Class: Sentry::Configuration
- Inherits:
- Object
- Sentry::Configuration
- Includes:
- ArgumentCheckingHelper, CustomInspection, LoggingHelper
- Defined in:
- lib/sentry/configuration.rb
Constant Summary collapse
These exceptions could enter Puma’s ‘lowlevel_error_handler` callback and the SDK’s Puma integration But they are mostly considered as noise and should be ignored by default Please see for more information
[ "Puma::MiniSSL::SSLError", "Puma::HttpParserError", "Puma::HttpParserError501" ].freeze
Most of these errors generate 4XX responses. In general, Sentry clients only automatically report 5xx responses.
[ "Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound", "Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError", "Rack::QueryParser::ParameterTypeError", "Sinatra::NotFound" ].freeze
"You are running on Heroku but haven't enabled Dyno Metadata. For Sentry's "\ "release detection to work correctly, please run `heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata`"
"** [Sentry] "
[:@linecache, :@stacktrace_builder]
[:sentry, :otel]
%i[redis puma http].freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#app_dirs_pattern ⇒ Regexp?
Directories to be recognized as part of your app.
#async ⇒ Proc?
It will be removed in the next major release. Please read for more information
#auto_session_tracking ⇒ Boolean
Track sessions in request/response cycles automatically.
#background_worker_max_queue ⇒ Integer
The maximum queue size for the background worker.
#background_worker_threads ⇒ Integer
to send events in a non-blocking way, sentry-ruby has its own background worker by default, the worker holds a thread pool that has [the number of processors] threads but you can configure it with this configuration option E.g.: config.background_worker_threads = 5.
#backtrace_cleanup_callback ⇒ Proc?
a proc/lambda that takes an array of stack traces it’ll be used to silence (reduce) backtrace of the exception.
#before_breadcrumb ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before adding the breadcrumb to the current scope.
#before_send ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before sending an event to the server.
#before_send_transaction ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before sending an event to the server.
#breadcrumbs_logger ⇒ Array<Symbol>
An array of breadcrumbs loggers to be used.
#context_lines ⇒ Integer?
Number of lines of code context to capture, or nil for none.
#cron ⇒ Cron::Configuration
Cron related configuration.
#debug ⇒ Boolean
Whether the SDK should run in the debugging mode.
#dsn ⇒ String
the dsn value, whether it’s set via ‘config.dsn=` or `ENV`.
#enable_backpressure_handling ⇒ Boolean
Whether to downsample transactions automatically because of backpressure.
#enable_tracing ⇒ Boolean?
It will be removed in the next major release.
#enabled_environments ⇒ Array<String>
Whitelist of enabled_environments that will send notifications to Sentry.
#enabled_patches ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Array of patches to apply.
#environment ⇒ String
RACK_ENV by default.
#exclude_loggers ⇒ Array<String>
Logger ‘progname’s to exclude from breadcrumbs.
#excluded_exceptions ⇒ Array<String>
Array of exception classes that should never be sent.
#include_local_variables ⇒ Boolean
(also: #capture_exception_frame_locals)
Whether to capture local variables from the raised exception’s frame.
#inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion ⇒ Boolean
(also: #inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion?)
Boolean to check nested exceptions when deciding if to exclude.
#instrumenter ⇒ Symbol
The instrumenter to use, :sentry or :otel.
#linecache ⇒ LineCache
You may provide your own LineCache for matching paths with source files.
#logger ⇒ Logger
Logger used by Sentry.
#max_breadcrumbs ⇒ Integer
Max number of breadcrumbs a breadcrumb buffer can hold.
#metrics ⇒ Metrics::Configuration
Metrics related configuration.
#profiler_class ⇒ Class
The profiler class.
#profiles_sample_rate ⇒ Float?
Take a float between 0.0 and 1.0 as the sample rate for capturing profiles.
#project_root ⇒ String
Project directory root for in_app detection.
#propagate_traces ⇒ Boolean
Insert sentry-trace to outgoing requests’ headers.
#rack_env_whitelist ⇒ Array<String>
Array of rack env parameters to be included in the event sent to sentry.
#release ⇒ String
Release tag to be passed with every event sent to Sentry.
#sample_rate ⇒ Float
The sampling factor to apply to events.
#send_client_reports ⇒ Boolean
Send diagnostic client reports about dropped events, true by default tries to attach to an existing envelope max once every 30s.
#send_default_pii ⇒ Boolean
When send_default_pii’s value is false (default), sensitive information like - user ip - user cookie - request body - query string will not be sent to Sentry.
#send_modules ⇒ Boolean
Include module versions in reports - boolean.
