Module: RubyTerraform::ClassMethods

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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#apply(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform apply command which creates or updates infrastructure according to terraform configuration files in the provided directory.

By default, terraform will generate a new plan and present it for approval before taking any action. Alternatively, the command accepts a plan file created by a previous invocation, in which case terraform will take the actions described in that plan without any confirmation prompt.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :plan (String)

    The path to a pre-computed plan to be applied.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :auto_approve (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, skips interactive approval of the generated plan before applying.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely.

  • :compact_warnings (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, if terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, they are shown in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages.

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :parallelism (Integer) — default: 10

    The number of parallel resource operations.

  • :refresh (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, updates state prior to checking for differences; when false uses locally available state; this has no effect when :plan is provided.

  • :replace (String)

    Force replacement of a resource instance using its resource address. If the apply would’ve normally produced an update or no-op action for this instance, Terraform will replace it instead.

  • :replaces (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to replace; if both replace and replaces are provided, all resources will be replaced.

  • :state (String) — default: "terraform.tfstate"

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified).

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state.

  • :target (String)

    The address of a resource to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :targets (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :vars (Hash<String, Object>)

    A map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file (String)

    The path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 111

def apply(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
  exec(RubyTerraform::Commands::Apply, parameters, invocation_options)

#destroy(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform destroy command which destroys terraform managed infrastructure.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :auto_approve (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, skips interactive approval before destroying.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely (legacy).

  • :compact_warnings (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, if terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, they are shown in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages.

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written (legacy).

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :parallelism (Integer) — default: 10

    The number of parallel resource operations.

  • :refresh (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, updates state prior to checking for differences; when false uses locally available state.

  • :state (String) — default: "terraform.tfstate"

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified) (legacy).

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state (legacy).

  • :target (String)

    The address of a resource to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :targets (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :vars (Hash<String, Object>)

    A map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file (String)

    The path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 178

def destroy(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#force_unlock(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform force-unlock command which manually unlocks the state for the defined configuration.

This will not modify your infrastructure. This command removes the lock on the state for the current workspace. The behavior of this lock is dependent on the backend being used. Local state files cannot be unlocked by another process.


Basic Invocation

  lock_id: '50e844a7-ebb0-fcfd-da85-5cce5bd1ec90')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :lock_id (String)

    The lock ID output when attempting an operation that failed due to a lock; required.

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :force (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, does not ask for input for unlock confirmation.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 210

def force_unlock(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#format(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: fmt

Invokes the terraform fmt command which rewrites all terraform configuration files to a canonical format.

Both configuration files (.tf) and variables files (.tfvars) are updated. JSON files (.tf.json or .tfvars.json) are not modified.

If :directory is not specified in the parameters map then the current working directory will be used. If :directory is “-” then content will be read from the standard input. The given content must be in the terraform language native syntax; JSON is not supported.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :list (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, lists files whose formatting differs; always disabled if using standard input.

  • :write (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, writes to source files; always disabled if using standard input or :check is true.

  • :diff (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, displays diffs of formatting changes.

  • :check (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, checks if the input is formatted; if any input is not properly formatted, an Errors::ExecutionError will be thrown.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :recursive (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, also processes files in subdirectories; by default, only the provided :directory is processed.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 255

def format(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#get(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform get command which downloads and installs modules needed for the given configuration.

This recursively downloads all modules needed, such as modules imported by the root and so on. If a module is already downloaded, it will not be redownloaded or checked for updates unless :update is true.

Module installation also happens automatically by default as part of the #init command, so you should rarely need to run this command separately.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :update (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, checks already-downloaded modules for available updates and installs the newest versions available.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 292

def get(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#graph(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform graph command which outputs the visual execution graph of terraform resources according to either the current configuration or an execution plan.

The graph is outputted in DOT format. The typical program that can read this format is GraphViz, but many web services are also available to read this format.

The :type option can be used to control the type of graph shown. Terraform creates different graphs for different operations. See the options below for the list of types supported. The default type is “plan” if a configuration is given, and “apply” if a plan file is passed as an argument.


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :plan (String)

    Render the graph using the specified plan file instead of the configuration in the current directory.

  • :draw_cycles (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, highlights any cycles in the graph with colored edges; this helps when diagnosing cycle errors.

  • :type (String)

    The type of graph to output; can be: “plan”, “plan-destroy”, “apply”, “validate”, “input”, “refresh”; defaults to “apply” if :plan is provided, “plan” otherwise.

