Class: ActiveRecord::Migration

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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#add_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options) {|c| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Add a check constraint to the table

The name of the new constraint can be set explicitly

add_check_constraint :users, "length(phone) > 10",
                     name: "phone_is_long_enough",
                     inherit: false,
                     comment: "Phone is 10+ chars long"

The name can also be skipped (it will be generated by default):

add_check_constraint :users, "length(phone) > 1"

The block syntax can be used for any argument as usual:

add_check_constraint do |c|
  c.table "users"
  c.expression "length(phone) > 10" "phone_is_long_enough"
  c.inherit false
  c.comment "Phone is 10+ chars long"

The operation is always reversible.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • expression (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The SQL expression

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The optional name of the constraint

  • :inherit (Boolean) — default: true

    If the constraint should be inherited by subtables

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (c)

    the block with the constraint's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the constraint

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/check_constraints/add_check_constraint.rb', line 41

def add_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options, &block); end

#add_foreign_key(table, reference, **options) {|k| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a foreign key constraint

The table and reference of the new key must be set explicitly. All the rest (including the name) can be generated by default:

# same as `..., column: 'role_id', primary_key: 'id'`
add_foreign_key :users, :roles

The block syntax can be used for any argument:

add_foreign_key do |k|
  k.table "users"
  k.reference "roles"
  k.column "role_id" # (generated by default from reference and pk)
  k.primary_key "id" # (default)
  k.on_update :cascade # :restrict (default)
  k.on_delete :cascade # :restrict (default) "user_roles_fk" # can be generated
  k.comment "Phone is 10+ chars long"

Composite foreign keys are supported as well:

add_foreign_key "users", "roles" do |k|
  k.columns %w[role_name role_id]
  k.primary_key %w[name id] # Requires unique index
  k.match :full # :partial, :simple (default)

The operation is always invertible.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • reference (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the reference table

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The current name of the foreign key

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the foreign key

  • :columns (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the table

  • :column (#to_s) — default: nil

    An alias for :columns for the case of single-column keys

  • :primary_key (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the reference table

  • :match (Symbol) — default: :full

    Define how to match rows Supported values: :full (default), :partial, :simple

  • :on_delete (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to handle the deletion of the referred row. Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade, :nullify, :reset

  • :on_update (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to handle the update of the referred row. Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade, :nullify, :reset


  • (k)

    the block with the key's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the foreign key

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/foreign_keys/add_foreign_key.rb', line 57

def add_foreign_key(table, reference, **options, &block); end

#change_composite_type(name, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a composite type

The operation can be used to add, drop, rename or change columns. The comment can be changed as well.

Providing a type "paint.colored_point":

create_composite_type "paint.colored_point" do |t|
  t.column "color", "text", collation: "en_US"
  t.column "x", "integer"
  t.column "z", "integer"

After the following change:

change_composite_type "paint.colored_point" do |t|
  t.change_column "color", "text", collation: "ru_RU", from_collation: "en_US"
  t.change_column "x", "bigint", from_type: "integer"
  t.drop_column "z", "integer"
  t.add_column "Y", "bigint"
  t.rename_column "x", to: "X"
  t.comment "2D point with a color", from: "2D point"

The definition became:

create_composite_type "paint.colored_point" do |t|
  t.column "color", "text", collation: "ru_RU"
  t.column "X", "bigint"
  t.column "Y", "integer"

Notice, that all renames will be done AFTER other changes, so in change_column you should use the old names.

In several cases the operation is not invertible:

  • when a column was dropped
  • when force: :cascade option is used (to update objects that use the type)
  • when if_exists: true is added to the drop_column clause
  • when a previous state of the column type, collation or comment is not specified.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (t)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/composite_types/change_composite_type.rb', line 58

def change_composite_type(name, **options, &block); end

#change_domain(name) {|d| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a domain type

The operation can be used to add or remove constraints, modify the default_sql value, or the description of the domain type. Neither the underlying type nor the collation can be changed.

change_domain "dict.us_postal_code" do |d|
  d.null true # from: false
  # check is added for inversion
  d.drop_constraint "postal_code_length", check: <<~SQL
    length(VALUE) > 3 AND length(VALUE) < 6
  d.add_constraint <<~SQL, name: "postal_code_valid"
    VALUE ~ '^\d{5}$' OR VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}$'
  d.default_sql "'00000'::text", from: "'0000'::text"
  d.comment <<~COMMENT, from: <<~COMMENT

Use blank string (not a nil value) to reset either a default_sql, or the comment. nil-s here will be ignored.

When dropping a constraint you can use a check expression. In the same manner, use from option with comment or default_sql to make the operation invertible.

It is irreversible in case any drop_constraint clause has if_exists: true or force: :cascade option -- due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database:

change_domain "dict.us_postal_code", force: :cascade do |d|
  d.drop_constraint "postal_code_valid" # missed `:check` option
  d.drop_constraint "postal_code_length"
  d.drop_constraint "postal_code_format", if_exists: true
  d.default_sql "'0000'::text" # missed `:from` option
  d.comment "New comment" # missed `:from` option


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type


  • (d)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/domains/change_domain.rb', line 52

def change_domain(name, &block); end

#change_enum(name) {|e| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify an enumerated type

The operation can be used to rename or add values to the enumerated type. The commend can be changed as well.

change_enum "currencies" do |e|
  e.add_value "EUR", after: "BTC"
  e.add_value "GBP", before: "usd"
  e.add_value "JPY" # to the end of the list
  e.rename_value "usd", to: "USD"
  e.comment <<~COMMENT, from: <<~COMMENT

Please, keep in mind that all values will be added before the first rename. That's why you should use old values (like the usd instead of the USD in the example above) in before and after options.

Also notice that PostgreSQL doesn't support value deletion, that's why adding any value makes the migration irreversible.

It is also irreversible if you changed the comment, but not defined its previous value.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type


  • (e)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/enums/change_enum.rb', line 36

def change_enum(name, &block); end

#change_function(name, **options) {|f| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a function

The operation changes the function without dropping it (which can be necessary when there are other objects using the function and you don't want to change them all).

