Class: Puppet::Parameter
- Extended by:
- Util, Util::Docs
- Includes:
- Util, Util::Errors, Util::Logging
- Defined in:
- lib/puppet/parameter.rb
The Parameter class is the implementation of a resource’s attributes of parameter kind. The Parameter class is also the base class for Property, and is used to describe meta-parameters (parameters that apply to all resource types). A Parameter (in contrast to a Property) has a single value where a property has both a current and a wanted value. The Parameter class methods are used to configure and create an instance of Parameter that represents one particular attribute data type; its valid value(s), and conversion to/from internal form.
The intention is that a new parameter is created by using the DSL method Type.newparam, or Type.newmetaparam if the parameter should be applicable to all resource types.
A Parameter that does not specify and valid values (via Parameter.newvalues) accepts any value.
Direct Known Subclasses
Boolean, PackageOptions, Path, Property, Type::RelationshipMetaparam
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Boolean, PackageOptions, Path, Value, ValueCollection
Constant Summary
Constants included from Util::Docs
Constants included from Util
Util::ALNUM, Util::ALPHA, Util::AbsolutePathPosix, Util::AbsolutePathWindows, Util::DEFAULT_POSIX_MODE, Util::DEFAULT_WINDOWS_MODE, Util::ESCAPED, Util::HEX, Util::HttpProxy, Util::PUPPET_STACK_INSERTION_FRAME, Util::RESERVED, Util::RFC_3986_URI_REGEX, Util::UNRESERVED, Util::UNSAFE
Constants included from Util::POSIX
Constants included from Util::SymbolicFileMode
Util::SymbolicFileMode::SetGIDBit, Util::SymbolicFileMode::SetUIDBit, Util::SymbolicFileMode::StickyBit, Util::SymbolicFileMode::SymbolicMode, Util::SymbolicFileMode::SymbolicSpecialToBit
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.default ⇒ Object
The default value of the parameter as determined by the Parameter.defaultto method, or nil if no default has been set.
.metaparam ⇒ Boolean
Flag indicating whether this parameter is a meta-parameter or not.
.name ⇒ Symbol
The parameter name as given when it was created.
.required_features ⇒ Array<Symbol>
The names of the _provider features_ required for this parameter to work.
.value_collection ⇒ Puppet::Parameter::ValueCollection
The set of valid values (or an empty set that accepts any value).
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#name ⇒ Symbol
The parameter’s name as given when it was created.
#parent ⇒ Puppet::Parameter
A reference to the parameter’s parent kept for backwards compatibility.
#resource ⇒ Puppet::Resource
A reference to the resource this parameter is an attribute of (the _associated resource_).
#sensitive ⇒ true, false
If this parameter has been tagged as sensitive.
Attributes included from Util::Docs
Class Method Summary collapse
.aliasvalue(name, other) ⇒ Object
Makes the given ‘name` an alias for the given `other` name.
.defaultto(value = nil, &block) ⇒ void
Defines how the ‘default` value of a parameter is computed.
.desc(str) ⇒ String
Sets the documentation for this parameter.
.doc ⇒ String
Produces a documentation string.
.format_value_for_display(value) ⇒ String
Produces a String with the value formatted for display to a human.
.initvars ⇒ void
Initializes the instance variables.
.isnamevar ⇒ void
Sets a marker indicating that this parameter is the namevar (unique identifier) of the type where the parameter is contained.
.isnamevar? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is the namevar or not.
.isrequired ⇒ void
Sets a marker indicating that this parameter is required.
.munge({ ... }) ⇒ Object
Defines an optional method used to convert the parameter value from DSL/string form to an internal form.
.newvalues(*names) ⇒ void
Defines valid values for the parameter (enumeration or regular expressions).
.nodefault ⇒ void
Removes the ‘default` method if defined.
.proxymethods(*values) ⇒ Object
Creates instance (proxy) methods that delegates to a class method with the same name.
.required? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is required or not.
.sensitive(value = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName.
.unmunge({ ... }) ⇒ Object
Defines an optional method used to convert the parameter value from internal form to DSL/string form.
.validate({ ... }) ⇒ void
Defines an optional method that is used to validate the parameter’s DSL/string value.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#file ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
#format(fmt, *args) ⇒ String
Formats the given string and conditionally redacts the provided interpolation variables, depending on if this property is sensitive.