  • :module_depth (Integer)

    In prior versions of terraform, specified the depth of modules to show in the output (deprecated).

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 336

def graph(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#import(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform import command which imports existing infrastructure into your terraform state.

This will find and import the specified resource into your terraform state, allowing existing infrastructure to come under terraform management without having to be initially created by terraform.

The :address specified is the address to import the resource to. Please see the documentation online for resource addresses. The :id is a resource-specific ID to identify that resource being imported. Please reference the documentation for the resource type you’re importing to determine the ID syntax to use. It typically matches directly to the ID that the provider uses.

The current implementation of terraform import can only import resources into the state. It does not generate configuration. A future version of terraform will also generate configuration.

Because of this, prior to running terraform import it is necessary to write a resource configuration block for the resource manually, to which the imported object will be attached.

This command will not modify your infrastructure, but it will make network requests to inspect parts of your infrastructure relevant to the resource being imported.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking',
  address: 'a.resource.address',
  id: 'a-resource-id',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :address (String)

    The address to import the resource to; required.

  • :id (String)

    The resource-specific ID identifying the resource being imported; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely (legacy).

  • :allow_missing_config (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to allow import when no resource configuration block exists.

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written (legacy).

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :parallelism (Integer) — default: 10

    The number of parallel resource operations.

  • :provider (String)

    The provider configuration to use when importing the object; by default, terraform uses the provider specified in the configuration for the target resource, and that is the best behavior in most cases (deprecated).

  • :state (String) — default: "terraform.tfstate"

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified) (legacy).

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state (legacy).

  • :vars (Hash<String, Object>)

    A map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file (String)

    The path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, when using the enhanced remote backend with Terraform Cloud, continue even if remote and local Terraform versions differ; this may result in an unusable Terraform Cloud workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 433

def import(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#init(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform init command which initializes a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.

This is the first command that should be run for any new or existing Terraform configuration per machine. This sets up all the local data necessary to run Terraform that is typically not committed to version control.

This command is always safe to run multiple times. Though subsequent runs may give errors, this command will never delete your configuration or state. Even so, if you have important information, please back it up prior to running this command, just in case.


Basic Invocation

  from_module: 'some/module/path',
  path: 'infra/module')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :path (String)

    The path to initialize; defaults to the current directory (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :backend (Boolean) — default: true

    Whether or not to configure the backend for this configuration.

  • :backend_config (Hash<String,Object>)

    A map of backend specific configuration parameters.

  • :force_copy (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, suppresses prompts about copying state data; this is equivalent to providing a “yes” to all confirmation prompts.

  • :from_module (String)

    copies the contents of the given module into the target directory before initialization.

  • :get (Boolean) — default: true

    Whether or not to download any modules for this configuration.

  • :get_plugins (Boolean) — default: true

    Whether or not to install plugins for this configuration (deprecated, removed in terraform 0.15).

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file (deprecated, removed in terraform 0.15).

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock (deprecated, removed in terraform 0.15).

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :plugin_dir (String)

    The path to a directory containing plugin binaries; this overrides all default search paths for plugins, and prevents the automatic installation of plugins; if both :plugin_dir and :plugin_dirs are provided, all plugin directories will be passed to Terraform.

  • :plugin_dirs+: (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to directories containing plugin binaries; this overrides all default search paths for plugins, and prevents the automatic installation of plugins; if both :plugin_dir and :plugin_dirs are provided, all plugin directories will be passed to Terraform.

  • :reconfigure (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, reconfigures the backend, ignoring any saved configuration.

  • :upgrade (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, when installing modules or plugins, ignores previously-downloaded objects and installs the latest version allowed within configured constraints.

  • :verify_plugins (Boolean) — default: true

    Whether or not to verify plugins for this configuration (deprecated, removed in terraform 0.15).

  • :lockfile (String)

    Sets a dependency lockfile mode; currently only “readonly” is valid.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 510

def init(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#login(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform login command which retrieves an authentication token for the given hostname, if it supports automatic login, and saves it in a credentials file in your home directory.

If no hostname is provided, the default hostname is, to log in to Terraform Cloud.

If not overridden by credentials helper settings in the CLI configuration, the credentials will be written to the following local file:



Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 537

def (parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#logout(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform logout command which removes locally-stored credentials for specified hostname.

Note: the API token is only removed from local storage, not destroyed on the remote server, so it will remain valid until manually revoked.

