Module: RubyXL
- Includes:
- ColorConvenienceClasses
- Defined in:
- lib/rubyXL/objects/connection.rb,
lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods/worksheet.rb more...
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: CellConvenienceMethods, ColorConvenienceClasses, ColorConvenienceMethods, DataType, FontConvenienceMethods, LegacyCell, LegacyWorksheet, OOXMLObjectClassMethods, OOXMLObjectInstanceMethods, RelationshipSupport, WorkbookConvenienceMethods, WorksheetConvenienceMethods Classes: AExtension, AExtensionStorageArea, ActiveX, ActiveXBinary, AdjustHandleList, Alignment, AlternateContent, AlternateUrls, Authors, AutoFilter, AutoFilterColumn, BinaryImageFile, BodyProperties, BooleanNode, BooleanValue, Border, BorderEdge, Borders, Break, BreakList, CT_AdjPoint2D, CT_AlphaBiLevelEffect, CT_AlphaModulateEffect, CT_AlphaModulateFixedEffect, CT_AlphaOutsetEffect, CT_AlphaReplaceEffect, CT_Backdrop, CT_Bevel, CT_BiLevelEffect, CT_BlendEffect, CT_Blip, CT_BlipFillProperties, CT_BlurEffect, CT_Camera, CT_Color, CT_ColorChangeEffect, CT_ColorMapping, CT_ColorScheme, CT_ColorSchemeAndMapping, CT_ConnectionSite, CT_ConnectionSiteList, CT_DashStop, CT_DashStopList, CT_DefaultShapeDefinition, CT_DuotoneEffect, CT_EffectContainer, CT_EffectList, CT_EffectReference, CT_EffectStyleItem, CT_EffectStyleList, CT_EmbeddedWAVAudioFile, CT_FillEffect, CT_FillOverlayEffect, CT_FillStyleList, CT_FlatText, CT_FontCollection, CT_FontReference, CT_GeomGuideList, CT_GlowEffect, CT_GradientFillProperties, CT_GradientStop, CT_GradientStopList, CT_HSLEffect, CT_HslColor, CT_Hyperlink, CT_InnerShadowEffect, CT_LightRig, CT_LineEndProperties, CT_LineJoinMiterProperties, CT_LineProperties, CT_LineStyleList, CT_LinearShadeProperties, CT_LuminanceEffect, CT_ObjectStyleDefaults, CT_OuterShadowEffect, CT_Path2D, CT_Path2DArcTo, CT_Path2DCubicBezierTo, CT_Path2DList, CT_Path2DQuadBezierTo, CT_Path2DTo, CT_PathShadeProperties, CT_PatternFillProperties, CT_Point3D, CT_PolarAdjustHandle, CT_PresetColor, CT_PresetLineDashProperties, CT_PresetShadowEffect, CT_PresetTextShape, CT_ReflectionEffect, CT_RelativeOffsetEffect, CT_RelativeRect, CT_SRgbColor, CT_ScRgbColor, CT_Scene3D, CT_SchemeColor, CT_Shape3D, CT_ShapeStyle, CT_SoftEdgesEffect, CT_SphereCoords, CT_StretchInfoProperties, CT_StyleMatrix, CT_StyleMatrixReference, CT_SupplementalFont, CT_SystemColor, CT_TextAutonumberBullet, CT_TextBlipBullet, CT_TextCharBullet, CT_TextCharacterProperties, CT_TextFont, CT_TextListStyle, CT_TextNormalAutofit, CT_TextParagraphProperties, CT_TextSpacing, CT_TextTabStop, CT_TextTabStopList, CT_TileInfoProperties, CT_TintEffect, CT_Transform2D, CT_TransformEffect, CT_Vector3D, CT_XYAdjustHandle, CalculationChain, CalculationChainCell, CalculationProperties, Cell, CellExt, CellSmartTag, CellSmartTagProperty, CellSmartTags, CellStyle, CellStyleXFs, CellStyles, CellValue, CellWatch, CellWatches, CellXFs, ChartColorsFile, ChartFile, ChartStyleFile, ChartUserShapesFile, Chartsheet, ChartsheetPageSetup, ChartsheetProperties, ChartsheetProtection, ChartsheetView, ChartsheetViews, Color, ColorFilter, ColorScale, ColorSet, Colors, ColumnRange, ColumnRanges, Comment, CommentList, CommentsFile, ConditionalFormatValue, ConditionalFormatting, ConditionalFormattingRule, Connection, ConnectionTable, ConnectionTables, ConnectionTextField, ConnectionTextFields, Connections, ContentTypeDefault, ContentTypeOverride, ContentTypes, ControlPropertiesFile, CorePropertiesFile, CustomColor, CustomColorList, CustomFilter, CustomFilters, CustomGeometry, CustomProperties, CustomPropertiesFile, CustomProperty, CustomPropertyFile, CustomSheetView, CustomSheetViews, CustomWorkbookView, CustomWorkbookViews, CustomXMLFile, DXF, DXFs, DataBar, DataConsolidate, DataConsolidationReference, DataConsolidationReferences, DataValidation, DataValidations, DateGroupItem, DefinedName, DefinedNameExt, DefinedNames, DefinedNamesExt, DocumentPropertiesFile, DrawingFile, DynamicFilter, EmbeddedControl, EmbeddedControls, Extension, ExtensionStorageArea, Extents, ExternalBook, ExternalLinksFile, ExternalReference, ExternalReferences, ExtraColorSchemeList, FieldItem, FileRecoveryProperties, FileSharing, FileVersion, Fill, Fills, FilterContainer, FloatNode, FloatValue, Font, FontScheme, Fonts, Formula, FunctionGroup, FunctionGroups, GenericStorageObject, GradientFill, HeaderFooterSettings, Hyperlink, HyperlinkRelFile, Hyperlinks, IconFilter, IconSet, IgnoredError, IgnoredErrors, IndexedColors, InputCells, IntegerNode, IntegerValue, MRUColors, MacrosFile, MergedCell, MergedCells, NumFmt, NumberFormat, NumberFormats, OLEObject, OLEObjectFile, OLEObjects, OLESize, OOXMLContainerObject, OOXMLIgnored, OOXMLObject, OOXMLRelationshipsFile, OOXMLTopLevelObject, OdbcOleDbProperties, Offset, OlapProperties, OleItem, OleItems, OleLink, OutlineProperties, PageMargins, PageSetup, PageSetupProperties, Pane, Parser, PatternFill, PersonMetadata, PhoneticProperties, PhoneticRun, PivotArea, PivotCache, PivotCacheDefinitionFile, PivotCacheRecordsFile, PivotCaches, PivotReference, PivotReferences, PivotTableFile, PivotTableSelection, PresetGeometry, PrintOptions, PrinterSettingsFile, ProtectedRange, ProtectedRanges, Protection, QueryParameter, QueryParameters, QueryTable, QueryTableDeletedField, QueryTableDeletedFields, QueryTableField, QueryTableFields, QueryTableRefresh, RID, RawOOXML, Reference, Relationship, RevisionPointer, RichText, RichTextRun, Row, RowExt, RunProperties, Scenario, Scenarios, Selection, ShapeGuide, ShapeTextRectangle, SharedStringsTable, Sheet, SheetCalculationProperties, SheetData, SheetDataExt, SheetDataSet, SheetMetadata, SheetName, SheetNames, Sheets, SlicerCacheFile, SlicerFile, SmartTagProperties, SmartTagType, SmartTagTypes, SmartTags, SortCondition, SortState, Sqref, Stop, StringNode, StringNodeW3C, StringValue, Stylesheet, TableFile, TableParts, TableStyle, TableStyles, Text, TextImportSettings, Theme, ThemeElements, ThumbnailFile, Top10, VMLDrawingFile, Variant, Vector, VectorValue, VisualProperties, WebPublishObject, WebPublishObjects, WebPublishingItem, WebPublishingItems, WebPublishingProperties, WebQueryProperties, Workbook, WorkbookProperties, WorkbookProtection, WorkbookRoot, WorkbookView, WorkbookViews, Worksheet, WorksheetDimensions, WorksheetFormatProperties, WorksheetProperties, WorksheetProtection, WorksheetView, WorksheetViews, XF
Constant Summary collapse
- ST_PageOrder =
%w{ downThenOver overThenDown }
- ST_Orientation =
%w{ default portrait landscape }
- ST_CellComments =
%w{ none asDisplayed atEnd }
- ST_PrintError =
%w{ displayed blank dash NA }
- ST_CfvoType =
%w{ num percent max min formula percentile }
- ST_SheetViewType =
%w{ normal pageBreakPreview pageLayout }
- ST_PivotAreaType =
%w{ none normal data all origin button topRight }
- ST_Axis =
%w{ axisRow axisCol axisPage axisValues }
- ST_BorderStyle =
%w{ none thin medium dashed dotted thick double hair mediumDashed dashDot mediumDashDot dashDotDot slantDashDot }
- ST_HorizontalAlignment =
%w{ general left center right fill justify centerContinuous distributed }
- ST_VerticalAlignment =
%w{ top center bottom justify distributed }
