Class: PKCS11::Session
- Inherits:
- Object
- PKCS11::Session
- Defined in:
- lib/pkcs11/session.rb
Cryptoki requires that an application open one or more sessions with a token to gain access to the token’s objects and functions. A session provides a logical connection between the application and the token. A session can be a read/write (R/W) session or a read-only (R/O) session (default).
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Cipher, DigestCipher
Instance Method Summary collapse
#C_CloseSession ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #close)
Closes the session between an application and a token.
#C_CreateObject(template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object
(also: #create_object)
Creates a new Object based on given template.
#C_Decrypt(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Decrypts encrypted data in a single part.
#C_DecryptDigestUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined decryption and digest operation, processing another data part.
#C_DecryptFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part decryption operation.
#C_DecryptInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a decryption operation.
#C_DecryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Continues a multiple-part decryption operation, processing another encrypted data part.
#C_DecryptVerifyUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined decryption and verification operation, processing another data part.
#C_DeriveKey(mechanism, base_key, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object
(also: #derive_key)
Derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object.
#C_Digest(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Digests data in a single part.
#C_DigestEncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues multiple-part digest and encryption operations, processing another data part.
#C_DigestFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation, returning the message digest as String.
#C_DigestInit(mechanism) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a message-digesting operation.
#C_DigestKey(key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation by digesting the value of a secret key.
#C_DigestUpdate(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation, processing another data part.
#C_Encrypt(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Encrypts single-part data.
#C_EncryptFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part encryption operation.
#C_EncryptInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes an encryption operation.
#C_EncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Continues a multiple-part encryption operation, processing another data part.
#C_FindObjects(max_count) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object>
Continues a search for token and session objects that match a template, obtaining additional object handles.
#C_FindObjectsFinal ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Terminates a search for token and session objects.
#C_FindObjectsInit(find_template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a search for token and session objects that match a template.
#C_GenerateKey(mechanism, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object
(also: #generate_key)
Generates a secret key Object or set of domain parameters, creating a new Object.
#C_GenerateKeyPair(mechanism, pubkey_template = {}, privkey_template = {}) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object>
(also: #generate_key_pair)
Generates a public/private key pair, creating new key Object instances.
#C_GenerateRandom(out_size) ⇒ String
(also: #generate_random)
Generates random or pseudo-random data.
#C_GetOperationState ⇒ String
(also: #get_operation_state)
Obtains a copy of the cryptographic operations state of a session, encoded as a string of bytes.
#C_GetSessionInfo ⇒ CK_SESSION_INFO
(also: #info)
Obtains information about a session.
#C_InitPIN(pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #init_pin)
Initializes the normal user’s PIN.
#C_Login(user_type, pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #login)
Logs a user into a token.
#C_Logout ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #logout)
Logs a user out from a token.
#C_SeedRandom(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #seed_random)
Mixes additional seed material into the token’s random number generator.
#C_SetOperationState(state, enc_key = nil, auth_key = nil) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #set_operation_state)
Restores the cryptographic operations state of a session from a string of bytes obtained with #C_GetOperationState.
#C_SetPIN(old_pin, new_pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
(also: #set_pin)
Modifies the PIN of the user that is currently logged in, or the CKU_USER PIN if the session is not logged in.
#C_Sign(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Signs data in a single part, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
#C_SignEncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined signature and encryption operation, processing another data part.
#C_SignFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part signature operation, returning the signature.
#C_SignInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a signature operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
#C_SignRecover(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Signs data in a single operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature.
#C_SignRecoverInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a signature operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature.
#C_SignUpdate(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part signature operation, processing another data part.
#C_UnwrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object
(also: #unwrap_key)
Unwraps (i.e. decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new private key or secret key object.
#C_Verify(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
#C_VerifyFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Finishes a multiple-part verification operation, checking the signature.
#C_VerifyInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a verification operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
#C_VerifyRecover(signature, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the data is recovered from the signature.
#C_VerifyRecoverInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a signature verification operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature.
#C_VerifyUpdate(data) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part verification operation, processing another data part.
#C_WrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
(also: #wrap_key)
Wraps (i.e., encrypts) a private or secret key.
#decrypt(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_DecryptInit, #C_DecryptUpdate, #C_DecryptFinal call flow.
