Module: SubtitleProfanityFinder
- Defined in:
- lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb
Class Method Summary collapse
- .add_single_line_minimized_text_from_multiline(entry) ⇒ Object
.convert_to_regexps(profanity_hash) ⇒ Object
convert string to regexp, also accomodating for “full word” type profanities.
- .edl_output(incoming_filename, extra_profanity_hash = {}, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts = 0, add_to_end_each_ts = 0, beginning_srt = 0.0, beginning_actual_movie = 0.0, ending_srt = 7200.0, ending_actual = 7200.0) ⇒ Object
.edl_output_from_string(subtitles, extra_profanity_hash, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts, add_to_end_each_ts, starting_time_given_srt, starting_time_actual, ending_srt_time, ending_actual_time, include_minor_profanities = true) ⇒ Object
**_time means “a float”.
.split_to_entries(subtitles_raw_text) ⇒ Object
splits into timestamps -> timestampsncontent blocks.
Class Method Details
.add_single_line_minimized_text_from_multiline(entry) ⇒ Object
43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb', line 43 def self.add_single_line_minimized_text_from_multiline entry entry.single_line_text = entry.text.strip.gsub(/^[- ,_\.]+/, '').gsub(/[- ,_]+$/, '').gsub(/[\r\n]/, ' ') end |
.convert_to_regexps(profanity_hash) ⇒ Object
convert string to regexp, also accomodating for “full word” type profanities
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb', line 48 def self.convert_to_regexps profanity_hash all_profanity_combinations = [] profanity_hash.to_a.sort.reverse.each{|profanity, sanitized| as_regexp =, Regexp::IGNORECASE) if sanitized.is_a? Array # like 'bad word' => ['vain use', :partial_word, 'deity'] raise unless [2, 3] raise unless sanitized[1].in? [:full_word, :partial_word] is_single_word_profanity = true if sanitized[1] == :full_word if sanitized.length == 3 category = sanitized[2] end sanitized = sanitized[0] end permutations = [profanity] if profanity =~ /l/ permutations << profanity.gsub(/l/i, 'i') end if profanity =~ /i/ permutations << profanity.gsub(/i/i, 'l') end replace_with = '[' + sanitized + ']' category ||= sanitized for permutation in permutations if is_single_word_profanity # \s is whitespace as_regexp ="(?:\s|^|[^a-zA-Z])" + permutation + "(?:\s|$|[^a-zA-Z])", Regexp::IGNORECASE) all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, category, ' ' + replace_with + ' '] # might introduce an extra space in there, but that's prolly ok since they're full-word already, and we collapse them else all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, category, replace_with] end end } all_profanity_combinations end |
.edl_output(incoming_filename, extra_profanity_hash = {}, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts = 0, add_to_end_each_ts = 0, beginning_srt = 0.0, beginning_actual_movie = 0.0, ending_srt = 7200.0, ending_actual = 7200.0) ⇒ Object
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb', line 87 def self.edl_output incoming_filename, extra_profanity_hash = {}, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts = 0, add_to_end_each_ts = 0, beginning_srt = 0.0, beginning_actual_movie = 0.0, ending_srt = 7200.0, ending_actual = 7200.0 edl_output_from_string(, extra_profanity_hash, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts, add_to_end_each_ts, beginning_srt, beginning_actual_movie, ending_srt, ending_actual)[0] end |
.edl_output_from_string(subtitles, extra_profanity_hash, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts, add_to_end_each_ts, starting_time_given_srt, starting_time_actual, ending_srt_time, ending_actual_time, include_minor_profanities = true) ⇒ Object
**_time means “a float”
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 |
# File 'lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb', line 93 def self.edl_output_from_string subtitles, extra_profanity_hash, subtract_from_each_beginning_ts, add_to_end_each_ts, starting_time_given_srt, starting_time_actual, ending_srt_time, ending_actual_time, include_minor_profanities=true # lodo may not need include_minor_profs :P raise if subtract_from_each_beginning_ts < 0 # these have to be my twisted paradigm raise if add_to_end_each_ts < 0 # accomodate for both styles of rewrite, except it messes up the math...delete this soon... # difference = starting_timestamp_given_srt - starting_timestamp_actual # subtract_from_each_beginning_ts += difference # add_to_end_each_ts -= difference # you minus the initial srt time... (given) # ratio = (end actual - init actual/ end given - init given)*(how far you are past