If no hostname is provided, the default hostname is


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 561

def logout(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#output(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform output command which reads an output variable from a Terraform state file and prints the value. With no additional arguments, output will display all the outputs for the root module. If :name is not specified, all outputs are printed.


Basic Invocation

  name: 'vpc_id')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :name (String)

    The name of the output to read.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :state (String)

    The path to the state file to read; defaults to “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :json (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, machine readable output will be printed in JSON format.

  • :raw (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, for value types that can be automatically converted to a string, will print the raw string directly, rather than a human-oriented representation of the value.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 593

def output(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#plan(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform plan command which generates a speculative execution plan, showing what actions Terraform would take to apply the current configuration. This command will not actually perform the planned actions.

You can optionally save the plan to a file, which you can then pass to the #read command to perform exactly the actions described in the plan.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :plan (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :compact_warnings (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, if terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, they are shown in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages.

  • :destroy (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, a plan will be generated to destroy all resources managed by the given configuration and state.

  • :detailed_exitcode (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to return detailed exit codes when the command exits; this will change the meaning of exit codes to: 0 - Succeeded, diff is empty (no changes); 1 - Errored; 2 - Succeeded, there is a diff.

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :parallelism (Integer) — default: 10

    The number of parallel resource operations.

  • :refresh (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, updates state prior to checking for differences; when false uses locally available state; this has no effect when :plan is provided.

  • :replace (String)

    Force replacement of a resource instance using its resource address. If the plan would’ve normally produced an update or no-op action for this instance, Terraform will plan to replace it instead.

  • :replaces (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to replace; if both replace and replaces are provided, all resources will be replaced.

  • :state (String) — default: "terraform.tfstate"

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified).

  • :target (String)

    The address of a resource to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :targets (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :vars (Hash<String, Object>)

    A map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file (String)

    The path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 673

def plan(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
  exec(RubyTerraform::Commands::Plan, parameters, invocation_options)

#providers(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform providers command which prints out a tree of modules in the referenced configuration annotated with their provider requirements.

This provides an overview of all of the provider requirements across all referenced modules, as an aid to understanding why particular provider plugins are needed and why particular versions are selected.


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 699

def providers(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#providers_lock(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform providers lock command which writes out dependency locks for the configured providers.

Normally the dependency lock file (.terraform.lock.hcl) is updated automatically by “terraform init”, but the information available to the normal provider installer can be constrained when you’re installing providers from filesystem or network mirrors, and so the generated lock file can end up incomplete.

The “providers lock” subcommand addresses that by updating the lock file based on the official packages available in the origin registry, ignoring the currently-configured installation strategy.

After this command succeeds, the lock file will contain suitable checksums to allow installation of the providers needed by the current configuration on all of the selected platforms.

By default this command updates the lock file for every provider declared in the configuration. You can override that behavior by providing one or more provider source addresses on the command line.


Basic Invocation

  fs_mirror: "/usr/local/terraform/providers",
  platforms: ["windows_amd64", "darwin_amd64", "linux_amd64"],
  provider: "")


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :provider (String)

    The provider source address for which the lock file should be updated; if both :provider and :providers are provided, all providers will be passed to Terraform.

  • :providers (Array<String>)

    An array of provider source addresses for which the lock file should be updated; if both :provider and :providers are provided, all providers will be passed to Terraform.

  • :providers (String)

    The provider source addresses for which the lock file should be updated.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :fs_mirror (String)

    If provided, consults the given filesystem mirror directory instead of the origin registry for each of the given providers; this would be necessary to generate lock file entries for a provider that is available only via a mirror, and not published in an upstream registry; in this case, the set of valid checksums will be limited only to what Terraform can learn from the data in the mirror directory.

  • :net_mirror (String)

    If provided, consults the given network mirror (given as a base URL) instead of the origin registry for each of the given providers; this would be necessary to generate lock file entries for a provider that is available only via a mirror, and not published in an upstream registry; in this case, the set of valid checksums will be limited only to what Terraform can learn from the data in the mirror indices.

  • :platform (String)

    The target platform to request package checksums for; by default Terraform will request package checksums suitable only for the platform where you run this command; target names consist of an operating system and a CPU architecture; for example, “linux_amd64” selects the Linux operating system running on an AMD64 or x86_64 CPU; each provider is available only for a limited set of target platforms; if both :platform and :platforms are provided, all platforms will be passed to Terraform.

