Rapiro Wrapper

A gem providing access to Rapiro with SerialPort.


gem 'rapiro_wrapper', github: 'tk-hamaguchi/rapiro_wrapper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

# git clone -b master --depth 1 https://github.com/tk-hamaguchi/rapiro_wrapper.git
# cd rapiro_wrapper/
# gem build rapiro_wrapper.gemspec
# gem install rapiro_wrapper-*.gem


  1. Require gem.

    require 'rapiro_wrapper'
  2. Initialize commander. (default: '/dev/ttyAMA0')

    rapiro = RapiroWrapper::Body.new

    2.1. In another case, initialize with serial port path.

    rapiro = RapiroWrapper::Body.new('/dev/tty.usbserial-DA00HMG6')
  3. Set pose.

    rapiro.head  = { left:  40 }               ## param is left: 0..90 or right: 0..90
    rapiro.waist = { right: 40 }               ## param is left: 0..90 or right: 0..90
    rapiro.right_sholder_roll  = { up: 120 }   ## param is up: 0..180  (default:0)
    rapiro.right_sholder_pitch = { up: 20  }   ## param is hold: 0..50 or open: 0..50
    rapiro.right_hand_grip     = { open: 10 }  ## param is hold: 0..50 or open: 0..50
    rapiro.left_sholder_roll  = { up: 20 }     ## param is up: 0..180  (default:0)
    rapiro.left_sholder_pitch = { up: 70 }     ## param is up: 0..90  (default:0)
    rapiro.left_hand_grip     = { hold: 0 }    ## param is hold: 0..50 or open: 0..50
    rapiro.right_foot_yaw   = { close: 10 }    ## param is close: 0..60 or open: 0..60
    rapiro.right_foot_pitch = { open:  30 }    ## param is close: 0..40 or open: 0..40
    rapiro.left_foot_yaw   = { open:  0 }      ## param is close: 0..60 or open: 0..60
    rapiro.left_foot_pitch = { close: 0 }      ## param is close: 0..40 or open: 0..40
    rapiro.eyes = '#808000'                    ## param is web color code for example #000000 or hash({red: 255, green: 255, blue: 0})
  4. Execute. (default: 10)


    4.1. In another case, execute with duration.

    rapiro.execute!(90)  ## param is 0..127


  1. Require gem.

    require 'rapiro_wrapper'
  2. Initialize commander with serial port path. (default: '/dev/ttyAMA0')

    commander = RapiroWrapper::Commander.new('/dev/tty.usbserial-DA00HMG6')
  3. Execute commands

    ## generate command sequences
    sequences = [
    ## param is left: 0..90 or right: 0..90
    RapiroWrapper::Head.new( left: 30 ),

## param is left: 0..90 or right: 0..90 RapiroWrapper::Waist.new( right: 30 ),

## param is up: 0..180 (default:0) RapiroWrapper::RightSholderRoll.new( up: 160 ),

## param is up: 0..90 (default:0) RapiroWrapper::RightSholderPitch.new( up: 20 ),

## param is hold: 0..50 or open: 0..50 RapiroWrapper::RightHandGrip.new( hold: 0 ),

## param is up: 0..180 (default:0) RapiroWrapper::LeftSholderRoll.new( up: 30 ),

## param is up: 0..90 (default:0) RapiroWrapper::LeftSholderPitch.new( up: 20 ),

## param is hold: 0..50 or open: 0..50 RapiroWrapper::LeftHandGrip.new( open: 0 ),

## param is close: 0..60 or open: 0..60 RapiroWrapper::RightFootYaw.new( open: 30 ),

## param is close: 0..40 or open: 0..40 RapiroWrapper::RightFootPitch.new( open: 5 ),

## param is close: 0..60 or open: 0..60 RapiroWrapper::LeftFootYaw.new( close: 20 ),

## param is close: 0..40 or open: 0..40 RapiroWrapper::LeftFootPitch.new( close: 0 ),

## param is web color code for example #000000 or hash RapiroWrapper::Eyes.new('#00ff00') ]

set duration by milliseconds. (default:10)

duration = 10


commander.execute!(sequences, duration)

4. Return to defaults
``` ruby


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/tk-hamaguchi/rapiro_wrapper/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request