#initialize(resource: nil, value: nil, should: nil) ⇒ Parameter
Initializes the parameter with a required resource reference and optional attribute settings.
- #isnamevar? ⇒ Object
#line ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
#log(msg) ⇒ void
Writes the given ‘msg` to the log with the loglevel indicated by the associated resource’s ‘loglevel` parameter.
#metaparam? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is a meta-parameter or not.
#munge(value) ⇒ Object
Munges the value from DSL form to internal form.
#noop ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this parameter, the associated resource, or overall puppet mode is ‘noop`.
#path ⇒ String
Returns a string representation of the resource’s containment path in the catalog.
#pathbuilder ⇒ Object
Returns an array of strings representing the containment hierarchy (types/classes) that make up the path to the resource from the root of the catalog.
#provider ⇒ Puppet::Provider
Returns the provider of the associated resource.
#remove ⇒ nil
Sets the associated resource to nil.
- #required? ⇒ Object
#tags ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Returns an array of the associated resource’s symbolic tags (including the parameter itself).
#to_s ⇒ String
The name of the parameter in string form.
#unmunge(value) ⇒ Object
Unmunges the value by transforming it from internal form to DSL form.
#unsafe_munge(value) ⇒ Object
This is the default implementation of ‘munge` that simply produces the value (if it is valid).
#unsafe_unmunge(value) ⇒ Object
This is the default implementation of ‘unmunge` that simply produces the value (if it is valid).
#unsafe_validate(value) ⇒ void
This is the default implementation of ‘validate` that may be overridden by the DSL method Parameter.validate.
#validate(value) ⇒ void
Performs validation of the given value against the rules defined by this parameter.
#value ⇒ Object
Gets the value of this parameter after performing any specified unmunging.
#value=(value) ⇒ Object
Sets the given value as the value of this parameter.
#version ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
Methods included from Util::Docs
desc, dochook, doctable, markdown_definitionlist, markdown_header, nodoc?, pad, scrub
Methods included from Util
absolute_path?, benchmark, chuser, clear_environment, create_erb, default_env, deterministic_rand, deterministic_rand_int, exit_on_fail, format_backtrace_array, format_puppetstack_frame, get_env, get_environment, logmethods, merge_environment, path_to_uri, pretty_backtrace, replace_file, resolve_stackframe, rfc2396_escape, safe_posix_fork, set_env, skip_external_facts, symbolizehash, thinmark, uri_encode, uri_query_encode, uri_to_path, uri_unescape, which, withenv, withumask
Methods included from Util::POSIX
#get_posix_field, #gid, groups_of, #idfield, #methodbyid, #methodbyname, #search_posix_field, #uid
Methods included from Util::SymbolicFileMode
#display_mode, #normalize_symbolic_mode, #symbolic_mode_to_int, #valid_symbolic_mode?
Methods included from Util::Logging
#clear_deprecation_warnings, #debug, #deprecation_warning, #format_backtrace, #format_exception, #get_deprecation_offender, #log_and_raise, #log_deprecations_to_file, #log_exception, #puppet_deprecation_warning, #send_log, setup_facter_logging!, #warn_once
Methods included from Util::Errors
#adderrorcontext, #devfail, #error_context, error_location, error_location_with_space, error_location_with_unknowns, #exceptwrap, #fail
Constructor Details
#initialize(resource: nil, value: nil, should: nil) ⇒ Parameter
A parameter should be created via the DSL method Type::newparam
Initializes the parameter with a required resource reference and optional attribute settings. The option ‘:resource` must be specified or an exception is raised. Any additional options passed are used to initialize the attributes of this parameter by treating each key in the `options` hash as the name of the attribute to set, and the value as the value to set.
346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 346 def initialize(resource: nil, value: nil, should: nil) if resource self.resource = resource else raise Puppet::DevError, _("No resource set for %{name}") % { name: } end self.value = value if value self.should = should if should end |
Class Attribute Details
.default ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns The default value of the parameter as determined by the defaultto method, or nil if no default has been set.
38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 38 def default @default end |
.metaparam ⇒ Boolean
Returns Flag indicating whether this parameter is a meta-parameter or not.