  • :platforms (Array<String>)

    An array of target platforms to request package checksums for; see :platform for more details; if both :platform and :platforms are provided, all platforms will be passed to Terraform.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 774

def providers_lock(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#providers_mirror(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform providers mirror command which saves local copies of all required provider plugins.

Populates a local directory with copies of the provider plugins needed for the current configuration, so that the directory can be used either directly as a filesystem mirror or as the basis for a network mirror and thus obtain those providers without access to their origin registries in future.

The mirror directory will contain JSON index files that can be published along with the mirrored packages on a static HTTP file server to produce a network mirror. Those index files will be ignored if the directory is used instead as a local filesystem mirror.


Basic Invocation

  directory: './plugins',
  platforms: ["windows_amd64", "darwin_amd64", "linux_amd64"])


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The directory to populate with the mirrored provider plugins.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :platform (String)

    The target platform to build a mirror for; by default Terraform will obtain plugin packages suitable for the platform where you run this command; target names consist of an operating system and a CPU architecture; for example, “linux_amd64” selects the Linux operating system running on an AMD64 or x86_64 CPU; each provider is available only for a limited set of target platforms; if both :platform and :platforms are provided, all platforms will be passed to Terraform.

  • :platforms (Array<String>)

    An array of target platforms to build a mirror for for; see :platform for more details; if both :platform and :platforms are provided, all platforms will be passed to Terraform.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 820

def providers_mirror(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#providers_schema(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform providers schema command which prints out a json representation of the schemas for all providers used in the current configuration.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 841

def providers_schema(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#refresh(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform refresh command which updates the state file of your infrastructure with metadata that matches the physical resources they are tracking.

This will not modify your infrastructure, but it can modify your state file to update metadata. This metadata might cause new changes to occur when you generate a plan or call apply next.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely (legacy).

  • :compact_warnings (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, if terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, they are shown in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages.

  • :input (Boolean) — default: true

    When false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written (legacy).

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :parallelism (Integer) — default: 10

    The number of parallel resource operations.

  • :refresh (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, updates state prior to checking for differences; when false uses locally available state; this has no effect when :plan is provided.

  • :state (String) — default: "terraform.tfstate"

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified) (legacy).

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state (legacy).

  • :target (String)

    The address of a resource to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :targets (Array<String>)

    An array of resource addresses to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :vars (Hash<String, Object>)

    A map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file (String)

    The path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files (Array<String>)

    An array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 916

def refresh(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
  exec(RubyTerraform::Commands::Refresh, parameters, invocation_options)

#show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform show command which reads and outputs a Terraform state or plan file in a human-readable form. If no path is specified, the current state will be shown.


Basic Invocation


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :path (String)

    The path to a state file or plan to show.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :json (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, outputs the Terraform plan or state in a machine-readable form.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 941

def show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_list(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform state list command which lists resources in the Terraform state.

This command lists resource instances in the Terraform state. The address option can be used to filter the instances by resource or module. If no pattern is given, all resource instances are listed.

The addresses must either be module addresses or absolute resource addresses, such as:

  • aws_instance.example

  • module.example

  • module.example.module.child

  • module.example.aws_instance.example

An Errors::ExecutionError will be raised if any of the resources or modules given as filter addresses do not exist in the state.


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :address (String)

    The module address or absolute resource address to filter by; if both :address and :addresses are provided, all addresses will be passed to Terraform.

  • :addresses (Array<String>)

    An array of module addresses or absolute resource addresses to filter by; if both :address and :addresses are provided, all addresses will be passed to Terraform.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :state (String)

    The path to a Terraform state file to use to look up Terraform-managed resources; by default, Terraform will consult the state of the currently-selected workspace.

  • :id (String)

    When provided, filters the results to include only instances whose resource types have an attribute named “id” whose value equals the given id string.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 987

def state_list(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_move(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: state_mv

Invokes the terraform state mv command which moves an item in the state.

This command will move an item matched by the address given to the destination address. This command can also move to a destination address in a completely different state file.

This can be used for simple resource renaming, moving items to and from a module, moving entire modules, and more. And because this command can also move data to a completely new state, it can also be used for refactoring one configuration into multiple separately managed Terraform configurations.

This command will output a backup copy of the state prior to saving any changes. The backup cannot be disabled. Due to the destructive nature of this command, backups are required.

If you’re moving an item to a different state file, a backup will be created for each state file.


Basic Invocation

  source: 'packet_device.worker',
  destination: 'packet_device.helper')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :source (String)

    The source address of the item to move; required.

