Module: Sass::Callbacks
- Included in:
- Plugin::Compiler
- Defined in:
- lib/sass/callbacks.rb
A lightweight infrastructure for defining and running callbacks.
Callbacks are defined using #define_callback at the class level,
and called using run_#{name}
at the instance level.
Clients can add callbacks by calling the generated on_#{name}
and passing in a block that's run when the callback is activated.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: InstanceMethods
Class Method Summary collapse
Automatically includes InstanceMethods when something extends this module.
Instance Method Summary collapse
Define a callback with the given name.
Class Method Details
Automatically includes InstanceMethods when something extends this module.
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# File 'lib/sass/callbacks.rb', line 30
def self.extended(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
Instance Method Details
#define_callback(name) (protected)
This method returns an undefined value.
Define a callback with the given name.
This will define an on_#{name}
that registers a block,
and a run_#{name}
method that runs that block
(optionall with some arguments).
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# File 'lib/sass/callbacks.rb', line 50
def define_callback(name)
class_eval <<RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def on_#{name}(&block)
@_sass_callbacks ||= {}
(@_sass_callbacks[#{name.inspect}] ||= []) << block
def run_#{name}(*args)
return unless @_sass_callbacks
return unless @_sass_callbacks[#{name.inspect}]
@_sass_callbacks[#{name.inspect}].each {|c| c[*args]}
private :run_#{name}