Class: RGFA
- Includes:
- Connectivity, Containments, Headers, LinearPaths, Lines, Links, LoggerSupport, Multiplication, Paths, RGL, Segments, RGFATools
- Defined in:
- lib/rgfa.rb,
Main class of the RGFA library.
RGFA provides a representation of a GFA graph. It supports creating a graph from scratch, input and output from/to file or strings, as well as several operations on the graph. The examples below show how to create a RGFA object from scratch or from a GFA file, write the RGFA to file, output the string representation or a statistics report, and control the validation level.
Interacting with the graph
Lines: module with methods for finding, editing, iterating over, removing lines belonging to a RGFA instance. Specialized modules exist for each kind of line:
Headers: accessing and creating header information is done using a single header line object (RGFA#header)
Line: most interaction with the GFA involve interacting with its record, i.e. instances of a subclass of this class. Subclasses:
Further modules contain methods useful for interacting with the graph
Connectivity analysis of the connectivity of the graph
LinearPaths finding and merging of linear paths
Multiplication separation of the implicit instances of a repeat
Additional functionality is provided by RGFATools
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Connectivity, Containments, FieldParser, FieldValidator, FieldWriter, Headers, LinearPaths, Lines, Links, LoggerSupport, Multiplication, Paths, Segments, Sequence Classes: ByteArray, CIGAR, DuplicatedLabelError, Error, FieldArray, Line, LineMissingError, Logger, NumericArray, OrientedSegment, SegmentEnd, SegmentEndsPath, SegmentInfo
Constant Summary
Constants included from RGFATools::Multiplication
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#validate ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute validate.
Class Method Summary collapse
.from_file(filename, validate: 2) ⇒ RGFA
Creates a RGFA instance parsing the file with specified
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(other) ⇒ Boolean
Compare two RGFA instances.
#clone ⇒ RGFA
Create a copy of the RGFA instance.
#disable_extensions ⇒ void
Disable RGFATools extensions of RGFA methods.
#enable_extensions ⇒ void
Enable RGFATools extensions of RGFA methods.
#info(short = false) ⇒ String
Output basic statistics about the graph’s sequence and topology information.
#initialize(validate: 2) ⇒ RGFA
A new instance of RGFA.
#n_dead_ends ⇒ Integer
Counts the dead ends.
#path_names ⇒ Array<Symbol>
List all names of path lines in the graph.
#read_file(filename) ⇒ self
Populates a RGFA instance reading from file with specified
. -
#require_segments_first_order ⇒ void
Require that the links, containments and paths referring to a segment are added after the segment.
#segment_names ⇒ Array<Symbol>
List all names of segments in the graph.
#to_file(filename) ⇒ void
Write RGFA to file with specified
; overwrites it if it exists. -
#to_rgfa ⇒ self
Return the gfa itself.
#to_s ⇒ String
Creates a string representation of RGFA conforming to the current specifications.
#turn_off_validations ⇒ void
Set the validation level to 0.
#validate! ⇒ void
Post-validation of the RGFA.
Methods included from RGFATools::PBubbles
#remove_p_bubble, #remove_p_bubbles
Methods included from RGFATools::LinearPaths
Methods included from RGFATools::SuperfluousLinks
#enforce_all_mandatory_links, #enforce_segment_mandatory_links, #remove_self_link, #remove_self_links
Methods included from RGFATools::Multiplication
#multiply_extended, #multiply_with_rgfatools
Methods included from RGFATools::InvertibleSegments
#randomly_orient_invertible, #randomly_orient_invertibles
Methods included from RGFATools::CopyNumber
#apply_copy_number, #apply_copy_numbers, #compute_copy_numbers, #delete_low_coverage_segments, #set_count_unit_length, #set_default_count_tag
Methods included from RGFATools::Artifacts
#remove_dead_ends, #remove_small_components
Methods included from LoggerSupport
#enable_progress_logging, #progress_log, #progress_log_end, #progress_log_init
Methods included from Multiplication
Methods included from Connectivity
#connected_components, #connectivity, #cut_link?, #cut_segment?, #segment_connected_component, #split_connected_components
Methods included from LinearPaths
#linear_path, #linear_paths, #merge_linear_path, #merge_linear_paths
Methods included from Paths
#delete_path, #path, #path!, #paths, #paths_with
Methods included from Containments
#contained_in, #containing, #containment, #containment!, #containments, #containments_between, #delete_containment
Methods included from Links
#delete_link, #delete_other_links, #link, #link!, #link_from_to, #link_from_to!, #links, #links_between, #links_from, #links_from_to, #links_of, #links_to, #neighbours
Methods included from Segments
#connected_segments, #delete_segment, #segment, #segment!, #segments, #unconnect_segments
Methods included from Headers
#delete_headers, #header, #headers
Methods included from Lines
Constructor Details
#initialize(validate: 2) ⇒ RGFA
Returns a new instance of RGFA.
