Module: RDocF95::Generator::XML::XML
- Defined in:
- lib/rdoc-f95/generator/xml/xml.rb
Constant Summary collapse
<<-EOF <% if defined? classes and classes["description"] then %> <description> <%= classes["description"] %> </description> <% end %> <contents> <% if defined? files and files["requires"] then %> <required-file-list> <% files["requires"].each do |requires| %> <required-file name="<%= requires["name"] %>" <% if requires["aref"] then %> href="<%= requires["aref"] %>" <% end %> /> <% end # files["requires"] %> </required-file-list> <% end %> <% if defined? classes and classes["sections"] then %> <% classes["sections"].each do |sections| %> <% if sections["attributes"] then %> <attribute-list> <% sections["attributes"].each do |attributes| %> <attribute name="<%= attributes["name"] %>"> <% if attributes["rw"] then %> <attribute-rw><%= attributes["rw"] %></attribute-rw> <% end %> <description><%= attributes["a_desc"] %></description> </attribute> <% end # sections["attributes"] %> </attribute-list> <% end %> <% if sections["method_list"] then %> <method-list> <% sections["method_list"].each do |method_list| %> <% if method_list["methods"] then %> <% method_list["methods"].each do |methods| %> <method name="<%= methods["name"] %>" type="<%= methods["type"] %>" category="<%= methods["category"] %>" id="<%= methods["aref"] %>"> <parameters><%= methods["params"] %></parameters> <% if methods["m_desc"] then %> <description> <%= methods["m_desc"] %> </description> <% end %> <% if methods["sourcecode"] then %> <source-code-listing> <%= methods["sourcecode"] %> </source-code-listing> <% end %> </method> <% end # method_list["methods"] %> <% end %> <% end # sections["method_list"] %> </method-list> <% end %> <% end # classes["sections"] %> <% end %> <% if defined? classes and classes["includes"] then %> <included-module-list> <% classes["includes"].each do |includes| %> <included-module name="<%= includes["name"] %>" <% if includes["aref"] then %> href="<%= includes["aref"] %>" <% end %> /> <% end # classes["includes"] %> </included-module-list> <% end %> </contents> EOF
%{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rdoc> <file-list> <% values["files"].each do |files| %> <file name="<%= files["short_name"] %>" id="<%= files["href"] %>"> <file-info> <path><%= files["full_path"] %></path> <dtm-modified><%= files["dtm_modified"] %></dtm-modified> </file-info> } + CONTENTS_XML + %{ </file> <% end # values["files"] %> </file-list> <class-module-list> <% values["classes"].each do |classes| %> <<%= classes["classmod"] %> name="<%= classes["full_name"] %>" id="<%= classes["full_name"] %>"> <classmod-info> <% if classes["infiles"] then %> <infiles> <% classes["infiles"].each do |infiles| %> <infile><%= href infiles["full_path_url"], infiles["full_path"] %></infile> <% end # classes["infiles"] %> </infiles> <% end %> <% if classes["parent"] then %> <superclass><%= href classes["par_url"], classes["parent"] %></superclass> <% end %> </classmod-info> } + CONTENTS_XML + %{ </<%= classes["classmod"] %>> <% end # values["classes"] %> </class-module-list> </rdoc> }