Module: RSmaz
- Defined in:
- lib/rsmaz.rb
RSmaz is too small to bother splitting into separate files, so I’ll be lazy..
Constant Summary collapse
["\002s,\266", "\003had\232\002leW", "\003on \216", "", "\001yS", "\002ma\255\002li\227", "\003or \260", "", "\002ll\230\003s t\277", "\004fromg\002mel", "", "\003its\332", "\001z\333", "\003ingF", "\001>\336", "\001 \000\003 (\002nc\344", "\002nd=\003 on\312", "\002ne\213\003hat\276\003re q", "", "\002ngT\003herz\004have\306\003s o\225", "", "\003ionk\003s a\254\002ly\352", "\003hisL\003 inN\003 be\252", "", "\003 fo\325\003 of \003 ha\311", "", "\002of\005", "\003 co\241\002no\267\003 ma\370", "", "", "\003 cl\356\003enta\003 an7", "\002ns\300\001\"e", "\003n t\217\002ntP\003s, \205", "\002pe\320\003 we\351\002om\223", "\002on\037", "", "\002y G", "\003 wa\271", "\003 re\321\002or*", "", "\002=\"\251\002ot\337", "\003forD\002ou[", "\003 toR", "\003 th\r", "\003 it\366", "\003but\261\002ra\202\003 wi\363\002</\361", "\003 wh\237", "\002 4", "\003nd ?", "\002re!", "", "\003ng c", "", "\003ly \307\003ass\323\001a\004\002rir", "", "", "", "\002se_", "\003of \"", "\003div\364\002ros\003ere\240", "", "\002ta\310\001bZ\002si\324", "", "\003and\a\002rs\335", "\002rt\362", "\002teE", "\003ati\316", "\002so\263", "\002th\021", "\002tiJ\001c\034\003allp", "\003ate\345", "\002ss\246", "\002stM", "", "\002><\346", "\002to\024", "\003arew", "\001d\030", "\002tr\303", "", "\001\n1\003 a \222", "\003f tv\002veo", "\002un\340", "", "\003e o\242", "\002a \243\002wa\326\001e\002", "\002ur\226\003e a\274", "\002us\244\003\n\r\n\247", "\002ut\304\003e c\373", "\002we\221", "", "", "\002wh\302", "\001f,", "", "", "", "\003d t\206", "", "", "\003th \343", "\001g;", "", "", "\001\r9\003e s\265", "\003e t\234", "", "\003to Y", "\003e\r\n\236", "\002d \036\001h\022", "", "\001,Q", "\002 a\031", "\002 b^", "\002\r\n\025\002 cI", "\002 d\245", "\002 e\253", "\002 fh\001i\b\002e \v", "", "\002 hU\001-\314", "\002 i8", "", "", "\002 l\315", "\002 m{", "\002f :\002 n\354", "\002 o\035", "\002 p}\001.n\003\r\n\r\250", "", "\002 r\275", "\002 s>", "\002 t\016", "", "\002g \235\005which+\003whi\367", "\002 w5", "\001/\305", "\003as \214", "\003at \207", "", "\003who\331", "", "\001l\026\002h \212", "", "\002, $", "", "\004withV", "", "", "", "\001m-", "", "", "\002ac\357", "\002ad\350", "\003TheH", "", "", "\004this\233\001n\t", "", "\002. y", "", "\002alX\003e, \365", "\003tio\215\002be\\", "\002an\032\003ver\347", "", "\004that0\003tha\313\001o\006", "\003was2", "\002arO", "\002as.", "\002at'\003the\001\004they\200\005there\322\005theird", "\002ce\210", "\004were]", "", "\002ch\231\002l \264\001p<", "", "", "\003one\256", "", "\003he \023\002dej", "\003ter\270", "\002cou", "", "\002by\177\002di\201\002eax", "", "\002ec\327", "\002edB", "\002ee\353", "", "", "\001r\f\002n )", "", "", "", "\002el\262", "", "\003in i\002en3", "", "\002o `\001s\n", "", "\002er\033", "\003is t\002es6", "", "\002ge\371", "\\375", "\002fo\334\003our\330", "\003ch \301\001t\003", "\002hab", "", "\003men\374", "", "\002he\020", "", "", "\001u&", "\002hif", "", "\003not\204\002ic\203", "\003ed @\002id\355", "", "", "\002ho\273", "\002r K\001vm", "", "", "", "\003t t\257\002il\360", "\002im\342", "\003en \317\002in\017", "\002io\220", "\002s \027\001wA", "", "\003er |", "\003es ~\002is%", "\002it/", "", "\002iv\272", "", "\002t #\ahttp://C\001x\372", "\002la\211", "\001<\341", "\003, a\224"]
