Module: Stupidedi::Versions::FunctionalGroups::FortyTen::ElementDefs

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

E2 =   , "Number of Accepted Transaction Sets"  , 1, 6, 0)
E19 =  , "City Name"                            , 2, 30)
E22 =  , "Commodity Code"                       , 1, 30)
E23 =  , "Commodity Code Qualifier"             , 1, 1,
"2" => "Dun's SIC 2+2, Dun & Bradstreet",
"N" => "National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)",
"T" => "Standard Transportation Commidity Code (STCC)",
"Z" => "Mutually defined"))
E24 =   , "Equipment Type"                      , 4, 4)
E26 =   , "Country Code"                        , 2, 3,
E28 =  , "Group Control Number"                 , 1, 9, 0)
E40 =   , "Equipment Description Code"          , 2, 2,
"FF" => "Frozen Food Trailer",
"FT" => "Flat Bed Trailer",
"RC" => "Refrigerated (Reefer) Car",
"RT" => "Controlled Temperature Trailer (Reefer)",
"SU" => "Supplier/Manufacturer",
"TF" => "Trailer, Try Freight",
"TL" => "Trailer (not otherwise specified)",
"TV" => "Truck, Van"))
E56 =  , "Type of Service Code"                 , 2, 2,
"AI" => "Transport Mode Change",
"BB" => "Breakbulk",
"CS" => "Container Station",
"CY" => "Container Yard",
"DD" => "Door to Door",
"DR" => "Door to Ramp",
"HA" => "Haulage",
"HH" => "House-to-house",
"HL" => "Headload or Devanning",
"HP" => "House-to-pier",
"MC" => "Multi-country Consolidation",
"MD" => "Mixed Delivery",
"NC" => "Non-containerized cargo",
"PH" => "Pier-to-house",
"PP" => "Pier-to-pier",
"RD" => "Ramp to Door",
"RE" => "Ramp to Ramp",
"RR" => "Roll-on Roll-off"))
E58 =
t::  , "Charge"                               , 1, 12)
E59 =  , "Freight Class Code"                   , 2, 5)
E60 =
t::  , "Freight Rate"                         , 1, 9)
E61 =  , "Free-Form Message"                    , 1, 30)
E65 =
t::  , "Height"                               , 1, 8)
E66 =  , "Identification Code Qualifier"        , 2, 3,
"1"  => "D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet",
"2"  => "Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)",
"3"  => "Federal Maritime Commission (Ocean) (FMC)",
"4"  => "International Air Transport Association (IATA)",
"5"  => "SIRET",
"6"  => "Plant Code",
"7"  => "Loading Dock",
"8"  => "UCC/EAN Global Product Identification Prefix",
"9"  => "D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix",
"A"  => "U.S. Customs Carrier Identification",
"C"  => "Insured's Changed Unique Identification Number",
"D"  => "Census Schedule D",
"E"  => "Hazard Insurance Policy Number",
"F"  => "Document Custodian Identification Number",
"G"  => "Payee Identification Number",
"I"  => "Secondary Marketing Investor Assigned Number",
"J"  => "Mortgage Electronic Registration System Organization Identifier",
"K"  => "Census Schedule K",
"L"  => "Investor Assigned Identification Number",
"N"  => "Insured's Unique Identification Number",
"S"  => "Title Insurance Policy Number",
"01" => "Nissan Billing Code",
"10" => "Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC)",
"11" => "Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)",
"12" => "Telephone Number (Phone)",
"13" => "Federal Reserve Routing Code (FRRC)",
"14" => "UCC/EAN Location Code Prefix",
"15" => "Standard Address Number (SAN)",
"16" => "ZIP Code",
"17" => "Automated Broker Interface (ABI) Routing Code",
"18" => "Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)",
"19" => "FIPS-55 (Named Populated Places)",
"20" => "Standard Point Location Code (SPLC)",
"21" => "Health Industry Number (HIN)",
"22" => "Council of Petroleum Accounting Societies code (COPAS)",
"23" => "Journal of Commerce (JOC)",
"24" => "Employer's Identification Number",
"25" => "Carrier's Customer Code",
"26" => "Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Company Code",
"27" => "Government Bill Of Lading Office Code (GBLOC)",
"28" => "American Paper Institute",
"29" => "Grid Location and Facility Code",
"30" => "American Petroleum Institute Location Code",
"31" => "Bank Identification Code",
"32" => "Assigned by Property Operator",
"33" => "Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)",
"34" => "Social Security Number",
"35" => "Electronic Mail Internal System Address Code",
"36" => "Customs House Broker License Number",
"37" => "United Nations Vendor Code",
"38" => "Country Code",
"39" => "Local Union Number",
"40" => "Electronic Mail User Code",
"41" => "Telecommunications Carrier Identification Code",
"42" => "Telecommunications Pseudo Carrier Identification Code",
"43" => "Alternate Social Security Number",
"44" => "Return Sequence Number",
"45" => "Declaration Control Number",
"46" => "Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN)",
"47" => "Tax Authority Identification",
"48" => "Electronic Filer Identification Number (EFIN)",
"49" => "State Identification Number",
"50" => "Business License Number",
"53" => "Building",
"54" => "Warehouse",
"55" => "Post Office Box",
"56" => "Division",
"57" => "Department",
"58" => "Originating Company Number",
"59" => "Receiving Company Number",
"61" => "Holding Mortgagee Number",
"62" => "Servicing Mortgagee Number",
"63" => "Servicer-holder Mortgagee Number",
"64" => "One Call Agency",
"71" => "Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) set of codes maintained by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center of Education Statistics, Washington, D.C.",
"72" => "The College Board's Admission Testing Program (ATP), administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), 4-digit list of postsecondary educational institutions.",
"73" => "Federal Interagency Commission on Education (FICE) number. Available from the United States Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.",
"74" => "American College Testing (ACT) list of postsecondary educational institutions.",
"75" => "State or Province Assigned Number",
"76" => "Local School District or Jurisdiction Number",
"77" => "National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD) number for PreK - 12 institutions",
"78" => "The College Board and ACT 6 digit code list of secondary educational institutions",
"81" => "Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding structure maintained by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics",
"82" => "Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) maintained by the U.S.  Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics",
"90" => "California Ethnic Subgroups Code Table",
"91" => "Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent",
"92" => "Assigned by Buyer or Buyer's Agent",
"93" => "Code assigned by the organization originating the transaction set",
"94" => "Code assigned by the organization that is the ultimate destination of the transaction set",
"95" => "Assigned By Transporter",
"96" => "Assigned By Pipeline Operator",
"97" => "Receiver's Code",
"98" => "Purchasing Office",
"99" => "Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) Agency Code",
"A1" => "Approver ID",
"A2" => "Military Assistance Program Address Code (MAPAC)",
"A3" => "Assigned by Third Party",
"A4" => "Assigned by Clearinghouse",
"A5" => "Committee for Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) Number",
"A6" => "Financial Identification Numbering System (FINS) Number",
"AA" => "Postal Service Code",
"AB" => "US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Identification Number",
"AC" => "Attachment Control Number",
"AD" => "Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Plan Code",
"AE" => "Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board",
"AL" => "Anesthesia License Number",
"AP" => "Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission",
"BC" => "British Columbia Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources",
"BD" => "Blue Cross Provider Number",
"BE" => "Common Language Location Identification (CLLI)",
"BG" => "Badge Number",
"BP" => "Benefit Plan",
"BS" => "Blue Shield Provider Number",
"C1" => "Insured or Subscriber",
"C2" => "Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Provider Number",
"C5" => "Customer Identification File",
"CA" => "Statistics Canada Canadian College Student Information System Course Codes",
"CB" => "Statistics Canada Canadian College Student Information System Institution Codes",
"CC" => "Statistics Canada University Student Information System Curriculum Codes",
"CD" => "Contract Division",
"CE" => "Bureau of the Census Filer Identification Code",
"CF" => "Canadian Financial Institution Routing Number",
"CI" => "CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services) Identification Number",
"CL" => "Corrected Loan Number",
"CM" => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Manufacturer Identifier (MID)",
"CP" => "Canadian Petroleum Association",
"CR" => "Credit Repository",
"CS" => "Statistics Canada University Student Information System University Codes",
"CT" => "Court Identification Code",
"DG" => "United States Department of Education Guarantor Identification Code",
"DL" => "United States Department of Education Lender Identification Code",
"DN" => "Dentist License Number",
"DP" => "Data Processing Point",
"DS" => "United States Department of Education School Identification Code",
"EC" => "ARI Electronic Commerce Location ID Code",
"EH" => "Theatre Number",
"EI" => "Employee Identification Number",
"EP" => "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)",
"EQ" => "Insurance Company Assigned Identification Number",
"ER" => "Mortgagee Assigned Identification Number",
"ES" => "Automated Export System (AES) Filer Identification Code",
"FA" => "Facility Identification",
"FB" => "Field Code",
"FC" => "Federal Court Jurisdiction Identifier",
"FD" => "Federal Court Divisional Office Number",
"FI" => "Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number",
"FJ" => "Federal Jurisdiction",
"FN" => "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Laboratory Certification Identification",
"GA" => "Primary Agent Identification",
"GC" => "GAS*CODE",
"HC" => "Health Care Financing Administration",
"HN" => "Health Insurance Claim (HIC) Number",
"II" => "United States National Individual Identifier",
"LC" => "Agency Location Code (U.S. Government)",
"LD" => "NISO Z39.53 Language Codes",
"LE" => "ISO 639 Language Codes",
"LI" => "Labeler Identification Code (LIC)",
"LN" => "Loan Number",
"M3" => "Disbursing Station",
"M4" => "Department of Defense Routing Identifier Code (RIC)",
"M5" => "Jurisdiction Code",
"M6" => "Division Office Code",
"MA" => "Mail Stop",
"MB" => "Medical Information Bureau",
"MC" => "Medicaid Provider Number",
"MD" => "Manitoba Department of Mines and Resources",
"MI" => "Member Identification Number",
"MK" => "Market",
"ML" => "Multiple Listing Service Vendor - Multiple Listing Service Identification",
"MN" => "Mortgage Identification Number",
"MP" => "Medicare Provider Number",
"MR" => "Medicaid Recipient Identification Number",
"NA" => "National Association of Realtors - Multiple Listing Service Identification",
"ND" => "Mode Designator",
"NI" => "National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Identification",
"NO" => "National Criminal Information Center Originating Agency",
"OC" => "Occupation Code",
"OP" => "On-line Payment and Collection",
"PA" => "Secondary Agent Identification",
"PB" => "Public Identification",
"PC" => "Provider Commercial Number",
"PI" => "Payor Identification",
"PP" => "Pharmacy Processor Number",
"PR" => "Pier",
"RA" => "Regulatory Agency Number",
"RB" => "Real Estate Agent",
"RC" => "Real Estate Company",
"RD" => "Real Estate Broker Identification",
"RE" => "Real Estate License Number",
"RT" => "Railroad Track",
"SA" => "Tertiary Agent Identification",
"SB" => "Social Insurance Number",
"SD" => "Saskatchewan Department of Energy Mines and Resources",
"SF" => "Suffix Code",
"SI" => "Standard Industry Code (SIC)",
"SJ" => "State Jurisdiction",
"SL" => "State License Number",
"SP" => "Specialty License Number",
"ST" => "State/Province License Tag",
"SV" => "Service Provider Number",
"SW" => "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) Address",
"TA" => "Taxpayer ID Number",
"TC" => "Internal Revenue Service Terminal Code",
"TZ" => "Department Code",
"UC" => "Consumer Credit Identification Number",
"UL" => "UCC/EAN Location Code",
"UM" => "UCC/EAN Location Code Suffix",
"UP" => "Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN)",
"UR" => "Uniform Resource Locator (URL)",
"US" => "Unique Supplier Identification Number (USIN)",
"WR" => "Wine Region Code",
"XV" => "Health Care Financing Administration National Payer Identification Number (PAYERID)",
"XX" => "Health Care Financing Administration National Provider Identifier",
"ZC" => "Contractor Establishment Code",
"ZN" => "Zone",
"ZY" => "Temporary Identification Number",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E67 =  , "Identification Code"                  , 2, 80)
E71 =  , "Inquiry Request Number"               , 1, 3, 0)
E74 =
t::  , "Declared Value"                       , 2, 12)
E79 =  , "Lading Description"                   , 1, 50)
E80 =  , "Lading Quantity"                      , 1, 7, 0)
E81 =
t::  , "Weight"                               , 1, 10)
E86 =  , "Total Equipment"                      , 1, 3)
E87 =  , "Marks and Numbers"                    , 1, 48)
E88 =  , "Marks and Numbers Qualifier"          , 1, 2,
"UP" => "U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5-1)",
"GM" => "SSCC-18 and Application Identifier"))
E91 =  , "Transportation Method/Type Code"      , 1, 2,
"A"  => "Air",
"H"  => "Customer Pickup",
"M"  => "Motor (Common Carrier)",
"R"  => "Rail",
"S"  => "Ocean",
"T"  => "Best Way (Shippers Option)",
"U"  => "Private Parcel Service",
"X"  => "Intermodal (Piggyback)",
"LT" => "Less Than Trailer Load (LTL)"))
E92 =  , "Purchase Order Type Code"             , 2, 2,
"NE" => "New Order",
"DS" => "Drop Ship",
"SA" => "Stand Alone",
"EO" => "Emergency Order",
"RO" => "Rush Order"))
E93 =  , "Name"                                 , 1, 60)
E96 =  , "Number of Included Segments"          , 1, 10, 0)
E97 =  , "Number of Transaction Sets Included"  , 1, 6, 0)
E98 =  , "Entity Identifier Code"               , 2, 3,
"74" => "Corrected Insured",
"82" => "Renderer Provider",
"BT" => "Bill-to-Party",
"BY" => "Buying Party (Purchaser)",
"CN" => "Consignee",
"EV" => "Selling Agent",
"MI" => "Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer",
"IL" => "Insured or Subscriber",
"PE" => "Payee",
"PR" => "Payer",
"QC" => "Patient",
"RC" => "Receiving Location",
"SH" => "Shipper",
"SI" => "Shipping Schedule Issuer",
"SF" => "Ship From",
"ST" => "Ship To",
"SU" => "Supplier/Manufacturer",
"TT" => "Transfer To",
"WH" => "Warehouse",
"OB" => "Ordered By"))
E100 = , "Currency Code"                        , 3, 3,
E102 = , "Ownership Code"                       , 1, 1,
"L" => "Railroad Leased",
"N" => "Not Customer Owned or Leased",
"R" => "Seller Owned, Returnable",
"S" => "Customer Owned or Leased",
"T" => "Trip Leased"))
E103 = , "Packaging Code"                       , 3, 5,
"25" => "Corrugated or Solid",
"71" => "Not Otherwise Specified",
"90" => "Standard",
"94" => "Wood",
"AMM" => "Ammo Pack",
"BAG" => "Bag",
"BAL" => "Bale",
"BDL" => "Bundle",
"BIN" => "Bin",
"BOT" => "Bottle",
"BOX" => "Box",
"BXT" => "Bucket",
"CAS" => "Case",
"CNT" => "Container",
"CRT" => "Crate",
"CTN" => "Carton",
"DRM" => "Drum",
"JAR" => "Jar",
"KIT" => "Kit",
"LSE" => "Loose",
"LUG" => "Lug",
"PAL" => "Pail",
"PCK" => "Packed - not otherwise specified",
"PCS" => "Pieces",
"PKG" => "Package",
"PLT" => "Pallet",
"RCK" => "Rack",
"REL" => "Reel",
"ROL" => "Roll",
"SAK" => "Sack",
"SHT" => "Sheet",
"SKD" => "Skid",
"SKE" => "Skid, elevating or lift truck",
"SLP" => "Slip Sheet",
"TBN" => "Tote Bin",
"TLD" => "Intermodal Trailer/Container Load (Rail)",
"TRY" => "Tray",
"PLT94" => "Pallet - Wood"))
E122 = , "Rate/Value Qualifier"                 , 2, 2,
"FR" => "Flat Rate",
"PM" => "Per Mile",
"PL" => "Per Load"))
E116 = , "Postal Code"                          , 3, 15,
E117 = , "Prepaid Amount"                       , 1, 15, 2)
E121 = , "Rate Class Code"                      , 1, 3,
"A"   => "Alternate Rating",
"C"   => "Specific Commodity Rate",
"E"   => "Weight in Excess of Pivot Weight and Applicable Rate",
"F"   => "Overflow",
"H"   => "Charter",
"I"   => "Class Not Identifiable",
"L"   => "Class Rate",
"M"   => "Minimum",
"N"   => "Normal Under 45 KG Rate",
"O"   => "Column Commodity Rate",
"Q"   => "Quantity 45 KG Over Rate",
"R"   => "Class Rate (Less than Normal Rate)",
"S"   => "Class Rate (More than Normal Rate)",
"T"   => "Sender Rate",
"U"   => "Pivot Weight and Applicable Pivot Weight Charge",
"V"   => "Excess Rate",
"X"   => "IATA Container or Unit Load Device (ULD)",
"Y"   => "Exception Rating",
"BHR" => "Backhaul Rate",
"CTR" => "Contract Rate",
"DMA" => "Demurrage Period 1",
"DMB" => "Demurrage Period 2",
"DMC" => "Demurrage Period 3",
"ECR" => "Econo Rate",
"QUO" => "Quoted Rate"))
E123 = , "Number of Received Transaction Sets"  , 1, 6, 0)
E124 = , "Application Receiver's Code"          , 2, 15)
E127 = , "Reference Identification"             , 1, 30)
E128 = , "Reference Identification Qualifier"   , 2, 3,
"01"  => "American Bankers Assoc. (ABA) Transit/Routing Number (Including Check Digit, 9 Digits)",
"02"  => "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (S.W.I.F.T.) Identification (8 or 11 Characters)",
"03"  => "Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) Participant Number (3 or 4 Digits)",
"04"  => "Canadian Financial Institution Branch and Institution Number",
"05"  => "Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) User Identification (6 digits)",
"06"  => "System Number",
"07"  => "Add-On System Number",
"08"  => "Carrier Assigned Package Identification Number",
"09"  => "Customs Bar Code Number",
"0A"  => "Supervisory Appraiser Certification Number",
"0B"  => "State License Number",
"0D"  => "Subject Property Verification Source",
"0E"  => "Subject Property Reference Number",
"0F"  => "Subscriber Number",
"0G"  => "Reviewer File Number",
"0H"  => "Comparable Property Pending Sale Reference Number",
"0I"  => "Comparable Property Sale Reference Number",
"0J"  => "Subject Property Non-Sale Reference Number",
"0K"  => "Policy Form Identifying Number",
"0L"  => "Referenced By",
"0M"  => "Mortgage Identification Number",
"0N"  => "Attached To",
"0P"  => "Real Estate Owned Property Identifier",
"10"  => "Account Managers Code",
"11"  => "Account Number",
"12"  => "Billing Account",
"13"  => "Horizontal Coordinate",
"14"  => "Master Account Number",
"15"  => "Vertical Coordinate",
"16"  => "Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) Number",
"17"  => "Client Reporting Category",
"18"  => "Plan Number",
"19"  => "Division Identifier",
"1A"  => "Blue Cross Provider Number",
"1B"  => "Blue Shield Provider Number",
"1C"  => "Medicare Provider Number",
"1D"  => "Medicaid Provider Number",
"1E"  => "Dentist License Number",
"1F"  => "Anesthesia License Number",
"1G"  => "Provider UPIN Number",
"1H"  => "CHAMPUS Identification Number",
"1I"  => "Department of Defense Identification Code (DoDIC)",
"1J"  => "Facility ID Number",
"1K"  => "Payor's Claim Number",
"1L"  => "Group or Policy Number",
"1M"  => "Preferred Provider Organization Site Number",
"1N"  => "Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Number",
"1O"  => "Consolidation Shipment Number",
"1P"  => "Accessorial Status Code",
"1Q"  => "Error Identification Code",
"1R"  => "Storage Information Code",
"1S"  => "Ambulatory Patient Group (APG) Number",
"1T"  => "Resource Utilization Group (RUG) Number",
"1U"  => "Pay Grade",
"1V"  => "Related Vendor Order Number",
"1W"  => "Member Identification Number",
"1X"  => "Credit or Debit Adjustment Number",
"1Y"  => "Repair Action Number",
"1Z"  => "Financial Detail Code",
"20"  => "Repair Part Number",
"21"  => "American Gas Association Equation Number",
"22"  => "Special Charge or Allowance Code",
"23"  => "Client Number",
"24"  => "Short-term Disability Policy Number",
"25"  => "Reason Not Lowest Cost Code",
"26"  => "Union Number",
"27"  => "Insuror Pool Identification Number",
"28"  => "Employee Identification Number",
"29"  => "Foreclosure Account Number",
"2A"  => "Import License Number",
"2B"  => "Terminal Release Order Number",
"2C"  => "Long-term Disability Policy Number",
"2D"  => "Aeronautical Equipment Reference Number (AERNO)",
"2E"  => "Foreign Military Sales Case Number",
"2F"  => "Consolidated Invoice Number",
"2G"  => "Amendment",
"2H"  => "Assigned by transaction set sender",
"2I"  => "Tracking Number",
"2J"  => "Floor Number",
"2K"  => "Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Product Type",
"2L"  => "Association of American Railroads (AAR) Railway Accounting Rules",
"2M"  => "Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Identifier",
"2N"  => "Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Trade/Brand Identifier",
"2O"  => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Claim Number",
"2P"  => "Subdivision Identifier",
"2Q"  => "Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Accession Number",
"2R"  => "Coupon Redemption Number",
"2S"  => "Catalog",
"2T"  => "Sub-subhouse Bill of Lading",
"2U"  => "Payer Identification Number",
"2V"  => "Special Government Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN)",
"2W"  => "Change Order Authority",
"2X"  => "Supplemental Agreement Authority",
"2Y"  => "Wage Determination",
"2Z"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Anti-dumping Duty Case Number",
"30"  => "United States Government Visa Number",
"31"  => "Docket Number",
"32"  => "Credit Repository Code",
"33"  => "Lender Case Number",
"34"  => "Loan Request Number",
"35"  => "Multifamily Project Number",
"36"  => "Underwriter Identification Number",
"37"  => "Condominium Identification Number",
"38"  => "Master Policy Number",
"39"  => "Proposal Number",
"3A"  => "Section of the National Housing Act Code",
"3B"  => "Supplemental Claim Number",
"3C"  => "Payee Loan Number",
"3D"  => "Servicer Loan Number",
"3E"  => "Investor Loan Number",
"3F"  => "Show Identification",
"3G"  => "Catastrophe Number",
"3H"  => "Case Number",
"3I"  => "Precinct Number",
"3J"  => "Office Number",
"3K"  => "Petroleum Pool Code",
"3L"  => "Branch Identifier",
"3M"  => "Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Condition Code",
"3N"  => "Gas Custodian Identification",
"3O"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Pre-approval Ruling Number",
"3P"  => "Third Party Originator Number",
"3Q"  => "Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Product Code",
"3R"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Binding Ruling Number",
"3S"  => "Provincial (Canadian) Sales Tax Exemption Number",
"3T"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Pre-classification Ruling Number",
"3U"  => "Protraction Number",
"3V"  => "Formation Identifier",
"3W"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Commercial Description",
"3X"  => "Subcontract Number",
"3Y"  => "Receiver Assigned Drop Zone",
"3Z"  => "Customs Broker Reference Number",
"40"  => "Lease Schedule Number - Replacement",
"41"  => "Lease Schedule Number - Prior",
"42"  => "Phone Calls",
"43"  => "Supporting Document Number",
"44"  => "End Use Number",
"45"  => "Old Account Number",
"46"  => "Old Meter Number",
"47"  => "Plate Number",
"48"  => "Agency's Student Number. This is the number assigned by an agency other than the institution sending the record.",
"49"  => "Family Unit Number",
"4A"  => "Personal Identification Number (PIN)",
"4B"  => "Shipment Origin Code",
"4C"  => "Shipment Destination Code",
"4D"  => "Shipping Zone",
"4E"  => "Carrier-assigned Consignee Number",
"4F"  => "Carrier-assigned Shipper Number",
"4G"  => "Provincial Tax Identification",
"4H"  => "Commercial Invoice Number",
"4I"  => "Balance-due Reference Number",
"4J"  => "Vehicle-related Services Reference Number",
"4K"  => "Accessorial Rail Diversion Reference Number",
"4L"  => "Location-specific Services Reference Number",
"4M"  => "Special Move Reference Number",
"4N"  => "Special Payment Reference Number",
"4O"  => "Canadian Goods & Services or Quebec Sales Tax Reference Number",
"4P"  => "Affiliation Number",
"4Q"  => "Call Sign",
"4R"  => "Rule Section",
"4S"  => "Preferred Call Sign",
"4T"  => "North American Datum Standard (NADS)",
"4U"  => "Market Area",
"4V"  => "Emission Designator",
"4W"  => "Study",
"4X"  => "Log",
"4Y"  => "Subhouse Bill of Lading",
"4Z"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Countervailing Duty Case Number",
"50"  => "State Student Identification Number",
"51"  => "Picture Number",
"52"  => "SWIFT (MT 100)",
"53"  => "SWIFT (MT 202)",
"54"  => "FEDWIRE (Federal Wire Transfer)",
"55"  => "Sequence Number",
"56"  => "Corrected Social Security Number",
"57"  => "Prior Incorrect Social Security Number",
"58"  => "Corrected Batch Number",
"59"  => "Prior Incorrect Batch Number",
"5A"  => "Offense Tracking",
"5B"  => "Supplemental Account Number",
"5C"  => "Congressional District",
"5D"  => "Line of Credit Category",
"5E"  => "Consumer Identifier",
"5F"  => "Warrant",
"5G"  => "Complaint",
"5H"  => "Incident",
"5I"  => "Offender Tracking",
"5J"  => "Driver's License",
"5K"  => "Commercial Driver's License",
"5L"  => "Jurisdictional Community Number",
"5M"  => "Previous Sequence",
"5N"  => "Citation of Statute",
"5O"  => "Citation of Opinion",
"5P"  => "National Criminal Information Center Originating Agency Identification",
"5Q"  => "State Criminal History Repository Individual Identification",
"5R"  => "Federal Bureau of Investigation Individual Identification",
"5S"  => "Processing Area",
"5T"  => "Payment Location",
"5U"  => "Flood Data Identifier",
"5V"  => "Coupon Distribution Method",
"5W"  => "Original Uniform Commercial Code Filing Number",
"5X"  => "Amended Uniform Commercial Code Filing Number",
"5Y"  => "Continuation Uniform Commercial Code Filing Number",
"5Z"  => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing Collateral Number",
"60"  => "Account Suffix Code",
"61"  => "Taxing Authority Identification Number",
"63"  => "Prior Loan Number",
"64"  => "Jurisdictional Community Name Identifier",
"65"  => "Total Order Cycle Number",
"66"  => "Previous Policy Number",
"67"  => "Previous Claim History Identifier",
"68"  => "Dental Insurance Account Number",
"69"  => "Dental Insurance Policy Number",
"6A"  => "Consignee Reference Number",
"6B"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Entry Number",
"6C"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Entry Type Code",
"6D"  => "U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Statement Number",
"6E"  => "Map Reference",
"6F"  => "Appraiser License",
"6G"  => "Map Number",
"6H"  => "Comparable Property Verification Source",
"6I"  => "Comparable Property",
"6J"  => "Census Tract",
"6K"  => "Zone",
"6L"  => "Agent Contract Number",
"6M"  => "Application Number",
"6N"  => "Claimant Number",
"6O"  => "Cross Reference Number",
"6P"  => "Group Number",
"6Q"  => "Insurance License Number",
"6R"  => "Provider Control Number",
"6S"  => "Provider Order Ticket Number",
"6T"  => "Pilot License Number",
"6U"  => "Question Number",
"6V"  => "Reissue Cession Number",
"6W"  => "Sequence Number",
"6X"  => "Specimen Identifier",
"6Y"  => "Equipment Initial",
"6Z"  => "Secretaria de Comercia y Famenta Industrial (SECOFI) Number",
"70"  => "Calendar Number",
"71"  => "(Working) Shift Number",
"72"  => "Schedule Reference Number",
"73"  => "Statement of Work (SOW)",
"74"  => "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)",
"75"  => "Organization Breakdown Structure",
"76"  => "Milestone",
"77"  => "Work Package",
"78"  => "Planning Package",
"79"  => "Cost Account",
"7A"  => "Purchase Order Number Included in On-Order Position",
"7B"  => "Purchase Order Number of Shipment Received since Last Reporting Date",
"7C"  => "Purchase Order Number of Order Received since Last Reporting Date",
"7D"  => "Tester Identification",
"7E"  => "Collector Identification",
"7F"  => "Repeat Location",
"7G"  => "Data Quality Reject Reason",
"7H"  => "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Type Purpose Code",
"7I"  => "Subscriber Authorization Number",
"7J"  => "Toll Billing Telephone Reference Number",
"7K"  => "List of Materials",
"7L"  => "Qualified Materials List",
"7M"  => "Frame",
"7N"  => "Piggyback",
"7O"  => "Tripleback",
"7P"  => "Sheet",
"7Q"  => "Engineering Change Order",
"7R"  => "Representative Identification Number",
"7S"  => "Drawing Type",
"7T"  => "Master Contract",
"7U"  => "Related Transaction Reference Number",
"7W"  => "Interchange Train Identification",
"7X"  => "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) State Code",
"7Y"  => "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) County Code",
"7Z"  => "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)",
"80"  => "Charge Number",
"81"  => "Symbol Number (for Milestone or LOB reports)",
"82"  => "Data Item Description (DID) Reference",
"83"  => "Extended (or Exhibit) Line Item Number (ELIN)",
"84"  => "Contractor Data Requirements List (CDRL)",
"85"  => "Subcontractor Data Requirements (SDRL)",
"86"  => "Operation Number",
"87"  => "Functional Category",
"88"  => "Work Center",
"89"  => "Assembly Number",
"8A"  => "Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Authorization Number",
"8B"  => "Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Authorization Number",
"8C"  => "Third-party Organization (TPO) Authorization Number",
"8D"  => "Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number",
"8E"  => "Guarantor Loan Number",
"8F"  => "School Loan Number",
"8G"  => "Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) Trace Number",
"8H"  => "Check List Number",
"8I"  => "FEDWIRE Confirmation Number",
"8J"  => "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) Confirmation Number",
"8K"  => "Dominion of Canada Code",
"8L"  => "International Standard Industry Classification Code (ISIC)",
"8M"  => "Originating Company Identifier",
"8N"  => "Receiving Company Identifier",
"8O"  => "Automated Clearing House (ACH) Entry Description",
"8P"  => "Originating Depository Financial Institution Identifier",
"8Q"  => "Receiving Depository Financial Institution Identifier",
"8R"  => "Security Type",
"8S"  => "Broker Identification",
"8U"  => "Bank Assigned Security Identifier",
"8V"  => "Credit Reference",
"8W"  => "Bank to Bank Information",
"8X"  => "Transaction Category or Type",
"8Y"  => "Safekeeping Account Number",
"8Z"  => "Alternate Clause Number",
"90"  => "Subassembly Number",
"91"  => "Cost Element",
"92"  => "Change Document Number",
"93"  => "Funds Authorization",
"94"  => "File Identification Number",
"95"  => "Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) Number",
"96"  => "Stock Certificate Number",
"97"  => "Package Number",
"98"  => "Container/Packaging Specification Number",
"99"  => "Rate Conference ID Code",
"9A"  => "Repriced Claim Reference Number",
"9B"  => "Repriced Line Item Reference Number",
"9C"  => "Adjusted Repriced Claim Reference Number",
"9D"  => "Adjusted Repriced Line Item Reference Number",
"9E"  => "Replacement Claim Number",
"9F"  => "Referral Number",
"9G"  => "Department of Defense Form 250 Requirement Code",
"9H"  => "Packaging Group Number",
"9I"  => "Automated Clearing House (ACH) Standard Entry Class",
"9J"  => "Pension Contract",
"9K"  => "Servicer",
"9L"  => "Service Bureau",
"9M"  => "Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Sequence Number",
"9N"  => "Investor",
"9P"  => "Loan Type",
"9Q"  => "Pool Suffix",
"9R"  => "Job Order Number",
"9S"  => "Delivery Region",
"9T"  => "Tenor",
"9U"  => "Loan Feature Code",
"9V"  => "Payment Category",
"9W"  => "Payer Category",
"9X"  => "Account Category",
"9Y"  => "Bank Assigned Bankers Reference Number",
"9Z"  => "Chamber of Commerce Number",
"A0"  => "Advertiser Number",
"A1"  => "Analysis number/Test number",
"A2"  => "Disability Insurance Account Number",
"A3"  => "Assignment Number",
"A4"  => "Disability Insurance Policy Number",
"A5"  => "Educational Institution Identification Number",
"A6"  => "Employee Identification Number",
"A7"  => "Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Insurance Account Number",
"A8"  => "Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Insurance Policy Number",
"A9"  => "Health Insurance Account Number",
"AA"  => "Accounts Receivable Statement Number",
"AB"  => "Acceptable Source Purchaser ID",
"AC"  => "Air Cargo Transfer Manifest",
"AD"  => "Acceptable Source DUNS Number",
"AE"  => "Authorization for Expense (AFE) Number",
"AF"  => "Airlines Flight Identification Number",
"AG"  => "Agent's Shipment Number",
"AH"  => "Agreement Number",
"AI"  => "Associated Invoices",
"AJ"  => "Accounts Receivable Customer Account",
"AK"  => "Sending Company Audit Number (Automated Clearinghouse Transfers)",
"AL"  => "Accounting (Equipment) Location Number",
"AM"  => "Adjustment Memo (Charge Back)",
"AN"  => "Associated Purchase Orders",
"AO"  => "Appointment Number",
"AP"  => "Accounts Receivable Number",
"AQ"  => "Access Code",
"AR"  => "Arrival Code",
"AS"  => "Acceptable Source Supplier ID",
"AT"  => "Appropriation Number",
"AU"  => "Authorization to Meet Competition Number",
"AV"  => "Health Insurance Rating Account Number",
"AW"  => "Air Waybill Number",
"AX"  => "Government Accounting Class Reference Number (ACRN)",
"AY"  => "Floor Plan Approval Number",
"AZ"  => "Health Insurance Policy Number",
"B1"  => "Lessee Bill Code Number",
"B2"  => "Axle Ratio",
"B3"  => "Preferred Provider Organization Number",
"B4"  => "Bilateral Car Service Agreements",
"B5"  => "Health Insurance Rating Suffix Code",
"B6"  => "Life Insurance Billing Account Number",
"B7"  => "Life Insurance Policy Number",
"B8"  => "Life Insurance Billing Suffix Code",
"B9"  => "Retirement Plan Account Number",
"BA"  => "Retirement Plan Policy Number",
"BB"  => "Authorization Number",
"BC"  => "Buyer's Contract Number",
"BD"  => "Bid Number",
"BE"  => "Business Activity",
"BF"  => "Billing Center Identification",
"BG"  => "Beginning Serial Number",
"BH"  => "Lease Schedule Number - Blanket",
"BI"  => "Bonded Carrier Internal Revenue Service Identification Number",
"BJ"  => "Carrier's Customs Bond Number",
"BK"  => "Broker's Order Number",
"BL"  => "Government Bill of Lading",
"BM"  => "Bill of Lading Number",
"BN"  => "Booking Number",
"BO"  => "Bin Location Number",
"BP"  => "Adjustment Control Number",
"BQ"  => "Health Maintenance Organization Code Number",
"BR"  => "Broker or Sales Office Number",
"BS"  => "Split Booking Number",
"BT"  => "Batch Number",
"BU"  => "Buyer's Approval Mark",
"BV"  => "Purchase Order Line Item Identifier (Buyer)",
"BW"  => "Blended With Batch Number",
"BX"  => "Buyer's Shipment Mark Number",
"BY"  => "Repair Category Number",
"BZ"  => "Complaint Code",
"C0"  => "Canadian Social Insurance Number",
"C1"  => "Customer material specification number",
"C2"  => "Customer process specification number",
"C3"  => "Customer specification number",
"C4"  => "Change Number",
"C5"  => "Customer Tracking Number For Loaned Materials",
"C6"  => "Carnet Number",
"C7"  => "Contract Line Item Number",
"C8"  => "Corrected Contract Number",
"C9"  => "Previous Credit/Debit Adjustment Number",
"CA"  => "Cost Allocation Reference",
"CB"  => "Combined Shipment",
"CC"  => "Contract Co-op Number",
"CD"  => "Credit Note Number",
"CE"  => "Class of Contract Code",
"CF"  => "Fleet Reference Number",
"CG"  => "Consignee's Order Number",
"CH"  => "Customer catalog number",
"CI"  => "Unique Consignment Identifier",
"CJ"  => "Clause Number",
"CK"  => "Check Number",
"CL"  => "Seller's Credit Memo",
"CM"  => "Buyer's Credit Memo",
"CN"  => "Carrier's Reference Number (PRO/Invoice)",
"CO"  => "Customer Order Number",
"CP"  => "Condition of Purchase Document Number",
"CQ"  => "Customshouse Broker License Number",
"CR"  => "Customer Reference Number",
"CS"  => "Condition of Sale Document Number",
"CT"  => "Contract Number",
"CU"  => "Clear Text Clause",
"CV"  => "Coil Number",
"CW"  => "Canadian Wheat Board Permit Number",
"CX"  => "Consignment Classification ID",
"CY"  => "Commercial Registration Number",
"CZ"  => "Contract Rider Number (Used in conjunction with contract number)",
"D0"  => "Data Reliability Code",
"D1"  => "Drug Enforcement Administration Order Blank Number",
"D2"  => "Supplier Document Identification Number",
"D3"  => "National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Number",
"D4"  => "Cut Number",
"D5"  => "Dye Lot Number",
"D6"  => "Duplicate Bill Number",
"D7"  => "Coverage Code",
"D8"  => "Loss Report Number",
"D9"  => "Claim Number",
"DA"  => "Domicile Branch Number",
"DB"  => "Buyer's Debit Memo",
"DC"  => "Dealer purchase order number",
"DD"  => "Document Identification Code",
"DE"  => "Depositor Number",
"DF"  => "Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFAR)",
"DG"  => "Drawing Number",
"DH"  => "Drug Enforcement Administration Number",
"DI"  => "Distributor Invoice Number",
"DJ"  => "Delivery Ticket Number",
"DK"  => "Dock Number",
"DL"  => "Seller's Debit Memo",
"DM"  => "Associated Product Number",
"DN"  => "Draft Number",
"DO"  => "Delivery Order Number",
"DP"  => "Department Number",
"DQ"  => "Delivery Quote Number",
"DR"  => "Dock Receipt Number",
"DS"  => "Defense Priorities Allocation System (DPAS) Priority Rating",
"DT"  => "Downstream Shipper Contract Number",
"DU"  => "Dependents Information",
"DV"  => "Diversion Authority Number",
"DW"  => "Deposit Sequence Number",
"DX"  => "Department/Agency Number",
"DY"  => "Department of Defense Transportation Service Code Number (Household Goods)",
"DZ"  => "Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Provider Identification Number",
"E1"  => "Emergency Order Number",
"E2"  => "Part Causing Repair Number",
"E3"  => "Expansion on Effect of Change Number",
"E4"  => "Charge Card Number",
"E5"  => "Claimant's Claim Number",
"E6"  => "Backout Procedure Code",
"E7"  => "Service Bulletin Number",
"E8"  => "Service Contract (Coverage) Number",
"E9"  => "Attachment Code",
"EA"  => "Medical Record Identification Number",
"EB"  => "Embargo Permit Number",
"EC"  => "Circular",
"ED"  => "Export Declaration",
"EE"  => "Election District",
"EF"  => "Electronic Funds Transfer ID Number",
"EG"  => "Ending Serial Number",
"EH"  => "Financial Classification Code",
"EI"  => "Employer's Identification Number",
"EJ"  => "Patient Account Number",
"EK"  => "Healthcare Manpower Shortage Area (HMSA) Facility Identification Number",
"EL"  => "Electronic device pin number",
"EM"  => "Electronic Payment Reference Number",
"EN"  => "Embargo Number",
"EO"  => "Submitter Identification Number",
"EP"  => "Export Permit Number",
"EQ"  => "Equipment Number",
"ER"  => "Container or Equipment Receipt Number",
"ES"  => "Employer's Social Security Number",
"ET"  => "Excess Transportation",
"EU"  => "End User's Purchase Order Number",
"EV"  => "Receiver Identification Number",
"EW"  => "Mammography Certification Number",
"EX"  => "Estimate Number",
"EY"  => "Receiver Sub-identification Number",
"EZ"  => "Electronic Data Interchange Agreement Number",
"F1"  => "Version Code - National",
"F2"  => "Version Code - Local",
"F3"  => "Submission Number",
"F4"  => "Facility Certification Number",
"F5"  => "Medicare Version Code",
"F6"  => "Health Insurance Claim (HIC) Number",
"F7"  => "New Health Insurance Claim (HIC) Number",
"F8"  => "Original Reference Number",
"F9"  => "Freight Payor Reference Number",
"FA"  => "Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)",
"FB"  => "File Transfer Form Number",
"FC"  => "Filer Code Issued by Customs",
"FD"  => "Filer Code Issued by Bureau of Census",
"FE"  => "Failure mechanism number",
"FF"  => "Film Number",
"FG"  => "Fund Identification Number",
"FH"  => "Clinic Number",
"FI"  => "File Identifier",
"FJ"  => "Line Item Control Number",
"FK"  => "Finish Lot Number",
"FL"  => "Fine Line Classification",
"FM"  => "Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Forwarders Number",
"FN"  => "Forwarder's/Agent's Reference Number",
"FO"  => "Drug Formulary Number",
"FP"  => "Forestry Permit Number",
"FQ"  => "Form Number",
"FR"  => "Freight Bill Number",
"FS"  => "Final Sequence Number",
"FT"  => "Foreign Trade Zone",
"FU"  => "Fund Code",
"FV"  => "Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Reference Number",
"FW"  => "State License Identification Number",
"FX"  => "Failure Analysis Report Number",
"FY"  => "Claim Office Number",
"FZ"  => "Processor's Invoice Number",
"G1"  => "Prior Authorization Number",
"G2"  => "Provider Commercial Number",
"G3"  => "Predetermination of Benefits Identification Number",
"G4"  => "Peer Review Organization (PRO) Approval Number",
"G5"  => "Provider Site Number",
"G6"  => "Payer Assigned Resubmission Reference Number",
"G7"  => "Resubmission Reason Code",
"G8"  => "Resubmission Number",
"G9"  => "Secondary Employee Identification Number",
"GA"  => "Government Advance Progress",
"GB"  => "Grain Block Number",
"GC"  => "Government Contract Number",
"GD"  => "Return Goods Bill of Lading Number",
"GE"  => "Geographic Number",
"GF"  => "Specialty License Number",
"GG"  => "Gauge Ticket Number",
"GH"  => "Identification Card Serial Number",
"GI"  => "Secondary Provider Number",
"GJ"  => "Cornbore Certification Number",
"GK"  => "Third Party Reference Number",
"GL"  => "Geographic Destination Zone Number",
"GM"  => "Loan Acquisition Number",
"GN"  => "Folder Number",
"GO"  => "Exhibit Identifier",
"GP"  => "Government Priority Number",
"GQ"  => "Internal Purchase Order Release Number",
"GR"  => "Grain Order Reference Number",
"GS"  => "General Services Administration Regulations (GSAR)",
"GT"  => "Goods and Service Tax Registration Number",
"GU"  => "Internal Purchase Order Item Number",
"GV"  => "Third Party Purchase Order Number",
"GW"  => "Third Party Purchase Order Release Number",
"GX"  => "Third Party Purchase Order Item Number",
"GY"  => "Empty Repositioning Number",
"GZ"  => "General Ledger Account",
"H1"  => "High Fabrication Authorization Number",
"H2"  => "High Raw Material Authorization Number",
"H3"  => "Gravity Source Meter Number",
"H4"  => "Federal Information Resources Management Regulation",
"H5"  => "Special Clause",
"H6"  => "Quality Clause",
"H7"  => "Standard Clause",
"H8"  => "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Census Tract",
"H9"  => "Payment History Reference Number",
"HA"  => "Competent Authority",
"HB"  => "Bill & Hold Invoice Number",
"HC"  => "Heat Code",
"HD"  => "Department of Transportation Hazardous Number",
"HE"  => "Hazardous Exemption Number",
"HF"  => "Engineering Data List",
"HG"  => "Civil Action Number",
"HH"  => "Fiscal Code",
"HI"  => "Health Industry Number (HIN)",
"HJ"  => "Identity Card Number",
"HK"  => "Judgment Number",
"HL"  => "SIREN Number",
"HM"  => "SIRET Number",
"HN"  => "Hazardous Certification Number",
"HO"  => "Shipper's Hazardous Number",
"HP"  => "Pack & Hold Invoice Number",
"HQ"  => "Reinsurance Reference",
"HR"  => "Horsepower",
"HS"  => "Harmonized Code System (Canada)",
"HT"  => "Code of Federal Regulations",
"HU"  => "Type of Escrow Number",
"HV"  => "Escrow File Number",
"HW"  => "High/Wide File Number",
"HX"  => "Auto Loss Item Number",
"HY"  => "Property Loss Item Number",
"HZ"  => "Tax Agency Number (MERS [Mortgage Electronic Registration System] Federal Information Processing Standards [FIPS] Based Number)",
"I1"  => "Owning Bureau Identification Number",
"I2"  => "Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Account Number",
"I3"  => "Non-American Identification Number",
"I4"  => "Credit Counseling Identification Number",
"I5"  => "Invoice Identification",
"I7"  => "Credit Report Number",
"I8"  => "Social Insurance Number",
"I9"  => "Pollutant",
"IA"  => "Internal Vendor Number",
"IB"  => "In Bond Number",
"IC"  => "Inbound-to Party",
"ID"  => "Insurance Certificate Number",
"IE"  => "Interchange Agreement Number",