- #server_name ⇒ String
#skip_rake_integration ⇒ Boolean
Allow to skip Sentry emails within rake tasks.
#spotlight ⇒ Boolean, String
Whether to capture events and traces into Spotlight.
#strip_backtrace_load_path ⇒ Boolean
Whether to strip the load path while constructing the backtrace frame filename.
#trace_propagation_targets ⇒ Array<String, Regexp>
Allowlist of outgoing request targets to which sentry-trace and baggage headers are attached.
#traces_sample_rate ⇒ Float?
Take a float between 0.0 and 1.0 as the sample rate for tracing events (transactions).
#traces_sampler ⇒ Proc
Take a Proc that controls the sample rate for every tracing event, e.g.
#transport ⇒ Transport::Configuration
Transport related configuration.
#trusted_proxies ⇒ Object
IP ranges for trusted proxies that will be skipped when calculating IP address.
Class Method Summary collapse
.add_post_initialization_callback(&block) ⇒ Object
allow extensions to add their hooks to the Configuration class.
.post_initialization_callbacks ⇒ Object
Post initialization callbacks are called at the end of initialization process allowing extending the configuration of sentry-ruby by multiple extensions.
- .validate(attribute, optional: false, type: nil) ⇒ Object
- .validations ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
#capture_exception_frame_locals=(value) ⇒ Object
Use #include_local_variables= instead.
- #csp_report_uri ⇒ String?
- #detect_release ⇒ Object private
- #enabled_in_current_env? ⇒ Boolean
- #error_messages ⇒ Object private
- #exception_class_allowed?(exc) ⇒ Boolean
#initialize ⇒ Configuration
A new instance of Configuration.
- #profiling_enabled? ⇒ Boolean
- #sample_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
- #sending_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
- #sending_to_dsn_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
- #session_tracking? ⇒ Boolean
- #stacktrace_builder ⇒ Object private
- #tracing_enabled? ⇒ Boolean
- #valid_sample_rate?(sample_rate) ⇒ Boolean
- #validate ⇒ Object
Constructor Details
permalink #initialize ⇒ Configuration
Returns a new instance of Configuration.
405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 405 def initialize self.app_dirs_pattern = APP_DIRS_PATTERN self.debug = Sentry::Utils::EnvHelper.env_to_bool(ENV["SENTRY_DEBUG"]) self.background_worker_threads = (processor_count / 2.0).ceil self.background_worker_max_queue = BackgroundWorker::DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE self.backtrace_cleanup_callback = nil self.strip_backtrace_load_path = true self. = BreadcrumbBuffer::DEFAULT_SIZE self. = [] self.context_lines = 3 self.include_local_variables = false self.environment = environment_from_env self.enabled_environments = [] self.exclude_loggers = [] self.excluded_exceptions = IGNORE_DEFAULT + PUMA_IGNORE_DEFAULT self.inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion = true self.linecache = self.logger = self.project_root = Dir.pwd self.propagate_traces = true self.sample_rate = 1.0 self.send_modules = true self.send_default_pii = false self.skip_rake_integration = false self.send_client_reports = true self.auto_session_tracking = true self.enable_backpressure_handling = false self.trusted_proxies = [] self.dsn = ENV["SENTRY_DSN"] spotlight_env = ENV["SENTRY_SPOTLIGHT"] spotlight_bool = Sentry::Utils::EnvHelper.env_to_bool(spotlight_env, strict: true) self.spotlight = spotlight_bool.nil? ? (spotlight_env || false) : spotlight_bool self.server_name = server_name_from_env self.instrumenter = :sentry self.trace_propagation_targets = [PROPAGATION_TARGETS_MATCH_ALL] self.enabled_patches = DEFAULT_PATCHES.dup self.before_send = nil self.before_send_transaction = nil self.rack_env_whitelist = RACK_ENV_WHITELIST_DEFAULT self.traces_sampler = nil self.enable_tracing = nil self.profiler_class = Sentry::Profiler @transport = @cron = @metrics = @gem_specs = Hash[ { |spec| [, spec.version.to_s] }] if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:map) run_post_initialization_callbacks end |
Instance Attribute Details
permalink #app_dirs_pattern ⇒ Regexp?
Directories to be recognized as part of your app. e.g. if you have an ‘engines` dir at the root of your project, you may want to set this to something like /(app|config|engines|lib)/
The default is value is /(bin|exe|app|config|lib|test|spec)/
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 29 def app_dirs_pattern @app_dirs_pattern end |
permalink #async ⇒ Proc?