67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 67 def end |
.name ⇒ Symbol (readonly)
Returns The parameter name as given when it was created.
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 34 def name @name end |
.required_features ⇒ Array<Symbol> .required_features=(*args) ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Returns The names of the _provider features_ required for this parameter to work. the returned names are always all lower case symbols.
59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 59 def required_features @required_features end |
.value_collection ⇒ Puppet::Parameter::ValueCollection (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns The set of valid values (or an empty set that accepts any value).
64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 64 def value_collection @value_collection end |
Instance Attribute Details
#name ⇒ Symbol (readonly)
Since a Parameter defines the name at the class level, each Parameter class must be unique within a type’s inheritance chain.
Returns The parameter’s name as given when it was created.
379 380 381 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 379 def name end |
#parent ⇒ Puppet::Parameter
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns A reference to the parameter’s parent kept for backwards compatibility.
308 309 310 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 308 def parent @parent end |
#resource ⇒ Puppet::Resource
Returns A reference to the resource this parameter is an attribute of (the _associated resource_).
302 303 304 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 302 def resource @resource end |
#sensitive ⇒ true, false
Returns If this parameter has been tagged as sensitive.
312 313 314 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 312 def sensitive @sensitive end |
Class Method Details
.aliasvalue(name, other) ⇒ Object
Makes the given ‘name` an alias for the given `other` name. Or said differently, the valid value `other` can now also be referred to via the given `name`. Aliasing may affect how the parameter’s value is serialized/stored (it may store the ‘other` value instead of the alias).
278 279 280 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 278 def aliasvalue(name, other) @value_collection.aliasvalue(name, other) end |
.defaultto(value) ⇒ void .defaultto({ ... }) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Defines how the ‘default` value of a parameter is computed. The computation of the parameter’s default value is defined by providing a value or a block. A default of ‘nil` can not be used.
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 84 def defaultto(value = nil, &block) if block define_method(:default, &block) else if value.nil? raise Puppet::DevError, "Either a default value or block must be provided" end define_method(:default) do value end end end |
.desc(str) ⇒ String
Sets the documentation for this parameter.
154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 154 def desc(str) @doc = str end |
.doc ⇒ String
Produces a documentation string. If an enumeration of _valid values_ has been defined, it is appended to the documentation for this parameter specified with the desc method.
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 112 def doc @doc ||= "" unless defined?(@addeddocvals) @doc = Puppet::Util::Docs.scrub(@doc) vals = value_collection.doc if vals @doc << "\n\n#{vals}" end features = required_features if features @doc << "\n\nRequires features #{features.flatten.collect(&:to_s).join(' ')}." end @addeddocvals = true end @doc end |
.format_value_for_display(value) ⇒ String
Produces a String with the value formatted for display to a human.
The output is created using the StringConverter with format ‘%#p’ to produce human readable code that is understood by puppet.
575 576 577 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 575 def self.format_value_for_display(value) Puppet::Pops::Types::StringConverter.convert(value, Puppet::Pops::Types::StringConverter::DEFAULT_PARAMETER_FORMAT) end |
.initvars ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Initializes the instance variables. Clears the internal value collection (set of allowed values).
163 164 165 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 163 def initvars @value_collection = end |
.isnamevar ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets a marker indicating that this parameter is the namevar (unique identifier) of the type where the parameter is contained. This also makes the parameter a required value. The marker can not be unset once it has been set.
202 203 204 205 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 202 def isnamevar @isnamevar = true @required = true end |
.isnamevar? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is the namevar or not.
210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 210 def isnamevar? @isnamevar end |
.isrequired ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets a marker indicating that this parameter is required. Once set, it is not possible to make a parameter optional.
220 221 222 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 220 def isrequired @required = true end |
.munge({ ... }) ⇒ Object
This adds a method with the name ‘unsafe_munge` in the created parameter class. Later this method is called in a context where exceptions will be rescued and handled.
Defines an optional method used to convert the parameter value from DSL/string form to an internal form. If a munge method is not defined, the DSL/string value is used as is.