- ST_VectorBaseType =
%w{ variant i1 i2 i4 i8 ui1 ui2 ui4 ui8 r4 r8 lpstr lpwstr bstr date filetime bool cy error clsid cf }
- ST_PhoneticType =
%w{ halfwidthKatakana fullwidthKatakana Hiragana noConversion }
- ST_PhoneticAlignment =
%w{ noControl left center distributed }
- ST_WebSourceType =
%w{ sheet printArea autoFilter range chart pivotTable query label }
- ST_CellType =
%w{ b n e s str inlineStr }
- ST_GradientType =
%w{ linear path }
- ST_PatternType =
%w{ none solid mediumGray darkGray lightGray darkHorizontal darkVertical darkDown darkUp darkGrid darkTrellis lightHorizontal lightVertical lightDown lightUp lightGrid lightTrellis gray125 gray0625 }
- ST_Objects =
%w{ all placeholders none }
- ST_UpdateLinks =
%w{ userSet never always }
- ST_Visibility =
%w{ visible hidden veryHidden }
- ST_DateTimeGrouping =
%w{ year month day hour minute second }
- ST_CalendarType =
%w{ none gregorian gregorianUs japan taiwan korea hijri thai hebrew gregorianMeFrench gregorianArabic gregorianXlitEnglish gregorianXlitFrench }
- ST_FilterOperator =
%w{ equal lessThan lessThanOrEqual notEqual greaterThanOrEqual greaterThan }
- ST_DynamicFilterType =
%w{ null aboveAverage belowAverage tomorrow today yesterday nextWeek thisWeek lastWeek nextMonth thisMonth lastMonth nextQuarter thisQuarter lastQuarter nextYear thisYear lastYear yearToDate Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 }
- ST_IconSetType =
%w{ 3Arrows 3ArrowsGray 3Flags 3TrafficLights1 3TrafficLights2 3Signs 3Symbols 3Symbols2 4Arrows 4ArrowsGray 4RedToBlack 4Rating 4TrafficLights 5Arrows 5ArrowsGray 5Rating 5Quarters }
- ST_SortMethod =
%w{ stroke pinYin none }
- ST_SortBy =
%w{ value cellColor fontColor icon }
- ST_CellFormulaType =
%w{ normal array dataTable shared }
- ST_TargetScreenSize =
%w{ 544x376 640x480 720x512 800x600 1024x768 1152x882 1152x900 1280x1024 1600x1200 1800x1440 1920x1200 }
- ST_SmartTagShow =
%w{ all none noIndicator }
- ST_CfType =
%w{ expression cellIs colorScale dataBar iconSet top10 uniqueValues duplicateValues containsText notContainsText beginsWith endsWith containsBlanks notContainsBlanks containsErrors notContainsErrors timePeriod aboveAverage }
- ST_TimePeriod =
%w{ today yesterday tomorrow last7Days thisMonth lastMonth nextMonth thisWeek lastWeek nextWeek }
- ST_CalcMode =
%w{ manual auto autoNoTable }
- ST_RefMode =
%w{ A1 R1C1 }
- ST_DvAspect =
- ST_OleUpdate =
- ST_Pane =
%w{ bottomRight topRight bottomLeft topLeft }
- ST_PaneState =
%w{ split frozen frozenSplit }
- ST_Comments =
%w{ commNone commIndicator commIndAndComment }
- ST_DataValidationType =
%w{ none whole decimal list date time textLength custom }
- ST_DataValidationErrorStyle =
%w{ stop warning information }
- ST_DataValidationImeMode =
%w{ noControl off on disabled hiragana fullKatakana halfKatakana fullAlpha halfAlpha fullHangul halfHangul }
- ST_DataValidationOperator =
%w{ between notBetween equal notEqual lessThan lessThanOrEqual greaterThan greaterThanOrEqual }
- ST_DataConsolidateFunction =
%w{ average count countNums max min product stdDev stdDevp sum var varp }
- ST_ConditionalFormattingOperator =
%w{ lessThan lessThanOrEqual equal notEqual greaterThanOrEqual greaterThan between notBetween containsText notContains beginsWith endsWith }
- ST_BlackWhiteMode =
%w{ clr auto gray ltGray invGray grayWhite blackGray blackWhite black white hidden }
- ST_ShapeType =