It will be removed in the next major release. Please read for more information
Provide an object that responds to ‘call` to send events asynchronously. E.g.: lambda { |event| { Sentry.send_event(event) } }
36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 36 def async @async end |
permalink #auto_session_tracking ⇒ Boolean
Track sessions in request/response cycles automatically
278 279 280 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 278 def auto_session_tracking @auto_session_tracking end |
permalink #background_worker_max_queue ⇒ Integer
The maximum queue size for the background worker. Jobs will be rejected above this limit.
Default is BackgroundWorker::DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE.
53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 53 def background_worker_max_queue @background_worker_max_queue end |
permalink #background_worker_threads ⇒ Integer
to send events in a non-blocking way, sentry-ruby has its own background worker by default, the worker holds a thread pool that has [the number of processors] threads but you can configure it with this configuration option E.g.: config.background_worker_threads = 5
if you want to send events synchronously, set the value to 0 E.g.: config.background_worker_threads = 0
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 46 def background_worker_threads @background_worker_threads end |
permalink #backtrace_cleanup_callback ⇒ Proc?
a proc/lambda that takes an array of stack traces it’ll be used to silence (reduce) backtrace of the exception
64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 64 def backtrace_cleanup_callback @backtrace_cleanup_callback end |
permalink #before_breadcrumb ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before adding the breadcrumb to the current scope
73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 73 def @before_breadcrumb end |
permalink #before_send ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before sending an event to the server
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 87 def before_send @before_send end |
permalink #before_send_transaction ⇒ Proc
Optional Proc, called before sending an event to the server
100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 100 def before_send_transaction @before_send_transaction end |
permalink #breadcrumbs_logger ⇒ Array<Symbol>
An array of breadcrumbs loggers to be used. Available options are:
And if you also use sentry-rails:
112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 112 def @breadcrumbs_logger end |
permalink #context_lines ⇒ Integer?
Number of lines of code context to capture, or nil for none
120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 120 def context_lines @context_lines end |
permalink #cron ⇒ Cron::Configuration (readonly)
Cron related configuration.
245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 245 def cron @cron end |
permalink #debug ⇒ Boolean
Whether the SDK should run in the debugging mode. Default is false. If set to true, SDK errors will be logged with backtrace
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 129 def debug @debug end |
permalink #dsn ⇒ String
the dsn value, whether it’s set via ‘config.dsn=` or `ENV`
133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 133 def dsn @dsn end |
permalink #enable_backpressure_handling ⇒ Boolean
Whether to downsample transactions automatically because of backpressure. Starts a new monitor thread to check health of the SDK every 10 seconds. Default is false
284 285 286 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 284 def enable_backpressure_handling @enable_backpressure_handling end |
permalink #enable_tracing ⇒ Boolean?
It will be removed in the next major release.
Easier way to use performance tracing If set to true, will set traces_sample_rate to 1.0
269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 269 def enable_tracing @enable_tracing end |
permalink #enabled_environments ⇒ Array<String>
Whitelist of enabled_environments that will send notifications to Sentry. Array of Strings.
137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 137 def enabled_environments @enabled_environments end |
permalink #enabled_patches ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Array of patches to apply. Default is DEFAULT_PATCHES
308 309 310 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 308 def enabled_patches @enabled_patches end |
permalink #environment ⇒ String
RACK_ENV by default.
124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 124 def environment @environment end |
permalink #exclude_loggers ⇒ Array<String>
Logger ‘progname’s to exclude from breadcrumbs
141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 141 def exclude_loggers @exclude_loggers end |
permalink #excluded_exceptions ⇒ Array<String>
Array of exception classes that should never be sent. See IGNORE_DEFAULT. You should probably append to this rather than overwrite it.
146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 146 def excluded_exceptions @excluded_exceptions end |
permalink #include_local_variables ⇒ Boolean Also known as: capture_exception_frame_locals
Whether to capture local variables from the raised exception’s frame. Default is false.
155 156 157 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 155 def include_local_variables @include_local_variables end |
permalink #inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion ⇒ Boolean Also known as: inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion?
Boolean to check nested exceptions when deciding if to exclude. Defaults to true
150 151 152 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 150 def inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion @inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion end |
permalink #instrumenter ⇒ Symbol
The instrumenter to use, :sentry or :otel
293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 293 def instrumenter @instrumenter end |
permalink #linecache ⇒ LineCache
You may provide your own LineCache for matching paths with source files. This may be useful if you need to get source code from places other than the disk.
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 181 def linecache @linecache end |
permalink #logger ⇒ Logger
Logger used by Sentry. In Rails, this is the Rails logger, otherwise Sentry provides its own Sentry::Logger.
