Module: Telesign::Country
- Defined in:
- lib/telesign/lib/country.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: InvalidCountryName
Constant Summary collapse
{ "Andorra" => "AD", "United Arab Emirates" => "AE", "Afghanistan" => "AF", "Anguilla" => "AI", "Albania" => "AL", "Armenia" => "AM", "Netherlands Antilles" => "AN", "Angola" => "AO", "Antarctica" => "AQ", "Argentina" => "AR", "American Samoa" => "AS", "Austria" => "AT", "Australia" => "AU", "Aruba" => "AW", "Azerbaijan" => "AZ", "Bosnia and Herzegovina" => "BA", "Barbados" => "BB", "Bangladesh" => "BD", "Belgium" => "BE", "Burkina Faso" => "BF", "Bulgaria" => "BG", "Bahrain" => "BH", "Burundi" => "BI", "Benin" => "BJ", "Bermuda" => "BM", "Brunei Darussalam" => "BN", "Bolivia" => "BO", "Brazil" => "BR", "Bahamas" => "BS", "Bhutan" => "BT", "Bouvet Island" => "BV", "Botswana" => "BW", "Belarus" => "BY", "Belize" => "BZ", "Canada" => "CA", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" => "CC", "Central African Republic" => "CF", "Congo" => "CG", "Democratic Republic of the Congo" => "CD", "Switzerland" => "CH", "Cote d'Ivoire" => "CI", "Cook Islands" => "CK", "Chile" => "CL", "Cameroon" => "CM", "China" => "CN", "Colombia" => "CO", "Costa Rica" => "CR", "Former Czechoslovakia" => "CS", "Cuba" => "CU", "Cape Verde" => "CV", "Christmas Island" => "CX", "Cyprus" => "CY", "Czech Republic" => "CZ", "Germany" => "DE", "Djibouti" => "DJ", "Denmark" => "DK", "Dominica" => "DM", "Dominican Republic" => "DO", "Algeria" => "DZ", "Ecuador" => "EC", "Estonia" => "EE", "Egypt" => "EG", "Western Sahara" => "EH", "Eritrea" => "ER", "Spain" => "ES", "Ethiopia" => "ET", "Finland" => "FI", "Fiji" => "FJ", "Falkland Islands" => "FK", "Micronesia" => "FM", "Faroe Islands" => "FO", "France" => "FR", "France (European Territory)" => "FX", "Gabon" => "GA", "Great Britain" => "GB", "Grenada" => "GD", "Georgia" => "GE", "French Guiana" => "GF", "Ghana" => "GH", "Gibraltar" => "GI", "Greenland" => "GL", "Gambia" => "GM", "Guinea" => "GN", "Guadeloupe" => "GP", "Equatorial Guinea" => "GQ", "Greece" => "GR", "S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls." => "GS", "Guatemala" => "GT", "Guam (USA)" => "GU", "Guinea Bissau" => "GW", "Guyana" => "GY", "Hong Kong" => "HK", "Heard and McDonald Islands" => "HM", "Honduras" => "HN", "Croatia" => "HR", "Haiti" => "HT", "Hungary" => "HU", "Indonesia" => "ID", "Ireland" => "IE", "Israel" => "IL", "India" => "IN", "British Indian Ocean Territory" => "IO", "Iraq" => "IQ", "Iran" => "IR", "Iceland" => "IS", "Italy" => "IT", "Jamaica" => "JM", "Jordan" => "JO", "Japan" => "JP", "Kenya" => "KE", "Kyrgyzstan" => "KG", "Cambodia" => "KH", "Kiribati" => "KI", "Comoros" => "KM", "Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla" => "KN", "North Korea" => "KP", "South Korea" => "KR", "Kuwait" => "KW", "Cayman Islands" => "KY", "Kazakhstan" => "KZ", "Laos" => "LA", "Lebanon" => "LB", "Saint