Module: RESTFramework::Mixins::BaseModelControllerMixin
- Includes:
- BaseControllerMixin
- Included in:
- ModelControllerMixin, ReadOnlyModelControllerMixin
- Defined in:
- lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb
This module provides the core functionality for controllers based on models.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ClassMethods
Constant Summary collapse
->(field, value) { return value unless BASE64_REGEX.match?(value) _, content_type, payload = value.match(BASE64_REGEX).to_a return { io:, content_type: content_type, filename: "file_#{field}#{Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.invert[content_type]}", } }
[:io, :content_type, :filename, :identify, :key]
{ # Core attributes related to models. model: nil, recordset: nil, # Attributes for configuring record fields. fields: nil, field_config: nil, # Attributes for finding records. find_by_fields: nil, find_by_query_param: "find_by", # Options for what should be included/excluded from default fields. exclude_associations: false, # Options for handling request body parameters. allowed_parameters: nil, filter_pk_from_request_body: true, exclude_body_fields: RESTFramework.config.exclude_body_fields, # Attributes for the default native serializer. native_serializer_config: nil, native_serializer_singular_config: nil, native_serializer_plural_config: nil, native_serializer_only_query_param: "only", native_serializer_except_query_param: "except", native_serializer_associations_limit: nil, native_serializer_associations_limit_query_param: "associations_limit", native_serializer_include_associations_count: false, # Attributes for filtering, ordering, and searching. filter_backends: [ RESTFramework::QueryFilter, RESTFramework::OrderingFilter, RESTFramework::SearchFilter, ], filter_recordset_before_find: true, filter_fields: nil, ordering_fields: nil, ordering_query_param: "ordering", ordering_no_reorder: false, search_fields: nil, search_query_param: "search", search_ilike: false, ransack_options: nil, ransack_query_param: "q", ransack_distinct: true, ransack_distinct_query_param: "distinct", # Options for association assignment. permit_id_assignment: true, permit_nested_attributes_assignment: true, # Option for `recordset.create` vs `Model.create` behavior. create_from_recordset: true, }
Constants included from BaseControllerMixin
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#bulk_serialize(records) ⇒ Object
Serialize the records, but also include any errors that might exist.
#get_allowed_parameters ⇒ Object
Get a hash of strong parameters for the current action.
#get_body_params(bulk_mode: nil) ⇒ Object
(also: #get_create_params, #get_update_params)
Use strong parameters to filter the request body.
#get_create_from ⇒ Object
Determine what collection to call ‘create` on.
- #get_fields ⇒ Object
#get_record ⇒ Object
Get a single record by primary key or another column, if allowed.
#get_records ⇒ Object
Filter the recordset and return records this request has access to.
#get_recordset ⇒ Object
Get the set of records this controller has access to.
- #get_serializer_class ⇒ Object
- #openapi_metadata ⇒ Object
Methods included from BaseControllerMixin
#options, #render_api, #root, #route_groups, #rrf_error_handler, #serialize
Class Method Details
.included(base) ⇒ Object
393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 393 def self.included(base) RESTFramework::BaseControllerMixin.included(base) return unless base.is_a?(Class) base.extend(ClassMethods) # Add class attributes (with defaults) unless they already exist. RRF_BASE_MODEL_CONFIG.each do |a, default| next if base.respond_to?(a) base.class_attribute(a, default: default, instance_accessor: false) end end |
Instance Method Details
#bulk_serialize(records) ⇒ Object
Serialize the records, but also include any errors that might exist. This is used for bulk actions, however we include it here so the helper is available everywhere.
680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 680 def bulk_serialize(records) # This is kinda slow, so perhaps we should eventually integrate `errors` serialization into # the serializer directly. This would fail for active model serializers, but maybe we don't # care? s = RESTFramework::Utils.wrap_ams(self.get_serializer_class) return do |record|, controller: self).serialize.merge!({errors: record.errors.presence}.compact) end end |
#get_allowed_parameters ⇒ Object
Get a hash of strong parameters for the current action.
447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 447 def get_allowed_parameters return @_get_allowed_parameters if defined?(@_get_allowed_parameters) @_get_allowed_parameters = self.class.allowed_parameters return @_get_allowed_parameters if @_get_allowed_parameters # Assemble strong parameters. variations = [] hash_variations = {} reflections = self.class.get_model.reflections @_get_allowed_parameters = { |f| f = f.to_s config = self.class.field_configuration[f] # ActionText Integration: if self.class.enable_action_text && reflections.key?("rich_test_#{f}") next f end # ActiveStorage Integration: `has_one_attached` if self.class.enable_active_storage && reflections.key?("#{f}_attachment") hash_variations[f] = ACTIVESTORAGE_KEYS next f end # ActiveStorage Integration: `has_many_attached` if self.class.enable_active_storage && reflections.key?("#{f}_attachments") hash_variations[f] = ACTIVESTORAGE_KEYS next nil end if config[:reflection] # Add `_id`/`_ids` variations for associations. if id_field = config[:id_field] if id_field.ends_with?("_ids") hash_variations[id_field] = [] else variations << id_field end end # Add `_attributes` variations for associations. # TODO: Consider adjusting this based on `nested_attributes_options`. if self.class.permit_nested_attributes_assignment hash_variations["#{f}_attributes"] = ( config[:sub_fields] + ["_destroy"] ) end # Associations are not allowed to be submitted in their bare form (if they are submitted # that way, they will be translated to either id/ids or nested attributes assignment). next nil end next f }.compact @_get_allowed_parameters += variations @_get_allowed_parameters << hash_variations return @_get_allowed_parameters end |
#get_body_params(bulk_mode: nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: get_create_params, get_update_params
Use strong parameters to filter the request body.
514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 514 def get_body_params(bulk_mode: nil) data = self.request.request_parameters pk = self.class.get_model&.primary_key allowed_params = self.get_allowed_parameters # Before we filter the data, dynamically dispatch association assignment to either the id/ids # assignment ActiveRecord API or the nested assignment ActiveRecord API. Note that there is no # need to check for `permit_id_assignment` or `permit_nested_attributes_assignment` here, since # that is enforced by strong parameters generated by `get_allowed_parameters`. self.class.get_model.reflections.each do |name, ref| if payload = data[name] if payload.is_a?(Hash) || (payload.is_a?(Array) && payload.all? { |x| x.is_a?(Hash) }) # Assume nested attributes assignment. attributes_key = "#{name}_attributes" data[attributes_key] = data.delete(name) unless data[attributes_key] elsif id_field = RESTFramework::Utils.id_field_for(name, ref) # Assume id/ids assignment. data[id_field] = data.delete(name) unless data[id_field] end end end # ActiveStorage Integration: Translate base64 encoded attachments to upload objects. # # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength # # Example base64 images (red, green, and blue squares): #  #  #  # # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength has_many_attached_scalar_data = {} if self.class.enable_active_storage self.class.get_model..keys.each do |k| if data[k].is_a?(Array) data[k] = data[k].map { |v| if v.is_a?(String) v =, v) # Remember scalars because Rails strong params will remove it. if v.is_a?(String) has_many_attached_scalar_data[k] ||= [] has_many_attached_scalar_data[k] << v end elsif v.is_a?(Hash) if v[:io].is_a?(String) v[:io] =[:io])) end end next v } elsif data[k].is_a?(Hash) if data[k][:io].is_a?(String) data[k][:io] =[k][:io])) end elsif data[k].is_a?(String) data[k] =, data[k]) end end end # Filter the request body with strong params. If `bulk` is true, then we apply allowed # parameters to the `_json` key of the request body. body_params = if allowed_params == true! elsif bulk_mode pk = bulk_mode == :update ? [pk] : []{_json: allowed_params + pk}) else*allowed_params) end # ActiveStorage Integration: Workaround for Rails strong params not allowing you to permit an # array containing a mix of scalars and hashes. This is needed for `has_many_attached`, because # API consumers must be able to provide scalar `signed_id` values for existing attachments along # with hashes for new attachments. It's worth mentioning that base64 scalars are converted to # hashes that conform to the ActiveStorage API. has_many_attached_scalar_data.each do |k, v| body_params[k].unshift(*v) end # Filter primary key, if configured. if self.class.filter_pk_from_request_body && bulk_mode != :update body_params.delete(pk) end # Filter fields in `exclude_body_fields`. (self.class.exclude_body_fields || []).each { |f| body_params.delete(f) } return body_params end |
#get_create_from ⇒ Object
Determine what collection to call ‘create` on.
666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 666 def get_create_from if self.class.create_from_recordset # Create with any properties inherited from the recordset. We exclude any `select` clauses # in case model callbacks need to call `count` on this collection, which typically raises a # SQL `SyntaxError`. self.get_recordset.except(:select) else # Otherwise, perform a "bare" insert_all. self.class.get_model end end |
#get_fields ⇒ Object
408 409 410 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 408 def get_fields return self.class.get_fields(input_fields: self.class.fields) end |
#get_record ⇒ Object
Get a single record by primary key or another column, if allowed.
632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 632 def get_record return @record if @record find_by_key = self.class.get_model.primary_key is_pk = true # Find by another column if it's permitted. if find_by_param = self.class.find_by_query_param.presence if find_by = params[find_by_param].presence find_by_fields = self.class.find_by_fields&.map(&:to_s) if !find_by_fields || is_pk = false unless find_by_key == find_by find_by_key = find_by end end end # Get the recordset, filtering if configured. collection = if self.class.filter_recordset_before_find self.get_records else self.get_recordset end # Return the record. Route key is always `:id` by Rails' convention. if is_pk return @record = collection.find(request.path_parameters[:id]) else return @record = collection.find_by!(find_by_key => request.path_parameters[:id]) end end |
#get_records ⇒ Object
Filter the recordset and return records this request has access to.
623 624 625 626 627 628 629 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 623 def get_records data = self.get_recordset return @records ||= self.class.filter_backends&.reduce(data) { |d, filter| self).filter_data(d) } || data end |
#get_recordset ⇒ Object
Get the set of records this controller has access to.
611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 611 def get_recordset return self.class.recordset if self.class.recordset # If there is a model, return that model's default scope (all records by default). if model = self.class.get_model return model.all end return nil end |
#get_serializer_class ⇒ Object
509 510 511 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 509 def get_serializer_class return super || RESTFramework::NativeSerializer end |
#openapi_metadata ⇒ Object
412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/mixins/model_controller_mixin.rb', line 412 def data = super routes = self.route_groups.values[0] schema_name = routes[0][:controller].camelize.gsub("::", ".") # Insert schema into metadata. data[:components] ||= {} data[:components][:schemas] ||= {} data[:components][:schemas][schema_name] = self.class.openapi_schema # Reference schema for specific actions with a `requestBody`. data[:paths].each do |_path, actions| actions.each do |_method, action| next unless action.is_a?(Hash) injectables = [action.dig(:requestBody, :content), *action[:responses] { |r| r[:content] }].compact injectables.each do |i| i.each do |_, v| v[:schema] = {"$ref" => "#/components/schemas/#{schema_name}"} end end end end return data.merge( { "x-rrf-primary_key" => self.class.get_model.primary_key, "x-rrf-callbacks" => self._process_action_callbacks.as_json, }, ) end |