Class: StackMaster::CLI
- Inherits:
- Object
- StackMaster::CLI
- Includes:
- Commander::Methods
- Defined in:
- lib/stack_master/cli.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #execute! ⇒ Object
#initialize(argv, stdin = STDIN, stdout = STDOUT, stderr = STDERR, kernel = Kernel) ⇒ CLI
A new instance of CLI.
Constructor Details
#initialize(argv, stdin = STDIN, stdout = STDOUT, stderr = STDERR, kernel = Kernel) ⇒ CLI
Returns a new instance of CLI.
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# File 'lib/stack_master/cli.rb', line 8 def initialize(argv, stdin=STDIN, stdout=STDOUT, stderr=STDERR, kernel=Kernel) @argv, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr, @kernel = argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, kernel Commander::Runner.instance_variable_set('@instance', StackMaster.stdout = @stdout StackMaster.stderr = @stderr = StackMaster.stdout end |
Instance Method Details
#execute! ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/stack_master/cli.rb', line 16 def execute! program :name, 'StackMaster' program :version, StackMaster::VERSION program :description, 'AWS Stack Management' global_option '-c', '--config FILE', String, 'Config file to use' global_option '--changed', 'filter stack selection to only ones that have changed' global_option '-y', '--yes', 'Run in non-interactive mode answering yes to any prompts' do StackMaster.non_interactive! StackMaster.non_interactive_answer = 'y' end global_option '-n', '--no', 'Run in non-interactive mode answering no to any prompts' do StackMaster.non_interactive! StackMaster.non_interactive_answer = 'n' end global_option '-d', '--debug', 'Run in debug mode' do StackMaster.debug! end global_option '-q', '--quiet', 'Do not output the resulting Stack Events, just return immediately' do StackMaster.quiet! end global_option '--skip-account-check', 'Do not check if command is allowed to execute in account' do StackMaster.skip_account_check! end command :apply do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master apply [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Creates or updates a stack' c.description = "Creates or updates a stack. Shows a diff of the proposed stack's template and parameters. Tails stack events until CloudFormation has completed." c.example 'update a stack named myapp-vpc in us-east-1', 'stack_master apply us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.option '--on-failure ACTION', String, "Action to take on CREATE_FAILURE. Valid Values: [ DO_NOTHING | ROLLBACK | DELETE ]. Default: ROLLBACK\nNote: You cannot use this option with Serverless Application Model (SAM) templates." c.option '--yes-param PARAM_NAME', String, "Auto-approve stack updates when only parameter PARAM_NAME changes" c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Apply, args, ) end end command :outputs do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master outputs [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Displays outputs for a stack' c.description = "Displays outputs for a stack" c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Outputs, args, ) end end command :init do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master init [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Initialises the expected directory structure and stack_master.yml file' c.description = 'Initialises the expected directory structure and stack_master.yml file' c.option('--overwrite', 'Overwrite existing files') c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file unless args.size == 2 say "Invalid arguments. stack_master init [region] [stack_name]" else StackMaster::Commands::Init.perform(, *args) end end end command :diff do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master diff [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Shows a diff of the proposed stack's template and parameters" c.description = "Shows a diff of the proposed stack's template and parameters" c.example 'diff a stack named myapp-vpc in us-east-1', 'stack_master diff us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Diff, args, ) end end command :events do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master events [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Shows events for a stack" c.description = "Shows events for a stack" c.example 'show events for myapp-vpc in us-east-1', 'stack_master events us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.option '--number Integer', Integer, 'Number of recent events to show' c.option '--all', 'Show all events' c.option '--tail', 'Tail events' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Events, args, ) end end command :resources do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master resources [region] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Shows stack resources" c.description = "Shows stack resources" c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Resources, args, ) end end command :list do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master list' c.summary = 'List stack definitions' c.description = 'List stack definitions' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file say "Invalid arguments." if args.size > 0 config = load_config(.config) StackMaster::Commands::ListStacks.perform(config, nil, ) end end command :validate do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master validate [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Validate a template' c.description = 'Validate a template' c.example 'validate a stack named myapp-vpc in us-east-1', 'stack_master validate us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.option '--[no-]validate-template-parameters', 'Validate template parameters. Default: validate' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file, validate_template_parameters: true execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Validate, args, ) end end command :lint do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master lint [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Check the stack definition locally" c.description = "Runs cfn-lint on the template which would be sent to AWS on apply" c.example 'run cfn-lint on stack myapp-vpc with us-east-1 settings', 'stack_master lint us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Lint, args, ) end end command :nag do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master nag [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Check this stack's template with cfn_nag" c.description = "Runs SAST scan cfn_nag on the template" c.example 'run cfn_nag on stack myapp-vpc with us-east-1 settings', 'stack_master nag us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Nag, args, ) end end command :compile do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master compile [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = "Print the compiled version of a given stack" c.description = "Processes the stack and prints out a compiled version - same we'd send to AWS" c.example 'print compiled stack myapp-vpc with us-east-1 settings', 'stack_master compile us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Compile, args, ) end end command :status do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master status' c.summary = 'Check the current status stacks.' c.description = 'Checks the status of all stacks defined in the stack_master.yml file. Warning this operation can be somewhat slow.' c.example 'description', 'Check the status of all stack definitions' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file say "Invalid arguments. stack_master status" and return unless args.size == 0 config = load_config(.config) StackMaster::Commands::Status.perform(config, nil, ) end end command :tidy do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master tidy' c.summary = 'Try to identify extra & missing files.' c.description = 'Cross references stack_master.yml with the template and parameter directories to identify extra or missing files.' c.example 'description', 'Check for missing or extra files' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file say "Invalid arguments. stack_master tidy" and return unless args.size == 0 config = load_config(.config) StackMaster::Commands::Tidy.perform(config, nil, ) end end command :delete do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master delete [region] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Delete an existing stack' c.description = 'Deletes a stack. The stack does not necessarily have to appear in the stack_master.yml file.' c.example 'description', 'Delete a stack' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file unless args.size == 2 say "Invalid arguments. stack_master delete [region] [stack_name]" return end stack_name = Utils.underscore_to_hyphen(args[1]) allowed_accounts = [] # Because delete can work without a stack_master.yml if .config and File.file?(.config) config = load_config(.config) region = Utils.underscore_to_hyphen(config.unalias_region(args[0])) allowed_accounts = config.find_stack(region, stack_name)&.allowed_accounts else region = args[0] end success = execute_if_allowed_account(allowed_accounts) do StackMaster.cloud_formation_driver.set_region(region) StackMaster::Commands::Delete.perform(region, stack_name, ).success? end @kernel.exit false unless success end end command :drift do |c| c.syntax = 'stack_master drift [region_or_alias] [stack_name]' c.summary = 'Detects and displays stack drift using the CloudFormation Drift API' c.description = 'Detects and displays stack drift' c.option '--timeout SECONDS', Integer, "The number of seconds to wait for drift detection to complete" c.example 'view stack drift for a stack named myapp-vpc in us-east-1', 'stack_master drift us-east-1 myapp-vpc' c.action do |args, | .default config: default_config_file, timeout: 120 execute_stacks_command(StackMaster::Commands::Drift, args, ) end end run! end |