You can change any property except for the name (use rename_function instead) and language.

change_function "math.mult(int, int)" do |f|
  f.volatility :immutable, from: :stable
  f.parallel :safe, from: :restricted :invoker
  f.leakproof true
  f.strict true
  f.cost 5.0
  # f.rows 1 (supported for functions returning sets of rows)

The example above is not invertible because of uncertainty about the previous volatility, parallelism, and cost. To define them, use a from options (available in a block syntax only):

change_function "math.mult(a int, b int)" do |f|
  f.body <<~SQL, from: <<~SQL
    SELECT a * b;
    SELECT min(a * b, 1);
  f.volatility :immutable, from: :volatile
  f.parallel :safe, from: :unsafe
  f.leakproof true
  f.strict true
  f.cost 5.0, from: 100.0

Like in the other operations, the function can be identified by a qualified name (with types of arguments). If it has no overloaded implementations, the plain name is supported as well.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the function

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the function is absent


  • (f)

    the block with the function's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the function

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/functions/change_function.rb', line 51

def change_function(name, **options, &block); end

#change_materialized_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a materialized view

The operation enables to alter a view without recreating its from scratch. You can rename columns, change their storage settings (how the column is TOAST-ed), or customize their statistics.

change_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.rename_column "name", to: "full_name"
  v.column "name", storage: "extended", from_storage: "expanded"
  v.column "admin", n_distinct: 2
  v.column "role", statistics: 100

Notice that renaming will be done AFTER all changes even though the order of declarations can be different.

As in the snippet above, to make the change invertible, you have to define a previous storage via from_storage option. The inversion would always reset statistics (set it to 0).

In addition to changing columns, the operation enables to set a default clustering by given index:

change_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.cluster_on "admin_users_by_names_idx"

The clustering is invertible, but its inversion does nothing, keeping the clustering unchanged.

The comment can also be changed:

change_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.comment "Admin users", from: "Admin users only"

Notice, that without from option the operation is still invertible, but its inversion would delete the comment. It can also be reset to the blank string explicitly:

change_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.comment "", from: "Admin users only"

With the if_exists: true option, the operation won't fail even when the view wasn't existed. At the same time, this option makes a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/materialized_views/change_materialized_view.rb', line 64

def change_materialized_view(name, **options, &block); end

#change_procedure(name, **options) {|p| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a procedure

The operation changes the procedure without dropping it (which is useful when there are other objects using the function and you don't want to change them all).

You can change any property except for the name (use rename_function instead) and language.

change_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)" do |p|
  p.body <<~SQL
    SET foo = a
  SQL :invoker
  p.comment "Multiplies 2 integers"

The example above is not invertible because of uncertainty about the previous state of body and comment. To define them, use a from options (available in a block syntax only):

change_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)" do |p|
  p.body <<~SQL, from: <<~SQL
    SET foo = a
    SET foo = -a
  p.comment <<~MSG, from: <<~MSG
    Multiplies 2 integers
    Multiplies ints
  MSG :invoker

Like in the other operations, the procedure can be identified by a qualified name (with types of arguments). If it has no overloaded implementations, the plain name is supported as well.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the procedure

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the procedure is absent


  • (p)

    the block with the procedure's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the procedure

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/procedures/change_procedure.rb', line 51

def change_procedure(name, **options, &block); end

#change_sequence(name, **options) {|s| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a sequence

The operation enables to alter a sequence without recreating it. PostgreSQL allows any setting to be modified. The comment can be changed as well.

change_sequence "my_schema.global_id" do |s|
  s.owned_by "", "", from: %w[users gid]
  s.type "smallint", from: "integer"
  s.iterate_by 1, from: 2
  s.min_value 1, from: 0
  s.max_value 2000, from: 1999
  s.start_with 2, from: 1
  s.cache 1, from: 10
  s.cycle false
  s.comment "Identifier", from: "Global identifier"

As in the snippet above, to make the change invertible, you have to define from option for every changed attribute, except for the boolean cycle.

With the if_exists: true option, the operation won't raise when the sequence is absent.

change_sequence "my_schema.global_id", if_exists: true do |s|
  s.type "smallint"
  s.iterate_by 1
  s.min_value 1
  s.max_value 2000
  s.start_with 2
  s.cache 1
  s.cycle false
  s.comment "Identifier"

This option makes a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database. That's why in the last example no from: option was added (they are useless).


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the sequence.

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the sequence is absent.


  • (s)

    the block with the sequence's definition.

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the sequence.

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/sequences/change_sequence.rb', line 51

def change_sequence(name, **options, &block); end

#change_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Modify a view

The operation replaces the view with a new definition(s):

change_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.sql_definition: <<~SQL, from: <<~SQL
    SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE admin;
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin;

For some compatibility to the scenic gem, we also support adding a definition via its version:

change_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.version 2, from: 1

It is expected, that both db/views/admin_users_v01.sql and db/views/admin_users_v02.sql to contain SQL snippets.

Please, notice that neither deletion of columns, nor changing their types is supported by the PostgreSQL.

You can also (re)set a comment describing the view, and the check option (either :local or :cascaded):

change_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.check :local, from: :cascaded
  v.comment "Admin users only", from: ""


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/views/change_view.rb', line 46

def change_view(name, **options, &block); end

#create_composite_type(name, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a composite type

create_composite_type "paint.colored_point" do |d|
  d.column "x", "integer"
  d.column "y", "integer"
  d.column "color", "text", collation: "en_US"
  d.comment <<~COMMENT
    2D point with color

It is always reversible.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (t)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/composite_types/create_composite_type.rb', line 22

def create_composite_type(name, **options, &block); end

#create_domain(name, **options) {|d| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a domain type

create_domain "dict.us_postal_code", as: "text" do |d|
  d.collation "en_US"
  d.default_sql "'0000'::text"
  d.null false
  d.constraint <<~SQL, name: "code_valid"
    VALUE ~ '^\d{5}$' OR VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}$'
  d.comment "US postal code"

It is always reversible.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :as (#to_s) — default: nil

    The base type for the domain (alias: :type)

  • :collation (#to_s) — default: nil

    The collation

  • :null (Boolean) — default: true

    If a value of this type can be NULL

  • :default_sql (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet for the default value of the domain

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (d)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/domains/create_domain.rb', line 27

def create_domain(name, **options, &block); end

#create_enum(name, **options) {|e| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create an enumerated type by qualified name

create_enum "finances.currency" do |e|
  e.values "BTC", "EUR", "GBP", "USD"
  e.value "JPY" # the alternative way to add a value to the tail
  e.comment <<~COMMENT
    The list of values for supported currencies.

