Module: Roda::RodaPlugins::MatchAffix

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The match_affix plugin allows changing the default prefix and suffix used for match patterns. Roda’s default behavior for a match pattern like "albums" is to use the pattern /\A\/(?:albums)(?=\/|\z)/. This prefixes the pattern with / and suffixes it with (?=\/|\z). With the match_affix plugin, you can change the prefix and suffix to use. So if you want to be explicit and require a leading / in patterns, you can set the prefix to "". If you want to consume a trailing slash instead of leaving it, you can set the suffix to (\/|\z).

You set the prefix and suffix to use by passing arguments when loading the plugin:

plugin :match_affix, ""

will load the plugin and use an empty prefix.

plugin :match_affix, "", /(\/|\z)/

will use an empty prefix and change the suffix to consume a trailing slash.

plugin :match_affix, nil, /(\/|\z)/

will not modify the prefix and will change the suffix to consume a trailing slash.

Defined Under Namespace

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Class Method Details

.configure(app, prefix, suffix = nil) ⇒ Object

Set the default prefix and suffix to use in match patterns, if a non-nil value is given.

# File 'lib/roda/plugins/match_affix.rb', line 30

def self.configure(app, prefix, suffix=nil)
  app.opts[:match_prefix] = prefix if prefix
  app.opts[:match_suffix] = suffix if suffix