Module: RESTFramework::Utils
- Defined in:
- lib/rest_framework/utils.rb
Constant Summary collapse
Class Method Summary collapse
.comparable_path(path) ⇒ Object
Normalize a path pattern by replacing URL params with generic placeholder, and removing the ‘(.:format)` at the end.
.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: nil) ⇒ Object
Get the fields for a given model, including not just columns (which includes foreign keys), but also associations.
.get_request_route(application_routes, request) ⇒ Object
Get the first route pattern which matches the given request.
.get_routes(application_routes, request, current_route: nil) ⇒ Object
Show routes under a controller action; used for the browsable API.
.get_skipped_builtin_actions(controller_class) ⇒ Object
Get actions which should be skipped for a given controller.
.inflect(s, acronyms = nil) ⇒ Object
Custom inflector for RESTful controllers.
.parse_extra_actions(extra_actions, controller: nil) ⇒ Object
Convert ‘extra_actions` hash to a consistent format: `methods:, kwargs:`, and additional metadata fields.
.parse_fields_hash(fields_hash, model, exclude_associations: nil) ⇒ Object
Parse fields hashes.
.sub_fields_for(ref) ⇒ Object
Get the sub-fields that may be serialized and filtered/ordered for a reflection.
Class Method Details
.comparable_path(path) ⇒ Object
Normalize a path pattern by replacing URL params with generic placeholder, and removing the ‘(.:format)` at the end.
77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 77 def self.comparable_path(path) return path.gsub("(.:format)", "").gsub(/:[0-9A-Za-z_-]+/, ":x") end |
.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: nil) ⇒ Object
Get the fields for a given model, including not just columns (which includes foreign keys), but also associations. Note that we always return an array of strings, not symbols.
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 172 def self.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: nil) foreign_keys = model.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).map(&:foreign_key) if exclude_associations return model.column_names.reject { |c| } end # Add associations in addition to normal columns. return model.column_names.reject { |c| } + { |association, ref| # Ignore associations for which we have custom integrations. if ActiveStorage::Blob ActionText::RichText)) next nil end # Exclude user-specified associations. if next nil end if ref.collection? && RESTFramework.config.large_reverse_association_tables&.include?( ref.table_name, ) next nil end next association }.compact + model.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).collect(&:name).select { |n| n.to_s.start_with?("rich_text_") }.map { |n| n.to_s.delete_prefix("rich_text_") } + model..keys end |
.get_request_route(application_routes, request) ⇒ Object
Get the first route pattern which matches the given request.
71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 71 def self.get_request_route(application_routes, request) application_routes.router.recognize(request) { |route, _| return route } end |
.get_routes(application_routes, request, current_route: nil) ⇒ Object
Show routes under a controller action; used for the browsable API.
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 82 def self.get_routes(application_routes, request, current_route: nil) current_route ||= self.get_request_route(application_routes, request) current_path = current_route.path.spec.to_s.gsub("(.:format)", "") current_path = "" if current_path == "/" current_levels = current_path.count("/") current_comparable_path = %r{^#{Regexp.quote(self.comparable_path(current_path))}(/|$)} # Add helpful properties of the current route. path_args = { |n| request.path_parameters[n] } route_props = { with_path_args: ->(r) { r.format( { |p, i| [p, path_args[i]] }.to_h) }, } # Return routes that match our current route subdomain/pattern, grouped by controller. We # precompute certain properties of the route for performance. return route_props, { |r| # We `select` first to avoid unnecessarily calculating metadata for routes we don't even want # to show. ( (r.defaults[:subdomain].blank? || r.defaults[:subdomain] == request.subdomain) && current_comparable_path.match?(self.comparable_path(r.path.spec.to_s)) && r.defaults[:controller].present? && r.defaults[:action].present? ) }.map { |r| path = r.path.spec.to_s.gsub("(.:format)", "") levels = path.count("/") matches_path = current_path == path matches_params = r.required_parts.length == current_route.required_parts.length { route: r, verb: r.verb, path: path, # Starts at the number of levels in current path, and removes the `(.:format)` at the end. relative_path: path.split("/")[current_levels..]&.join("/").presence || "/", controller: r.defaults[:controller].presence, action: r.defaults[:action].presence, matches_path: matches_path, matches_params: matches_params, # The following options are only used in subsequent processing in this method. _levels: levels, } }.sort_by { |r| [ # Sort by levels first, so routes matching closely with current request show first. r[:_levels], # Then match by path, but manually sort ':' to the end using knowledge that Ruby sorts the # pipe character '|' after alphanumerics. r[:path].tr(":", "|"), # Finally, match by HTTP verb. HTTP_VERB_ORDERING.index(r[:verb]) || 99, ] }.group_by { |r| r[:controller] }.sort_by { |c, _r| # Sort the controller groups by current controller first, then alphanumerically. [request.params[:controller] == c ? 0 : 1, c] }.to_h end |
.get_skipped_builtin_actions(controller_class) ⇒ Object
Get actions which should be skipped for a given controller.
