Module: Radius::Spec::ModelFactory

Defined in:


Basic Model Factory

This factory is not Rails specific. It works for any object type that responds to new with a hash of attributes or keywords; including Struct using the new Ruby 2.5 keyword_init flag.

To make this feature available require it after the gem:

require 'radius/spec'
require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

Storing Factory Templates

Our convention is to store all of a project's factory templates in the file spec/support/model_factories.rb. As this is our convention, when the model factory is required it will attempt to load this file automatically as a convenience.

Including Helpers in Specs

There are multiple ways you can build object instances using this model factory. Which method you choose depends on how much perceived magic/syntactic sugar you want:

  • call the model factory directly
  • manually include the factory helper methods in the specs
  • use metadata to auto load this feature and include it in the specs

When using the metadata option you do not need to explicitly require the model factory feature. This gem registers metadata with the RSpec configuration when it loads and RSpec is defined. When the metadata is first used it will automatically require the model factory feature and include the helpers.

Any of following metadata will include the factory helpers:

  • :model_factory
  • :model_factories
  • type: :controller
  • type: :feature
  • type: :job
  • type: :model
  • type: :request
  • type: :system


defining a single factory template

require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

  attr1: :any_value,
  attr2: :another_value,

defining multiple templates

require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.catalog do |c|
  c.factory "AnyClass", attr1: :any_value, attr2: :another_value

  c.factory "AnotherClass",
            attr1: :any_value,
            attr2: :another_value,
            attr3: %i[any list of values]

building a domain model from a factory template

an_instance ="AnyClass")

building a domain model with custom attributes

an_instance =
  attr1: "Any Custom Value",
  attr2: %w[any custom array],

call the model factory directly in specs

require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

RSpec.describe AnyClass do
  it "includes the factory helpers" do
    an_object ="AnyClass")
    expect( eq "Any Name"

manually include the factory helper methods

require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

RSpec.describe AnyClass do
  include Radius::Spec::ModelFactory

  it "includes the factory helpers" do
    an_object = build(AnyClass)
    expect( eq "Any Name"

use metadata to auto include the factory helper methods

RSpec.describe AnyClass, :model_factory do
  it "includes the factory helpers" do
    an_object = build("AnyClass")
    expect( eq "Any Name"


  • 0.1.0

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: TemplateNotFound

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.build(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block) ⇒ Object

Convenience wrapper for building a model template.

All custom_attrs values are provided as is to the class initializer (i.e. they are not duplicate or modified in any way). When an attribute exists in both the registered template and custom_attrs the value in custom_attrs will be used. The custom_attrs may also include new attributes not defined in the factory template.

Optional Block

The block is optional. When provided it is passed directly to new when initializing the instance. This is to support the common Ruby idiom of yielding self within initialize:

class AnyClass
  def initialize(attrs = {})
    # setup attrs
    yield self if block_given?

Since Ruby always supports passing a block to a method, even if the method does not use the block, it's possible the block will not run if the class being instantiated does yield to it.

Also, while the common idiom is to yield self classes are free to yield anything. You need to be aware of how the class normally behaves when passing a block to new.

The examples below show different ways of interacting with the following domain model and registered factory template:

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.factory "AnyClass",
                                   simple_attr: "any value",
                                   array_attr:  %w[any value],
                                   optional_attr: :optional,
                                   dynamic_attr: -> { rand(0..100) }

class AnyClass
  def initialize(**opts)
    opts.each do |k, v|
      public_send "#{k}=", v
    yield self if block_given?