It is always reversible.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :values (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of values

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (e)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/enums/create_enum.rb', line 22

def create_enum(name, **options, &block); end

#create_function(name, **options) {|f| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a function

The function can be created either using inline syntax

create_function "math.mult(a int, b int) int",
                language: :sql,
                body: "SELECT a * b",
                volatility: :immutable,
                leakproof: true,
                comment: "Multiplies 2 integers"

or using a block:

create_function "math.mult(a int, b int) int" do |f|
  f.language "sql" # (default)
  f.body <<~SQL
    SELECT a * b;
  f.volatility :immutable # :stable, :volatile (default)
  f.parallel :safe        # :restricted, :unsafe (default) :invoker     # (default), also :definer
  f.leakproof true
  f.strict true
  f.cost 5.0
  # f.rows 1 (supported for functions returning sets of rows)
  f.comment "Multiplies 2 integers"

With a replace_existing: true option, it will be created using the CREATE OR REPLACE clause. In this case the migration is irreversible because we don't know if and how to restore its previous definition.

create_function "math.mult(a int, b int) int",
                body: "SELECT a * b",
                replace_existing: true

We presume a function without arguments should have no arguments and return void like

# the same as "do_something() void"
create_function "do_something" do |f|
  # ...


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the function with arguments and returned value type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :replace_existing (Boolean) — default: false

    If the function should overwrite an existing one

  • :language (#to_s) — default: "sql"

    The language (like "sql" or "plpgsql")

  • :body (#to_s) — default: nil

    The body of the function

  • :volatility (Symbol) — default: :volatile

    The volatility of the function. Supported values: :volatile (default), :stable, :immutable

  • :parallel (Symbol) — default: :unsafe

    The safety of parallel execution. Supported values: :unsafe (default), :restricted, :safe

  • :security (Symbol) — default: :invoker

    Define the role under which the function is invoked Supported values: :invoker (default), :definer

  • :leakproof (Boolean) — default: false

    If the function is leakproof

  • :strict (Boolean) — default: false

    If the function is strict

  • :cost (Float) — default: nil

    The cost estimation for the function

  • :rows (Integer) — default: nil

    The number of rows returned by a function

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the function


  • (f)

    the block with the function's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the function

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/functions/create_function.rb', line 74

def create_function(name, **options, &block); end

#create_materialized_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a materialized view

The operation creates the view using its sql_definition:

create_materialized_view("views.admin_users", sql_definition: <<~SQL)
  SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE admin;

For compatibility to the scenic gem, we also support adding a definition via its version:

create_materialized_view "admin_users", version: 1

It is expected, that a db/materialized_views/admin_users_v01.sql to contain the SQL snippet.

The tablespace can be specified for the created view. Notice that later it can't be changed (in PostgreSQL all rows can be moved to another tablespace, but we don't support this feature yet).

create_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.tablespace "fast_ssd"
  v.sql_definition <<~SQL
    SELECT id, name, password, admin, on_duty
    FROM users
    WHERE admin

You can also set a comment describing the view, and redefine the storage options for some TOAST-ed columns, as well as their custom statistics:

create_materialized_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.sql_definition <<~SQL
    SELECT id, name, password, admin, on_duty
    FROM users
    WHERE admin
  v.column "password", storage: "external" # to avoid compression
  v.column "password", n_distinct: -1 # linear dependency
  v.column "admin", n_distinct: 1 # exact number of values
  v.column "on_duty", statistics: 2 # the total number of values
  v.comment "Admin users only"

With the replace_existing: true option the operation would use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command, so it can be used to "update" (or reload) the existing view.

create_materialized_view "admin_users",
                         version: 1,
                         replace_existing: true

This option makes the migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_not_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when a view has been already created

  • :sql_definition (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet containing the query

  • :version (#to_i) — default: nil

    The alternative way to set sql_definition by referencing to a file containing the snippet

  • :tablespace (#to_s) — default: nil

    The tablespace for the view

  • :with_data (Boolean) — default: true

    If the view should be populated after creation

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the view


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/materialized_views/create_materialized_view.rb', line 81

def create_materialized_view(name, **options, &block); end

#create_procedure(name, **options) {|p| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a procedure

The syntax of the operation is the same as for create_function, but with only security option available. Notice, that procedures cannot return values so you're expected not to define a returned value as well.

The procedure can be created either using inline syntax

create_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)",
                 language: :sql,
                 body: "SET foo = a",
                 comment: "Sets foo value"

or using a block:

create_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)" do |p|
  p.language "sql" # (default)
  p.body <<~SQL
    SET foo = a
  SQL :invoker # (default), also :definer
  p.comment "Multiplies 2 integers"

With a replace_existing: true option, it will be created using the CREATE OR REPLACE clause. In this case the migration is irreversible because we don't know if and how to restore its previous definition.

create_procedure "set_foo(a int)",
                 body: "SET foo = a",
                 replace_existing: true

A procedure without arguments is supported as well

# the same as "do_something()"
create_procedure "do_something" do |p|
  # ...


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the procedure with arguments and returned value type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :replace_existing (Boolean) — default: false

    If the procedure should overwrite an existing one

  • :language (#to_s) — default: "sql"

    The language (like "sql" or "plpgsql")

  • :body (#to_s) — default: nil

    The body of the procedure

  • :security (Symbol) — default: :invoker

    Define the role under which the procedure is invoked Supported values: :invoker (default), :definer

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the procedure


  • (p)

    the block with the procedure's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the procedure

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/procedures/create_procedure.rb', line 62

def create_procedure(name, **options, &block); end

#create_rule(table, name = nil, **options) {|r| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a rule

To create a rule you must define table, and event (operation) for the rule. Usually you also supposed to define a command, but in case the kind is set to :instead, missing the command would provide INSTEAD DO NOTHING rule.

create_rule "users" do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead
  r.comment "Forbid insertion to the table"

By default the kind is set to :also, in this case the command is needed as well:

create_rule "users", "_count_insertion" do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.command <<~SQL
    UPDATE counters SET user_inserts = user_inserts + 1
  r.comment "Count insertion to the table"

With a when option you can also specify a condition:

create_rule "users", "_forbid_grants" do |r|
  r.event :update
  r.kind :instead
  r.where "NOT old.admin AND new.admin"
  r.comment "Forbid granting admin rights"

With a replace_existing: true option, the rule will be created using the CREATE OR REPLACE clause. In this case the migration is irreversible because we don't know if and how to restore the previous definition.

create_rule "users", "_forbid_insertion", replace_existing: true do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead
  r.comment "Forbid insertion to the table"


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The name of the rule (unique within the table)

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :replace_existing (Boolean) — default: false

    If the rule should overwrite an existing one

  • :event (Symbol) — default: nil

    The type of the query the rule is applied to. Supported values: :update, :insert, :delete

  • :kind (Symbol) — default: :also

    The kind of the rule (either :also or :instead). In case of instead the original query wouldn't be executed, only the command is.