#digest(mechanism, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::DigestCipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_DigestInit, #C_DigestUpdate, #C_DigestKey, #C_DigestFinal call flow.
#encrypt(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_EncryptInit, #C_EncryptUpdate, #C_EncryptFinal call flow.
#find_objects(template = {}) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object>
Convenience method for the #C_FindObjectsInit, #C_FindObjects, #C_FindObjectsFinal cycle.
#sign(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_SignInit, #C_SignUpdate, #C_SignFinal call flow.
#sign_recover(mechanism, key, data) ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_SignRecoverInit, #C_SignRecover call flow.
#to_int ⇒ Integer
(also: #to_i)
The session handle.
#verify(mechanism, key, signature, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ Boolean
Convenience method for the #C_VerifyInit, #C_VerifyUpdate, #C_VerifyFinal call flow.
#verify_recover(mechanism, key, signature) ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_VerifyRecoverInit, #C_VerifyRecover call flow.
Instance Method Details
#C_CloseSession ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: close
Closes the session between an application and a token.
59 60 61 62 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 59 def C_CloseSession() @pk.C_CloseSession(@sess) self end |
#C_CreateObject(template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object Also known as: create_object
Creates a new Object based on given template.
If #C_CreateObject is used to create a key object, the key object will have its CKA_LOCAL attribute set to false. If that key object is a secret or private key then the new key will have the CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE attribute set to false, and the CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE attribute set to false.
Only session objects can be created during a read-only session. Only public objects can be created unless the normal user is logged in.
152 153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 152 def C_CreateObject(template={}) handle = @pk.C_CreateObject(@sess, to_attributes(template)) @pk, @sess, handle end |
#C_Decrypt(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Decrypts encrypted data in a single part.
See #decrypt for convenience.
334 335 336 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 334 def C_Decrypt(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_Decrypt(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DecryptDigestUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined decryption and digest operation, processing another data part.
Decryption and digesting operations must both be active (they must have been initialized with #C_DecryptInit and #C_DigestInit, respectively). This function may be called any number of times in succession, and may be interspersed with #C_DecryptUpdate, #C_DigestUpdate, and #C_DigestKey calls.
618 619 620 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 618 def C_DecryptDigestUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_DecryptDigestUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DecryptFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part decryption operation.
See #decrypt for convenience.
353 354 355 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 353 def C_DecryptFinal(out_size=nil) @pk.C_DecryptFinal(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_DecryptInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a decryption operation.
See #decrypt for convenience and #C_EncryptInit for description.
325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 325 def C_DecryptInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_DecryptInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) end |
#C_DecryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Continues a multiple-part decryption operation, processing another encrypted data part.
See #decrypt for convenience.
344 345 346 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 344 def C_DecryptUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_DecryptUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DecryptVerifyUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined decryption and verification operation, processing another data part.
Decryption and signature operations must both be active (they must have been initialized with #C_DecryptInit and #C_VerifyInit, respectively). This function may be called any number of times in succession, and may be interspersed with #C_DecryptUpdate and #C_VerifyUpdate calls.
640 641 642 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 640 def C_DecryptVerifyUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_DecryptVerifyUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DeriveKey(mechanism, base_key, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object Also known as: derive_key
Derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object.
718 719 720 721 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 718 def C_DeriveKey(mechanism, base_key, template={}) obj = @pk.C_DeriveKey(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), base_key, to_attributes(template)) @pk, @sess, obj end |
#C_Digest(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Digests data in a single part.
See #digest for convenience.
387 388 389 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 387 def C_Digest(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_Digest(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DigestEncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues multiple-part digest and encryption operations, processing another data part.
Digest and encryption operations must both be active (they must have been initialized with #C_DigestInit and #C_EncryptInit, respectively). This function may be called any number of times in succession, and may be interspersed with #C_DigestUpdate, #C_DigestKey, and #C_EncryptUpdate calls.
607 608 609 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 607 def C_DigestEncryptUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_DigestEncryptUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_DigestFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation, returning the message digest as String.
See #digest for convenience.
419 420 421 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 419 def C_DigestFinal(out_size=nil) @pk.C_DigestFinal(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_DigestInit(mechanism) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a message-digesting operation.
See #digest for convenience.
377 378 379 380 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 377 def C_DigestInit(mechanism) @pk.C_DigestInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism)) self end |
#C_DigestKey(key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation by digesting the value of a secret key.
See #digest for convenience.