%w{ line lineInv triangle rtTriangle rect diamond parallelogram trapezoid nonIsoscelesTrapezoid pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon decagon dodecagon star4 star5 star6 star7 star8 star10 star12 star16 star24 star32 roundRect round1Rect round2SameRect round2DiagRect snipRoundRect snip1Rect snip2SameRect snip2DiagRect plaque ellipse teardrop homePlate chevron pieWedge pie blockArc donut noSmoking rightArrow leftArrow upArrow downArrow stripedRightArrow notchedRightArrow bentUpArrow leftRightArrow upDownArrow leftUpArrow leftRightUpArrow quadArrow leftArrowCallout rightArrowCallout upArrowCallout downArrowCallout leftRightArrowCallout upDownArrowCallout quadArrowCallout bentArrow uturnArrow circularArrow leftCircularArrow leftRightCircularArrow curvedRightArrow curvedLeftArrow curvedUpArrow curvedDownArrow swooshArrow cube can lightningBolt heart sun moon smileyFace irregularSeal1 irregularSeal2 foldedCorner bevel frame halfFrame corner diagStripe chord arc leftBracket rightBracket leftBrace rightBrace bracketPair bracePair straightConnector1 bentConnector2 bentConnector3 bentConnector4 bentConnector5 curvedConnector2 curvedConnector3 curvedConnector4 curvedConnector5 callout1 callout2 callout3 accentCallout1 accentCallout2 accentCallout3 borderCallout1 borderCallout2 borderCallout3 accentBorderCallout1 accentBorderCallout2 accentBorderCallout3 wedgeRectCallout wedgeRoundRectCallout wedgeEllipseCallout cloudCallout cloud ribbon ribbon2 ellipseRibbon ellipseRibbon2 leftRightRibbon verticalScroll horizontalScroll wave doubleWave plus flowChartProcess flowChartDecision flowChartInputOutput flowChartPredefinedProcess flowChartInternalStorage flowChartDocument flowChartMultidocument flowChartTerminator flowChartPreparation flowChartManualInput flowChartManualOperation flowChartConnector flowChartPunchedCard flowChartPunchedTape flowChartSummingJunction flowChartOr flowChartCollate flowChartSort flowChartExtract flowChartMerge flowChartOfflineStorage flowChartOnlineStorage flowChartMagneticTape flowChartMagneticDisk flowChartMagneticDrum flowChartDisplay flowChartDelay flowChartAlternateProcess flowChartOffpageConnector actionButtonBlank actionButtonHome actionButtonHelp actionButtonInformation actionButtonForwardNext actionButtonBackPrevious actionButtonEnd actionButtonBeginning actionButtonReturn actionButtonDocument actionButtonSound actionButtonMovie gear6 gear9 funnel mathPlus mathMinus mathMultiply mathDivide mathEqual mathNotEqual cornerTabs squareTabs plaqueTabs chartX chartStar chartPlus }
- ST_SystemColorVal =
%w{ scrollBar background activeCaption inactiveCaption menu window windowFrame menuText windowText captionText activeBorder inactiveBorder appWorkspace highlight highlightText btnFace btnShadow grayText btnText inactiveCaptionText btnHighlight 3dDkShadow 3dLight infoText infoBk hotLight gradientActiveCaption gradientInactiveCaption menuHighlight menuBar }
- ST_SchemeColorVal =
%w{ bg1 tx1 bg2 tx2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink phClr dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 }
- ST_PresetColorVal =
%w{ aliceBlue antiqueWhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedAlmond blue blueViolet brown burlyWood cadetBlue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerBlue cornsilk crimson cyan dkBlue dkCyan dkGoldenrod dkGray dkGreen dkKhaki dkMagenta dkOliveGreen dkOrange dkOrchid dkRed dkSalmon dkSeaGreen dkSlateBlue dkSlateGray dkTurquoise dkViolet deepPink deepSkyBlue dimGray dodgerBlue firebrick floralWhite forestGreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostWhite gold goldenrod gray green greenYellow honeydew hotPink indianRed indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderBlush lawnGreen lemonChiffon ltBlue ltCoral ltCyan ltGoldenrodYellow ltGray ltGreen ltPink ltSalmon ltSeaGreen ltSkyBlue ltSlateGray ltSteelBlue ltYellow lime limeGreen linen magenta maroon medAquamarine medBlue medOrchid medPurple medSeaGreen medSlateBlue medSpringGreen medTurquoise medVioletRed midnightBlue mintCream mistyRose moccasin navajoWhite navy oldLace olive oliveDrab orange orangeRed orchid paleGoldenrod paleGreen paleTurquoise paleVioletRed papayaWhip peachPuff peru pink plum powderBlue purple red rosyBrown royalBlue saddleBrown salmon sandyBrown seaGreen seaShell sienna silver skyBlue slateBlue slateGray snow springGreen steelBlue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whiteSmoke yellow yellowGreen }
- ST_PathFillMode =
%w{ none norm lighten lightenLess darken darkenLess }
- ST_TextVertOverflowType =
%w{ overflow ellipsis clip }
- ST_TextHorzOverflowType =
%w{ overflow clip }
- ST_TextVerticalType =
%w{ horz vert vert270 wordArtVert eaVert mongolianVert wordArtVertRtl }
- ST_TextWrappingType =
%w{ none square }
- ST_TextAnchoringType =
%w{ t ctr b just dist }
- ST_TextShapeType =
%w{ textNoShape textPlain textStop textTriangle textTriangleInverted textChevron textChevronInverted textRingInside textRingOutside textArchUp textArchDown textCircle textButton textArchUpPour textArchDownPour textCirclePour textButtonPour textCurveUp textCurveDown textCanUp textCanDown textWave1 textWave2 textDoubleWave1 textWave4 textInflate textDeflate textInflateBottom textDeflateBottom textInflateTop textDeflateTop textDeflateInflate textDeflateInflateDeflate textFadeRight textFadeLeft textFadeUp textFadeDown textSlantUp textSlantDown textCascadeUp textCascadeDown }
- ST_PresetMaterialType =
%w{ legacyMatte legacyPlastic legacyMetal legacyWireframe matte plastic metal warmMatte translucentPowder powder dkEdge softEdge clear flat softmetal }
- ST_BevelPresetType =
%w{ relaxedInset circle slope cross angle softRound convex coolSlant divot riblet hardEdge artDeco }
- ST_LineEndType =
%w{ none triangle stealth diamond oval arrow }
- ST_LineEndWidth =
%w{ sm med lg }
- ST_LineEndLength =
%w{ sm med lg }
- ST_PresetLineDashVal =
%w{ solid dot dash lgDash dashDot lgDashDot lgDashDotDot sysDash sysDot sysDashDot sysDashDotDot }
- ST_TileFlipMode =
%w{ none x y xy }
- ST_PathShadeType =
%w{ shape circle rect }
- ST_PresetPatternVal =
%w{ pct5 pct10 pct20 pct25 pct30 pct40 pct50 pct60 pct70 pct75 pct80 pct90 horz vert ltHorz ltVert dkHorz dkVert narHorz narVert dashHorz dashVert cross dnDiag upDiag ltDnDiag ltUpDiag dkDnDiag dkUpDiag wdDnDiag wdUpDiag dashDnDiag dashUpDiag diagCross smCheck lgCheck smGrid lgGrid dotGrid smConfetti lgConfetti horzBrick diagBrick solidDmnd openDmnd dotDmnd plaid sphere weave divot shingle wave trellis zigZag }
- ST_RectAlignment =
%w{ tl t tr l ctr r bl b br }
- ST_BlipCompression =
%w{ email screen print hqprint none }
- ST_ColorSchemeIndex =
%w{ dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink }
- ST_FontCollectionIndex =
%w{ major minor none }
- ST_BlendMode =
%w{ over mult screen darken lighten }
- ST_PresetCameraType =