  • :where (String) — default: nil

    The condition (SQL) for the rule to be applied.

  • :command (String) — default: nil

    The SQL command to be added by the rule.


  • (r)

    the block with the rule's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the rule

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/rules/create_rule.rb', line 66

def create_rule(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#create_sequence(name, **options) {|s| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a sequence

The sequence can be created by its qualified name only

create_sequence "my_schema.global_id"

we also support all PostgreSQL settings for the sequence:

create_sequence "my_schema.global_id", as: "integer" do |s|
  s.iterate_by 2
  s.min_value 0
  s.max_value 1999
  s.start_with 1
  s.cache 10
  s.cycle true
  s.comment "Global identifier"

Using a block method s.owned_by you can bind the sequence to some table's column. This means the sequence is dependent from the column and will be dropped along with it. Notice that the name of the table is NOT qualified because the table MUST belong to the same schema as the sequence itself.

create_table "users" do |t|
  t.bigint :gid

create_sequence "my_schema.global_id" do |s|
  s.owned_by "users", "gid"

With the if_not_exists: true option the operation wouldn't raise an exception in case the sequence has been already created.

create_sequence "my_schema.global_id", if_not_exists: true

This option makes the migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the sequence

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :as (#to_s) — default: "bigint"

    The type of the sequence's value Supported values: "bigint" (or "int8", default), "integer" (or "int4"), "smallint" ("int2").

  • :if_not_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the sequence already existed.

  • :increment_by (Integer) — default: 1

    Non-zero step of the sequence (either positive or negative).

  • :min_value (Integer) — default: nil

    Minimum value of the sequence.

  • :max_value (Integer) — default: nil

    Maximum value of the sequence.

  • :start_with (Integer) — default: nil

    The first value of the sequence.

  • :cache (Integer) — default: 1

    The number of values to be generated and cached.

  • :cycle (Boolean) — default: false

    If the sequence should be reset to start after its value reaches min/max value.

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the sequence.


  • (s)

    the block with the sequence's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the sequence

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/sequences/create_sequence.rb', line 66

def create_sequence(name, **options, &block); end

#create_statistics(name, **options) {|s| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a custom statistics

The statistics can be created with explicit name:

create_statistics "users_stats" do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.columns "family", "name"
  s.kinds :dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct
  s.comment "Statistics for users' names and families"

The name can be generated as well:

create_statistics do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.columns "family", "name"
  s.kinds :dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct
  s.comment "Statistics for users' names and families"

Since v14 PostgreSQL have supported expressions in addition to columns:

create_statistics "users_stats" do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.columns "family"
  s.expression "length(name)"
  s.kinds :dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct
  s.comment "Statistics for users' name lengths and families"

as well as statistics for the sole expression (kinds must be blank) by columns of some table.

create_statistics "users_stats" do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.expression "length(name || ' ' || family)"
  s.comment "Statistics for full name lengths"

Use if_not_exists: true to suppress error in case the statistics has already been created. This option, though, makes the migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the statistics

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_not_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the statistics is already exist

  • table (#to_s) — default: nil

    The qualified name of the table whose statistics will be collected

  • kinds (Array<Symbol>) — default: [:dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct]

    The kinds of statistics to be collected (all by default). Supported values in the array: :dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the statistics


  • (s)

    the block with the statistics' definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the statistics

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/statistics/create_statistics.rb', line 65

def create_statistics(name, **options, &block); end

#create_trigger(table, name = nil, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a trigger for a table

The trigger can be changed using CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER command:

change_trigger "users", "do_something" do |t|
  t.function "do_something()", from: "do_something_different()"
  t.for_each :row # from: :statement
  t.type :after, from: :before %i[insert update], from: %i[insert]
  t.comment "Does something useful", from: ""


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The name of the trigger

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the trigger is absent


  • (t)

    the block with the trigger's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the trigger

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/triggers/create_trigger.rb', line 62

def create_trigger(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#create_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Create a view

The operation creates the view using its sql_definition:

create_view("views.admin_users", sql_definition: <<~SQL)
  SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE admin;

For compatibility to the scenic gem, we also support adding a definition via its version:

create_view "admin_users", version: 1

It is expected, that a db/views/admin_users_v01.sql to contain the SQL snippet.

You can also set a comment describing the view, and the check option (either :local or :cascaded):

create_view "admin_users" do |v|
  v.sql_definition "SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE admin;"
  v.check :local
  v.comment "Admin users only"

With the replace_existing: true option the operation would use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command, so it can be used to "update" (or reload) the existing view.

create_view "admin_users", version: 1, replace_existing: true

This option makes an operation irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :replace_existing (Boolean) — default: false

    If the view should overwrite an existing one

  • :sql_definition (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet containing the query

  • :version (#to_i) — default: nil

    The alternative way to set sql_definition by referencing to a file containing the snippet

  • :check (#to_s) — default: nil

    Controls the behavior of automatically updatable views Supported values: :local, :cascaded

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the view


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/views/create_view.rb', line 55

def create_view(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options) {|c| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Remove a check constraint from the table

Definition for the drop_check_constraint operation

The constraint can be identified by the table and explicit name

drop_check_constraint :users, name: "phone_is_long_enough"

Alternatively the name can be got from the expression. Be careful! the expression must have exactly the same form as stored in the database:

drop_check_constraint :users, "length((phone::text) > 10)"

To made operation reversible the expression must be provided:

drop_check_constraint "users" do |c|
  c.expression "length((phone::text) > 10)"
  c.inherit false
  c.comment "The phone is 10+ chars long"

The operation can be called with if_exists option.

drop_check_constraint :users,
                      name: "phone_is_long_enough",
                      if_exists: true

In this case the operation is always irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • expression (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The SQL expression

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the constraint is absent

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The optional name of the constraint

  • :inherit (Boolean) — default: true

    If the constraint should be inherited by subtables

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (c)

    the block with the constraint's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the constraint

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/check_constraints/drop_check_constraint.rb', line 50

def drop_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options, &block); end

#drop_composite_type(name, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a composite type

The operation drops a composite_type type identified by its qualified name (it can include a schema).