"IF"  => "Issue Number",
"IG"  => "Insurance Policy Number",
"IH"  => "Initial Dealer Claim Number",
"II"  => "Initial Sample Inspection Report Number",
"IJ"  => "Standard Industry Classification (SIC) Code",
"IK"  => "Invoice Number",
"IL"  => "Internal Order Number",
"IM"  => "Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (IMO) Number",
"IN"  => "Consignee's Invoice Number",
"IO"  => "Inbound-to or Outbound-from Party",
"IP"  => "Inspection Report Number",
"IQ"  => "End Item",
"IR"  => "Intra Plant Routing",
"IS"  => "Invoice Number Suffix",
"IT"  => "Internal Customer Number",
"IU"  => "Barge Permit Number",
"IV"  => "Seller's Invoice Number",
"IW"  => "Part Interchangeability",
"IX"  => "Item Number",
"IZ"  => "Insured Parcel Post Number",
"J0"  => "Proceeding",
"J1"  => "Creditor",
"J2"  => "Attorney",
"J3"  => "Judge",
"J4"  => "Trustee",
"J5"  => "Originating Case",
"J6"  => "Adversary Case",
"J7"  => "Lead Case",
"J8"  => "Jointly Administered Case",
"J9"  => "Substantively Consolidated Case",
"JA"  => "Beginning Job Sequence Number",
"JB"  => "Job (Project) Number",
"JC"  => "Review",
"JD"  => "User Identification",
"JE"  => "Ending Job Sequence Number",
"JF"  => "Automated Underwriting Reference Number",
"JH"  => "Tag",
"JI"  => "Multiple Listing Service Area",
"JK"  => "Multiple Listing Service Sub-area",
"JL"  => "Packet",
"JM"  => "Multiple Listing Service Map X Coordinate",
"JN"  => "Multiple Listing Service Map Y Coordinate",
"JO"  => "Multiple Listing Number",
"JP"  => "Multiple Listing Service Book Type",
"JQ"  => "Elevation",
"JR"  => "Property Component Location",
"JS"  => "Job Sequence Number",
"JT"  => "Prior Tax Identification Number (TIN)",
"JU"  => "Prior Phone Number",
"JV"  => "Prior Health Industry Number",
"JW"  => "Prior Universal Provider Identification Number (UPIN)",
"JX"  => "Prior Postal Zip Code",
"JY"  => "Origin of Shipment Harmonized-Based Code",
"JZ"  => "Governing Class Code",
"K0"  => "Approval Code",
"K1"  => "Foreign Military Sales Notice Number",
"K2"  => "Certified Mail Number",
"K3"  => "Registered Mail Number",
"K4"  => "Criticality Designator",
"K5"  => "Task Order",
"K6"  => "Purchase Description",
"K7"  => "Paragraph Number",
"K8"  => "Project Paragraph Number",
"K9"  => "Inquiry Request Number",
"KA"  => "Distribution List",
"KB"  => "Beginning Kanban Serial Number",
"KC"  => "Exhibit Distribution List",
"KD"  => "Special Instructions Number",
"KE"  => "Ending Kanban Serial Number",
"KG"  => "Foreclosing Status",
"KH"  => "Type of Law Suit",
"KI"  => "Type of Outstanding Judgment",
"KJ"  => "Tax Lien Jurisdiction",
"KK"  => "Delivery Reference",
"KL"  => "Contract Reference",
"KM"  => "Rental Account Number",
"KN"  => "Census Automated Files ID",
"KO"  => "Customs Drawback Entry Number",
"KP"  => "Health Certificate Number",
"KQ"  => "Procuring Agency",
"KR"  => "Response to a Request for Quotation Reference",
"KS"  => "Solicitation",
"KT"  => "Request for Quotation Reference",
"KU"  => "Office Symbol",
"KV"  => "Distribution Statement Code",
"KW"  => "Certification",
"KX"  => "Representation",
"KY"  => "Site Specific Procedures, Terms, and Conditions",
"KZ"  => "Master Solicitation Procedures, Terms, and Conditions",
"L1"  => "Letters or Notes",
"L2"  => "Location on Product Code",
"L3"  => "Labor Operation Number",
"L4"  => "Proposal Paragraph Number",
"L5"  => "Subexhibit Line Item Number",
"L6"  => "Subcontract Line Item Number",
"L7"  => "Customer's Release Number",
"L8"  => "Consignee's Release Number",
"L9"  => "Customer's Part Number",
"LA"  => "Shipping Label Serial Number",
"LB"  => "Lockbox",
"LC"  => "Lease Number",
"LD"  => "Loan Number",
"LE"  => "Lender Entity Number",
"LF"  => "Assembly Line Feed Location",
"LG"  => "Lease Schedule Number",
"LH"  => "Longitude Expressed in Seconds",
"LI"  => "Line Item Identifier (Seller's)",
"LJ"  => "Local Jurisdiction",
"LK"  => "Longitude expressed in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds",
"LL"  => "Latitude Expressed in Seconds",
"LM"  => "Product Period for which Labor Costs are Firm",
"LN"  => "Non pickup Limited Tariff Number",
"LO"  => "Load Planning Number",
"LP"  => "For Pickup Limited Freight Tariff Number",
"LQ"  => "Latitude Expressed in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds",
"LR"  => "Local Student Identification Number",
"LS"  => "Bar-Coded Serial Number",
"LT"  => "Lot Number",
"LU"  => "Location Number",
"LV"  => "License Plate Number",
"LW"  => "Location Within Equipment",
"LX"  => "Qualified Products List",
"LY"  => "Destination of Shipment Harmonized-Based Code",
"LZ"  => "Lender Account Number",
"M1"  => "Material Storage Location",
"M2"  => "Major Force Program",
"M3"  => "Crop Year",
"M5"  => "Lease Agreement Amendment Number - Master",
"M6"  => "Military Ordnance Security Risk Number",
"M7"  => "Medical Assistance Category",
"M8"  => "Limited Partnership Identification Number",
"M9"  => "Tax Shelter Number",
"MA"  => "Ship Notice/Manifest Number",
"MB"  => "Master Bill of Lading",
"MC"  => "Microfilm Number",
"MD"  => "Magazine Code",
"ME"  => "Message Address or ID",
"MF"  => "Manufacturers Part Number",
"MG"  => "Meter Number",
"MH"  => "Manufacturing Order Number",
"MI"  => "Mill Order Number",
"MJ"  => "Model Number",
"MK"  => "Manifest Key Number",
"ML"  => "Military Rank/Civilian Pay Grade Number",
"MM"  => "Master Lease Agreement Number",
"MN"  => "MICR Number",
"MO"  => "Manufacturing Operation Number",
"MP"  => "Multiple P.O.s of an Invoice",
"MQ"  => "Meter Proving Report Number",
"MR"  => "Merchandise Type Code",
"MS"  => "Manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet Number",
"MT"  => "Meter Ticket Number",
"MU"  => "Military Specification (MILSPEC) Number",
"MV"  => "Migrant Number, This number is assigned by the national Migrant Records Transfer System",
"MW"  => "Military Call Number",
"MX"  => "Material Change Notice Number",
"MY"  => "Model year number",
"MZ"  => "Maintenance Request Number",
"N0"  => "Nomination Number",
"N1"  => "Local School Course Number",
"N2"  => "Local School District Course Number",
"N3"  => "Statewide Course Number",
"N4"  => "United States Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Course Number",
"N5"  => "Provider Plan Network Identification Number",
"N6"  => "Plan Network Identification Number",
"N7"  => "Facility Network Identification Number",
"N8"  => "Secondary Health Insurance Identification Number",
"N9"  => "Data Authentication Number",
"NA"  => "North American Hazardous Classification Number",
"NB"  => "Letter of Credit Number",
"NC"  => "Secondary Coverage Company Number",
"ND"  => "Letter of Credit Draft Number",
"NE"  => "Lease Rider Number",
"NF"  => "National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Code",
"NG"  => "Natural Gas Policy Act Category Code",
"NH"  => "Rate Card Number",
"NI"  => "Military Standard (MIL-STD) Number",
"NJ"  => "Technical Document Number",
"NK"  => "Prior Case",
"NL"  => "Technical Order Number",
"NM"  => "Discounter Registration Number",
"NN"  => "Nonconformance Report Number",
"NO"  => "No OT5 Authority-zero Mileage Rate",
"NP"  => "Partial Payment Number",
"NQ"  => "Medicaid Recipient Identification Number",
"NR"  => "Progress Payment Number",
"NS"  => "National Stock Number",
"NT"  => "Administrator's Reference Number",
"NU"  => "Pending Case",
"NW"  => "Associated Policy Number",
"NX"  => "Related Nonconformance Number",
"NY"  => "Agent Claim Number",
"NZ"  => "Critical Application",
"O1"  => "Outer Continental Shelf Area Code",
"O2"  => "Outer Continental Shelf Block Number",
"O5"  => "OT5 Authority-Condition or Restriction on Car Hire Rate",
"O7"  => "On-line Procurement and Accounting Control (OPAC) Transaction",
"O8"  => "Original Filing",
"O9"  => "Continuation Filing",
"OA"  => "Outlet Number",
"OB"  => "Ocean Bill of Lading",
"OC"  => "Ocean Container Number",
"OD"  => "Original Return Request Reference Number",
"OE"  => "Open and Prepaid Station List Number",
"OF"  => "Operator Identification Number",
"OG"  => "Termination Filing",
"OH"  => "Origin House",
"OI"  => "Original Invoice Number",
"OJ"  => "Amendment Filing",
"OK"  => "Offer Group",
"OL"  => "Original Shipper's Bill of Lading Number",
"OM"  => "Ocean Manifest",
"ON"  => "Dealer Order Number",
"OP"  => "Original Purchase Order",
"OQ"  => "Order Number",
"OR"  => "Order/Paragraph Number",
"OS"  => "Outbound-from Party",
"OT"  => "Sales Allowance Number",
"OU"  => "Tariff Supplement Number",
"OV"  => "Tariff Suffix Number",
"OW"  => "Service Order Number",
"OX"  => "Statement Number",
"OZ"  => "Product Number",
"P1"  => "Previous Contract Number",
"P2"  => "Previous Drug Enforcement Administration Number",
"P3"  => "Previous customer reference number",
"P4"  => "Project Code",
"P5"  => "Position Code",
"P6"  => "Pipeline Number",
"P7"  => "Product Line Number",
"P8"  => "Pickup Reference Number",
"P9"  => "Page Number",
"PA"  => "Price Area Number",
"PB"  => "Payer's Financial Institution Account Number for Check, Draft, or Wire Payments; Originating Company Account Number for ACH Transfers",
"PC"  => "Production Code",
"PD"  => "Promotion/Deal Number",
"PE"  => "Plant Number",
"PF"  => "Prime Contractor Contract Number",
"PG"  => "Product Group",
"PH"  => "Priority Rating",
"PI"  => "Price List Change or Issue Number",
"PJ"  => "Packer Number",
"PK"  => "Packing List Number",
"PL"  => "Price List Number",
"PM"  => "Part Number",
"PN"  => "Permit Number",
"PO"  => "Purchase Order Number",
"PP"  => "Purchase Order Revision Number",
"PQ"  => "Payee Identification",
"PR"  => "Price Quote Number",
"PS"  => "Purchase Order Number Suffix",
"PT"  => "Purchase Option Agreement",
"PU"  => "Previous Bill of Lading Number",
"PV"  => "Product change information number",
"PW"  => "Prior purchase order number",
"PX"  => "Previous Invoice Number",
"PY"  => "Payee's Financial Institution Account Number for Check, Draft or Wire Payments; Receiving Company Account Number for ACH Transfer",
"PZ"  => "Product Change Notice Number",
"Q1"  => "Quote Number",
"Q2"  => "Starting Package Number",
"Q3"  => "Ending Package Number",
"Q4"  => "Prior Identifier Number",
"Q5"  => "Property Control Number",
"Q6"  => "Recall Number",
"Q7"  => "Receiver Claim Number",
"Q8"  => "Registration Number",
"Q9"  => "Repair Order Number",
"QA"  => "Press Identifier",
"QB"  => "Press Form Identifier",
"QC"  => "Product Specification Document Number",
"QD"  => "Replacement Drug Enforcement Administration Number",
"QE"  => "Replacement Customer Reference Number",
"QF"  => "Quality Disposition Area Identifier",
"QG"  => "Replacement Assembly Model Number",
"QH"  => "Replacement Assembly Serial Number",
"QI"  => "Quality Inspection Area Identifier",
"QJ"  => "Return Material Authorization Number",
"QK"  => "Sales Program Number",
"QL"  => "Service Authorization Number",
"QM"  => "Quality Review Material Crib Identifier",
"QN"  => "Stop Sequence Number",
"QO"  => "Service Estimate Number",
"QP"  => "Substitute Part Number",
"QQ"  => "Unit Number",
"QR"  => "Quality Report Number",
"QS"  => "Warranty Coverage Code",
"QT"  => "Warranty Registration Number",
"QU"  => "Change Verification Procedure Code",
"QV"  => "Major System Affected Code",
"QW"  => "New Part Number",
"QX"  => "Old Part Number",
"QY"  => "Service Performed Code",
"QZ"  => "Reference Drawing Number",
"R0"  => "Regiristo Federal de Contribuyentes (Mexican Federal Tax ID Number)",
"R1"  => "Current Revision Number",
"R2"  => "Canceled Revision Number",
"R3"  => "Correction Number",
"R4"  => "Tariff Section Number",
"R5"  => "Tariff Page Number",
"R6"  => "Tariff Rule Number",
"R7"  => "Accounts Receivable Open Item",
"R8"  => "Rental Agreement Number",
"R9"  => "Rejection Number",
"RA"  => "Repetitive Cargo Shipment Number",
"RB"  => "Rate code number",
"RC"  => "Rail Routing Code",
"RD"  => "Reel Number",
"RE"  => "Release Number",
"RF"  => "Export Reference Number",
"RG"  => "Route Order Number-Domestic",
"RH"  => "Route Order Number-Export",
"RI"  => "Release invoice number for prior bill and hold",
"RJ"  => "Route Order Number-Emergency",
"RK"  => "Rack Type Number",
"RL"  => "Reserve Assembly Line Feed Location",
"RM"  => "Raw material supplier Dun & Bradstreet number",
"RN"  => "Run Number",
"RO"  => "Repetitive Booking Number",
"RP"  => "Repetitive Pattern Code",
"RQ"  => "Purchase Requisition Number",
"RR"  => "Payer's Financial Institution Transit Routing Number for Check, Draft or Wire Payments. Originating Depository Financial Institution Routing Number for ACH Transfers",
"RS"  => "Returnable Container Serial Number",
"RT"  => "Payee's Financial Institution Transit Routing Number for Check, Draft or Wire Payments. Receiving Depository Financial Institution Transit Routing Number for ACH Transfers",
"RU"  => "Route Number",
"RV"  => "Receiving Number",
"RW"  => "Repetitive Waybill Code (Origin Carrier, Standard Point Location Code, Repetitive Waybill Code Number)",
"RX"  => "Resubmit number",
"RY"  => "Rebate Number",
"RZ"  => "Returned Goods Authorization Number",
"S0"  => "Special Approval",
"S1"  => "Engineering Specification Number",
"S2"  => "Data Source",
"S3"  => "Specification Number",
"S4"  => "Shippers Bond Number",
"S5"  => "Routing Instruction Number",
"S6"  => "Stock Number",
"S7"  => "Stack Train Identification",
"S8"  => "Seal Off Number",
"S9"  => "Seal On Number",
"SA"  => "Salesperson",
"SB"  => "Sales Region Number",
"SC"  => "Shipper Car Order Number",
"SD"  => "Subday Number",
"SE"  => "Serial Number",
"SF"  => "Ship From",
"SG"  => "Savings",
"SH"  => "Sender Defined Clause",
"SI"  => "Shipper's Identifying Number for Shipment (SID)",
"SJ"  => "Set Number",
"SK"  => "Service Change Number",
"SL"  => "Sales/Territory Code",
"SM"  => "Sales Office Number",
"SN"  => "Seal Number",
"SO"  => "Shipper's Order (Invoice Number)",
"SP"  => "Scan Line",
"SQ"  => "Container Sequence Number",
"SR"  => "Sales Responsibility",
"SS"  => "Split Shipment Number",
"ST"  => "Store Number",
"SU"  => "Special Processing Code",
"SV"  => "Service Charge Number",
"SW"  => "Seller's Sale Number",
"SX"  => "Service Interrupt Tracking Number",
"SY"  => "Social Security Number",
"SZ"  => "Specification Revision",
"T0"  => "Dealer Type Identification",
"T1"  => "Tax Exchange Code",
"T2"  => "Tax Form Code",
"T3"  => "Tax Schedule Code",
"T4"  => "Signal Code",
"T5"  => "Trailer Use Agreements",
"T6"  => "Tax Filing",
"T7"  => "Affected Subsystem Code",
"T8"  => "Description of Change Code",
"T9"  => "Documentation Affected Number",
"TA"  => "Telecommunication Circuit Supplemental ID",
"TB"  => "Trucker's Bill of Lading",
"TC"  => "Vendor Terms",
"TD"  => "Reason for Change",
"TE"  => "Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Tariff Number",
"TF"  => "Transfer Number",
"TG"  => "Transportation Control Number (TCN)",
"TH"  => "Transportation Account Code (TAC)",
"TI"  => "TIR Number",
"TJ"  => "Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number",
"TK"  => "Tank Number",
"TL"  => "Tax License Exemption",
"TM"  => "Travel Manifest (ACI or OTR)",
"TN"  => "Transaction Reference Number",
"TO"  => "Terminal Operator Number",
"TP"  => "Test Specification Number",
"TQ"  => "Tracer Action Request Number",
"TR"  => "Government Transportation Request",
"TS"  => "Tariff Number",
"TT"  => "Terminal Code",
"TU"  => "Trial Location Code",
"TV"  => "Line of Business",
"TW"  => "Tax Worksheet",
"TX"  => "Tax Exempt Number",
"TY"  => "Policy Type",
"TZ"  => "Total Cycle Number",
"U0"  => "Consolidator's Receipt Number",
"U1"  => "Regional Account Number",
"U2"  => "Term",
"U3"  => "Unique Supplier Identification Number (USIN)",
"U4"  => "Unpaid Installment Reference Number",
"U5"  => "Successor Account",
"U6"  => "Predecessor Account",
"U8"  => "Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) Loan Number",
"U9"  => "Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) Pool Number",
"UA"  => "Mortgage Number",
"UB"  => "Unacceptable Source Purchaser ID",
"UC"  => "Mortgage Insurance Indicator Number",
"UD"  => "Unacceptable Source DUNS Number",
"UE"  => "Secondary Coverage Certificate Number",
"UF"  => "Mortgage Insurance Company Number",
"UG"  => "U.S. Government Transportation Control Number",
"UH"  => "Removal Number",
"UI"  => "Previous Course Number",
"UJ"  => "Current or Latest Course Number",
"UK"  => "Equivalent Course Number at Requesting Institution",
"UL"  => "Cross-listed Course Number",
"UM"  => "Quarter Quarter Section Number",
"UN"  => "United Nations Hazardous Classification Number",
"UO"  => "Quarter Quarter Spot Number",
"UP"  => "Upstream Shipper Contract Number",
"UQ"  => "Section Number",
"UR"  => "Unit Relief Number",
"US"  => "Unacceptable Source Supplier ID",
"UT"  => "Unit Train",
"UU"  => "Township Number",
"UV"  => "Range Number",
"UW"  => "State Senate District",
"UX"  => "State Assembly District",
"UY"  => "Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) Loan Number",
"UZ"  => "State Legislative District",
"V0"  => "Version",
"V1"  => "Volume Purchase Agreement Number",
"V2"  => "Visa Type",
"V3"  => "Voyage Number",
"V4"  => "State Department I-20 Form Number",
"V5"  => "State Department IAP-66 Form Number",
"V6"  => "North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Compliance Number",
"V7"  => "Judicial District",
"V8"  => "Institution Number",
"V9"  => "Subservicer",
"VA"  => "Vessel Agent Number",
"VB"  => "Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulations (VAAR)",
"VC"  => "Vendor Contract Number",
"VD"  => "Volume Number",
"VE"  => "Vendor Abbreviation Code",
"VF"  => "Vendor Change Identification Code",
"VG"  => "Vendor Change Procedure Code",
"VH"  => "County Legislative District",
"VI"  => "Pool Number",
"VJ"  => "Investor Note Holder Identification",
"VK"  => "Institution Note Holder Identification",
"VL"  => "Third Party Note Holder Identification",
"VM"  => "Ward",
"VN"  => "Vendor Order Number",
"VO"  => "Institution Loan Number",
"VP"  => "Vendor Product Number",
"VQ"  => "Related Contract Line Item Number",
"VR"  => "Vendor ID Number",
"VS"  => "Vendor Order Number Suffix",
"VT"  => "Motor Vehicle ID Number",
"VU"  => "Preparer's Verification Number",
"VV"  => "Voucher",
"VW"  => "Standard",
"VX"  => "Value-Added Tax Registration Number (Europe)",
"VY"  => "Link Sequence Number",
"VZ"  => "Sponsor's Reference Number",
"W1"  => "Disposal Turn-In Document Number",
"W2"  => "Weapon System Number",
"W3"  => "Manufacturing Directive Number",
"W4"  => "Procurement Request Number",
"W5"  => "Inspector Identification Number",
"W6"  => "Federal Supply Schedule Number",
"W7"  => "Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code",
"W8"  => "Suffix",
"W9"  => "Special Packaging Instruction Number",
"WA"  => "Labor or Affiliation Identification",
"WB"  => "American Petroleum Institute (API) Well",
"WC"  => "Contract Option Number",
"WD"  => "Review Period Number",
"WE"  => "Well Classification Code",
"WF"  => "Locally Assigned Control Number",
"WG"  => "Vendor's Previous Job Number",
"WH"  => "Master Reference (Link) Number",
"WI"  => "Waiver",
"WJ"  => "Pre-Award Survey",
"WK"  => "Type of Science Code",
"WL"  => "Federal Supply Classification Code",
"WM"  => "Weight Agreement Number",
"WN"  => "Well Number",
"WO"  => "Work Order Number",
"WP"  => "Warehouse Pick Ticket Number",
"WQ"  => "Interim Funding Organization Loan Number",
"WR"  => "Warehouse Receipt Number",
"WS"  => "Warehouse storage location number",
"WT"  => "Broker's Reference Number",
"WU"  => "Vessel",
"WV"  => "Dealer Identification",
"WW"  => "Depository Trust Company Identification",
"WX"  => "Distributor's Account Identification",
"WY"  => "Waybill Number",
"WZ"  => "Distributor's Representative Identification",
"X0"  => "Debtor's Account",
"X1"  => "Provider Claim Number",
"X2"  => "Specification Class Number",
"X3"  => "Defect Code Number",
"X4"  => "Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment Number",
"X5"  => "State Industrial Accident Provider Number",
"X6"  => "Original Voucher Number",
"X7"  => "Batch Sequence Number",
"X8"  => "Secondary Suffix Code Indicator",
"X9"  => "Internal Control Number",
"XA"  => "Substitute National Stock Number",
"XB"  => "Substitute Manufacturer's Part Number",
"XC"  => "Cargo Control Number",
"XD"  => "Subsistence Identification Number",
"XE"  => "Transportation Priority Number",
"XF"  => "Government Bill of Lading Office Code",
"XG"  => "Airline Ticket Number",
"XH"  => "Contract Auditor ID Number",
"XI"  => "Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Loan Number",
"XJ"  => "Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Default/Foreclosure Specialist Number",
"XK"  => "Mortgagee Loan Number",
"XL"  => "Insured's Loan Number",
"XM"  => "Issuer Number",
"XN"  => "Title XIX Identifier Number",
"XO"  => "Sample Number",
"XP"  => "Previous Cargo Control Number",
"XQ"  => "Pier Number",
"XR"  => "Railroad Commission Record Number",
"XS"  => "Gas Analysis Source Meter Number",
"XT"  => "Toxicology ID",
"XU"  => "Universal Transverse Mercator - North",
"XV"  => "Universal Transverse Mercator - East",
"XW"  => "Universal Transverse Mercator - Zone",
"XX"  => "Rating Period",
"XY"  => "Other Unlisted Type of Reference Number",
"XZ"  => "Pharmacy Prescription Number",
"Y0"  => "Debtor",
"Y1"  => "Claim Administrator Claim Number",
"Y2"  => "Third-Party Administrator Claim Number",
"Y3"  => "Contract Holder Claim Number",
"Y4"  => "Agency Claim Number",
"Y5"  => "Delivery Trailer Manifest",
"Y6"  => "Sort and Segregate",
"Y7"  => "Processing Area",
"Y8"  => "User ID",
"Y9"  => "Current Certificate Number",
"YA"  => "Prior Certificate Number",
"YB"  => "Revision Number",
"YC"  => "Tract",
"YD"  => "Buyer Identification",
"YE"  => "Railroad Commission Oil Number",
"YF"  => "Lessee Identification",
"YH"  => "Operator Assigned Unit Number",
"YI"  => "Refiner Identification",
"YJ"  => "Revenue Source",
"YK"  => "Rent Payor Identification",
"YL"  => "Allowance Recipient Identification",
"YM"  => "Resource Screening Reference",
"YN"  => "Receiver ID Qualifier",
"YO"  => "Formation",
"YP"  => "Selling Arrangement",
"YQ"  => "Minimum Royalty Payor Identification",
"YR"  => "Operator Lease Number",
"YS"  => "Yard Position",
"YT"  => "Reporter Identification",
"YV"  => "Participating Area",
"YW"  => "Engineering Change Proposal",
"YX"  => "Geographic Score",
"YY"  => "Geographic Key",
"YZ"  => "Geographic Index",
"Z1"  => "Safety of Ship Certificate",
"Z2"  => "Safety of Radio Certificate",
"Z3"  => "Safety Equipment Certificate",
"Z4"  => "Civil Liabilities of Oil Certificate",
"Z5"  => "Load Line Certificate",
"Z6"  => "Derat Certificate",
"Z7"  => "Maritime Declaration of Health",
"Z8"  => "Federal Housing Administration Case Number",
"Z9"  => "Veterans Affairs Case Number",
"ZA"  => "Supplier",
"ZB"  => "Ultimate Consignee",
"ZC"  => "Connecting Carrier",
"ZD"  => "Family Member Identification",
"ZE"  => "Coal Authority Number",
"ZF"  => "Contractor Establishment Code (CEC)",
"ZG"  => "Sales Representative Order Number",
"ZH"  => "Carrier Assigned Reference Number",
"ZI"  => "Reference Version Number",
"ZJ"  => "Universal Railroad Revenue Waybill Identified Number (URRWIN)",
"ZK"  => "Duplicate Waybill in Route",
"ZL"  => "Duplicate Waybill Not in Route",
"ZM"  => "Manufacturer Number",
"ZN"  => "Agency Case Number",
"ZO"  => "Makegood Commercial Line Number",
"ZP"  => "Spouse Tie",
"ZQ"  => "Non-Spouse Tie",
"ZR"  => "Supplier (Replacement)",
"ZS"  => "Software Application Number",
"ZT"  => "Milling in Transit",
"ZU"  => "Field",
"ZV"  => "Block",
"ZW"  => "Area",
"ZX"  => "County Code",
"ZY"  => "Referenced Pattern Identification",
"ZZ"  => "Mutually Defined",
"AAA" => "Distributor's Split Agent Number",
"AAB" => "Fund Manager's Reference Number",
"AAC" => "Agency Hierarchical Level",
"AAD" => "Officer License Number",
"AAE" => "Previous Distributor Number",
"AAF" => "Interviewer ID",
"AAG" => "Military ID",
"AAH" => "Option Policy Number",
"AAI" => "Payroll Account Number",
"AAJ" => "Prior Contract Number",
"AAK" => "Worksite Number",
"AAL" => "Agent Number",
"AAM" => "Treaty Identifier",
"AAN" => "Associated Case Control Number",
"AAO" => "Carrier Assigned Code",
"AAP" => "Dealer Number",
"AAQ" => "Directory Number",
"AAR" => "Distributor Assigned Transaction Number",
"AAS" => "Distributor Assigned Order Number",
"AAT" => "Distributor's Account Number",
"AAU" => "General Agency Number",
"AAV" => "Laboratory Number",
"AAW" => "Agency Assigned Number",
"AAX" => "List Bill Number",
"AAY" => "Accounting Period Reference",
"AAZ" => "Paramedical ID Number",
"ABA" => "Payroll Number",
"ABB" => "Personal ID Number",
"ABC" => "Policy Link Number",
"ABD" => "Secondary Policy Number",
"ABE" => "Special Quote Number",
"ABF" => "National Property Registry System Level 1",
"ABG" => "National Property Registry System Level 2",
"ABH" => "Investor Assigned Identification Number",
"ABJ" => "Ginnie Mae (Government National Mortgage Association) Pool Package Number",
"ABK" => "Mortgage Electronic Registration System Organization Identifier",
"ABL" => "Seller Loan Number",
"ABM" => "Sub-Servicer Loan Number",
"ABN" => "National Property Registry System Level 3",
"ABO" => "State Hazardous Waste Entity Identifier",
"ABP" => "Bankruptcy Procedure Number",
"ABQ" => "National Business Identification Number",
"ABR" => "Prior Data Universal Number System (D-U-N-S) Number, Dun & Bradstreet",
"ABS" => "Vessel Name",
"ABT" => "Security Instrument Number",
"ABU" => "Assignment Recording Number",
"ABV" => "Book Number",
"ABY" => "Health Care Financing Administration National Payer Identification Number",
"ACA" => "Growth Factor Reference",
"ACB" => "Region",
"ACC" => "Status",
"ACD" => "Class Code",
"ACE" => "Service Request Number",
"ACF" => "Supplement Number",
"ACG" => "Previous Ticket Number",
"ACH" => "One Call Agency Ticket Number",
"ACI" => "Ticket Number",
"ACJ" => "Bill of Material Revision Number",
"ACK" => "Drawing Revision Number",
"ACR" => "Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) Return/Notification of Change (NOC) Code",
"ACS" => "Society of Property Information Compilers and Analysts",
"ACT" => "Accounting Code",
"ADA" => "Agency for International Development Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR)",
"ADB" => "Master Property Number",
"ADC" => "Project Property Number",
"ADD" => "Unit Property Number",
"ADE" => "Associated Property Number",
"ADF" => "Associated Number For Limited Common Element Parking",
"ADG" => "Associated Number For Unit Parking",
"ADH" => "Associated Number For Joined Unit not re-subdivided",
"ADI" => "Processor Identification Number",
"ADM" => "Air Dimension Code",
"AEA" => "Numero de Cedula de Identidad (CIN) Number",
"AEB" => "Company's Registry Office (CRO) Number",
"AEC" => "Government Registration Number",
"AED" => "Judicial Number",
"AEE" => "Numero de Identificacion Tributaria (NIT)",
"AEF" => "Passport Number",
"AEG" => "Patron Number",
"AEH" => "Registro Informacion Fiscal (RIF)",
"AEI" => "Registro Unico de Contribuyente (RUC)",
"AEJ" => "Superintendencia de Inversiones Extranjeras (SIEX) Number",
"AEK" => "Tokyo Shoko Research Business Identifier",
"AEL" => "Registro Nacional de Contribuyente (RNC)",
"AEM" => "Distribution Center Number",
"AHC" => "Air Handling Code",
"ALC" => "Agency Location Code",
"ALG" => "Title Company Code Book Reference",
"ALH" => "Title Document Schedule",
"ALI" => "Recording Number",
"ALJ" => "Title Policy Number",
"ALT" => "Alteration Number",
"API" => "American Petroleum Institute (API) Deduction Code",
"ASL" => "Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) Number",
"ASP" => "Animal Species",
"AST" => "Animal Strain",
"ATC" => "Maintenance Availability Type",
"BAA" => "Franchise Tax Account Number",
"BAB" => "Certificate of Incorporation Number",
"BAC" => "Beam Assembly Code",
"BAD" => "State Tax Identification Number",
"BAE" => "Charter Number",
"BAF" => "Receipt Number",
"BAG" => "Withdrawal Account Number",
"BAH" => "Deposit Account Number",
"BAI" => "Business Identification Number",
"BCI" => "Basic Contract Line Item Number",
"BKT" => "Bank Telegraphic Number",
"BLT" => "Billing Type",
"BMM" => "Begin Mile Marker",
"BOI" => "Binary Object Identifier",
"CBG" => "Census Block Group",
"CDN" => "Citizenship Document Number",
"CIR" => "Circuit Number",
"CIT" => "Citation",
"CMN" => "Continuous Move Number",
"CMP" => "Customer Maintenance Period Sequence Number",
"CMT" => "Component",
"CNO" => "Commitment Number",
"COL" => "Collocation Indicator",
"COT" => "Certificate of Transportation",
"CPA" => "Canadian Province Operating Authority Number",
"CPT" => "Current Procedural Terminology Code",
"CRN" => "Casualty Report Number",
"CRS" => "Casualty Report Serial Number",
"CSC" => "CS54 Key Train Indicator Code",
"CSG" => "CS54 Key Train Indicator Group Name",
"CST" => "Census State Code",
"CTS" => "Census Tract Suffix",
"CYC" => "Periodicity Code",
"CUR" => "Current Release Number",
"DHH" => "Department of Health and Human Services Acquisition Regulation (HHSAR)",
"DIS" => "District Number",
"DNR" => "Deposit Number",
"DNS" => "D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix",
"DOA" => "Department of Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR)",
"DOC" => "Department of Commerce Acquisition Regulation (CAR)",
"DOE" => "Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation (DEAR)",
"DOI" => "Department of Interior Acquisition Regulation (DIAR)",
"DOJ" => "Department of Justice Acquisition Regulation (JAR)",
"DOL" => "Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation (DOLAR)",
"DON" => "Density Order Number",
"DOS" => "Department of State Acquisition Regulation (DOSAR)",
"DOT" => "Department of Transportation Acquisition Regulation (TAR)",
"DRN" => "Drainhole Number",
"DSC" => "Departure from Specification Class Code",
"DSI" => "Departure from Specification Number",
"DST" => "Departure from Specification Type Code",
"DTS" => "Department of the Treasury Acquisition/Procurement Regulation (TAPR)",
"DUN" => "D-U-N-S Number Dun & Bradstreet",
"EDA" => "Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (EDAR)",
"EMM" => "End Mile Marker",
"END" => "Endorsement Number",
"EPA" => "Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition Regulation (EPAAR)",
"EPB" => "Environmental Protection Agency Transporter Identification Number",
"ESN" => "Estimate Sequence Number",
"FCN" => "Assigned Contract Number",
"FLZ" => "Flood Zone",
"FMP" => "Facility Measurement Point Number",
"FND" => "Finder Number",
"FSN" => "Assigned Sequence Number",
"FTN" => "Premarket Notification Number",
"FWC" => "Final Work Candidate Number",
"GWS" => "Group Work Candidate Sequence Number",
"HHT" => "Type of Household Goods Code",
"HMB" => "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Block Number Area",
"HPI" => "Health Care Financing Administration National Provider Identifier",
"HUD" => "Department of Housing and Urban Development Acquisition Regulation (HUDAR)",
"ICD" => "ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases)",
"IFT" => "International Fuel Tax Agreement Account Number",
"IID" => "Image Identifier",
"IMP" => "Integrated Master Plan (IMP)",
"IMS" => "Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)",
"IND" => "Investigatorial New Drug Number",
"IRN" => "Importer's Reference Number to Letter of Credit",
"IRP" => "International Registration Plan Account Number",
"ISC" => "International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Dominion of Canada Code (DCC)",
"ISN" => "International Registration Plan Sticker Number",
"ISS" => "Inspection and Survey Sequence Number",
"LEN" => "Location Exception Order Number",
"LIC" => "Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) Labeler Identification Code (LIC)",
"LOI" => "Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC)",
"LSD" => "Logistics Support Documentation Type Code",
"LVO" => "Levying Officer Identification",
"MBX" => "Mailbox",
"MCI" => "Motor Carrier Identification Number",
"MDN" => "Hazardous Waste Manifest Document Number",
"MSL" => "Mail Slot",
"MZO" => "Multiple Zone Order Number",
"NAS" => "National Aeronautics and Space Administration FAR Supplement (NFS)",
"NDA" => "Abbreviated New Drug Application Number",
"NDB" => "New Drug Application Number",
"NFC" => "National Flood Insurance Program Community Name",
"NFD" => "National Flood Insurance Program County",
"NFM" => "National Flood Insurance Program Map Number",
"NFN" => "National Flood Insurance Program Community Number",
"NFS" => "National Flood Insurance Program State",
"PAC" => "Patent Cooperation Treaty Application Number",
"PAN" => "Nonprovisional Patent Application Number",
"PAP" => "Provisional Patent Application Number",
"PCC" => "Pool Contract Code",
"PCN" => "Protocol Number",
"PDL" => "Previous Driver's License",
"PGC" => "Packing Group Code",
"PGN" => "Plug Number",
"PGS" => "Proposed Group Work Candidate Sequence Number",
"PHC" => "Process Handling Code",
"PID" => "Program Identification Number",
"PIN" => "Platform Identification Number",
"PLA" => "Product Licensing Agreement Number",
"PLN" => "Proposed Contract Number",
"PMN" => "Premarket Application Number",
"PNN" => "Patent Number",
"POL" => "Policy Number",
"PRS" => "Previously Reported Social Security Number",
"PRT" => "Product Type",
"PSI" => "Previous Shipment Identification Number - Continuous Move",
"PSL" => "Next Shipment Identification Number - Continuous Move",
"PSM" => "Credit Card",
"PSN" => "Proposed Sequence Number",
"PTC" => "Patent Type",
"PWC" => "Preliminary Work Candidate Number",
"PWS" => "Proposed Work Candidate Sequence Number",
"RAA" => "Restricted Availability Authorization",
"RAN" => "Restricted Availability Number",
"REC" => "Related Case",
"RGI" => "Regulatory Guideline Identifier",
"RIG" => "Rig Number",
"RPP" => "Relative Priority",
"RPT" => "Report Number",
"RRS" => "Reconciliation Report Section Identification Code",
"RSN" => "Reservation Number",
"SBN" => "Surety Bond Number",
"SCA" => "Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)",
"SEK" => "Search Key",
"SES" => "Session",
"SHL" => "Shelf Life Indicator",
"SNH" => "Systematized Nomenclature of Human and Veterinary Medicine (SNOMED)",
"SNV" => "State Non-Resident Violator Compact",
"SPL" => "Standard Point Location Code (SPLC)",
"SPN" => "Theater Screen Number",
"STB" => "Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Bridge Number",
"STR" => "Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Replacement Code",
"SUB" => "Title Reference",
"SUO" => "Spacing Unit Order Number",
"TDT" => "Technical Documentation Type",
"TIP" => "Technical Information Package",
"TOC" => "Type of Comment",
"TPN" => "Transponder Number",
"TSN" => "Template Sequence Number",
"URL" => "Uniform Resource Locator",
"WCS" => "Work Candidate Sequence Number",
"WDR" => "Withdrawal Record"))
E133 = , "Routing Sequence Code"                , 1, 2,
"B" => "Origin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode)"))
E140 = , "Standard Carrier Alpha Code"          , 2, 4)
E142 = , "Application's Sender Code"            , 2, 15)
E143 = , "Transaction Set Identifier Number"    , 3, 3,
"100" => "Insurance Plan Description",
"101" => "Name and Address Lists",
"104" => "Air Shipment Information",
"105" => "Business Entity Filings",
"106" => "Motor Carrier Rate Proposal",
"107" => "Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal",
"108" => "Response to a Motor Carrier Rate Proposal",
"109" => "Vessel Content Details",
"110" => "Air Freight Details and Invoice",
"112" => "Property Damage Report",
"120" => "Vehicle Shipping Order",
"121" => "Vehicle Service",
"124" => "Vehicle Damage",
"125" => "Multilevel Railcar Load Details",
"126" => "Vehicle Application Advice",
"127" => "Vehicle Baying Order",
"128" => "Dealer Information",
"129" => "Vehicle Carrier Rate Update",
"130" => "Student Educational Record (Transcript)",
"131" => "Student Educational Record (Transcript) Acknowledgment",
"135" => "Student Loan Application",
"138" => "Testing Results Request and Report",
"139" => "Student Loan Guarantee Result",
"140" => "Product Registration",
"141" => "Product Service Claim Response",
"142" => "Product Service Claim",
"143" => "Product Service Notification",
"144" => "Student Loan Transfer and Status Verification",
"146" => "Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript)",
"147" => "Response to Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript)",
"148" => "Report of Injury, Illness or Incident",
"149" => "Notice of Tax Adjustment or Assessment",
"150" => "Tax Rate Notification",
"151" => "Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment",
"152" => "Statistical Government Information",
"153" => "Unemployment Insurance Tax Claim or Charge Information",
"154" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing",
"155" => "Business Credit Report",
"157" => "Notice of Power of Attorney",
"159" => "Motion Picture Booking Confirmation",
"160" => "Transportation Automatic Equipment Identification",
"161" => "Train Sheet",
"163" => "Transportation Appointment Schedule Information",
"170" => "Revenue Receipts Statement",
"175" => "Court and Law Enforcement Notice",
"176" => "Court Submission",
"180" => "Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification",
"185" => "Royalty Regulatory Report",
"186" => "Insurance Underwriting Requirements Reporting",
"188" => "Educational Course Inventory",
"189" => "Application for Admission to Educational Institutions",
"190" => "Student Enrollment Verification",
"191" => "Student Loan Pre-Claims and Claims",
"194" => "Grant or Assistance Application",
"195" => "Federal Communications Commission (FCC) License Application",
"196" => "Contractor Cost Data Reporting",
"197" => "Real Estate Title Evidence",
"198" => "Loan Verification Information",
"199" => "Real Estate Settlement Information",
"200" => "Mortgage Credit Report",
"201" => "Residential Loan Application",
"202" => "Secondary Mortgage Market Loan Delivery",
"203" => "Secondary Mortgage Market Investor Report",
"204" => "Motor Carrier Load Tender",
"205" => "Mortgage Note",
"206" => "Real Estate Inspection",
"210" => "Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice",
"211" => "Motor Carrier Bill of Lading",
"212" => "Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest",
"213" => "Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry",
"214" => "Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message",
"215" => "Motor Carrier Pick-up Manifest",
"216" => "Motor Carrier Shipment Pick-up Notification",
"217" => "Motor Carrier Loading and Route Guide",
"218" => "Motor Carrier Tariff Information",
"219" => "Logistics Service Request",
"220" => "Logistics Service Response",
"222" => "Cartage Work Assignment",
"223" => "Consolidators Freight Bill and Invoice",
"224" => "Motor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest",
"225" => "Response to a Cartage Work Assignment",
"242" => "Data Status Tracking",
"244" => "Product Source Information",
"248" => "Account Assignment/Inquiry and Service/Status",
"249" => "Animal Toxicological Data",
"250" => "Purchase Order Shipment Management Document",
"251" => "Pricing Support",
"252" => "Insurance Producer Administration",
"255" => "Underwriting Information Services",
"256" => "Periodic Compensation",
"260" => "Application for Mortgage Insurance Benefits",
"261" => "Real Estate Information Request",
"262" => "Real Estate Information Report",
"263" => "Residential Mortgage Insurance Application Response",
"264" => "Mortgage Loan Default Status",
"265" => "Real Estate Title Insurance Services Order",
"266" => "Mortgage or Property Record Change Notification",
"267" => "Individual Life, Annuity and Disability Application",
"268" => "Annuity Activity",
"270" => "Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry",
"271" => "Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information",
"272" => "Property and Casualty Loss Notification",
"273" => "Insurance/Annuity Application Status",
"275" => "Patient Information",
"276" => "Health Care Claim Status Request",
"277" => "Health Care Claim Status Notification",
"278" => "Health Care Services Review Information",
"280" => "Voter Registration Information",
"285" => "Commercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange",
"286" => "Commercial Vehicle Credentials",
"288" => "Wage Determination",
"290" => "Cooperative Advertising Agreements",
"300" => "Reservation (Booking Request) (Ocean)",
"301" => "Confirmation (Ocean)",
"303" => "Booking Cancellation (Ocean)",
"304" => "Shipping Instructions",
"306" => "Dock Receipt",
"309" => "U.S. Customs Manifest",
"310" => "Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean)",
"311" => "Canadian Customs Information",
"312" => "Arrival Notice (Ocean)",
"313" => "Shipment Status Inquiry (Ocean)",
"315" => "Status Details (Ocean)",
"317" => "Delivery/Pickup Order",
"319" => "Terminal Information",
"321" => "Demurrage Guarantee (Ocean)",
"322" => "Terminal Operations and Intermodal Ramp Activity",
"323" => "Vessel Schedule and Itinerary (Ocean)",
"324" => "Vessel Stow Plan (Ocean)",
"325" => "Consolidation of Goods in Container",
"326" => "Consignment Summary List",
"350" => "U.S. Customs Status Information",
"352" => "U.S. Customs Carrier General Order Status",
"353" => "U.S. Customs Events Advisory Details",
"354" => "U.S. Customs Automated Manifest Archive Status",
"355" => "U.S. Customs Acceptance/Rejection",
"356" => "U.S. Customs Permit to Transfer Request",
"357" => "U.S. Customs In-Bond Information",
"358" => "U.S. Customs Consist Information",
"361" => "Carrier Interchange Agreement (Ocean)",
"362" => "Cargo Insurance Advice of Shipment",
"404" => "Rail Carrier Shipment Information",
"410" => "Rail Carrier Freight Details and Invoice",
"411" => "Freight Details and Invoice Summary (Rail)",
"414" => "Rail Carhire Settlements",
"417" => "Rail Carrier Waybill Interchange",
"418" => "Rail Advance Interchange Consist",
"419" => "Advance Car Disposition",
"420" => "Car Handling Information",
"421" => "Estimated Time of Arrival and Car Scheduling",
"422" => "Shipper's Car Order",
"423" => "Rail Industrial Switch List",
"425" => "Rail Waybill Request",
"426" => "Rail Revenue Waybill",
"429" => "Railroad Retirement Activity",
"431" => "Railroad Station Master File",
"432" => "Rail Deprescription",
"433" => "Railroad Reciprocal Switch File",
"434" => "Railroad Mark Register Update Activity",
"435" => "Standard Transportation Commodity Code Master",
"436" => "Locomotive Information",
"437" => "Railroad Junctions and Interchanges Activity",
"440" => "Shipment Weights",
"451" => "Railroad Event Report",
"452" => "Railroad Problem Log Inquiry or Advice",
"453" => "Railroad Service Commitment Advice",
"455" => "Railroad Parameter Trace Registration",
"456" => "Railroad Equipment Inquiry or Advice",
"460" => "Railroad Price Distribution Request or Response",
"463" => "Rail Rate Reply",
"466" => "Rate Request",
"468" => "Rate Docket Journal Log",
"470" => "Railroad Clearance",
"475" => "Rail Route File Maintenance",
"485" => "Ratemaking Action",
"486" => "Rate Docket Expiration",
"490" => "Rate Group Definition",
"492" => "Miscellaneous Rates",
"494" => "Scale Rate Table",
"500" => "Medical Event Reporting",
"501" => "Vendor Performance Review",
"503" => "Pricing History",
"504" => "Clauses and Provisions",
"511" => "Requisition",
"517" => "Material Obligation Validation",
"521" => "Income or Asset Offset",
"527" => "Material Due-In and Receipt",
"536" => "Logistics Reassignment",
"540" => "Notice of Employment Status",
"561" => "Contract Abstract",
"567" => "Contract Completion Status",
"568" => "Contract Payment Management Report",
"601" => "U.S. Customs Export Shipment Information",
"602" => "Transportation Services Tender",
"620" => "Excavation Communication",
"622" => "Intermodal Ramp Activity",
"625" => "Well Information",
"650" => "Maintenance Service Order",
"715" => "Intermodal Group Loading Plan",
