaymentInstruction
Any additional payment instructions to be consider during payment processing. This processing instruction is applicable for Capturing an order or Authorizing an Order.
42 43 44 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 42 def payment_instruction @payment_instruction end |
#payments ⇒ PaymentCollection
The collection of payments, or transactions, for a purchase unit in an order. For example, authorized payments, captured payments, and refunds.
103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 103 def payments @payments end |
#reference_id ⇒ String
The API caller-provided external ID for the purchase unit. Required for multiple purchase units when you must update the order through ‘PATCH`. If you omit this value and the order contains only one purchase unit, PayPal sets this value to `default`. <blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> If there are multiple purchase units, reference_id
is required for each purchase unit.</blockquote>
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 20 def reference_id @reference_id end |
#shipping ⇒ ShippingWithTrackingDetails
The order shipping details.
92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 92 def shipping @shipping end |
#soft_descriptor ⇒ String
The payment descriptor on account transactions on the customer’s credit card statement, that PayPal sends to processors. The maximum length of the soft descriptor information that you can pass in the API field is 22 characters, in the following format:22 - len(PAYPAL * (8)) - len(<var>Descriptor in Payment Receiving Preferences of Merchant account</var> + 1)
The PAYPAL prefix uses 8 characters.<br/><br/>The soft descriptor supports the following ASCII characters:<ul><li>Alphanumeric characters</li><li>Dashes</li><li>Asterisks</li><li>Periods (.)</li><li>Spaces</li></ul>For Wallet payments marketplace integrations:<ul><li>The merchant descriptor in the Payment Receiving Preferences must be the marketplace name.</li><li>You can’t use the remaining space to show the customer service number.</li><li>The remaining spaces can be a combination of seller name and country.</li></ul><br/>For unbranded payments (Direct Card) marketplace integrations, use a combination of the seller name and phone number.
84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 84 def soft_descriptor @soft_descriptor end |
#supplementary_data ⇒ SupplementaryData
Supplementary data about a payment. This object passes information that can be used to improve risk assessments and processing costs, for example, by providing Level 2 and Level 3 payment data.
98 99 100 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 98 def supplementary_data @supplementary_data end |
Class Method Details
.from_hash(hash) ⇒ Object
Creates an instance of the object from a hash.
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 178 def self.from_hash(hash) return nil unless hash # Extract variables from the hash. reference_id = hash.key?('reference_id') ? hash['reference_id'] : SKIP amount = AmountWithBreakdown.from_hash(hash['amount']) if hash['amount'] payee = Payee.from_hash(hash['payee']) if hash['payee'] payment_instruction = PaymentInstruction.from_hash(hash['payment_instruction']) if hash['payment_instruction'] description = hash.key?('description') ? hash['description'] : SKIP custom_id = hash.key?('custom_id') ? hash['custom_id'] : SKIP invoice_id = hash.key?('invoice_id') ? hash['invoice_id'] : SKIP id = hash.key?('id') ? hash['id'] : SKIP soft_descriptor = hash.key?('soft_descriptor') ? hash['soft_descriptor'] : SKIP # Parameter is an array, so we need to iterate through it items = nil unless hash['items'].nil? items = [] hash['items'].each do |structure| items << (Item.from_hash(structure) if structure) end end items = SKIP unless hash.key?('items') shipping = ShippingWithTrackingDetails.from_hash(hash['shipping']) if hash['shipping'] supplementary_data = SupplementaryData.from_hash(hash['supplementary_data']) if hash['supplementary_data'] payments = PaymentCollection.from_hash(hash['payments']) if hash['payments'] most_recent_errors = hash.key?('most_recent_errors') ? hash['most_recent_errors'] : SKIP # Create object from extracted values. reference_id, amount: amount, payee: payee, payment_instruction: payment_instruction, description: description, custom_id: custom_id, invoice_id: invoice_id, id: id, soft_descriptor: soft_descriptor, items: items, shipping: shipping, supplementary_data: supplementary_data, payments: payments, most_recent_errors: most_recent_errors) end |
.names ⇒ Object
A mapping from model property names to API property names.
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 111 def self.names @_hash = {} if @_hash.nil? @_hash['reference_id'] = 'reference_id' @_hash['amount'] = 'amount' @_hash['payee'] = 'payee' @_hash['payment_instruction'] = 'payment_instruction' @_hash['description'] = 'description' @_hash['custom_id'] = 'custom_id' @_hash['invoice_id'] = 'invoice_id' @_hash['id'] = 'id' @_hash['soft_descriptor'] = 'soft_descriptor' @_hash['items'] = 'items' @_hash['shipping'] = 'shipping' @_hash['supplementary_data'] = 'supplementary_data' @_hash['payments'] = 'payments' @_hash['most_recent_errors'] = 'most_recent_errors' @_hash end |
.nullables ⇒ Object
An array for nullable fields
151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 151 def self.nullables [] end |
.optionals ⇒ Object
An array for optional fields
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# File 'lib/paypal_server_sdk/models/purchase_unit.rb', line 131 def self.optionals %w[ reference_id amount payee payment_instruction description custom_id invoice_id id soft_descriptor items shipping supplementary_data payments most_recent_errors ] end |