For inversion use the same options as in the create_composite_type operation.

drop_composite_type "paint.colored_point" do |d|
  d.column "x", "integer"
  d.column "y", "integer"
  d.column "color", "text", collation: "en_US"
  d.comment <<~COMMENT
    2D point with color

Notice, that the composite type creation can use no attributes. That's why dropping it is always reversible; though the reversion provides a type without columns:

drop_composite_type "paint.colored_point"

With the force: :cascade option the operation removes all objects using the type.

drop_composite_type "paint.colored_point", force: :cascade

With the if_exists: true option the operation won't fail even when the view was absent.

drop_composite_type "paint.colored_point", if_exists: true

Both options make a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the type is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (t)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/composite_types/drop_composite_type.rb', line 47

def drop_composite_type(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_domain(name, **options) {|d| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a domain type by qualified name

drop_domain "dict.us_postal_code"

To make the operation invertible, use the same options as in the create_domain operation.

drop_domain "dict.us_postal_code", as: "string" do |d|
  d.constraint <<~SQL, name: "code_valid"
    VALUE ~ '^\d{5}$' OR VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}$'
  d.comment <<~COMMENT
    US postal code

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects that use the type.

drop_domain "dict.us_postal_code", force: :cascade

With the if_exists: true option the operation won't fail even when the view was absent in the database.

drop_domain "dict.us_postal_code", if_exists: true

Both options make a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the type is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :as (#to_s) — default: nil

    The base type for the domain (alias: :type)

  • :collation (#to_s) — default: nil

    The collation

  • :default_sql (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet for the default value of the domain

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (d)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/domains/drop_domain.rb', line 49

def drop_domain(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_enum(name, **options) {|e| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop an enumerated type by qualified name

The operation drops a enumerated type identified by its qualified name (it can include a schema).

drop_enum "finances.currency"

To make the operation invertible, use the same options as in the create_enum operation.

drop_enum "finances.currency" do |e|
  e.values "BTC", "EUR", "GBP", "USD"
  e.value "JPY" # the alternative way to add a value
  e.comment <<~COMMENT
    The list of values for supported currencies.

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects that use the type.

drop_enum "finances.currency", force: :cascade

With the if_exists: true option the operation won't fail even when the view was absent in the database.

drop_enum "finances.currency", if_exists: true

Both options make a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the type is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :values (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of values

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the constraint


  • (e)

    the block with the type's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the type

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/enums/drop_enum.rb', line 49

def drop_enum(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_foreign_key(table, reference, **options) {|k| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drops a foreign key constraint

The key can be identified by table/name (not invertible):

drop_foreign_key "users", name: "user_roles_fk"

To make it invertible use the same options like in the add_foreign_key operation.

drop_foreign_key do |k|
  k.table "users"
  k.reference "roles"
  k.column "role_id"
  k.primary_key "id"
  k.on_update :cascade
  k.on_delete :cascade
  k.comment "Phone is 10+ chars long"

Notice that the name can be skipped, in this case we would find it in the database.

The operation can be called with if_exists option.

drop_foreign_key "users", name: "user_roles_fk", if_exists: true

In this case the operation is always irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • reference (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the reference table

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The current name of the foreign key

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the constraint is absent

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the foreign key

  • :columns (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the table

  • :column (#to_s) — default: nil

    An alias for :columns for the case of single-column keys

  • :primary_key (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the reference table

  • :match (Symbol) — default: :full

    Define how to match rows Supported values: :full (default), :partial, :simple

  • :on_delete (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to handle the deletion of the referred row. Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade, :nullify, :reset

  • :on_update (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to handle the update of the referred row. Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade, :nullify, :reset


  • (k)

    the block with the key's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the foreign key

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/foreign_keys/drop_foreign_key.rb', line 56

def drop_foreign_key(table, reference, **options, &block); end

#drop_function(name, **options) {|f| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a function

A function can be dropped by a plain name:

drop_function "multiply"

If several overloaded functions have the name, then you must specify the signature having types of attributes at least:

drop_function "multiply(int, int)"

In both cases above the operation is irreversible. To make it inverted you have to provide a full signature along with the body definition. The other options are supported as well:

drop_function "math.mult(a int, b int) int" do |f|
  f.language "sql" # (default)
  f.body <<~SQL
    SELECT a * b;
  f.volatility :immutable # :stable, :volatile (default)
  f.parallel :safe        # :restricted, :unsafe (default) :invoker     # (default), also :definer
  f.leakproof true
  f.strict true
  f.cost 5.0
  # f.rows 1 (supported for functions returning sets of rows)
  f.comment "Multiplies 2 integers"

The operation can be called with if_exists option. In this case it would do nothing when no function existed.

drop_function "math.multiply(integer, integer)", if_exists: true

Another operation-specific option force: :cascade enables to drop silently any object depending on the function.

drop_function "math.multiply(integer, integer)", force: :cascade

Both options make the operation irreversible because of uncertainty about the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the function with arguments and returned value type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the function is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade

  • :language (#to_s) — default: "sql"

    The language (like "sql" or "plpgsql")

  • :body (#to_s) — default: nil

    The body of the function

  • :volatility (Symbol) — default: :volatile

    The volatility of the function. Supported values: :volatile (default), :stable, :immutable

  • :parallel (Symbol) — default: :unsafe

    The safety of parallel execution. Supported values: :unsafe (default), :restricted, :safe

  • :security (Symbol) — default: :invoker

    Define the role under which the function is invoked Supported values: :invoker (default), :definer

