Class: PureCloud::UserListScheduleRequestBody
- Inherits:
- Object
- PureCloud::UserListScheduleRequestBody
- Defined in:
- lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb
Request body for fetching the schedule for a group of users over a given time range
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#end_date ⇒ Object
End of the range of schedules to fetch, in ISO-8601 format.
#load_full_weeks ⇒ Object
Whether to load the full week’s schedule (for the requested users) of any week overlapping the start/end date query parameters, defaults to false.
#start_date ⇒ Object
Beginning of the range of schedules to fetch, in ISO-8601 format.
#user_ids ⇒ Object
The user ids for which to fetch schedules.
Class Method Summary collapse
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
- #_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Object
Method to output non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash.
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
build the object from hash.
- #eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ UserListScheduleRequestBody
Initializes the object.
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons.
#to_body ⇒ Object
to_body is an alias to to_body (backward compatibility)).
#to_hash ⇒ Object
return the object in the form of hash.
- #to_s ⇒ Object
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid.
Constructor Details
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ UserListScheduleRequestBody
Initializes the object
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 66 def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}){|(k,v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v} if attributes.has_key?(:'userIds') if (value = attributes[:'userIds']).is_a?(Array) self.user_ids = value end end if attributes.has_key?(:'startDate') self.start_date = attributes[:'startDate'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'endDate') self.end_date = attributes[:'endDate'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'loadFullWeeks') self.load_full_weeks = attributes[:'loadFullWeeks'] end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#end_date ⇒ Object
End of the range of schedules to fetch, in ISO-8601 format
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 29 def end_date @end_date end |
#load_full_weeks ⇒ Object
Whether to load the full week’s schedule (for the requested users) of any week overlapping the start/end date query parameters, defaults to false
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 32 def load_full_weeks @load_full_weeks end |
#start_date ⇒ Object
Beginning of the range of schedules to fetch, in ISO-8601 format
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 26 def start_date @start_date end |
#user_ids ⇒ Object
The user ids for which to fetch schedules
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 23 def user_ids @user_ids end |
Class Method Details
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 35 def self.attribute_map { :'user_ids' => :'userIds', :'start_date' => :'startDate', :'end_date' => :'endDate', :'load_full_weeks' => :'loadFullWeeks' } end |
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 50 def self.swagger_types { :'user_ids' => :'Array<String>', :'start_date' => :'DateTime', :'end_date' => :'DateTime', :'load_full_weeks' => :'BOOLEAN' } end |
Instance Method Details
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 182 def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && user_ids == o.user_ids && start_date == o.start_date && end_date == o.end_date && load_full_weeks == o.load_full_weeks end |
#_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 223 def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model _model = Object.const_get("PureCloud").const_get(type).new _model.build_from_hash(value) end end |
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Object
Method to output non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 283 def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array){ |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end |
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
build the object from hash
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 204 def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /^Array<(.*)>/i if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map{ |v| _deserialize($1, v) } ) else #TODO show warning in debug mode end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) else # data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end end self end |
#eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 193 def eql?(o) self == o end |
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
199 200 201 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 199 def hash [user_ids, start_date, end_date, load_full_weeks].hash end |
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid?
115 116 117 118 119 120 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 115 def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = return invalid_properties end |
#to_body ⇒ Object
to_body is an alias to to_body (backward compatibility))
266 267 268 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 266 def to_body to_hash end |
#to_hash ⇒ Object
return the object in the form of hash
271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 271 def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end |
#to_s ⇒ Object
261 262 263 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 261 def to_s to_hash.to_s end |
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 |
# File 'lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/models/user_list_schedule_request_body.rb', line 124 def valid? if @user_ids.nil? return false end if @start_date.nil? return false end if @end_date.nil? return false end end |