"805" => "Contract Pricing Proposal",
"806" => "Project Schedule Reporting",
"810" => "Invoice",
"811" => "Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement",
"812" => "Credit/Debit Adjustment",
"813" => "Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data",
"814" => "General Request, Response or Confirmation",
"815" => "Cryptographic Service Message",
"816" => "Organizational Relationships",
"818" => "Commission Sales Report",
"819" => "Operating Expense Statement",
"820" => "Payment Order/Remittance Advice",
"821" => "Financial Information Reporting",
"822" => "Account Analysis",
"823" => "Lockbox",
"824" => "Application Advice",
"826" => "Tax Information Exchange",
"827" => "Financial Return Notice",
"828" => "Debit Authorization",
"829" => "Payment Cancellation Request",
"830" => "Planning Schedule with Release Capability",
"831" => "Application Control Totals",
"832" => "Price/Sales Catalog",
"833" => "Mortgage Credit Report Order",
"834" => "Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance",
"835" => "Health Care Claim Payment/Advice",
"836" => "Procurement Notices",
"837" => "Health Care Claim",
"838" => "Trading Partner Profile",
"839" => "Project Cost Reporting",
"840" => "Request for Quotation",
"841" => "Specifications/Technical Information",
"842" => "Nonconformance Report",
"843" => "Response to Request for Quotation",
"844" => "Product Transfer Account Adjustment",
"845" => "Price Authorization Acknowledgment/Status",
"846" => "Inventory Inquiry/Advice",
"847" => "Material Claim",
"848" => "Material Safety Data Sheet",
"849" => "Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment",
"850" => "Purchase Order",
"851" => "Asset Schedule",
"852" => "Product Activity Data",
"853" => "Routing and Carrier Instruction",
"854" => "Shipment Delivery Discrepancy Information",
"855" => "Purchase Order Acknowledgment",
"856" => "Ship Notice/Manifest",
"857" => "Shipment and Billing Notice",
"858" => "Shipment Information",
"859" => "Freight Invoice",
"860" => "Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated",
"861" => "Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate",
"862" => "Shipping Schedule",
"863" => "Report of Test Results",
"864" => "Text Message",
"865" => "Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Initiated",
"866" => "Production Sequence",
"867" => "Product Transfer and Resale Report",
"868" => "Electronic Form Structure",
"869" => "Order Status Inquiry",
"870" => "Order Status Report",
"871" => "Component Parts Content",
"872" => "Residential Mortgage Insurance Application",
"875" => "Grocery Products Purchase Order",
"876" => "Grocery Products Purchase Order Change",
"877" => "Manufacturer Coupon Family Code Structure",
"878" => "Product Authorization/De-Authorization",
"879" => "Price Information",
"880" => "Grocery Products Invoice",
"881" => "Manufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail",
"882" => "Direct Store Delivery Summary Information",
"883" => "Market Development Fund Allocation",
"884" => "Market Development Fund Settlement",
"885" => "Retail Account Characteristics",
"886" => "Customer Call Reporting",
"887" => "Coupon Notification",
"888" => "Item Maintenance",
"889" => "Promotion Announcement",
"891" => "Deduction Research Report",
"893" => "Item Information Request",
"894" => "Delivery/Return Base Record",
"895" => "Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment",
"896" => "Product Dimension Maintenance",
"920" => "Loss or Damage Claim - General Commodities",
"924" => "Loss or Damage Claim - Motor Vehicle",
"925" => "Claim Tracer",
"926" => "Claim Status Report and Tracer Reply",
"928" => "Automotive Inspection Detail",
"940" => "Warehouse Shipping Order",
"943" => "Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice",
"944" => "Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice",
"945" => "Warehouse Shipping Advice",
"947" => "Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice",
"980" => "Functional Group Totals",
"990" => "Response To a Load Tender",
"994" => "Administrative Message",
"996" => "File Transfer",
"997" => "Functional Acknowledgment",
"998" => "Set Cancellation"))
E145 = , "Shipment Identification Number"       , 1, 30)
E146 = , "Shipment Method of Payment"           , 2, 2,
"CC" => "Collect",
"PC" => "Prepaid but Charged to Customer",
"PP" => "Prepaid (by Seller)",
"PU" => "Pickup",
"TP" => "Third Party Pay"))
E147 = , "Shipment Qualifier"                   , 1, 1)
E150 = , "Special Charge or Allowance Code"     , 3, 3,
"000" => "Pump Out Charge",
"002" => "Renewal",
"003" => "Account Number Correction Charge",
"004" => "Dividend",
"005" => "Activation of Carnet",
"006" => "Overpayment",
"007" => "Suspense",
"008" => "Balance Forward",
"009" => "Dividend Interest",
"010" => "Add on - Destination",
"011" => "Loan Interest",
"012" => "Premium Waiver",
"015" => "Add on - Origin",
"016" => "Dividend Adjustment",
"017" => "Interest",
"020" => "Address Correction",
"025" => "Advance Destination Amount",
"026" => "Integrated Business Services (IBS) Service Charge",
"027" => "Special Packaging",
"028" => "Box Liners",
"029" => "Product Personalization",
"030" => "Advance Destination Fee",
"031" => "Tape Charges",
"032" => "Subject to Tax",
"035" => "Advance Origin Amount",
"040" => "Advance Origin Fee",
"045" => "Advance Fee",
"050" => "Agent Disbursement - Destination",
"055" => "Agent Disbursement Fee - Destination",
"060" => "Agent Disbursement - Origin",
"065" => "Agent Disbursement Fee - Origin",
"070" => "Air Export Certificate",
"075" => "Air Express Charge",
"080" => "Air Transportation Charge",
"085" => "Airline Opening Fee",
"090" => "Airport Tax - Destination",
"095" => "Airport Tax - Origin",
"100" => "Airport Terminal Handling Charge",
"105" => "Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)",
"110" => "Amending Export Documentation",
"115" => "Assembly Fee",
"120" => "Banking Drafts",
"135" => "Cables (sending of)",
"140" => "Call Tag",
"145" => "Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance",
"150" => "Canadian Currency Exchange",
"155" => "Canadian Import Termination Fee",
"160" => "Canadian Reconsignment Fee",
"165" => "Canadian Remanifest Fee",
"170" => "Certificate of Origin",
"175" => "Certificate of Registration",
"180" => "Chamber of Commerce Service Charge",
"185" => "Change of Airbill - Service Fee",
"186" => "Chemical Milling Charge",
"190" => "City Terminal Charge",
"205" => "Collect Surcharge",
"210" => "Constant Surveillance Service",
"215" => "Consular Legalization Service",
"220" => "Consularization Fee",
"225" => "Constant Surveillance Service - Armed",
"230" => "Credit",
"235" => "Customer Account Identification",
"240" => "Customs Broker Fee",
"245" => "Customs Invoice",
"250" => "Customs Invoice - Additional Page",
"255" => "Data/Drawing Charge",
"260" => "Delivery Surcharge",
"265" => "Development Charge",
"270" => "Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.",
"275" => "Discount - Incentive",
"280" => "Discount - Multiple Shipment",
"285" => "Discount - Service Option (Delivery)",
"290" => "Discount - Service Option (Pickup)",
"295" => "Discount - Special",
"297" => "Contingency Credit Charge",
"300" => "Distribution Fee",
"310" => "Dry Ice",
"315" => "Duty Charge",
"320" => "Endorsement Fee",
"325" => "Eur1 Presentation Fee",
"335" => "Excise Tax - Destination",
"340" => "Excise Tax - Origin",
"345" => "Expedited One Day Consular Service",
"350" => "Expedited Shipments",
"355" => "Extra Copies and Mailings",
"360" => "Export Customs Clearance",
"365" => "Export Declarations - Automated",
"370" => "Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers",
"375" => "Export License Application",
"380" => "Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter",
"385" => "Facsimile Charges",
"390" => "Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages",
"392" => "Failed Lamp Panel Charge",
"393" => "First Article Charge",
"395" => "Free Domicile Shipment Processing",
"400" => "Freight",
"405" => "Fuel Surcharge",
"410" => "Government Warehouse Fee - Destination",
"415" => "Government Warehouse Fee - Origin",
"416" => "Grain Flow Charge",
"420" => "Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic",
"425" => "Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International",
"426" => "Heat Treat Charge",
"430" => "IATA Airbill Preparation",
"435" => "IATA Fee",
"440" => "Import Service Fee",
"445" => "Insurance Fee",
"450" => "Inland Transportation",
"455" => "Insurance Premium",
"460" => "International Door-to-Door Handling Fee",
"462" => "Incorrect Billing Account Charge",
"465" => "Italian Release Charge",
"470" => "Letter of Credit Processing",
"475" => "Mailing - Postage Cost",
"480" => "Mailing - Service Fee",
"485" => "Messenger Service",
"490" => "Minimum Air Transportation Charge",
"495" => "Miscellaneous - Destination",
"500" => "Miscellaneous - Origin",
"505" => "Missing Account NBR Charge",
"510" => "Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii",
"515" => "On Hand Service",
"520" => "Oversized Premium",
"525" => "Passing Shippers Export Entry",
"535" => "Pickup - Out of Area",
"540" => "Pickup Surcharge",
"545" => "Pre-Positioned Inventory Service",
"550" => "Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin",
"555" => "Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice",
"560" => "Preparation of Commercial Invoice",
"565" => "Preparation of Export Entry",
"570" => "Preparation of Insurance Certificate",
"580" => "Priority Service",
"585" => "Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation",
"586" => "Processing Charge",
"590" => "Rebilled Drayage - Destination",
"593" => "Re-Bill Charge",
"595" => "Proforma Invoice",
"600" => "Recipient Address Correction",
"605" => "Rebilled Drayage - Origin",
"610" => "Record/Filing",
"615" => "Recovery Fee",
"620" => "Recrating/Recoopering - Destination",
"625" => "Recrating/Recoopering - Origin",
"635" => "Registration of Export Shipments",
"640" => "Registration of Export for Reentry",
"641" => "Reliability Charge",
"645" => "Restricted Article Fee",
"650" => "Repickup",
"665" => "Saturday Delivery",
"670" => "Saturday Pickup",
"675" => "Security Signature Service",
"680" => "Service Upgrade",
"685" => "Special Delivery",
"690" => "Special Handling Service",
"695" => "Special Pickup",
"696" => "Special Test Equipment Charge",
"697" => "Special Tooling Charge",
"700" => "Special Vehicle Rent",
"705" => "Stamp Fee",
"706" => "Straightening Charge",
"720" => "Telephone - Destination",
"725" => "Telephone - Origin",
"730" => "Terminal Service Fee",
"731" => "Test/Qualification Charge",
"732" => "Tooling Rework Charge",
"735" => "Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers",
"736" => "Tracing Service Fee",
"740" => "Transfer of Lading Charge",
"745" => "Valuation Fee",
"750" => "Value Added Tax (VAT)",
"760" => "Waybill and Invoice Distribution",
"761" => "Written Proof of Delivery",
"762" => "X-ray Charge",
"763" => "Auto Towing Charge",
"764" => "Late Return Charge",
"765" => "One Way Drop Off Charge",
"766" => "Business Center Charge",
"767" => "Gift Shop Charge",
"768" => "Health Club Charge",
"769" => "Laundry and Dry Cleaning Charge",
"770" => "In-room Mini-bar Charge",
"771" => "In-room Movie Charge",
"772" => "Passenger Facility Charge",
"773" => "Prepaid Expenses",
"999" => "Other (See related description)",
"AAA" => "Advertising Allowance",
"AAJ" => "Adjustments",
"AAM" => "Additional Material",
"AAN" => "Allowance Non-performance",
"AAO" => "Allowance Advance",
"AAS" => "Attendants Accompanying",
"AAT" => "Handling Charge Tax",
"ABC" => "Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge",
"ABH" => "After Business Hours Pick-up or Delivery",
"ABL" => "Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge",
"ACD" => "Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge",
"ACF" => "Access Charge - Federal",
"ACH" => "Access Charges",
"ACL" => "Actual Labor Charge",
"ACS" => "Access Charge - State",
"ADH" => "Advance Charges Handling",
"ADL" => "Advance Loading Charge",
"ADV" => "Advances",
"AFB" => "Additional Copies of Freight Bill",
"AFC" => "Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge",
"AFN" => "Aircraft Ordered But Not Used",
"AGS" => "Armed Guard Service",
"AIB" => "Additional Injection/Blending Service Charge",
"AIC" => "Air Freight - Consolidation",
"AIR" => "Air Freight",
"ALC" => "Advance Lading Charge",
"ALP" => "Use of Alternate Port",
"AMB" => "Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing",
"AMC" => "Absolute Minimum Charge",
"AMP" => "Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing",
"ANB" => "Adjustment for Minimum Charges Billing",
"ANC" => "Anchoring and Unanchoring",
"ANS" => "Anodizing Charge",
"APL" => "Appliance Servicing",
"APT" => "Appointment (Notification)",
"ARB" => "Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)",
"ARC" => "Air Conditioning Disconnect and Connect",
"ARG" => "Rail Armed Guard Service",
"ARR" => "Air Ride Tractor Service Charge",
"ASC" => "Assembly Charge",
"ATD" => "Attempted Delivery",
"ATP" => "Attempted Pickup",
"AUX" => "Auxiliary Service",
"AVA" => "Ad Valorem",
"BAA" => "Beaming Charge",
"BAB" => "Brokerage or Duty",
"BAC" => "Buyers Car Allowance",
"BAD" => "Bad Debt",
"BAF" => "Both-Flat",
"BAP" => "Broken Package Charge",
"BAS" => "Base Charge",
"BBK" => "Break Bulk Surface Charge",
"BCF" => "Border Crossing Fee",
"BDX" => "Bordeaux Arbitraries",
"BEY" => "Beyond Freight Charges",
"BFD" => "Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting",
"BKA" => "Bulky Article",
"BLA" => "Bill of Lading Attendancy",
"BLC" => "Bill of Lading Charge",
"BLD" => "Billed Demand",
"BLK" => "Blocking and Bracing Charge",
"BLW" => "Blower Charge",
"BND" => "Bond Charges",
"BOB" => "Bobtail Charges",
"BOP" => "Bop Sheet Charge",
"BRA" => "Basic Reorder Allowance",
"BRD" => "Bridge Toll",
"BRG" => "Aqua Train",
"BSC" => "Bunker Surcharge",
"BSS" => "Broker Selection Surcharge",
"BTC" => "Bi-level, Tri-level Charges",
"BU2" => "Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container",
"BU4" => "Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container",
"BUA" => "Bunker Adjustment",
"BUR" => "Bureau Report Charge",
"BYD" => "Beyond Charge",
"CA1" => "Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk",
"CA2" => "Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container",
"CA4" => "Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container",
"CAA" => "Cancellation Charge",
"CAC" => "Cash Discount",
"CAD" => "Certification Fee",
"CAE" => "Co-manufacturing Discount",
"CAF" => "Competitive Allowance",
"CAG" => "Competitive Car Allowance",
"CAH" => "Compressor Charge",
"CAJ" => "Crafting",
"CAK" => "Customer Equipment Allowance",
"CAL" => "Cutting Charge",
"CAO" => "Co-op Credit",
"CAP" => "Car Loading",
"CAQ" => "Contract Escalation",
"CAR" => "Car Rental",
"CAS" => "Container Deposits",
"CAV" => "Contract Allowance",
"CAW" => "Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)",
"CAZ" => "Claims Commercial Auto Report Charge",
"CBL" => "Copy of Bill of Lading Charge",
"CBO" => "Cents Off",
"CBP" => "Competitive Price",
"CBR" => "Carrier",
"CBW" => "Container Allowance",
"CBX" => "City Sales Tax (Only)",
"CCA" => "Carrier Credit Allowance",
"CCH" => "Certification Charge",
"CCP" => "Claims Commercial Property Report Charge",
"CCR" => "Concession Credit",
"CCS" => "Carrier Caboose Charge",
"CDA" => "Carrier Debit Allowance",
"CDD" => "Corrosion Additive Service Charge",
"CDF" => "Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar",
"CDL" => "Cubic Density and Capacity Load Adjustment",
"CDR" => "Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge",
"CER" => "Container Service Charge UK/EUR",
"CFC" => "Customs Fees - Container Level",
"CFL" => "Customs Fees - Lift Level",
"CGC" => "Carrier Guard Car Charge",
"CGL" => "Canada Great Lakes Additionals",
"CGR" => "Return Carrier Guard Car Charge",
"CGT" => "Cargo Taxes",
"CHE" => "Chassis Equipment Lease Charge",
"CHG" => "Charges Forward/Advance Charge",
"CHN" => "Chain and Binders",
"CIR" => "Special Circus Trains",
"CIS" => "Constant Surveillance",
"CLC" => "Chicago Loop Charge",
"CLD" => "Container Loss/Damage",
"CLN" => "Cleaning Charge",
"CLS" => "Container Leasing",
"CMC" => "Concession Money",
"CMF" => "City maintenance fee",
"CMI" => "Continuous Mileage",
"CMP" => "Camp Arbitrary",
"CNS" => "Consolidation",
"CNV" => "Converting",
"COA" => "Commission Amount",
"COC" => "Connect Charge",
"COD" => "COD Amount",
"COF" => "Ocean Freight",
"COL" => "Fee for Collecting COD Charge",
"COM" => "Combination",
"CON" => "Congestion Surcharge",
"COP" => "Port Changes",
"COR" => "Core Charge",
"COU" => "Consignee Unload",
"CPA" => "Claims Personal Auto Report Charge",
"CPC" => "Copilot Service Charge",
"CPE" => "Computer Processing Expense",
"CPP" => "Claims Personal Property Report Charge",
"CRA" => "Cost recovery/adjustment",
"CRD" => "Crane at Destination",
"CRF" => "Cost Recovery Factor",
"CRO" => "Crane at Origin",
"CRP" => "Court Reporter Charge",
"CRR" => "Credit Report Charge",
"CRS" => "Courier Services",
"CSA" => "Closing & Sealing",
"CSC" => "Contract Service Charge",
"CSE" => "Customs Entry",
"CSF" => "Customs Formalities",
"CSP" => "Government Caboose Charge",
"CSR" => "Conservation research fee",
"CST" => "Cassette",
"CTA" => "Container/Trailer Allowance",
"CTC" => "Container Service Charge USA/Canada",
"CTD" => "Customer Required Special Truck at Destination",
"CTE" => "Court or Trial Expense",
"CTF" => "Chassis Transfer",
"CTG" => "Cartage Charge",
"CTL" => "Controlled Atmosphere",
"CTO" => "Customer Required Special Truck at Origin",
"CTR" => "Circuitous Routing Charge",
"CTX" => "Customs Exams (Intensive, Tailgate)",
"CUA" => "Currency Adjustment",
"CUD" => "Currency Discount",
"CUF" => "Currency Adjustment Factor",
"CUP" => "Customer Paid Deductible",
"CUS" => "Customs Charge",
"DAA" => "Deficit Freight",
"DAB" => "Deposit",
"DAC" => "Distributor Discount/Allowance",
"DAD" => "Drum Up Charge",
"DAM" => "Damaged Merchandise",
"DBD" => "Dockage - Boat Detention",
"DBL" => "Double Wide Separate and Reassemble",
"DBP" => "Delivery of Fuel from Barge to Pipeline Charge",
"DCD" => "Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Destination",
"DCE" => "Damage to Carrier Equipment",
"DCN" => "De-Consolidation",
"DCO" => "Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Origin",
"DCS" => "Disconnect charge",
"DCT" => "City Delivery",
"DCV" => "Damage to Carrier Vessel",
"DDA" => "Defective Allowance",
"DDC" => "Drum Cost",
"DDD" => "Drum Deposit",
"DDF" => "Dowel Pin Charge",
"DDN" => "Dual Driver with National Agency Check",
"DDP" => "Dual Driver Protectice Service",
"DDS" => "Deaf and Disabled Surcharge",
"DDZ" => "Drayage at Port of Debarkation (Zone Rate)",
"DEA" => "Demurrage - Average Agreement",
"DEB" => "Detention: Vehicle with Power Unit (Bulk Petroleum Product Shipments)",
"DED" => "Deductible",
"DEL" => "Delivery Charge",
"DEM" => "Demurrage",
"DEP" => "Detention of Power Units",
"DER" => "Derrick Charge",
"DES" => "Demurrage - Special",
"DET" => "Detention of Trailers",
"DEV" => "Texas Rail Commission Deviation Charge",
"DEW" => "Detention Without Power Unit",
"DEZ" => "Drayage at Port of Embarkation (Zone Rate)",
"DFD" => "Keep from Freezing Percent Differential",
"DFM" => "410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge",
"DFS" => "410 Dromedary",
"DFW" => "Delay Furnishing Destination Weights",
"DGE" => "Damage to Government Equipment",
"DGS" => "Dangerous Goods Surcharge",
"DIC" => "Diversion Charge",
"DIR" => "Direct Repair",
"DIS" => "Distribution Service",
"DIV" => "Diversion and Reconsignment",
"DLH" => "Drayage/Line Haul",
"DLP" => "Delivery of Fuel from Rail Tank Car to Pipeline Charge",
"DMC" => "Deadhead Mileage Charge",
"DMD" => "Demand charge",
"DNA" => "Dunnage Allowance",
"DOC" => "Documentation Charge",
"DON" => "Deposit in Lieu of Order",
"DOV" => "Container Diversion",
"DPB" => "Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Barge Charge",
"DPD" => "Drayage at Port of Debarkation",
"DPE" => "Drayage at Port of Embarkation",
"DPL" => "Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Rail Tank Car Charge",
"DPR" => "Depreciation",
"DPT" => "Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer Charge",
"DPU" => "Detention with Power Units (30 minute periods) Charge",
"DRC" => "Drayage",
"DRP" => "Deramping",
"DRV" => "Driver License Record Report Charge",
"DRY" => "Dryer Charge",
"DSC" => "Discount",
"DSF" => "Detention - Special Type Flat Car",
"DSM" => "Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge",
"DSR" => "Dromedary Service Charge",
"DST" => "Container Destuffing",
"DTA" => "Diversion to Air Charge",
"DTB" => "Detention (Labor)",
"DTC" => "Destination Charge",
"DTD" => "Destination Duty",
"DTF" => "Destination Inland Freight",
"DTL" => "Detention Loading",
"DTN" => "Power Detention at Unloading",
"DTO" => "Power Detention at Loading",
"DTP" => "Delivery of Fuel from Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline Charge",
"DTQ" => "Trailer Detention at Loading",
"DTR" => "Trailer Detention at Unloading",
"DTU" => "Detention Unloading",
"DTV" => "Detention (Vehicle)",
"DWC" => "Driver's Wages",
"DWP" => "Detention with Power Units (60 minute periods) Charge",
"EAC" => "Exchange Access Credit",
"EAX" => "Extra Axles",
"EBD" => "Exhibition Delivery Charge",
"EBP" => "Exhibition Pickup Charge",
"ECC" => "Will Call Charge",
"ECR" => "Escort/Courier Service Charge",
"ECS" => "Empty Railcar Ordered But Not Used Charge",
"EDD" => "Equipment Hose at Destination Charge",
"EDO" => "Equipment Hose at Origin Charge",
"EEA" => "Early Buy Allowance",
"EEB" => "Early Payment Allowance",
"EEC" => "Escalation",
"EEF" => "Expediting Fee",
"EEG" => "One Time Engineering Charge",
"EEH" => "Engineering Charge",
"EEP" => "Expediting Premium",
"EEX" => "Export Shipping Charge",
"EGD" => "Dedicated Switch Engine at Destination",
"EGO" => "Dedicated Switch Engine at Origin",
"EIC" => "Export/Import Charge",
"ELS" => "Extra Lights",
"EMR" => "Emergency Response Service",
"EMS" => "Emergency Surcharge",
"EMT" => "Empty Movement",
"ENC" => "Energy charge",
"ENS" => "Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)",
"EPC" => "Emergency Port Charge",
"EPS" => "Environmental Protection Service",
"ERS" => "Empty Return",
"ERT" => "Satisfactory Service Standards Charge",
"ESA" => "Early Ship Allowance",
"ESC" => "Emergency Service",
"ESD" => "Estimated Customs Duty (Dutypaid - Charge)",
"ESE" => "External Service Expense",
"ETR" => "Empty Trailer Returned Charge",
"EUC" => "European Port Charges",
"EVC" => "Excessive Value Charge",
"EXC" => "Exclusive Use Charge",
"EXD" => "Extra Driver",
"EXL" => "Extra Length",
"EXM" => "Excess Mileage Charge",
"EXP" => "Expedited Service Charge",
"EXS" => "Excess Periods",
"EXW" => "Excess Weight",
"EXZ" => "Expando Remove and Install",
"FAB" => "F.E.T. Federal Excise Tax",
"FAC" => "F.E.T. (Percent)",
"FAD" => "F.E.T. (Dollar Value)",
"FAE" => "Fabrication Charge",
"FAF" => "F.E.T. Tires",
"FAG" => "Freight Equalization",
"FAH" => "Freight Surcharge",
"FAK" => "Barge Freight All Kinds Service",
"FBD" => "Freight, Based on Dollar Minimum",
"FCB" => "Freight Charges to Border",
"FCD" => "Freight Charges to Destination",
"FCI" => "Freight Charges Inbound and Outbound",
"FCS" => "Furnishing Chassis",
"FDD" => "Flat Deck Delivery",
"FDL" => "Food and Lodging",
"FDS" => "Financial Document Surcharge",
"FFC" => "Fuel Filters Furnished by Carrier Charge",
"FFI" => "Finance Charge",
"FFL" => "Freshness/Leaker Allowance",
"FFN" => "Special Finish Charge",
"FFP" => "Freight Passthrough",
"FFR" => "Flat Rate",
"FFS" => "Fuel Filters Furnished by Shipper Charge",
"FIR" => "Fire Report",
"FLS" => "Flatrack Surcharge",
"FLT" => "Ferry Service",
"FMR" => "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental",
"FMS" => "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge",
"FRC" => "Franchise fee",
"FTC" => "Federal Transfer Surcharge",
"FTR" => "Filtration Service Charge",
"FUE" => "Fuel Charge",
"FWA" => "Forwarding Agent Commission",
"FWC" => "Forwarding Charge",
"FXE" => "Texas Rail Commission Fixed Charge",
"GAR" => "Garment District",
"GAT" => "Gate Inspection Charge (Intermodal)",
"GDR" => "Grain Doors",
"GGA" => "Glaze Allowance",
"GGF" => "Gold Factor",
"GKT" => "Gasket",
"GMS" => "Garment Surcharge",
"GOC" => "Government-owned Containers",
"GPD" => "Gulf Port Delivery Charge",
"GRD" => "Groupage Discount",
"GRS" => "Gross Receipts Surcharge",
"GSP" => "Government Guard Car Charge",
"GSS" => "Greater Security Service",
"GST" => "Goods and Services Tax Charge",
"HAN" => "Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond",
"HAZ" => "Hazardous Cargo Charge",
"HBD" => "Harbor Dues",
"HDF" => "Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge",
"HDG" => "Holding Charge",
"HDH" => "Shipment Holdover Charge for Holidays",
"HDW" => "Shipment Holdover Charge for Weekends",
"HET" => "Heat in Transit Charges",
"HFA" => "Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge",
"HHA" => "Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed",
"HHB" => "Handling",
"HHG" => "Household Goods Pickup or Delivery",
"HIC" => "Highway Interchange",
"HLF" => "Home Line Freight Charge",
"HMA" => "Accessible Hazardous Material",
"HMI" => "Inaccessible Hazardous Material",
"HOC" => "Hook-up charge",
"HOL" => "Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery",
"HOS" => "Hose Charge",
"HOX" => "Hose Charge Special",
"HRS" => "Heater or Refrigeration",
"HSC" => "High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge",
"HST" => "Harmonized Sales Tax",
"HUL" => "Heavy Lift",
"HZC" => "Hazardous Materials Surcharge Charge",
"HZD" => "Hazardous Cargo on Deck",
"HZS" => "Hazardous Storage",
"IAA" => "Industry Price Allowance",
"IAB" => "Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)",
"IAC" => "Inspection Fee",
"ICE" => "Cooling Service",
"IDC" => "Idler Car Charge",
"IDD" => "Improper Documentation",
"IDL" => "Inside Delivery",
"IDP" => "Interdivision Profit",
"IFC" => "Inbound Freight Charges",
"IHT" => "Interstate/Highway Toll",
"IIA" => "Invoice Adjustment",
"IIH" => "Icing Inhibitor Charge",
"IIP" => "Item Percentage",
"IIU" => "Item-Unit",
"ILD" => "Island Delivery Charge",
"ILF" => "Initial License Fee",
"ILP" => "Island Pickup Charge",
"IMP" => "Impactographs",
"IMS" => "Intermodal Shipment Service Charge",
"INC" => "Insurance Surcharge",
"INL" => "Inspector Requested for Loading",
"INP" => "Interplant Charge",
"INR" => "Interest on refund",
"INS" => "Insurance",
"INT" => "Interpreter Expense",
"IPC" => "Intra-plant Charge",
"IPU" => "Inside Pickup",
"IRA" => "Irish Arbitraries",
"ISD" => "Interest on security deposit",
"ISO" => "Intermodal Storage (Origin)",
"IST" => "Intermodal Storage (Destination)",
"ITC" => "Insulated Tank Charge",
"ITS" => "Interline Transfer Charge",
"JST" => "Junction Settlement Charge",
"KIT" => "Glass Kit",
"LAA" => "Labor Charges",
"LAB" => "Extra Labor (Helper Service)",
"LAC" => "Lading Adjustment Charge",
"LAD" => "Labor (Repair and Return Orders)",
"LAE" => "One-Time License Fee",
"LAL" => "Labor Adjustment Allowance",
"LAS" => "Commingling/Loss Allowance Charge",
"LAT" => "License and Title",
"LAY" => "Layover Charges",
"LBR" => "Light Bar Service Charge",
"LC2" => "Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container",
"LC4" => "Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container",
"LCG" => "Late Order Charge",
"LCL" => "Percent Differential - Less than Container",
"LCR" => "Labor Cost of Removal",
"LDA" => "Loading Allowance",
"LDG" => "Loading",
"LDL" => "Unloading Allowance",
"LDS" => "Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service",
"LEC" => "Less than Container",
"LFC" => "Lift Charge (Intermodal)",
"LFD" => "Linehaul from Port of Debarkation",
"LFT" => "Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery",
"LGD" => "Lodging",
"LHS" => "Linehaul Service",
"LID" => "Recurring License Fee",
"LIE" => "Liability of Carrier Charge",
"LLB" => "Limited Liability",
"LLC" => "Lot Charge",
"LLD" => "Lead Factor",
"LLF" => "Loan Fee",
"LLS" => "Local Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authorities Below the State Level)",
"LMC" => "Labor, Modify",
"LMD" => "Liner Terms at Port of Debarkation",
"LME" => "Liner Terms at Port of Embarkation",
"LNT" => "Labor, No Trouble Found",
"LOA" => "Loading (Labor Charges)",
"LOC" => "Local Delivery/Drayage",
"LPC" => "Late payment charge",
"LPD" => "Linehaul Percent Differential",
"LPF" => "Laboratory Pack Fee",
"LQD" => "Liquidated Damages",
"LSC" => "Labor Service",
"LSH" => "Lashing",
"LSS" => "Lifeline Surcharge",
"LTC" => "Labor, Test and Calibrate",
"LTE" => "Linehaul to Port of Embarkation",
"LUB" => "Lubricant Charge",
"LUP" => "Locomotive Under Own Power",
"LUS" => "Leaking underground storage tax (LUST)",
"LYC" => "Layover Service Charge",
"MAA" => "Metals Surcharge",
"MAB" => "Mileage or Travel",
"MAC" => "Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return)",
"MAD" => "Minimum Order/Minimum Billing Charge",
"MAE" => "Monthly Rental",
"MAR" => "Marriage Rule",
"MAT" => "Modified Atmosphere",
"MCC" => "Machining Charge",
"MDG" => "Molding",
"MDM" => "Mount/Demount",
"MEA" => "Meals or Lodging Charge",
"MEN" => "Escort Service with Overnight Subsistence",
"MES" => "Escort Service",
"MET" => "Escort Service (Telephone)",
"MFC" => "Manifest Charge",
"MFG" => "Manufacturing",
"MGA" => "Message Rate Adjustment",
"MGC" => "Message Charge",
"MIC" => "Minimum Charge",
"MIL" => "Special Mileage Movements",
"MIN" => "Minimum Guarantee",
"MKU" => "Markup Charge",
"MLB" => "Minimum Bill of Lading Charge",
"MLS" => "Meals",
"MMC" => "Minimum/Maximum Charge",
"MMF" => "Mill Freight",
"MMS" => "Market Development Funds",
"MMT" => "Metropolitan Transit Tax",
"MNC" => "Notify Consignee",
"MNS" => "Motor Surveillance Service",
"MPC" => "Miscellaneous Parts Charge",
"MRK" => "Marking or Tagging Charge",
"MRP" => "Medical Report Charge",
"MSC" => "Other Accessorial Service Charge",
"MSG" => "Miscellaneous Charge",
"MTR" => "Meter Charge",
"MUS" => "Municipal Surcharge",
"MVR" => "Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) Charge",
"MVS" => "Special Motor Surveillance Charge",
"MVT" => "Venting Instructions",
"NAA" => "Non Generated Freight",
"NAB" => "New Store Allowance",
"NAL" => "Nozzle Charge",
"NCH" => "Order Notify Charge",
"NDA" => "Next Day Air Service",
"NDS" => "Non-document Surcharge",
"NFY" => "Carrier Notification Charge",
"NHB" => "N.H.D. Wharfage",
"NSD" => "New Store Discount",
"NWD" => "New Warehouse Discount",
"NYD" => "New York Delivery Charge",
"NYP" => "New York Pickup Charge",
"OAA" => "O.T.O. Charge",
"OAB" => "Overrun Charge",
"OAC" => "Overtime Loading",
"OCH" => "Ocean Charges -- Hazardous",
"OCN" => "Over Height Container",
"OCP" => "On Call Pickup Service",
"ODF" => "Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge",
"OFR" => "Official Report Charge",
"OFU" => "Fumigation",
"ONC" => "On Carriage",
"OOC" => "Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)",
"OOD" => "On Deck Break Bulk Differential",
"OOF" => "Order-Flat",
"OPC" => "Optional Charge",
"ORC" => "Operator Credit",
"ORM" => "Out of Route Miles",
"ORS" => "Receipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours Charge",
"OSC" => "Outside Charge",
"OSO" => "Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems",
"OSS" => "Optional Software Support for Switching Systems",
"OUT" => "Out of Zone Pickup or Delivery",
"OVN" => "Overnight Service",
"OVR" => "Over Dimension",
"OWC" => "Over Width Container",
"PAA" => "Percent of Product",
"PAC" => "Pump Air Charge",
"PAD" => "Premium Charge",
"PAE" => "Premium Transportation",
"PAF" => "Price Deviation",
"PAG" => "Professional Fees",
"PAH" => "Promotional Allowance",
"PAI" => "Promotional Discount",
"PAJ" => "Pump Charge",
"PAK" => "Preparation and Delivery",
"PAL" => "Parts Adjustment Allowance",
"PAR" => "Parts Charge",
"PAT" => "Priced Parts Charge",
"PAV" => "Pickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery Charge",
"PBA" => "Prior billing amount",
"PBE" => "Permits Bonds Escort Attendant",
"PBL" => "Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage",
"PCH" => "Protective Service Charge",
"PCT" => "City Pickup",
"PDB" => "Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge",
"PDC" => "Preloading Charge",
"PDS" => "Pickup and Delivery from Storage in Transit",
"PDY" => "Pickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area Charge",
"PEC" => "Pallet Exchange Charge",
"PEN" => "Penalty Charge",
"PER" => "Permit Charge",
"PFA" => "Power Factor Adjustment",
"PHC" => "Photocopy",
"PHG" => "Photographs",
"PIR" => "Pier Pickup and/or Delivery",
"PKS" => "Packing Surcharge",
"PLC" => "Insurance Placement Cost Charge",
"PLT" => "Pallets/Skids/Platforms",
"PMC" => "Prior Month Credit",
"PMR" => "Paint and Materials",
"PMS" => "Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service Charge",
"PMT" => "Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time Charge",
"PMU" => "Normal Pump Charge",
"PMX" => "Special Pump Charge",
"PNA" => "Prior Period Net Adjustment",
"POC" => "Piano/Organ Carry",
"POD" => "Proof of Delivery",
"POL" => "Police Report Charge",
"POS" => "Positioning at Origin",
"PPC" => "Per Pound Charge",
"PPD" => "Pickup and Delivery Service for Perishables Charge",
"PPH" => "Per Item Charge",
"PPI" => "Pick/Up Allowance",
"PPM" => "Precious Metal Content",
"PPN" => "Pallet Charge",
"PPO" => "Per Order Charge",
"PPR" => "Performance Award",
"PPS" => "Placement and/or Removal Charge",
"PPT" => "Parish/County Sales Tax (only)",
"PPU" => "Prepaid Usage Allowance",
"PRB" => "Prior Balance",
"PRC" => "Pre-carriage",
"PRD" => "Portable Ramps at Destination",
"PRE" => "Pre-carriage Excess",
"PRK" => "Parking",
"PRL" => "Prelodge Charge",
"PRM" => "Premise Use",
"PRO" => "Portable Ramps at Origin",
"PRP" => "Prior Period Rebook",
"PRV" => "Prior Period Reversal",
"PSC" => "Protective Service - Cold",
"PSD" => "Preparation of Special Documents",
"PSG" => "Protective Service Security with Armed Guards",
"PSH" => "Protective Service - Heat",
"PSS" => "Protective Service Security",
"PST" => "Postage",
"PTC" => "Tobacco Products Report Charge",
"PTS" => "Protective Tarp for Security Purposes",
"PTX" => "Provincial Sales Tax",
"PUC" => "Pickup Charge",
"PUD" => "Pickup and Delivery",
"PUK" => "Pack and Unpack",
"PVB" => "Bonded Privately Owned Vehicle Charge",
"PVD" => "Detention of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge",
"PVI" => "Inoperable Privately Owned Vehicle Charge",
"PVL" => "Loading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge",
"PVP" => "Privately Owned Vehicle Processing",
"PVS" => "Stop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment Charge",
"PVT" => "Privately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service Charge",
"PWH" => "Pier Charges - Wharfage",
"PWT" => "Pallet Allowance",
"PYS" => "Priority Service Charge",
"QAA" => "Quantity Surcharge",
"QQD" => "Quantity Discount",
"RAA" => "Rebate",
"RAB" => "Reclamation, Federal",
"RAC" => "Reclamation, State",
"RAD" => "Recovery Allowance",
"RAE" => "Redistribution Allowance",
"RAF" => "Rental Deduction",
"RAG" => "Repack Charge",
"RAH" => "Retainer",
"RAI" => "Resellers Discount",
"RAJ" => "Restocking Charge",
"RAK" => "Royalties",
"RAL" => "Roll Rebate",
"RAM" => "Ramping",
"RCA" => "No Return Credit Allowance",
"RCB" => "Repair at buyers expense charge",
"RCC" => "Reconsignment Charge",
"RCD" => "Reconsign Consignee Charge",
"RCE" => "Repair at customer expense charge",
"RCG" => "Repair at government expense charge",
"RCL" => "Redelivery",
"RCP" => "Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)",
"RCS" => "Reconnect charge",
"RDC" => "Reconsign Delivery Charge",
"RDF" => "Research & development fee",
"RDH" => "Railhead Handling",
"REC" => "Return Cargo Charge",
"REE" => "Regulatory Fee",
"REF" => "Refrigeration",
"REG" => "Regulatory tax",
"REL" => "Requested Labor Charge",
"REP" => "Residential Pickup",
"REQ" => "Request Via Canada",
"RES" => "Residential Delivery",
"RET" => "Returned Load",
"REX" => "Retention Tax",
"RFD" => "Refund",
"RFM" => "Reefer Maintenance",
"RGA" => "Regain Allowance",
"RGC" => "Regain Charge",
"RHM" => "Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge",
"RID" => "Riding Attendant Charge",
"RIE" => "Released Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability Charge",
"RIS" => "Rail Inspection Service",
"RLA" => "Retail Loss Allowance",
"RLC" => "Rents and Leases",
"RLQ" => "Relinquishment Charge",
"RLS" => "Relocation of Vehicle",
"RMB" => "Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge",
"RMC" => "Return of Empty Container Charge",
"RMD" => "Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention",
"RMP" => "Return Movement of Pallet Charge",
"RMS" => "Rail Surveillance",
"ROC" => "Roll Out Adjustment",
"RPC" => "Reduction Prepalletized Cargo",
"RPD" => "Reefer Cargo Percent Differential",
"RRC" => "Reel Cable",
"RRD" => "Reel Deposit",
"RRF" => "Refurbishing Charge",
"RRN" => "Rental Charge",
"RRP" => "Repair Charge",
"RRR" => "Regulatory required refund",
"RSM" => "Recurring Software Maintenance Charge",
"RSP" => "Reshipment",
"RSS" => "Restricted Speeds",
"RST" => "Respotting",
"RSV" => "Reservations",
"RTC" => "Rate Code",
"SAA" => "Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance",
"SAB" => "Shipping and Handling",
"SAC" => "Service Charge (with Cash Discount)",
"SAD" => "Scrap Allowance",
"SAE" => "Shrink-Wrap Charge",
"SAF" => "Special Credit",
"SAG" => "State Motor Fuel",
"SAH" => "Stenciling Charge",
"SAI" => "Super Fund Excise Tax",
"SAJ" => "Surcharge (Dollar Value)",
"SAK" => "Surcharge (Percentage)",
"SAM" => "Stopcharge",
"SAN" => "State Sales Charge",
"SAP" => "Service Assistance Program Surcharge",
"SAS" => "Shipment Holdover on Weekends Charge",
"SAT" => "Saturday Pickup or Delivery Charge",
"SBC" => "Standby Charge",
"SBL" => "Sublet",
"SCC" => "Special Seal Charge",
"SCD" => "Special Containers",
"SCG" => "Small Order Charge",
"SCL" => "Scale Charge",
"SCN" => "Second Day Service",
"SCU" => "Scale Charge Unloading",
"SDC" => "Special Detention Charge",
"SDL" => "Split Delivery",
"SDS" => "Special Dromedary Service",
"SDW" => "Second Day Hundredweight Service",
"SEC" => "Special Equipment Charge",
"SEE" => "Stairs, Elevator, Excess Carry",
"SEG" => "Segregating (Sorting)",
"SEL" => "Self Unloader",
"SEQ" => "Ship Exact Quantity Charge",
"SER" => "Service Charge",
"SEV" => "Security Escort Vehicle Service",
"SFB" => "Single Factor Origination/Destination",
"SFC" => "Stuffing Charge",
"SFD" => "Single Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation",
"SFE" => "Single Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination",
"SFT" => "Special Train Movement",
"SGL" => "Single Pickup",
"SHH" => "Shipment Holdover on Holidays Charge",
"SHL" => "Shipper Load",
"SHS" => "State Hazardous Substance Tax",
"SHW" => "Shipment Holdover on Weekdays Charge",
"SKT" => "Skirting and Unskirting",
"SLC" => "Street lamps charge",
"SLP" => "Slip Sheet Charge",
"SMS" => "State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge",
"SNS" => "Satellite Surveillance Service",
"SNT" => "Shipment from Non-temp Storage",
"SOC" => "Stop-off Charge",
"SOP" => "Stop-off at Pier Charge",
"SPA" => "Special Allowance",
"SPB" => "Special Buy",
"SPC" => "Special Permits",
"SPD" => "Spreader Charge",
"SPL" => "Spool Charge",
"SPP" => "Split Pickup at Pier Charge",
"SPS" => "Special Freight Supplements",
"SPT" => "Spotting of Trailer",
"SPU" => "Split Pickup",
"SRG" => "Storage",
"SRS" => "Surveying Routes",
"SSA" => "Salvage",
"SSB" => "Super Bag Charge",
"SSC" => "Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation",
"SSF" => "Single Shipment Fee",
"SSL" => "Select Charge",
"SSO" => "Pole, Wood-service Charge",
"SSP" => "Shipside Pickup",
"SSR" => "Safe Haven Secure Holding Refusal",
"SSS" => "Software Support Service",
"SST" => "Sales Tax (State and Local)",
"SSU" => "Pole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge",
"SSX" => "Sales and Use Tax",
"STA" => "Conductivity/Anti-static Additive",
"STC" => "State Surcharge",
"STD" => "Stop-off at Destination",
"STF" => "Container Stuffing",
"STG" => "Standard Ground Service",
"STL" => "Standard Labor Charge",
"STM" => "Steaming Charge",
"STO" => "Stowage Charge",
"STP" => "Stopping in Transit",
"STQ" => "Stop-off at Origination",
"STR" => "Storage in Transit",
"STW" => "Special tooling rework charge",
"SUC" => "Special Use",
"SUF" => "Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)",
"SUP" => "Supervisor Charge",
"SUR" => "Surcharge",
"SVA" => "Single Invoice Allowance",
"SVL" => "Manual Surveillance of Shipment",
"SVS" => "Storage of Vehicles",
"SWC" => "Switching Charge",
"TAA" => "Telephone Charge",
"TAB" => "Tank Rental",
"TAC" => "Temporary Allowance",
"TAD" => "Tax on Transportation",
"TAE" => "Temporary Voluntary Allowance",
"TAF" => "Terminal Differential",
"TAG" => "Testing Charge",
"TAH" => "Tool Charge",
"TAI" => "Testing Allowance",
"TAJ" => "Trade In",
"TAK" => "Transportation and Setup",
"TAL" => "Truckload Discount",
"TAR" => "Tarping Charge",
"TAX" => "Tax Charge",
"TAY" => "Governmental Tax",
"TCB" => "Telegram Chargeback",
"TCM" => "Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate)",
"TDT" => "Truck Detention",
"TER" => "Terminal Charge",
"TLC" => "Trimming Charge",
"TMS" => "Multi-Tank Surveillance Service",
"TMV" => "Tendering of Multiple Vehicles",
"TOA" => "Total Assessorial Charges",
"TOC" => "TOFC Service Charge",
"TOW" => "Motor Tow Away Service",
"TPA" => "Carrier Equipment Pool Charge",
"TPC" => "Throughput Container Charge",
"TPS" => "Third-Party Service",
"TRA" => "Travel Charge",
"TRC" => "Trailer Rental Charge",
"TRE" => "Travel Expense",
"TRF" => "Transfer Charge",
"TRM" => "Termination",
"TRN" => "Transit",
"TRP" => "Process in Transit Privilege",
"TRS" => "Transferred Charges",
"TRU" => "Thruway Charge",
"TSC" => "Testing Services Charge",
"TSL" => "Technical Assistance for Loading Rail Cars",
"TSS" => "Tank Surveillance Service",
"TST" => "Track Storage",
"TTA" => "Tank Car Allowance",
"TTB" => "Transportation-Direct Billing",
"TTD" => "Trade Discount",
"TTL" => "Local Tax",
"TTM" => "Tax on Miscellaneous Charges",
"TTP" => "Third Party Allowance",
"TTR" => "Throughput Allowance",
"TTS" => "State Tax",
"TTT" => "Transportation - Third Party Billing",
"TTU" => "Tire Repair and Replace",
"TTV" => "Transportation - Vendor Provided",
"TUR" => "Turning Charge",
"TWO" => "Two Door Pickup",
"UBL" => "Carrier to Unblock, Unbrace, and Untie",
"UFC" => "Under Carriage Furnished By Carrier Charge",
"UND" => "Unloading",
"UNL" => "Unloading (Labor Charges)",
"UPD" => "Usage Plan Detail Charge",
"UPK" => "Unpacking",
"URC" => "Unloading/Reloading Charge",
"USF" => "Use - Special Type Flat Car",
"USV" => "U.S. Vehicles",
"USW" => "Unabsorbed Switching",
"UTL" => "Utilities Disconnect and Connect",
"UTP" => "Use charge tooling/personnel",
"UUC" => "Up Charge",
"UUM" => "Unsalable Merchandise Allowance",
"UUT" => "Use Tax",
"VAA" => "Vendor Freight",
"VAB" => "Volume Discount",
"VCL" => "Van Cleaning",
"VCR" => "Voluntary contribution charge",
"VEX" => "Excess Mileage for Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge",
"VFN" => "Vehicles Furnished But Not Used",
"VIS" => "Vehicles Inoperable",
"VIT" => "Virgin Island Transfer Charge",
"VOR" => "Vehicle Ordered but Not Used",
"VSO" => "Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge",
"VTS" => "Vehicles in Truckway",
"VVL" => "Vehicle Load Allowance",
"VVP" => "Vehicle Prep Charge (courtesy delivery)",
"WAR" => "War Risk Surcharge",
"WAT" => "Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit",
"WBB" => "Wharfage - Breakbulk",
"WCT" => "Wharfage - Container",
