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Modules: Semantic, SemanticUiViewsGenerator
Instance Method Summary collapse
#config ⇒ Object
src: Use this setup block to configure all options available in SimpleForm.
Instance Method Details
#config ⇒ Object
src: Use this setup block to configure all options available in SimpleForm.
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# File 'lib/generators/semantic/templates/initializers/simple_form.rb', line 3 SimpleForm.setup do |config| # Wrappers are used by the form builder to generate a # complete input. You can remove any component from the # wrapper, change the order or even add your own to the # stack. The options given below are used to wrap the # whole input. config.wrappers :default, class: :input, hint_class: :field_with_hint, error_class: :field_with_errors do |b| ## Extensions enabled by default # Any of these extensions can be disabled for a # given input by passing: `f.input EXTENSION_NAME => false`. # You can make any of these extensions optional by # renaming `b.use` to `b.optional`. # Determines whether to use HTML5 (:email, :url, ...) # and required attributes b.use :html5 # Calculates placeholders automatically from I18n # You can also pass a string as f.input placeholder: "Placeholder" b.use :placeholder ## Optional extensions # They are disabled unless you pass `f.input EXTENSION_NAME => true` # to the input. If so, they will retrieve the values from the model # if any exists. If you want to enable any of those # extensions by default, you can change `b.optional` to `b.use`. # Calculates maxlength from length validations for string inputs # and/or database column lengths b.optional :maxlength # Calculate minlength from length validations for string inputs b.optional :minlength # Calculates pattern from format validations for string inputs b.optional :pattern # Calculates min and max from length validations for numeric inputs b.optional :min_max # Calculates readonly automatically from readonly attributes b.optional :readonly ## Inputs b.use :label_input b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: :span, class: :hint } b.use :error, wrap_with: { tag: :span, class: :error } end # Custom Semantic Wrapper # Values are similar to the default wrapper above, with different classes config.wrappers :semantic, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength b.optional :pattern b.optional :min_max b.use :label_input b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } b.use :error, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'ui red pointing above label error' } end config.wrappers :ui_checkbox, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.wrapper tag: 'div', class: 'ui checkbox' do |input| input.use :label_input input.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } end end config.wrappers :ui_slider_checkbox, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.wrapper tag: 'div', class: 'ui slider checkbox' do |input| input.use :label_input input.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } end end config.wrappers :ui_toggle_checkbox, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.wrapper tag: 'div', class: 'ui toggle checkbox' do |input| input.use :label_input input.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } end end config.wrappers :ui_left_labled_input, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :label b.wrapper tag: 'div', class: 'ui left labeled input' do |input| input.use :input input.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } end end config.wrappers :ui_right_labled_input, tag: 'div', class: "field", error_class: 'error', hint_class: 'with_hint' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :label b.wrapper tag: 'div', class: 'ui right labeled input' do |input| input.use :input input.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'div', class: 'hint' } end end # The default wrapper to be used by the FormBuilder. # config.default_wrapper = :default config.default_wrapper = :semantic # Define the way to render check boxes / radio buttons with labels. # Defaults to :nested for semanticui config. # inline: input + label # nested: label > input config.boolean_style = :inline # Default class for buttons config. = 'ui primary submit button' # Method used to tidy up errors. Specify any Rails Array method. # :first lists the first message for each field. # Use :to_sentence to list all errors for each field. config.error_method = :first # Default tag used for error notification helper. config.error_notification_tag = :div # CSS class to add for error notification helper. config.error_notification_class = 'alert alert-error' # ID to add for error notification helper. # config.error_notification_id = nil # Series of attempts to detect a default label method for collection. # config.collection_label_methods = [ :to_label, :name, :title, :to_s ] # Series of attempts to detect a default value method for collection. # config.collection_value_methods = [ :id, :to_s ] # You can wrap a collection of radio/check boxes in a pre-defined tag, defaulting to none. # config.collection_wrapper_tag = :div # You can define the class to use on all collection wrappers. Defaulting to none. # config.collection_wrapper_class = "field" # You can wrap each item in a collection of radio/check boxes with a tag, # defaulting to :span. Please note that when using :boolean_style = :nested, # SimpleForm will force this option to be a label. config.item_wrapper_tag = :div # You can define a class to use in all item wrappers. Defaulting to none. config.item_wrapper_class = 'ui checkbox' # How the label text should be generated altogether with the required text. # config.label_text = lambda { |label, required, explicit_label| "#{required} #{label}" } config.label_text = lambda { |label, required, explicit_label| "#{label}" } # Semantic UI has its own astrick # You can define the class to use on all labels. Default is nil. # config.label_class = nil # You can define the class to use on all forms. Default is simple_form. config.default_form_class = 'ui form' # You can define which elements should obtain additional classes # config.generate_additional_classes_for = [:wrapper, :label, :input] # Whether attributes are required by default (or not). Default is true. # config.required_by_default = true # Tell browsers whether to use the native HTML5 validations (novalidate form option). # These validations are enabled in SimpleForm's internal config but disabled by default # in this configuration, which is recommended due to some quirks from different browsers. # To stop SimpleForm from generating the novalidate option, enabling the HTML5 validations, # change this configuration to true. config.browser_validations = false # Collection of methods to detect if a file type was given. # config.file_methods = [ :mounted_as, :file?, :public_filename ] # Custom mappings for input types. This should be a hash containing a regexp # to match as key, and the input type that will be used when the field name # matches the regexp as value. # config.input_mappings = { /count/ => :integer } # Custom wrappers for input types. This should be a hash containing an input # type as key and the wrapper that will be used for all inputs with specified type. # config.wrapper_mappings = { string: :prepend } # Namespaces where SimpleForm should look for custom input classes that # override default inputs. # config.custom_inputs_namespaces << "CustomInputs" # Default priority for time_zone inputs. # config.time_zone_priority = nil # Default priority for country inputs. # config.country_priority = nil # When false, do not use translations for labels. # config.translate_labels = true # Automatically discover new inputs in Rails' autoload path. # config.inputs_discovery = true # Cache SimpleForm inputs discovery # config.cache_discovery = !Rails.env.development? # Default class for inputs # config.input_class = nil # Define the default class of the input wrapper of the boolean input. config.boolean_label_class = 'checkbox' # Defines if the default input wrapper class should be included in radio # collection wrappers. # config.include_default_input_wrapper_class = true # Defines which i18n scope will be used in Simple Form. # config.i18n_scope = 'simple_form' end |