Class: Primer::Alpha::CheckBoxGroup

  • Object
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Check box groups consist of one or more related check boxes.

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Component


Constants included from Status::Dsl


Constants included from ViewHelper


Constants included from TestSelectorHelper


Constants included from FetchOrFallbackHelper


Constants included from Primer::AttributesHelper

Primer::AttributesHelper::PLURAL_ARIA_ATTRIBUTES, Primer::AttributesHelper::PLURAL_DATA_ATTRIBUTES

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Component

deprecated?, generate_id

Methods included from JoinStyleArgumentsHelper


Methods included from TestSelectorHelper


Methods included from FetchOrFallbackHelper

#fetch_or_fallback, #fetch_or_fallback_boolean, #silence_deprecations?

Methods included from ClassNameHelper


Methods included from Primer::AttributesHelper

#aria, #data, #extract_data, #merge_aria, #merge_data, #merge_prefixed_attribute_hashes

Methods included from ExperimentalSlotHelpers


Methods included from ExperimentalRenderHelpers


Constructor Details



  • name (String)

    Value for the HTML name attribute. When provided, the check box values will be submitted in to the server in ‘:array` mode. See the <%= link_to_component(Primer::Alpha::CheckBox) %> for more information.

  • label (String)

    Label text displayed above the input.

  • hidden (Boolean)

    When set to ‘true`, visually hides the group.

  • caption (String)

    A string describing the field and what sorts of input it expects. Displayed below the group.

  • invalid (Boolean)

    If set to ‘true`, the input will be marked as invalid. Implied if `validation_message` is truthy. This option is set to `true` automatically if the model object associated with the form reports that the input is invalid via Rails validations. It is provided for cases where the form does not have an associated model. If the input is invalid as determined by Rails validations, setting `invalid` to `false` will have no effect.

  • validation_message (String)

    A string displayed between the caption and the input indicating the input’s contents are invalid. This option is, by default, set to the first Rails validation message for the input (assuming the form is associated with a model object). Use ‘validation_message` to override the default or to provide a validation message in case there is no associated model object.

  • label_arguments (Hash)

    Attributes that will be passed to Rails’ ‘builder.label` method. These can be HTML attributes or any of the other label options Rails supports. They will appear as HTML attributes on the `<label>` tag.

# File 'app/components/primer/alpha/check_box_group.rb', line 20

Instance Method Details


Adds a check box to the group.


  • system_arguments (Hash)

    The arguments accepted by <%= link_to_component(Primer::Alpha::CheckBox) %>.

  • block (Proc)

    The block accepted by <%= link_to_component(Primer::Alpha::CheckBox) %>.

# File 'app/components/primer/alpha/check_box_group.rb', line 30