  • :destination (String)

    The destination address to move the item to; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :dry_run (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, prints out what would’ve been moved but doesn’t actually move anything.

  • :backup (String)

    The path where Terraform should write the backup for the original state; this can’t be disabled; if not set, Terraform will write it to the same path as the state file with a “.backup” extension.

  • :backup_out (String)

    The path where Terraform should write the backup for the destination state; this can’t be disabled; if not set, Terraform will write it to the same path as the destination state file with a “.backup” extension; this only needs to be specified if :state_out is set to a different path than :state.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :state (String)

    the path to the source state file; defaults to the configured backend, or “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to the destination state file to write to; if this isn’t specified, the source state file will be used; this can be a new or existing path.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1053

def state_move(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_pull(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform state pull command which pulls the state from its location, upgrades the local copy, and outputs it to stdout.

This command “pulls” the current state and outputs it to stdout. As part of this process, Terraform will upgrade the state format of the local copy to the current version.

The primary use of this is for state stored remotely. This command will still work with local state but is less useful for this.


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1080

def state_pull(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_push(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform state push command which updates remote state from a local state file.

This command “pushes” a local state and overwrites remote state with a local state file. The command will protect you against writing an older serial or a different state file lineage unless you pass true for the :force option.

This command works with local state (it will overwrite the local state), but is less useful for this use case.

If :path is “-”, then this command will read the state to push from stdin. Data from stdin is not streamed to the backend: it is loaded completely (until pipe close), verified, and then pushed.


Basic Invocation

  path: 'some/statefile.tfstate')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :path (String)

    The path to the state file to push; when passed “-” will read state from standard input.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :force (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, writes the state even if lineages don’t match or the remote serial is higher.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean)

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1125

def state_push(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_remove(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: state_rm

Invokes the terraform state rm command which removes one or more items from the Terraform state, causing Terraform to “forget” those items without first destroying them in the remote system.

This command removes one or more resource instances from the Terraform state based on the addresses given. You can view and list the available instances with #state_list.

If you give the address of an entire module then all of the instances in that module and any of its child modules will be removed from the state.

If you give the address of a resource that has “count” or “for_each” set, all of the instances of that resource will be removed from the state.


Basic Invocation

  address: 'packet_device.worker')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :address (String)

    The module address or absolute resource address of the resource instance to remove; required unless :addresses is supplied; if both :address and :addresses are provided, all addresses will be passed to Terraform.

  • :addresses (Array<String>)

    An array of module addresses or absolute resource addresses of the resource instances to remove; required unless :address is supplied; if both :address and :addresses are provided, all addresses will be passed to Terraform.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :dry+run (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, prints out what would’ve been removed but doesn’t actually remove anything.

  • :backup (String)

    The path where Terraform should write the backup state.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :state (String)

    The path to the state file to update; defaults to the current workspace state.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1179

def state_remove(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_replace_provider(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invoke the terraform state replace-provider command which replaces provider for resources in the Terraform state.

Terraform will write it to the same path as the state file with a “.backup” extension.


Basic Invocation

  from: 'hashicorp/aws',
  to: 'registry.acme.corp/acme/aws')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :from (String)

    The fully qualified name of the provider to be replaced; required.

  • :to (String)

    The fully qualified name of the provider to replace with; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :auto_approve (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, skips interactive approval.

  • :backup (String)

    The path where Terraform should write the backup for the state file; this can’t be disabled; if not set,

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :state (String)

    The path to the state file to update; defaults to the current workspace state.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1222

def state_replace_provider(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#state_show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform state show command which shows the attributes of a resource in the Terraform state.

This command shows the attributes of a single resource in the Terraform state. The :address argument must be used to specify a single resource. You can view the list of available resources with #state_list.


Basic Invocation

  address: 'packet_device.worker')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :address (String)

    The module address or absolute resource address of the resource instance to show; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1248

def state_show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#taint(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform taint command which marks a resource instance as not fully functional.

Terraform uses the term “tainted” to describe a resource instance which may not be fully functional, either because its creation partially failed or because you’ve manually marked it as such using this command.

This will not modify your infrastructure directly, but subsequent Terraform plans will include actions to destroy the remote object and create a new object to replace it.

You can remove the “taint” state from a resource instance using the #untaint command.

The address is in the usual resource address syntax, such as:




Use your shell’s quoting or escaping syntax to ensure that the address will reach Terraform correctly, without any special interpretation.