The message-digesting operation must have been initialized with #C_DigestInit. Calls to this function and #C_DigestUpdate may be interspersed any number of times in any order.
408 409 410 411 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 408 def C_DigestKey(key) @pk.C_DigestKey(@sess, key) self end |
#C_DigestUpdate(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation, processing another data part.
See #digest for convenience.
395 396 397 398 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 395 def C_DigestUpdate(data) @pk.C_DigestUpdate(@sess, data) self end |
#C_Encrypt(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Encrypts single-part data.
See #encrypt for convenience
267 268 269 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 267 def C_Encrypt(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_Encrypt(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_EncryptFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part encryption operation.
See #encrypt for convenience
286 287 288 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 286 def C_EncryptFinal(out_size=nil) @pk.C_EncryptFinal(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_EncryptInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes an encryption operation.
See #encrypt for convenience
The CKA_ENCRYPT attribute of the encryption key, which indicates whether the key supports encryption, must be true.
After calling #C_EncryptInit, the application can either call #C_Encrypt to encrypt data in a single part; or call #C_EncryptUpdate zero or more times, followed by #C_EncryptFinal, to encrypt data in multiple parts. The encryption operation is active until the application uses a call to #C_Encrypt or #C_EncryptFinal to actually obtain the final piece of ciphertext. To process additional data (in single or multiple parts), the application must call #C_EncryptInit again.
257 258 259 260 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 257 def C_EncryptInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_EncryptInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) self end |
#C_EncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Continues a multiple-part encryption operation, processing another data part.
See #encrypt for convenience
277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 277 def C_EncryptUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_EncryptUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_FindObjects(max_count) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object>
Continues a search for token and session objects that match a template, obtaining additional object handles.
See #find_objects for convenience
91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 91 def C_FindObjects(max_count) objs = @pk.C_FindObjects(@sess, max_count){|obj| @pk, @sess, obj } end |
#C_FindObjectsFinal ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Terminates a search for token and session objects.
See #find_objects for convenience
100 101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 100 def C_FindObjectsFinal @pk.C_FindObjectsFinal(@sess) self end |
#C_FindObjectsInit(find_template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a search for token and session objects that match a template.
See #find_objects for convenience. The matching criterion is an exact byte-for-byte match with all attributes in the template. Use empty Hash to find all objects.
81 82 83 84 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 81 def C_FindObjectsInit(find_template={}) @pk.C_FindObjectsInit(@sess, to_attributes(find_template)) self end |
#C_GenerateKey(mechanism, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object Also known as: generate_key
Generates a secret key Object or set of domain parameters, creating a new Object.
653 654 655 656 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 653 def C_GenerateKey(mechanism, template={}) obj = @pk.C_GenerateKey(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), to_attributes(template)) @pk, @sess, obj end |
#C_GenerateKeyPair(mechanism, pubkey_template = {}, privkey_template = {}) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object> Also known as: generate_key_pair
Generates a public/private key pair, creating new key Object instances.
669 670 671 672 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 669 def C_GenerateKeyPair(mechanism, pubkey_template={}, privkey_template={}) objs = @pk.C_GenerateKeyPair(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), to_attributes(pubkey_template), to_attributes(privkey_template)){|obj| @pk, @sess, obj } end |
#C_GenerateRandom(out_size) ⇒ String Also known as: generate_random
Generates random or pseudo-random data.
738 739 740 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 738 def C_GenerateRandom(out_size) @pk.C_GenerateRandom(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_GetOperationState ⇒ String Also known as: get_operation_state
Obtains a copy of the cryptographic operations state of a session, encoded as a string of bytes.
747 748 749 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 747 def C_GetOperationState @pk.C_GetOperationState(@sess) end |
#C_GetSessionInfo ⇒ CK_SESSION_INFO Also known as: info
Obtains information about a session.
67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 67 def C_GetSessionInfo() @pk.C_GetSessionInfo(@sess) end |
#C_InitPIN(pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: init_pin
Initializes the normal user’s PIN. This standard allows PIN values to contain any valid UTF8 character, but the token may impose subset restrictions.
164 165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 164 def C_InitPIN(pin) @pk.C_InitPIN(@sess, pin) self end |
#C_Login(user_type, pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: login
Logs a user into a token. When the user type is either CKU_SO or CKU_USER, if the call succeeds, each of the application’s sessions will enter either the “R/W SO Functions” state, the “R/W User Functions” state, or the “R/O User Functions” state. If the user type is CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC , the behavior of C_Login depends on the context in which it is called. Improper use of this user type will raise CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED.
