Module: Roda::RodaPlugins::PrecompileTemplates

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The precompile_templates plugin adds support for precompiling template code. This can result in a large memory savings for applications that have large templates or a large number of small templates if the application uses a forking webserver. By default, template compilation is lazy, so all the child processes in a forking webserver will have their own copy of the compiled template. By using the precompile_templates plugin, you can precompile the templates in the parent process before forking, and then all of the child processes can use the same precompiled templates, which saves memory.

After loading the plugin, you can call precompile_templates with the pattern of templates you would like to precompile:

plugin :precompile_templates
precompile_templates "views/\*\*/*.erb"

That will precompile all erb template files in the views directory or any subdirectory.

If the templates use local variables, you need to specify which local variables to precompile, which should be an array of symbols:

precompile_templates 'views/users/_*.erb', :locals=>[:user]

Note that if you have multiple local variables and are not using a Tilt version greater than 2.0.1, you should specify the :locals option in the same order as the keys in the :locals hash you pass to render/view. Since hashes are not ordered in ruby 1.8, you should not attempt to precompile templates that use :locals on ruby 1.8 unless you are using a Tilt version greater than 2.0.1. If you are running the Tilt master branch, you can force sorting of locals using the :sort_locals option when loading the plugin.

You can specify other render options when calling precompile_templates, including :cache_key, :template_class, and :template_opts. If you are passing any of those options to render/view for the template, you should pass the same options when precompiling the template.

To compile inline templates, just pass a single hash containing an :inline to precompile_templates:

precompile_templates :inline=>some_template_string

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Class Method Details

.load_dependencies(app, opts = OPTS) ⇒ Object

Load the render plugin as precompile_templates depends on it. Default to sorting the locals if the Tilt version is greater than 2.0.1.

# File 'lib/roda/plugins/precompile_templates.rb', line 50

def self.load_dependencies(app, opts=OPTS)
  app.plugin :render
  app.opts[:precompile_templates_sort] = opts.fetch(:sort_locals, Tilt::VERSION > '2.0.1')