Lucia" => "LC", "Liechtenstein" => "LI", "Sri Lanka" => "LK", "Liberia" => "LR", "Lesotho" => "LS", "Lithuania" => "LT", "Luxembourg" => "LU", "Latvia" => "LV", "Libya" => "LY", "Morocco" => "MA", "Monaco" => "MC", "Moldova" => "MD", "Madagascar" => "MG", "Marshall Islands" => "MH", "Macedonia" => "MK", "Mali" => "ML", "Myanmar" => "MM", "Mongolia" => "MN", "Macau" => "MO", "Northern Mariana Islands" => "MP", "Martinique" => "MQ", "Mauritania" => "MR", "Montserrat" => "MS", "Malta" => "MT", "Mauritius" => "MU", "Maldives" => "MV", "Malawi" => "MW", "Mexico" => "MX", "Malaysia" => "MY", "Mozambique" => "MZ", "Namibia" => "NA", "New Caledonia" => "NC", "Niger" => "NE", "Norfolk Island" => "NF", "Nigeria" => "NG", "Nicaragua" => "NI", "Netherlands" => "NL", "Norway" => "NO", "Nepal" => "NP", "Nauru" => "NR", "Neutral Zone" => "NT", "Niue" => "NU", "New Zealand" => "NZ", "Oman" => "OM", "Panama" => "PA", "Peru" => "PE", "French Polynesia" => "PF", "Papua New Guinea" => "PG", "Philippines" => "PH", "Pakistan" => "PK", "Poland" => "PL", "St. Pierre and Miquelon" => "PM", "Pitcairn Island" => "PN", "Portugal" => "PT", "Palau" => "PW", "Paraguay" => "PY", "Qatar" => "QA", "Reunion" => "RE", "Romania" => "RO", "Russia" => "RU", "Rwanda" => "RW", "Saudi Arabia" => "SA", "Solomon Islands" => "SB", "Serbia and Montenegro" => "RS", "Seychelles" => "SC", "Sudan" => "SD", "Sweden" => "SE", "Singapore" => "SG", "St. Helena" => "SH", "Slovenia" => "SI", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands" => "SJ", "Slovakia" => "SK", "Sierra Leone" => "SL", "San Marino" => "SM", "Senegal" => "SN", "Somalia" => "SO", "Suriname" => "SR", "Sao Tome and Principe" => "ST", "Former USSR" => "SU", "El Salvador" => "SV", "Syria" => "SY", "Swaziland" => "SZ", "Turks and Caicos Islands" => "TC", "Chad" => "TD", "French Southern Territories" => "TF", "Togo" => "TG", "Thailand" => "TH", "Tajikistan" => "TJ", "Tokelau" => "TK", "Turkmenistan" => "TM", "Tunisia" => "TN", "Tonga" => "TO", "East Timor" => "TP", "Turkey" => "TR", "Trinidad and Tobago" => "TT", "Tuvalu" => "TV", "Taiwan" => "TW", "Tanzania" => "TZ", "Ukraine" => "UA", "Uganda" => "UG", "United Kingdom" => "UK", "United States" => "US", "Uruguay" => "UY", "Uzbekistan" => "UZ", "Vatican" => "VA", "Saint Vincent & Grenadines" => "VC", "Venezuela" => "VE", "Virgin Islands (British)" => "VG", "Virgin Islands (USA)" => "VI", "Vietnam" => "VN", "Vanuatu" => "VU", "Wallis and Futuna Islands" => "WF", "Samoa" => "WS", "Yemen" => "YE", "Mayotte" => "YT", "Yugoslavia" => "YU", "South Africa" => "ZA", "Zambia" => "ZM", "Zaire" => "ZR", "Zimbabwe" => "ZW" }