39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 39 def C_Login(user_type, pin) @pk.C_Login(@sess, string_to_handle('CKU_', user_type), pin) self end |
#C_Logout ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: logout
Logs a user out from a token.
Depending on the current user type, if the call succeeds, each of the application’s sessions will enter either the “R/W Public Session” state or the “R/O Public Session” state.
51 52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 51 def C_Logout() @pk.C_Logout(@sess) self end |
#C_SeedRandom(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: seed_random
Mixes additional seed material into the token’s random number generator.
728 729 730 731 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 728 def C_SeedRandom(data) @pk.C_SeedRandom(@sess, data) self end |
#C_SetOperationState(state, enc_key = nil, auth_key = nil) ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: set_operation_state
Restores the cryptographic operations state of a session from a string of bytes obtained with #C_GetOperationState.
759 760 761 762 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 759 def C_SetOperationState(state, enc_key=nil, auth_key=nil) @pk.C_SetOperationState(@sess, state, enc_key||0, auth_key||0) self end |
#C_SetPIN(old_pin, new_pin) ⇒ PKCS11::Session Also known as: set_pin
Modifies the PIN of the user that is currently logged in, or the CKU_USER PIN if the session is not logged in.
176 177 178 179 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 176 def C_SetPIN(old_pin, new_pin) @pk.C_SetPIN(@sess, old_pin, new_pin) self end |
#C_Sign(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Signs data in a single part, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
See #sign for convenience.
464 465 466 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 464 def C_Sign(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_Sign(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_SignEncryptUpdate(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part combined signature and encryption operation, processing another data part.
Signature and encryption operations must both be active (they must have been initialized with #C_SignInit and #C_EncryptInit, respectively). This function may be called any number of times in succession, and may be interspersed with #C_SignUpdate and #C_EncryptUpdate calls.
629 630 631 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 629 def C_SignEncryptUpdate(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_SignEncryptUpdate(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_SignFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ String
Finishes a multiple-part signature operation, returning the signature.
See #sign for convenience.
480 481 482 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 480 def C_SignFinal(out_size=nil) @pk.C_SignFinal(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_SignInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Initializes a signature operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
See #sign for convenience.
456 457 458 459 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 456 def C_SignInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_SignInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) self end |
#C_SignRecover(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Signs data in a single operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature.
See #sign_recover for convenience.
557 558 559 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 557 def C_SignRecover(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_SignRecover(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_SignRecoverInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a signature operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature
See #sign_recover for convenience.
549 550 551 552 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 549 def C_SignRecoverInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_SignRecoverInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) self end |
#C_SignUpdate(data) ⇒ PKCS11::Session
Continues a multiple-part signature operation, processing another data part.
See #sign for convenience.
472 473 474 475 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 472 def C_SignUpdate(data) @pk.C_SignUpdate(@sess, data) self end |
#C_UnwrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, template = {}) ⇒ PKCS11::Object Also known as: unwrap_key
Unwraps (i.e. decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new private key or secret key object.
702 703 704 705 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 702 def C_UnwrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, template={}) obj = @pk.C_UnwrapKey(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), wrapping_key, wrapped_key, to_attributes(template)) @pk, @sess, obj end |
#C_Verify(data, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
See #verify for convenience.
511 512 513 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 511 def C_Verify(data, out_size=nil) @pk.C_Verify(@sess, data, out_size) end |
#C_VerifyFinal(out_size = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Finishes a multiple-part verification operation, checking the signature.
See #verify for convenience.
525 526 527 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 525 def C_VerifyFinal(out_size=nil) @pk.C_VerifyFinal(@sess, out_size) end |
#C_VerifyInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a verification operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data.
See #verify for convenience.
504 505 506 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 504 def C_VerifyInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_VerifyInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) end |
#C_VerifyRecover(signature, out_size = nil) ⇒ Object
Verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the data is recovered from the signature.
See #verify_recover for convenience.
585 586 587 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 585 def C_VerifyRecover(signature, out_size=nil) @pk.C_VerifyRecover(@sess, signature, out_size=nil) end |
#C_VerifyRecoverInit(mechanism, key) ⇒ Object
Initializes a signature verification operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature
See #verify_recover for convenience.