Basic Invocation

  address: 'aws_security_group.allow_all')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :address (String)

    The module address or absolute resource address of the resource instance to taint; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :allow_missing (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, the command will succeed (i.e., will not throw an Errors::ExecutionError) even if the resource is missing.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written.

  • :state (String)

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified); defaults to “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1314

def taint(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#untaint(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform untaint command which removes the ‘tainted’ state from a resource instance.

Terraform uses the term “tainted” to describe a resource instance which may not be fully functional, either because its creation partially failed or because you’ve manually marked it as such using the #taint command.

This command removes that state from a resource instance, causing Terraform to see it as fully-functional and not in need of replacement.

This will not modify your infrastructure directly. It only avoids Terraform planning to replace a tainted instance in a future operation.


Basic Invocation

  name: 'aws_security_group.allow_all')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :name (String)

    The name of the resource instance to untaint; required.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :allow_missing (Boolean) — default: false

    If true, the command will succeed (i.e., will not throw an Errors::ExecutionError) even if the resource is missing.

  • :backup (String)

    The path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String)

    The duration to retry a state lock; defaults to “0s”.

  • :no_backup (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, no backup file will be written.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

  • :state (String)

    The path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified); defaults to “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :state_out (String)

    The path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state.

  • :ignore_remote_version (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to continue even if remote and local Terraform versions are incompatible; this may result in an unusable workspace, and should be used with extreme caution.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1373

def untaint(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#validate(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform validate command which checks whether a configuration is valid.

Validates the configuration files in a directory, referring only to the configuration and not accessing any remote services such as remote state, provider APIs, etc.

Validate runs checks that verify whether a configuration is syntactically valid and internally consistent, regardless of any provided variables or existing state. It is thus primarily useful for general verification of reusable modules, including correctness of attribute names and value types.

It is safe to run this command automatically, for example as a post-save check in a text editor or as a test step for a re-usable module in a CI system.

Validation requires an initialized working directory with any referenced plugins and modules installed. To initialize a working directory for validation without accessing any configured remote backend, use the #init command passing :backend as false.

To verify configuration in the context of a particular run (a particular target workspace, input variable values, etc), use the #plan command instead, which includes an implied validation check.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :json (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to produce output in a machine-readable JSON format, suitable for use in text editor integrations and other automated systems; always disables color.

  • :no_color (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not the output from the command should be in color.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1424

def validate(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#workspace(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1563

def workspace(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
  case parameters[:operation]
  when nil, 'list'
         parameters, invocation_options)
  when 'select'
         parameters, invocation_options)
  when 'new'
         parameters, invocation_options)
  when 'delete'
         parameters, invocation_options)
  when 'show'
         parameters, invocation_options)
      "Invalid operation '#{parameters[:operation]}' supplied to workspace"

#workspace_delete(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform workspace delete command which deletes a workspace.


Basic Invocation

  name: 'example')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :name (String)

    The name of the workspace to delete; required.

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :force (Boolean) — default: false

    Whether or not to remove a non-empty workspace; defaults to false.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1456

def workspace_delete(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#workspace_list(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform workspace list command which lists workspaces.


Basic Invocation

  directory: 'infra/networking')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    the path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1478

def workspace_list(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#workspace_new(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform workspace new command which creates a new workspace.


Basic Invocation

  name: 'example')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :name (String)

    The name of the workspace to create; required.

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :lock (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file.

  • :lock_timeout (String) — default: "0s"

    The duration to retry a state lock.

  • :state (String)

    The path to a state file to copy into the new workspace.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1510

def workspace_new(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#workspace_select(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform workspace select command which selects a workspace.



  name: 'example')


  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :name (String)

    The name of the workspace to select; required.

  • :directory (String)

    The path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :or_create (Boolean)

    Whether to create the workspace if it does not exist.

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1537

def workspace_select(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)

#workspace_show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Invokes the terraform workspace show command which shows the name of the current workspace.


Basic Invocation



  • parameters (defaults to: {})

    The parameters used to invoke the command

  • invocation_options (Hash<String, Object>) (defaults to: {})

    Additional options controlling the invocation of the command.

Options Hash (parameters):

  • :chdir (String)

    The path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

Options Hash (invocation_options):

  • :environment (Hash<String, String>)

    A map of environment variables to expose at command invocation time.

# File 'lib/ruby_terraform.rb', line 1556

def workspace_show(parameters = {}, invocation_options = {})
       parameters, invocation_options)