  • :leakproof (Boolean) — default: false

    If the function is leakproof

  • :strict (Boolean) — default: false

    If the function is strict

  • :cost (Float) — default: nil

    The cost estimation for the function

  • :rows (Integer) — default: nil

    The number of rows returned by a function

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the function


  • (f)

    the block with the function's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the function

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/functions/drop_function.rb', line 77

def drop_function(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_materialized_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a materialized view

The operation drops a materialized view identified by its qualified name (it can include a schema).

drop_materialized_view "views.admin_users"

To make the operation invertible, use the same options as in the create_view operation.

drop_materialized_view "views.admin_users" do |v|
  v.sql_definition "SELECT name, password FROM users WHERE admin;"
  v.column "password", storage: "external" # prevent compression
  v.with_data false
  v.comment "Admin users only"

You can also use a version-base SQL definition like:

drop_materialized_view "admin_users", revert_to_version: 1

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects which depend on the view.

drop_materialized_view "admin_users", force: :cascade

With the if_exists: true option the operation won't fail even when the view was absent in the database.

drop_materialized_view "admin_users", if_exists: true

Both options make a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :sql_definition (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet containing the query

  • :revert_to_version (#to_i) — default: nil

    The alternative way to set sql_definition by referencing to a file containing the snippet

  • :tablespace (#to_s) — default: nil

    The tablespace for the view

  • :with_data (Boolean) — default: true

    If the view should be populated after creation

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the view


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/materialized_views/drop_materialized_view.rb', line 58

def drop_materialized_view(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_procedure(name, **options) {|p| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a procedure

A procedure can be dropped by a plain name:

drop_procedure "set_foo"

If several overloaded procedures have the name, then you must specify the signature having types of attributes at least:

drop_procedure "set_foo(int)"

In both cases above the operation is irreversible. To make it inverted you have to provide a full signature along with the body definition. The other options are supported as well:

drop_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)" do |p|
  p.language "sql" # (default)
  p.body <<~SQL
    SET foo = a
  SQL :invoker # (default), also :definer
  p.comment "Multiplies 2 integers"

The operation can be called with if_exists option. In this case it would do nothing when no procedure existed.

drop_procedure "metadata.set_foo(a int)", if_exists: true

Notice, that this option make the operation irreversible because of uncertainty about the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the procedure with arguments and returned value type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the procedure is absent

  • :language (#to_s) — default: "sql"

    The language (like "sql" or "plpgsql")

  • :body (#to_s) — default: nil

    The body of the procedure

  • :security (Symbol) — default: :invoker

    Define the role under which the procedure is invoked Supported values: :invoker (default), :definer

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the procedure


  • (p)

    the block with the procedure's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the procedure

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/procedures/drop_procedure.rb', line 54

def drop_procedure(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_rule(table, name = nil, **options) {|r| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a rule

The rule can be identified by the table and explicit name

drop_rule :users, "_forbid_insertion"

Alternatively the name can be got from kind and event.

drop_rule :users do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead
  r.comment "Forbid insertion to the table"

To made operation reversible all the necessary parameters must be provided like in the create_rule operation:

drop_rule "users", "_count_insertion" do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.command <<~SQL
    UPDATE counters SET user_inserts = user_inserts + 1
  r.comment "Count insertion to the table"

The operation can be called with if_exists option.

drop_rule :users, if_exists: true do |r|
  # event and kind here are used to define a name
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects that use the rule.

drop_rule :users, force: :cascade do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead

In both cases the operation becomes irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The name of the rule (unique within the table)

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the rule is absent.

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to process dependent objects Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade (for cascade deletion)

  • :event (Symbol) — default: nil

    The type of the query the rule is applied to. Supported values: :update, :insert, :delete

  • :kind (Symbol) — default: :also

    The kind of the rule (either :also or :instead). In case of instead the original query wouldn't be executed, only the command is.

  • :where (String) — default: nil

    The condition (SQL) for the rule to be applied.

  • :command (String) — default: nil

    The SQL command to be added by the rule.


  • (r)

    the block with the rule's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the rule

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/rules/drop_rule.rb', line 70

def drop_rule(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#drop_sequence(name, **options) {|s| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a sequence

The sequence can be dropped by its qualified name only

drop_sequence "global_number"

For inversion provide options for the create_sequence operation as well:

drop_sequence "global_id", as: "int2" do |s|
  s.iterate_by 2
  s.min_value 0
  s.max_value 1999
  s.start_with 1
  s.cache 10
  s.cycle true
  s.comment "Global identifier"

The operation can be called with if_exists option to suppress the exception in case when the sequence is absent:

drop_sequence "global_number", if_exists: true

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects that use the sequence.

drop_sequence "global_number", force: :cascade

In both cases the operation becomes irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the sequence

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :as (#to_s) — default: "bigint"

    The type of the sequence's value Supported values: "bigint" (or "int8", default), "integer" (or "int4"), "smallint" ("int2").

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the sequence is absent.

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    Define how to process dependent objects Supported values: :restrict (default), :cascade.

  • :increment_by (Integer) — default: 1

    Non-zero step of the sequence (either positive or negative).

  • :min_value (Integer) — default: nil

    Minimum value of the sequence.

  • :max_value (Integer) — default: nil

    Maximum value of the sequence.

  • :start_with (Integer) — default: nil

    The first value of the sequence.

  • :cache (Integer) — default: 1

    The number of values to be generated and cached.

  • :cycle (Boolean) — default: false

    If the sequence should be reset to start after its value reaches min/max value.

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the sequence.


