Module: ResourcesController
- Defined in:
- lib/resources_controller.rb,
With resources_controller you can quickly add an ActiveResource compliant controller for your your RESTful models.
Here are some examples - for more on how to use RC go to the Usage section at the bottom, for syntax head to resources_controller_for
Example 1: Super simple usage
Here’s a simple example of how it works with a Forums has many Posts model:
class ForumsController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :forums
Your controller will get the standard CRUD actions, @forum will be set in member actions, @forums in index.
Example 2: Specifying enclosing resources
class PostsController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :posts, :in => :forum
As above, but the controller will load @forum on every action, and use @forum to find and create @posts
Wildcard enclosing resources
All of the above examples will work for any routes that match what it specified
Example 1 /forums @forums = Forum.find(:all)
/users/2/forums @user = User.find(2)
@forums = @user.forums.find(:all)
Example 2 /posts This won't work as the controller specified
that :posts are :in => :forum
/forums/2/posts @forum = Forum.find(2)
@posts = @forum.posts.find(:all)
/sites/4/forums/3/posts @site = Site.find(4)
@forum = @site.forums.find(3)
@posts = @forum.posts.find(:all)
/users/2/posts/1 This won't work as the controller specified
that :posts are :in => :forum
It is up to you which routes to open to the controller (in config/routes.rb). When you do, RC will use the route segments to drill down to the specified resource. This means that if User 3 does not have Post 5, then /users/3/posts/5 will raise a RecordNotFound Error. You dont’ have to write any extra code to do this oft repeated controller pattern.
With RC, your route specification flows through to the controller - no need to repeat yourself.
If you don’t want to have RC match wildcard resources just pass :load_enclosing => false
resources_controller_for :posts, :in => :forum, :load_enclosing => false
Example 3: Singleton resource
Here’s an example of a singleton, the account pattern that is so common.
class AccountController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :account, :class => User, :singleton => true do
Your controller will use the block to find the resource. The @account will be assigned to @current_user
Example 4: Allowing PostsController to be used all over
First thing to do is remove :in => :forum
class PostsController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :posts
This will now work for /users/2/posts.
Example 4 and a bit: Mapping non standard resources
How about /account/posts? The account is found in a non standard way - RC won’t be able to figure out how tofind it if it appears in the route. So we give it some help.
(in PostsController)
map_enclosing_resource :account, :singleton => true, :class => User, :find => :current_user
Now, if :account apears in any part of a route (for PostsController) it will be mapped to (in this case) the current_user method of teh PostsController.
To make the :account mapping available to all, just chuck it in ApplicationController
This will work for any resource which can’t be inferred from its route segment name
map_enclosing_resource :users, :segment => :peeps, :key => 'peep_id'
map_enclosing_resource :posts, :class => OddlyNamedPostClass
Example 5: Singleton association
Here’s another singleton example - one where it corresponds to a has_one or belongs_to association
class ImageController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :image, :singleton => true
When invoked with /users/3/image RC will find @user, and use @user.image to find the resource, and @user.build_image, to create a new resource.
Example 6: :resource_path (equivalent resource path): aliasing a named route to a RESTful route
You may have a named route that maps a url to a particular controller and action, this causes resources_controller problems as it relies on the route to load the resources. You can get around this by specifying :resource_path as a param in routes.rb
map.root :controller => :forums, :action => :index, :resource_path => '/forums'
When the controller is invoked via the ” url, rc will use :resource_path to recognize the route.