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# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 62 def self.get_skipped_builtin_actions(controller_class) return ( RESTFramework::BUILTIN_ACTIONS.keys + RESTFramework::BUILTIN_MEMBER_ACTIONS.keys ).reject do |action| controller_class.method_defined?(action) end end |
.inflect(s, acronyms = nil) ⇒ Object
Custom inflector for RESTful controllers.
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# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 144 def self.inflect(s, acronyms=nil) acronyms&.each do |acronym| s = s.gsub(/\b#{acronym}\b/i, acronym) end return s end |
.parse_extra_actions(extra_actions, controller: nil) ⇒ Object
Convert ‘extra_actions` hash to a consistent format: `methods:, kwargs:`, and additional metadata fields.
If a controller is provided, labels will be added to any metadata fields.
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# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 8 def self.parse_extra_actions(extra_actions, controller: nil) return (extra_actions || {}).map { |k, v| path = k = {} # Convert structure to path/methods/kwargs. if v.is_a?(Hash) # Allow kwargs to be used to define path differently from the key. # Symbolize keys (which also makes a copy so we don't mutate the original). v = v.symbolize_keys methods = v.delete(:methods) # First, remove the route metadata. = v.delete(:metadata) || {} # Add label to fields. if controller && [:fields] [:fields] = [:fields].map { |f| [f, {}] }.to_h if f.is_a?(Array) [:fields]&.each do |field, cfg| cfg[:label] = controller.get_label(field) unless cfg[:label] end end # Override path if it's provided. if v.key?(:path) path = v.delete(:path) end # Pass any further kwargs to the underlying Rails interface. kwargs = v.presence elsif v.is_a?(Array) && v.length == 1 methods = v[0] else methods = v end # Insert action label if it's not provided. if controller [:label] ||= controller.get_label(k) end next [ k, { path: path, methods: methods, kwargs: kwargs, type: :extra, metadata: .presence, }.compact, ] }.to_h end |
.parse_fields_hash(fields_hash, model, exclude_associations: nil) ⇒ Object
Parse fields hashes.
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# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 153 def self.parse_fields_hash(fields_hash, model, exclude_associations: nil) parsed_fields = fields_hash[:only] || ( model ? self.fields_for(model, exclude_associations: exclude_associations) : [] ) parsed_fields += fields_hash[:include] if fields_hash[:include] parsed_fields -= fields_hash[:exclude] if fields_hash[:exclude] # Warn for any unknown keys. (fields_hash.keys - [:only, :include, :exclude]).each do |k| Rails.logger.warn("RRF: Unknown key in fields hash: #{k}") end # We should always return strings, not symbols. return end |
.sub_fields_for(ref) ⇒ Object
Get the sub-fields that may be serialized and filtered/ordered for a reflection.
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# File 'lib/rest_framework/utils.rb', line 208 def self.sub_fields_for(ref) if !ref.polymorphic? && model = ref.klass sub_fields = [model.primary_key].flatten.compact label_fields = RESTFramework.config.label_fields # Preferrably find a database column to use as label. if match = label_fields.find { |f| } return sub_fields + [match] end # Otherwise, find a method. if match = label_fields.find { |f| model.method_defined?(f) } return sub_fields + [match] end return sub_fields end return ["id", "name"] end |