[" ", "the", "e", "t", "a", "of", "o", "and", "i", "n", "s", "e ", "r", " th", " t", "in", "he", "th", "h", "he ", "to", "\r\n", "l", "s ", "d", " a", "an", "er", "c", " o", "d ", "on", " of", "re", "of ", "t ", ", ", "is", "u", "at", " ", "n ", "or", "which", "f", "m", "as", "it", "that", "\n", "was", "en", " ", " w", "es", " an", " i", "\r", "f ", "g", "p", "nd", " s", "nd ", "ed ", "w", "ed", "http://", "for", "te", "ing", "y ", "The", " c", "ti", "r ", "his", "st", " in", "ar", "nt", ",", " to", "y", "ng", " h", "with", "le", "al", "to ", "b", "ou", "be", "were", " b", "se", "o ", "ent", "ha", "ng ", "their", "\"", "hi", "from", " f", "in ", "de", "ion", "me", "v", ".", "ve", "all", "re ", "ri", "ro", "is ", "co", "f t", "are", "ea", ". ", "her", " m", "er ", " p", "es ", "by", "they", "di", "ra", "ic", "not", "s, ", "d t", "at ", "ce", "la", "h ", "ne", "as ", "tio", "on ", "n t", "io", "we", " a ", "om", ", a", "s o", "ur", "li", "ll", "ch", "had", "this", "e t", "g ", "e\r\n", " wh", "ere", " co", "e o", "a ", "us", " d", "ss", "\n\r\n", "\r\n\r", "=\"", " be", " e", "s a", "ma", "one", "t t", "or ", "but", "el", "so", "l ", "e s", "s,", "no", "ter", " wa", "iv", "ho", "e a", " r", "hat", "s t", "ns", "ch ", "wh", "tr", "ut", "/", "have", "ly ", "ta", " ha", " on", "tha", "-", " l", "ati", "en ", "pe", " re", "there", "ass", "si", " fo", "wa", "ec", "our", "who", "its", "z", "fo", "rs", ">", "ot", "un", "<", "im", "th ", "nc", "ate", "><", "ver", "ad", " we", "ly", "ee", " n", "id", " cl", "ac", "il", "</", "rt", " wi", "div", "e, ", " it", "whi", " ma", "ge", "x", "e c", "men", ".com"]
Class Method Summary collapse
.compress(input) ⇒ Object
Compress a string to Smaz encoding.
.decompress(input) ⇒ Object
Decompress a Smaz encoded string back to normal plain text.
Class Method Details
.compress(input) ⇒ Object
Compress a string to Smaz encoding. On Ruby 1.9, the returned string has the binary encoding.
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/rsmaz.rb', line 92 def self.compress(input) verb = "" out = "" input = force_binary(input.dup) # This algorithm has been ported to Ruby from C and only # slightly Rubyized.. still a lonnnng way to go. Wanna give it a crack? while (input && input.length > 0) h1 = h2 = input.ord << 3 h2 += input[1,1].ord if (input.length > 1) h3 = (input.length > 2) ? h2 ^ input[2,1].ord : 0 q = [] [input.length, 7].min.downto(1) do |j| slot = if j == 1 CODEBOOK[h1 % 241].dup elsif j == 2 CODEBOOK[h2 % 241].dup else CODEBOOK[h3 % 241].dup end while (slot && slot[0]) do if (slot.ord == j && (slot[1,j] == input[0,j])) # Match found in hash table # Add verbatim data, if any (yes, it's quicker with the check) unless verb.empty? q << verb verb = "" end # Add encoded data and ditch unnecessary part of input string q << slot[slot.ord+1,1].ord input.slice!(0..j-1) break else # This in-place hack is quicker than slot = slot[1..-1] slot.reverse!.chop!.reverse! #slot.slice!(0) #slot[0] = '' end end end # No queue? It means we matched nothing, so add the current byte to the verbatim buffer if q.empty? verb << input[0,1] if input[0] input.slice!(0) end # If the verbatim buffer is getting too long or we're at the end of the doc # throw the verbatim buffer to the output queue q << verb if verb.length == 256 || (verb.length > 0 && input.length == 0) # Turn the queue into correctly encoded data out << q.collect do |item| if item.class == String && item.length == 1 "\376" + item elsif item.class == String && item.length > 1 "\377" + (item.length - 1).chr + item elsif item.class == Fixnum item.chr end end.join end out end |
.decompress(input) ⇒ Object
Decompress a Smaz encoded string back to normal plain text. On Ruby 1.9, the returned string has the binary encoding. You must manually force the encoding back to the right one because RSmaz does not store information about the original encoding.
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 |
# File 'lib/rsmaz.rb', line 168 def self.decompress(input) out = "" s = until s.eos? bv = s.get_byte.ord if (bv == 254) out << s.get_byte elsif (bv == 255) len = s.get_byte.ord + 1 len.times do out << s.get_byte end else out << REVERSE_CODEBOOK[bv] end end out end |