  • (s)

    the block with the sequence's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the sequence

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/sequences/drop_sequence.rb', line 58

def drop_sequence(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_statistics(name, **options) {|s| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a custom statistics

A statistics can be dropped by its name only:

drop_statistics "my_stats"

Such operation is irreversible. To make it inverted you have to provide a full definition:

drop_statistics "users_stat" do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.columns "firstname", "name"
  s.expression <<~SQL
    round(age, 10)
  s.kinds :dependency, :mcv, :ndistinct
  s.comment "Statistics for name, firstname, and rough age"

If the statistics was anonymous (used the generated name), it can be dropped without defining the name as well:

drop_statistics do |s|
  s.table "users"
  s.columns "firstname", "name"
  s.expression <<~SQL
    round(age, 10)
  s.kinds :dependency, :mcv, :ndistinct
  s.comment "Statistics for name, firstname, and rough age"

The operation can be called with if_exists option. In this case it would do nothing when no statistics existed.

drop_statistics "unknown_statistics", if_exists: true

Notice, that this option make the operation irreversible because of uncertainty about the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the statistics

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the statistics is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • table (#to_s) — default: nil

    The qualified name of the table whose statistics will be collected

  • kinds (Array<Symbol>) — default: [:dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct]

    The kinds of statistics to be collected (all by default). Supported values in the array: :dependencies, :mcv, :ndistinct

  • :comment (#to_s)

    The description of the statistics


  • (s)

    the block with the statistics' definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the statistics

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/statistics/drop_statistics.rb', line 62

def drop_statistics(name, **options, &block); end

#drop_trigger(table, name = nil, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a trigger for a table

A trigger can be dropped by a table and name:

drop_trigger "users", "do_something"

the default name can be restored from its attributes as well.

drop_trigger "users" do |t|
  t.function "send_notifications()"
  t.for_each :row
  t.type :after %i[update]
  t.columns %w[email phone]
  t.comment "Does something"

Notice, that you have to specify all attributes to make the operation reversible.

The operation can be called with if_exists option. In this case it would do nothing when no trigger existed.

drop_trigger "users", "unknown_trigger", if_exists: true

This option, though, makes the operation irreversible because of uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The name of the trigger

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the trigger is absent

  • :function (#to_s) — default: nil

    The qualified name of the function to be called

  • :type (Symbol) — default: nil

    When the trigger should be run Supported values: :before, :after, :instead_of

  • :events (Array<Symbol>)

    List of events running the trigger Supported values in the array: :insert, :update, :delete, :truncate

  • :constraint (Boolean) — default: false

    If the trigger is a constraint

  • :initially (Symbol) — default: :immediate

    If the constraint check should be deferred Supported values: :immediate (default), :deferred

  • :when (#to_s) — default: nil

    The SQL snippet definiing a condition for the trigger

  • :for_each (Symbol) — default: :statement

    Define if a trigger should be run for every row Supported values: :statement (default), :row

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The commend describing the trigger


  • (t)

    the block with the trigger's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the trigger

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/triggers/drop_trigger.rb', line 54

def drop_trigger(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#drop_view(name, **options) {|v| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Drop a view

The operation drops the existing view identified by its qualified name (it can include a schema).

drop_view "views.admin_users"

To make the operation invertible, use the same options as in the create_view operation.

drop_view "views.admin_users" do |v|
  v.sql_definition "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE admin;"
  v.check :local
  v.comment "Admin users only"

You can also use a version-base SQL definition like:

drop_view "views.admin_users", revert_to_version: 1

With the force: :cascade option the operation would remove all the objects which depend on the view.

drop_view "views.admin_users", force: :cascade

With the if_exists: true option the operation won't fail even when the view was absent in the database.

drop_view "views.admin_users", if_exists: true

Both options make an operation irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :replace_existing (Boolean) — default: false

    If the view should overwrite an existing one

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent

  • :force (Symbol) — default: :restrict

    How to process dependent objects (:cascade or :restrict)

  • :sql_definition (#to_s) — default: nil

    The snippet containing the query

  • :revert_to_version (#to_i) — default: nil

    The alternative way to set sql_definition by referencing to a file containing the snippet

  • :check (#to_s) — default: nil

    Controls the behavior of automatically updatable views Supported values: :local, :cascaded

  • :comment (#to_s) — default: nil

    The comment describing the view


  • (v)

    the block with the view's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the view

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/views/drop_view.rb', line 58

def drop_view(name, **options, &block); end

#refresh_materialized_view(name, **options) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Refresh a materialized view

The operation enables refreshing a materialized view by reloading its underlying SQL query:

refresh_materialized_view "admin_users"

The option algorithm: :concurrently acts exactly like in the create_index definition. You should possibly add the disable_ddl_transaction! command to the migration as well.

With option with_data: false the command won't update the data. This option can't be used along with the :algorithm.

The operation is always reversible, though its inversion does nothing.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :with_data (Boolean) — default: true

    If the view should be populated after creation

  • :algorithm (Symbol) — default: nil

    Makes the operation concurrent when set to :concurrently

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/materialized_views/refresh_materialized_view.rb', line 27

def refresh_materialized_view(name, **options); end

#rename_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options) {|c| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Rename a check constraint

A constraint can be identified by the table and explicit name

rename_check_constraint :users,
                        name: "phone_is_long_enough",
                        to: "phones.long_enough"

Alternatively the name can be got from the expression. Be careful! the expression must have exactly the same form as stored in the database:

rename_check_constraint :users, "length((phone::text) > 10)",
                        to: "long_enough"

The name can be reset to auto-generated when the :to option is missed or blank:

rename_check_constraint :users, "phone_is_long_enough"

The operation is always reversible.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • expression (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The SQL expression

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The current name of the constraint

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the constraint


  • (c)

    the block with the constraint's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the constraint

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/check_constraints/rename_check_constraint.rb', line 37

def rename_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options, &block); end

#rename_composite_type(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a composite type

rename_composite_type "point", to: "paint.colored_point"

The operation is always reversible.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/composite_types/rename_composite_type.rb', line 13

def rename_composite_type(name, to:); end

#rename_domain(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a domain type

A domain type can be both renamed and moved to another schema.

rename_domain "us_code", to: "dict.us_postal_code"

The operation is always reversible.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/domains/rename_domain.rb', line 15

def rename_domain(name, to:); end

#rename_enum(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of an enumerated type


rename_enum "currencies", to: "finances.currency"

The operation is always reversible.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the type

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/enums/rename_enum.rb', line 15

def rename_enum(name, to:); end

#rename_foreign_key(table, reference, **options) {|k| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Rename a foreign key

You can rename the foreign key constraint identified by its explicit name:

rename_foreign_key :users,
                   name: "user_roles_fk",
                   to: "constraints.users_by_roles_fk"

The key can also be found in the database by table/reference/columns/pk

rename_foreign_key :users, :roles, primary_key: "name", to: "user_roles"

If a new name is missed, then the name will be reset to the auto-generated one:

rename_foreign_key :users, "user_roles_fk"

The operation is always reversible.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • reference (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the reference table

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The current name of the foreign key

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the foreign key

  • :columns (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the table

  • :column (#to_s) — default: nil

    An alias for :columns for the case of single-column keys

  • :primary_key (Array<#to_s>) — default: []

    The list of columns of the reference table


  • (k)

    the block with the key's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the foreign key

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/foreign_keys/rename_foreign_key.rb', line 36

def rename_foreign_key(table, reference, **options, &block); end

#rename_function(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a function

A function can be renamed by changing both the name and the schema (namespace) it belongs to.