%w{ legacyObliqueTopLeft legacyObliqueTop legacyObliqueTopRight legacyObliqueLeft legacyObliqueFront legacyObliqueRight legacyObliqueBottomLeft legacyObliqueBottom legacyObliqueBottomRight legacyPerspectiveTopLeft legacyPerspectiveTop legacyPerspectiveTopRight legacyPerspectiveLeft legacyPerspectiveFront legacyPerspectiveRight legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft legacyPerspectiveBottom legacyPerspectiveBottomRight orthographicFront isometricTopUp isometricTopDown isometricBottomUp isometricBottomDown isometricLeftUp isometricLeftDown isometricRightUp isometricRightDown isometricOffAxis1Left isometricOffAxis1Right isometricOffAxis1Top isometricOffAxis2Left isometricOffAxis2Right isometricOffAxis2Top isometricOffAxis3Left isometricOffAxis3Right isometricOffAxis3Bottom isometricOffAxis4Left isometricOffAxis4Right isometricOffAxis4Bottom obliqueTopLeft obliqueTop obliqueTopRight obliqueLeft obliqueRight obliqueBottomLeft obliqueBottom obliqueBottomRight perspectiveFront perspectiveLeft perspectiveRight perspectiveAbove perspectiveBelow perspectiveAboveLeftFacing perspectiveAboveRightFacing perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing perspectiveContrastingRightFacing perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately }
- ST_LightRigType =
%w{ legacyFlat1 legacyFlat2 legacyFlat3 legacyFlat4 legacyNormal1 legacyNormal2 legacyNormal3 legacyNormal4 legacyHarsh1 legacyHarsh2 legacyHarsh3 legacyHarsh4 threePt balanced soft harsh flood contrasting morning sunrise sunset chilly freezing flat twoPt glow brightRoom }
- ST_LightRigDirection =
%w{ tl t tr l ctr r bl b br }
- ST_EffectContainerType =
%w{ sib tree }
- ST_PresetShadowVal =
%w{ shdw1 shdw2 shdw3 shdw4 shdw5 shdw6 shdw7 shdw8 shdw9 shdw10 shdw11 shdw12 shdw13 shdw14 shdw15 shdw16 shdw17 shdw18 shdw19 shdw20 }
- ST_TextTabAlignType =
%w{ l ctr r dec }
- ST_TextAutonumberScheme =
%w{ alphaLcParenBoth alphaUcParenBoth alphaLcParenR alphaUcParenR alphaLcPeriod alphaUcPeriod arabicParenBoth arabicParenR arabicPeriod arabicPlain romanLcParenBoth romanUcParenBoth romanLcParenR romanUcParenR romanLcPeriod romanUcPeriod circleNumDbPlain circleNumWdBlackPlain circleNumWdWhitePlain arabicDbPeriod arabicDbPlain ea1ChsPeriod ea1ChsPlain ea1ChtPeriod ea1ChtPlain ea1JpnChsDbPeriod ea1JpnKorPlain ea1JpnKorPeriod arabic1Minus arabic2Minus hebrew2Minus thaiAlphaPeriod thaiAlphaParenR thaiAlphaParenBoth thaiNumPeriod thaiNumParenR thaiNumParenBoth hindiAlphaPeriod hindiNumPeriod hindiNumParenR hindiAlpha1Period }
- ST_TextAlignType =
%w{ l ctr r just justLow dist thaiDist }
- ST_TextFontAlignType =
%w{ auto t ctr base b }
- ST_LineCap =
%w{ rnd sq flat }
- ST_CompoundLine =
%w{ sng dbl thickThin thinThick tri }
- ST_PenAlignment =
%w{ ctr in }
- ST_TextUnderlineType =
%w{ none words sng dbl heavy dotted dottedHeavy dash dashHeavy dashLong dashLongHeavy dotDash dotDashHeavy dotDotDash dotDotDashHeavy wavy wavyHeavy wavyDbl }
- ST_UnderlineValues =
%w{ single double singleAccounting doubleAccounting none }
- ST_TextStrikeType =
%w{ noStrike sngStrike dblStrike }
- ST_TextCapsType =
%w{ none small all }
- ST_UnsignedIntHex =
- ST_UnsignedShortHex =
- ST_Xstring =
length = 2
- ST_GrowShrinkType =
Query Tables
%w{ insertDelete insertClear overwriteClear }
- ST_CredMethod =
%w{ integrated none stored prompt }
- ST_ParameterType =
%w{ prompt value cell }
- ST_FileType =
%w{ mac win dos }
- ST_Qualifier =
%w{ doubleQuote singleQuote none }
- ST_ExternalConnectionType =
%w{ general text MDY DMY YMD MYD DYM YDM skip EMD }
- ST_HtmlFmt =
%w{ none rtf all }
- @@suppress_warnings =
Class Method Summary collapse
.from_root(path) ⇒ Object
Convert any path passed to absolute path (within the XLSX file).
Class Method Details
permalink .from_root(path) ⇒ Object
Convert any path passed to absolute path (within the XLSX file).
8 9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/rubyXL.rb', line 8 def self.from_root(path) return path unless path.absolute? path.relative_path_from(OOXMLTopLevelObject::ROOT) end |