"WDS" => "Waterfront Delivery Charge",
"WEA" => "Weather Protection",
"WEI" => "Weighing Charge (Intermodal)",
"WFG" => "Wharfage",
"WFH" => "Wharfage & Handling",
"WFT" => "Wasted/Futile Trip",
"WHC" => "Warehouse Charge",
"WRB" => "War Risk Crew Bonus",
"WRC" => "Load Weighing Charge",
"WRE" => "Empty Weighing Charge",
"WRI" => "War Risk Insurance",
"WSA" => "Warehouse Allowance",
"WTG" => "Waiting Time",
"WTM" => "Waiting Time Service Charge",
"WTV" => "Weight Verification Charge",
"WWC" => "Wharfage Charge",
"Z01" => "Protective Service Rule 25",
"Z02" => "Protective Service Rule 27",
"Z03" => "Protective Service Rule 37",
"Z04" => "Protective Service Rule 75",
"Z05" => "Protective Service Rule 95",
"Z06" => "Protective Service Rule 140",
"Z07" => "Protective Service Rule 160",
"Z08" => "Protective Service Rule 165",
"Z09" => "Protective Service Rule 500",
"Z10" => "Protective Service Rule 510",
"Z11" => "Protective Service Rule 518",
"Z12" => "Protective Service Rule 530",
"Z13" => "Protective Service Rule 531",
"Z14" => "Protective Service Rule 545",
"Z15" => "Protective Service Rule 565",
"Z16" => "Protective Service Rule 570",
"Z17" => "Protective Service Rule 580",
"Z18" => "Protective Service Rule 581",
"Z19" => "Protective Service Rule 705",
"Z20" => "Protective Service Rule 710",
"Z21" => "Protective Service Rule 711",
"Z22" => "Protective Service Rule 712",
"Z23" => "Protective Service Rule 716",
"Z24" => "Protective Service Rule 720",
"Z25" => "Protective Service Rule 725",
"Z26" => "Protective Service Rule 727",
"Z27" => "Protective Service Rule 735",
"Z28" => "Protective Service Rule 740",
"Z29" => "Protective Service Rule 760",
"Z30" => "Protective Service Rule 815",
"Z31" => "Quality Differential",
"Z32" => "Protective Service Rule 26",
"Z33" => "Protective Service Rule 715",
"Z34" => "Protective Service Rule 745",
"Z35" => "Protective Service Rule 755",
"ZFF" => "First Flight Out",
"ZZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E152 = , "Special Handling Code"                , 2, 3,
"00"  => "Delivery of Fuel into Underground Storage Tank",
"01"  => "Delivery of Fuel into Above Ground Storage Tank",
"15"  => "Speed Restricted to 15 Miles per Hour",
"25"  => "Speed Restricted to 25 Miles per Hour",
"35"  => "Speed Restricted to 35 Miles per Hour",
"45"  => "Speed Restricted to 45 Miles per Hour",
"AA"  => "No Facial Hair",
"AB"  => "Car is Air Brake Controlled",
"AC"  => "Customer Required Packing List",
"AD"  => "Customer Required PRO Number",
"AE"  => "Customer Required Appointment Number",
"AF"  => "Load on Top of Residue (Heel)",
"AG"  => "Dispose of Residue (Heel)",
"AH"  => "Humidity Sensitive Shipment",
"AJ"  => "Do Not Stack",
"AK"  => "Attachment - Auto Keys",
"AT"  => "Attachment to Move with Car",
"AV"  => "Annual Volume",
"AW"  => "Attachments - Advance Only Waybill",
"BA"  => "Clearinghouse Balance",
"BL"  => "Blowable Load",
"BN"  => "If Bad Ordered Notify Shipper",
"BU"  => "Buffer Car Service",
"BW"  => "Bill Shipper for Weigh Charge",
"CC"  => "Container, Consolidator Load",
"CD"  => "Attachment - Customer's Document",
"CE"  => "Cleared for Export",
"CF"  => "Container, Factory Load",
"CH"  => "Carrier",
"CI"  => "Customs Inspection",
"CM"  => "Attachment - Cotton Manifest",
"CO"  => "No Marshalling Required for Hazardous Materials",
"CR"  => "Circus Ramp Only (TOFC Van)",
"CW"  => "Bill Consignee for Weigh Charges",
"CX"  => "Top Load Only",
"CY"  => "Certification that this Shipment is for Recycling as Defined in Applicable Tariffs Containing Such Provisions",
"DA"  => "Dangerous",
"DE"  => "Demurrage",
"DM"  => "Domestic",
"DN"  => "Shipper Authorization Required for Diversion or Consignment",
"DR"  => "Drop Yard",
"DS"  => "Delivery Only on Surrender of Written Order",
"DT"  => "Dead in Tow",
"DU"  => "Do Not Uncouple",
"DV"  => "Equipment",
"DW"  => "Destination Weights Apply",
"EB"  => "Embargo Shipment",
"ED"  => "Excessive Dimensions",
"EE"  => "Electronic Equipment Transfer",
"EL"  => "Environmental Control Limits",
"EP"  => "Expedite",
"ER"  => "Return Empty Via Reverse Route",
"EV"  => "Damages Incurred if Shipment Fails to Meet Vessel Loading",
"EW"  => "Excessive Weight",
"EX"  => "Explosive Flammable Gas",
"FA"  => "Face \"A-end\" to Head of Train",
"FB"  => "Face \"B-end\" to Head of Train",
"FC"  => "Moving Under \"For Furtherance Instructions\" and May Be Delivered",
"FD"  => "Full Service",
"FG"  => "Flammable Gas",
"FL"  => "Flammable",
"FP"  => "Flammable Poison Gas",
"FR"  => "Fragile - Handle with Care",
"FS"  => "Nontransit Flat Shipment",
"GA"  => "Goods Astray",
"GI"  => "Grain Inspection",
"HE"  => "Head End Car",
"HH"  => "Household",
"HM"  => "Endorsed as Hazardous Material",
"HO"  => "Hold for Orders",
"HP"  => "Heated Prior to Loading",
"HR"  => "Home for Repair",
"HT"  => "Heat",
"HV"  => "High Value Load",
"HW"  => "High Wide Load",
"IB"  => "In-bond",
"IC"  => "Ice",
"ID"  => "Shipment to be Inspected at Destination and Disposition Instructions will be Furnished",
"IM"  => "Interoffice Move",
"IP"  => "Import Shipment",
"IR"  => "Rail Incentive Rate",
"IS"  => "Surveillance Service",
"IT"  => "Intermediate Switch Service",
"JS"  => "Junction Settlement Account",
"LB"  => "Land Bridge (Import/Export)",
"LC"  => "Car Trip Leased to Consignee",
"LD"  => "Loading Devices",
"LF"  => "Loaded to Full Visible Capacity",
"LN"  => "Less Than Container, Consolidator Load",
"LP"  => "Protect Lowest Through Rate",
"LR"  => "Less Than Container, Factory Load",
"LS"  => "Local Service Only",
"LT"  => "Less Than Full Carload",
"MC"  => "Person in Charge of Car",
"MF"  => "Cleared for Border Crossing",
"MP"  => "Multiple Pickup",
"MR"  => "Mechanical Refrigeration",
"NC"  => "Notify Consignee Before Delivery",
"ND"  => "Do Not Divert",
"NE"  => "No Special Entrainment Required",
"NG"  => "Night Delivery Service",
"NH"  => "Do Not Hump",
"NI"  => "New Equipment First Transborder Movement",
"NL"  => "Navalock",
"NP"  => "Do Not Pool",
"NS"  => "Notify Shipper Before Reconsignment",
"NT"  => "Do Not Transfer Contents",
"NW"  => "In Case of Fire Do Not Use Water",
"NX"  => "Not for Export",
"OS"  => "Commodity Loaded Less Than or Equal To the Car Ordered",
"OV"  => "Overweight",
"PB"  => "Perishable in Box Car",
"PD"  => "Privately Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage",
"PG"  => "Poisonous Gas",
"PI"  => "Iced Prior to Loading",
"PS"  => "Product Protection Service",
"PW"  => "Attachment - Prepaid Waybill",
"RA"  => "Return Authorization",
"RB"  => "Render Bill for Charges",
"RC"  => "Railroad Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage",
"RE"  => "Shipper Steam Ship Released",
"RM"  => "Radioactive Material",
"RO"  => "Rush Order",
"RP"  => "Rail Asset Management Process - Equipment Distribution (RAMP-ED) Traffic",
"RR"  => "Rear Rider",
"RS"  => "Inspect Hourly if Car Stopped",
"RT"  => "Record for Transit",
"RV"  => "Residue in Excess of 7 Percent of Equipment Capacity",
"SA"  => "STARS Traffic",
"SB"  => "Shipper Load/Carrier Count",
"SC"  => "Shove to Rest and Cover",
"SD"  => "Subject to Special Detention Rules/Charges",
"SE"  => "Attachment - Shipper's Export Document",
"SH"  => "Shiftable Load",
"SI"  => "Ship to Cross Dock or Pool",
"SJ"  => "Ship to Furthest Destination First",
"SK"  => "Requires Shelf Couplers",
"SM"  => "Attachment - Shipper's Manifest",
"SP"  => "Attachment - Shipper's Packing Instructions",
"SR"  => "Speed Restricted",
"ST"  => "Stack Train",
"SW"  => "Stretch Wrap",
"TA"  => "Cars Temporarily Articulated",
"TC"  => "Trailer, Consolidator Load",
"TF"  => "Trailer, Factory Load",
"TK"  => "Intermodal Tank Service",
"TN"  => "Turn Car",
"TS"  => "Transit Shipment",
"TT"  => "Team Track Delivery",
"TV"  => "Time Volume Rates Only",
"UB"  => "Unload at Bumper (Circus Ramp)",
"UI"  => "Unitized",
"UL"  => "Unload from Left Side of Car",
"UN"  => "Unload as Placarded",
"UP"  => "Unprotected Perishable",
"UR"  => "Unload from Right Side of Car",
"US"  => "Shipper Certifies Gross Weight under 240,000 pounds",
"UT"  => "Unit Train",
"VN"  => "Verification Weigh",
"VT"  => "Ventilation Instructions",
"WB"  => "Wide-Body Pickup Truck (Applies to Finished Vehicle Loading",
"WD"  => "Waived Inspection - Set Direct",
"WE"  => "Weigh Empty",
"WH"  => "Attachments - High Wide Notice",
"WI"  => "Waive Inspection",
"WM"  => "Manifest Must Accompany Waybill",
"WO"  => "Weigh to Check for Overload",
"WW"  => "Waste Water",
"XP"  => "Export",
"XT"  => "Cross Town",
"045" => "Advanced Fee",
"170" => "Certificate of Origin",
"405" => "Fuel Surcharge Authorized",
"510" => "Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii Service",
"520" => "Oversized Premium",
"550" => "Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin",
"555" => "Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice",
"565" => "Preparation of Export Entry",
"570" => "Preparation of Insurance Certificate",
"585" => "Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation",
"665" => "Saturday Delivery",
"670" => "Saturday Pickup",
"675" => "Security Signature Service",
"761" => "Written Proof of Delivery",
"A1M" => "Aggregate 1000",
"A3M" => "Aggregate 3000",
"A5M" => "Aggregate 5000",
"AAM" => "Additional Material",
"AAS" => "Attendants Accompanying",
"ADL" => "Advance Loading",
"AFN" => "Air Craft Furnished and Not Used",
"AGG" => "Aggregate Tender Discount",
"AGS" => "Armed Guard Service",
"AIB" => "Additional Injection/Blending Service",
"ALP" => "Port Changes",
"ALT" => "Use of Alternate Terminal",
"AMM" => "A.M. Delivery Requirement",
"ANC" => "Anchoring and Unanchoring",
"APD" => "Additional Copy of Shipping Papers for Proof of Delivery",
"APL" => "Appliance Servicing",
"ARC" => "Air Conditioning Disconnect and Connect",
"ARG" => "Rail Armed Guard Service",
"ARR" => "Air Ride Tractor Service",
"ART" => "Air Ride Truck Service",
"ASY" => "Assembly Service Requested",
"AUX" => "Auxiliary Service",
"BCP" => "Bypass Consolidation Point",
"BKA" => "Bulky Article",
"BLK" => "Blocking and Bracing",
"BLS" => "Blind Shipment",
"BNS" => "Bolster Load, Do Not Switch",
"BOX" => "Boxing Service - Dry Bulk",
"BSC" => "Bunker Surcharge Authorized",
"BU2" => "Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container",
"BU4" => "Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container",
"BUA" => "Bunker Adjustment",
"CA2" => "Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container",
"CA4" => "Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container",
"CAR" => "ROEE Car or Pickup Truck",
"CBC" => "Case Label Bar Code",
"CCB" => "Convert Commercial Bill of Lading (BOL) to Government BOL",
"CCH" => "Certification",
"CCS" => "Carrier Caboose",
"CDD" => "Corrosion Additive Service",
"CFC" => "Customs Fees - Container Level",
"CFL" => "Customs Fees - Lift Level",
"CGC" => "Carrier Guard Car Service",
"CGR" => "Return Carrier Guard Car Service",
"CGT" => "Cargo Taxes",
"CHN" => "Chain and Binders",
"CIP" => "Commercial Invoice Preparation",
"CIS" => "Constant Surveillance",
"CLN" => "Cleaning",
"CLS" => "Class Rates Applied",
"CMD" => "Comb. Rates over Detroit",
"CNL" => "Consolidation and Line Haul",
"CNS" => "Consolidation",
"CON" => "Contract Rates Apply",
"COR" => "Certification That the Newsprint Winding Cores Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service",
"COU" => "Consignee Unload",
"COV" => "Courier, Overnight",
"CPC" => "Copilot Service",
"CPM" => "Customs Papers Mailed",
"CRD" => "Crane at Destination",
"CRL" => "Container Lease",
"CRO" => "Crane at Origin",
"CSD" => "Courier, Same Day",
"CSP" => "Government Caboose",
"CTL" => "Controlled Atmosphere",
"CTM" => "Container Mounting",
"CTR" => "Circuitous Routing",
"CUF" => "Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk",
"DBL" => "Double Wide Separate and Reassemble",
"DBP" => "Delivery of Fuel From Barge to Pipeline",
"DCD" => "Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Destination",
"DCO" => "Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Origin",
"DCS" => "DOD Constant Surveillance Service",
"DDN" => "Dual Driver with National Agency Check",
"DDP" => "Dual Driver Protective Service",
"DDS" => "Direct Delivery",
"DDZ" => "Drayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)",
"DEL" => "Delivery Service",
"DEP" => "Detention of Conveying Equipment and the Power Unit",
"DET" => "Detention of Conveying Equipment Excluding the Power Unit",
"DEZ" => "Drayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)",
"DFD" => "Keep From Freezing Percent Differential",
"DFM" => "410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices",
"DFS" => "410 Dromedary",
"DIS" => "Distribution Service Requested",
"DLP" => "Delivery of Fuel From Rail Tank Car to Pipeline",
"DLR" => "Notify Shipper Immediately if Shipment is Delayed en Route",
"DNC" => "Do Not Couple to Other Diaphragmed Cars",
"DNF" => "Do Not Freeze",
"DNT" => "Do Not Couple to Tank Cars",
"DOC" => "Documentation - Special",
"DOV" => "Container Diversion",
"DPB" => "Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Barge",
"DPD" => "Drayage at Port of Debarkation",
"DPE" => "Drayage at Port of Embarkation",
"DPL" => "Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Rail Tank Car",
"DPT" => "Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer",
"DPU" => "Detention With Power Units (30 minute periods)",
"DRO" => "Drop-Off Delivery",
"DRU" => "Drumming Service",
"DSK" => "Do Not Couple to Double Shelf Couples",
"DSM" => "Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices",
"DSR" => "Dromedary Service Requested",
"DSV" => "Door Side Vanning",
"DTB" => "Labor Associated with Detention of Conveying Equipment",
"DTP" => "Delivery of Fuel From Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline",
"DTV" => "Detention (Vehicle)",
"DWP" => "Detention With Power Units (60 minute periods)",
"EAX" => "Extra Axles",
"ECR" => "Escort/Courier Service",
"ECS" => "Empty Railcar Ordered But Not Used",
"EDD" => "Equipment Hose at Destination",
"EDO" => "Equipment Hose at Origin",
"EED" => "Exclusive Use",
"EGD" => "Dedicated Switch Engine at Destination",
"EGO" => "Dedicated Switch Engine at Origin",
"ELS" => "Extra Lights",
"EMR" => "Emergency Service",
"EMT" => "Empty Movement",
"END" => "Endorsement",
"ERS" => "Empty Return",
"ERT" => "Satisfactory Service Standards",
"EVC" => "Excessive Valuation Authorized",
"EXC" => "Exclusive Use of Vehicle",
"EXD" => "Extra Driver",
"EXL" => "Extra Length Surcharge",
"EXO" => "Export Preparation",
"EXP" => "Expedited Rates Applied",
"EXQ" => "Expedited Service",
"EXT" => "Extra Labor",
"EXU" => "Exclusive Use of Vehicle Damaged",
"EXZ" => "Expand Remove and Install",
"EZE" => "Roadway Easy Rates Applied",
"FAK" => "Barge Freight All Kinds Service",
"FAS" => "Firearms",
"FCS" => "Furnishing Chassis",
"FDD" => "Flat Deck Delivery",
"FFC" => "Fuel Filters Furnished by Carrier",
"FFS" => "Fuel Filters Furnished by Shipper",
"FLS" => "Flatrack Surcharge",
"FPT" => "For Processing in Transit",
"FRZ" => "Accepted by Carrier at Owner's Risk of Freezing",
"FST" => "For Storage in Transit",
"FTR" => "Filtration Service",
"GMS" => "Garment Surcharge",
"GOC" => "Government-Owned Containers",
"GSP" => "Government Guard Car",
"GSS" => "Greater Security Service",
"HAL" => "Hold at Location",
"HAN" => "Handling",
"HAZ" => "Hazardous Cargo",
"HBB" => "Handling Freight Not Adjacent to Vehicle",
"HBR" => "Hand Brakes at Each End Must Be Released",
"HDH" => "Shipment Holdover for Holidays",
"HDW" => "Shipment Holdover for Weekends",
"HEA" => "Heat in Transit",
"HES" => "Heat - Special",
"HET" => "Heat With Steam",
"HMA" => "Accessible Hazardous Material",
"HMI" => "Inaccessible Hazardous Material",
"HOL" => "Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery",
"HOR" => "24 Hour Availability",
"HOS" => "Hose",
"HOX" => "Special Hose",
"HQT" => "High Cube Trailer Rates",
"HRS" => "Heater or Refrigeration",
"HTI" => "Hitch Installation",
"HZC" => "Hazardous Materials Surcharge",
"HZD" => "Hazardous Cargo On Deck",
"IDC" => "Idler Car",
"IDL" => "Inside Delivery",
"IIH" => "Icing Inhibitor Service",
"IMP" => "Impactographs",
"IMS" => "Intermodal Shipment Service",
"INL" => "Inspector Requested for Loading",
"INT" => "Intra-Plant Move",
"IPU" => "Inside Pickup",
"ITS" => "Interline Transfer Service",
"JIT" => "Just-In-Time (JIT)",
"JLX" => "Joint Line Exception",
"KEG" => "Certification that the Containers Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service",
"KMD" => "Keep Material Dry",
"LAB" => "Labor Disturbance",
"LAS" => "Commingling/Loss Allowance",
"LAY" => "Layover",
"LBL" => "Apply a Uniform Code Council/International Article Numbering Association (UCC/EAN) Serial Shipping Container Label to the Shipping Containers",
"LBR" => "Light Bar Service",
"LBT" => "Low Boy Trailer/Flat Bed",
"LC2" => "Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container",
"LC4" => "Land Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container",
"LCL" => "Percent Differential - Less Than Container",
"LDA" => "Carrier to Load",
"LDL" => "Carrier to Unload",
"LEC" => "Less Than Container",
"LFD" => "Linehaul from Port of Debarkation",
"LHS" => "Linehaul Service",
"LIE" => "Liability of Carrier",
"LMD" => "Liner Terms at Port of Debarkation",
"LME" => "Liner Terms at Port of Embarkation",
"LPD" => "Linehaul Percent Differential",
"LTE" => "Linehaul To Port of Embarkation",
"LTT" => "Less Than Truckload",
"LYC" => "Layover Service",
"MAT" => "Modified Atmosphere",
"MEN" => "Escort Service with Overnight Subsistence",
"MES" => "Escort",
"MET" => "Escort Services (Telephone)",
"MIN" => "Insulated",
"MNS" => "Motor Surveillance Service",
"MOT" => "Other",
"MRF" => "Refrigerated",
"MTE" => "Military Traffic Expediting Service",
"MVS" => "Special Motor Surveillance",
"NHC" => "Do not Hump or Hump into",
"NHL" => "Do Not Use Helper Locomotive to Push",
"NPR" => "No Placards Required",
"NSV" => "Nose Side Vanning",
"OAH" => "Stow Away from Heat",
"OBL" => "Block Stowage",
"OCA" => "Cargo Aboard",
"OCL" => "Carrier Load and Consignee Unload",
"OCN" => "Over Height Container",
"OCS" => "Completing Shipment",
"OCV" => "Delivery Verification Not Required",
"ODI" => "Stow with Doors Facing Inward",
"OEH" => "Exempt Commodity",
"OFH" => "In Front of House Stowage",
"OFU" => "Fumigation",
"OHC" => "Harmless",
"OIL" => "Oil Field Service",
"ONC" => "Use No Hooks",
"ONS" => "Not Restricted Cargo",
"OOB" => "Cargo on Board Certification Required",
"OOD" => "On Deck Stowage",
"OOL" => "Carrier Load and Carrier Unload",
"OPR" => "Perishable",
"OPT" => "Partial Shipment",
"ORS" => "Receipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours",
"OSB" => "Stow Below Deck",
"OST" => "Stow Between Decks",
"OTC" => "Temperature Control",
"OTD" => "Time of Delivery and Signature Required",
"OTH" => "On Top In-hatch Stowage",
"OTO" => "On Top On-deck Stowage",
"OTS" => "Total Shipment",
"OUC" => "Under Container On-deck Stowage",
"OUW" => "Below Water Line Stowage",
"OVR" => "Overflow",
"OWC" => "Over Width Container",
"OWR" => "One Way Rates Applied",
"PAJ" => "Pumping Equipment",
"PAV" => "Pickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery",
"PBC" => "Pallet Label Bar Code",
"PDS" => "Pickup and Delivery From Storage in Transit",
"PDY" => "Pickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area",
"PER" => "Special Permits",
"PFH" => "Protect From Heat",
"PHR" => "Per Hour Rates Applied",
"PIR" => "Pier Time",
"PLT" => "Pallets/Skids/Platforms",
"PMM" => "P.M. Delivery Requirement",
"PMR" => "Per Mile Rates Apply",
"PMS" => "Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service",
"PMT" => "Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time",
"POC" => "Piano/Organ Carry",
"POS" => "Positioning at Origin",
"PPD" => "Pickup and Delivery Service for Perishables",
"PRD" => "Portable Ramps at Destination",
"PRL" => "Prelodge",
"PRO" => "Portable Ramps at Origin",
"PRT" => "Stuffing Charge",
"PSG" => "Protective Service Security with Armed Guards",
"PSS" => "Protective Security Service",
"PTS" => "Protective Tarp For Security Purposes",
"PUC" => "Pickup",
"PUD" => "Pickup and Delivery",
"PUK" => "Pack and Unpack",
"PUP" => "PUP Trailer Rates Apply",
"PVB" => "Bonded Privately Owned Vehicle",
"PVD" => "Detention of Privately Owned Vehicle",
"PVI" => "Inoperable Privately Owned Vehicle",
"PVL" => "Loading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle",
"PVP" => "Private Owned Vehicle Processing",
"PVS" => "Stop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment",
"PVT" => "Privately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service",
"PYS" => "Priority Service",
"RCC" => "Reconsignment",
"RCL" => "Redelivery",
"RDH" => "Railhead Handling",
"RDR" => "Roadrailer Service",
"REP" => "Respotting",
"RES" => "Residential Delivery",
"RFM" => "Reefer Maintenance",
"RIE" => "Released Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability",
"RIS" => "Rail Inspection Service",
"RLS" => "Relocation of Vehicle",
"RMC" => "Return of Empty Container",
"RMP" => "Return Movement of Pallet",
"RMS" => "Rail Surveillance",
"RPD" => "Reefer Cargo Percent Differential",
"RRR" => "Round Trip Service",
"RSP" => "Reshipment",
"RSS" => "Restricted Speeds",
"RSV" => "Reservations",
"RWR" => "Reweight Requested",
"S18" => "Apply Serial Shipping Container Code SSCC-18 Bar Code",
"SAS" => "Shipment Holdover on Weekends",
"SAT" => "Saturday Pickup or Delivery",
"SCC" => "Special Containers",
"SCL" => "Shipper Load and Consignee Unload",
"SDL" => "Split Delivery",
"SDS" => "Special Dromedary Service",
"SEC" => "Special Equipment Charge",
"SED" => "Shipper Export Declaration Required",
"SEE" => "Stairs, Elevator, Excess Carry",
"SER" => "Service Charge Applies",
"SEV" => "Security Escort Vehicle Service",
"SFB" => "Single Factor Origination/Destination",
"SFD" => "Single Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation",
"SFE" => "Single Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination",
"SFT" => "Special Train Movement",
"SGL" => "Single Shipment",
"SHH" => "Shipment Holdover on Holidays",
"SHL" => "Shipper Load",
"SHW" => "Shipment Holdover on Weekdays",
"SKT" => "Skirting and Unskirting",
"SLC" => "Shipper Load and Count",
"SMP" => "Small Package",
"SNM" => "Transmit a Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set",
"SNS" => "Satellite Surveillance Service",
"SNT" => "Shipment from Non-Temp Storage",
"SOC" => "Stop-off",
"SOL" => "Shipper Load and Carrier Unload",
"SPA" => "Special Allowance",
"SPC" => "Special Permit",
"SPR" => "Spreader Service",
"SPT" => "Spot for Storage - No Shipment",
"SPU" => "Split Pickup",
"SRG" => "Storage",
"SRS" => "Surveying Routes",
"SSC" => "Stripping, Sorting & Consolidation",
"SSN" => "Substitute Service Not to be Used",
"SSR" => "Safe Haven Secure Holding Refusal",
"SSU" => "Pole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge",
"STA" => "Conductivity/Anti-static Additive",
"STD" => "Stop-off at Destination",
"STO" => "Stowage",
"STP" => "Stop-off at Origination",
"STR" => "Signature and Tally Record",
"SUA" => "Spot for Unloading from A End",
"SUB" => "Spot for Unloading from B Brake End",
"SUP" => "Supervisor Requested",
"SVS" => "Storage of Vehicles",
"TDC" => "Truckload-Double Operator-Common Carrier",
"TDP" => "Truckload-Double Operator-Padded Van",
"TER" => "Terminal Handling Charges",
"TLS" => "Tendered as Truckload (Truckload Service Requested)",
"TMS" => "Multi-Tank Surveillance Service",
"TMV" => "Tendering of Multiple Vehicles",
"TOF" => "Trailer on Flat Car",
"TOW" => "Motor Tow Away Service",
"TPS" => "Third Party Service",
"TRA" => "Tractor Only",
"TRK" => "Truck Rates Applicable",
"TRL" => "Trailer Preparation - Special",
"TRM" => "Termination",
"TRN" => "Transfer Product",
"TRP" => "Tire Repair and Replace",
"TRS" => "Trade Show",
"TRT" => "Tractor and Trailer",
"TRU" => "Truck to Rack Unit",
"TSC" => "Truckload-Single Operator-Common Carrier",
"TSL" => "Technical Assistance for Loading Rail Cars",
"TSP" => "Truckload-Single Operator-Padded Van",
"TSS" => "Tank Surveillance Service",
"TTS" => "Trailer Tracking Service",
"UBL" => "Carrier to Unblock, Unbrace, and Untie",
"UFC" => "Under Carriage Furnished By Carrier",
"UPK" => "Unpacking",
"URC" => "Unloading or Reloading",
"UTL" => "Utilities Disconnect and Connect",
"VAC" => "Vacuum Service",
"VAN" => "ROEE Van Type Truck",
"VCL" => "Van Cleaning",
"VFN" => "Vehicles Furnished But Not Used",
"VIS" => "Vehicles Inoperable",
"VSO" => "Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles",
"VTS" => "Vehicles in Truckaway",
"WBB" => "Wharfage - Breakbulk",
"WCT" => "Wharfage - Container",
"WDS" => "Waterfront Delivery",
"WFG" => "Wharfage",
"WRB" => "War Risk Crew Bonus",
"WRI" => "War Risk Insurance",
"WTG" => "Waiting Time Authorized",
"WTV" => "Weight Verification",
"ZZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E154 = , "Standard Point Location Code"         , 6, 9)
E156 =  , "State or Province Code"              , 2, 2,
E163 = , "Stop Reason Code"                     , 2, 2,
"CL" => "Complete Load",
"CU" => "Complete Unload",
"PL" => "Part Load",
"PU" => "Part Unload"))
E165 = , "Stop Sequence Number"                 , 1, 3, 0)
E166 = , "Address Information"                  , 1, 55)
E167 = , "Tare Weight"                          , 3, 8, 0)
E171 = , "Tarriff Number"                       , 1, 7)
E176 = , "Time Qualifier"                       , 1, 2,
"I" => "Ship Not Before Time",
"K" => "Ship Not Later Than Time",
"G" => "Deliver Not Before Time",
"L" => "Deliver Not Later Than Time",
"1" => "Must Respond By"))
E183 =
t:: , "Volume"                               , 1, 8)
E184 = , "Volume Unit Qualifier"                , 1, 1,
"E" => "Cubic Feet"))
E187 = , "Weight Qualifier"                     , 1, 2,
"G" => "Gross Weight"))
E188 = , "Weight Unit Code"                     , 1, 1,
"E" => "Metric Ton",
"G" => "Grams",
"M" => "Measurement Ton",
"O" => "Ounces",
"S" => "Short Ton",
"T" => "Long Ton",
"L" => "Pounds",
"K" => "Kilograms"))
E189 =
t:: , "Width"                                , 1, 8)
E190 = , "Accomplish Code"                      , 1, 1,
"A" => "Accomplished",
"P" => "Pending"))
E191 = , "Advances"                             , 1, 9, 2)
E200 = , "Hazardous Materials Page"             , 1, 6)
E205 = , "Dunnage"                              , 1, 6, 0)
E206 = , "Equipment Initial"                    , 1, 4)
E207 = , "Equipment Number"                     , 1, 10)
E212 =
t:: , "Unit Price"                           , 1, 17)
E213 = , "Lading Line Item Number"              , 1, 3, 0)
E215 = , "Hazardous Classification"             , 1, 30)
E218 = , "Hazardous Placard Notation Code"      , 14,40)
E219 = , "Position"                             , 1, 3)
E222 = , "Hazardous Endorsement Code"           , 4, 25,
E224 = , "Hazardous Material Shipping Name"     , 1, 25)
E225 = , "Seal Number"                          , 2, 15)
E232 = , "Weight Allowance"                     , 2, 6, 0)
E234 = , "Product/Service ID"                   , 1, 48)
E235 = , "Product/Service ID Qualifier"         , 2, 2,
"AD" => "American Dental Association Codes",
"BP" => "Buyer's Part Number",
"BL" => "Brand/Label",
"CB" => "Buyer's Part Number",
"ER" => "Jurisdiction Specific Procedure and Supply Codes",
"HC" => "Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Codes",
"ID" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Procedure",
"IV" => "Home Infusion EDI Coalition (HIEC) Product/Service Code",
"MG" => "Manufacturer's Part Number",
"N1" => "National Drug Code in 4-4-2 Format",
"N2" => "National Drug Code in 5-3-2 Format",
"N3" => "National Drug Code in 5-4-1 Format",
"N4" => "National Drug Code in 5-4-2 Format",
"ND" => "National Drug Code (NDC)",
"NU" => "National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB92 Codes",
"RB" => "National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB82 Codes",
"UK" => "UPC/EAN Shipping Container Code",
"UP" => "UPC Consumer Packaging Code",
"VN" => "Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number",
"VC" => "Vendor's (Seller's) Catalog Number",
"VP" => "Vendor's (Seller's) Part Number",
"ON" => "Customer Order Number",
"JS" => "Job Sequence Number",
"VV" => "Motor Vehicle ID Number",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E236 = , "Price Identifier Code"                , 3, 3)
E254 = , "Packing Group Code"                   , 1, 3)
E267 = , "Net Explosive Quantity"               , 1, 10, 0)
E277 = , "UN/NA Identification Code"            , 6, 6)
E280 =
t:: , "Exchange Rate"                        , 4, 10)
E285 = , "Depositor Order Number"               , 1, 22)
E286 = , "Product/Service Condition Code"       , 2, 2,
"01" => "Good",
"02" => "Damaged",
"03" => "Recouped",
"04" => "New Material",
"05" => "Suitable for Reuse without Reconditioning",
"06" => "Suitable for Reuse After Reconditioning",
"07" => "No longer useful for original purpose but still of some use",
"08" => "Junk Material",
"09" => "Hold or Reserve Stock",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E289 = , "Multiple Price Quantity"              , 1, 2, 0)
E301 = , "Car Type Code"                        , 1, 4)
E305 = , "Transaction Handling Code"            , 1, 2,
"C" => "Payment Accompanies Remittance Advice",
"D" => "Make Payment Only",
"H" => "Notification Only",
"I" => "Remittance Information Only",
"P" => "Prenotification of Future Transfers",
"U" => "Split Payment and Remittance",
"X" => "Handling Party's Option to Split Payment and Remittance"))
E306 = , "Action Code"                          , 1, 2,
"0"  => "Authorize",
"1"  => "Add",
"2"  => "Change (Update)",
"3"  => "Delete",
"4"  => "Verify",
"5"  => "Send",
"6"  => "Receive",
"7"  => "Request",
"8"  => "In Production Send",
"9"  => "Not Capable of Taking Action",
"A"  => "Add A Bill of Lading",
"B"  => "Cancel Balance of Order/Item that Exceeds Value Specified in Data Element 610",
"C"  => "Cancelled",
"D"  => "Delete a Bill of Lading",
"E"  => "Eliminate/Expire",
"F"  => "Final",
"G"  => "Cancel Entire Order/Item",
"H"  => "Master-In-Bond (MIB) Arrival",
"I"  => "Reissue",
"J"  => "Record",
"K"  => "In Production Send and Receive",
"L"  => "In Development/Send",
"M"  => "In Development/Receive",
"N"  => "In Development/Send and Receive",
"O"  => "In Test/Send",
"P"  => "In Test/Receive",
"Q"  => "In Test/Send and Receive",
"R"  => "In Production Receive",
"S"  => "Re-record",
"T"  => "Status Query",
"U"  => "Reject",
"V"  => "Respond",
"W"  => "Reverse",
"X"  => "Recommend",
"Y"  => "Not Recommend",
"Z"  => "Mutually Defined",
"00" => "Authorize and Settle Combination",
"10" => "Adjourn",
"11" => "Approve",
"12" => "Auction",
"13" => "Cleared",
"14" => "Compose",
"15" => "Correct and Resubmit Claim",
"16" => "Consider",
"17" => "Create",
"18" => "Decide",
"19" => "Declare",
"20" => "Decree Recall",
"21" => "Disapprove",
"22" => "Dissolve",
"23" => "Escalation",
"24" => "On-Hold",
"25" => "Dropped",
"26" => "Bankruptcy Filed - Review Account",
"27" => "Moved - Follow Up",
"28" => "Change Phone Number",
"29" => "Payment Received - Follow Up",
"30" => "Account Active - Pursue",
"31" => "Return per Client Request",
"32" => "Pursue Legal Action",
"33" => "Active",
"34" => "Pursue Garnishment",
"35" => "New Assignment - Proceed",
"36" => "Repossess Merchandise",
"37" => "Adjust Payment",
"38" => "Change Address",
"39" => "Skiptrace Account",
"40" => "Close Account - Deceased",
"41" => "Update to Inactive",
"42" => "Account Paid in Full - Close Account",
"43" => "Refused to Pay - Review Account",
"44" => "Account Disputed - Review",
"45" => "Do Not Contact - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)",
"46" => "Forward Account",
"47" => "Enforce",
"48" => "Extinguish",
"49" => "Judgment for Defendant",
"50" => "Judgment for Plaintiff",
"51" => "Complete",
"52" => "Justified",
"53" => "Legal Moratorium on Debts Incurred to Date",
"54" => "Meeting Held",
"55" => "Meeting Held and Opened",
"56" => "Moratorium",
"57" => "Not Filed",
"58" => "Not Justified",
"59" => "Partial Release",
"60" => "Provisional Moratorium",
"61" => "Readjudicate",
"62" => "Resolve",
"63" => "Resulted in a Suit",
"64" => "Resulted in No Liquidation",
"65" => "Set Aside",
"66" => "Settled out of Court",
"67" => "Sold",
"68" => "Stayed",
"69" => "Subordination",
"70" => "Surrender",
"71" => "Term Expired",
"72" => "Unsatisfied",
"73" => "Void",
"74" => "Suspended, 24 Hours",
"75" => "Dispute",
"76" => "Assign",
"77" => "Agent Change",
"78" => "Agent Hierarchy Change",
"79" => "Reactivate",
"80" => "Reconcile",
"81" => "Renew",
"82" => "Follow Up",
"83" => "Future",
"84" => "Letter of Authority Sent",
"85" => "New Premium Only",
"86" => "Pended for Follow Up",
"87" => "Countersue",
"88" => "Contact via Telephone Call",
"89" => "Contact via Fax",
"90" => "Mark",
"91" => "In Progress",
"92" => "Reconfirm",
"93" => "Send Record at End of the Fall Term",
"94" => "Send Record at End of the Winter Term",
"95" => "Send Record at End of the Spring Term",
"96" => "Send Record at End of the Summer Term",
"97" => "Send Record at End of the Intersession Term",
"A1" => "Certified in total",
"A2" => "Certified - partial",
"A3" => "Not Certified",
"A4" => "Pended",
"A5" => "Upheld",
"A6" => "Modified",
"A7" => "Approved with Errors",
"AA" => "Award",
"AB" => "Abandon",
"AC" => "Acknowledge",
"AD" => "Decrease in Amount",
"AE" => "Activate",
"AF" => "Affirm",
"AG" => "Added Commodity Codes",
"AH" => "Added Equipment",
"AI" => "Increase in Amount",
"AJ" => "Added Points Served",
"AL" => "Allow",
"AN" => "Annual Location Reconciliation",
"AP" => "Appeal",
"AQ" => "Acquitted",
"AR" => "Advanced Payment",
"AS" => "Discovered",
"AT" => "Appoint",
"AV" => "Cancellation Not Effected",
"AW" => "Mass Cancellation",
"AX" => "Partial Cancellation",
"BD" => "Board",
"BE" => "Producer Reporting Structure Change",
"BF" => "Background Investigation",
"BG" => "License Request",
"BH" => "Book of Business Transfer",
"BI" => "Bifurcate",
"BJ" => "Print Loan Application Only",
"BK" => "Guarantee Application Only",
"BL" => "Guarantee Before Sending Application",
"BM" => "Return Loan Application with Certification Data",
"BN" => "Guarantee After Receiving Application",
"BO" => "Use Both Date and Meter Criteria",
"C1" => "Community Service Required",
"C2" => "Convicted",
"CA" => "Change Name",
"CB" => "Cut",
"CC" => "Concur",
"CD" => "Completed Docket (Proposer Only and on Current Docket)",
"CE" => "Charge",
"CF" => "Confirm",
"CG" => "Conditionally Grant",
"CL" => "Closed",
"CM" => "Commence",
"CN" => "Consolidated",
"CO" => "Correct",
"CP" => "Counter Proposal",
"CR" => "Process Immediate, Critical",
"CS" => "Transfer of Claim for Security",
"CT" => "Contact Payer",
"CU" => "Continue",
"CV" => "Convert",
"CX" => "Claim Transferred",
"D1" => "Deported",
"D2" => "Dismissed",
"DA" => "Division Adjustment Only",
"DB" => "Shorten Expiration Date",
"DC" => "Delivered to Another Carrier",
"DD" => "Delete and Docket (Proposer Only on Unconcurred Docket)",
"DE" => "Deny",
"DF" => "Defer",
"DG" => "Decrease",
"DH" => "Extended Expiration Date",
"DI" => "Dismissed with Prejudice",
"DJ" => "Dismissed without Prejudice",
"DK" => "Dispose",
"DL" => "Divert",
"DP" => "Delivered to Public Warehouse",
"DR" => "Direct",
"DS" => "Discarded",
"DT" => "Discontinue",
"DX" => "Discharged",
"EA" => "Establish Address",
"EB" => "Establish Additional Address",
"EC" => "Establish Electronic Address",
"ED" => "Suppress Correspondence",
"EE" => "Suppress Forms",
"EN" => "Enter",
"EO" => "End of Day Processing",
"EP" => "Entire Patient Information",
"ER" => "Extension Request",
"EV" => "Evaluate",
"EX" => "Extend",
"EZ" => "Exception Occurred",
"F1" => "Fined",
"FA" => "Fail",
"FC" => "Factor Change",
"FI" => "File",
"FO" => "Forfeit",
"FR" => "Patient Follow-Up Required",
"GR" => "Grant",
"HM" => "Process Manually",
"HR" => "Hold Until Released",
"I1" => "Found Not Guilty",
"IA" => "Deactivate",
"IM" => "Increase",
"IN" => "Interim",
"IS" => "Issue",
"IT" => "Initiate",
"JA" => "Jailed",
"JO" => "Join",
"JU" => "Judgment",
"KA" => "Registration Confirmed",
"LC" => "Left at Consignee",
"LQ" => "Liquidate",
"ME" => "Merge",
"MO" => "Mooting",
"NA" => "No Action Required",
"NC" => "Process Routinely, Not Critical",
"ND" => "No Change",
"NP" => "Not Present",
"NS" => "Do Not Send",
"OD" => "Order",
"OP" => "Open",
"OR" => "Use Date or Meter Criteria (whichever occurs first)",
"OT" => "Other Unlisted Action",
"P1" => "Sentenced to Probation",
"PA" => "Tariff Publisher Add",
"PB" => "Partial Transfer of Claim",
"PC" => "Previously Converted",
"PD" => "Tariff Publisher Delete",
"PF" => "Preliminary Final",
"PI" => "Provide Additional Information",
"PJ" => "Progress Payment",
"PO" => "Proposed",
"PP" => "Partial Patient Information",
"PR" => "Present",
"PS" => "Proposal",
"PT" => "Proposal Trace",
"PU" => "Publish Changes",
"PV" => "Provisional Payment",
"R1" => "Reopened",
"R2" => "Send Record Now",
"R3" => "Send Record at End of the Term",
"R4" => "Send Record After Degree is Posted",
"R5" => "Send Vocational Record Only",
"R6" => "Transfer",
"R7" => "Assumption",
"R8" => "Terminate",
"R9" => "Reinstate",
"RA" => "Remove",
"RB" => "Resecure",
"RC" => "Returned to Carrier Facility",
"RD" => "Rate and Division Adjustment",
"RE" => "Released",
"RF" => "Returned to Shipper's Facility (Other Than Original Shipping Location)",
"RG" => "Refer",
"RH" => "Recall",
"RI" => "Restricted",
"RJ" => "Rate Adjustment",
"RK" => "Rate Adjustment with a Sequence Change",
"RL" => "Reschedule",
"RM" => "Remand",
"RN" => "Reject Proposal with Counter Proposal to Follow",
"RO" => "Returned to Original Shipping Location",
"RP" => "Request To Publish",
"RQ" => "Tariff Publisher Reissue",
"RR" => "Reverse and Remand",
"RS" => "Report Status",
"RT" => "Restrain",
"RU" => "Return",
"RV" => "Revoke",
"RW" => "Rescind",
"RX" => "Replace",
"RZ" => "Reject - Header Level Errors",
"S1" => "Secure",
"S2" => "Suspended",
"SA" => "Satisfy",
"SB" => "Subrogate",
"SC" => "Screen",
"SD" => "Seal",
"SE" => "Settle",
"SL" => "Schedule",
"SR" => "Serve",
"SS" => "Sustain",
"SU" => "Suspend",
"SV" => "Sever",
"SZ" => "Seize",
"TD" => "Temporarily Deny",
"TE" => "Oppose",
"TG" => "Temporarily Grant",
"TN" => "Annul",
"TP" => "Temporarily Grant, in Part",
"TR" => "Trim",
"TS" => "Disallow",
"TU" => "Take Under Advisement",
"VA" => "Vacate",
"VC" => "Sight Verification Completed",
"W1" => "Reconcile Historical Records",
"WD" => "Withdrawn",
"WI" => "Winterize",
"WQ" => "Accept",
"WV" => "Waive"))
E309 = , "Location Qualifier"                   , 1, 2,
"A"  => "Jurisdiction to Receive Credit for Uniform Commercial Code Filing",
"B"  => "Transmitting Utility",
"C"  => "Consignor",
"D"  => "Census Schedule D",
"E"  => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing Office",
"F"  => "Current Address",
"G"  => "Census Block Group",
"H"  => "Home Address",
"I"  => "Home Base Address",
"J"  => "Census Tract",
"K"  => "Census Schedule K",
"L"  => "Local Address",
"M"  => "Mailing Address",
"O"  => "Office Address",
"P"  => "Permanent Address",
"Q"  => "Birthplace",
"W"  => "Worldwide Geographic Location Code",
"10" => "Nearest Cross Street",
"11" => "Secondary Cross Street",
"12" => "Range",
"13" => "Section",
"14" => "Quarter Section",
"18" => "Marker Identifier Location",
"19" => "Route",
"20" => "Route Subdivision",
"21" => "Grid Location",
"22" => "Page",
"27" => "Marker Type",
"28" => "Latitude-Longitude Source",
"29" => "Map Source",
"30" => "Map Reference",
"31" => "Grid Source",
"32" => "Aliquot",
"33" => "Block",
"34" => "District",
"35" => "Drainhole Number",
"36" => "City Block",
"38" => "Footage Call Direction",
"39" => "Location Direction",
"40" => "Outer Continental Lease Location",
"41" => "Lot",
"42" => "Map Quadrangle",
"43" => "Principal Meridian",
"44" => "Outer Continental Shelf Area",
"45" => "Outer Continental Shelf Block",
"46" => "Official Protraction Diagram",
"47" => "Quarter Quarter Quarter Section",
"48" => "Quarter Quarter Section",
"49" => "Section Type",
"50" => "Abstract",
"52" => "Labor",
"53" => "League",
"54" => "Survey",
"55" => "Tier",
"57" => "Tract",
"58" => "Universal Transverse Mercator Quadrant",
"59" => "Course Direction",
"60" => "Area",
"93" => "Sender's Location Code",
"94" => "Receiver's Location Code",
"A1" => "Office",
"AA" => "Annual Statements Mailing Address",
"AC" => "City and State",
"AP" => "All Points",
"AR" => "Armed Services Location Designation",
"B1" => "Branch",
"BE" => "Business Economic Area (BEA) Region Code",
"BL" => "Government Bill of Lading Office Code (GBLOC)",
"BS" => "Place of Business",
"C2" => "Geopolitical Name Code",
"CA" => "Country of Origin",
"CB" => "Confirmation Mailing Address",
"CC" => "Country",
"CD" => "Canada Customs Office Code",
"CE" => "Correspondence Mailing Address",
"CG" => "Congressional District",
"CI" => "City",
"CL" => "National Rate Basis (NRB)",
"CM" => "Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA)",
"CO" => "County/Parish and State",
"CR" => "In Tank Car",
"CS" => "Canadian SPLC",
"CY" => "County/Parish",
"DC" => "Distribution Center Number",
"DE" => "Destination (Shipping)",
"DL" => "Delivery Location",
"DO" => "District Office",
"DP" => "Department",
"DR" => "District of Residence",
"DT" => "Domicile Type Code",
"EA" => "Event Location",
"EB" => "Borough",
"EL" => "Employer Location",
"FA" => "Factory",
"FE" => "Freight Equalization Point",
"FF" => "Foreign Freight Forwarder Location",
"FI" => "Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 (Named Populated Places)",
"FR" => "U.S. Custom's Facilities Information and Resource Management Systems (FIRMS)",
"FS" => "Freight Station Accounting Code",
"FT" => "Foreign Trade Zone",
"FV" => "Free Alongside Vessel (Free On Board [F.O.B.] Point)",
"GL" => "Freight Station Geographic Location",
"IA" => "International Air Transport Association (IATA) Location Qualifier",
"IB" => "Issue Location",
"IM" => "Military Standard Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP)",
"IP" => "Postal",
"IS" => "In Store",
"IT" => "Intermediate FOB Point",
"KE" => "Port of Embarkation",
"KL" => "Port of Loading",
"KP" => "Government Furnished Property FOB Point",
"LO" => "Local Office",
"MI" => "Mill",
"MO" => "Main Campus",
"MS" => "Metropolitan Sampling Area (MSA) Region Code",
"MZ" => "Mexican Postal Code",
"NS" => "City/State from Points",
"OA" => "Origin (After Loading on Equipment)",
"OF" => "Other Unlisted Free On Board (FOB) Point",
"OL" => "Open and Prepay Station List Code(SCAC & Number)",
"OP" => "Other Unlisted Acceptance Point",
"OR" => "Origin (Shipping Point)",
"OV" => "On Vessel (Free On Board [FOB] point)",
"PA" => "Port of Arrival",
"PB" => "Port of Discharge",
"PC" => "Policy Mailing Address",
"PD" => "Place of Delivery",
"PE" => "Port of Entry",
"PF" => "Parents Address",
"PG" => "Primary",
"PH" => "Prior Business",
"PL" => "Plant",
"PM" => "Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA)",
"PO" => "Principal Servicing Office",
"PP" => "Pool Point",
"PQ" => "3 Digit U.S. ZIP",
"PR" => "4 Digit U.S. ZIP",
"PS" => "5 Digit U.S. ZIP",
"PT" => "3 Digit Canadian Postal Code",
"PU" => "6 Digit Canadian Postal Code",
"PV" => "9 DIGIT U.S. ZIP",
"PZ" => "11 DIGIT U.S. ZIP",
"RA" => "Rate Area Code",
"RC" => "In Rail Car",
"RE" => "Regional Education Service Agency",
"RG" => "Region Code",
"RJ" => "Region",
"RL" => "Rural",
"RS" => "Standard Carrier Alpha Code",
"RT" => "Route Administrative Message To",
"SA" => "Secondary",
"SB" => "Suburban",
"SC" => "City/State and Points Within",
"SD" => "School District",
"SE" => "Summer",
"SG" => "Storage",
"SH" => "School Campus Code",
"SL" => "U.S. SPLC",
"SN" => "Store Number",
"SP" => "State/Province",
"SS" => "School",
"ST" => "In Storage Tank",
"SW" => "Switching District",
"TA" => "Tank",
"TC" => "Transcontinental Freight Bureau",
"TI" => "Tribal Land",
"TL" => "Terminal Cargo Location",
"TM" => "Terminal",
"TN" => "Township",
"TP" => "Temporary",
"TR" => "Rail Territory",