  attr_accessor :array_attr, :dynamic_attr, :optional_attr, :simple_attr


building the default template using lazy class loading"AnyClass")
# => #<AnyClass @array_attr=["any", "value"],
#               @dynamic_attr=88,
#               @simple_attr="any value">

building the default template using class constant
# => #<AnyClass @array_attr=["any", "value"],
#               @dynamic_attr=3,
#               @simple_attr="any value">

building the default template with a block"AnyClass") { |instance|
  instance.simple_attr = "Block Value"
# => #<AnyClass @array_attr=["any", "value"],
#               @dynamic_attr=27,
#               @simple_attr="Block Value">

building an instance with custom attributes
  simple_attr: "Custom Value",
  dynamic_attr: "Static Value",
  optional_attr: "Optional Value",
# => #<AnyClass @array_attr=["any", "value"],
#               @dynamic_attr="Static Value",
#               @optional_attr="Optional Value",
#               @simple_attr="Custom Value">

registered template values are safe from modification

instance_a ="AnyClass")
instance_b ="AnyClass")
instance_a.array_attr << "modified"
puts "#{instance_a.simple_attr}: #{instance_a.array_attr}"
puts "#{instance_b.simple_attr}: #{instance_b.array_attr}"

# Outputs:
# ANY VALUE: ["any", "value", "modified"]
# any value: ["any", "value"]

building instances with custom shared data

shared_array = %w[this is shared]
instance_a =
  array_attr: shared_array,
  simple_attr: "Instance A",
instance_b =
  array_attr: shared_array,
  simple_attr: "Instance B",
instance_a.array_attr << "modified"
puts "#{instance_a.simple_attr}: #{instance_a.array_attr}"
puts "#{instance_b.simple_attr}: #{instance_b.array_attr}"

# Outputs:
# Instance A: ["this", "is", "shared", "modified"]
# Instance B: ["this", "is", "shared", "modified"]


  • name (Class, String, Symbol)

    fully qualified domain model class name or constant

  • custom_attrs (Hash{String,Symbol => Object}) (defaults to: {})

    hash of custom attributes to replace registered template default values

  • block

    optional block which is passed through to new when instantiating name


  • instance of name instantiated with custom_attrs and the registered template attributes


See Also:


  • 0.1.0

# File 'lib/radius/spec/model_factory.rb', line 426

def build(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block)
  name = name.to_s
  template = ::Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.template(name)
  custom_attrs = custom_attrs.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
  attrs = ::Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.merge_attrs(template, custom_attrs)
  # TODO: Always yield to the provided block even if new doesn't
  ::Object.const_get(name).new(attrs, &block)

.build!(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block) ⇒ Object


It is generally suggested that you avoid using build! for new code. Instead be explicit about when and how objects are persisted. This allows you to have fine grain control over how your data is setup.

We suggest that you create instances which need to be persisted before your specs using the following syntax:

let(:an_instance) { build("AnyClass") }

before do!

Convenience wrapper for building, and persisting, a model template.

This is a thin wrapper around:

build(name, attrs, &block).tap(&:save!)

The persistence message save! will only be called on objects which respond to it.


  • name (Class, String, Symbol)

    fully qualified domain model class name or constant

  • custom_attrs (Hash{String,Symbol => Object}) (defaults to: {})

    hash of custom attributes to replace registered template default values

  • block

    optional block which is passed through to new when instantiating name


  • instance of name instantiated with custom_attrs and the registered template attributes


See Also:


  • 0.5.0

# File 'lib/radius/spec/model_factory.rb', line 468

def build!(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block)
  instance = build(name, custom_attrs, &block)! if instance.respond_to?(:save!)

.catalog {|catalog| ... } ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Suggested method for defining multiple factory templates at once.

Most projects end up having many domain models which need factories defined. Having to reference the full module constant every time you want to define a factory is tedious. Use this to define all of your model templates within a block.


require 'radius/spec/model_factory'

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.catalog do |c|
  c.factory "AnyClass", attr1: :any_value, attr2: :another_value

  c.factory "AnotherClass",
            attr1: :any_value,
            attr2: :another_value,
            attr3: %i[any list of values]

Yield Parameters:

  • catalog

    current catalog storing the registered templates

See Also:


  • 0.1.0

# File 'lib/radius/spec/model_factory.rb', line 141

def catalog
  yield self

.create(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block) ⇒ Object

Legacy helper provided for backwards compatibility support.

This provides the same behavior as build! and will be removed in a future release.


