Module: GroupedModel

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods, GroupedInstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.included(base) ⇒ Object

Grouped Models are those that can be assigned to one or more groups, and so made invisible to any reader who is not a member of one of those groups. As standard this is applied to pages and messages. To group-limit another class:

class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base


This will define several class and instance methods and some scopes, most usefully:

Widget#groups -> groups association can << and +/- in the usual ways Group#widgets -> a scope, not an association Widget#visible_to?(reader) -> boolean Widget.visible_to(reader) -> list of visible widgets (as scope) Widget.belonging_to(group) -> list of widgets

The situation is more complex than it seems because of polymorphy and group-inheritance but that should all be taken care of for you.

# File 'lib/grouped_model.rb', line 21

def self.included(base)
  base.extend ClassMethods