Module: RESTFramework
- Defined in:
- lib/rest_framework/version.rb,
Do not use Rails-specific helper methods here (e.g., ‘blank?`) so the module can run standalone.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: BaseControllerMixin, BaseModelControllerMixin, BulkCreateModelMixin, BulkDestroyModelMixin, BulkModelControllerMixin, BulkUpdateModelMixin, ControllerMixins, CreateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, Filters, Generators, ListModelMixin, ModelControllerMixin, ReadOnlyModelControllerMixin, ShowModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, Utils, Version Classes: ActiveModelSerializerAdapterFactory, BaseFilter, BasePaginator, BaseSerializer, Config, Engine, Error, ModelOrderingFilter, ModelQueryFilter, ModelSearchFilter, NativeSerializer, NilPassedToAPIResponseError, PageNumberPaginator, RansackFilter, UnknownModelError
Constant Summary collapse
{ index: :get, new: :get, create: :post, }.freeze
{ show: :get, edit: :get, update: [:put, :patch].freeze, destroy: :delete, }.freeze
{ options: :options, }.freeze
{ update_all: [:put, :patch].freeze, destroy_all: :delete, }.freeze
We should always add the ‘.min` extension prefix even if the assets are not minified, to avoid sprockets minifying the assets. We target propshaft, so we want these assets to just be passed through. rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
{ # Bootstrap "bootstrap.min.css" => { url: "[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", sri: "sha384-aFq/bzH65dt+w6FI2ooMVUpc+21e0SRygnTpmBvdBgSdnuTN7QbdgL+OapgHtvPp", }, "bootstrap.min.js" => { url: "[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js", sri: "sha384-qKXV1j0HvMUeCBQ+QVp7JcfGl760yU08IQ+GpUo5hlbpg51QRiuqHAJz8+BrxE/N", }, # Bootstrap Icons "bootstrap-icons.min.css" => { url: "[email protected]/font/bootstrap-icons.min.css", inline_fonts: true, }, # Highlight.js "highlight.min.js" => { url: "", sri: "sha512-bgHRAiTjGrzHzLyKOnpFvaEpGzJet3z4tZnXGjpsCcqOnAH6VGUx9frc5bcIhKTVLEiCO6vEhNAgx5jtLUYrfA==", }, "highlight-json.min.js" => { url: "", sri: "sha512-0xYvyncS9OLE7GOpNBZFnwyh9+bq4HVgk4yVVYI678xRvE22ASicF1v6fZ1UiST+M6pn17MzFZdvVCI3jTHSyw==", }, "highlight-xml.min.js" => { url: "", sri: "sha512-5zBcw+OKRkaNyvUEPlTSfYylVzgpi7KpncY36b0gRudfxIYIH0q0kl2j26uCUB3YBRM6ytQQEZSgRg+ZlBTmdA==", }, "highlight-a11y-dark.min.css" => { url: "", sri: "sha512-Vj6gPCk8EZlqnoveEyuGyYaWZ1+jyjMPg8g4shwyyNlRQl6d3L9At02ZHQr5K6s5duZl/+YKMnM3/8pDhoUphg==", extra_tag_attrs: {class: "rrf-dark-mode"}, }, "highlight-a11y-light.min.css" => { url: "", sri: "sha512-WDk6RzwygsN9KecRHAfm9HTN87LQjqdygDmkHSJxVkVI7ErCZ8ZWxP6T8RvBujY1n2/E4Ac+bn2ChXnp5rnnHA==", extra_tag_attrs: {class: "rrf-light-mode"}, }, # NeatJSON "neatjson.min.js" => { url: "[email protected]/javascript/neatjson.min.js", exclude_from_docs: true, }, # Trix "trix.min.css" => { url: "[email protected]/dist/trix.css", exclude_from_docs: true, }, "trix.min.js" => { url: "[email protected]/dist/trix.umd.min.js", exclude_from_docs: true, }, }.map { |name, cfg| if File.extname(name) == ".js" cfg[:place] = "javascripts" cfg[:extra_tag_attrs] ||= {} cfg[:tag_attrs] = { src: cfg[:url], integrity: cfg[:sri], crossorigin: "anonymous", referrerpolicy: "no-referrer", defer: true, **cfg[:extra_tag_attrs], } cfg[:tag] = ActionController::Base.helpers.tag.script(**cfg[:tag_attrs]) else cfg[:place] = "stylesheets" cfg[:extra_tag_attrs] ||= {} cfg[:tag_attrs] = { rel: "stylesheet", href: cfg[:url], integrity: cfg[:sri], crossorigin: "anonymous", **cfg[:extra_tag_attrs], } cfg[:tag] =**cfg[:tag_attrs]) end [name, cfg] }.to_h.freeze
Class Method Summary collapse
Class Method Details
.config ⇒ Object
160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework.rb', line 160 def self.config return @config ||= end |
.configure {|self.config| ... } ⇒ Object
164 165 166 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework.rb', line 164 def self.configure yield(self.config) end |
.features ⇒ Object
168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/rest_framework.rb', line 168 def self.features return @features ||= {} end |