This is only necessary if you have wildcard enclosing resources enabled (the default)
Putting it all together
An exmaple app
map.resource :account do |account|
account.resource :image
account.resources :posts
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resource :image
user.resources :posts
map.resources :forums do |forum|
forum.resources :posts
forum.resource :image
map.root :controller => :forums, :action => :index, :resource_path => '/forums'
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
map_enclosing_resource :account, :singleton => true, :find => :current_user
def current_user # get it from session or whatnot
class ForumsController < AplicationController
resources_controller_for :forums
class PostsController < AplicationController
resources_controller_for :posts
class UsersController < AplicationController
resources_controller_for :users
class ImageController < AplicationController
resources_controller_for :image, :singleton => true
class AccountController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :account, :singleton => true, :find => :current_user
This is how the app will handle the following routes:
/forums forums @forums = Forum.find(:all)
/forums/2/posts posts @forum = Forum.find(2)
@posts = @forum.forums.find(:all)
/forums/2/image image @forum = Forum.find(2)
@image = @forum.image
/image <no route>
/posts <no route>
/users/2/posts/3 posts @user = User.find(2)
@post = @user.posts.find(3)
/users/2/image POST image @user = User.find(2)
@image = @user.build_image(params[:image])
/account account @account = self.current_user
/account/image image @account = self.current_user
@image = @account.image
/account/posts/3 PUT posts @account = self.current_user
@post = @account.posts.find(3)
Ok - so how do I write the views?
For most cases, just in exactly the way you would expect to. RC sets the instance variables to what they should be.
But, in some cases, you are going to have different variables set - for example
/users/1/posts => @user, @posts
/forums/2/posts => @forum, @posts
Here are some options (all are appropriate for different circumstances):
test for the existence of @user or @forum in the view, and display it differently
have two different controllers UserPostsController and ForumPostsController, with different views (and direct the routes to them in routes.rb)
use enclosing_resource - which always refers to the… immediately enclosing resource.
Using the last technique, you might write your posts index as follows (here assuming that both Forum and User have .name)
<h1>Posts for <%= link_to enclosing_resource_path, "#{enclosing_resource_name.humanize}: #{}" %></h1>
<%= render :partial => 'post', :collection => @posts %>
Notice enclosing_resource_name - this will be something like ‘user’, or ‘post’. Also enclosing_resource_path - in RC you get all of the named route helpers relativised to the current resource and enclosing_resource. See NamedRouteHelper for more details.
This can useful when writing the _post partial:
<%= %>
<%= link_to 'edit', edit_resource_path(tag) %>
<%= link_to 'destroy', resource_path(tag), :method => :delete %>
when viewed at /users/1/posts it will show
Cool post
<a href="/users/1/posts/1/edit">edit</a>
<a href="js nightmare with /users/1/posts/1">delete</a>
when viewd at /forums/1/posts it will show
Other post
<a href="/forums/1/posts/3/edit">edit</a>
<a href="js nightmare with /forums/1/posts/3">delete</a>
This is like polymorphic urls, except that RC will just use whatever enclosing resources are loaded to generate the urls/paths.
To use RC, there are just three class methods on controller to learn.
resources_controller_for <name>, <options>, <&block>
ClassMethods#nested_in <name>, <options>, <&block>
map_enclosing_resource <name>, <options>, <&block>
Customising finding and creating
If you want to implement something like query params you can override find_resources. If you want to change the way your new resources are created you can override new_resource.
class PostsController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :posts
def find_resources
resource_service.find :all, :order => params[:sort_by]
# you can call super to help yourself to the existing implementation
def new_resource
super.tap {|r| r.ip_address = request.ip_address }
In the same way, you can override find_resource.
Writing controller actions
You can make use of RC internals to simplify your actions.
Here’s an example where you want to re-order an acts_as_list model. You define a class method on the model (say order_by_ids which takes and array of ids). You can then make use of resource_service (which makes use of awesome rails magic) to send correctly scoped messages to your models.
