Module: Legend
- Included in:
- Graph
- Defined in:
- lib/legend.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#draw_legend(x_pos, y_pos, data_description, r, g, b, rs = -1,, gs = -1,, bs = -1,, rt = 0, gt = 0, bt = 0, border = true) ⇒ Object
This function will draw the legend of the graph ( serie color & serie name ) at the specified position.
#draw_pie_legend(x_pos, y_pos, data, data_description, r, g, b) ⇒ Object
This function will draw the legend of a pie graph ( serie color & value name ).
#draw_text_box(x1, y1, x2, y2, text, angle = 0, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, align = Rchart::ALIGN_LEFT, shadow = true, bgr = -1,, bgg = -1,, bgb = -1,, alpha = 100) ⇒ Object
You must specify the coordinate of the box where the text will be written using the (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) parameters, the text angle and the text color with the r,g,b parameters.
#draw_title(x_pos, y_pos, value, r, g, b, x_pos2 = -1,, y_pos2 = -1,, shadow = false) ⇒ Object
This function is used to write the graph title.
#get_legend_box_size(data_description) ⇒ Object
This will help you to calculate dynamicaly the position where you want to print it (eg top-right).
#set_label(data, data_description, serie_name, value_name, caption, r = 210, g = 210, b = 210) ⇒ Object
This function will draw a label over the graph.
Instance Method Details
#draw_legend(x_pos, y_pos, data_description, r, g, b, rs = -1,, gs = -1,, bs = -1,, rt = 0, gt = 0, bt = 0, border = true) ⇒ Object
This function will draw the legend of the graph ( serie color & serie name ) at the specified position. The r,g,bparameters are used to set the background color. You can optionally provide the shadow color using the rs,gs,bs parameters. You can also customize the text color using the rt,gt,bt. Setting Border to false remove the surrounding box.
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 29 def draw_legend(x_pos,y_pos,data_description,r,g,b,rs=-1,gs=-1,bs=-1,rt=0,gt=0,bt=0,border=true) #Validate the Data and data_description array data_description = validate_data_description("draw_legend",data_description) return(-1) if (data_description["description"].nil?) c_text_color = allocate_color(@picture, rt, gt, bt) # <-10->[8]<-4->Text<-10-> max_width = 0 max_height = 8 data_description["description"].each do |key,value| position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_width = position[2]-position[0] text_height = position[1]-position[7] max_width = text_width if ( text_width > max_width) max_height = max_height + text_height + 4 end max_height = max_height - 5 max_width = max_width + 32 if ( rs == -1 || gs == -1 || bs == -1 ) rs = r-30 gs = g-30 bs = b-30 end if ( border ) draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(x_pos+1,y_pos+1,x_pos+max_width+1,y_pos+max_height+1,5,rs,gs,bs) draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(x_pos,y_pos,x_pos+max_width,y_pos+max_height,5,r,g,b) end y_offset = 4 + @font_size id = 0 data_description["description"].each do |key,value| draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(x_pos+10,y_pos+y_offset-4 , x_pos+14, y_pos+y_offset-4, 2, @palette[id]["r"], @palette[id]["g"], @palette[id]["b"]) image_ttf_text(@picture, @font_size,0, x_pos+22, y_pos+y_offset, c_text_color, @font_name, value) position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_height = position[1]-position[7] y_offset = y_offset + text_height + 4 id=id+1 end end |
#draw_pie_legend(x_pos, y_pos, data, data_description, r, g, b) ⇒ Object
This function will draw the legend of a pie graph ( serie color & value name ). Be carrefull, dataset used for pie chart are not the same than for other line / curve / plot graphs. You can specify the position of the legend box and the background color.