186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 186 def logger @logger end |
permalink #max_breadcrumbs ⇒ Integer
Max number of breadcrumbs a breadcrumb buffer can hold
116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 116 def @max_breadcrumbs end |
permalink #metrics ⇒ Metrics::Configuration (readonly)
Metrics related configuration.
249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 249 def metrics @metrics end |
permalink #profiler_class ⇒ Class
The profiler class
297 298 299 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 297 def profiler_class @profiler_class end |
permalink #profiles_sample_rate ⇒ Float?
Take a float between 0.0 and 1.0 as the sample rate for capturing profiles. Note that this rate is relative to traces_sample_rate / traces_sampler, i.e. the profile is sampled by this rate after the transaction is sampled.
303 304 305 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 303 def profiles_sample_rate @profiles_sample_rate end |
permalink #project_root ⇒ String
Project directory root for in_app detection. Could be Rails root, etc. Set automatically for Rails.
191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 191 def project_root @project_root end |
permalink #propagate_traces ⇒ Boolean
Insert sentry-trace to outgoing requests’ headers
200 201 202 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 200 def propagate_traces @propagate_traces end |
permalink #rack_env_whitelist ⇒ Array<String>
Array of rack env parameters to be included in the event sent to sentry.
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 204 def rack_env_whitelist @rack_env_whitelist end |
permalink #release ⇒ String
Release tag to be passed with every event sent to Sentry. We automatically try to set this to a git SHA or Capistrano release.
209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 209 def release @release end |
permalink #sample_rate ⇒ Float
The sampling factor to apply to events. A value of 0.0 will not send any events, and a value of 1.0 will send 100% of events.
214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 214 def sample_rate @sample_rate end |
permalink #send_client_reports ⇒ Boolean
Send diagnostic client reports about dropped events, true by default tries to attach to an existing envelope max once every 30s
274 275 276 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 274 def send_client_reports @send_client_reports end |
permalink #send_default_pii ⇒ Boolean
When send_default_pii’s value is false (default), sensitive information like
user ip
user cookie
request body
query string
will not be sent to Sentry.
227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 227 def send_default_pii @send_default_pii end |
permalink #send_modules ⇒ Boolean
Include module versions in reports - boolean.
218 219 220 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 218 def send_modules @send_modules end |
permalink #server_name ⇒ String
237 238 239 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 237 def server_name @server_name end |
permalink #skip_rake_integration ⇒ Boolean
Allow to skip Sentry emails within rake tasks
231 232 233 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 231 def skip_rake_integration @skip_rake_integration end |
permalink #spotlight ⇒ Boolean, String
Whether to capture events and traces into Spotlight. Default is false. If you set this to true, Sentry will send events and traces to the local Sidecar proxy at localhost:8969/stream. If you want to use a different Sidecar proxy address, set this to String with the proxy URL.
163 164 165 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 163 def spotlight @spotlight end |
permalink #strip_backtrace_load_path ⇒ Boolean
Whether to strip the load path while constructing the backtrace frame filename. Defaults to true.
196 197 198 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 196 def strip_backtrace_load_path @strip_backtrace_load_path end |
permalink #trace_propagation_targets ⇒ Array<String, Regexp>
Allowlist of outgoing request targets to which sentry-trace and baggage headers are attached. Default is all (/.*/)
289 290 291 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 289 def trace_propagation_targets @trace_propagation_targets end |
permalink #traces_sample_rate ⇒ Float?
Take a float between 0.0 and 1.0 as the sample rate for tracing events (transactions).
253 254 255 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 253 def traces_sample_rate @traces_sample_rate end |
permalink #traces_sampler ⇒ Proc
Take a Proc that controls the sample rate for every tracing event, e.g.
263 264 265 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 263 def traces_sampler @traces_sampler end |
permalink #transport ⇒ Transport::Configuration (readonly)
Transport related configuration.
241 242 243 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 241 def transport @transport end |
permalink #trusted_proxies ⇒ Object
IP ranges for trusted proxies that will be skipped when calculating IP address.
234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 234 def trusted_proxies @trusted_proxies end |
Class Method Details
permalink .add_post_initialization_callback(&block) ⇒ Object
allow extensions to add their hooks to the Configuration class
361 362 363 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 361 def add_post_initialization_callback(&block) post_initialization_callbacks << block end |
permalink .post_initialization_callbacks ⇒ Object
Post initialization callbacks are called at the end of initialization process allowing extending the configuration of sentry-ruby by multiple extensions
356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 356 def post_initialization_callbacks @post_initialization_callbacks ||= [] end |
permalink .validate(attribute, optional: false, type: nil) ⇒ Object
[View source]
369 370 371 372 373 374 375 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 369 def validate(attribute, optional: false, type: nil) validations[attribute] = { optional: optional, type: type, proc: build_validation_proc(optional, type) } end |
permalink .validations ⇒ Object
[View source]
365 366 367 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 365 def validations @validations ||= {} end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #capture_exception_frame_locals=(value) ⇒ Object
Use #include_local_variables= instead.
