Class: RuboCop::Cop::Style::ExponentialNotation
- Includes:
- ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- Defined in:
- lib/rubocop/cop/style/exponential_notation.rb
Enforces consistency when using exponential notation for numbers in the code (eg 1.2e4). Different styles are supported:
‘scientific` which enforces a mantissa between 1 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive).
‘engineering` which enforces the exponent to be a multiple of 3 and the mantissa to be between 0.1 (inclusive) and 1000 (exclusive).
‘integral` which enforces the mantissa to always be a whole number without trailing zeroes.
Constant Summary collapse
{ scientific: 'Use a mantissa in [1, 10[.', engineering: 'Use an exponent divisible by 3 and a mantissa in [0.1, 1000[.', integral: 'Use an integer as mantissa, without trailing zero.' }.freeze
Constants inherited from Base
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Base
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods included from ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
#alternative_style, #alternative_styles, #ambiguous_style_detected, #correct_style_detected, #detected_style, #detected_style=, #no_acceptable_style!, #no_acceptable_style?, #opposite_style_detected, #style, #style_configured?, #style_detected, #style_parameter_name, #supported_styles, #unexpected_style_detected
Methods inherited from Base
#active_support_extensions_enabled?, #add_global_offense, #add_offense, #always_autocorrect?, autocorrect_incompatible_with, badge, #begin_investigation, #callbacks_needed, callbacks_needed, #config_to_allow_offenses, #config_to_allow_offenses=, #contextual_autocorrect?, #cop_config, cop_name, #cop_name, department, documentation_url, exclude_from_registry, #excluded_file?, #external_dependency_checksum, inherited, #initialize, #inspect, joining_forces, lint?, match?, #offenses, #on_investigation_end, #on_new_investigation, #on_other_file, #parse, #parser_engine, #ready, #relevant_file?, requires_gem, #string_literals_frozen_by_default?, support_autocorrect?, support_multiple_source?, #target_gem_version, #target_rails_version, #target_ruby_version
Methods included from ExcludeLimit
Methods included from AutocorrectLogic
#autocorrect?, #autocorrect_enabled?, #autocorrect_requested?, #autocorrect_with_disable_uncorrectable?, #correctable?, #disable_uncorrectable?, #safe_autocorrect?
Methods included from IgnoredNode
#ignore_node, #ignored_node?, #part_of_ignored_node?
Methods included from Util
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from RuboCop::Cop::Base
Instance Method Details
#on_float(node) ⇒ Object
68 69 70 |
# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/style/exponential_notation.rb', line 68 def on_float(node) add_offense(node) if offense?(node) end |