Class: RubyTerraform::Commands::Graph

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Wraps the terraform graph command which outputs the visual execution graph of terraform resources according to either the current configuration or an execution plan.

The graph is outputted in DOT format. The typical program that can read this format is GraphViz, but many web services are also available to read this format.

The :type option can be used to control the type of graph shown. Terraform creates different graphs for different operations. See the options below for the list of types supported. The default type is “plan” if a configuration is given, and “apply” if a plan file is passed as an argument.

For options accepted on construction, see Base#initialize.

When executing an instance of Graph via Base#execute, the following options are supported:

  • :directory: the path to a directory containing terraform configuration (deprecated in terraform 0.14, removed in terraform 0.15, use :chdir instead).

  • :chdir: the path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

  • :plan: render the graph using the specified plan file instead of the configuration in the current directory.

  • :draw_cycles: if true, highlights any cycles in the graph with colored edges; this helps when diagnosing cycle errors; defaults to false.

  • :type: the type of graph to output; can be: “plan”, “plan-destroy”, “apply”, “validate”, “input”, “refresh”; defaults to “apply” if :plan is provided, “plan” otherwise.

  • :module_depth: (deprecated) in prior versions of terraform, specified the depth of modules to show in the output.

The Base#execute method accepts an optional second parameter which is a map of invocation options. Currently, the only supported option is :environment which is a map of environment variables to expose during invocation of the command.


Basic Invocation

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#execute, #initialize

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RubyTerraform::Commands::Base