  • name (Class, String, Symbol)

    fully qualified domain model class name or constant

  • custom_attrs (Hash{String,Symbol => Object}) (defaults to: {})

    hash of custom attributes to replace registered template default values

  • block

    optional block which is passed through to new when instantiating name


  • instance of name instantiated with custom_attrs and the registered template attributes


See Also:


  • 0.1.0

# File 'lib/radius/spec/model_factory.rb', line 484

def create(name, custom_attrs = {}, &block)
  build!(name, custom_attrs, &block)

.define_factory(class_name, attrs = {}) ⇒ void Also known as: factory

This method returns an undefined value.

Convenience helper for registering a template to the current catalog.

Registers the class_name in the catalog mapped to the provided attrs attribute template.

Lazy Class Loading

When testing in isolation we often don't want to wait a long time for a lot of unnecessary project/app code to load. With that in mind we want to keep loading the model factory and all factory templates as fast as possible. This mean not loading the associated project/app code at factory template definition time. This way if you only need one or two factories your remaining domain model code won't be loaded.

Lazy class loading occurs when you register factory template using a string or symbol for the fully qualified class_name. The only requirement for this feature is that the class must be loaded by the project/app, or made available via some auto-loading mechanism, by the time the first instance is built by the factory.

Template Attribute Keys

Attribute keys may be defined using either strings or symbols. However, they will be stored internally as symbols. This means that when an object instance is create using the factory the attribute hash will be provided to new with symbol keys.

Dynamic Attribute Values (i.e. Generators)

Dynamic attributes values may be registered by providing a Proc for the value. For any template attribute which has a Proc for a value making an instance through the factory will send call to the proc with no args.


This only applies to template values which are instances of Proc. If you define a template value using another object which responds to call that object will be set as the built instance's attribute value without receiving call.

While this is a powerful technique we suggest keeping it's use to a minimum. There's a lot of benefit to generative, mutation, and fuzzy testing. We just aren't convinced it should be the default when you generate unit / general integration test data.

Optional and Required attributes

Templates may use the special symbols :optional and :required as a means of documenting attributes. These special symbols are meant as descriptive placeholders for developers reading the factory definition. Any template attribute with a value of :optional, which is not overwritten by a custom value, will be removed just prior to building a new instance.

Those attributes marked as :required will not be removed. Instead the symbol :required will be set as the attribute's value if it isn't overwritten by the custom data. This type of value is a benign default meant to cause errors to provide a more helpful description (i.e. this attribute is required).

For Rails projects, we suggest using :required for any association that is necessary for the object to be valid. We do not recommend attempting to generate default records within the factory as this can lead to unexpected database state; and hide relevant information away from the specs which may depend on it.

"Safe" Attribute Duplication

In an effort to help limit accidental state leak between instances the factory will duplicate all non-frozen template values prior to building the instance. Duplication is only applied to the values registered for the templates. Custom values provided when building the instance are not duplicated.


register a domain template using class constant

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.define_factory AnyClass,
                                          any_attr: :any_value

register a domain template using lazy class loading

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.define_factory :AnyClass,
                                          any_attr: :any_value

register a nested class using lazy class loading

Radius::Spec::ModelFactory.define_factory "AnyModule::AnyClass",
                                          any_attr: :any_value

advanced example using additional features

  dynamic: -> { rand(0..100) },
  safe_array: [1, 2, 3],

AnyClass =, :safe_array, keyword_init: true)

instance_a ="AnyClass")
# => #<struct AnyClass dynamic=10, safe_array=[1, 2, 3]>

instance_a.safe_array << 4
# => #<struct AnyClass dynamic=10, safe_array=[1, 2, 3, 4]>

instance_b ="AnyClass")
# => #<struct AnyClass dynamic=32, safe_array=[1, 2, 3]>


  • class_name (Class, String, Symbol)

    fully qualified domain model class name or constant

  • attrs (Hash{String,Symbol => Object}) (defaults to: {})

    hash of attributes and default values to register


  • 0.1.0

# File 'lib/radius/spec/model_factory.rb', line 258

def define_factory(class_name, attrs = {})
  templates[class_name.to_s] = attrs.transform_keys(&:to_sym).freeze