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 175 def munge(&block) # I need to wrap the unsafe version in begin/rescue parameterments, # but if I directly call the block then it gets bound to the # class's context, not the instance's, thus the two methods, # instead of just one. define_method(:unsafe_munge, &block) end |
.newvalues(*names) ⇒ void
Each call to this method adds to the set of valid values
This method returns an undefined value.
Defines valid values for the parameter (enumeration or regular expressions). The set of valid values for the parameter can be limited to a (mix of) literal values and regular expression patterns.
267 268 269 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 267 def newvalues(*names) @value_collection.newvalues(*names) end |
.nodefault ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Removes the ‘default` method if defined. Has no effect if the default method is not defined. This method is intended to be used in a DSL scenario where a parameter inherits from a parameter with a default value that is not wanted in the derived parameter (otherwise, simply do not define a default value method).
143 144 145 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 143 def nodefault undef_method :default if public_method_defined? :default end |
.proxymethods(*values) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Creates instance (proxy) methods that delegates to a class method with the same name.
286 287 288 289 290 291 292 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 286 def self.proxymethods(*values) values.each { |val| define_method(val) do self.class.send(val) end } end |
.required? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is required or not. A parameter is required if a call has been made to the DSL method isrequired.
239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 239 def required? @required end |
.sensitive(value = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 97 def sensitive(value = nil, &block) if block define_method(:is_sensitive, &block) else define_method(:is_sensitive) do value end end end |
.unmunge({ ... }) ⇒ Object
This adds a method with the name ‘unsafe_unmunge` in the created parameter class.
Defines an optional method used to convert the parameter value from internal form to DSL/string form. If an ‘unmunge` method is not defined, the internal form is used.
191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 191 def unmunge(&block) define_method(:unsafe_unmunge, &block) end |
.validate({ ... }) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Defines an optional method that is used to validate the parameter’s DSL/string value. Validation should raise appropriate exceptions, the return value of the given block is ignored. The easiest way to raise an appropriate exception is to call the method with the message as an argument. To validate the munged value instead, just munge the value (‘munge(value)`).
254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 254 def validate(&block) define_method(:unsafe_validate, &block) end |
Instance Method Details
#file ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
327 328 329 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 327 def file resource.file end |
#format(fmt, *args) ⇒ String
Because the default implementation of Puppet::Property#is_to_s returns the current value as-is, it doesn’t necessarily return a string. For the sake of sanity we just cast everything to a string for interpolation so we don’t introduce issues with unexpected property values.
Formats the given string and conditionally redacts the provided interpolation variables, depending on if this property is sensitive.
564 565 566 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 564 def format(fmt, *args) fmt % { |arg| @sensitive ? "[redacted]" : arg.to_s } end |
#isnamevar? ⇒ Object
299 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 299 proxymethods("required?", "isnamevar?") |
#line ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
322 323 324 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 322 def line resource.line end |
#log(msg) ⇒ void
is loglevel a metaparameter? it is looked up with ‘resource`
This method returns an undefined value.
Writes the given ‘msg` to the log with the loglevel indicated by the associated resource’s ‘loglevel` parameter.
362 363 364 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 362 def log(msg) send_log(resource[:loglevel], msg) end |
#metaparam? ⇒ Boolean
Returns whether this parameter is a meta-parameter or not.
367 368 369 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 367 def self.class. end |
#munge(value) ⇒ Object
This method should not be overridden. Use the DSL method munge to define a munging method if required.
Munges the value from DSL form to internal form. This implementation of ‘munge` provides exception handling around the specified munging of this parameter.
440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 440 def munge(value) return value if value.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::DeferredValue) begin ret = unsafe_munge(value) rescue Puppet::Error => detail Puppet.debug { "Reraising #{detail}" } raise rescue => detail raise Puppet::DevError, _("Munging failed for value %{value} in class %{class_name}: %{detail}") % { value: value.inspect, class_name: name, detail: detail }, detail.backtrace end ret end |
#noop ⇒ Boolean
How is noop mode set for a parameter? Is this of value in DSL to inhibit a parameter?
Returns true if this parameter, the associated resource, or overall puppet mode is ‘noop`.
386 387 388 389 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 386 def noop @noop ||= false @noop || resource.noop || Puppet[:noop] || false end |
#path ⇒ String
Returns a string representation of the resource’s containment path in the catalog.