"TX" => "Taxing District",
"UN" => "United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE)",
"UR" => "Urban",
"UT" => "Business Unit",
"VA" => "Vacation",
"VI" => "Village",
"VS" => "Vessel Stowage Location",
"WF" => "Wharf",
"WH" => "Warehouse",
"WI" => "Winter",
"X1" => "National Center for Education Statistics Locale Code",
"ZN" => "Zone Code",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E310 = , "Location Identifier"                  , 1, 30)
E319 = , "Temperature Control"                  , 3, 6)
E324 = , "Purchase Order Number"                , 1, 22)
E328 = , "Release Number"                       , 1, 30)
E329 = , "Transaction Set Control Number"       , 4, 9)
E330 =
t:: , "Quantity Ordered"                     , 1, 15)
E335 = , "Transportation Terms Code"            , 3, 3)
E337 = , "Time"                                 , 4, 4)
E346 = , "Application Type"                     , 2, 2,
"LT" => "Load Tender - Truckload (TL) Carrier Only",
"PC" => "Partial Load Tender - Carrier Consolidate",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E347 = , "Hash Total"                           , 1, 10)
E349 = , "Item Description Type"                , 1, 1,
"F" => "Free-form"))
E350 = , "Assigned Identification"              , 1, 20)
E352 = , "Description"                          , 1, 80)
E353 = , "Transaction Set Purpose Code"         , 2, 2,
"00" => "Original",
"01" => "Cancellation",
"04" => "Change",
"05" => "Replace"))
E354 = , "Number of Line Items"                  , 1, 6, 0)
E355 = , "Unit or Basis for Measurement Code"    , 2, 2,
"FA" => "Fahrenheit",
"CA" => "Case",
"EA" => "Each",
"LB" => "Pound",
"PC" => "Piece",
"PL" => "Pallet/Unit Load",
"TK" => "Tank",
"IP" => "Master Pack of %",
"CS" => "Case Pack of %",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E356 =
t::   , "Case/Inner Pack"                    , 1, 6)
E357 =
t::   , "Outer Pack"                         , 1, 8)
E363 =  , "Note Reference Code"                 , 3, 3,
"ZZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E364 =  , "Communication Number"                , 1, 80)
E365 = , "Communcation Number Qualifier"        , 2, 2,
"EM" => "Electronic Mail",
"EX" => "Telephone Extension",
"FX" => "Facsimile",
"TE" => "Telephone"))
E366 = , "Contact Function Code"                , 2, 2,
"BD" => "Buyer Name or Department",
"CN" => "General Contact",
"CX" => "Payers Claim Office",
"DC" => "Delivery Contact",
"IC" => "Information Contact",
"SH" => "Shipper Contact",
"HM" => "Hazardous Material Contact"))
E367 =, "Contract Number"                       , 1, 30)
E368 =, "Shipment/Order Status Code"            , 2, 2,
"AB" => "Available to Ship - Billed Quantity",
"CC" => "Shipment Complete on"))
E369 =, "Free-form Description"                 , 1, 45)
E373 = , "Date"                                 , 8, 8)
E374 = , "Date/Time Qualifier"                  , 3, 3,
"001" => "Cancel after",
"002" => "Delivery Requested",
"007" => "Effective",
"010" => "Requested ship",
"011" => "Shipped",
"017" => "Estimated Delivery",
"036" => "Expiration",
"037" => "Ship not before",
"038" => "Ship no later",
"050" => "Received",
"097" => "Transaction Creation",
"150" => "Service Period Start",
"151" => "Service Period End",
"175" => "Cancel if not shipped by",
"193" => "Period Start",
"194" => "Period End",
"232" => "Claim Statement Period Start",
"233" => "Claim Statement Period End",
"405" => "Production",
"472" => "service"))
E375 = , "Tariff Service Code"                  , 2, 2)
E380 =
t:: , "Quantity"                             , 1, 15)
E382 =
t:: , "Number of Units Shipped"              , 1, 10)
E383 =
t:: , "Quantity Difference"                  , 1, 9)
E387 = , "Routing"                              , 1, 35)
E394 = , "Warehouse Receipt Number"             , 1, 12)
E395 =
t:: , "Unit Weight"                          , 1, 8)
E396 = , "Shipment Identification"              , 2, 30)
E397 = , "Color"                                , 1, 10)
E398 =
t:: , "Order Sizing Factor"                  , 1, 10)
E399 = , "Pallet Exchange Code"                 , 1, 1)
E400 = , "Unit Load Option Code"                , 2, 2,
"01" => "Palletized",
"02" => "Floor Stack/Hand Pile",
"03" => "Mixed",
"04" => "Slip Sheet",
"05" => "Module",
"06" => "Clampable",
"07" => "Bop Sheet",
"08" => "Airbag/Slipsheet Combination",
"09" => "Thermal Blanket (Cargo Quilt)",
"10" => "Shrink-wrap",
"11" => "Loadlock",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E406 = , "Quantity of Pallets Shipped"          , 1, 3, 0)
E407 = , "Seal Status Code"                     , 2, 2,
"01" => "Intact",
"02" => "Broken",
"03" => "Missing",
"04" => "Replaced"))
E408 =
t:: , "Temperature"                          , 1, 4)
E413 =
t:: , "Quantity Received"                    , 1, 7)
E416 = , "Pallet Block and Tiers"               , 6, 6, 0)
E426 = , "Adjustment Reason Code"               , 2, 2,
"50" => "Late Charge",
"51" => "Interest Penalty Charge",
"72" => "Authorized Return",
"90" => "Early Payment Allowance",
"AH" => "Origination Fee",
"AM" => "Applied to Borrower's Account",
"AP" => "Acceleration of Benefits",
"B2" => "Rebate",
"B3" => "Recovery Allowance",
"BD" => "Bad Debt Adjustment",
"BN" => "Bonus",
"C5" => "Temporary Allowance",
"CR" => "Capitation Interest",
"CS" => "Adjustment",
"CT" => "Capitation Payment",
"CV" => "Capital Passthru",
"CW" => "Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Passthru",
"DM" => "Direct Medical Education Passthru",
"E3" => "Withholding",
"FB" => "Forwarding Balance",
"FC" => "Fund Allocation",
"GO" => "Graduate Medicale Education Passthru",
"HM" => "Hemophelia Clotting Factor Supplement",
"IP" => "Incentive Premium Payment",
"IR" => "Internal Revenue Service Withholding",
"IS" => "Interim Settlement",
"J1" => "Nonreimbursable",
"L3" => "Penalty",
"L6" => "Interest Owed",
"LE" => "Levy",
"LS" => "Lump Sum",
"OA" => "Organ Acquisition Passthru",
"OB" => "Offset for Affiliated Providers",
"PI" => "Periodic Interim Payment",
"PL" => "Payment Final",
"RA" => "Retro-activity Adjustment",
"RE" => "Return on Equity",
"SL" => "Student Loan Repayment",
"TL" => "Third Party Liability",
"WO" => "Overpayment Recovery",
"WU" => "Unspecified Recovery",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E432 = , "Date Qualifier"                       , 2, 2,
"02" => "Requested Delivery Date",
"04" => "Purchase Order Date",
"10" => "Requested Ship Date",
"11" => "Shipped Date",
"17" => "Estimated Delivery Date",
"19" => "Date Unloaded",
"37" => "Ship Not Before Date",
"38" => "Ship Not Later Than Date",
"53" => "Deliver Not Before Date",
"54" => "Deliver Not Later Than Date",
"64" => "Must Respond By"))
E433 = , "F.O.B. Point Code"                    , 2, 2,
"01" => "City",
"02" => "Destination",
"03" => "Plant or Producing Location",
"04" => "Point of Origin"))
E434 = , "F.O.B. Point"                         , 1, 30)
E438 = , "U.P.C. Case Code"                     , 12,12)
E443 = , "Contact Inquiry Reference"            , 1, 20)
E447 = , "Loop Identifier Code"                 , 1, 4,
"A" => "Loop Identifier Code"))
E451 = , "Warehouse Lot Number"                 , 1, 12)
E455 = , "Responsible Agency Code"              , 1, 2,
"T" => "Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC)",
"X" => "Accredited Standards Committee X12"))
E460 = , "Shipment Weight Code"                 , 1, 1)
E472 = , "Link Sequence Number"                 , 6, 6)
E473 = , "Order Status Code"                    , 1, 1,
"F" => "Cancel",
"N" => "Original",
"R" => "Change"))
E474 = , "Master Reference Number"              , 1, 22)
E478 = , "Credit/Debit Flag Code"               , 1, 1,
"C"   => "Credit",
"D"   => "Debit",
"ACH" => "Automated Clearing House (ACH)",
"BOP" => "Financial Institution Option",
"CHK" => "Check",
"FWT" => "Federal Reserve Funds/Wire Transfer - Nonrepetitive",
"NON" => "Non-Payment Data"))
E479 = , "Functional Identifier Code"           , 2, 2,
"AA" => "Account Analysis (822)",
"AB" => "Logistics Service Request (219)",
"AD" => "Individual Life, Annuity and Disability Application (267)",
"AF" => "Application for Admission to Educational Institutions (189)",
"AG" => "Application Advice (824)",
"AH" => "Logistics Service Response (220)",
"AI" => "Automotive Inspection Detail (928)",
"AK" => "Student Educational Record (Transcript) Acknowledgment (131)",
"AL" => "Set Cancellation (998) and Application Acceptance/Rejection Advice (499)",
"AN" => "Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification (180)",
"AO" => "Income or Asset Offset (521)",
"AR" => "Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice (943)",
"AS" => "Transportation Appointment Schedule Information (163)",
"AT" => "Animal Toxicological Data (249)",
"AW" => "Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice (947)",
"BC" => "Business Credit Report (155)",
"BE" => "Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834)",
"BF" => "Business Entity Filings (105)",
"BL" => "Motor Carrier Bill of Lading (211)",
"BS" => "Shipment and Billing Notice (857)",
"CA" => "Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Initiated (865)",
"CB" => "Unemployment Insurance Tax Claim or Charge Information (153)",
"CC" => "Clauses and Provisions (504)",
"CD" => "Credit/Debit Adjustment (812)",
"CE" => "Cartage Work Assignment (222)",
"CF" => "Corporate Financial Adjustment Information (844 and 849)",
"CG" => "Administrative Message (994)",
"CH" => "Car Handling Information (420)",
"CI" => "Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811)",
"CJ" => "Manufacturer Coupon Family Code Structure (877)",
"CK" => "Manufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail (881)",
"CM" => "Component Parts Content (871)",
"CN" => "Coupon Notification (887)",
"CO" => "Cooperative Advertising Agreements (290)",
"CP" => "Electronic Proposal Information (251, 805)",
"CR" => "Rail Carhire Settlements (414)",
"CS" => "Cryptographic Service Message (815)",
"CT" => "Application Control Totals (831)",
"CV" => "Commercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange (285)",
"D3" => "Contract Completion Status (567)",
"D4" => "Contract Abstract (561)",
"D5" => "Contract Payment Management Report (568)",
"DA" => "Debit Authorization (828)",
"DD" => "Shipment Delivery Discrepancy Information (854)",
"DF" => "Market Development Fund Allocation (883)",
"DI" => "Dealer Information (128)",
"DM" => "Shipper's Car Order (422)",
"DS" => "Data Status Tracking (242)",
"DX" => "Direct Exchange Delivery and Return Information (894, 895)",
"EC" => "Educational Course Inventory (188)",
"ED" => "Student Educational Record (Transcript) (130)",
"EI" => "Railroad Equipment Inquiry or Advice (456)",
"ER" => "Revenue Receipts Statement (170)",
"ES" => "Notice of Employment Status (540)",
"EV" => "Railroad Event Report (451)",
"EX" => "Excavation Communication (620)",
"FA" => "Functional Acknowledgment (997)",
"FB" => "Freight Invoice (859)",
"FC" => "Court and Law Enforcement Information (175, 176)",
"FG" => "Motor Carrier Loading and Route Guide (217)",
"FH" => "Motor Carrier Tariff Information (218)",
"FR" => "Financial Reporting (821, 827)",
"FT" => "File Transfer (996)",
"GB" => "Average Agreement Demurrage (423)",
"GC" => "Damage Claim Transaction Sets (920, 924, 925, 926)",
"GE" => "General Request, Response or Confirmation (814)",
"GF" => "Response to a Load Tender (990)",
"GL" => "Intermodal Group Loading Plan (715)",
"GP" => "Grocery Products Invoice (880)",
"GR" => "Statistical Government Information (152)",
"GT" => "Grant or Assistance Application (194)",
"HB" => "Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information (271)",
"HC" => "Health Care Claim (837)",
"HI" => "Health Care Services Review Information (278)",
"HN" => "Health Care Claim Status Notification (277)",
"HP" => "Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835)",
"HR" => "Health Care Claim Status Request (276)",
"HS" => "Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry (270)",
"IA" => "Air Freight Details and Invoice (110, 980)",
"IB" => "Inventory Inquiry/Advice (846)",
"IC" => "Rail Advance Interchange Consist (418)",
"ID" => "Insurance/Annuity Application Status (273)",
"IE" => "Insurance Producer Administration (252)",
"IG" => "Direct Store Delivery Summary Information (882)",
"II" => "Rail Freight Details and Invoice Summary (411)",
"IJ" => "Report of Injury, Illness or Incident (148)",
"IM" => "Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice (210, 980)",
"IN" => "Invoice Information (810,819)",
"IO" => "Ocean Shipment Billing Details (310, 312, 980)",
"IP" => "Intermodal Ramp Activity (622)",
"IR" => "Rail Carrier Freight Details and Invoice (410, 980)",
"IS" => "Estimated Time of Arrival and Car Scheduling (421)",
"KM" => "Commercial Vehicle Credentials (286)",
"LA" => "Federal Communications Commission (FCC) License Application (195)",
"LB" => "Lockbox (823)",
"LI" => "Locomotive Information (436)",
"LN" => "Property and Casualty Loss Notification (272)",
"LR" => "Logistics Reassignment (536)",
"LS" => "Asset Schedule (851)",
"LT" => "Student Loan Transfer and Status Verification (144)",
"MA" => "Motor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest (224)",
"MC" => "Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal (107)",
"MD" => "Department of Defense Inventory Management (527)",
"ME" => "Mortgage Origination (198, 200, 201, 261, 262, 263, 833, 872)",
"MF" => "Market Development Funds Settlement (884)",
"MG" => "Mortgage Servicing Transaction Sets (203, 206, 260, 264, 266)",
"MH" => "Motor Carrier Rate Proposal (106)",
"MI" => "Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry (213)",
"MJ" => "Secondary Mortgage Market Loan Delivery (202)",
"MK" => "Response to a Motor Carrier Rate Proposal (108)",
"MM" => "Medical Event Reporting (500)",
"MN" => "Mortgage Note (205)",
"MO" => "Maintenance Service Order (650)",
"MP" => "Motion Picture Booking Confirmation (159)",
"MQ" => "Consolidators Freight Bill and Invoice (223)",
"MR" => "Multilevel Railcar Load Details (125)",
"MS" => "Material Safety Data Sheet (848)",
"MT" => "Electronic Form Structure (868)",
"MV" => "Material Obligation Validation (517)",
"MW" => "Rail Waybill Response (427)",
"MX" => "Material Claim (847)",
"MY" => "Response to a Cartage Work Assignment (225)",
"NC" => "Nonconformance Report (842)",
"NL" => "Name and Address Lists (101)",
"NP" => "Notice of Power of Attorney (157)",
"NT" => "Notice of Tax Adjustment or Assessment (149)",
"OC" => "Cargo Insurance Advice of Shipment (362)",
"OG" => "Order Group - Grocery (875, 876)",
"OR" => "Organizational Relationships (816)",
"OW" => "Warehouse Shipping Order (940)",
"PA" => "Price Authorization Acknowledgment/Status (845)",
"PB" => "Railroad Parameter Trace Registration (455)",
"PC" => "Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated (860)",
"PD" => "Product Activity Data (852)",
"PE" => "Periodic Compensation (256)",
"PF" => "Annuity Activity (268)",
"PG" => "Insurance Plan Description (100)",
"PH" => "Pricing History (503)",
"PI" => "Patient Information (275)",
"PJ" => "Project Schedule Reporting (806)",
"PK" => "Project Cost Reporting (839) and Contractor Cost Data Reporting (196)",
"PL" => "Railroad Problem Log Inquiry or Advice (452)",
"PN" => "Product Source Information (244)",
"PO" => "Purchase Order (850)",
"PQ" => "Property Damage Report (112)",
"PR" => "Purchase Order Acknowledgement (855)",
"PS" => "Planning Schedule with Release Capability (830)",
"PT" => "Product Transfer and Resale Report (867)",
"PU" => "Motor Carrier Shipment Pick-up Notification (216)",
"PV" => "Purchase Order Shipment Management Document (250)",
"PY" => "Payment Cancellation Request (829)",
"QG" => "Product Information (878, 879, 888, 889, 893, 896)",
"QM" => "Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message (214)",
"QO" => "Ocean Shipment Status Information (313, 315)",
"RA" => "Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820)",
"RB" => "Railroad Clearance (470)",
"RC" => "Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate (861)",
"RD" => "Royalty Regulatory Report (185)",
"RE" => "Warehouse Stock Receipt Advice (944)",
"RH" => "Railroad Reciprocal Switch File (433)",
"RI" => "Routing and Carrier Instruction (853)",
"RJ" => "Railroad Mark Register Update Activity (434)",
"RK" => "Standard Transportation Commodity Code Master (435)",
"RL" => "Rail Industrial Switch List (423)",
"RM" => "Railroad Station Master File (431)",
"RN" => "Requisition Transaction (511)",
"RO" => "Ocean Booking Information (300, 301,303)",
"RP" => "Commission Sales Report (818)",
"RQ" => "Request for Quotation (840) and Procurement Notices (836)",
"RR" => "Response to Request For Quotation (843)",
"RS" => "Order Status Information (869, 870)",
"RT" => "Report of Test Results (863)",
"RU" => "Railroad Retirement Activity (429)",
"RV" => "Railroad Junctions and Interchanges Activity (437)",
"RW" => "Rail Revenue Waybill (426)",
"RX" => "Rail Deprescription (432)",
"RY" => "Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript) (146)",
"RZ" => "Response to Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript) (147)",
"SA" => "Air Shipment Information (104)",
"SB" => "Switch Rails (424)",
"SC" => "Price/Sales Catalog (832)",
"SD" => "Student Loan Pre-Claims and Claims (191)",
"SE" => "Shipper's Export Declaration (601)",
"SG" => "SG Receiving Advice - Grocery (885)",
"SH" => "Ship Notice/Manifest (856)",
"SI" => "Shipment Information (858)",
"SJ" => "Transportation Automatic Equipment Identification (160)",
"SL" => "Student Loan Application and Guarantee (135, 139)",
"SM" => "Motor Carrier Load Tender (204)",
"SN" => "Rail Route File Maintenance (475)",
"SO" => "Ocean Shipment Information (304, 306, 309, 311, 317, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 361)",
"SP" => "Specifications/Technical Information (841)",
"SQ" => "Production Sequence (866)",
"SR" => "Rail Carrier Shipment Information (404, 419)",
"SS" => "Shipping Schedule (862)",
"ST" => "Railroad Service Commitment Advice (453)",
"SU" => "Account Assignment/Inquiry and Service/Status (248)",
"SV" => "Student Enrollment Verification (190)",
"SW" => "Warehouse Shipping Advice (945)",
"TA" => "Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment (151)",
"TC" => "Court Submission (176)",
"TD" => "Trading Partner Profile (838)",
"TF" => "Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data (813)",
"TI" => "Tax Information Exchange (826)",
"TM" => "Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest (212)",
"TN" => "Tax Rate Notification (150)",
"TO" => "Real Estate Title Services (197, 199, 265)",
"TP" => "Rail Rate Transactions (460, 463, 466, 468, 485, 486, 490, 492, 494)",
"TR" => "Train Sheet (161)",
"TS" => "Transportation Services Tender (602)",
"TT" => "Testing Results Request and Report (138)",
"TX" => "Text Message (864)",
"UA" => "Retail Account Characteristics (885)",
"UB" => "Customer Call Reporting (886)",
"UC" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing (154)",
"UD" => "Deduction Research Report (891)",
"UI" => "Underwriting Information Services (255)",
"UP" => "Motor Carrier Pick-up Manifest (215)",
"UW" => "Insurance Underwriting Requirements Reporting (186)",
"VA" => "Vehicle Application Advice (126)",
"VB" => "Vehicle Baying Order (127)",
"VC" => "Vehicle Shipping Order (120)",
"VD" => "Vehicle Damage (124)",
"VE" => "Vessel Content Details (109)",
"VH" => "Vehicle Carrier Rate Update (129)",
"VI" => "Voter Registration Information (280)",
"VS" => "Vehicle Service (121)",
"WA" => "Product Service Transaction Sets (140, 141, 142, 143)",
"WB" => "Rail Carrier Waybill Interchange (417)",
"WG" => "Vendor Performance Review (501)",
"WI" => "Wage Determination (288)",
"WL" => "Well Information (625)",
"WR" => "Shipment Weights (440)",
"WT" => "Rail Waybill Request (425)"))
E480 = , "Version / Release / Identifier Code"  , 1, 12,
"004010X091" => "Draft Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997"))
E481 = , "Trace Type Code"                      , 1, 2,
"1" => "Current Transaction Trace Numbers",
"2" => "Referenced Transaction Trace Numbers"))
E499 = , "Condition Value"                      , 1, 10)
E501 = , "Customes Document Handling Code"      , 2, 2)
E506 = , "DFI Identification Number Qualifier"  , 2, 2,
"01" => s::CodeList.external("4"),
"04" => s::CodeList.external("91")))
E507 = , "DFI Identification Number"            , 3, 12,
E508 = , "Account Number"                       , 1, 35)
E509 = , "Originating Company Identifier"       , 10,10)
E510 = , "Originating Company Supplemental Code", 9, 9)
E514 = , "Reporting Code"                       , 1, 1,
"F" => "Full Detail",
"U" => "Update"))
E522 = , "Amount Qualifier Code"                , 1, 3,
"A8"  => "Noncovered Charges - Actual",
"AU"  => "Coverage Amount",
"B6"  => "Allowed -Actual",
"D"   => "Payor Amount Paid",
"D8"  => "Discount Amount",
"DY"  => "Per Day Limit",
"EAF" => "Amount Owed",
"F4"  => "Postage Claimed",
"F5"  => "Patient Amount Paid",
"I"   => "Interest",
"KH"  => "Deduction Amount",
"NE"  => "Net Billed",
"NL"  => "Negative Ledger Balance",
"T"   => "Tax",
"T2"  => "Total Claim Before Taxes",
"YU"  => "In Process",
"YY"  => "Returned",
"ZK"  => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 1",
"ZL"  => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 2",
"ZM"  => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 3",
"ZN"  => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 4",
"ZO"  => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 5",
"ZZ"  => "Mutually Defined"))
E531 = , "Agent Shipment ID Number"             , 1, 12)
E554 = , "Assigned Number"                      , 1, 6, 0)
E558 = , "Reservation Action Code"              , 1, 1,
"A" => "Reservation Accepted",
"D" => "Reservation Cancelled"))
E559 = , "Agency Qualifier Code"                , 2, 2)
E560 = , "Special Services Code"                , 2, 10,
"10"    => "First In First Out (FIFO) Oldest Product",
"11"    => "Last In First Out (LIFO) Newest Product",
"AA"    => "Tank Wash Required",
"AC"    => "Acid (Battery)",
"AD"    => "Accept at Destination",
"AF"    => "Affidavit",
"AG"    => "Aircraft On Ground (AOG)",
"AM"    => "Administration",
"AO"    => "Accept at Origin",
"BH"    => "Buyer Hand Carry",
"BI"    => "Bill and Hold",
"C1"    => "Shipper Load and Count",
"C2"    => "Carrier Load and Count",
"CA"    => "Cataloging Services",
"CC"    => "Carrier Unload",
"CD"    => "COD Request",
"CH"    => "Cut and Parallel",
"CI"    => "Cut",
"CM"    => "Continuous Movement",
"CN"    => "Combination Performance and Non-performance",
"CO"    => "Cooperative Unloading",
"CS"    => "Cigarette Stamping",
"CT"    => "Count and Recount",
"CU"    => "Consignee Unload",
"CY"    => "Carry-in Service",
"CZ"    => "Cable Pressurization",
"D1"    => "One - Day Service",
"D2"    => "Two - Day Service",
"DA"    => "Delivery Acknowledgment",
"DE"    => "De-Installation",
"DH"    => "Drop and Hook Receiving",
"DI"    => "Die Service Charge",
"DL"    => "Delivery",
"DS"    => "Designated Supplier Inspection",
"DV"    => "Declared Value",
"EG"    => "Engraving",
"EM"    => "Emergency Service",
"EN"    => "Enclosure",
"ER"    => "Equipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit",
"EU"    => "Exclusive Use Of Equipment",
"EX"    => "Expedited Service",
"F1"    => "Full Service",
"FG"    => "Free Goods",
"FR"    => "Frequent Importer Release System (FIRST)",
"FS"    => "Floor Stock Protection",
"FT"    => "Free and Secure Trade (FAST)",
"GI"    => "Grouped Items",
"GP"    => "Gas Pressure",
"GU"    => "Guaranteed Inspection Technical Service",
"H1"    => "Temperature Protection",
"HC"    => "Handling Service",
"HH"    => "Hointins and Hauling",
"HS"    => "Hauling and Hoisting",
"IC"    => "Inside Cable Connectors",
"ID"    => "Inside Delivery",
"IG"    => "Invoice with Goods",
"IK"    => "Insurance Provided by Lessee",
"IL"    => "Insurance Provided by Lessor",
"IM"    => "Inspect at Destination",
"IN"    => "Insurance",
"IO"    => "Inspect at Origin",
"IP"    => "In-stock Merchandise",
"IQ"    => "Interim Use Permitted at Special Rate",
"IR"    => "Installation and Training",
"IS"    => "Invoice Services",
"IT"    => "In Transit Price Protection",
"KO"    => "Koshering",
"L1"    => "Shipper Load, Carrier Count",
"LA"    => "Labeling",
"LL"    => "Loading Service",
"LS"    => "Lease Shortfall Consideration",
"MI"    => "Mail Invoice",
"ML"    => "Mail Invoice to Each Location",
"NC"    => "Notify Consignee Before Delivery",
"OA"    => "Outside Cable Connectors",
"ON"    => "On-site Service",
"OP"    => "Oversized Package",
"PA"    => "Pack Invoice with Shipment",
"PB"    => "Previous Billing",
"PC"    => "Packaging Service",
"PE"    => "Pulling Eyes",
"PF"    => "Proof & Composition",
"PL"    => "Palletizing",
"PM"    => "Perpetual Movement",
"PO"    => "Purchase Option",
"PP"    => "Progress Payment Requirement",
"RD"    => "Residential Delivery",
"RE"    => "Recall Service",
"RM"    => "Roundtrip Movement",
"RP"    => "Return Parts to Customer",
"S1"    => "Shipper Load, Consignee Unload",
"S2"    => "Slip Sheet, Truck",
"S3"    => "Seller Hand Carry",
"SD"    => "Shrinkage Allowance",
"SG"    => "Same - Day Service",
"SH"    => "Special Handling Service",
"SJ"    => "Subject To Tax On Resale",
"SR"    => "Slip Sheet, Rail",
"SS"    => "Tax Liability - One Time",
"ST"    => "Tax Liability - Amortized",
"SU"    => "Set-up",
"SV"    => "Service Center",
"SW"    => "Swell",
"T1"    => "Onetime Tooling",
"TC"    => "Ticketing Service",
"TE"    => "Tendered as Truckload",
"TH"    => "Technology Exchange",
"TM"    => "Consecutive Movement",
"TO"    => "Tooling",
"UN"    => "Unitized",
"US"    => "USDA Inspected, Stamping Certification",
"V1"    => "Drop Yard",
"V2"    => "Drop Dock",
"WC"    => "Will Call",
"WH"    => "Warehousing",
"XP"    => "Expanded Service",
"XX"    => "Third Party Pallets",
"YY"    => "Split Pickup",
"ZZ"    => "Mutually Defined",
"BOP"   => "Bop Sheet",
"CSA"   => "Canadian Customers Self Assessment (CSA)",
"PLI"   => "Pilot Inspection",
"PSF"   => "Pickup Service Furnished",
"SLP"   => "Slip Sheet",
"SPI"   => "Specification Review",
"A0010" => "Alterations",
"A0020" => "Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)",
"A0030" => "Art Work",
"B0020" => "Black Lung Tax",
"B0040" => "Burning",
"C0012" => "Capping",
"C0032" => "Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)",
"C0036" => "Certificate of Conformance",
"C0038" => "Certificate of Origin",
"D0020" => "Determined Freight",
"D0024" => "Layout/Design",
"D0031" => "Driver Assisted Unloading",
"D0032" => "Driver Assisted Loading",
"E0030" => "Exclusive use",
"G0010" => "Grinding",
"G0052" => "Government Inspection",
"I0012" => "Installation",
"I0013" => "Installation & Warranty",
"I0021" => "Inspection",
"I0022" => "Identification",
"M0010" => "Memo Returnable Container",
"M0042" => "Mounting",
"MNTAN" => "Annual Maintenance",
"MNTMN" => "Monthly Maintenance",
"MNTON" => "One-Time Maintenance",
"N0020" => "Non-returnable Containers",
"N0021" => "Non-Returnable",
"N0032" => "Notarized Affidavit",
"P0012" => "Painting (Primer or Finish)",
"P0014" => "Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)",
"P0016" => "Pickle and Oil",
"P0018" => "Plating",
"P0022" => "Preparation",
"R0072" => "Repair",
"R0076" => "Returnable Container",
"R0077" => "Returnable",
"R0110" => "Rework",
"S0014" => "Shearing",
"S0016" => "Shotblasting",
"S0022" => "Sleeving",
"S0024" => "Ship to Stock Quality Audit",
"S0050" => "Special Packaging",
"S0052" => "Stamping",
"S0054" => "Source Inspection",
"S0056" => "Strapping",
"S0080" => "Supplemental Items",
"T0070" => "Tools for Printing",
"W0010" => "Warranties",
"X0010" => "Combine All Same Day Shipment"))
E567 = , "Equipment Length"                     , 4, 5, 0)
E569 = , "Account Number Qualifier"             , 1, 3,
"DA" => "Demand Deposit",
"SG" => "Savings"))
E571 = , "Tare Qualifier Code"                  , 1, 1,
"A" => "Actual",
"M" => "Marked"))
E587 = , "Acknowledgment Type Code"             , 2, 2,
"AC" => "Acknowledge - With Detail and Change",
"AD" => "Acknowledge - With Detail, No Change",
"AE" => "Acknowledge - With Exception Detail Only",
"AH" => "Acknowledge - Hold Status",
"AK" => "Acknowledge - No Detail or Change",
"AP" => "Acknowledge - Product Replenishment",
"AT" => "Accepted",
"NA" => "No Acknowledgment Needed",
"RD" => "Reject with Detail",
"RF" => "Reject with Exception Detail Only",
"RJ" => "Rejected - No Detail",
"RN" => "Rejected - Not as Agreed",
"RO" => "Rejected With Counter Offer",
"RV" => "Rejected - Violates Industry Practices",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E591 = , "Payment Method Code"                  , 3, 3)
E595 = , "Compartment ID Code"                  , 1, 1,
"1" => "Brake End",
"2" => "2nd from Brake End",
"3" => "3rd from Brake End",
"4" => "4th from Brake End",
"5" => "5th from Brake End",
"6" => "6th from Brake End"))
E610 = , "Amount"                               , 1, 15, 2)
E623 = , "Time Code"                            , 2, 2,
"LT" => "Local Time (Preferred Usage - Explain in detail)"))
E625 = , "COD Method of Payment Code"           , 1, 1,
"1" => "Certified or Cashier's Check Only",
"2" => "Certified or Cashier's or Company Check Only",
"3" => "Certified or Cashier's or Company or Personal Check Only",
"4" => "Cash or Certified Check Only"))
E628 = , "Hierachical ID Number"                , 1, 12)
E639 = , "Basis of Unit Price Code"             , 2, 2,
"PE" => "Price per Each",
"PP" => "Price per Pound",
"UM" => "Price per Unit of Measure"))
E640 = , "Transaction Type Code"                , 2, 2,
"01" => "Location Address Message",
"02" => "Location Relation Information",
"03" => "Report Message",
"04" => "Electronic Mail Message",
"05" => "Request for Co-op",
"06" => "Guidelines",
"07" => "Budget",
"08" => "Commitment",
"09" => "Co-op Actual",
"10" => "Distribution",
"11" => "National Property Registry System Real Estate Property Transaction",
"12" => "Physician's Report",
"13" => "Maintenance Request",
"14" => "Maintenance Response",
"15" => "Request with Immediate Response Required (No Follow-up)",
"16" => "Request with Immediate Response Required (Follow-up Required)",
"17" => "Request with Immediate Response to Mailbox",
"18" => "Response - No Further Updates to Follow",
"19" => "Response - Further Updates to Follow",
"1A" => "Unique Item Tracking Control Report",
"1B" => "Unique Item Tracking Report Reconciliation",
"1C" => "Unique Item Tracking Item Data Change",
"SE" => "CODE SOURCE 350",
"1E" => "New Group Initial Enrollment",
"20" => "Air Export Waybill and Invoice",
"21" => "Air Import Invoice",
"22" => "Ocean Export Direct Invoice",
"23" => "Ocean Export Indirect Invoice",
"24" => "Ocean Export Brokerage Invoice",
"25" => "Ocean Import Invoice",
"26" => "Miscellaneous Services Invoice",
"27" => "Warehouse Services Invoice",
"28" => "Pre-registration",
"30" => "Delivery",
"31" => "Subrogation Demand",
"33" => "Normal",
"Co" => "orming to a standard practice",
"34" => "Emergency Request",
"35" => "Short Notice Request",
"36" => "Damage Notification",
"37" => "Design Report",
"38" => "Test",
"39" => "Notice of Occupational Disease",
"3M" => "Supporting Information",
"40" => "Notice of Traumatic Injury",
"41" => "Statement of Financial Affairs",
"42" => "Customer Shipment",
"43" => "International Shipment",
"44" => "Interplant Shipment",
"45" => "Production to Carrier Shipment",
"46" => "Advanced Payment",
"47" => "Delinquency",
"48" => "Payment Information",
"49" => "Audit",
"50" => "Transfer Loan In",
"51" => "Transfer Loan Out",
"52" => "Mailing Address Services",
"54" => "Information Only, No Response Required",
"55" => "New Service Order",
"56" => "Denied Request",
"57" => "Service Termination",
"58" => "Tax Billing or Remittance",
"60" => "Material In Transit",
"62" => "Preaward Notification",
"63" => "Postaward Notification",
"64" => "Small Business Award Notification",
"65" => "Award Notification",
"66" => "Notification to Late Bidders",
"67" => "Notification of Protest Receipt",
"68" => "Abstract of Offers",
"69" => "Bid Rejection Notice",
"6A" => "Accomplishment Based Renewal",
"6C" => "Competitive Renewal",
"6N" => "Non-competitive Renewal",
"6R" => "Resubmission",
"6S" => "Supplemental",
"70" => "Unsolicited Bid Notice",
"71" => "Filing and Search Request",
"72" => "Termination",
"73" => "Filing Officer Confirmation",
"74" => "Amendment",
"75" => "Full Assignment",
"76" => "Partial Assignment",
"77" => "Full Release of Collateral",
"78" => "Partial Release of Collateral",
"79" => "Continuation",
"80" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Broad Collateral Description",
"81" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Specific Collateral Description",
"82" => "Segregation by Purchase Order Number",
"83" => "Segregation by Carrier PRO Number",
"85" => "Response - No Action Taken",
"87" => "Disability Benefits Proof of Coverage Notification",
"88" => "Debtor Filing",
"89" => "Federal Occupational Reporting",
"91" => "Secured Party Filing",
"94" => "Partial Release Filing",
"95" => "Full (Total) Release",
"97" => "Multiple Listing",
"98" => "Sale",
"99" => "Loan",
"A0" => "Requisition",
"A1" => "Storage Item Data Change",
"A3" => "Administrative Fees",
"A4" => "Amended Return",
"A5" => "Notice of Charge",
"A6" => "Protest or Response to Charge",
"A7" => "Charge Decision",
"AA" => "Due to Analysis",
"AB" => "Advance Shipment and Billing Notice",
"AC" => "Requisition Cancellation",
"AD" => "Notice of Availability",
"AE" => "Due to Reconciliation (Full)",
"AF" => "Requisition Follow-Up",
"AG" => "Due to Reconciliation (Partial)",
"AH" => "Pre-Employment Screening",
"AI" => "Adjusted Invoice",
"AJ" => "Student Loan Interest Statement (1098-E)",
"AK" => "Tuition Payments Statement (1098-T)",
"AL" => "Arbitration",
"AM" => "Requisition Modification",
"AN" => "Material Obligation Inquiry",
"AP" => "Material Obligation Advice",
"AQ" => "Quantity Verification Inquiry",
"AR" => "Supply Assistance",
"AS" => "Shipment Advice",
"AT" => "Administrative Action",
"AV" => "Quantity Verification Advice",
"AW" => "Material Obligation Reinstatement",
"AZ" => "Disposal Shipment Advice",
"BA" => "Backbill Invoice",
"BB" => "Billback",
"BD" => "Statement of Balance Due",
"BF" => "Best and Final Offer",
"BG" => "Non-escrow or Non-impound Tracking",
"BH" => "Bill and Hold Goods",
"BJ" => "Bankruptcy Petition",
"BK" => "Bankruptcy Schedules",
"BL" => "Blanket Lease Schedule",
"BM" => "Requisition Passing Order",
"BN" => "Requisition Referral Order",
"BO" => "Procurement Cancellation",
"BP" => "Procurement Modification",
"BR" => "Business Taxpayer Registration",
"BS" => "Bill of Sale Schedule",
"BT" => "Balance and Transaction Report",
"BU" => "Workers' Compensation 1st Report of Injury",
"BV" => "Workers' Compensation Subsequent Report",
"BW" => "Workers' Compensation Combined 1st and Subsequent Report",
"BX" => "Not for Resale Invoice",
"BZ" => "Freight Invoice",
"C0" => "Customs Entry Detail",
"C1" => "Claim Information",
"C2" => "Case Opening",
"C3" => "Consignment",
"C4" => "Escrow or Impound Service Reporting",
"C5" => "Tax Assessment Bill",
"C6" => "Fixed Assets Tax Return",
"C7" => "Service Cancellation",
"C8" => "Conformed Copy",
"C9" => "Subject to Availability of Funds",
"CA" => "Cash",
"CB" => "Contribution",
"CC" => "Credit Commission Invoice",
"CD" => "Consolidated Debit Invoice",
"CE" => "Consolidated Credit Invoice",
"CF" => "Consolidated Debit Memo",
"CG" => "Consolidated Credit Memo",
"CH" => "Chargeable",
"CI" => "Consolidated Invoice",
"CJ" => "Confirmation",
"CK" => "Claim Submission",
"CL" => "Customer Allocation",
"CM" => "Call Detail Memo",
"CN" => "Credit Invoice",
"CO" => "Corrected",
"CP" => "Commission Payment",
"CR" => "Credit Memo",
"CS" => "Cash Surrender Distribution",
"CT" => "Cost Type Invoice",
"CU" => "Cargo Outturn Report",
"CV" => "Cost Voucher",
"CW" => "Cash Letter",
"CX" => "Check List",
"CY" => "Citation to Pay or Appear",
"CZ" => "Conviction Notice",
"D1" => "Dividend Payment",
"D4" => "Receipt",
"DA" => "Due-In",
"DB" => "Detour Billing",
"DC" => "Debit Commission Invoice",
"DD" => "Interdistrict (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12) Student Record",
"DE" => "Advance Receipt",
"DF" => "Diesel Fuel Bill",
"DG" => "Response",
"DH" => "Discretionary Additional Company Contribution",
"DI" => "Debit Invoice",
"DK" => "Duty Drawback",
"DL" => "Deposit List",
"DM" => "Prior Damage Report",
"DN" => "Direct Nonqualified Rollover",
"DO" => "Drop Shipment Invoice",
"DP" => "District to Postsecondary Student Record",
"DQ" => "Direct Qualified Rollover",
"DR" => "Debit Memo",
"DS" => "Disposition",
"DT" => "Detail",
"DU" => "Duplicate",
"E1" => "Administrative Records Submission",
"EA" => "Excess Interest Allocation",
"EB" => "Engineering Final Bill",
"EC" => "Campaign Filing",
"ED" => "Lobbyist Filing",
"EF" => "Engineering Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"EI" => "Engineering Installation, Final Bill",
"EM" => "Estimate of Record",
"EP" => "Expense Payment",
"ER" => "Engineering Right to Use, Final Bill",
"EX" => "Excess Material Notification",
"F1" => "Final Report",
"F2" => "Pre-approved Bidders List",
"F4" => "Pre-determined Allocation",
"F5" => "Allocation",
"F6" => "Shipper Imbalance",
"F7" => "Producer Imbalance",
"F8" => "Storage Report",
"FA" => "Forfeiture Allocation",
"FB" => "Final Bill",
"FC" => "Forfeiture Credit",
"FD" => "Consolidated Invoice, Final Bill",
"FE" => "Memorandum, Final Bill",
"FF" => "Full Assignment Filing",
"FG" => "Filing",
"FI" => "First Cost Invoice",
"FL" => "Final Notice",
"FM" => "Funding Modification",
"FN" => "First Notice of Loss",
"FP" => "Flat Rate Per Unit Bill",
"FQ" => "Full Enrollment File",
"FR" => "Federal Royalty",
"FS" => "Financial Statement Report",
"FT" => "Material Returns",
"G1" => "Nomination",
"G2" => "Request for Confirmation",
"G3" => "Confirmation Response",
"GA" => "Government Furnished Material Inquiry Advice",
"GI" => "Government Furnished Material Inquiry",
"GR" => "Garnishment",
"GS" => "Credit Report",
"GT" => "Disability Notice",
"GU" => "Black Lung Claim",
"GV" => "Claim Experience Report",
"GW" => "Employer's Report",
"GX" => "Longshore Report",
"GY" => "Unit Report",
"HA" => "Hazardous Waste Report",
"HB" => "Discharge Monitoring Report",
"HC" => "Risk Management Plan",
"HD" => "Self Monitoring Report",
"HE" => "Hazardous Air Pollutant Inventory Report",
"HF" => "Stationary Point Source Inventory Report",
"HG" => "Toxic Release Inventory Report",
"HP" => "Horsepower Equalization Bill",
"HX" => "Handling Carrier Agreement Update",
"I1" => "In-Ad Coupon Notification",
"IA" => "Inventory",
"IB" => "Installation Final Bill",
"IC" => "Insurance Coverage Notification",
"ID" => "Employers Report of Disability",
"IE" => "Indian Royalty",
"IF" => "Material, Engineering, Installation, Final Bill",
"II" => "Interfund Transfer In",
"IM" => "Incident Notice",
"IN" => "Inquiry",
"IO" => "Interfund Transfer Out",
"IR" => "Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"IU" => "Material, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"IW" => "Workers Compensation Report of Injury or Illness",
"IX" => "Interchange Update",
"IZ" => "Investment Fees",
"JM" => "Maintenance and Operations Bill",
"JO" => "Joint Facility Miscellaneous Bill or Other",
"JR" => "Rental Bill",
"JS" => "Junction Settlement Update",
"JU" => "Judgment",
"JX" => "Junction Update",
"KB" => "Termination for Default",
"KC" => "Definitization of Contract",
"KD" => "Definitization of Order",
"KE" => "Exercise of Option",
"KF" => "Intent to Exercise Option",
"KG" => "Administrative Change",
"KH" => "Change Order",
"KI" => "Supplemental Agreement",
"KJ" => "Amended Shipping Instructions",
"KK" => "Provisioned Item",
"KL" => "Withdrawal of Offer",
"KM" => "Additions to General Provisions",
"KN" => "Request for Price Quote",
"KS" => "Addition to Solicitation Mailing List",
"KT" => "Termination for Convenience",
"LC" => "Due-in Reconciliation Inquiry",
"LD" => "Loan Distribution",
"LE" => "Loan Repayment Expense",
"LF" => "Landed Costs",
"LN" => "Loss Notification",
"LO" => "Loan Repayment to Principal Only",
"LP" => "Loan Repayment",
"LR" => "Logistics Reassignment",
"LV" => "Levy",
"M1" => "Manufacturer Coupon Notification",
"M5" => "Measurement Events and Alarms",
"MA" => "Mailing List",
"MB" => "Maintenance to Business Taxpayer Registration",
"MC" => "Material Credit Invoice",
"MD" => "Market Development Fund",
"ME" => "Memorandum",
"MF" => "Material, Engineering, Final Bill",
"MI" => "Material, Installation, Final Bill",
"ML" => "Membership List",
"MM" => "Multiple Shippers, Multiple Consignees",
"MP" => "Mise En Place (In Place)",
"MR" => "Material, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"MS" => "Material Final Bill",
"MU" => "Multifamily Program",
"N1" => "Bilateral",
"N2" => "Notice of Assessment",
"N3" => "Notice of Warrant",
"N4" => "Notice of Adjustment",
"N5" => "Notice of Determination",
"N6" => "Notice of Settlement",
"N7" => "Notice of Recorded Lien",
"N8" => "Notice of Deficiency",
"NA" => "Material Release Order",
"NB" => "Material Release Inquiry",
"NC" => "Material Release Order Forced Closure",
"ND" => "Material Release Cancellation",
"NE" => "Disposal Release Order",
"NF" => "Disposal Release Inquiry",
"NG" => "Disposal Release Cancellation",
"NH" => "Disposal Shipment Confirmation Inquiry",
"NI" => "Redistribution Order",
"NJ" => "Material Release Confirmation",
"NK" => "Material Release Denial",
"NL" => "Material Release Advice",
"NM" => "Disposal Release Confirmation",
"NO" => "Notice",
"NP" => "Disposal Release Denial",
"NQ" => "Disposal Release Advice",
"NR" => "Material Release Cancellation Advice",
"NS" => "In-Transit",
"NT" => "Disposal Release Cancellation Advice",
"NU" => "Inventory Adjustment",
"OA" => "Operational Capacity",
"OC" => "On Approval",
"OF" => "Offer",
"OP" => "Opinion",
"OR" => "Order",
"P1" => "Preliminary",
"P2" => "Employer Group Change",
"P3" => "Individual Change",
"P4" => "Employer Open Enrollment",
"PA" => "Progress Payment Invoice",
"PB" => "Partial Bill",
"PC" => "Invention Report",
"PD" => "Product Allocation",
"PE" => "Pleading",
"PF" => "Partial Assignment Filing",
"PG" => "Premium Routing Guide",
"PH" => "Prospective Student Information",
"PI" => "Personal Injury Bill",
"PJ" => "Component Packing Confirmation",
"PL" => "Plan Allocation",
"PM" => "Premium Payment",
"PO" => "Plan Takeover",
"PP" => "Prepaid Invoice",
"PQ" => "Partial Enrollment File",
"PR" => "Product (or Service)",
"PS" => "Postsecondary Student Academic Record",
"PT" => "Plan-to-plan Transfer",
"PU" => "Notice of Claim",
"PV" => "Protest or Response to Claim",
"PW" => "Claim Decision",
"PX" => "Wage Verification Notice",
"PZ" => "Purchase Report",
"Q1" => "Scheduled Quantity",
"Q2" => "Scheduled Quantity for Operator",
"QA" => "Coupon Regular Clearinghouse Invoice",
"QB" => "Coupon Direct Retailer Invoice",
"QC" => "Coupon Clearinghouse Pay Direct Invoice",
"QD" => "Product Quality Deficiency",
"QE" => "Coupon Scan Validate Invoice",
"QF" => "Scan Validate Adjustment",
"QG" => "Quick Response Routing Guide",
"QH" => "Full Coupon Redemption (No Adjustments)",
"QJ" => "Adjusted Coupon Redemption",
"QK" => "Coupon Redemption Detail",
"QL" => "Adjustments to Previous Coupon Redemption",
"QP" => "Coupon Quick Pay Invoice",
"QR" => "Product Quality Deficiency Response",
"R1" => "Request for Enrollment Verification",
"R2" => "Response to Request for Enrollment Verification",
"R3" => "Response to Garnishment",
"R4" => "Release of Garnishment",
"R5" => "Response to Levy",
"R6" => "Release of Levy",
"R7" => "Response to Order to Withhold",
"R8" => "Release of Order to Withhold",
"RA" => "Request for Credit",
"RB" => "Right to Use",
"RC" => "Request for Quote",
"RD" => "Returns Detail",
"RE" => "Rebill",
"RF" => "Material, Engineering, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"RG" => "Revised Final Bill",