If there are no overloaded functions, then you can use a plain name:

rename_function "math.multiply", to: "public.product"

otherwise the types of attributes must be explicitly specified.

rename_function "math.multiply(int, int)", to: "public.product"

Any specification of attributes or returned values in to: option is ignored because they cannot be changed anyway.

The operation is always reversible.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the function

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/functions/rename_function.rb', line 27

def rename_function(name, to:); end

#rename_materialized_view(name, **options) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a materialized view

A materialized view can be renamed by changing both the name and the schema (namespace) it belongs to.

rename_materialized_view "views.admin_users", to: "admins"

With the if_exists: true option, the operation won't fail even when the view wasn't existed.

rename_materialized_view "admin_users",
                         to: "admins",
                         if_exists: true

At the same time, the option makes a migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new qualified name for the view

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/materialized_views/rename_materialized_view.rb', line 27

def rename_materialized_view(name, **options); end

#rename_procedure(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a procedure

A procedure can be renamed by changing both the name and the schema (namespace) it belongs to.

If there are no overloaded procedures, then you can use a plain name:

rename_procedure "math.set_foo", to: "public.foo_setup"

otherwise the types of attributes must be explicitly specified.

rename_procedure "math.set_foo(int)", to: "public.foo_setup"

Any specification of attributes in to: option is ignored because they cannot be changed anyway.

The operation is always reversible.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the procedure

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/procedures/rename_procedure.rb', line 27

def rename_procedure(name, to:); end

#rename_rule(table, name = nil, **options) {|c| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Rename a rule

A rule can be identified by the table and explicit name

rename_rule :users, "_forbid_insertion", to: "_skip_insertion"

Alternatively the name can be got from the event and kind.

rename_rule :users, to: "_skip_insertion" do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead

The name can be reset to auto-generated when the :to option is missed or blank:

rename_rule :users, "_skip_insertion" do |r|
  r.event :insert
  r.kind :instead

The operation is always reversible.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The current name of the rule

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the rule


  • (c)

    the block with the constraint's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the constraint

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/rules/rename_rule.rb', line 37

def rename_rule(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#rename_sequence(name, **options, &block) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Rename a sequence

The operation allows to change both name and schema

rename_sequence "global_num", to: "sequences.global_number"

With the if_exists: true option the operation wouldn't raise an exception in case the sequence hasn't been created yet.

create_sequence "my_schema.global_id", if_exists: true

This option makes the migration irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • name (#to_s)

    (nil) The current qualified name of the sequence

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new qualified name for the sequence

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the sequence is absent.

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/sequences/rename_sequence.rb', line 24

def rename_sequence(name, **options, &block); end

#rename_statistics(name, to:) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a statistics

A custom statistics can be renamed by changing both the name and the schema (namespace) it belongs to.

rename_statistics "math.my_stat", to: "public.my_stats"

The operation is always reversible.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the statistics

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/statistics/rename_statistics.rb', line 16

def rename_statistics(name, to:); end

#rename_trigger(table, name = nil, **options) {|t| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Rename a trigger

A trigger can be renamed by either setting a new name explicitly

rename_trigger "users", "do_something", to: "do_something_different"

or resetting it to the default (generated) value.

rename_trigger "users", "do_something"

The previously generated name of the trigger can be get from its parameters. In this case all the essentials parameters must be specified:

rename_trigger "users", to: "do_something_different" do |t| t.function "do_something()" t.for_each :row t.type :after %i[insert update] end

In the same way, when you reset the name to default, all the essential parameters must be got to make the trigger invertible.

rename_trigger "users", "do_something" do |t| t.function "do_something()" t.for_each :row t.type :after %i[insert update] end


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The name of the trigger

  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • name (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The current name of the trigger

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name of the trigger

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new name for the trigger

  • :function (#to_s) — default: nil

    The qualified name of the function to be called

  • :type (Symbol) — default: nil

    When the trigger should be run Supported values: :before, :after, :instead_of

  • :events (Array<Symbol>)

    List of events running the trigger Supported values in the array: :insert, :update, :delete, :truncate

  • :for_each (Symbol) — default: :statement

    Define if a trigger should be run for every row Supported values: :statement (default), :row


  • (t)

    the block with the trigger's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the trigger

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/triggers/rename_trigger.rb', line 50

def rename_trigger(table, name = nil, **options, &block); end

#rename_view(name, **options) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Change the name and/or schema of a view

A view can be renamed by changing both the name and the schema (namespace) it belongs to.

rename_view "views.admin_users", to: "admins"

With the if_exists: true option, the operation won't fail even when the view wasn't existed.

rename_view "views.admin_users", to: "admins", if_exists: true

At the same time, the option makes a view irreversible due to uncertainty of the previous state of the database.


  • :name (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the view

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :to (#to_s) — default: nil

    The new qualified name for the view

  • :if_exists (Boolean) — default: false

    Suppress the error when the view is absent

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/views/rename_view.rb', line 25

def rename_view(name, **options); end

#validate_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options) {|c| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Validate an invalid check constraint

The invalid constraint can be identified by table and explicit name:

validate_check_constraint :users, name: "phone_is_long_enough"

Alternatively it can be specified by expression. In this case you must ensure the expression has the same form as it is stored in the database (after parsing the source).

validate_check_constraint :users, "length((phone::text) > 10)"

Notice that it is invertible but the inverted operation does nothing.


  • table (#to_s)

    (nil) The qualified name of the table

  • expression (#to_s) (defaults to: nil)

    (nil) The SQL expression

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options

Options Hash (**options):

  • :name (#to_s) — default: nil

    The optional name of the constraint


  • (c)

    the block with the constraint's definition

Yield Parameters:

  • Object

    receiver of methods specifying the constraint

# File 'lib/pg_trunk/operations/check_constraints/validate_check_constraint.rb', line 26

def validate_check_constraint(table, expression = nil, **options, &block); end