317 318 319 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 317 def path @path ||= '/' + pathbuilder.join('/') end |
#pathbuilder ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns an array of strings representing the containment hierarchy (types/classes) that make up the path to the resource from the root of the catalog. This is mostly used for logging purposes.
396 397 398 399 400 401 402 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 396 def pathbuilder if @resource [@resource.pathbuilder, name] else [name] end end |
#provider ⇒ Puppet::Provider
The original comment says = _“Retrieve the resource’s provider. Some types don’t have providers, in which case we return the resource object itself.”_ This does not seem to be true, the default implementation that sets this value may be Type.provider= which always gets either the name of a provider or an instance of one.
Returns the provider of the associated resource.
525 526 527 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 525 def provider @resource.provider end |
#remove ⇒ nil
Why - what is the intent/purpose of this?
Sets the associated resource to nil.
493 494 495 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 493 def remove @resource = nil end |
#required? ⇒ Object
299 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 299 proxymethods("required?", "isnamevar?") |
#tags ⇒ Array<Symbol>
The original comment says = _“The properties need to return tags so that logs correctly collect them.”_ what if anything of that is of interest to document. Should tags and their relationship to logs be described. This is a more general concept.
Returns an array of the associated resource’s symbolic tags (including the parameter itself). At a minimum, the array contains the name of the parameter. If the associated resource has tags, these tags are also included in the array.
537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 537 def unless defined?() = [] # This might not be true in testing = @resource. if @resource.respond_to? :tags << name.to_s end end |
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns The name of the parameter in string form.
548 549 550 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 548 def to_s name.to_s end |
#unmunge(value) ⇒ Object
Unmunges the value by transforming it from internal form to DSL form. This is the default implementation of ‘unmunge` that simply returns the value without processing. The DSL method unmunge should be used to define an overriding method if required.
418 419 420 421 422 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 418 def unmunge(value) return value if value.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::DeferredValue) unsafe_unmunge(value) end |
#unsafe_munge(value) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This is the default implementation of ‘munge` that simply produces the value (if it is valid). The DSL method munge should be used to define an overriding method if munging is required.
409 410 411 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 409 def unsafe_munge(value) self.class.value_collection.munge(value) end |
#unsafe_unmunge(value) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This is the default implementation of ‘unmunge` that simply produces the value (if it is valid). The DSL method unmunge should be used to define an overriding method if unmunging is required.
429 430 431 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 429 def unsafe_unmunge(value) value end |
#unsafe_validate(value) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
This is the default implementation of ‘validate` that may be overridden by the DSL method validate. If no valid values have been defined, the given value is accepted, else it is validated against the literal values (enumerator) and/or patterns defined by calling newvalues.
463 464 465 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 463 def unsafe_validate(value) self.class.value_collection.validate(value) end |
#validate(value) ⇒ void
Better description of when the various exceptions are raised.ArgumentError is rescued and changed into Puppet::Error.
This method returns an undefined value.
Performs validation of the given value against the rules defined by this parameter. A protected validation method that only ever raises useful exceptions.
475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 475 def validate(value) return if value.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::DeferredValue) begin unsafe_validate(value) rescue ArgumentError => detail Puppet::Error, detail.to_s, detail rescue Puppet::Error, TypeError raise rescue => detail raise Puppet::DevError, _("Validate method failed for class %{class_name}: %{detail}") % { class_name: name, detail: detail }, detail.backtrace end end |
#value ⇒ Object
Returns Gets the value of this parameter after performing any specified unmunging.
498 499 500 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 498 def value unmunge(@value) unless @value.nil? end |
#value=(value) ⇒ Object
This original comment _“All of the checking should possibly be late-binding (e.g., users might not exist when the value is assigned but might when it is asked for).”_ does not seem to be correct, the implementation calls both validate and munge on the given value, so no late binding.
Sets the given value as the value of this parameter. The given value is validated and then munged (if munging has been specified). The result is store as the value of this parameter.
513 514 515 516 517 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 513 def value=(value) validate(value) @value = munge(value) end |
#version ⇒ Integer
Returns the result of calling the same method on the associated resource.
332 333 334 |
# File 'lib/puppet/parameter.rb', line 332 def version resource.version end |