"RH" => "Request for Additional Funds",
"RI" => "Routing Instructions",
"RJ" => "Response to Request for Routing Instructions",
"RK" => "Registration",
"RM" => "Reminder to File",
"RP" => "Reporting",
"RQ" => "Request",
"RS" => "Response - Additional Response(s) Available",
"RT" => "Spend Down",
"RU" => "Medical Services Reservation",
"RZ" => "Removed from Solicitation Mailing List",
"S1" => "Special Routing Guide",
"S2" => "Standard Routing Guide",
"S3" => "Supplemental Loan Repayment",
"S4" => "Submission",
"SA" => "Stand-alone Lease Schedule",
"SB" => "Second Notice of Balance Due",
"SC" => "Deprescription",
"SD" => "Supply Process Deficiency",
"SF" => "Single Family Program",
"SG" => "Sample Goods Invoice",
"SH" => "Shipment Status Notification",
"SI" => "Sight Certification Request",
"SL" => "Summary Lease Schedule",
"SM" => "Single Shipper, Multiple Consignees",
"SO" => "Spot Rate",
"SP" => "Supplier Rating",
"SQ" => "Schedule Query",
"SR" => "Supply Process Deficiency Response",
"SS" => "Single Shipper, Single Consignee",
"ST" => "State Royalty",
"SU" => "Survey",
"SV" => "Supplemental Invoice",
"T1" => "Report sent by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T2" => "Report sent to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T3" => "Common Core of Data (CCD) Report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T4" => "Common Core of Data (CCD) Report to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T5" => "Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T6" => "Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)",
"T7" => "Transportation Invoice",
"T8" => "Sales Invoice",
"T9" => "Service Requester Level Invoice",
"TD" => "Shipment or Movement Deficiency",
"TF" => "Tax or Fee Exemption Certification",
"TG" => "Receipt Acknowledgment Inquiry",
"TH" => "Receipt Acknowledgment Advice",
"TI" => "Delinquent Due-in Advice",
"TJ" => "Delinquent Due-in Inquiry",
"TK" => "Due-in Reconciliation Advice",
"TL" => "Total Loss Evaluation",
"TP" => "Trading Partner Information",
"TR" => "Shipment or Movement Deficiency Response",
"TS" => "Transfer Statement",
"TT" => "Testing Service Report",
"TX" => "Request for Testing Service Report",
"U1" => "Contract Abstract",
"U2" => "Shipment Performance Notice",
"U4" => "Acceptance Alert",
"U5" => "Update",
"U9" => "Contract Payment Notice",
"UA" => "Amendment Filing",
"UC" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing",
"UD" => "Unsalable Detail",
"UF" => "Material, Engineering, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill",
"UI" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing Inquiry",
"UM" => "Termination Filing",
"UO" => "Original Filing",
"UP" => "Unsalable Product Invoice",
"UR" => "Uniform Commercial Code Filing Response to Inquiry",
"US" => "Unsubscribed Capacity",
"UT" => "Continuation Filing",
"V1" => "Contract Completion Report",
"V2" => "Nomination Quick Response",
"V3" => "Confirmation Response Quick Response",
"V4" => "Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response",
"V5" => "Request for Confirmation Quick Response",
"VH" => "Public Voucher",
"VJ" => "Commercial Invoice",
"VL" => "Violation Notice",
"VM" => "Voluntary MEDWATCH Report",
"VN" => "Mandatory MEDWATCH Report",
"VO" => "Medical Device New Baseline Report",
"VP" => "Medical Device Annual Baseline Report",
"VQ" => "User Facility Annual Medical Device Report",
"VR" => "Annual Certification of Medical Device Report",
"W1" => "Weapons Data Change",
"W4" => "Weapons Control Report",
"W5" => "Weapons Control Report Reconciliation",
"WA" => "Work Assignment",
"WC" => "Workers Compensation Proof of Coverage Notification",
"WD" => "Withdrawal",
"WH" => "Order to Withhold",
"WO" => "Work Order",
"WS" => "Waste",
"WT" => "Warrant",
"X1" => "Consolidator's Invoice",
"XA" => "Cancel Pending New Offer",
"XB" => "Bilateral Spot Rate",
"XC" => "Automatic Concurrence",
"XD" => "Special Deprescription",
"XX" => "Firm Order Confirmation with Facility Information",
"XY" => "Firm Order Confirmation",
"XZ" => "Facility Confirmation",
"YI" => "Funds Validation Inquiry",
"YR" => "Funds Validation Response",
"Z1" => "Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)",
"Z2" => "Project Directive",
"Z3" => "Request for Contractual Procurement",
"Z4" => "Reimbursable Work Order",
"ZA" => "Request Initiation of Work Candidate",
"ZB" => "Report of Work Candidate",
"ZC" => "Report of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period",
"ZD" => "Request Assignment of Work Candidate to Planning Maintenance Activity",
"ZE" => "Request for Full Work Candidate Detail",
"ZF" => "Report of Full Work Candidate Detail",
"ZG" => "Report of Approved Work Candidate",
"ZH" => "Request Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate",
"ZI" => "Report of Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate",
"ZJ" => "Request Work Candidate Planning Services",
"ZK" => "Report of Work Candidate Planning Services",
"ZL" => "Report of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Planning/Maintenance Activity",
"ZM" => "Request of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period",
"ZN" => "Stop Work Order",
"ZO" => "Authorization to Continue Work",
"ZP" => "Request for Departure From Specification",
"ZQ" => "Report of Authorized Departure From Specification",
"ZR" => "Request Work Progress Status",
"ZS" => "Report of Work Progress Status",
"ZT" => "Report of Rejection or Return of Work Candidate",
"ZU" => "Request Work Candidate Change",
"ZV" => "Lien Filing",
"ZW" => "Sort and Segregate Detail",
"ZX" => "Expungement of Prior Filing",
"ZY" => "Cancellation of Filing",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E646 =
t:: , "Quantity Shipped to Date"             , 1, 9)
E648 = , "Price Multiplier Qualifier"           , 3, 3)
E649 =
t:: , "Multiplier"                           , 1, 10)
E665 = , "Residue Indicator Code"               , 1, 1,
"G" => "Residue Last Contained Description (Small Means of Containment)",
"P" => "Residue Last Contained Description (Packages)",
"R" => "Residue Last Contained Description (Rail Car)"))
E668 = , "Line Item Status Code"                , 2, 2)
E669 = , "Currency Market/Exchange Code"        , 3, 3,
"IMF" => "International Monetary Fund",
"LNF" => "London (England) Exchange - First Closing",
"LNS" => "London (England) Exchange - Second Closing",
"NYC" => "New York Foreign Exchange",
"PHI" => "Philadelphia Foreign Exchange",
"ZUR" => "Zurich (Switzerland) Exchange"))
E673 = , "Quantity Qualifier"                   , 2, 2,
"01" => "Discrete Quantity",
"02" => "Cumulative Quantity",
"90" => "Acknowledged Quantity",
"AA" => "Unacknowledged Quantity",
"CA" => "Covered - Actual",
"CD" => "Co-insured - Actual",
"FL" => "Units",
"LA" => "Life-time Reserve - Actual",
"LE" => "Life-time Reserve - Estimated",
"NA" => "Number of Non-covered Days",
"NE" => "Non-Covered Amount - Estimated",
"NR" => "Not Replaced Blood Units",
"OU" => "Outlier Days",
"PS" => "Prescription",
"PT" => "Patients",
"QA" => "Quantity Approved",
"QC" => "Quantity Disapproved",
"VS" => "Visits",
"ZK" => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 1",
"ZL" => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 2",
"ZM" => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 3",
"ZN" => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 4",
"ZO" => "Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate Category 5"))
E675 = , "Schedule Type Qualifier"              , 2, 2,
"JS" => "Buyer Production Sequence Schedule",
"SH" => "Shipment Based"))
E676 = , "Schedule Quantity Qualifier"          , 1, 1,
"A" => "Actual Discrete Quantities"))
E678 = , "Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code" , 1, 2)
E679 = , "Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code"        , 1, 1)
E680 = , "Forecast Qualifier"                     , 1, 1,
"C" => "Firm",
"D" => "Planning"))
E681 = , "Forecast Timing Qualifier"            , 1, 1,
"D" => "Discrete",
"F" => "Flexible Interval (from Date X through Date Y)"))
E683 = , "Catalog Purpose Code"                 , 1, 1,
"PC" => "Price Catalog"))
E687 = , "Class of Trade Code"                  , 2, 2)
E706 = , "Entity Relationship Code"             , 2, 2,
"01" => "Parent",
"02" => "Child",
"03" => "Corporation",
"04" => "Subsidiary",
"05" => "Wholly-Owned Subsidiary",
"06" => "Division",
"07" => "Company",
"08" => "Doing Business As",
"09" => "Component",
"10" => "Partnership",
"11" => "Partner",
"12" => "Member",
"13" => "Association",
"14" => "Headquarters",
"15" => "Profit Center",
"16" => "Cost Center",
"17" => "Product Line",
"18" => "Union",
"19" => "Group",
"20" => "Department",
"21" => "Multinational Corporation",
"22" => "Sibling",
"23" => "Affiliate",
"24" => "Direct Affiliate",
"25" => "Established Patient",
"26" => "Not Established Patient",
"27" => "Domestic Partner",
"29" => "Power of Attorney Delegee",
"30" => "Significant Other",
"31" => "Ultimate Parent Company",
"32" => "Branch",
"33" => "Owned",
"34" => "Managed",
"35" => "Leased",
"36" => "Group Affiliate",
"37" => "Owner Affiliate",
"38" => "Owner",
"39" => "Related for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Purposes",
"40" => "Related for U.S. Bureau of the Census Purposes",
"41" => "Spouse",
"42" => "Adoptive Parent",
"43" => "Bank",
"44" => "Brother",
"45" => "Business Associate",
"46" => "Daughter",
"47" => "Dependent",
"48" => "Employee",
"49" => "Employer",
"50" => "Father",
"51" => "Fiancée",
"52" => "Foreman",
"53" => "Foster Parent",
"54" => "Friend",
"55" => "Grand Child",
"56" => "Grand Parent",
"57" => "Guardian",
"58" => "Inforce Policyholder",
"59" => "Institution",
"60" => "Minister",
"61" => "Mother",
"62" => "Neighbor",
"63" => "Non Family",
"64" => "None",
"65" => "Other",
"66" => "Other Family",
"67" => "Self",
"68" => "Sister",
"69" => "Step Child",
"70" => "Supervisor",
"71" => "Teacher",
"72" => "Unknown",
"73" => "Business Name",
"74" => "Counselor",
"75" => "Sanctioning Organization",
"76" => "Sponsoring Organization",
"77" => "Same Job as Applicant",
"78" => "Stockholder",
"79" => "Attorney",
"80" => "Aunt",
"81" => "Brother-in-law",
"82" => "Cousin",
"83" => "Daughter-in-law",
"84" => "Family",
"85" => "Father-in-law",
"86" => "Financial Interest",
"87" => "Marketing Unit",
"88" => "Mother-in-law",
"89" => "Nephew",
"90" => "Niece",
"91" => "Officer",
"92" => "Principal Customer",
"93" => "Principal Supplier",
"94" => "Sister-in-law",
"95" => "Son",
"96" => "Son-in-law",
"97" => "Uncle",
"98" => "Descendant",
"99" => "Director",
"AA" => "Principal Stockholder",
"AB" => "Insured Entity",
"AC" => "Allied Professional",
"AD" => "Ancillary Referral",
"AE" => "Contact",
"AF" => "Contract",
"AG" => "Health Care Facility Affiliation",
"AH" => "Independent Physician/Practice Association (IPA) Affiliation",
"AI" => "Referral Lab Provider",
"AJ" => "Managed Care Organization Affiliation",
"AK" => "Medical Director",
"AL" => "Health Care Network Affiliation",
"AM" => "Office Manager",
"AN" => "On-call Physician",
"AO" => "Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) Affiliation",
"AP" => "Provider in Practice",
"AQ" => "Referred by Provider",
"AR" => "Referred to Provider",
"AS" => "Referral X-ray Provider",
"AT" => "Parent-in-law",
"AU" => "Step Parent",
"AV" => "Former Spouse",
"AW" => "Ward",
"BA" => "Delivery Service Provider",
"BB" => "Maintenance Service Provider",
"CP" => "Custodial Parent",
"EP" => "Equipment Provider",
"LO" => "Local",
"OP" => "Obligated Parent",
"PI" => "Principal",
"RE" => "Regional"))
E715 = , "Functional Group Acknowledgment Code" , 1, 1,
"A" => "Accepted",
"E" => "Accepted, But Errors Were Noted",
"M" => "Rejected, Message Authentication Code (MAC) Failed",
"P" => "Partially Accepted, At Least One Transaction Set Was Rejected",
"R" => "Rejected",
"W" => "Rejected, Assurance Failed Validity Tests",
"X" => "Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed"))
E716 = , "Functional Group Syntax Error Code"   , 1, 3,
"1"  => "Functional Group Not Supported",
"2"  => "Functional Group Version Not Supported",
"3"  => "Functional Group Trailer Missing",
"4"  => "Group Control Number in the Functional Group Header and Trailer Do Not Agree",
"5"  => "Number of Included Transaction Sets Does Not Match Actual Count",
"6"  => "Group Control Number Violates Syntax",
"10" => "Authentication Key Name Unknown",
"11" => "Encryption Key Name Unknown",
"12" => "Requested Service (Authentication or Encryption) Not Available",
"13" => "Unknown Security Recipient",
"14" => "Unknown Security Originator",
"15" => "Syntax Error in Decrypted Text",
"16" => "Security Not Supported",
"17" => "Incorrect Message Length (Encryption Only)",
"18" => "Message Authentication Code Failed",
"19" => "Functional Group Control Number not Unique within Interchange",
"23" => "S3E Security End Segment Missing for S3S Security Start Segment",
"24" => "S3S Security Start Segment Missing for S3E Security End Segment",
"25" => "S4E Security End Segment Missing for S4S Security Start Segment",
"26" => "S4S Security Start Segment Missing for S4E Security End Segment"))
E717 = , "Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code"  , 1, 1,
"A" => "Accepted",
"E" => "Accepted But Errors Were Reported",
"M" => "Rejected, Message Authentication Code (MAC) Failed",
"R" => "Rejected",
"W" => "Rejected, Assurance Failed Validity Tests",
"X" => "Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed"))
E718 = , "Transaction Set Syntax Error Code"    , 1, 3)
E719 = , "Segment Position in Transaction Set"  , 1, 10, 0)
E720 = , "Segment Syntax Error Code"            , 1, 3)
E721 = , "Segment ID Code"                      , 2, 3,
E722 = , "Element Position in Segment"          , 1, 2, 0)
E723 = , "Data Element Syntax Error Code"       , 1, 3)
E724 = , "Copy of Bad Data Element"             , 1, 99)
E725 = , "Data Element Reference Number"        , 1, 4, 0)
E728 = , "Returnable Container Load Make-Up Code" , 1, 2)
E729 = , "Category - Ship Notice Date"          , 6, 6)
E730 = , "Subcategory - Ship Notice Time"       , 4, 4)
E734 = , "Hierarchical Parent ID Number"        , 1, 12)
E735 = , "Hierarchical Level Code"              , 1, 2,
"19" => "Provider of Service",
"20" => "Information Source",
"21" => "Information Receiver",
"22" => "Subscriber",
"23" => "Dependent",
"PT" => "Patient",
"I"  => "Item",
"S"  => "Shipment",
"T"  => "Shipping Tare",
"P"  => "Pack"))
E736 = , "Hierarchical Child Code"              , 1, 1,
"0" => "No Subordinate HL Segment in This Hierarchical Structure",
"1" => "Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure"))
E737 = , "Measurement Reference ID Code"        , 2, 2,
"9L" => "Ninth Layer",
"AA" => "Meter reading-beginning actual/ending actual",
"AB" => "Average Balance",
"AC" => "Maximum Balance",
"AD" => "Serving Specifications",
"AE" => "Meter reading-beginning actual/ending estimated",
"AF" => "Actual Total",
"AG" => "Compliance Total",
"AH" => "Gross Compliance Total",
"AI" => "Net Compliance Total",
"AJ" => "Effectiveness",
"AK" => "Penetration",
"AL" => "Exposure",
"AM" => "Capacity",
"AN" => "Work",
"AO" => "Account Opened Period",
"AP" => "Apartments",
"AQ" => "Amount Owes",
"AR" => "Annual Result",
"AS" => "Modified Exposure",
"AT" => "Pro Rata Factor",
"AU" => "Sample",
"AV" => "Average Reading",
"AW" => "Relative Humidity",
"AX" => "Alcohol",
"BA" => "Base Point",
"BB" => "Bank Balance",
"BC" => "Billed Actual",
"BD" => "Billed Dimensions",
"BL" => "Bundle Limitation",
"BM" => "Base Metal",
"BN" => "Billed Minimum",
"BO" => "Meter Reading as Billed",
"BP" => "Bearing Piece Limitation",
"BR" => "Billed History",
"BT" => "Batch Limits",
"BZ" => "Batten Size",
"C1" => "Conformance Property Status",
"CA" => "Coating",
"CB" => "Condominium",
"CC" => "Cooperative",
"CF" => "Conversion Factor",
"CG" => "Average Owing",
"CH" => "Chemistry",
"CJ" => "Current Balance",
"CK" => "Discounted Checks",
"CL" => "Drafts",
"CM" => "Commercial",
"CN" => "Core Notch Dimensions",
"CO" => "Concentration",
"CP" => "Letter of Credit Size",
"CQ" => "Payment Orders",
"CS" => "Core Size",
"CT" => "Counts",
"CU" => "Pledge Size",
"CV" => "Cumulative Test Period",
"CW" => "Promissory Notes in Force",
"CY" => "Secured Amount",
"DE" => "Defects",
"DN" => "Dunnage Dimension",
"DR" => "Per Drop",
"DS" => "Defect Size",
"DT" => "Dimensional Tolerance",
"EA" => "Meter reading-beginning estimated/ending actual",
"EE" => "Meter reading-beginning estimated/ending estimated",
"EF" => "Evaluation Factors",
"EL" => "Electrical Characteristics",
"EN" => "Environmental Conditions",
"FC" => "First of Campaign Result",
"FD" => "Finished Dimensions",
"FH" => "Radio Operations",
"FJ" => "Antenna Characteristics",
"FV" => "Firing Values",
"FZ" => "File Size",
"GC" => "Contractor Delivery Limitations",
"GL" => "Guidelines",
"GO" => "Government Ordering Limitations",
"GP" => "Ordering Period Limitations",
"HC" => "High Credit Average",
"HR" => "Historical Result",
"ID" => "Industrial",
"IN" => "Incrustation",
"IR" => "Interpolated Result",
"LC" => "Limited Weight/Size Coils",
"LD" => "Load Planning Dimensions",
"LG" => "Loans Granted",
"LL" => "Lift Limitation",
"LM" => "Layer of Multiple Layered Product",
"LP" => "Last Sold Period",
"LS" => "Lot Status",
"LT" => "Lot Limits",
"MA" => "Accuracy",
"MB" => "Activity Period Result",
"MC" => "Average Daily Limit",
"MD" => "Design Capacity",
"ME" => "Map Scale",
"MF" => "Maximum Daily Limit",
"MI" => "Minerals",
"MP" => "Maturity Period",
"MR" => "Base Material Result",
"NC" => "Net Change",
"NE" => "Neighborhood",
"NS" => "North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Size Standard",
"NU" => "Nutritional",
"NX" => "Net Explosive Weight",
"OD" => "Ordered Dimensions",
"OG" => "Original",
"OL" => "Order Limits",
"OP" => "Other Property",
"P1" => "Platform Limitation",
"PA" => "Pallet Dimensions",
"PB" => "Receivership Period",
"PC" => "Parting Cut (Sawcut)",
"PD" => "Physical Dimensions",
"PI" => "Project Incomplete",
"PJ" => "Project Complete",
"PK" => "Package Dimensions",
"PL" => "Package Limitations",
"PM" => "Permitted",
"PO" => "Position",
"PR" => "Product Dimension Range Price Bracket",
"PS" => "Product Characteristic Specification",
"PT" => "Pretest Period",
"PU" => "Planned Urban Development",
"PY" => "Property",
"QR" => "Quarterly Result",
"QV" => "Quantity Variation",
"R1" => "Opening Reading",
"R2" => "Closing Reading",
"RA" => "Reject Amount",
"RB" => "Repair Size",
"RG" => "Regulatory Limit",
"RL" => "Receiving Facility Limitations",
"RN" => "Lengths Limitation",
"RO" => "Roll Limits",
"RP" => "Relative Position",
"RQ" => "Requested",
"RS" => "Response Time",
"RT" => "Replacement",
"SA" => "Spacing/Margin",
"SB" => "Single Family",
"SC" => "Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code Size Standards",
"SD" => "Shipped Dimensions",
"SE" => "Property Specifications",
"SF" => "Shelf Life",
"SH" => "Shipping Tolerance",
"SI" => "Selling Dimensions",
"SJ" => "Subject Phase",
"SK" => "Skid Dimensions",
"SL" => "Skid Limitations",
"SM" => "Shade",
"SP" => "Splices",
"SR" => "Surface Roughness",
"ST" => "Surface Treatment",
"SU" => "Surface",
"SZ" => "Subject Property",
"TA" => "Two to Four Family",
"TD" => "Splice Tape Dimensions",
"TE" => "Temperature",
"TI" => "Time",
"TL" => "Transportation Equipment Limitations",
"TO" => "Total Dimensions",
"TP" => "Test Period",
"TR" => "Test Results",
"TS" => "Single Test Limits",
"TT" => "This Type Property",
"VD" => "Variant Days",
"VI" => "Vitamin",
"VT" => "Vacant",
"WA" => "Waste Amount",
"WR" => "Warranty",
"WT" => "Weights",
"ZA" => "Multi - Family",
"ZP" => "Log Zero Point of Reference"))
E738 = , "Measurement Qualifier"                , 1, 3,
"1"   => "Control Efficiency",
"2"   => "Capture Efficiency",
"3"   => "Photonflux Density",
"4"   => "Throughput Rate",
"5"   => "Cloud Cover",
"6"   => "Velocity",
"7"   => "Plume Height",
"8"   => "Individuals",
"9"   => "Storage Limits",
"A"   => "Consolidated Weight",
"B"   => "Billed Weight",
"C"   => "Actual New Repeated for Combination",
"D"   => "Destination Weight Agreement",
"E"   => "Estimated New Weight",
"F"   => "Deficit Weight",
"G"   => "Gross Weight",
"H"   => "Ground Water Reference Point",
"I"   => "Heat Input",
"L"   => "Legal Weight",
"M"   => "Minimum Weight (for Weight)",
"N"   => "Actual Net Weight",
"O"   => "Excess Weight Over Maximum",
"Q"   => "Volatile Organic Compounds Plus Water",
"R"   => "Per Unit Dunnage",
"S"   => "State Weight",
"T"   => "Tare Weight",
"U"   => "Weight per Unit",
"V"   => "Oxygenation Level",
"W"   => "Reformulated Fuel Level",
"X"   => "Maximum Weight (for Rate)",
"10"  => "Painting Costs",
"11"  => "Structural Costs",
"12"  => "Appliances",
"13"  => "Utilities",
"14"  => "Carpet or Floors",
"15"  => "Other Repairs",
"16"  => "Landscaping",
"18"  => "Roof",
"19"  => "Windows",
"1F"  => "Radio Frequency",
"20"  => "Cleaning or Trash Removal",
"21"  => "Probable Sales Price",
"22"  => "Proximity",
"23"  => "Repairs and Improvements",
"24"  => "Contributory Value of Repairs and Improvements",
"25"  => "Marketing Time",
"26"  => "Closed Comparable Sales",
"27"  => "Competitive Listings in Price Range",
"28"  => "Financing Concessions",
"29"  => "Marketing Concessions",
"2F"  => "Alternate Radio Frequency",
"30"  => "Probable Net Price",
"31"  => "Suggested Initial List Price",
"32"  => "Value Change",
"33"  => "Probable Final Value",
"34"  => "Occupancy Rate",
"35"  => "Number of Living Units",
"36"  => "Number of Phases",
"37"  => "Number of Active Listings",
"38"  => "Price Active Listings",
"3A"  => "Target Depth",
"3B"  => "Current Depth",
"3C"  => "Total Depth",
"3D"  => "Well Test Before Oil",
"3E"  => "Well Test Before Gas",
"3F"  => "Well Test Before Water",
"3G"  => "Well Test After Oil",
"3H"  => "Well Test After Gas",
"3I"  => "Well Test After Water",
"3J"  => "Estimated Depth of Operations",
"40"  => "Price Per Gross Living Area",
"41"  => "Built-up Rate",
"42"  => "Vacant Rate",
"43"  => "Typical Rents",
"44"  => "Neighborhood Apartment Vacancy",
"45"  => "Number of Admissions",
"48"  => "Cost of Hire",
"49"  => "Frontage",
"4F"  => "Squelch Tone",
"50"  => "Gross Sales",
"51"  => "Number of Employees",
"52"  => "Payroll",
"53"  => "Per Capita or Each",
"54"  => "Remuneration",
"56"  => "Total Cost",
"57"  => "Total Mileage",
"58"  => "Number of Rating Units",
"5F"  => "Height above Ground",
"62"  => "Garage Employee Payroll Maximum",
"63"  => "Employee Gross Wage Less Allowable Deductions",
"65"  => "Garage Employee Average Hours Worked Per Week",
"66"  => "Garage (Dealers) Employee Weeks Worked",
"68"  => "Gross Wage",
"6F"  => "Gain",
"78"  => "Subcontractor - Labor and Materials",
"79"  => "Subcontractor - Labor Only",
"8F"  => "Directional Height above Average Terrain",
"A1"  => "Acids",
"A2"  => "Adsorption",
"A3"  => "Aging Time",
"A4"  => "Aromatics",
"A5"  => "Average Differential Pressure",
"A6"  => "Average Static Pressure",
"A7"  => "Flame Projection Distance",
"A9"  => "Exposure",
"AA"  => "Alternating Current",
"AB"  => "Activation Energy",
"AC"  => "Actinium",
"AD"  => "Ambient Temperature",
"AE"  => "Argon",
"AF"  => "Angle of Bend",
"AG"  => "Americium",
"AH"  => "Astatine",
"AI"  => "Acidity",
"AJ"  => "Aim Gage",
"AK"  => "Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)",
"AL"  => "Spine Show",
"AM"  => "Average Speed",
"AN"  => "Flute Test",
"AO"  => "Alcohol",
"AP"  => "Average Pressure",
"AR"  => "Beta Carotene",
"AS"  => "Ash Fusion Temperature",
"AT"  => "Additive",
"AU"  => "Number of Units Projected",
"AV"  => "Age",
"AW"  => "Remaining Economic Life",
"AX"  => "Remaining Physical Life",
"AY"  => "Number of Comparable Sales",
"AZ"  => "Arbor Size",
"B0"  => "Blemishes",
"B1"  => "Base Number",
"B2"  => "Number of Comparable Listings",
"B3"  => "Present Land Use",
"B4"  => "Subject Phase Dwelling Units",
"B5"  => "Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient",
"B6"  => "Total Project Dwelling Units",
"B7"  => "Biotin",
"B8"  => "Carbohydrates",
"B9"  => "Cholesterol",
"BA"  => "Barium",
"BB"  => "Beryllium",
"BC"  => "Billet Size",
"BD"  => "Bias",
"BE"  => "Boron Factor",
"BF"  => "Brinell",
"BG"  => "Berkelium",
"BH"  => "Bromine",
"BI"  => "Edible",
"BJ"  => "Burst Index",
"BK"  => "Bulk",
"BL"  => "Blisters",
"BM"  => "Energy",
"BN"  => "Bend",
"BO"  => "Lateral Bow (Camber)",
"BP"  => "Boiling Point",
"BQ"  => "Breaks",
"BR"  => "Brightness",
"BS"  => "Folate",
"BT"  => "Bursts",
"BU"  => "Buckles",
"BV"  => "Moisture Loss %",
"BW"  => "Basis Weight",
"BX"  => "Blood Alcohol",
"BY"  => "Monounsaturated Fat",
"BZ"  => "Niacin-B3",
"C0"  => "Color Grade",
"C1"  => "Carbonyl",
"C2"  => "Catalyst",
"C3"  => "Maximum Contraction",
"C4"  => "Color Quadrant",
"C5"  => "Omega 3 Fatty Acids",
"C6"  => "Omega 6 Fatty Acids",
"C7"  => "Organic Acids",
"C8"  => "Pantothenic Acid",
"C9"  => "Polyunsaturated Fat",
"CA"  => "Caliper",
"CB"  => "Protein",
"CC"  => "Celsius",
"CD"  => "Compression",
"CE"  => "Capacitance In",
"CF"  => "Capacitance Out",
"CG"  => "Cadmium",
"CH"  => "Cesium",
"CI"  => "Curium",
"CJ"  => "Cycle Time",
"CK"  => "Californium",
"CL"  => "Cladding Thickness(% of Composite Thickness)",
"CM"  => "Cures",
"CN"  => "Chlorine",
"CO"  => "Core Loss",
"CP"  => "Crimp",
"CQ"  => "Cuts",
"CR"  => "Crosswise Spacing",
"CS"  => "Cross Section",
"CT"  => "Center-to-center",
"CU"  => "Coil Curvature",
"CV"  => "Riboflavin-B2",
"CW"  => "Cuttable Width",
"CX"  => "Calculated Value",
"CY"  => "Contamination",
"CZ"  => "Saturated Fat",
"D0"  => "Diacetyl",
"D1"  => "Maximum Dilatation",
"D2"  => "Dispersing Agent",
"D3"  => "Drying Agent",
"D4"  => "Dry Point",
"D5"  => "Wear",
"D6"  => "Horizontal",
"D7"  => "Distillation Fraction",
"D8"  => "Vertical",
"D9"  => "Dots per Inch",
"DA"  => "Delta Value A",
"DB"  => "Delta Value B",
"DC"  => "Ductile Class",
"DD"  => "Depth of Dents",
"DE"  => "Defects",
"DF"  => "Distance Across Flats",
"DG"  => "Direct Current",
"DH"  => "Dysprosium",
"DI"  => "Diameter",
"DJ"  => "Dominant Wave Length",
"DK"  => "Color Bits in Palette",
"DL"  => "Delta Value L",
"DM"  => "Dual Amplitude",
"DN"  => "Density",
"DO"  => "Compressed File Size",
"DP"  => "Depth",
"DQ"  => "Soluble Fibre",
"DR"  => "Delta R",
"DS"  => "Distance Between Points",
"DT"  => "Distance From Base Point",
"DU"  => "Draw Tension",
"DV"  => "Starch",
"DW"  => "Width, Boxcar Door",
"DX"  => "Sugar",
"DY"  => "Dyeability",
"DZ"  => "Sugar Alcohol",
"E0"  => "Extraneous Matter",
"E1"  => "End",
"E2"  => "Thiamin-B1",
"E3"  => "Total Dietary Fibre",
"E4"  => "Total Fat",
"E5"  => "Transfatty Acids",
"E6"  => "Vitamin B12",
"E7"  => "Vitamin B6",
"E8"  => "Vitamin C",
"E9"  => "Vitamin D",
"EA"  => "Elongation",
"EB"  => "Edge Burr",
"EC"  => "English Coil Dimensions",
"ED"  => "Eddy",
"EE"  => "Einsteinium",
"EF"  => "Europium",
"EG"  => "Equivalent Temperature",
"EH"  => "Erbium",
"EI"  => "Expansion",
"EJ"  => "Electrical Conductivity",
"EK"  => "Vitamin E",
"EL"  => "Elasticity",
"EM"  => "Elmendorf Tear",
"EN"  => "Entanglement",
"EO"  => "Vitamin K",
"EP"  => "Exciting Power",
"ES"  => "Edge",
"ET"  => "End Point",
"EW"  => "Empty Weight",
"EX"  => "Eccentricity",
"F0"  => "Fat",
"F1"  => "Fire Point",
"F2"  => "Radiated Power",
"F3"  => "Output Power (Peak Envelope)",
"F4"  => "Height above Average Terrain",
"F5"  => "Ground Elevation",
"F6"  => "Height to Tip",
"F7"  => "Radius from a Location",
"F8"  => "Radius from Coordinates",
"F9"  => "Operating Hours",
"FA"  => "Fluorine",
"FB"  => "Flare",
"FC"  => "Short Cycle Flatness",
"FD"  => "Frequency of Operation",
"FE"  => "Fermium",
"FF"  => "Francium",
"FG"  => "Freezing Point",
"FH"  => "Finish",
"FI"  => "Filament Count",
"FJ"  => "Face Width",
"FK"  => "Fluid Consistency",
"FL"  => "Longitudinal Flatness",
"FN"  => "Flatness",
"FP"  => "Flashpoint",
"FQ"  => "Frequency",
"FR"  => "Flow Rate",
"FS"  => "Fold Strength",
"FT"  => "Flange Thickness",
"FU"  => "Azimuth",
"FV"  => "Transverse Flatness",
"FW"  => "Flange Width",
"FX"  => "Filler",
"FY"  => "Beam",
"FZ"  => "Output Power (Mean RF)",
"G1"  => "Gutter",
"G2"  => "Grain Size",
"G3"  => "Tilt",
"G4"  => "G-Force",
"GA"  => "Grain",
"GB"  => "Guided Bends Root",
"GC"  => "Gadolinium",
"GD"  => "Gold",
"GE"  => "Guided Bends Face",
"GF"  => "Guided Bends Side",
"GG"  => "Gauge",
"GH"  => "Gallium",
"GI"  => "Grit, Brushed",
"GJ"  => "Grit, Unbrushed",
"GK"  => "Tinting Strength",
"GL"  => "Gloss",
"GM"  => "Emulsion Gloss",
"GN"  => "Gross to Net Conversion Factor",
"GO"  => "Particle End Point",
"GP"  => "Group Package Separation",
"GQ"  => "Scattered Particles",
"GR"  => "Gravity",
"GS"  => "Carbon Black Undertone",
"GT"  => "Glass Transition Temperature",
"GW"  => "Gross Weight, Maximum",
"H1"  => "Heavies",
"H8"  => "Net Explosive Weight",
"H9"  => "Recommended Exposure Limit",
"HA"  => "Hydro Pressure",
"HB"  => "Heavy Aluminas",
"HC"  => "Helium",
"HD"  => "High Propagation Delay Time",
"HE"  => "Heavy Silicates",
"HF"  => "Hardness",
"HG"  => "Heavy Sulfides",
"HH"  => "Heavy Globular Oxides",
"HI"  => "Hafnium",
"HJ"  => "Holmium",
"HK"  => "Human Factors",
"HL"  => "Heat Loss",
"HM"  => "Height, Maximum",
"HO"  => "Holes",
"HP"  => "Height of Tread Plate Pattern",
"HR"  => "Height of Runners",
"HT"  => "Height",
"HZ"  => "Hazepoint",
"IA"  => "Imperfections - Thicks",
"IB"  => "Impact Energy",
"IC"  => "Incremental Distance",
"ID"  => "Inside Diameter",
"IE"  => "Imperfections - Thins",
"IF"  => "Input Low Voltage",
"IG"  => "Granulated Ingot Size",
"IH"  => "Input Current",
"II"  => "Input Setup Time",
"IJ"  => "Input Hold Time",
"IK"  => "Indium",
"IL"  => "Imperfections - Neps",
"IM"  => "Iridium",
"IN"  => "Input Low Current",
"IO"  => "Input High Current",
"IP"  => "Input Leakage Current",
"IQ"  => "Input Clamp Diode Voltage",
"IR"  => "Ideal Diameter",
"IS"  => "Input High Voltage",
"IT"  => "Interrupt Pulse Period",
"IU"  => "Interrupt Setup Time",
"IV"  => "Iodine",
"IW"  => "Incrustation Factor",
"IX"  => "Inside Diameter, Minimum",
"IY"  => "Induction",
"IZ"  => "Ingot Pound Size",
"JA"  => "Junction Temperature",
"KA"  => "Knoop",
"KB"  => "Krypton",
"KN"  => "K&N Holdout",
"L0"  => "Leaf Grade",
"L1"  => "Lights",
"LA"  => "Lanthanum",
"LB"  => "Lithium",
"LC"  => "Low Propagation Delay Time",
"LD"  => "Lawrencium",
"LE"  => "Lutetium",
"LF"  => "Long Fibers",
"LG"  => "Leg",
"LL"  => "Long Leg",
"LM"  => "Length, Maximum",
"LN"  => "Length",
"LO"  => "Long Length",
"LP"  => "Camber of Pattern Line",
"LS"  => "Short Leg",
"LT"  => "Lengthwise Spacing",
"LW"  => "Long Width",
"M1"  => "Melt Range",
"M2"  => "Maximum Differential Pressure",
"M3"  => "Maximum Static Pressure",
"M4"  => "Area",
"M5"  => "Minimum Speed",
"M6"  => "Maximum Speed",
"MA"  => "Mean Average",
"MB"  => "Mendelevium",
"MC"  => "Min./Max Cuttable Width",
"MD"  => "Measurement Voltage",
"ME"  => "Maximum Input Low Voltage",
"MF"  => "Minimum Input High Voltage",
"MG"  => "Mercury",
"MH"  => "Melting Point",
"MI"  => "Minimum",
"MJ"  => "Major Section (Stepped)",
"MK"  => "Microseperometer (MSEP)",
"MM"  => "Management",
"MN"  => "Minimum Average",
"MO"  => "Mottles",
"MP"  => "Mullen Pop",
"MQ"  => "MCQuaid",
"MR"  => "Module R (R Bar)",
"MS"  => "Minor Section (Stepped)",
"MT"  => "Moisture Content",
"MU"  => "Multiplier",
"MV"  => "Maximum Average",
"MW"  => "Molecular Weight",
"MX"  => "Maximum",
"MY"  => "Magnetizing Field",
"NA"  => "Number per Package",
"NB"  => "Number per Bundle",
"NC"  => "Number per Coil Group",
"ND"  => "Neodymium",
"NF"  => "Neon",
"NG"  => "Nobelium",
"NH"  => "Number of Items per Package Label",
"NI"  => "Number of Splices per Package Label",
"NJ"  => "Number of Sheets per Package Label",
"NK"  => "Nesting Factor",
"NL"  => "Number per Lift",
"NM"  => "Number Pkgs. per Master Pack",
"NO"  => "Nominal (Target, Aim)",
"NP"  => "Percent of Specified",
"NS"  => "Number per Skid",
"NU"  => "Number per Unit",
"NV"  => "N Value",
"O1"  => "Orifice - Inside Diameter",
"OA"  => "Offset",
"OB"  => "Osmium",
"OC"  => "Output Low Voltage",
"OD"  => "Outside Diameter",
"OE"  => "Output Low Current",
"OF"  => "Output High Voltage",
"OG"  => "Output High Current",
"OH"  => "Overhead Height, Receiving Door",
"OI"  => "Output Off Current Low",
"OJ"  => "Output Off Current High",
"OK"  => "Output Short-Circuit Current",
"OL"  => "Output Disable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output",
"OM"  => "Outside Diameter, Maximum",
"ON"  => "Output Disable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output",
"OO"  => "Output Enable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output",
"OP"  => "Openness",
"OQ"  => "Output Enable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output",
"OR"  => "Distance Between Outside Runners",
"OS"  => "Open Circuits",
"OT"  => "Output Delay Time",
"OV"  => "Opacity",
"OW"  => "Overall Width",
"OX"  => "Ownership Share",
"OY"  => "Operating Weight",
"P1"  => "Price",
"PA"  => "Package Separation",
"PB"  => "Pressure",
"PC"  => "Per Hundred Linear Yards",
"PD"  => "Platinum",
"PE"  => "Potassium",
"PF"  => "Promethium",
"PG"  => "Polonium",
"PH"  => "Pulse Setup Time",
"PI"  => "Pulse Hold Time",
"PJ"  => "Pulse Width",
"PK"  => "Pulse Recovery Time",
"PL"  => "Percent Defective",
"PM"  => "Practice",
"PN"  => "Palladium",
"PO"  => "Percent of Order (-, +)",
"PP"  => "Powder/Paste Package Size",
"PQ"  => "Plutonium",
"PR"  => "Praseodymium",
"PS"  => "Protactinium",
"PT"  => "Pits",
"PU"  => "Pressure Base",
"PV"  => "Picks",
"PW"  => "Purchased Width",
"PX"  => "Purity",
"PY"  => "Percent of Water",
"PZ"  => "Pipe Size Nominal",
"QA"  => "Quality Index",
"QB"  => "Quantity or Loading Average",
"QC"  => "Quantity or Loading Maximum",
"QD"  => "Quality or Concentration Average",
"QE"  => "Quality or Concentration Minimum",
"QF"  => "Quality or Concentration Maximum",
"QG"  => "Duration",
"QI"  => "Abundance",
"QJ"  => "Biomass",
"QK"  => "Size Class",
"QL"  => "Quality",
"R1"  => "Hemoglobin",
"R2"  => "Hematocrit",
"R3"  => "Epoetin Starting Dosage",
"R4"  => "Creatinine",
"R7"  => "Speed",
"R8"  => "Speed Limit",
"R9"  => "Retinol",
"RA"  => "Relative Humidity",
"RB"  => "Range Value",
"RC"  => "Radius of Corner",
"RD"  => "Readpoint",
"RE"  => "Ream Weight",
"RF"  => "Resistivity",
"RG"  => "Radium",
"RH"  => "Rhenium",
"RI"  => "Rubidium",
"RJ"  => "Rockwell-C",
"RK"  => "Rockwell-B",
"RL"  => "Reduction Ration",
"RM"  => "RMS Range (Side 1)",
"RN"  => "Required Interrupt Release",
"RO"  => "Reset Pulse Width",
"RP"  => "Reduction of Area",
"RQ"  => "Radon",
"RR"  => "Reduction Ratio",
"RS"  => "RMS Range (Side 2)",
"RT"  => "Rounds Ammunition/Military",
"RU"  => "Rhodium",
"RV"  => "Ruthenium",
"RW"  => "Rolling Width",
"RX"  => "Ridges",
"RY"  => "Ratio",
"S1"  => "Smoothness",
"S2"  => "Selvedge on Beam",
"S3"  => "Sheffield Smoothness",
"S4"  => "Surface Strength",
"S5"  => "Stiffness",
"S6"  => "Saturation",
"S7"  => "Sediment",
"S8"  => "Solubility",
"S9"  => "Site Atmospheric Pressure",
"SA"  => "Sort Code CIE LAB",
"SB"  => "Sort Code CMC",
"SC"  => "Schedule Number (Pipe Size)",
"SD"  => "Strength",
"SE"  => "Selvage Left",
"SF"  => "Samarium",
"SG"  => "Slit Width",
"SH"  => "Strontium",
"SI"  => "Supply Current",
"SJ"  => "Short Circuits",
"SK"  => "Shrinkage",
"SL"  => "Short Length",
"SM"  => "Shear",
"SN"  => "Stain",
"SO"  => "Sort Code CIE LCH",
"SP"  => "Splinter Count",
"SQ"  => "Shipped Quantity",
"SR"  => "Selvage Right",
"SS"  => "Silver",
"ST"  => "Stop Recovery Startup Time",
"SU"  => "Shipped Units",
"SV"  => "Scandium",
"SW"  => "Short Width",
"SX"  => "Sodium",
"SY"  => "Service Interrupt Duration",
"SZ"  => "Skid Height",
"T1"  => "Tire Pressure",
"T2"  => "Tube - Inside Diameter",
"T3"  => "Technical",
"T4"  => "Single End Break",
"T5"  => "Skein Break",
"TA"  => "Thickness Heavy End (Tapered/Stepped)",
"TB"  => "Thickness Small End (Tapered/Stepped)",
"TC"  => "Temperature",
"TD"  => "Thin Aluminas",
"TE"  => "Tenacity",
"TF"  => "Tensile",
"TG"  => "Thin Sulfides",
"TH"  => "Thickness",
"TI"  => "Thin Silicates",
"TJ"  => "Total Supply Current",
"TK"  => "Timer Pulse Width",
"TL"  => "Tapered/Stepped Length Type",
"TM"  => "Length Type: Multiples",
"TN"  => "Timer Period",
"TO"  => "Terbium",
"TP"  => "Thorium",
"TQ"  => "Thin Globular Oxides",
"TR"  => "Length Type: Random",
"TS"  => "Length Type: Specific",
"TT"  => "Time",
"TU"  => "Technetium",
"TV"  => "Thallium",
"TW"  => "Top",
"TX"  => "Thulium",
"TY"  => "Tear Strength",
"UA"  => "Uranium",
"UG"  => "Usage",
"VA"  => "Vitamin A",
"VH"  => "Height, Van Door",
"VO"  => "Voltage",
"VW"  => "Width, Van Door",
"WA"  => "Weight per Unit of Area",
"WB"  => "Web",
"WC"  => "Web Depth/Height",
"WD"  => "Width",
"WE"  => "Wolfram",
"WF"  => "Wait Recovery Startup Time",
"WH"  => "Whiteness",
"WI"  => "Winding Loss",
"WL"  => "Wall Thickness",
"WM"  => "Width, Maximum",
"WR"  => "Wrinkles",
"WT"  => "Weight",
"WU"  => "Weight per Unit of Length",
"WX"  => "Wax Pick",
"XA"  => "Xenon",
"XH"  => "Side Height, Flat Bed With Removable Sides",
"XP"  => "Specified",
"XQ"  => "Squareness",
"XZ"  => "Spool Size",
"YA"  => "Yttrium",
"YB"  => "Yield",
"YC"  => "Ytterbium",
"YD"  => "Yarn Count",
"ZB"  => "Boron",
"ZC"  => "Carbon",
"ZD"  => "Load Factor",
"ZF"  => "Sulfate Sulfur",
"ZG"  => "Organic Sulfur",
"ZH"  => "Hydrogen",
"ZN"  => "Nitrogen",
"ZO"  => "Oxygen",
"ZP"  => "Phosphorous",
"ZR"  => "Pyritic Sulfur",
"ZS"  => "Sulfur",
"ZV"  => "Vanadium",
"ZW"  => "Tungsten",
"AAA" => "Acetic Acid",
"AAB" => "Aflatoxin (United States)",
"AAC" => "Anethole Content",
"AAO" => "Added Oil",
"AAP" => "AC-apparent Power",
"AAS" => "Acid Solubles",
"ABO" => "Absorbance",
"ABR" => "Abrasion",
"ABS" => "Absorbency",
"ACN" => "Acid Number",
"ADH" => "Adhesion",
"ADM" => "Dye Manufacturing Units",
"AGE" => "Inventory Age",
"AGI" => "Aggressive Index",
"ALK" => "Alkalinity",
"ALN" => "Alkalinity Number",
"ALP" => "Alpha-Cellulose",
"ALT" => "Alternate Measurement",
"AMI" => "Amines",
"AMW" => "Average Molecular Weight",
"AMY" => "Amylograph",
"ANT" => "Antibiotics",
"AOE" => "Ethyl Alcohol",
"AOX" => "Antioxidant",
"API" => "API Gravity",
"APP" => "Appearance",
"ASA" => "Acid Insoluble Ash",
"ASH" => "Ash",
"ASY" => "Assay",
"AVT" => "Average Temperature",
"AXL" => "Axle Length",
"BBC" => "Broken Cookies",
"BBF" => "Butterfat",
"BBX" => "Brix",
"BDP" => "Perforation Bottom Depth",
"BGL" => "Beta Glucan",
"BHF" => "Bottomhole Pressure - Flowing",
"BHS" => "Bottomhole Pressure - Shutin",
"BIC" => "Bark in Chips",
"BND" => "Amount Bound in Material",
"BOR" => "Boiling Range",
"BRS" => "Breaking Strength",
"BSW" => "Percent Bottom Sediment and Water",
"BUD" => "Bulk Density",
"CAA" => "Citric Acid",
"CAU" => "Caustic Reaction Severity",
"CCA" => "Cinnamic Aldehyde",
"CCF" => "Composite Corrected Factor",
"CCG" => "Combined Center of Gravity",
"CCL" => "Chocolate Liquor",
"CCT" => "Cook Test",
"CFI" => "Crude Fiber",
"CFS" => "Container Forward Setting",
"CGP" => "CO2 Gas Production",
"CGR" => "Color Grayness RD",
"CHA" => "Chemical Addition Rate",
"CHB" => "Chlorophyll-a",
"CHC" => "Concentration of Hazardous Component",
"CHG" => "Rate of Change",
"CHL" => "Chlorides",
"CIV" => "Cuene Intrinsic Viscosity",
"CLA" => "Clarity",
"CLB" => "Calibration",
"CLN" => "Cleanliness",
"CLO" => "Chloramphenicol",
"COC" => "Canola Oil Coating",
"COF" => "Coefficient Factor",
"COH" => "Coercive Force",
"COL" => "Color",
"CON" => "Concentration",
"COR" => "Corrosiveness",
"COS" => "Cost",
"COT" => "Content",
"CPF" => "Casing Pressure - Flowing",
"CPP" => "Count per Pound",
"CPS" => "Casing Pressure - Shutin",
"CPT" => "Cup Test Adhesion",
"CRF" => "Free Chlorine Residual",
"CRL" => "Compression Relaxation",
"CRN" => "Crown",
"CRT" => "Total Chlorine Residual",
"CSC" => "Choke Size - Casing",
"CSR" => "Cost Realism",
"CST" => "Choke Size - Tubing",
"CTB" => "Classes that Blend",
"CTG" => "Coating",
"CTT" => "Contact Time",
"CUR" => "Curcumin",
"CUT" => "Cure Time",
"CWT" => "Charge Weight",
"CYB" => "Color Yellowness (+B)",
"DAT" => "Datum Depth",
"DBL" => "Doubles",
"DCC" => "Defect Contrasting Classes",
"DCK" => "Dockage",
"DCT" => "Dirt Count",
"DDW" => "Defect Damaged Wheat",
"DEM" => "De Minimis Level",
"DFS" => "Defect Skins",
"DHP" => "Defect Hulls",
"DHW" => "Defect Heat Damaged Wheat",
"DIA" => "Diastase",
"DIK" => "Defect Insect Damaged Kernels",
"DIL" => "Dilution Factor; An amount by which a quantity is diluted in order to be read on an instrument scale",
"DIR" => "Distillation Range",
"DIS" => "Dispersion",
"DLC" => "Dial Count",
"DME" => "Dichloromethane Extract",
"DMF" => "Distributed Meter Factor",
"DOC" => "Double Olsen Cup",
"DOG" => "Defect Other Grains",
"DPM" => "Degree of Polymerization",
"DRS" => "Dark Specs",
"DRW" => "Drained Weight",
"DRY" => "Dryness",
"DSK" => "Defect Shrunken and Broken Kernels",
"DSP" => "Defect Splits",
"DTO" => "Defect Total",
"DWC" => "Defect Wheat of Other Classes",
"DWP" => "Dew Point",
"DXE" => "Dextrose Equivalent",
"DXI" => "Invert Sugar",
"DYC" => "Dye Content",
"E90" => "Vitamin D3",
"EFC" => "Effective Carbohydrates",
"EKA" => "Vitamin E Acetate",
"ELC" => "Exposure Ceiling: Threshold Limit Value",
"ELE" => "Elevation",
"ELI" => "Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health",
"ELL" => "Explosion Limit",
"ELO" => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit",
"ELP" => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit Ceiling",
"ELS" => "American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Short-Term Exposure",
"ELT" => "American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Time Weighted Average",
"ELV" => "Unshielded Exposure Rate",
"ELW" => "American Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL)",
"ELX" => "American Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL): Time Weighted Average",
"EMB" => "Bones",
"EMD" => "Ethoxylated Mono & Diglyceride",
"ENZ" => "Enzyme",
"EO1" => "Vitamin K1",
"EOR" => "Ethylene Oxide Residue",
"EPL" => "Expected Product Life",
"ESO" => "Essential Oil",
"EST" => "Esterification",
"ETH" => "Ethoxyquin",
"ETV" => "Ethyl Vanillin Content",
"EVL" => "Evaporation Loss",
"EVR" => "Evaporation Rate",
"EXC" => "Extractable Color",
"EXH" => "Exhaust Benzene Emissions",
"EXT" => "Extractables",
"FAA" => "Fat Acidity",
"FAI" => "Fat As Is",
"FAN" => "Falling Number",
"FAO" => "Free Fatty Acid As Oleic",
"FAR" => "Farinograph Arrival Time",
"FBP" => "Acetate Break Point",
"FBU" => "Fat due to Butterfat",
"FCB" => "Food Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Blue",
"FCM" => "Fat left in Cooked Meat",
"FCR" => "Food Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Red Number 4",
"FCY" => "Food Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Yellow Number 5",
"FDB" => "Fat on a Dry Basis",
"FEC" => "Fenchone Content",
"FFA" => "Free Fatty Acid",
"FIB" => "Fiber",
"FIL" => "Filter Number",
"FIM" => "Film Integrity Test",
"FIN" => "Fineness",
"FIT" => "Filterability",
"FIV" => "Final Viscosity",
"FLD" => "Fluid Point",
"FLN" => "Fiber Length",
"FLP" => "Fluid Level Above Pump",
"FLT" => "Fluting",
"FLV" => "Flavor Threshold",
"FML" => "Flammability Limits",
"FMP" => "Fat Melting Point",
"FMZ" => "Flammability",
"FNL" => "Fines Retained on Screen",
"FNS" => "Fines",
"FOA" => "Foam",
"FOB" => "Finishing Oil Honey Roasted",
"FOC" => "Finishing Oil Roasted",
"FOH" => "Front Over-Hang of Vehicle",
"FOI" => "Fouling Index",
"FOM" => "Foreign Material",
"FOR" => "Foreign Matter",
"FPV" => "Acetate Plugging Value",
"FRC" => "Fresh Cut",
"FRM" => "Final Raisin Moisture",
"FRU" => "Fructose",
"FSI" => "Free Swelling Index",
"FUD" => "Full Load",
"FUP" => "Functionality Penetrometer",
"GEL" => "Gel",
"GES" => "Gel Strength",
"GGR" => "Gas Gravity",
"GIR" => "Gas Injection Test Rate",
"GLC" => "Glycerol",
"GLE" => "Ground Level Elevation",
"GLY" => "Glycerin",
