Module: Sequel::SchemaDumper
- Defined in:
- lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#column_schema_to_ruby_type(schema) ⇒ Object
Convert the column schema information to a hash of column options, one of which must be :type.
#dump_foreign_key_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Dump foreign key constraints for all tables as a migration.
#dump_indexes_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Dump indexes for all tables as a migration.
#dump_schema_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Return a string that contains a Sequel::Migration subclass that when run would recreate the database structure.
#dump_table_schema(table, options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Return a string with a create table block that will recreate the given table’s schema.
Instance Method Details
#column_schema_to_ruby_type(schema) ⇒ Object
Convert the column schema information to a hash of column options, one of which must be :type. The other options added should modify that type (e.g. :size). If a database type is not recognized, return it as a String type.
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# File 'lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb', line 22 def column_schema_to_ruby_type(schema) case schema[:db_type].downcase when /\A(medium|small)?int(?:eger)?(?:\((\d+)\))?( unsigned)?\z/o if !$1 && $2 && $2.to_i >= 10 && $3 # Unsigned integer type with 10 digits can potentially contain values which # don't fit signed integer type, so use bigint type in target database. {:type=>:Bignum} else {:type=>Integer} end when /\Atinyint(?:\((\d+)\))?(?: unsigned)?\z/o {:type =>schema[:type] == :boolean ? TrueClass : Integer} when /\Abigint(?:\((?:\d+)\))?(?: unsigned)?\z/o {:type=>:Bignum} when /\A(?:real|float|double(?: precision)?|double\(\d+,\d+\)(?: unsigned)?)\z/o {:type=>Float} when 'boolean', 'bit', 'bool' {:type=>TrueClass} when /\A(?:(?:tiny|medium|long|n)?text|clob)\z/o {:type=>String, :text=>true} when 'date' {:type=>Date} when /\A(?:small)?datetime\z/o {:type=>DateTime} when /\Atimestamp(?:\((\d+)\))?(?: with(?:out)? time zone)?\z/o {:type=>DateTime, :size=>($1.to_i if $1)} when /\Atime(?: with(?:out)? time zone)?\z/o {:type=>Time, :only_time=>true} when /\An?char(?:acter)?(?:\((\d+)\))?\z/o {:type=>String, :size=>($1.to_i if $1), :fixed=>true} when /\A(?:n?varchar|character varying|bpchar|string)(?:\((\d+)\))?\z/o {:type=>String, :size=>($1.to_i if $1)} when /\A(?:small)?money\z/o {:type=>BigDecimal, :size=>[19,2]} when /\A(?:decimal|numeric|number)(?:\((\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))?\))?\z/o s = [($1.to_i if $1), ($2.to_i if $2)].compact {:type=>BigDecimal, :size=>(s.empty? ? nil : s)} when /\A(?:bytea|(?:tiny|medium|long)?blob|(?:var)?binary)(?:\((\d+)\))?\z/o {:type=>File, :size=>($1.to_i if $1)} when /\A(?:year|(?:int )?identity)\z/o {:type=>Integer} else {:type=>String} end end |
#dump_foreign_key_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Dump foreign key constraints for all tables as a migration. This complements the :foreign_keys=>false option to dump_schema_migration. This only dumps the constraints (not the columns) using alter_table/add_foreign_key with an array of columns.
Note that the migration this produces does not have a down block, so you cannot reverse it.
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# File 'lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb', line 75 def dump_foreign_key_migration(=OPTS) ts = tables() <<END_MIG Sequel.migration do change do #{ts.sort_by(&:to_s).map{|t| dump_table_foreign_keys(t)}.reject{|x| x == ''}.join("\n\n").gsub(/^/o, ' ')} end end END_MIG end |
#dump_indexes_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Dump indexes for all tables as a migration. This complements the :indexes=>false option to dump_schema_migration. Options:
- :same_db
Create a dump for the same database type, so don’t ignore errors if the index statements fail.
- :index_names
If set to false, don’t record names of indexes. If set to :namespace, prepend the table name to the index name if the database does not use a global index namespace.
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# File 'lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb', line 93 def dump_indexes_migration(=OPTS) ts = tables() <<END_MIG Sequel.migration do change do #{ts.sort_by(&:to_s).map{|t| dump_table_indexes(t, :add_index, )}.reject{|x| x == ''}.join("\n\n").gsub(/^/o, ' ')} end end END_MIG end |
#dump_schema_migration(options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Return a string that contains a Sequel::Migration subclass that when run would recreate the database structure. Options:
- :same_db
Don’t attempt to translate database types to ruby types. If this isn’t set to true, all database types will be translated to ruby types, but there is no guarantee that the migration generated will yield the same type. Without this set, types that aren’t recognized will be translated to a string-like type.
- :foreign_keys
If set to false, don’t dump foreign_keys (they can be added later via #dump_foreign_key_migration)
- :indexes
If set to false, don’t dump indexes (they can be added later via #dump_index_migration).
- :index_names
If set to false, don’t record names of indexes. If set to :namespace, prepend the table name to the index name.
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# File 'lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb', line 117 def dump_schema_migration(=OPTS) = .dup if [:indexes] == false && !.has_key?(:foreign_keys) # Unless foreign_keys option is specifically set, disable if indexes # are disabled, as foreign keys that point to non-primary keys rely # on unique indexes being created first [:foreign_keys] = false end ts = sort_dumped_tables(tables(), ) skipped_fks = if sfk = [:skipped_foreign_keys] # Handle skipped foreign keys by adding them at the end via # alter_table/add_foreign_key. Note that skipped foreign keys # probably result in a broken down migration. sfka = sfk.sort_by{|table, fks| table.to_s}.map{|table, fks| dump_add_fk_constraints(table, fks.values)} sfka.join("\n\n").gsub(/^/o, ' ') unless sfka.empty? end <<END_MIG Sequel.migration do change do #{{|t| dump_table_schema(t, )}.join("\n\n").gsub(/^/o, ' ')}#{"\n \n" if skipped_fks}#{skipped_fks} end end END_MIG end |
#dump_table_schema(table, options = OPTS) ⇒ Object
Return a string with a create table block that will recreate the given table’s schema. Takes the same options as dump_schema_migration.
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# File 'lib/sequel/extensions/schema_dumper.rb', line 146 def dump_table_schema(table, =OPTS) gen = dump_table_generator(table, ) commands = [gen.dump_columns, gen.dump_constraints, gen.dump_indexes].reject{|x| x == ''}.join("\n\n") "create_table(#{table.inspect}#{', :ignore_index_errors=>true' if ![:same_db] && [:indexes] != false && !gen.indexes.empty?}) do\n#{commands.gsub(/^/o, ' ')}\nend" end |