Here’s how to write an order action
def order
the route
map.resources :things, :collection => {:order => :put}
and the view can conatin a scriptaculous drag and drop with param name ‘things_order’
When this controller is invoked of /things the :order_by_ids message will be sent to the Thing class, when it’s invoked by /foos/1/things, then :order_by_ids message will be send to Foo.find(1).things association
using non standard ids
Lets say you want to set to_param to login, and use find_by_login for your users in your URLs, with routes as follows:
map.reosurces :users do |user|
user.resources :addresses
First, the users controller needs to find reosurces using find_by_login
class UsersController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :users
def find_resource(id = params[:id])
This controller will find users (for editing, showing, and destroying) as directed. (this controller will work for any route where user is the last resource, including the /users/dave route)
Now you need to specify that the user as enclosing resource needs to be found with find_by_login. For the addresses case above, you would do this:
class AddressesController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :addresses
nested_in :user do
If you wanted to open up more nested resources under user, you could repeat this specification in all such controllers, alternatively, you could map the resource in the ApplicationController, which would be usable by any controller
If you know that user is never nested (i.e. /users/dave/addresses), then do this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
map_enclosing_resource :user do
or, if user is sometimes nested (i.e. /forums/1/users/dave/addresses), do this:
map_enclosing_resource :user do
((enclosing_resource && enclosing_resource.users) || User).find(params[:user_id])
Your Addresses controller will now be the very simple one, and the resource map will load user as specified when it is hit by a route /users/dave/addresses.
class AddressesController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :addresses
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Actions, ActiveRecord, ClassMethods, Helper, IncludeActions, InstanceMethods, NamedRouteHelper, RequestPathIntrospection, ResourceMethods, SingletonActions Classes: CantFindSingleton, CantMapRoute, Railtie, ResourceMismatch, ResourceService, SingletonResourceService, SingletonSpecification, Specification
Constant Summary collapse
Class Method Summary collapse
- .extended(base) ⇒ Object
.raise_cant_find_singleton(name, klass) ⇒ Object
.raise_resource_mismatch(controller) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
#include_actions(mixin, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Include the specified module, optionally specifying which public methods to include, for example: include_actions ActionMixin, :only => :index include_actions ActionMixin, :except => [:create, :new].
#map_enclosing_resource(name, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Creates a resource specification mapping.
#map_resource(*args, &block) ⇒ Object
this will be deprecated soon as it’s badly named - use map_enclosing_resource.
#resources_controller_for(name, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Specifies that this controller is a REST style controller for the named resource.
Class Method Details
.extended(base) ⇒ Object
386 387 388 389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 386 def self.extended(base) base.class_eval do class_attribute :resource_specification_map self.resource_specification_map = {} end end |
.raise_cant_find_singleton(name, klass) ⇒ Object
817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 817 def raise_cant_find_singleton(name, klass) #:nodoc: raise CantFindSingleton, <<-end_str Can't get singleton resource from class #{}. You have have probably done something like: nested_in :#{name}, :singleton => true # <= where this is the first nested_in You should tell resources_controller how to find the singleton resource like this: nested_in :#{name}, :singleton => true do #{}.find(<.. your find args here ..>) end Or: nested_in :#{name}, :singleton => true, :find => <.. method name or lambda ..> Or, you may be relying on the route to load the resource, in which case you need to give RC some help. Do this by mapping the route segment to a resource in the controller, or a parent or mixin map_enclosing_resource :#{name}, :segment => ..., :singleton => true <.. as above ..> end_str end |
.raise_resource_mismatch(controller) ⇒ Object
839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 839 def raise_resource_mismatch(controller) #:nodoc: raise ResourceMismatch, <<-end_str resources_controller can't match the route to the resource specification path: #{controller.send(:request_path)} specification: enclosing: [#{controller.specifications.collect{|s| s.is_a?(Specification) ? ":#{s.segment}" : s}.join(', ')}], resource :#{controller.resource_specification.segment} the successfully loaded enclosing resources are: #{controller.enclosing_resources.join(', ')} end_str end |
Instance Method Details
#include_actions(mixin, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Include the specified module, optionally specifying which public methods to include, for example:
include_actions ActionMixin, :only => :index
include_actions ActionMixin, :except => [:create, :new]
503 504 505 506 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 503 def include_actions(mixin, = {}) mixin.extend(IncludeActions) unless mixin.respond_to?(:include_actions) mixin.include_actions(self, ) end |
#map_enclosing_resource(name, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Creates a resource specification mapping. Use this to specify how to find an enclosing resource that does not obey usual rails conventions. Most commonly this would be a singleton resource.