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 70 def draw_pie_legend(x_pos,y_pos,data,data_description,r,g,b) data_description = validate_data_description("draw_pie_legend",data_description,false) validate_data("draw_pie_legend",data) return(-1) if (data_description["position"].nil?) c_text_color = allocate_color(@picture,0,0,0) # <-10->[8]<-4->Text<-10-> */ max_width = 0 max_height = 8 data.each do |key| value = key[data_description["position"]] position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_width = position[2]-position[0] text_height = position[1]-position[7] max_width = text_width if ( text_width > max_width) max_height = max_height + text_height + 4 end max_height = max_height - 3 max_width = max_width + 32 draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(x_pos+1,y_pos+1,x_pos+max_width+1,y_pos+max_height+1,5,r-30,g-30,b-30) draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(x_pos,y_pos,x_pos+max_width,y_pos+max_height,5,r,g,b) y_offset = 4 + @font_size id = 0 data.each do |key| value = key[data_description["position"]] position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_height = position[1]-position[7] draw_filled_rectangle(x_pos+10,y_pos+y_offset-6,x_pos+14,y_pos+y_offset-2,@palette[id]["r"],@palette[id]["g"],@palette[id]["b"]) image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,x_pos+22,y_pos+y_offset,c_text_color,@font_name,value) y_offset = y_offset + text_height + 4 id= id+1 end end |
#draw_text_box(x1, y1, x2, y2, text, angle = 0, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, align = Rchart::ALIGN_LEFT, shadow = true, bgr = -1,, bgg = -1,, bgb = -1,, alpha = 100) ⇒ Object
You must specify the coordinate of the box where the text will be written using the (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) parameters, the text angle and the text color with the r,g,b parameters. You can choose how the text will be aligned with the align parameter :
- Rchart
ALIGN_TOP_LEFT Use the box top left corner.
- Rchart
ALIGN_TOP_CENTER Use the box top center corner.
- Rchart
ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT Use the box top right corner.
- Rchart
ALIGN_LEFT Use the center left.
- Rchart
ALIGN_CENTER Use the center.
- Rchart
ALIGN_RIGHT Use the center right.
- Rchart
ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT Use the box bottom left corner.
- Rchart
ALIGN_BOTTOM_CENTER Use the box bottom center corner.
- Rchart
ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT Use the box bottom right corner.
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 140 def draw_text_box(x1,y1,x2,y2,text,angle=0,r=255,g=255,b=255,align=Rchart::ALIGN_LEFT,shadow=true,bgr=-1,bgg=-1,bgb=-1,alpha=100) position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,angle,@font_name,text) text_width = position[2]-position[0] text_height = position[5]-position[3] area_width = x2 - x1 area_height = y2 - y1 x =nil y = nil if ( bgr != -1 && bgg != -1 && bgb != -1 ) draw_filled_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,bgr,bgg,bgb,false,alpha) end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_TOP_LEFT ) x = x1+1 y = y1+@font_size+1 end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_TOP_CENTER ) x = x1+(area_width/2)-(text_width/2) y = y1+@font_size+1 end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT ) x = x2-text_width-1 y = y1+@font_size+1 end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_LEFT ) x = x1+1 y = y1+(area_height/2)-(text_height/2) end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_CENTER ) x = x1+(area_width/2)-(text_width/2) y = y1+(area_height/2)-(text_height/2) end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_RIGHT ) x = x2-text_width-1 y = y1+(area_height/2)-(text_height/2) end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT ) x = x1+1 y = y2-1 end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_BOTTOM_CENTER ) x = x1+(area_width/2)-(text_width/2) y = y2-1 end if ( align == Rchart::ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT ) x = x2-text_width-1 y = y2-1 end c_text_color =allocate_color(@picture,r,g,b) c_shadow_color =allocate_color(@picture,0,0,0) if ( shadow ) image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,angle,x+1,y+1,c_shadow_color,@font_name,text) end image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,angle,x,y,c_text_color,@font_name,text) end |
#draw_title(x_pos, y_pos, value, r, g, b, x_pos2 = -1,, y_pos2 = -1,, shadow = false) ⇒ Object
This function is used to write the graph title. Used with default parameters you must specify the bottom left position of the text. if you are specifying x2 and y2 the text will be centered horizontaly and verticaly in the box of coordinates (x1,y1)-(x2,y2). value correspond to the text that will be written on the graph. r, g and b are used to set the text color. Setting shadow to true will makes a shadow behind the text.
