Class: RSpec::Core::Formatters::Protocol

  • Object
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This class isn't loaded at runtime but serves to document all of the notifications implemented as part of the standard interface. The reporter will issue these during a normal test suite run, but a formatter will only receive those notifications it has registered itself to receive. To register a formatter call:

::RSpec::Core::Formatters.register class, :list, :of, :notifications


::RSpec::Core::Formatters.register self, :start, :example_started

Suite Notifications collapse

Group Notifications collapse

Example Notifications collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details



  • output (IO)

    the formatter output

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 20

Instance Method Details


Invoked at the very end, close allows the formatter to clean up resources, e.g. open streams, etc.


  • notification (NullNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 170


Dumps detailed information about each example failure.


  • notification (NullNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 133


Outputs a report of pending examples. This gets invoked after the summary if option is set to do so.


  • notification (NullNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 161


This method is invoked after the dumping the summary if profiling is enabled.


  • profile (ProfileNotification)

    containing duration, slowest_examples and slowest_example_groups

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 151


This method is invoked after the dumping of examples and failures. Each parameter is assigned to a corresponding attribute.


  • summary (SummaryNotification)

    containing duration, example_count, failure_count and pending_count

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 141


Invoked when an example fails.


  • notification (ExampleNotification)

    containing example subclass of RSpec::Core::Example

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 96


Invoked at the end of the execution of each example.


  • notification (ExampleNotification)

    containing example subclass of RSpec::Core::Example

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 69


Invoked at the end of the execution of each example group.


  • notification (GroupNotification)

    containing example_group subclass of RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 51


This method is invoked at the beginning of the execution of each example group.

The next method to be invoked after this is #example_passed, #example_pending, or #example_group_finished.


  • notification (GroupNotification)

    containing example_group subclass of RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 38


Invoked when an example passes.


  • notification (ExampleNotification)

    containing example subclass of RSpec::Core::Example

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 78


Invoked when an example is pending.


  • notification (ExampleNotification)

    containing example subclass of RSpec::Core::Example

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 87


Invoked at the beginning of the execution of each example.


  • notification (ExampleNotification)

    containing example subclass of RSpec::Core::Example

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 60


Used by the reporter to send messages to the output stream.


  • notification (MessageNotification)

    containing message

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 105


This method is invoked before any examples are run, right after they have all been collected. This can be useful for special formatters that need to provide progress on feedback (graphical ones).

This will only be invoked once, and the next one to be invoked is #example_group_started.


  • notification (StartNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 25


This method is invoked after all of the examples have executed. The next method to be invoked after this one is #dump_failures (BaseTextFormatter then calls #dump_failures once for each failed example).


  • notification (NullNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 122


Invoked after all examples have executed, before dumping post-run reports.


  • notification (NullNotification)

# File 'lib/rspec/core/formatters/protocol.rb', line 113