the initial srt) plus initial actual multiply_by_this_factor = (ending_actual_time - starting_time_actual)/(ending_srt_time - starting_time_given_srt) multiply_proc = proc {|you| ((you - starting_time_given_srt) * multiply_by_this_factor) + starting_time_actual } bad_profanities = {'hell' => ['h...', :full_word], 'g' + 111.chr + 100.chr => ['vain use', :partial_word, 'deity'], 'g' + 111.chr + 100.chr + 's' => 'deitys', 'meu deus' => 'l...', 'lord' => 'l...', 'da' + 'mn' => 'da..', 'f' + 117.chr + 99.chr + 107.chr => 'f...', 'allah' => 'all..', 'bi' + 'tc' + 104.chr => 'b....', 'bas' + 'ta' + 'r' + 100.chr => 'ba.....', ((arse = 'a' + 's'*2)) => ['a..', :full_word], arse + 'h' + 'ole' => 'a..h...', 'dieu' => ['deity', :full_word], arse + 'w' + 'ipe' => 'a..w...', 'jes' + 'u' + 's' => ['vain use', :partial_word, 'deity'], 'chri' + 'st'=> ['vain use', :full_word, 'deity'], # allow for christian[ity] 'sh' + 'i' + 't' => 'sh..', 'cu' + 'nt' => 'c...', 'cocksucker' => 'cock......', } bad_profanities.merge! extra_profanity_hash # LODO make easier to use... semi_bad_profanities = {} ['moron', 'breast', 'idiot', 'sex', 'genital', 'boob', 'tits', 'make love', 'pen' + 'is', 'pussy', 'fart', 'making' + ' love', 'love mak', 'dumb', 'suck', 'piss', 'c' + 'u' + 'nt', 'd' + 'ick', 'vag' + 'i' + 'na', ].each{|name| semi_bad_profanities[name] = name } semi_bad_profanities['bloody'] = 'bloo..' semi_bad_profanities['crap'] = ['crap', :full_word] semi_bad_profanities['butt'] = ['butt', :full_word] # butter? all_profanity_combinationss = [convert_to_regexps(bad_profanities)] if include_minor_profanities all_profanity_combinationss += [convert_to_regexps(semi_bad_profanities)] end output = '' entries = split_to_entries(subtitles) for all_profanity_combinations in all_profanity_combinationss output += "\n" for entry in entries text = entry.text ts_begin = entry.beginning_time ts_begin -= subtract_from_each_beginning_ts ts_begin = ts_end = entry.ending_time ts_end += add_to_end_each_ts ts_end = found_category = nil for (profanity, category, sanitized) in all_profanity_combinations if text =~ profanity found_category = category break end end if found_category # sanitize/euphemize the subtitle text for all profanities... for all_profanity_combinations2 in all_profanity_combinationss for (profanity, category, sanitized) in all_profanity_combinations2 text.gsub!(profanity, sanitized) end end # because we now have duplicate's for the letter l/i, refactor [[[word]]] to just [word] text.gsub!(/\[+/, '[') text.gsub!(/\]+/, ']') entry.text = text add_single_line_minimized_text_from_multiline entry text = text.gsub(/[\r\n]|\n/, ' ') # flatten up to 3 lines of text to just 1 ts_begin_human = EdlParser.translate_time_to_human_readable ts_begin, true ts_end_human = EdlParser.translate_time_to_human_readable ts_end, true unless output.contain? ts_begin_human # some previous profanity already found this line :P output += %! "#{ts_begin_human}" , "#{ts_end_human}", "profanity", "#{found_category}", "#{text}",\n! end end end end # update timestamps to be synchro'ed for entry in entries entry.beginning_time = entry.ending_time = end [output, entries] end |
.split_to_entries(subtitles_raw_text) ⇒ Object
splits into timestamps -> timestampsncontent blocks
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/subtitle_profanity_finder.rb', line 17 def self.split_to_entries subtitles_raw_text all = subtitles_raw_text.gsub("\r\n", "\n").scan(/^\d+\n\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.*?^$/m) # line endings so that it parses right when linux reads a windows file <huh?>{|glop| lines = glop.lines.to_a index_line = lines[0] timing_line = lines[1].strip text = lines.to_a[2..-1].join("") # they still have separating "\n"'s # create english-ified version text.gsub!(/<(.|)(\/|)i>/i, '') # kill <i> type things text.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-!,.\?'\n\(\)]/, ' ') # kill weird stuff like ellipseses, also quotes would hurt so kill them too text.gsub!(/ +/, ' ') # remove duplicate " " 's now since we may have inserted many # extract timing info # "00:03:00.0" , "00:04:00.0", "violence", "of some sort", timing_line =~ /((\d\d:\d\d:\d\d),(\d\d\d) --> (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d),(\d\d\d))/ ts_begin = "#{$2}.#{$3}" ts_end = "#{$4}.#{$5}" out = out.index_number = index_line.strip.to_i out.beginning_time = EdlParser.translate_string_to_seconds ts_begin out.ending_time = EdlParser.translate_string_to_seconds ts_end out.text = text.strip # harmless right? add_single_line_minimized_text_from_multiline out out } end |