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 109 def draw_title(x_pos,y_pos,value,r,g,b,x_pos2=-1,y_pos2=-1,shadow=false) c_text_color = allocate_color(@picture, r, g, b) if ( x_pos2 != -1 ) position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_width = position[2]-position[0] x_pos =(( x_pos2 - x_pos -text_width ) / 2 ).floor + x_pos end if ( y_pos2 != -1 ) position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_height = position[5]-position[3] y_pos =(( y_pos2 - y_pos - text_height ) / 2 ).floor + y_pos end if ( shadow ) c_shadow_color = allocate_color(@picture,@shadow_r_color,@shadow_g_color,@shadow_b_color) image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,x_pos+@shadow_x_distance,y_pos+@shadow_y_distance, c_shadow_color ,@font_name,value) end image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,x_pos,y_pos,c_text_color,@font_name,value) end |
#get_legend_box_size(data_description) ⇒ Object
This will help you to calculate dynamicaly the position where you want to print it (eg top-right). You must provide the data_description array as only parameter. This function will return and array containing in the first row the width of the box and in the second row the height of the box.
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 7 def get_legend_box_size(data_description) return(-1) if data_description["description"].nil? # <-10->[8]<-4->Text<-10-> max_width = 0 max_height = 8 data_description["description"].each do |key,value| position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value) text_width = position[2]-position[0] text_height = position[1]-position[7] max_width = text_width if (text_width > max_width) max_height = max_height + text_height + 4 end max_height = max_height - 3 max_width = max_width + 32 [max_width,max_height] end |
#set_label(data, data_description, serie_name, value_name, caption, r = 210, g = 210, b = 210) ⇒ Object
This function will draw a label over the graph. You must specify the data & data_description structures, the serie name ( “Serie1” by default if only one ), the x position of the value in the data array (will be numeric starting at 0 if no abscise_label are defined or the value of the selected abscise serie if specified), the caption that will displayed and optionally the color of the label
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# File 'lib/legend.rb', line 203 def set_label(data,data_description,serie_name,value_name,caption,r=210,g=210,b=210) data_description = validate_data_description("set_label",data_description) validate_data("set_label",data) shadow_factor = 100 c_label =allocate_color(@picture,r,g,b) c_shadow =allocate_color(@picture,r-shadow_factor,g-shadow_factor,b-shadow_factor) c_text_color =allocate_color(@picture,0,0,0) cp = 0 found = false numerical_value = 0 data.each do |key| if key[data_description["position"]].to_s == value_name.to_s numerical_value = key[serie_name] found = true end cp +=1 if !found end xpos = @g_area_x1 + @g_area_x_offset + ( @division_width * cp ) + 2 ypos = @g_area_y2 - (numerical_value - @vmin) *@division_ratio position = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,caption) text_height = position[3] - position[5] text_width = position[2]-position[0] + 2 text_offset = (text_height/2).floor # Shadow poly = [xpos+1,ypos+1,xpos + 9,ypos - text_offset,xpos + 8,ypos + text_offset + 2] image_filled_polygon(@picture,poly,r-shadow_factor,g-shadow_factor,b-shadow_factor,3) draw_line(xpos,ypos+1,xpos + 9,ypos - text_offset - 0.2,r-shadow_factor,g-shadow_factor,b-shadow_factor) draw_line(xpos,ypos+1,xpos + 9,ypos + text_offset + 2.2,r-shadow_factor,g-shadow_factor,b-shadow_factor) draw_filled_rectangle(xpos + 9,ypos - text_offset-0.2,xpos + 13 + text_width,ypos + text_offset + 2.2,r-shadow_factor,g-shadow_factor,b-shadow_factor) #Label background poly = [xpos,ypos,xpos + 8,ypos - text_offset - 1,xpos + 8,ypos + text_offset + 1] image_filled_polygon(@picture,poly,r,g,b,3) draw_line(xpos-1,ypos,xpos + 8,ypos - text_offset - 1.2,r,g,b) draw_line(xpos-1,ypos,xpos + 8,ypos + text_offset + 1.2,r,g,b) draw_filled_rectangle(xpos + 8,ypos - text_offset - 1.2,xpos + 12 + text_width,ypos + text_offset + 1.2,r,g,b) image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,xpos + 10,ypos + text_offset,c_text_color,@font_name,caption) end |