Class: RubyTerraform::Commands::Apply

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Wraps the terraform apply command which creates or updates infrastructure according to terraform configuration files in the provided directory.

By default, terraform will generate a new plan and present it for approval before taking any action. Alternatively, the command accepts a plan file created by a previous invocation, in which case terraform will take the actions described in that plan without any confirmation prompt.

For options accepted on construction, see Base#initialize.

When executing an instance of Apply via Base#execute, the following options are supported:

  • :directory: the path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :plan: the path to a pre-computed plan to be applied.

  • :chdir: the path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :auto_approve: if true, skips interactive approval of the generated plan before applying; defaults to false.

  • :backup: the path to backup the existing state file before modifying; defaults to the :state_out path with “.backup” extension; set :no_backup to true to skip backups entirely.

  • :compact_warnings: when true, if terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, they are shown in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages; defaults to false.

  • :input: when false, will not ask for input for variables not directly set; defaults to true.

  • :lock: when true, locks the state file when locking is supported; when false, does not lock the state file; defaults to true.

  • :lock_timeout: the duration to retry a state lock; defaults to “0s”.

  • :no_backup: when true, no backup file will be written; defaults to false.

  • :no_color: whether or not the output from the command should be in color; defaults to false.

  • :parallelism: the number of parallel resource operations; defaults to 10.

  • :refresh: when true, updates state prior to checking for differences; when false uses locally available state; defaults to true; this has no effect when :plan is provided.

  • :replace: force replacement of a particular resource instance using its resource address. If the apply would’ve normally produced an update or no-op action for this instance, Terraform will replace it instead.

  • :replaces: an array of resource addresses to replace; if both replace and replaces are provided, all resources will be replaced.

  • :state: the path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified); defaults to “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :state: the path to the state file from which to read state and in which to store state (unless :state_out is specified); defaults to “terraform.tfstate”.

  • :state_out: the path to write state to that is different than :state; this can be used to preserve the old state.

  • :target: the address of a resource to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :targets: an array of resource addresses to target; if both :target and :targets are provided, all targets will be passed to terraform.

  • :vars: a map of variables to be passed to the terraform configuration.

  • :var_file: the path to a terraform var file; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

  • :var_files: an array of paths to terraform var files; if both :var_file and :var_files are provided, all var files will be passed to terraform.

The Base#execute method accepts an optional second parameter which is a map of invocation options. Currently, the only supported option is :environment which is a map of environment variables to expose during invocation of the command.


Basic Invocation
  directory: 'infra/networking',
  vars: {
    region: 'eu-central'

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#execute, #initialize

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RubyTerraform::Commands::Base