See Specification#new for details of how to call this
490 491 492 493 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 490 def map_enclosing_resource(name, = {}, &block) spec =, , &block) self.resource_specification_map = resource_specification_map.merge spec.segment => spec end |
#map_resource(*args, &block) ⇒ Object
this will be deprecated soon as it’s badly named - use map_enclosing_resource
496 497 498 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 496 def map_resource(*args, &block) map_enclosing_resource(*args, &block) end |
#resources_controller_for(name, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Specifies that this controller is a REST style controller for the named resource
Enclosing resources are loaded automatically by default, you can turn this off with :load_enclosing (see options below)
resources_controller_for <name>, <options>, <&block>
(default false) set this to true if the resource is a Singleton -
(default null) set this to a symbol or Proc to specify how to find the resource. Use this if the resource is found in an unconventional way. Passing a block has the same effect as setting :find => a Proc -
specify the enclosing resources, by name. ClassMethods#nested_in can be used to specify this more fully. -
(default true) loads enclosing resources automatically. -
(default nil) set this to false if you don’t want the default RC actions. Set this to a module to use that module for your own actions. -
only include the specified actions. -
include all actions except the specified actions.
Options for unconvential use
(otherwise these are all inferred from the name)
the route name (without name_prefix) if it can’t be inferred from name. For a collection resource this should be plural, for a singleton it should be singular. -
a string or symbol (e.g. :users, or :user). This is used to find the class or association name -
a Class. This is the class of the resource (if it can’t be inferred from name or :source) -
(e.g. ‘users’) the segment name in the route that is matched
The :in option
The default behavior is to set up before filters that load the enclosing resource, and to use associations on that model to find and create the resources. See ClassMethods#nested_in for more details on this, and customising the default behaviour.
By default, a before_filter is added by resources_controller called :load_enclosing_resources - which does all the work of loading the enclosing resources. You can use ActionControllers standard filter mechanisms to control when this filter is invoked. For example - you can choose not to load resources on an action
resources_controller_for :foos
skip_before_filter :load_enclosing_resources, :only => :static_page
Or, you can change the order of when the filter is invoked by adding the filter call yourself (rc will only add the filter if it doesn’t exist)
before_filter :do_something
prepend_before_filter :load_enclosing_resources
resources_controller_for :foos
before_filter :do_something_else # chain => [:load_enclosing_resources, :do_something, :do_something_else]
Default actions module
If you have your own actions module you prefer to use other than the standard resources_controller ones you can set ResourcesController.actions to that module to have this be included by default
ResourcesController.actions = MyAwesomeActions
ResourcesController.singleton_actions = MyAweseomeSingletonActions
class AwesomenessController < ApplicationController
resources_controller_for :awesomenesses # includes MyAwesomeActions by default
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 |
# File 'lib/resources_controller.rb', line 453 def resources_controller_for(name, = {}, &block) .assert_valid_keys(:class, :source, :singleton, :actions, :in, :find, :load_enclosing, :route, :segment, :as, :only, :except, :resource_methods) = {:only => .delete(:only), :except => .delete(:except)} unless included_modules.include? ResourcesController::InstanceMethods class_attribute :specifications, :route_name hide_action :specifications, :route_name extend ResourcesController::ClassMethods helper ResourcesController::Helper include ResourcesController::InstanceMethods, ResourcesController::NamedRouteHelper include ResourcesController::ResourceMethods unless .delete(:resource_methods) == false || included_modules.include?(ResourcesController::ResourceMethods) end before_filter(:load_enclosing_resources, .dup) unless load_enclosing_resources_filter_exists? self.specifications = [] specifications << '*' unless .delete(:load_enclosing) == false unless (actions = .delete(:actions)) == false actions ||= [:singleton] ? ResourcesController.singleton_actions : ResourcesController.actions include_actions actions, end route = (.delete(:route) || name).to_s name = [:singleton] ? name.to_s : name.to_s.singularize self.route_name = [:singleton] ? route : route.singularize nested_in(*.delete(:in)) if [:in] class_attribute :resource_specification, :instance_writer => false self.resource_specification =, , &block) end |