578 579 580 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 578 def C_VerifyRecoverInit(mechanism, key) @pk.C_VerifyRecoverInit(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), key) end |
#C_VerifyUpdate(data) ⇒ Object
Continues a multiple-part verification operation, processing another data part.
See #verify for convenience.
518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 518 def C_VerifyUpdate(data) @pk.C_VerifyUpdate(@sess, data) end |
#C_WrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, out_size = nil) ⇒ String Also known as: wrap_key
Wraps (i.e., encrypts) a private or secret key.
686 687 688 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 686 def C_WrapKey(mechanism, wrapping_key, wrapped_key, out_size=nil) @pk.C_WrapKey(@sess, to_mechanism(mechanism), wrapping_key, wrapped_key, out_size) end |
#decrypt(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_DecryptInit, #C_DecryptUpdate, #C_DecryptFinal call flow.
368 369 370 371 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 368 def decrypt(mechanism, key, data=nil, &block) common_crypt(:C_DecryptInit, :C_DecryptUpdate, :C_DecryptFinal, :C_Decrypt, mechanism, key, data, &block) end |
#digest(mechanism, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::DigestCipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_DigestInit, #C_DigestUpdate, #C_DigestKey, #C_DigestFinal call flow.
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 436 def digest(mechanism, data=nil, &block) C_DigestInit(mechanism) if block_given? raise "data not nil, but block given" if data yield{|data_| C_DigestUpdate(data_) }, proc{|key_| C_DigestKey(key_) }) C_DigestFinal() else C_Digest(data) end end |
#encrypt(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_EncryptInit, #C_EncryptUpdate, #C_EncryptFinal call flow.
If no block is given, the single part operation #C_EncryptInit, #C_Encrypt is called. If a block is given, the multi part operation (#C_EncryptInit, #C_EncryptUpdate, #C_EncryptFinal) is used. The given block is called once with a cipher object. There can be any number of PKCS11::Session::Cipher#update calls within the block, each giving the encryption result of this part as String.
317 318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 317 def encrypt(mechanism, key, data=nil, &block) common_crypt(:C_EncryptInit, :C_EncryptUpdate, :C_EncryptFinal, :C_Encrypt, mechanism, key, data, &block) end |
#find_objects(template = {}) ⇒ Array<PKCS11::Object>
Convenience method for the #C_FindObjectsInit, #C_FindObjects, #C_FindObjectsFinal cycle.
If called with block, it iterates over all found objects.
If called without block, it returns with an array of all found Object instances.
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 115 def find_objects(template={}) all_objs = [] unless block_given? C_FindObjectsInit(template) begin loop do objs = C_FindObjects(20) break if objs.empty? if block_given? objs.each{|obj| yield obj } else all_objs += objs end end ensure C_FindObjectsFinal() end return all_objs end |
#sign(mechanism, key, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_SignInit, #C_SignUpdate, #C_SignFinal call flow.
494 495 496 497 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 494 def sign(mechanism, key, data=nil, &block) common_crypt(:C_SignInit, :C_SignUpdate, :C_SignFinal, :C_Sign, mechanism, key, data, &block) end |
#sign_recover(mechanism, key, data) ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_SignRecoverInit, #C_SignRecover call flow.
568 569 570 571 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 568 def sign_recover(mechanism, key, data) C_SignRecoverInit(mechanism, key) C_SignRecover(data) end |
#to_int ⇒ Integer Also known as: to_i
The session handle.
18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 18 def to_int @sess end |
#verify(mechanism, key, signature, data = nil) {|PKCS11::Session::Cipher| ... } ⇒ Boolean
Convenience method for the #C_VerifyInit, #C_VerifyUpdate, #C_VerifyFinal call flow.
540 541 542 543 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 540 def verify(mechanism, key, signature, data=nil, &block) common_verify(:C_VerifyInit, :C_VerifyUpdate, :C_VerifyFinal, :C_Verify, mechanism, key, signature, data, &block) end |
#verify_recover(mechanism, key, signature) ⇒ String
Convenience method for the #C_VerifyRecoverInit, #C_VerifyRecover call flow.
595 596 597 598 |
# File 'lib/pkcs11/session.rb', line 595 def verify_recover(mechanism, key, signature) C_VerifyRecoverInit(mechanism, key) C_VerifyRecover(signature) end |