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 103 def initialize(validate: 2) @validate = validate init_headers @segments = {} @links = [] @containments = [] @paths = {} @segments_first_order = false @progress = false @default = {:count_tag => :RC, :unit_length => 1} @extensions_enabled = false end |
Instance Attribute Details
#validate ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute validate.
97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 97 def validate @validate end |
Class Method Details
Instance Method Details
#==(other) ⇒ Boolean
Compare two RGFA instances.
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 283 def ==(other) segments == other.segments and links == other.links and containments == other.containments and headers == other.headers and paths == other.paths end |
#clone ⇒ RGFA
Create a copy of the RGFA instance.
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 170 def clone cpy = to_s.to_rgfa(validate: 0) cpy.validate = @validate cpy.enable_progress_logging if @progress cpy.require_segments_first_order if @segments_first_order return cpy end |
#disable_extensions ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Disable RGFATools extensions of RGFA methods
98 99 100 |
# File 'lib/rgfatools.rb', line 98 def disable_extensions @extensions_enabled = false end |
#enable_extensions ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Enable RGFATools extensions of RGFA methods
92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/rgfatools.rb', line 92 def enable_extensions @extensions_enabled = true end |
#info(short = false) ⇒ String
Output basic statistics about the graph’s sequence and topology information.
Compact output has the following keys:
: number of segments -
: number of links -
: number of connected components -
: number of dead ends -
: total length of segment sequences -
: N50 segment sequence length
Normal output outputs a table with the same information, plus some additional one: the length of the largest component, as well as the shortest and largest and 1st/2nd/3rd quartiles of segment sequence length.
237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 237 def info(short = false) q, n50, tlen = lenstats nde = n_dead_ends() pde = "%.2f%%" % ((nde.to_f*100) / (segments.size*2)) cc = connected_components()!{|c|{|sn|segment!(sn).length!}.inject(:+)} if short return "ns=#{segments.size}\t"+ "nl=#{links.size}\t"+ "cc=#{cc.size}\t"+ "de=#{nde}\t"+ "tl=#{tlen}\t"+ "50=#{n50}" end retval = [] retval << "Segment count: #{segments.size}" retval << "Links count: #{links.size}" retval << "Total length (bp): #{tlen}" retval << "Dead ends: #{nde}" retval << "Percentage dead ends: #{pde}" retval << "Connected components: #{cc.size}" retval << "Largest component (bp): #{cc.last}" retval << "N50 (bp): #{n50}" retval << "Shortest segment (bp): #{q[0]}" retval << "Lower quartile segment (bp): #{q[1]}" retval << "Median segment (bp): #{q[2]}" retval << "Upper quartile segment (bp): #{q[3]}" retval << "Longest segment (bp): #{q[4]}" return retval end |
#n_dead_ends ⇒ Integer
Counts the dead ends.
Dead ends are here defined as segment ends without connections.
274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 274 def n_dead_ends segments.inject(0) do |n,s| [:E, :B].each {|e| n+= 1 if links_of([, e]).empty?} n end end |
#path_names ⇒ Array<Symbol>
List all names of path lines in the graph
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 140 def path_names @paths.keys.compact end |
#read_file(filename) ⇒ self
Populates a RGFA instance reading from file with specified filename
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 182 def read_file(filename) if @progress linecount = `wc -l #{filename}`.strip.split(" ")[0].to_i progress_log_init(:read_file, "lines", linecount, "Parse file with #{linecount} lines") end File.foreach(filename) do |line| self << line.chomp progress_log(:read_file) if @progress end progress_log_end(:read_file) if @progress validate! if @validate >= 1 self end |
#require_segments_first_order ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Require that the links, containments and paths referring to a segment are added after the segment. Default: do not require any particular ordering.
121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 121 def require_segments_first_order @segments_first_order = true end |
#segment_names ⇒ Array<Symbol>
List all names of segments in the graph
134 135 136 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 134 def segment_names @segments.keys.compact end |
#to_file(filename) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Write RGFA to file with specified filename
; overwrites it if it exists
213 214 215 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 213 def to_file(filename), "w") {|f| each_line {|l| f.puts l}} end |
#to_rgfa ⇒ self
Return the gfa itself
164 165 166 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 164 def to_rgfa self end |
#to_s ⇒ String
Creates a string representation of RGFA conforming to the current specifications
156 157 158 159 160 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 156 def to_s s = "" each_line {|line| s << line.to_s; s << "\n"} return s end |
#turn_off_validations ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the validation level to 0. See “Validation level” under RGFA::Line#initialize.
128 129 130 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 128 def turn_off_validations @validate = 0 end |
#validate! ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Post-validation of the RGFA
147 148 149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/rgfa.rb', line 147 def validate! validate_segment_references! validate_path_links! return nil end |