Module: Roda::RodaPlugins::ContentFor

Defined in:


The content_for plugin is designed to be used with the render plugin, allowing you to store content inside one template, and retrieve that content inside a separate template. Most commonly, this is so view templates can set content for the layout template to display outside of the normal content pane.

In the template in which you want to store content, call content_for with a block:

<% content_for :foo do %>
  Some content here.
<% end %>


<% content_for :foo do "Some content here." end %>

You can also set the raw content as the second argument, instead of passing a block:

<% content_for :foo, "Some content" %>

In the template in which you want to retrieve content, call content_for without the block or argument:

<%= content_for :foo %>

Note that when storing content by calling content_for with a block and embedding template code, the return value of the block is used as the content (after being converted to a string). This can cause issues in some cases, such as:

<% content_for :foo do %>
  <% [1,2,3].each do |i| %>
    Content <%= i %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

In the above example, the return value of the block is [1,2,3], as Array#each returns the receiver. If whitespace is not important, you can work around this by adding an empty line before the end of the content_for block.

If content_for is used multiple times with the same key, by default, the last call will append previous calls. If you want to overwrite the previous content, pass the append: false option when loading the plugin:

plugin :content_for, append: false

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.configure(app, opts = OPTS) ⇒ Object

Configure whether to append or overwrite if content_for is called multiple times with the same key.

# File 'lib/roda/plugins/content_for.rb', line 66

def self.configure(app, opts = OPTS)
  app.opts[:append_content_for] = opts.fetch(:append, true)

.load_dependencies(app, _opts = OPTS) ⇒ Object

Depend on the capture_erb plugin, since it uses capture_erb to capture the content.

# File 'lib/roda/plugins/content_for.rb', line 60

def self.load_dependencies(app, _opts = OPTS)
  app.plugin :capture_erb