Module: SimpleMysqlApi::SimpleMysqlApiMethods::ClassMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb
Class methods for modles
Instance Method Summary collapse
#attributes(c_name = nil) ⇒ Object
Returns the hash of attributes of the table and their type eg.
#belongs_to_search(act_relation, params) ⇒ Object
For joining belongs to relational models and searches their params.
#boolean_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for boolean type eg.
#date_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the datetime eg.
#equal_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for any type eg.
#foreign_keys ⇒ Object
Returns all foreign keys of the model.
#has_many_search(act_relation, params) ⇒ Object
For joining has many relational models and searches their params.
#mysql_search(options = {}) ⇒ Object
Main method: Used for search You have params= “Joh”, city: “New” set has_many, belongs_to to true if you want to search for associated models Search:, has_many: true, belongs_to: false).
#pri_key ⇒ Object
Returns the primary key.
#range_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the integer, float attributes eg.
#search_conditions(attributes, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
Adds the conditions for the attributes passed based on the attributes type.
#searchable_attributes(c_name = nil) ⇒ Object
returns all the attributes except primary keys and foreign keys.
#tables_by_relation(rel) ⇒ Object
Returns the asscociated models with their table name, class name, forignkey eg.
#text_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the text search if it contains the string.
Instance Method Details
#attributes(c_name = nil) ⇒ Object
Returns the hash of attributes of the table and their type eg. User.attributes returns [:type=>“integer”, :param_name=>:id, :type=>“string”, :param_name=>:name]
22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 22 def attributes(c_name=nil) self.columns.inject([]) do |r,e| r << {:attr=>, :type=>e.type.to_s, :param_name => (c_name ? (c_name.downcase+ "_" + : } r end end |
#belongs_to_search(act_relation, params) ⇒ Object
For joining belongs to relational models and searches their params
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 145 def belongs_to_search(act_relation, params) self.tables_by_relation(:belongs_to).each do |c_name,values| act_relation = act_relation.joins("LEFT JOIN #{values[:t_name]} #{values[:t_name]} ON #{self.table_name}.#{values[:f_key]}=#{values[:t_name]}.#{c_name.constantize.pri_key}") new_attributes = c_name.constantize.searchable_attributes(c_name)#c_name.constantize.searchable_attributes act_relation = search_conditions(new_attributes,params,act_relation,c_name) end act_relation end |
#boolean_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for boolean type eg. price=“true”
115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 115 def boolean_search(attr,params,act_relation,t_type) val = params[attr[:param_name]].match(/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) != nil ? 1 : 0 act_relation = act_relation.where(["CAST(#{t_type.constantize.table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} AS CHAR) = ?",val.to_s]) end |
#date_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the datetime eg. created_at =“2012-08-28 16:21:37 0530” created_at = “2012-08-28 16:21:37 0530..2012-09-28 16:21:37 0530”“ created_at=”<2012-08-28 16:21:37 0530“ created_at=”>2012-08-28 16:21:37 +0530“
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 89 def date_search(attr,params,act_relation,t_type) attr_opp = /[<,>]/.match(params[attr[:param_name]]).to_s + /[=]/.match(params[attr[:param_name]]).to_s attr_opp = params[attr[:param_name]].index("..") ? ".." : attr_opp table_name = "#{t_type.constantize.table_name}" case(attr_opp) when ".." attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].split("..").inject([]){|r,e| r << e} act_relation = act_relation.where(["#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} >= ? and #{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} <= ?",attr_val[0],attr_val[1]]) if attr_val when "<",">","<=",">=" attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].split(attr_opp)[1] act_relation = act_relation.where(["#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} #{attr_opp} ?",attr_val]) if attr_val else attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].split(attr_opp)[1] act_relation = act_relation.where(["#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} = ?",attr_val]) if attr_val end if attr_opp act_relation end |
#equal_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for any type eg. price=“12”
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 109 def equal_search(attr,params,act_relation,t_type) act_relation = act_relation.where(["#{t_type.constantize.table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} = ?",params[attr[:param_name]]]) end |