"GOA" => "Granulation on 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOB" => "Granulation on Number 10 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOC" => "Granulation on Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOD" => "Granulation on Number 14 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOE" => "Granulation on Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOF" => "Granulation on Number 25 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOG" => "Granulation on Number 30 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOH" => "Granulation on Number 40 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOI" => "Granulation on Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOJ" => "Granulation on Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOK" => "Granulation on Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOL" => "Granulation on Number 80 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOM" => "Granulation on 1/2 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GON" => "Granulation on 1/4 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GOR" => "Gas-to-Oil Ratio",
"GRA" => "Gas Test Rate",
"GRI" => "Graininess",
"GRN" => "Granulation",
"GTA" => "Granulation thru Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTB" => "Granulation thru Number 140 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTC" => "Granulation thru Number 18 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTD" => "Granulation thru Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTE" => "Granulation thru Number 200 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTF" => "Granulation thru Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTG" => "Granulation thru Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTH" => "Granulation thru Number 7 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTI" => "Granulation thru 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"GTJ" => "Granulation thru Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)",
"H2O" => "Water Volume",
"HAR" => "Hardening Rate",
"HAZ" => "Haze",
"HCG" => "Horizontal Center of Gravity",
"HCH" => "Distance to Endpoint",
"HCI" => "Emission Factor",
"HCJ" => "Heat Content",
"HCK" => "Pollutant Emission",
"HCL" => "Population",
"HCM" => "Release Duration",
"HCN" => "Released Quantity",
"HCO" => "Release Rate",
"HCP" => "Sulfur Content",
"HCQ" => "Wind Speed",
"HCR" => "Acute Toxicity",
"HCS" => "Chronic Toxicity",
"HCT" => "Discharges",
"HCU" => "Effectiveness",
"HCV" => "Fertilization",
"HCW" => "Samples in Compliance",
"HCX" => "Toxicity",
"HEX" => "Hexanal",
"HHW" => "Hemispherical Point",
"HIB" => "High Boilers",
"HOC" => "Heat of Combustion",
"HTE" => "Heat Equivalency",
"HVM" => "Heavy Metals",
"HWS" => "Softening Point",
"HYD" => "Hydroxyl Number",
"HYP" => "Hydroxyporpylcellulose",
"HZC" => "Hazardous Component",
"IDE" => "Identification",
"IGA" => "Autoignition Temperature",
"IGR" => "Input Gas Rate",
"IHV" => "Inherent Viscosity",
"IMA" => "Impact Adhesion",
"IMP" => "Impurities",
"IND" => "Initial Deformation Point",
"INS" => "Insolubles",
"INV" => "Invertase",
"IPI" => "Primary Irritation Index",
"IRA" => "Inclusion Rating",
"ISP" => "Incubated Spindown",
"ITD" => "Integrated Differential",
"IXD" => "Index Differential",
"JOM" => "Jominy Hardenability",
"KPS" => "King Pin Setting",
"KVL" => "Strength Coefficient",
"LAI" => "Langlier Index",
"LAS" => "Lot Acceptability for Shape",
"LC5" => "Lethal Concentration, 50% (\"LC-50\")",
"LCG" => "Longitudinal Center of Gravity",
"LD5" => "Lethal Dose, 50% (\"LD-50\")",
"LDH" => "Limited Dome Height (LDH)",
"LEA" => "Leakers",
"LEF" => "Leaf",
"LIP" => "Lipids",
"LIR" => "Liquid Injection Test Rate",
"LIS" => "Listeria",
"LIV" => "Limit Intrinsic Viscosity",
"LLD" => "Light Load",
"LOI" => "Loss on Ignition",
"LOS" => "Loss on Drying",
"LOW" => "Low Boilers",
"LPG" => "Liquefied Petroleum Gas Factor",
"LPL" => "Labeled Product Life",
"LPR" => "Line Pressure",
"LRC" => "Lovibond Red Color",
"LSA" => "Lock Seam Adhesion",
"LSK" => "Length Shrinkage",
"LSS" => "Linear Sheet Swelling",
"LTD" => "Liner Top Depth",
"MAT" => "Maturity",
"MCN" => "Magnetic Contamination",
"MDL" => "Method Detection Limit; Minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that analyte concentration is greater than zero",
"MDP" => "Mettler Dropping Point",
"MEA" => "Media Depth",
"MEF" => "Meter Factor",
"MEL" => "Melt Time",
"MEP" => "Meat Protein",
"MER" => "Efficient Rate-Reservoir",
"MGL" => "Monoglyceride",
"MHI" => "Highest Torque",
"MIC" => "Micronaire",
"MII" => "Mineral Impurities",
"MIL" => "Milk Fat",
"MIP" => "Miscolored Pieces",
"MIS" => "Milk Solids",
"MNL" => "Monolein",
"MOI" => "Moisture",
"MOR" => "Mortality",
"MPL" => "Monopalmitin",
"MPO" => "Moisture Protein Ratio",
"MPR" => "Production Rate-Well",
"MPT" => "Many Press Test",
"MSA" => "Monounsaturated",
"MST" => "Monostearin",
"MTD" => "Maximum Total Depth",
"MTI" => "Farinograph Mixing Tolerance Index",
"MUL" => "Mullen",
"NEE" => "Non-volatile Ether Extract",
"NES" => "Neutralizing Strength",
"NEU" => "Neutralization Number",
"NIL" => "Nil Ductility Test",
"NIT" => "Nitrite",
"NNW" => "Net Net Weight",
"NOB" => "Norbixin",
"NOC" => "Number of Cosigners",
"NON" => "Non-Volatile Matter",
"NOR" => "Number of References",
"NOX" => "NOx Emissions Performance",
"NTS" => "Natural Tomato Soluables",
"NVO" => "Non-volatile Oil",
"OAP" => "Observed American Petroleum Institute Gravity",
"OBT" => "Observed Temperature",
"OCG" => "Oil/Condensate Gravity",
"OCO" => "Oil Coating",
"OCR" => "Oil/Condensate Test Rate",
"ODR" => "Odor",
"OIL" => "Oil",
"OLA" => "Oleic Acid",
"OLE" => "Olefins",
"ORC" => "Organic Carbon",
"OTE" => "Others Each",
"OTH" => "Odor Threshold",
"OTT" => "Others Total",
"OXI" => "Oxidizable Substance",
"OXS" => "Oxidizing Substance",
"OXY" => "Oxyethylene",
"PAA" => "Active Ingredient in Product",
"PAB" => "Drug Strength",
"PAR" => "Particle Size",
"PAT" => "Patulin",
"PBD" => "Plug Back Total Depth",
"PCO" => "Piece Count",
"PDE" => "Casing/Liner Tubing Depth",
"PDG" => "Pump Depth from Ground",
"PDI" => "Protein Dispersibility Index",
"PDX" => "Polydextrose",
"PEC" => "Potassium Chloride",
"PEF" => "Performance",
"PEO" => "Peroxidase",
"PER" => "Magnetic Permeability",
"PES" => "Potassium Sorbate",
"PEV" => "Peak Viscosity",
"PEX" => "Perioxide Value",
"PFO" => "Perforation Feet Open",
"PGL" => "Polyethylene Glycol",
"PGM" => "Propylene Glycol Monoesters",
"PHA" => "pH",
"PHE" => "Phenol",
"PHW" => "Hardwood Fiber",
"PIC" => "Pick Off",
"PIP" => "Piperine",
"POC" => "Completion",
"POD" => "Physical Description - Outer Diameter",
"POL" => "Polariation",
"POP" => "Pour Point",
"POR" => "Propylene Oxide Residue",
"PPS" => "Proprietary Shade",
"PQL" => "Practical Quantitation Limit; Lowest concentration of a substance which can be consistently determined within +/- 20% of the true concentration by 75% of the laboratories tested in a performance evaluation study",
"PRA" => "Proportion Alive",
"PRE" => "Prior Experience",
"PRF" => "Pressure Factor",
"PRG" => "Propylene Glycol",
"PRI" => "Product Index",
"PRL" => "Product Level",
"PRN" => "Proportion Normal",
"PRO" => "Processability",
"PRQ" => "Product Reportable Quantity",
"PRY" => "Porosity",
"PRZ" => "Proportion Fertilized",
"PSA" => "Percent Solution Actual",
"PSP" => "Past Performance",
"PSR" => "Pesticide Residuals",
"PSW" => "Softwood Fiber",
"PUN" => "Pungency",
"PWA" => "Processed Waste",
"PWE" => "Physical Description - Weight",
"PWF" => "Power Factor",
"QUR" => "Reportable Quantity",
"QUS" => "Quick Sog",
"R10" => "Relative Fraction of Pure Long-Chain Cellulose",
"R18" => "Relative Fraction of Total Cellulose",
"RAD" => "Radius",
"RAF" => "Roof Adjustment Factor",
"RAL" => "Residual Alcohol",
"RDS" => "Reducing Sugars",
"REA" => "Reactivity",
"RED" => "Reducing Substance",
"REF" => "Refining",
"REH" => "Rehydration",
"REI" => "Refractive Index",
"REL" => "Reflectance",
"REO" => "Residual Ethylene Oxide",
"RES" => "Resistance",
"ROH" => "Rear Over-Hang of Vehicle",
"ROI" => "Residue on Ignition",
"ROX" => "Oxygen from a Renewable Oxygenate",
"RSZ" => "Roll Size",
"RTB" => "Reporting Temperature Base",
"RUD" => "Usage Deviation (Applies to Kilowatt Hours, Kilowatt Demand and Reactive Demand)",
"RVP" => "Reid Vapor Pressure",
"S10" => "Pulp Impurities",
"S11" => "Salt",
"S12" => "Start",
"S18" => "Hemicellulose",
"SAB" => "Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Boyd Method",
"SAC" => "Sodium Ascorbate",
"SAH" => "Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Humidified Boyd Method",
"SAK" => "Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Chittick Method",
"SAL" => "Salinity; Salt level in a sample of seawater",
"SAP" => "Saponification Number",
"SAS" => "Saturated Fatty Acid as Stearic",
"SBE" => "Sodium Benzoate",
"SBI" => "Sodium Bicarbonate",
"SBR" => "Sodium Bicarbonate Release",
"SBU" => "Sodium Bisulfite",
"SCH" => "Schedule",
"SDC" => "Color Strength",
"SDV" => "Surface Starch",
"SEV" => "Severity",
"SFA" => "Solid Fat Index at 104 F",
"SFB" => "Solid Fat Index at 50 F",
"SFC" => "Short Fiber Content",
"SFD" => "Solid Fat Index at 80 F",
"SFE" => "Sodium Ferrocyanate",
"SFG" => "Solid Fat Index at 92 F",
"SFJ" => "Solid Fat Index at 70 F",
"SFO" => "Solid Fat Content",
"SHA" => "Shelf Life",
"SHE" => "Shell",
"SHU" => "Scoville Heat Units",
"SIL" => "Silica (Silicon Dioxide)",
"SIZ" => "Size",
"SLD" => "Solderability",
"SLI" => "Slagging Index",
"SLL" => "Salmonella",
"SMB" => "SAM-B Rating",
"SMD" => "SAM-D Rating",
"SOA" => "Soda",
"SOC" => "Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate",
"SOD" => "Solids",
"SOF" => "Softening Range",
"SPA" => "Saturated Fatty Acid as Palmitic",
"SPG" => "Specific Gravity",
"SPH" => "Sphere",
"SPR" => "Separator Pressure",
"SPS" => "Static Pressure",
"SRO" => "Specific Rotation",
"SSA" => "Sodium Silico Aluminate",
"STA" => "Stability",
"STL" => "Short Term Exposure Limit",
"STP" => "Staple",
"SUC" => "Sucrose",
"SUL" => "Sulfite",
"SUM" => "Suspended Matter",
"SUP" => "Suspended Pulp",
"SUR" => "Surface Roughness",
"SUS" => "Suspended Solids",
"SUT" => "Surface Tension",
"SVL" => "Survival",
"SXS" => "Sodium Sulfate",
"SXX" => "S10 Minus S18 Value",
"T50" => "T50",
"T90" => "T90",
"TAC" => "Tartaric Acid",
"TAS" => "Taste",
"TCL" => "Tire Tread Contact Length",
"TCR" => "Temperature Control Range",
"TDD" => "Total Sugar (Dry)",
"TDP" => "Perforation Top Depth",
"TEE" => "Autodecomposition Temperature",
"TES" => "Storage Temperature",
"TEW" => "Test Weight",
"TEX" => "Texture",
"TIA" => "Titratable Acidity",
"TOA" => "Aquatic Toxicity",
"TOR" => "Torque",
"TOT" => "Total Aldehyde Content",
"TOX" => "Toxic Emissions Performance",
"TPE" => "Farinograph Time to Peak",
"TPF" => "Temperature Factor",
"TPL" => "Tubing Pressure - Flowing",
"TPQ" => "Threshold Planning Quantity",
"TPS" => "Tubing Pressure - Shutin",
"TRA" => "Trash Area",
"TRC" => "Trash Count",
"TRD" => "Tire Diameter",
"TRN" => "Transmittance",
"TRP" => "Tricalcium Phosphate",
"TRS" => "Transmissivity; Measure of the quantity of light that passes through a given volume of seawater; also used to measure turbidity and to estimate plant growing zones in the ocean",
"TRT" => "Transmissivity Pathlength; The length of the path taken to arrive at transmissivity measurements",
"TSO" => "Total Solids",
"TSZ" => "Trim Size",
"TTL" => "Trailer Tongue Length",
"TUR" => "Turbidity",
"TVD" => "Maximum True Vertical Depth",
"TVO" => "Total Volatiles",
"TWD" => "Tire Width",
"UCB" => "Cube",
"UNA" => "Unipunch Adhesion",
"UNI" => "Uniformity",
"UNK" => "Unknowns",
"UPW" => "Units per Weight",
"VAD" => "Vapor Density",
"VAL" => "Vanillin",
"VAN" => "Vanilla",
"VAP" => "Vapor Pressure",
"VBA" => "V-Bend Adhesion",
"VCG" => "Vertical Center of Gravity",
"VIA" => "Vitamin A Palimate",
"VIN" => "Vinyl",
"VIS" => "Viscosity",
"VOA" => "Volatile Oil Ash",
"VOC" => "VOC Emissions Performance",
"VOI" => "Volatile Oil",
"VOL" => "Volume",
"VOM" => "Vomitoxin",
"VOT" => "Volatiles",
"VOV" => "Volatiles by Volume",
"VOW" => "Volatiles by Weight",
"VSO" => "Volume Split to Others",
"VWT" => "Volume Weight",
"WAB" => "Water Absorption",
"WAC" => "Water Activity",
"WDE" => "Water Depth",
"WEL" => "Weight Loss",
"WHT" => "Whip Test",
"WIN" => "Water Insolubles",
"WML" => "Weight of Moisture Loss",
"WMP" => "Wiley Melting Point",
"WOD" => "Water-Oil Distribution Coefficient",
"WPF" => "Wellhead Pressure-Flowing",
"WPL" => "Water/Product Level",
"WPN" => "Whey Protein Nitrogen",
"WPP" => "Weight Per Piece",
"WPS" => "Wellhead Pressure Shutin",
"WRA" => "Water Test Rate",
"WSK" => "Width Shrinkage",
"WSO" => "Water Solubles",
"WTB" => "Water/Tank Bottom Level",
"YPE" => "Yield Point Elongation",
"ZAL" => "Aluminum",
"ZAS" => "Arsenic",
"ZBI" => "Bismuth",
"ZBT" => "N-Butane",
"ZBZ" => "Benzene",
"ZCA" => "Calcium",
"ZCB" => "Columbium",
"ZCC" => "Calcium Chloride",
"ZCD" => "Carbon Dioxide",
"ZCE" => "Cerium",
"ZCM" => "Carbon Monoxide",
"ZCO" => "Cobalt",
"ZCR" => "Chromium",
"ZCS" => "Calcium Sulfate",
"ZCU" => "Copper",
"ZDA" => "Titanium Dioxide Assay",
"ZET" => "Ethane",
"ZFE" => "Iron",
"ZFL" => "Newspaper--Full Page",
"ZFS" => "Iron plus Silicon",
"ZGE" => "Germanium",
"ZHP" => "Heptane",
"ZHS" => "Hydrogen Sulfide",
"ZHX" => "Hexane",
"ZIB" => "I-Butane",
"ZIP" => "I-Pentane",
"ZMG" => "Magnesium",
"ZMN" => "Manganese",
"ZMO" => "Molybdenum",
"ZMT" => "Methane",
"ZNB" => "Niobium",
"ZNI" => "Nickel",
"ZNP" => "Neo-Pentane",
"ZOC" => "Octane",
"ZPB" => "Lead",
"ZPP" => "Propane",
"ZPT" => "N-Pentane",
"ZSB" => "Antimony",
"ZSD" => "Sulfur Dioxide",
"ZSE" => "Selenium",
"ZSI" => "Silicon",
"ZSN" => "Tin",
"ZTA" => "Tantalum",
"ZTB" => "Newspaper--Tabloid Page",
"ZTE" => "Tellurium",
"ZTI" => "Titanium",
"ZZN" => "Zinc",
"ZZR" => "Zirconium",
"ZZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E740 =
t:: , "Range Minimum"                        , 1, 20)
E741 =
t:: , "Range Maximum"                        , 1, 20)
E750 = , "Product/Process Characteristic Code"  , 2, 3)
E751 = , "Product Description Code"             , 1, 12)
E752 = , "Surface/Layer/Position Code"          , 2, 2,
"1S" => "Side One",
"2S" => "Side Two",
"A1" => "Single",
"A2" => "Left Front",
"A3" => "Right Front",
"A4" => "Left Rear",
"A5" => "Right Rear",
"A6" => "Inside Left Rear",
"A7" => "Outside Left Rear",
"A8" => "Inside Right Rear",
"A9" => "Outside Right Rear",
"AL" => "All",
"AO" => "Single End Overhang",
"AS" => "Siding",
"B1" => "Bolster",
"BC" => "Back of Cab",
"BI" => "Bilateral",
"BK" => "Rear",
"BL" => "Block",
"BR" => "Brick",
"BS" => "Both Sides",
"BT" => "Bottom",
"CH" => "Casing Head Flange",
"CT" => "Center",
"DO" => "Double End Overhang",
"DT" => "Downstream Tap",
"DU" => "Dual Fuel Tank Position",
"EX" => "Exterior",
"FR" => "Front",
"FS" => "Front Spare",
"GF" => "Rig Floor",
"IN" => "Inside",
"IT" => "Interior",
"KB" => "Kelly Bushing",
"LC" => "Less Critical Surface",
"LO" => "Lower",
"LT" => "Left",
"M1" => "Multiple",
"MC" => "More Critical Surface",
"MD" => "Middle",
"NS" => "Not Specified",
"NT" => "Next Relative Position",
"OA" => "Overall",
"OS" => "One Side",
"OT" => "Outside",
"R0" => "Relative Position 10",
"R1" => "Relative Position 1",
"R2" => "Relative Position 2",
"R3" => "Relative Position 3",
"R4" => "Relative Position 4",
"R5" => "Relative Position 5",
"R6" => "Relative Position 6",
"R7" => "Relative Position 7",
"R8" => "Relative Position 8",
"R9" => "Relative Position 9",
"RA" => "Relative Position 11",
"RB" => "Relative Position 12",
"RC" => "Relative Position 13",
"RD" => "Relative Position 14",
"RE" => "Relative Position 15",
"RF" => "Relative Position 16",
"RG" => "Relative Position 17",
"RH" => "Relative Position 18",
"RI" => "Relative Position 19",
"RJ" => "Relative Position 20",
"RK" => "Relative Position 21",
"RL" => "Relative Position 22",
"RM" => "Relative Position 23",
"RN" => "Relative Position 24",
"RO" => "Relative Position 25",
"RP" => "Relative Position 26",
"RQ" => "Relative Position 27",
"RR" => "Relative Position 28",
"RS" => "Relative Position 29",
"RT" => "Relative Position 30",
"RU" => "Relative Position 31",
"RV" => "Relative Position 32",
"RW" => "Relative Position 33",
"RX" => "Relative Position 34",
"RY" => "Relative Position 35",
"RZ" => "Relative Position 36",
"S1" => "Relative Position 37",
"S2" => "Relative Position 38",
"S3" => "Relative Position 39",
"S4" => "Relative Position 40",
"S5" => "Relative Position 41",
"S6" => "Relative Position 42",
"S7" => "Relative Position 43",
"S8" => "Relative Position 44",
"S9" => "Relative Position 45",
"SA" => "Relative Position 46",
"SB" => "Right",
"SC" => "Relative Position 47",
"SD" => "Relative Position 48",
"SE" => "Relative Position 49",
"SF" => "Relative Position 50",
"SL" => "Schnabel",
"SN" => "Stone",
"SP" => "Spare Tire Position",
"SS" => "Rear Spare",
"ST" => "Stucco",
"SU" => "Sub-sea",
"TB" => "Tank Bottom",
"TP" => "Top",
"TS" => "Two Sides",
"UC" => "Under Cab",
"UN" => "Unilateral",
"UP" => "Upper",
"UT" => "Upstream Tap",
"WF" => "Wood"))
E759 = , "Reportable Quantity Code"             , 2, 2,
"RQ" => "Reportable Quantity"))
E761 = , "Equipment Number Check Digit"         , 1, 1, 0)
E782 =
t:: , "Monetary Amount"                      , 1, 18)
E786 = , "Security Level Code"                  , 2, 2,
"00" => "Company Non-Classified",
"01" => "Company Internal Use Only",
"02" => "Company Confidential",
"03" => "Company Confidential, Restricted (Need to Know)",
"04" => "Company Registered (Signature Required)",
"05" => "Personal",
"06" => "Supplier Proprietary",
"09" => "Company Defined (Trading Partner Level)",
"11" => "Competition Sensitive",
"20" => "Court Restricted",
"21" => "Juvenile Record Restricted",
"90" => "Government Non-Classified",
"92" => "Government Confidential",
"93" => "Government Secret",
"94" => "Government Top Secret",
"99" => "Government Defined (Trading Partner Level)",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E808 = , "Hazardous Material Shipping Information Qualifier", 3, 3,
"TEC" => "Technical or Chemical Group Name"))
E809 = , "Hazardous Material Shipment Information", 1, 25)
E812 = , "Payment Format Code"                  , 3, 3,
"CCP" => "Cash Concentration/Disbursement plus Addenda (CCD+)(ACH)",
"CTX" => "Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) (ACH)"))
E819 = , "Language Code"                        , 2, 3,
E844 = , "Inbound Condition Hold Code"          , 2, 2,
"01" => "QC Hold",
"02" => "Hold for further information",
"03" => "Committed hold"))
E822 = , "Source Subqualifier"                  , 1, 15)
E890 = , "Carrier/Route Change Reason Code"     , 2, 2,
"01" => "Declined Shipment",
"02" => "Unacceptable Equipment",
"03" => "Missed Appointment",
"04" => "No Pallets",
"05" => "Depositor Request",
"06" => "Continuous Movement",
"07" => "Shipping Location Change",
"08" => "Spotted Trailer",
"09" => "Rail Car Not Available",
"10" => "Load Consolidation",
"11" => "Invalid SCAC",
"12" => "Missing SCAC",
"13" => "Not Picked Up",
"14" => "Private Fleet",
"15" => "Inadequate Lead Time",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E891 = , "Shipping Date Change Reason Code"     , 2, 2,
"01" => "Inadequate Lead Time",
"02" => "Carrier Late",
"03" => "Weather",
"04" => "Customer or Buyer Request",
"05" => "Truck Load Appointment Problem",
"06" => "Pool Schedule Appointment Problem",
"07" => "Strike or Other Stoppage",
"08" => "Held for Product",
"09" => "Shipping Location Closed",
"10" => "Depositor Consolidation Problem",
"11" => "Arrival Date",
"12" => "Shipping Location Workload",
"13" => "Shipping Location Handling",
"14" => "Depositor Handling",
"15" => "Booking Location Request",
"16" => "Unacceptable Equipment",
"17" => "Carrier Mode Change",
"18" => "Incorrect Transit Time",
"19" => "Carrier Request",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E892 = , "Line Item Change Reason Code"         , 2, 2,
"01" => "Out of Stock",
"02" => "Cut due to cube or weight"))
E893 = , "Warehouse Detail Adjustment Identifier Code", 1, 1,
"1" => "Adjustment Having Normal Effect on Inventory for Type of Transaction Set in which Code is Used",
"2" => "Adjustment Having Reversal Effect on Inventory for Type of Transaction Set in Which Code is Used"))
E935 = , "Measurement Significance Code"        , 2, 2,
"01" => "Where Air = 1",
"02" => "Where Butyl Acetate = 1",
"03" => "Approximately",
"04" => "Equal to",
"05" => "Greater than or equal to",
"06" => "Greater than",
"07" => "Less than",
"08" => "Less than or equal to",
"09" => "Where H2O = 1 or Water = 1",
"10" => "Not equal to",
"11" => "Corrected to 60 Degrees Fahrenheit",
"12" => "Where Toluene = 1",
"13" => "Vapor in Air",
"14" => "Vapor in Other Than Air",
"15" => "Standard Temperature and Pressure",
"16" => "Conditions Other Than Standard Temperature and Pressure",
"17" => "In Ethyl Alcohol",
"18" => "In Ethyl Ether",
"19" => "In Water",
"20" => "At 1 Atmosphere Pressure",
"21" => "Where Ether = 1",
"22" => "Actual",
"23" => "Predicted",
"24" => "Air-dried Basis",
"25" => "As-received Basis",
"26" => "Dry Basis",
"27" => "Equilibrium Basis",
"28" => "Moisture and Ash-Free Basis",
"29" => "Oxidizing Atmosphere",
"30" => "Reducing Atmosphere",
"31" => "Calculated",
"32" => "Scaled Weight",
"34" => "Ratchet",
"35" => "Saturated Vapor",
"36" => "Unconditional",
"37" => "Short-term",
"38" => "Time-weighted",
"39" => "Corrected",
"40" => "Uncorrected",
"41" => "Off Peak",
"42" => "On Peak",
"43" => "Intermediate",
"44" => "Average",
"45" => "Per Gallon",
"46" => "Estimated",
"47" => "Minimum",
"49" => "Mist",
"50" => "Predominant",
"51" => "Total",
"52" => "Cost",
"53" => "Tenant",
"54" => "Owner",
"55" => "For Sale",
"56" => "Real Estate Owned or Corporate Owned",
"57" => "Boarded or Blocked Up",
"58" => "Planned",
"59" => "Completed",
"60" => "Sold",
"61" => "Rented",
"62" => "Current",
"63" => "Current List",
"64" => "Effective",
"65" => "List When Sold",
"66" => "Sales",
"67" => "Final List",
"68" => "As Is",
"69" => "As Repaired or Improved",
"70" => "Instantaneous",
"71" => "Low",
"72" => "Low to Good",
"73" => "Low to High",
"74" => "Low to Medium",
"75" => "Low to Moderate",
"76" => "Medium",
"77" => "Medium to Good",
"78" => "Medium to High",
"79" => "Moderate",
"80" => "Moderate to Good",
"81" => "Moderate to High",
"82" => "Moderate to Medium",
"83" => "Good",
"84" => "Good to High",
"85" => "High",
"86" => "Budgeted",
"87" => "Forecast",
"88" => "Adjusted",
"89" => "Allocated",
"90" => "Increasing",
"91" => "Stable",
"92" => "Declining",
"93" => "Previous",
"94" => "Potential",
"95" => "Modeled",
"96" => "Measured",
"97" => "Maximum",
"98" => "Regulated",
"99" => "Spring",
"AA" => "Summer On-peak",
"AB" => "Summer Mid-peak",
"AC" => "Summer Off-peak",
"AD" => "Summer Super On-peak",
"AE" => "Summer Super Off-peak",
"AF" => "Winter On-peak",
"AG" => "Winter Mid-peak",
"AH" => "Winter Off-peak",
"AI" => "Winter Super On-peak",
"AJ" => "Winter Super Off-peak",
"AK" => "Summer Day",
"AL" => "Summer Night",
"AM" => "Winter Day",
"AN" => "Winter Night",
"AO" => "Summer",
"AP" => "Winter",
"AQ" => "Day",
"AR" => "Night",
"AS" => "Peak-2",
"AT" => "Peak-3",
"AU" => "Peak-4",
"AV" => "Shoulder",
"AW" => "Non Time Related Demand",
"AX" => "Fall",
"AY" => "Summer On Peak-2",
"AZ" => "Winter On Peak-2",
"BA" => "Probable Contamination",
"BB" => "Not Confirmed",
"BC" => "Tentative Identification",
"BD" => "Failed",
"BE" => "Summer Mid Peak-2",
"BF" => "Winter Mid Peak-2",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E936 = , "Measurement Attribute Code"           , 2, 2,
"01" => "Clear",
"02" => "Hazy",
"03" => "Excess",
"04" => "Some",
"05" => "Undetectable",
"06" => "Trace",
"07" => "Yes",
"08" => "Closed",
"09" => "Pass",
"10" => "Present",
"11" => "Gel",
"12" => "OK",
"13" => "Slight",
"14" => "No Good",
"15" => "Marginal",
"16" => "Nil",
"17" => "Oil Free",
"18" => "Open",
"19" => "Free",
"20" => "No",
"21" => "Checked",
"22" => "Fail",
"23" => "Absent",
"24" => "Good",
"25" => "Fair",
"26" => "Poor",
"27" => "Excellent",
"28" => "Bright",
"29" => "To Be Determined",
"30" => "High",
"31" => "Negative",
"32" => "Partial",
"33" => "Variable",
"40" => "Balance",
"41" => "Complete",
"42" => "Low",
"44" => "Not Applicable",
"45" => "Not Determined",
"46" => "Negligible",
"48" => "Moderate",
"49" => "Appreciable",
"50" => "Not Available",
"51" => "Conforming",
"52" => "Non-conforming",
"53" => "Probable Contamination",
"54" => "Tentative Identification",
"56" => "Detected; Not Quantified",
"BA" => "Backer",
"FL" => "Full",
"NA" => "Not Analyzed",
"ND" => "Not Detected",
"NS" => "Not Sampled",
"PR" => "Present and Not Counted",
"Q1" => "First Quality",
"Q2" => "Second Quality",
"TA" => "Too Numerous to Count",
"TB" => "New",
"WS" => "Washcoat",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E954 =
t:: , "Percentage as Decimal"                , 1,  10)
E983 = , "Hazardous Class Qualifier"            , 1, 1,
"P" => "Primary",
"S" => "Secondary"))
E984 = , "Hazardous Material Shipping Name Qualifier", 1, 1,
"D" => "Domestic (United States) Shipping Name"))
E985 = , "N.O.S. Indicator Code"                , 3, 3)
E1005 =, "Hierarchical Structure Code"          , 4, 4,
"0001" => "Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item",
"0004" => "Shipment, Order, Item"))
E1018 =
t:: , "Exponent"                            , 1, 15)
E1019 =, "Invoice Type Code"                    , 3, 3,
"IBM" => "Invoice By Mail",
"IEL" => "Invoice Electronically",
"INR" => "Invoice Not Required (Such As Evaluated Receipts Settlements)"))
E1023 =, "Hazard Zone Code"                     , 1, 1,
"A" => "Hazard Zone A",
"B" => "Hazard Zone B",
"C" => "Hazard Zone C",
"D" => "Hazard Zone D"))
E1028 =, "Claim Submitter's Identifier"         , 1, 38)
E1029 =, "Claim Status Code"                    , 1, 2,
"1"  => "Processed as Primary",
"2"  => "Processed as Secondary",
"3"  => "Processed as Tertiary",
"4"  => "Denied",
"5"  => "Pended",
"10" => "Received, but not in process",
"13" => "Suspended",
"15" => "Suspended - investigation with field",
"16" => "Suspended - return with material",
"17" => "Suspended - review pending",
"19" => "Processed as Primary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)",
"20" => "Processed as Secondary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)",
"21" => "Processed as Tertiary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)",
"22" => "Reversal of Previous Payment",
"23" => "Not Our Claim, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)",
"25" => "Predetermination Pricing Only - No Payment",
"27" => "Reviewed"))
E1032 =, "Claim Filing Indicator Code"          , 1, 2,
"11" => "Other Non-Federal Programs",
"12" => "Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)",
"13" => "Point of Service (POS)",
"14" => "Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)",
"15" => "Indemnity Insurance",
"16" => "Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Medicare Risk",
"17" => "Dentail Maintenance Organization",
"AM" => "Automobile Medical",
"BL" => "Blue Cross/Blue Shield",
"CH" => "Champus",
"CI" => "Commercial Insurance Co.",
"DS" => "Disability",
"FI" => "Federal Employees Program",
"HM" => "Health Maintenance Organization",
"LM" => "Liability Medical",
"MA" => "Medicare Part A",
"MB" => "Medicare Part B",
"MC" => "Medicaid",
"OF" => "Other Federal Program",
"TV" => "Title V",
"VA" => "Veterans Affairs Plan",
"WC" => "Worker's Compensation Health Claim",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E1033 =, "Claim Adjustment Group Code"          , 1, 12,
"CO" => "Contractual Obligations",
"CR" => "Corrections and Reversals",
"OA" => "Other adjustments",
"PI" => "Payor Initiated Reductions",
"PR" => "Patient Responsibility"))
E1034 =, "Claim Adjustment Reason Code"         , 1, 5,
E1035 =, "Name Last or Organization Name"       , 1, 60)
E1036 =, "Name First"                           , 1, 35)
E1037 =, "Name Middle"                          , 1, 25)
E1038 =, "Name Prefix"                          , 1, 10)
E1039 =, "Name Suffix"                          , 1, 10)
E1048 =, "Business Function Code"               , 1, 3)
E1065 =, "Entity Type Qualifier"                , 1, 1,
"1" => "Person",
"2" => "Non-Person Entity"))
E1073 =, "Yes/No Condition or Response Code"    , 1, 1,
"N" => "No",
"Y" => "Yes",
"W" => "Not Applicable"))
E1166 =, "Contract Type Code"                   , 2, 2,
"01" => "Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)",
"02" => "Per Diem",
"03" => "Variable Per Diem",
"04" => "Flat",
"05" => "Capitated",
"06" => "Percent",
"09" => "Other",
"AB" => "Negotiated Growing Equity Mortgage (GEM)",
"AC" => "Anticipated Contract",
"AD" => "Federal Housing Authority Adjustable Rate Mortgage",
"AE" => "Federal Housing Authority Veterans Affairs Fixed Rate Mortgage (including standard Growing Equity Mortgages)",
"AF" => "Conventional Second Mortgages",
"AG" => "Conventional Fixed Rate Mortgages",
"AH" => "Federal Housing Authority Veterans Affairs Graduated Payment Mortgage",
"AI" => "Negotiated Conventional, Graduated Payment, or Step Rate Mortgage",
"AJ" => "Conventional Adjustable Rate Mortgage",
"CA" => "Cost Plus Incentive Fee (With Performance Incentives)",
"CB" => "Cost Plus Incentive Fee (Without Performance Incentives)",
"CH" => "Cost Sharing",
"CP" => "Cost Plus",
"CS" => "Cost",
"CW" => "Cost Plus Award Fee",
"CX" => "Cost Plus Fixed Fee",
"CY" => "Cost Plus Incentive Fee",
"DI" => "Distributor",
"EA" => "Exclusive Agency",
"ER" => "Exclusive Right",
"FA" => "Firm or Actual Contract",
"FB" => "Fixed Price Incentive Firm Target (With Performance Incentive)",
"FC" => "Fixed Price Incentive Firm Target (Without Performance Incentive)",
"FD" => "Fixed Price Redetermination",
"FE" => "Fixed Price with Escalation",
"FF" => "Fixed Price Incentive Successive Target (With Performance Incentive)",
"FG" => "Fixed Price Incentive Successive Target (Without Performance Incentive)",
"FH" => "Fixed Price Award Fee",
"FI" => "Fixed Price Incentive",
"FJ" => "Fixed Price Level of Effort",
"FK" => "No Cost",
"FL" => "Flat Amount",
"FM" => "Retroactive Fixed Price Redetermination",
"FR" => "Firm Fixed Price",
"FX" => "Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment",
"LA" => "Labor",
"LE" => "Level of Effort",
"LH" => "Labor Hours",
"OC" => "Other Contract Type",
"PR" => "Prospect Reservation",
"SP" => "Same Percentage as Film Rental Earned (SPFRE)",
"TM" => "Time and Materials",
"ZZ" => "Mutually Defined"))
E1232 =, "Purchase Category Code"               , 2, 2,
"AE" => "Architect and Engineering",
"CN" => "Construction",
"DR" => "Demolish, Dismantle or Replace",
"ED" => "Education",
"ER" => "Equipment Rental",
"EX" => "Extension",
"FC" => "Facilities",
"FL" => "Fellowship",
"HW" => "Hardware",
"IR" => "Inspect and Repair as Necessary",
"MD" => "Modification",
"OV" => "Overhaul",
"PS" => "Public Service",
"RD" => "Research and Development",
"RE" => "Repair",
"SB" => "Shipbuilding",
"SF" => "Student Financial Aid",
"SP" => "Supplies",
"SS" => "Student Services",
"SU" => "Subsistence",
"SV" => "Services",
"TE" => "Test and Evaluation",
"UT" => "Utilities"))
E1250 =, "Date Time Period Format Qualifier"    , 2, 3,
"CC"  => "First Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY",
"CD"  => "Month and Year Expressed in Format MMMYYY",
"CM"  => "Date in Format CCYYMM",
"CQ"  => "Date in Format CCYYQ",
"CY"  => "Year Expressed in Format CCYY",
"D6"  => "Date Expressed in Format YYMMDD",
"D8"  => "Date Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD",
"DA"  => "Range of Dates within a Single Month Expressed in Format DD-DD",
"DB"  => "Date Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY",
"DD"  => "Day of Month in Numeric Format",
"DDT" => "Range of Dates and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDDHHMM",
"DT"  => "Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM",
"DTD" => "Range of Dates and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDD",
"DTS" => "Range of Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS-CCYYMMDDHHMMSS",
"EH"  => "Last Digit of Year and Julian Date Expressed in Format YDDD",
"KA"  => "Date Expressed in Format YYMMMDD",
"MD"  => "Month of Year and Day of Month Expressed in Format MMDD",
"MM"  => "Month of Year in Numeric Format",
"RD"  => "Range of Dates Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY-MMDDCCYY",
"RD2" => "Range of Years Expressed in Format YY-YY",
"RD4" => "Range of Years Expressed in Format CCYY-CCYY",
"RD5" => "Range of Years and Months Expressed in Format CCYYMM-CCYYMM",
"RD6" => "Range of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-YYMMDD",
"RD8" => "Range of Dates Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD",
"RDM" => "Range of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-MMDD",
"RDT" => "Range of Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDDHHMM",
"RMD" => "Range of Months and Days Expressed in Format MMDD-MMDD",
"RMY" => "Range of Years and Months Expressed in Format YYMM-YYMM",
"RTM" => "Range of Time Expressed in Format HHMM-HHMM",
"RTS" => "Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS",
"TC"  => "Julian Date Expressed in Format DDD",
"TM"  => "Time Expressed in Format HHMM",
"TQ"  => "Date Expressed in Format MMYY",
"TR"  => "Date and Time Expressed in Format DDMMYYHHMM",
"TS"  => "Time Expressed in Format HHMMSS",
"TT"  => "Date Expressed in Format MMDDYY",
"TU"  => "Date EXpressed in Format YYDDD",
"UN"  => "Unstructured",
"YM"  => "Year and Month Expressed in Format YYMM",
"YMM" => "Range of Year and Month Expressed in Format CCYYMM-MMM",
"YY"  => "Last Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY"))
E1251 =, "Date Time Period"                     , 1, 35)
E1270 =, "Code List Qualifier Code"             , 1, 3,
"0"   => "Document Identification Code",
"1"   => "Free On Board Site Code",
"3"   => "Kind of Contract Code",
"4"   => "Type of Contract Code",
"5"   => "Criticality Designator Code",
"7"   => "Quality Assurance Site Code",
"8"   => "Acceptance Site Code",
"10"  => "Transaction Status Indicator Code",
"11"  => "Contract Delivery Date Revision Agent Code",
"12"  => "Reason for Contract Delivery Date Revision Code",
"13"  => "Recommendations Regarding Delayed Deliveries Code",
"14"  => "Contract Shipment Advice Code",
"15"  => "Individual Insurance Financial Detail",
"16"  => "Cash Discount Stipulation Code",
"17"  => "Shipment Acceptance Discrepancy Explanation Code",
"18"  => "Insurance Plan Description Characteristics",
"19"  => "Contract Close-out Group Code",
"20"  => "Payment Type Code",
"21"  => "Contract Fund Reporting Transaction Code",
"22"  => "Contract Payment Deduction or Collection Code",
"23"  => "Obligation Variance Code",
"24"  => "Plus or Minus Indicator Code",
"25"  => "Reason for Delayed Closing of Contract File Code",
"26"  => "Contract Payment Line Item Status Code",
"27"  => "Special Reimbursable Provisions Code",
"28"  => "Kind of Modification Code",
"29"  => "Purchasing Contract Officer (PCO) Instructions Code",
"30"  => "Type of Delay Code",
"31"  => "Healthcare Provider Characteristics and Resources",
"32"  => "Container and Roll-on/Roll-off Number Code",
"33"  => "Air Commodity and Special Handling Code",
"34"  => "Water Commodity and Special Handling Code",
"35"  => "Air Dimension Code",
"36"  => "Air Terminal Identifier Code",
"37"  => "Water Terminal Identifier Code",
"38"  => "Consolidation and Containerization Point Code",
"39"  => "Transportation Mode or Method Code",
"40"  => "Type Pack Code",
"41"  => "Date Shipped or Received Code",
"42"  => "Estimated Time of Arrival Code",
"43"  => "Military and Civilian Grade Code",
"44"  => "Seavan Ownership Code",
"45"  => "Ocean Carrier Code",
"46"  => "Voyage Document Number Code",
"47"  => "Voyage Manifest Reference Code",
"48"  => "Vessel Status and Terms of Carriage Code",
"49"  => "Vessel Sustaining Code",
"50"  => "Subrogation Action Code",
"52"  => "Billing Advice Code",
"53"  => "Billing Status Code",
"54"  => "Type of Bill Code",
"55"  => "Recipient of Billing Status Code",
"56"  => "Sales Price Condition Code",
"57"  => "Delivery Source Code",
"58"  => "Transportation Bill Code",
"59"  => "Stock Fund or Non-stock Fund Code",
"60"  => "General Services Administration (GSA) Customer Supply Center Number Code",
"61"  => "Information Indicator Code",
"62"  => "Communications Routing Identifier Code",
"63"  => "Content Indicator Code",
"65"  => "Health Care Claim Status Code",
"66"  => "Suffix or Limit Code",
"67"  => "Type of Assistance Code",
"68"  => "Healthcare Provider Taxonomy",
"69"  => "Foreign Military Sales Country Code",
"71"  => "Service and Agency Code",
"72"  => "Disbursement Status Code",
"73"  => "Aid Type Code",
"74"  => "Demand Code",
"75"  => "Suffix Code",
"78"  => "Project Code",
"79"  => "Priority Designator Code",
"80"  => "Advice Code",
"81"  => "Status Code",
"82"  => "Shipment Hold Code",
"83"  => "Supply Condition Code",
"84"  => "Management Code",
"85"  => "Country and Activity Code",
"87"  => "Subsistence Type of Pack Code",
"88"  => "Disposal Authority Code",
"89"  => "Cooperative Logistics Program Support Code",
"90"  => "Precious Metals Indicator Code",
"91"  => "Automated Data Processing Equipment Identification Code",
"92"  => "Reason for Disposal Code",
"93"  => "Type of Storage Code",
"94"  => "Identification Code",
"95"  => "Offer and Release Option Code",
"96"  => "Shipment Release Code",
"97"  => "Ultimate Recipient Code",
"98"  => "Reason for Requisitioning Code",
"99"  => "Purpose Code",
"A1"  => "Ownership Code",
"A2"  => "Customer Within Country Code",
"A3"  => "Delivery Term Code",
"A4"  => "Case Designator Number",
"A5"  => "Subcase Number",
"A6"  => "Freight Forwarder Number",
"A7"  => "Record Control Number",
"A8"  => "Program Year Code",
"A9"  => "Supplemental Data",
"AA"  => "Country Code (Finance and Acquisition)",
"AB"  => "Defense Priorities and Allocations System Code",
"AC"  => "Account Characteristics Code",
"AD"  => "Acquisition Advice Code",
"AE"  => "Beneficiary Type",
"AF"  => "Class of Pitch",
"AG"  => "Grade of Difficulty",
"AH"  => "Acquisition Method Suffix Code",
"AI"  => "Acquisition Method Code",
"AJ"  => "Utilization Code",
"AK"  => "Distribution Code",
"AL"  => "Special Requirements Code",
"AM"  => "Locale of Activity",
"AN"  => "Nature of Event Code",
"AO"  => "Settlement/Payout Options",
"AQ"  => "Application Question Identifier",
"AR"  => "Arrest Reason",
"AS"  => "Form Type Code",
"AT"  => "Allegation Type Code",
"AU"  => "All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR-DRG)",
"AV"  => "Subrogation Payment Options",
"AW"  => "All Patient Diagnosis Related Groups (AP-DRG)",
"AX"  => "Ambulatory Patient Groups (APG)",
"AY"  => "Subrogation Response Codes",
"AZ"  => "Subrogation Request Codes",
"BA"  => "Vessel Stowage Location Code",
"BB"  => "Business Type",
"BC"  => "Transportation Holding Delay Code",
"BD"  => "Transportation Priority Code",
"BE"  => "Value",
"BF"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Diagnosis",
"BG"  => "Condition",
"BH"  => "Occurrence",
"BI"  => "Occurrence Span",
"BJ"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Admitting Diagnosis",
"BK"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Principal Diagnosis",
"BL"  => "Application Fee Status Codes",
"BN"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) External Cause of Injury Code (E-codes)",
"BO"  => "Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System",
"BP"  => "Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Principal Procedure",
"BQ"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Other Procedure Codes",
"BR"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Principal Procedure Codes",
"BS"  => "Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes",
"BT"  => "Accident Description",
"BU"  => "Part of Body Affected",
"BV"  => "Education Institution Type Code",
"BW"  => "Educational Areas Code",
"BX"  => "Profession Type Code",
"BY"  => "Share Type Code",
"BZ"  => "Business Size Code",
"C1"  => "Eye Color Code",
"C2"  => "Hair Color Code",
"C3"  => "Skin Tone Code",
"CA"  => "Type of Inquiry Code",
"CB"  => "Billed Office Indicator Code",
"CC"  => "Treasury Symbol Code",
"CD"  => "Supplementary Accounting Classification Code",
"CE"  => "Reference and Station Code",
"CF"  => "Major Force Program Code",
"CG"  => "Aircraft Mission Design Series Code",
"CH"  => "Type of Issue Code",
"CI"  => "Criminal Charge",
"CJ"  => "Criminal Charge Grade",
"CK"  => "Coupon Adjustment Reason Code",
"CL"  => "County Designator Code",
"CM"  => "Financial Management Service Cash-Link Code",
"CN"  => "Cause of Injury Code",
"CO"  => "Customized Notice Type Code",
"CP"  => "Salvage Disposition Code",
"CQ"  => "Capacity Type Indicator",
"CR"  => "Federal Item Identification Guide Criticality (FIIG) Code",
"CS"  => "Clause Status Type",
"CT"  => "Compensation Type Codes",
"CU"  => "Cuisine Type Code",
"CV"  => "Coverage Code List",
"CW"  => "Controvert Code",
"CZ"  => "Conviction Offense Type",
"D1"  => "Driver's License Withdrawal Type",
"D2"  => "Driver's License Withdrawal Extent",
"D3"  => "Driver's License Withdrawal Basis",
"D4"  => "Driver's License Withdrawal Due Process Status",
"D5"  => "Driver's License Withdrawal Reason",
"DA"  => "Device Availability Code",
"DB"  => "Debtor Business Type Code",
"DC"  => "Report Distribution Code",
"DD"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Primary Diagnosis",
"DE"  => "Signal Code",
"DF"  => "Media and Status Code",
"DG"  => "Fund Code",
"DH"  => "Drug Detail Code",
"DI"  => "Single Use Label Code",
"DJ"  => "Remedial Action Code",
"DK"  => "Program Originator Code",
"DL"  => "Service Contract Act Operation Code",
"DM"  => "Agent Status Code",
"DN"  => "Nature of Debt Code",
"DO"  => "Device Operator Type Code",
"DP"  => "Producer Financial History Codes",
"DQ"  => "Device Status Code",
"DR"  => "Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)",
"DS"  => "Related Device Applicability Code",
"DT"  => "Debtor Type Code",
"DU"  => "Device Usage Code",
"DW"  => "Estimating Method Status Code",
"DX"  => "Contact Status Code",
"DY"  => "Type of Firm Code",
"DZ"  => "Reportable Event Status Code",
"EA"  => "Asset Status or Transaction Reporting Code",
"EB"  => "Asset Transfer Status Code",
"EC"  => "Certification Requirements Code",
"ED"  => "Coast Designation Code",
"EE"  => "Competitive Characteristics Code",
"EF"  => "Correction or Change for Storage Item Records Code",
"EG"  => "Excavation Information Code List",
"EH"  => "Type Due-In Indicator",
"EI"  => "Discrepancy Indicator Code",
"EJ"  => "Disposal Condition Code",
"EK"  => "Event or Exposure Code",
"EL"  => "Error Classification Code",
"EM"  => "Inventory Category Code",
"EN"  => "Local Source Code",
"EO"  => "Adverse Event Outcome Code",
"EQ"  => "Controlled Inventory Item Code",
"ER"  => "Department of Defense Identification Code",
"ES"  => "Extension Reason",
"ET"  => "Reject Advice Code",
"EU"  => "Request Code",
"EV"  => "Review Period Indicator Code",
"EW"  => "Small Arms Error Transaction Reject Code",
"EX"  => "Small Arms Transaction Code",
"EY"  => "Special Program Requirement Status Code",
"EZ"  => "Type Inspection Code",
"FA"  => "Type of Contractor Code",
"FB"  => "Type of Media Code",
"FC"  => "Type Physical Inventory or Transaction History Code",
"FD"  => "Demilitarization Code",
"FE"  => "Shelf Life Code",
"FF"  => "Essentiality Code",
"FG"  => "Source Maintenance and Recoverability Code",
"FH"  => "Type of Location Reconciliation Request",
"FI"  => "Applicant Type",
"FJ"  => "Antenna Structure Type",
"FK"  => "Station Classification",
"FL"  => "Radio Frequency Type",
"FM"  => "Station Classification Type",
"FN"  => "Class of Operation",
"FO"  => "Antenna Polarization",
"FP"  => "Fund Purpose",
"FQ"  => "Radio System Type",
"FR"  => "Frequency Band",
"FS"  => "Area of Operation",
"FT"  => "Application Type",
"FU"  => "Authorization Type",
"FV"  => "Radio Service Type",