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 169 def capture_exception_frame_locals=(value) log_warn <<~MSG `capture_exception_frame_locals` is now deprecated in favor of `include_local_variables`. MSG self.include_local_variables = value end |
permalink #csp_report_uri ⇒ String?
630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 630 def csp_report_uri if dsn && dsn.valid? uri = dsn.csp_report_uri uri += "&sentry_release=#{CGI.escape(release)}" if release && !release.empty? uri += "&sentry_environment=#{CGI.escape(environment)}" if environment && !environment.empty? uri end end |
permalink #detect_release ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 652 def detect_release return unless sending_allowed? @release ||= ReleaseDetector.detect_release(project_root: project_root, running_on_heroku: running_on_heroku?) if running_on_heroku? && release.nil? log_warn(HEROKU_DYNO_METADATA_MESSAGE) end rescue => e log_error("Error detecting release", e, debug: debug) end |
permalink #enabled_in_current_env? ⇒ Boolean
608 609 610 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 608 def enabled_in_current_env? enabled_environments.empty? || enabled_environments.include?(environment) end |
permalink #error_messages ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
665 666 667 668 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 665 def @errors = [@errors[0]] + @errors[1..-1].map(&:downcase) # fix case of all but first @errors.join(", ") end |
permalink #exception_class_allowed?(exc) ⇒ Boolean
595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 595 def exception_class_allowed?(exc) if exc.is_a?(Sentry::Error) # Try to prevent error reporting loops log_debug("Refusing to capture Sentry error: #{exc.inspect}") false elsif excluded_exception?(exc) log_debug("User excluded error: #{exc.inspect}") false else true end end |
permalink #profiling_enabled? ⇒ Boolean
623 624 625 626 627 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 623 def profiling_enabled? valid_sampler = !!(valid_sample_rate?(@profiles_sample_rate)) tracing_enabled? && valid_sampler && sending_allowed? end |
permalink #sample_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
585 586 587 588 589 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 585 def sample_allowed? return true if sample_rate == 1.0 Random.rand < sample_rate end |
permalink #sending_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
575 576 577 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 575 def sending_allowed? spotlight || sending_to_dsn_allowed? end |
permalink #sending_to_dsn_allowed? ⇒ Boolean
579 580 581 582 583 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 579 def sending_to_dsn_allowed? @errors = [] valid? && capture_in_environment? end |
permalink #session_tracking? ⇒ Boolean
591 592 593 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 591 def session_tracking? auto_session_tracking && enabled_in_current_env? end |
permalink #stacktrace_builder ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 640 def stacktrace_builder @stacktrace_builder ||= project_root: @project_root.to_s, app_dirs_pattern: @app_dirs_pattern, linecache: @linecache, context_lines: @context_lines, backtrace_cleanup_callback: @backtrace_cleanup_callback, strip_backtrace_load_path: @strip_backtrace_load_path ) end |
permalink #tracing_enabled? ⇒ Boolean
617 618 619 620 621 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 617 def tracing_enabled? valid_sampler = !!((valid_sample_rate?(@traces_sample_rate)) || @traces_sampler) (@enable_tracing != false) && valid_sampler && sending_allowed? end |
permalink #valid_sample_rate?(sample_rate) ⇒ Boolean
612 613 614 615 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 612 def valid_sample_rate?(sample_rate) return false unless sample_rate.is_a?(Numeric) sample_rate >= 0.0 && sample_rate <= 1.0 end |
permalink #validate ⇒ Object
[View source]
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 |
# File 'lib/sentry/configuration.rb', line 460 def validate if profiler_class == Sentry::Profiler && profiles_sample_rate && !Sentry.dependency_installed?(:StackProf) log_warn("Please add the 'stackprof' gem to your Gemfile to use the StackProf profiler with Sentry.") end if profiler_class == Sentry::Vernier::Profiler && profiles_sample_rate && !Sentry.dependency_installed?(:Vernier) log_warn("Please add the 'vernier' gem to your Gemfile to use the Vernier profiler with Sentry.") end self.class.validations.each do |attribute, validation| value = public_send(attribute) next if (result = validation[:proc].call(value)) === true raise ArgumentError, result[:error] end end |