#foreign_keys ⇒ Object
Returns all foreign keys of the model
121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 121 def foreign_keys self.reflect_on_all_associations.inject([]) do |r, e| r << e.foreign_key r end.uniq end |
#has_many_search(act_relation, params) ⇒ Object
For joining has many relational models and searches their params
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 155 def has_many_search(act_relation, params) self.tables_by_relation(:has_many).each do |c_name,values| act_relation = act_relation.joins("LEFT JOIN #{values[:t_name]} #{values[:t_name]} ON #{self.table_name}.#{self.pri_key}=#{values[:t_name]}.#{values[:f_key]}") new_attributes = c_name.constantize.searchable_attributes(c_name)#c_name.constantize.searchable_attributes act_relation = search_conditions(new_attributes,params,act_relation,c_name) end act_relation end |
#mysql_search(options = {}) ⇒ Object
Main method: Used for search You have params= “Joh”, city: “New” set has_many, belongs_to to true if you want to search for associated models Search:, has_many: true, belongs_to: false)
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 133 def mysql_search(={}) params = [:search_params] search_params = [:custom_params] || nil act_relation = self attributes = (search_params||self.attributes).delete_if{|v| (self.primary_key==v[:attr].to_s || self.foreign_keys.include?(v[:attr].to_s)) } act_relation = belongs_to_search(act_relation, params) if [:belongs_to] && [:belongs_to]==true act_relation = has_many_search(act_relation, params) if [:has_many] && [:has_many]==true act_relation = search_conditions(attributes,params,act_relation,self.to_s)"DISTINCT #{self.table_name}.*") end |
#pri_key ⇒ Object
Returns the primary key
30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 30 def pri_key self.primary_key end |
#range_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the integer, float attributes eg. price=“12” price=“12-100” price=“<100” price=“>100”
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 67 def range_search(attr,params,act_relation,t_type) attr_opp = /[-,<,>]/.match(params[attr[:param_name]]).to_s + /[=]/.match(params[attr[:param_name]]).to_s table_name = "#{t_type.constantize.table_name}" case(attr_opp) when "-" attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].split("-").inject([]){|r,e| r << e.to_f} act_relation = act_relation.where(["CAST(#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} AS DECIMAL) >= ? and CAST(#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} AS DECIMAL) <= ?",attr_val[0],attr_val[1]]) if attr_val when "<",">","<=",">=" attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].split(attr_opp)[1].to_f act_relation = act_relation.where(["CAST(#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} AS DECIMAL) #{attr_opp} ?",attr_val]) if attr_val else attr_val = params[attr[:param_name]].to_f act_relation = act_relation.where(["CAST(#{table_name}.#{attr[:attr]} AS DECIMAL) = ?",attr_val]) if attr_val end if attr_opp act_relation end |
#search_conditions(attributes, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
Adds the conditions for the attributes passed based on the attributes type
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# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 40 def search_conditions(attributes,params,act_relation,t_type) attributes.each do |value| case(value[:type]) when "string","text" act_relation = text_search(value,params,act_relation,t_type) when "integer","float" act_relation = range_search(value,params,act_relation,t_type) when "datetime" act_relation = date_search(value,params,act_relation,t_type) when "boolean" act_relation = boolean_search(value,params,act_relation,t_type) end if params[value[:param_name]] end act_relation end |
#searchable_attributes(c_name = nil) ⇒ Object
returns all the attributes except primary keys and foreign keys
35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 35 def searchable_attributes(c_name=nil) self.attributes(c_name).delete_if{|v| (self.primary_key==v[:attr].to_s || self.foreign_keys.include?(v[:attr].to_s)) } end |
#tables_by_relation(rel) ⇒ Object
Returns the asscociated models with their table name, class name, forignkey eg. User.tables_by_relation(:has_many) returns :f_key=>“user_id”}
12 13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 12 def tables_by_relation(rel) self.reflect_on_all_associations(rel).inject({}) do |r, e| r[e.class_name] = {:t_name=> e.table_name, :f_key=> e.foreign_key } r end end |
#text_search(attr, params, act_relation, t_type) ⇒ Object
for the text search if it contains the string
57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/simple_mysql_api/class_methods.rb', line 57 def text_search(attr,params,act_relation,t_type) obj = "%#{params[attr[:param_name]].downcase}%" act_relation.where(["LOWER(#{t_type.constantize.table_name}.#{attr[:attr]}) like ?",obj]) end |