"FW"  => "Applicant Classification Type",
"FX"  => "Frequency",
"FZ"  => "Edit Error Code",
"G1"  => "Uniform Residential Appraisal Attributes Code",
"GA"  => "Action Code",
"GB"  => "Medium of Transmission Code",
"GC"  => "Management Indicator Code (Petroleum)",
"GD"  => "Gain or Loss Indicator Code",
"GE"  => "Type Adjustment Code",
"GF"  => "Type Identity Change Code",
"GG"  => "Transportation Mode Reason Code",
"GI"  => "Notification Indicator Code",
"GJ"  => "Reject Indicator Code",
"GK"  => "Investigation Status Code",
"GQ"  => "Group Qualifier Code",
"GR"  => "National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) Nature of Injury Code",
"GS"  => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Nature of Injury Code",
"GT"  => "National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) Part of Body Code",
"GU"  => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Part of Body Code",
"GV"  => "National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) Source of Injury Code",
"GW"  => "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Source of Injury Code",
"GX"  => "Glass Action Code",
"GY"  => "Cause of Loss Code",
"GZ"  => "Loss Description Code",
"HA"  => "Discrepancy Code",
"HB"  => "Discrepancy Advice Code",
"HC"  => "Institutional Sector or Level Classification Code",
"HD"  => "Discrepancy Status or Disposition Code",
"HE"  => "Remittance Advice Remark Code",
"HF"  => "Education Staff Type Code",
"HG"  => "Education Fee Type Code",
"HI"  => "Health Industry Number",
"HJ"  => "Institutional Fee Basis Code",
"HK"  => "National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System Institutional Characteristics Survey Code",
"HL"  => "Accreditation, Affiliation, or Licensing Level Code",
"HM"  => "National Center for Education Statistics Accreditation or Licensing Type",
"HS"  => "Service Contract Act Occupation Category Code",
"IC"  => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Inspection",
"ID"  => "Identity Disclosure Code",
"IF"  => "Investment Fund Type",
"IQ"  => "IRS Qualification Code",
"IT"  => "Initial Treatment Code",
"J0"  => "Summons Type Code",
"J1"  => "Judicial Hearing Type Code",
"J2"  => "Judicial Order Type Code",
"J3"  => "Judicial Sentence Type Code",
"J4"  => "Court Disposition Code",
"J5"  => "Court Appearance Type Code",
"J6"  => "Court Pleading Type Code",
"J7"  => "Defendant Plea Type Code",
"J8"  => "Trial Type Code",
"J9"  => "Court Case Status Code",
"JA"  => "Physical Characteristics Code",
"JB"  => "Weight or Fragility Code",
"JC"  => "Preservation Material Code",
"JD"  => "Quantity per Unit Pack Code",
"JE"  => "Preservation Data Code",
"JF"  => "Packing Requirement Level A Code",
"JG"  => "Packing Requirement Level B Code",
"JH"  => "Packing Requirement Level C Code",
"JI"  => "Intermediate Container Code",
"JK"  => "Intermediate Container Quantity Code",
"JL"  => "Special Marking Code",
"JM"  => "Type and Cause Code",
"JN"  => "Mission Impact Statement Code",
"JO"  => "International Standard Designation System for Teeth and Areas of the Oral Cavity",
"JP"  => "Universal National Tooth Designation System",
"KA"  => "Deficiency Cause",
"KB"  => "Discrepancy",
"KC"  => "Preventive Measure",
"KD"  => "Contractor Alert List Reason",
"KE"  => "Quality Alert List Reason",
"KF"  => "Contractor Alert List Status",
"KG"  => "Nature of Buy",
"KH"  => "Type of Procurement",
"KI"  => "Representative Buy Indicator",
"KJ"  => "Assured Delivery Indicator",
"KK"  => "Award Source",
"KL"  => "Termination",
"KM"  => "Patient Event Problem Code",
"KO"  => "Method Evaluation Code",
"KP"  => "Result Evaluation Code",
"KQ"  => "Conclusion Evaluation Code",
"KS"  => "Device Event Problem Code",
"KT"  => "Dose Form Code",
"KU"  => "Route Code",
"KW"  => "Report Source Code",
"KZ"  => "Adverse Event Code",
"LA"  => "Contract",
"LB"  => "Contractor Review List Status",
"LC"  => "Laboratory Test Condition Code",
"LD"  => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Loss Category",
"LE"  => "Life/Annuity Service Features",
"LF"  => "Life/Annuity Product Code",
"LG"  => "Location Code",
"LH"  => "Basis of Jurisdiction Code",
"LJ"  => "Principal Party Citizenship Code",
"LK"  => "Nature of Suit Code",
"LM"  => "Case Origin Code",
"LN"  => "Line of business code",
"LO"  => "Letter of Recommendation Rating Category",
"LP"  => "Deficiency Indicator",
"LQ"  => "Delinquency Indicator",
"LR"  => "Test Results Code",
"LS"  => "Loss Severity Code",
"LT"  => "Laboratory Results Identification Code",
"LZ"  => "War Reserve Material Requirement Code",
"MA"  => "Multi-Media Object",
"MB"  => "Service Contract Act Occupation Classification Code",
"MC"  => "Manual Class Code",
"ME"  => "Device Evaluation Code",
"MI"  => "Minority Indicator",
"MJ"  => "Drug Status Code",
"MK"  => "Drug Status Adverse Event Code",
"ML"  => "Lot Type Code",
"MN"  => "Post Market Study Status Code",
"MS"  => "Meter Status",
"MT"  => "Meter Type",
"NA"  => "Plant Clearance Office Code",
"NB"  => "Inventory Type Code",
"NC"  => "Property Record Status Code",
"ND"  => "Control Unit Design Code",
"NE"  => "Direct Numerical Control System Code",
"NF"  => "Type Numerical Control System Code",
"NH"  => "Property Source Code",
"NI"  => "Nature of Injury Code",
"NJ"  => "Uniform Freight Classification (UFC) Code",
"NK"  => "National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) Code",
"NP"  => "Special Category Code",
"NR"  => "Excess Material Disposition Code",
"NS"  => "Hazardous Material Code",
"NT"  => "Type of Cargo Code",
"O1"  => "Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP) Source of Injury Code",
"O2"  => "Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP) Nature of Injury Code",
"O3"  => "Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP) Part of Body Code",
"O4"  => "Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP) Occupation Code",
"OC"  => "Occupation Code",
"PA"  => "Prior Damage Location Code",
"PB"  => "Part of Body Code",
"PC"  => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Profile",
"PD"  => "Professional Designation",
"PI"  => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Points of Impact",
"PL"  => "Priority Lookup",
"PR"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Patient's Reason for Visit",
"PS"  => "Professional Status Code",
"PT"  => "Price Tier",
"QA"  => "Response Status Code",
"QB"  => "Business Entity Filing Report Type Code",
"QC"  => "Business Entity Filing Detail Code",
"QE"  => "Domestic Line of Business Code",
"QF"  => "Foreign Line of Business Code",
"QG"  => "Business Entity Filing Status Code",
"QH"  => "Business Entity Filing Securities Information Code",
"QI"  => "Business Entity Financial Information Code",
"QJ"  => "Business Entity Status Code",
"QK"  => "Business Entity Filing Location Code",
"QS"  => "Query Status",
"QT"  => "Quantity Type Indicator",
"R1"  => "Upstream Rank (Priority)",
"R2"  => "Receipt Rank (Priority)",
"R3"  => "Delivery Rank (Priority)",
"R4"  => "Downstream Rank (Priority)",
"R5"  => "Threaded Rank",
"RA"  => "Religious Affiliation Code",
"RC"  => "Requirement Code",
"RD"  => "Property Ownership Type Code",
"RE"  => "Property Type Code",
"RI"  => "Residency Indicator",
"RQ"  => "Testing Service Question Code List",
"RT"  => "Request Type",
"RX"  => "National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Reject Codes",
"SA"  => "Student Activity Type Code",
"SB"  => "Student Award Code",
"SC"  => "Source",
"SD"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Secondary Diagnosis",
"SE"  => "Sound Code",
"SF"  => "Run Type",
"SG"  => "Source of Deposit Code",
"SH"  => "Source of Lead Code",
"SI"  => "SIC (Standard Industrial Classification)",
"SJ"  => "Source of Injury Code",
"SL"  => "Secondary Source of Injury",
"SO"  => "Solicitation Cancellation Reason",
"SP"  => "Standard Occupation Classification Code",
"SR"  => "Statistical Administrative Information Code",
"SS"  => "System Status",
"ST"  => "Special Marketing Type Code",
"TB"  => "Association for Financial Professionals Service Code and Bank Service Code",
"TC"  => "Treatment Codes",
"TD"  => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Tertiary Diagnosis",
"TE"  => "Association for Financial Professionals Service Code",
"TF"  => "Title Exception and Requirement Code List",
"TG"  => "Title Document Code List",
"TL"  => "Tap Location",
"TP"  => "Tap Type",
"TQ"  => "Systemized Nomenclature of Dentistry (SNODENT)",
"TR"  => "Report Code",
"TT"  => "Natural Gas Transaction Type",
"TX"  => "Follow-up Code",
"TY"  => "Reportable Event Code",
"UR"  => "Event Reappearance Code",
"US"  => "Event Abatement Code",
"UT"  => "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) forms",
"UU"  => "Unit Code",
"VP"  => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Vehicle Line Item Category Code",
"XD"  => "Export Declaration",
"ZZ"  => "Mutually Defined",
"100" => "Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Special Character Code",
"101" => "Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) Special Feature Code",
"102" => "Mortgage Index Source Code",
"103" => "Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) Remittance Programs",
"104" => "Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Remittance Programs",
"105" => "Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Mortgage Insurance Code",
"106" => "Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) Pool Feature Code",
"107" => "Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) Mortgage Insurance Code",
"108" => "Testing Statistical Category Code List",
"109" => "Testing Demographic Category Code List",
"AAA" => "SNOMED, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine",
"AAD" => "Asset Type",
"AAE" => "Current Asset Type",
"AAF" => "Current Liability Type",
"AAG" => "Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code",
"AAH" => "Financial Item Allocation Code",
"AAI" => "Financial Item Attributed Code",
"AAJ" => "Financial Item Reclassification Code",
"AAK" => "Functional Area",
"AAL" => "Hobby Code",
"AAM" => "Investment Type",
"AAN" => "Liability Type",
"AAO" => "Projection Type",
"AAP" => "Trend Reason",
"AAQ" => "NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association)",
"AAR" => "CPA (Canadian Payments Association)",
"AAS" => "Proprietary",
"AAT" => "Fannie Mae Adjustable Rate Mortgage Plan Codes",
"AAU" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Diagnosis Encountered During Examination and Investigation of Individuals and Populations Code",
"AAV" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Vaccination, Innoculation or Isolation Code",
"AAW" => "Immunization Injection Code",
"AAX" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Code",
"AAY" => "Current Dental Terminology (CDT) Code",
"ABF" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Diagnosis",
"ABJ" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Admitting Diagnosis",
"ABK" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Principal Diagnosis",
"ABN" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) External Cause of Injury Code",
"ABR" => "Assigned by Receiver",
"ABS" => "Assigned by Sender",
"ABU" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Diagnosis Encountered During Examination and Investigation of Individuals and Populations Code",
"ABV" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Vaccination, Innoculation or Isolation Code",
"ACC" => "Accounting Error Classification Code",
"ACR" => "Academic Rank",
"ADD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Primary Diagnosis",
"ADJ" => "Accounting Adjustment Method",
"AEA" => "Army Edit Action Code",
"AJT" => "Adjustment Type",
"ALM" => "Allocation Method",
"ALP" => "Alteration Lookup",
"AOR" => "Authorized Overrun Indicator",
"APE" => "Activite Principale Exercee (APE) Code",
"APR" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Patient's Reason for Visit",
"ARD" => "Asset Reclassification Denial Code",
"ARI" => "Allocation Rank Indicator",
"ARL" => "Allocation Rank Level",
"ASD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Secondary Diagnosis",
"ATD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Tertiary Diagnosis",
"ATT" => "Allocation Transaction Type Code",
"BBF" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Diagnosis",
"BBJ" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Admitting Diagnosis",
"BBK" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Principal Diagnosis",
"BBN" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) External Cause of Injury Code",
"BBQ" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-PCS) Other Procedure Codes",
"BBR" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-PCS) Principal Procedure Codes",
"BBU" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Diagnosis Encountered During Examination and Investigation of Individuals and Populations Code",
"BBV" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Vaccination, Innoculation or Isolation Code",
"BCC" => "Business Change Code",
"BCR" => "Business Credit Rating",
"BDD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Primary Diagnosis",
"BPL" => "Board of Inspection and Survey Part Lookup",
"BPR" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Patient's Reason for Visit",
"BRL" => "Board of Inspection and Survey Responsibility Lookup",
"BSD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Secondary Diagnosis",
"BSL" => "Board of Inspection and Survey Ship Lookup",
"BSP" => "Business Period",
"BTC" => "Balance Type Code",
"BTD" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Tertiary Diagnosis",
"BUI" => "Bid Up Indicator",
"BUR" => "Bureau of Labor Statistics Standardized Occupational Codes",
"CAH" => "Advanced Billing Concepts (ABC) Codes",
"CBQ" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Other Procedure Codes",
"CBR" => "International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-11-CM) Principal Procedure Codes",
"CCC" => "Correction To Cause Code",
"CFI" => "Contractual Flow Indicator",
"CHG" => "Charge Indicator",
"CIE" => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Assignment Type",
"CLP" => "Cause Lookup",
"CML" => "Customer Maintenance Level Lookup",
"CNC" => "Change Notice Code",
"COG" => "Cognizance Symbol",
"COR" => "Confirming Party Role",
"CPS" => "Court Party Status",
"CRC" => "Complaint Request Code",
"CRI" => "Causative Research Indicator Code",
"CSD" => "Customer Service Designator",
"CSF" => "Corporate Statement Filing Code",
"CTC" => "Carcass Tracking Code",
"DAC" => "Document Availability Code",
"DAP" => "All Patient, Severity-Adjusted DRGs (APS-DRG)",
"DBS" => "DUN's Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2+2, Dun and Bradstreet",
"DCC" => "Cause Code",
"DCM" => "Medicare DRG (CMS-DRG & MS-DRG)",
"DCR" => "Disposition Category Change Reject Reason Code",
"DCS" => "Disposition Sub-Category Code",
"DCT" => "Disposition Category Code",
"DGO" => "Dynamic Generator Set Code",
"DIR" => "International-Refined DRGs (IR-DRG)",
"DLO" => "Dynamic Locomotive Tag Code",
"DLP" => "Deferral Lookup",
"DLT" => "Long Term Care DRG - LTC-DRG",
"DMI" => "Demilitarization Integrity Code",
"DNT" => "Document Number Requirement Type",
"DOF" => "Direction of Flow",
"DPC" => "Delivery Priority Code",
"DPE" => "Association of American Railroads Deprescription Exception List",
"DPL" => "Association of American Railroads Deprescription Distribution List",
"DRD" => "Refined DRGs (R-DRG)",
"DRL" => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Detail Repair Lines Code List",
"DSC" => "Disposition Services Customer Type Code",
"DSD" => "Severity DRGs (S-DRG)",
"DSI" => "Disposition Services Indicator Code",
"DSR" => "Data Sets Requested",
"DSS" => "Delivery Scheduling Status",
"EAA" => "Alabama Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAB" => "Alaska Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAC" => "American Samoa Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAD" => "Arizona Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAE" => "Arkansas Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAF" => "California Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAG" => "Colorado Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAH" => "Connecticut Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAI" => "Delaware Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAJ" => "District of Columbia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAK" => "Florida Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAL" => "Georgia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAM" => "Guam Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAN" => "Hawaii Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAO" => "Idaho Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAP" => "Illinois Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAQ" => "Indiana Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAR" => "Iowa Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAS" => "Kansas Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAT" => "Kentucky Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAU" => "Louisiana Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAV" => "Maine Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAW" => "Maryland Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAX" => "Massachusetts Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAY" => "Michigan Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EAZ" => "Minnesota Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBA" => "Mississippi Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBB" => "Missouri Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBC" => "Montana Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBD" => "Nebraska Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBE" => "Nevada Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBF" => "New Hampshire Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBG" => "New Jersey Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBH" => "New Mexico Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBI" => "New York Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBJ" => "North Carolina Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBK" => "North Dakota Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBL" => "Ohio Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBM" => "Oklahoma Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBN" => "Oregon Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBO" => "Pennsylvania Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBP" => "Puerto Rico Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBQ" => "Rhode Island Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBR" => "South Carolina Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBS" => "South Dakota Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBT" => "Tennessee Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBU" => "Texas Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBV" => "Utah Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBW" => "Vermont Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBX" => "Virginia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBY" => "Virgin Islands Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EBZ" => "Washington Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECA" => "West Virginia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECB" => "Wisconsin Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECC" => "Wyoming Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECD" => "Alberta Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECE" => "British Columbia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECF" => "Manitoba Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECG" => "New Brunswick Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECH" => "Newfoundland Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECI" => "Northwest Territories Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECJ" => "Nova Scotia Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECK" => "Ontario Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECL" => "Prince Edward Island Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECM" => "Quebec Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECN" => "Saskatchewan Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECO" => "Yukon Territory Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECP" => "Federal Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"ECQ" => "Alabama Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECR" => "Alaska Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECS" => "Arizona Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECT" => "Arkansas Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECU" => "California Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECV" => "Colorado Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECW" => "Connecticut Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECX" => "Delaware Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECY" => "District of Columbia Lobbyist Report Codes",
"ECZ" => "Florida Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDA" => "Georgia Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDB" => "Hawaii Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDC" => "Idaho Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDD" => "Illinois Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDE" => "Indiana Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDF" => "Iowa Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDG" => "Kansas Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDH" => "Kentucky Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDI" => "Louisiana Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDJ" => "Maine Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDK" => "Maryland Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDL" => "Massachusetts Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDM" => "Michigan Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDN" => "Minnesota Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDO" => "Mississippi Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDP" => "Missouri Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDQ" => "Montana Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDR" => "Nebraska Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDS" => "Nevada Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDT" => "New Hampshire Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDU" => "New Jersey Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDV" => "New Mexico Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDW" => "New York Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDX" => "North Carolina Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDY" => "North Dakota Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EDZ" => "Ohio Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEA" => "Oklahoma Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEB" => "Oregon Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEC" => "Pennsylvania Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EED" => "Puerto Rico Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEE" => "Rhode Island Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEF" => "South Carolina Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEG" => "South Dakota Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEH" => "Tennessee Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEI" => "Texas Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEJ" => "Utah Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEK" => "Vermont Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEL" => "Virginia Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEM" => "Washington Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEN" => "West Virginia Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEO" => "Wisconsin Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEP" => "Wyoming Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EEQ" => "New York City Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EER" => "Seattle Campaign Disclosure Report Codes",
"EES" => "New York City Lobbyist Report Codes",
"EMC" => "Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) Emission Code",
"EPI" => "Exchange Price Indicator",
"EQR" => "Equipment Request Codes",
"ERC" => "Equipment Repair Condition Code",
"ERJ" => "Equipment Repair Job Code",
"ERL" => "Equipment Repair Location Code",
"ERR" => "Equipment Repair Responsibility Code",
"ESC" => "Electrostatic Discharge Code",
"ESL" => "Equipment Status Lookup",
"ETL" => "Estimate Type Lookup",
"EWC" => "Evaluate Work Candidate Lookup",
"EWM" => "Equipment Why Made Code",
"EWR" => "Evaluate Work Candidate Reason Lookup",
"EXD" => "Export Declaration",
"EXP" => "Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)",
"FAP" => "Fannie Mae Refinance Plan Code",
"FC1" => "Federal Communication, Control and Security Code List 1",
"FF1" => "Federal Finance Code List 1",
"FH1" => "Federal Health Care Code List 1",
"FIR" => "Financial Inventory Report Code",
"FL1" => "Federal Logistics Code List 1",
"FMO" => "Former Major Organizational Entity Rule Number",
"FMS" => "Foreign Military Sales and Military Assistance Program Grant Aid Type of Assistance/Financing Code",
"FP1" => "Federal Procurement Code List 1",
"FRP" => "Freddie Mac Refinance Plan Code",
"FT1" => "Federal Transportation Code List 1",
"HMC" => "Hazardous Material Content Code",
"HRC" => "Hazardous Response Codes",
"HZR" => "Association of American Railroads Standard Transportation Commodity Code Description Qualifier",
"IBP" => "Insurance Business Process Application Error Code",
"ICF" => "International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF)",
"IMC" => "Item Management Code",
"IMP" => "Impact Recorder Code",
"IND" => "Intra-Navy Disposal Release Order Reject Advice Code",
"IPA" => "Impact Axis or Analog Port Code",
"IPG" => "Issue Priority Group",
"IRR" => "Issue, Repair and Requisition Code",
"IRT" => "Imbalance Reporting Type",
"ITI" => "Interruptible Transportation Indicator",
"JCL" => "Job Characteristics Lookup",
"JOL" => "Job Originator Lookup",
"KYL" => "Key Event Lookup",
"LCF" => "Location Capacity Flow Indicator",
"LIN" => "Line of Authority",
"LMT" => "Limit Type",
"LOC" => "Location Indicator",
"LOI" => "Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) Codes",
"LPC" => "Location Purpose Code",
"LQT" => "Location Quantity Type Indicator",
"LSC" => "Legal Structure Code",
"MAC" => "Material Management Aggregation Code",
"MCC" => "Material Control Code",
"MCD" => "Generator Set Mounting Code",
"MEC" => "Method of Completion Code",
"MFD" => "Manager Forced Directed Action",
"MOC" => "Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS) System Error Code",
"MOE" => "Major Organizational Entity Rule Number",
"MRC" => "Reference Partial Descriptive Method Reason Code",
"MRI" => "Maximum Rate Indicator",
"NAC" => "Nomenclature Activity Classification Economy (NACE) Code",
"NAF" => "Norme Activite Francaise (NAF) Code",
"NAN" => "Non-Approved Item Name",
"NAS" => "Nature of Suit",
"NBA" => "No Balance Affecting Transactions",
"NCD" => "Invoice Notes Code",
"NDC" => "National Drug Code (NDC)",
"NGC" => "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Product Code",
"NIR" => "Non-Induction Reason Code",
"NPC" => "Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) National Popularity Code",
"NUB" => "National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) Revenue Codes",
"PCL" => "Planning Code Lookup",
"PCR" => "Pseudo Closure Reason Code",
"PDA" => "Pre-determined Allocation (PDA) Transaction Type Code",
"PGS" => "Petroleum United States Geological Survey (USGS) Formation Code",
"PHC" => "Phrase Code",
"PIT" => "Petroleum Bill Type",
"PLC" => "Petroleum Land Category",
"PLS" => "Petroleum Lease Status",
"POB" => "Part of Body and Nature of Injury",
"POS" => "Place of Service Code",
"PPD" => "Petroleum Product Disposition",
"PPP" => "Petroleum Product Point-of-Sale",
"PPS" => "Petroleum Product Selling Arrangement",
"PPV" => "Petroleum Product Value Adjustment",
"PQA" => "Petroleum Quantity Allocations Code",
"PRA" => "Petroleum Royalty Adjustment",
"PRC" => "Petroleum Royalty Calculation Method",
"PRI" => "Processing Rights Indicator",
"PRR" => "Petroleum Regulatory Report",
"PRT" => "Petroleum Royalty Transaction",
"PWA" => "Petroleum Well Action",
"PWI" => "Petroleum Well Information",
"PWR" => "Petroleum Well Shut-In Reason",
"PWS" => "Petroleum Well Classification Status",
"PWT" => "Petroleum Well Test Information",
"QDR" => "Product Quality Deficiency Report Summary Code",
"RAS" => "Receipt Acceptance Site Code",
"RCA" => "Registered Contractor Activity Code",
"REC" => "Race or Ethnicity Collection Code",
"RED" => "Reduction Reason Code",
"REN" => "Association of American Railroads Rate EDI Network Error Code",
"RET" => "Classification of Race or Ethnicity",
"RFC" => "Reference Number Format Code",
"RFM" => "Reason for Movement Code",
"RJC" => "Reference Number Justification Code",
"RNC" => "Reference Number Category Code",
"RPQ" => "Replenishment Demand Information",
"RQI" => "Retail Demand Information",
"RRC" => "Reason for Reversal Code",
"RSS" => "Receipt Scheduling Status",
"RTC" => "Registration Type Code",
"RUM" => "Refrigeration Unit Operating Mode Code",
"RVC" => "Reference Number Variation Code",
"SAD" => "Security Assistance Document Number Requirement Type Code",
"SAT" => "Stock Action/Technical Information Code",
"SBA" => "Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) Code",
"SCI" => "Subsequent Cycle Indicator",
"SEC" => "Stock Exchange Code",
"SET" => "Settlement Type",
"SFO" => "Swing Fuel Option Indicator",
"SHL" => "Safety Hazard Lookup",
"SHM" => "Accident Resulting Change Code",
"SHN" => "Active Mitigation Consideration Code",
"SHO" => "Activity Methods Code",
"SHP" => "Analytical Method Code",
"SHQ" => "Atmospheric Stability Class Code",
"SHR" => "Basis of Estimate Code",
"SHS" => "Certification Code",
"SHT" => "Contributing Factor Code",
"SHU" => "Control Device Type Code",
"SHV" => "Design/Standard Code",
"SHW" => "Device Classification Code",
"SHX" => "Discharge Indicator Code",
"SHY" => "Discharge Quantity Range Code",
"SHZ" => "Non-Reportable Discharge Indicator Code",
"SIA" => "Emergency Response Regulation/Statute Code",
"SIB" => "Emission Factor Type Code",
"SIC" => "Emission Release Point Type Code",
"SID" => "Emission Source Type Code",
"SIE" => "Emission Type Code",
"SIF" => "Emission Unit Type Code",
"SIG" => "Endpoint Code",
"SIH" => "Environment Code",
"SII" => "Environmental Program Type Code",
"SIJ" => "Environmental Receptor Code",
"SIK" => "Facility Category Code",
"SIL" => "Facility Status Code",
"SIM" => "Factor Calculation Method Code",
"SIN" => "Frequency of Analysis Code",
"SIO" => "Generator Status Code",
"SIP" => "Geometric Type Code",
"SIQ" => "Hazardous Waste Form Code",
"SIR" => "Horizontal Datum Code",
"SIS" => "Information System Code",
"SIT" => "Initiating Event Code",
"SIU" => "Inventory Quantity Range Code",
"SIV" => "Latitude/Longitude Source Code",
"SIW" => "Latitude/Longitude Verification Code",
"SIX" => "Location Description Code",
"SIY" => "Major Hazard Code",
"SIZ" => "Manufacturing Code",
"SJA" => "Material Classification Code",
"SJB" => "Material Code",
"SJC" => "Maximum Achievable Control Technology Code",
"SJD" => "Method of Collection Code",
"SJE" => "Mitigation System Code",
"SJF" => "Model Used Code",
"SJG" => "Monitoring/Detection System Code",
"SJH" => "Monitoring Location Code",
"SJI" => "Non-Generating Waste Code",
"SJJ" => "Off-Site Availability Code",
"SJK" => "Off-Site Impact Code",
"SJL" => "On-Site Impact Code",
"SJM" => "On-Site Process System Type Code",
"SJN" => "Origin Code",
"SJO" => "Parameter Code",
"SJP" => "Passive Mitigation Consideration Code",
"SJQ" => "Permit Compliance Status Code",
"SJR" => "Physical State Code",
"SJS" => "Point of Measurement Code",
"SJT" => "Preservative Code",
"SJU" => "Process Code",
"SJV" => "Process Control Code",
"SJW" => "Process Hazard Analysis Update Resulting Change Code",
"SJX" => "Process Hazards Analysis Technique Code",
"SJY" => "Public Receptor Code",
"SJZ" => "Range of Concentration Code",
"SKA" => "Recovery Method Code",
"SKB" => "Recycling Method Code",
"SKC" => "Release Event Code",
"SKD" => "Release Source Code",
"SKE" => "Reliability Indicator Code",
"SKF" => "Rule Effectiveness Method Code",
"SKG" => "Sample Type Code",
"SKH" => "Scenario Code",
"SKI" => "Site Location Code",
"SKJ" => "Source Category Code",
"SKK" => "Source of Waste Generation Code",
"SKL" => "Source Reduction Activity Code",
"SKM" => "System Type Code",
"SKN" => "Time Period Code",
"SKO" => "Topography Code",
"SKP" => "Transfer Quantity Range Code",
"SKQ" => "Type of Competency Testing Code",
"SKR" => "Type of Training Code",
"SKS" => "Type of Waste Management Code",
"SKT" => "Use Code",
"SKU" => "Waste Emanation Code",
"SKV" => "Waste Management Status Code",
"SKW" => "Waste Stream Code",
"SKX" => "Waste Treatment Method Code",
"SKY" => "Wind Direction Code",
"SKZ" => "Unit of Measure Code",
"SLA" => "Shelf-Life Action Code",
"SLC" => "Stockage List Code",
"SLS" => "Scheduling Status",
"SMB" => "Statement Basis",
"SMC" => "Special Material Content Code",
"SMD" => "Sample Device",
"SMI" => "Special Material Identification Code",
"SMT" => "Sample Type",
"SPD" => "Submitter's Priority Designator",
"SPE" => "Special Dating",
"SRL" => "Special Requirement Lookup",
"SRR" => "Supplemental Reduction Reason",
"SRT" => "Storage Report Type",
"SSC" => "Supply Status Code",
"STC" => "Association of American Railroads Standard Transportation Commodity Code Master Description Information",
"STF" => "Forward and Store Application Error Edit Codes",
"SUI" => "Solicited/Unsolicited Indicator",
"SVC" => "Service Code",
"SWR" => "Association of American Railroads Switch Release Codes",
"T00" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Safety Code",
"T01" => "Data Categories",
"T02" => "Event Codes",
"T03" => "Operation Type",
"T04" => "Accident Parameters",
"T05" => "Inspection Parameters",
"T06" => "Driver Parameters",
"T07" => "View Parameters",
"T08" => "Vehicle Parameters",
"T09" => "Fleet Parameters",
"T10" => "Query Options",
"T11" => "Jurisdiction Type",
"T12" => "Single State Registration System and Operating Authority Credential",
"T13" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Insurance",
"T14" => "Commercial Vehicle Registration",
"T15" => "Hazardous Materials Credential",
"T16" => "Oversize/Overweight Credential",
"T17" => "Commercial Vehicle Tax",
"T18" => "Commercial Vehicle Title",
"T19" => "Commercial Driver's License",
"T20" => "Commercial Vehicle Type",
"T21" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Status Code",
"T22" => "Safety and Fitness Electronic Record Systems Subscription Option",
"T23" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Commodity Code",
"T24" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Hazardous Material Code",
"T25" => "Safety and Fitness Electronic Record Systems Error Code",
"T26" => "Commercial Vehicle Operations Jurisdiction Identifier Code",
"T27" => "Compliance Review Code",
"T28" => "Incident Condition Code",
"T29" => "Incident Related Action Code",
"T30" => "Incident Location Code",
"T31" => "Incident Consequence Code",
"T32" => "Road Characteristic Code",
"T33" => "Vehicle Occupant Code",
"T34" => "Package Failure Code",
"T35" => "Pedestrian Code",
"TC1" => "Type of Change Code",
"TCD" => "Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) - Totals Code List",
"TCL" => "Template Characteristic Lookup",
"TDC" => "Discrepancy Report Type Code",
"TDJ" => "Technical Data Justification Code",
"TFR" => "Tax or Fee Exemption Reason Code",
"TOC" => "Weapon System Transaction Origination Code",
"TOL" => "Template Owner Lookup",
"TTD" => "Downstream Transaction Type",
"TTL" => "Template Type Lookup",
"TTU" => "Upstream Transaction Type",
"UBT" => "UMLER Body Type",
"UDC" => "Unique Item Tracking Designator Code",
"UER" => "Unique Item Tracking Error Reject Code",
"UFC" => "UMLER Fitting Code",
"UJC" => "Urgency Justification Code",
"UNP" => "(UN/SPSC) United Nations Products and Services Classification Code",
"UPC" => "Unclaimed Property Additions, Deletions, and Deductions Codes",
"UPT" => "Unclaimed Property Type Code",
"UTC" => "Unique Item Tracking Transaction Code",
"VAL" => "Validation Code",
"WAC" => "Weapon System Advice Code",
"WDL" => "When Discovered Lookup",
"WEC" => "Weapon System Essentiality Code",
"WRC" => "Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) Warranty Code",
"WSC" => "Weapon System Status Code",
"WSD" => "Weapon System Designator Code",
"WSM" => "Weapon System Maintenance Code"))
E1271 =, "Industry Code"                        , 1, 30)
E1280 =, "Direction Identifier Code"            , 1, 1,
"A" => "Northeast",
"B" => "Northwest",
"C" => "Southeast",
"D" => "Southwest",
"E" => "East",
"F" => "North Northwest",
"G" => "South Southeast",
"H" => "South Southwest",
"I" => "North Northeast",
"J" => "East Northeast",
"K" => "East Southeast",
"L" => "West Northwest",
"M" => "West Southwest",
"N" => "North",
"S" => "South",
"W" => "West"))
E1325 =, "Claim Frequency Type Code"            , 1, 1,
E1331 =, "Facility Code Value"                  , 1, 2)
E1339 =, "Procedure Modifier"                   , 2, 2)
E1352 =, "Patient Status Code"                  , 1, 2,
E1354 =, "Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Code"   , 1, 4,
E1373 =, "Measurement Method or Device Code"    , 2, 4,
"BM" => "Bellows Meter",
"BO" => "Based on 120 Days List to Contract",
"DM" => "Displacement Meter",
"FT" => "Flange Tap",
"HN" => "Hubometer",
"MA" => "Measured Over Six Months",
"MM" => "Mercury Meter",
"OM" => "Orifice Meter",
"OU" => "Odometer",
"PT" => "Pipe Tap",
"TM" => "Turbine Meter",
"VA" => "Valued at 90 Day Marketing Time Method",
"VB" => "Valued at 120 Day Marketing Time Method",
"VC" => "Valued at 180 Day Marketing Time Method"))
E1375 =, "Interim Hazardous Material Regulatory Number", 1, 5)
E1528 =, "Component Data Element Position in Composite", 1, 2, 0)
E1650 =, "Shipment Status Code"                 , 2, 2,
"A3" => "Shipment Returned to Shipper",
"A7" => "Refused by Consignee",
"A9" => "Shipment Damaged",
"AF" => "Carrier Departed Pick-up Location with Shipment",
"AG" => "Estimated Delivery",
"AH" => "Attempted Delivery",
"AI" => "Shipment has been Reconsigned",
"AJ" => "Tendered for Delivery",
"AM" => "Loaded on Truck",
"AN" => "Diverted to Air Carrier",
"AP" => "Delivery Not Completed",
"AR" => "Rail Arrival at Destination Intermodal Ramp",
"AV" => "Available for Delivery",
"B6" => "Estimated to Arrive at Carrier Terminal",
"BA" => "Connecting Line or Cartage Pick-up",
"BC" => "Storage in Transit",
"C1" => "Estimated to Depart Terminal Location",
"CA" => "Shipment Cancelled",
"CD" => "Carrier Departed Delivery Location",
"CL" => "Trailer Closed Out",
"CP" => "Completed Loading at Pick-up Location",
"D1" => "Completed Unloading at Delivery Location",
"I1" => "In-Gate",
"J1" => "Delivered to Connecting Line",
"K1" => "Arrived at Customs",
"L1" => "Loading",
"OA" => "Out-Gate",
"OO" => "Paperwork Received - Did not Receive Shipment or Equipment",
"P1" => "Departed Terminal Location",
"PR" => "U.S. Customs Hold at In-Bond Location",
"R1" => "Received from Prior Carrier",
"RL" => "Rail Departure from Origin Intermodal Ramp",
"S1" => "Trailer Spotted at Consignee's Location",
"SD" => "Shipment Delayed",
"X1" => "Arrived at Delivery Location",
"X2" => "Estimated Date and/or Time of Arrival at Consignee's Location",
"X3" => "Arrived at Pick-up Location",
"X4" => "Arrived at Terminal Location",
"X5" => "Arrived at Delivery Location Loading Dock",
"X6" => "En Route to Delivery Location",
"X8" => "Arrived at Pick-up Location Loading Dock",
"XB" => "Shipment Acknowledged"))
E1651 =, "Shipment Status or Appointment Reason Code" , 2, 2,
"A1" => "Missed Delivery",
"A2" => "Incorrect Address",
"A3" => "Indirect Delivery",
"A5" => "Unable to Locate",
"A6" => "Address Corrected - Delivery Attempted",
"AA" => "Mis-sort",
"AD" => "Customer Requested Future Delivery",
"AE" => "Restricted Articles Unacceptable",
"AF" => "Accident",
"AG" => "Consignee Related",
"AH" => "Driver Related",
"AI" => "Mechanical Breakdown",
"AJ" => "Other Carrier Related",
"AK" => "Damaged, Rewrapped in Hub",
"AL" => "Previous Stop",
"AM" => "Shipper Related",
"AN" => "Holiday - Closed",
"AO" => "Weather or Natural Disaster Related",
"AQ" => "Recipient Unavailable - Delivery Delayed",
"AR" => "Improper International Paperwork",
"AS" => "Hold Due to Customs Documentation Problems",
"AT" => "Unable to Contact Recipent for Broker Information",
"AV" => "Exceeds Service Limitations",
"AW" => "Past Cut-off Time",
"AX" => "Insufficient Pick-up Time",
"AY" => "Missed Pick-up",
"AZ" => "Alternate Carrier Delivered",
"B1" => "Consignee Closed",
"B2" => "Trap for Customer",
"B5" => "Held for Consignee",
"B8" => "Improper Unloading Facility or Equipment",
"B9" => "Receiving Time Restriced",
"BB" => "Held per Shipper",
"BC" => "Missing Documents",
"BD" => "Border Clearance",
"BE" => "Road Conditions",
"BF" => "Carrier Keying Error",
"BG" => "Other",
"BH" => "Insufficient Time to Complete Delivery",
"BI" => "Cartage Agent",
"BL" => "Held for Protective Service",
"BS" => "Refused by Customer",
"BT" => "Returned to Shipper",
"C1" => "Waiting for Customer Pick-up",
"C2" => "Credit Hold",
"C3" => "Suspended at Customer Request",
"C4" => "Customer Vacation",
"C5" => "Customer Strike",
"C6" => "Waiting Shipping Instructions",
"C7" => "Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier",
"C8" => "Collect on Delivery Required",
"C9" => "Cash Not Available From Consignee",
"CA" => "Customs (Import or Export)",
"CB" => "No Requested Arrival Date Provided by Shipper",
"CC" => "No Requested Arrival Time Provided by Shipper",
"D1" => "Carrier Dispatch Error",
"D2" => "Driver Not Available",
"F2" => "International Non-carrier Delay",
"NA" => "Normal Appointment",
"NS" => "Normal Status",
"P1" => "Processing Delay",
"P2" => "Waiting Inspection",
"P3" => "Production Falldown",
"P4" => "Held for Full Carrier Load",
"RC" => "Reconsigned",
"T2" => "Tractor, Conventional, Not Available",
"T3" => "Trailer not Available",
"T4" => "Trailer Not Usable Due to Prior Product",
"T5" => "Trailer Class Not Available",
"T6" => "Trailer Volume Not Available",
"T7" => "Insufficent Delivery Time"))
E1652 =, "Shipment Appointment Status Code"     , 2, 2,
"AA" => "Pick-up Appointment Date and/or Time",
"AB" => "Delivery Appointment Date and/or Time"))
E1654 =, "Longitude Code"                       , 7, 7,
E1655 =, "Latitude Code"                        , 7, 7,
E1715 =, "Country Subdivision Code"             , 1, 3,
C001 =,
"Composite Unit of Measure",
"To identify a composite unit of measure",
E355 .component_use(r::Mandatory),
E649 .component_use(r::Optional),
E355 .component_use(r::Optional),
E649 .component_use(r::Optional))
C003 =,
"Composite Medical Procedure Identifier",
"To identify a procedure by its standardized codes and applicable modifiers",
E235 .component_use(r::Mandatory),
E234 .component_use(r::Mandatory), # Qualified by C003-01
E352 .component_use(r::Optional))
C030 =,
"Position in Segment",
C040 =,
"Reference Identifier",
"To identify one or more reference numbers or identification numbers as specified by the Reference Qualifier",
E127.component_use(r::Mandatory),, 4),, 6))
C042 =,
"Adjustment Identifier",
"To provide the category and identifying reference information for an adjustment",
E426 .component_use(r::Mandatory),
E127 .component_use(r::Optional))
C103 =,
"Packaging Code",
"Code identifying the type of packaging; Part 1: Packaging Form, Part 2: Packaging Material; if the Data Element is used, then Part 1 is always required",