{ "AD" => 376, "AE" => 971, "AF" => 93, "AL" => 355, "AM" => 374, "AN" => 599, "AO" => 244, "AR" => 54, "AT" => 43, "AU" => 61, "AW" => 297, "AZ" => 994, "BA" => 387, "BD" => 880, "BE" => 32, "BF" => 226, "BG" => 359, "BH" => 973, "BI" => 257, "BJ" => 229, "BN" => 673, "BO" => 591, "BR" => 55, "BT" => 975, "BW" => 267, "BY" => 375, "BZ" => 501, "CA" => 1, "CD" => 243, "CF" => 236, "CG" => 242, "CH" => 41, "CI" => 225, "CK" => 682, "CL" => 56, "CM" => 237, "CN" => 86, "CO" => 57, "CR" => 506, "CU" => 53, "CV" => 238, "CY" => 357, "CZ" => 420, "DE" => 49, "DJ" => 253, "DK" => 45, "DO" => 1, "DZ" => 213, "EC" => 593, "EE" => 372, "EG" => 20, "ER" => 291, "ES" => 34, "ET" => 251, "FI" => 358, "FJ" => 679, "FK" => 500, "FM" => 691, "FO" => 298, "FR" => 33, "GA" => 241, "GB" => 44, "GD" => 473, "GE" => 995, "GF" => 594, "GH" => 233, "GI" => 350, "GL" => 299, "GM" => 220, "GN" => 224, "GP" => 590, "GQ" => 240, "GR" => 30, "GT" => 502, "GW" => 245, "GY" => 592, "HK" => 852, "HN" => 504, "HR" => 385, "HT" => 509, "HU" => 36, "ID" => 62, "IE" => 353, "IL" => 972, "IN" => 91, "IQ" => 964, "IR" => 98, "IS" => 354, "IT" => 39, "JM" => 876, "JO" => 962, "JP" => 81, "KE" => 254, "KG" => 996, "KH" => 855, "KI" => 686, "KM" => 269, "KP" => 850, "KR" => 82, "KW" => 965, "KZ" => 7, "LA" => 856, "LB" => 961, "LI" => 423, "LK" => 94, "LR" => 231, "LS" => 266, "LT" => 370, "LU" => 352, "LV" => 371, "LY" => 218, "MA" => 212, "MC" => 377, "MD" => 373, "MG" => 261, "MH" => 692, "MK" => 389, "ML" => 223, "MM" => 95, "MN" => 976, "MO" => 853, "MQ" => 596, "MR" => 222, "MT" => 356, "MU" => 230, "MV" => 960, "MW" => 265, "MX" => 52, "MY" => 60, "MZ" => 258, "NA" => 264, "NC" => 687, "NE" => 227, "NG" => 234, "NI" => 505, "NL" => 31, "NO" => 47, "NP" => 977, "NR" => 674, "NU" => 683, "NZ" => 64, "OM" => 968, "PA" => 507, "PE" => 51, "PF" => 689, "PG" => 675, "PH" => 63, "PK" => 92, "PL" => 48, "PM" => 508, "PR" => 1, "PT" => 351, "PW" => 680, "PY" => 595, "QA" => 974, "RE" => 262, "RO" => 40, "RS" => 381, "RU" => 7, "RW" => 250, "SA" => 966, "SB" => 677, "SC" => 248, "SD" => 249, "SE" => 46, "SG" => 65, "SH" => 290, "SI" => 386, "SK" => 421, "SL" => 232, "SM" => 378, "SN" => 221, "SO" => 252, "SR" => 597, "ST" => 239, "SV" => 503, "SY" => 963, "SZ" => 268, "TD" => 235, "TG" => 228, "TH" => 66, "TJ" => 992, "TK" => 690, "TM" => 993, "TN" => 216, "TO" => 676, "TP" => 670, "TR" => 90, "TV" => 688, "TW" => 886, "TZ" => 255, "UA" => 380, "UG" => 256, "UK" => 44, "US" => 1, "UY" => 598, "UZ" => 998, "VA" => 379, "VE" => 58, "VN" => 84, "VU" => 678, "WF" => 681, "WS" => 685, "YE" => 967, "YT" => 269, "YU" => 381, "ZA" => 27, "ZM" => 260, "ZW" => 263 }
Class Method Summary collapse
Class Method Details
.country_code_for_name(name) ⇒ Object
463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 |
# File 'lib/telesign/lib/country.rb', line 463 def self.country_code_for_name(name) return name.to_i if name =~ /^\d+$/ && ALPHA2_TO_CODE.values.include?(name.to_i) alpha2 = name =~ /^\w{2}$/ ? name : NAMES_TO_ALPHA2[name] code = ALPHA2_TO_CODE[alpha2] if alpha2 code || raise("Could not locate country code for name: #{name}")) end |