Class: RowRecord

BiffRecord show all
Defined in:


This record contains the properties of a single row in a sheet. Rows and cells in a sheet are divided into blocks of 32 rows.

Record ROW, BIFF3-BIFF8:

Offset Size Contents 0 2 Index of this row 2 2 Index to column of the first cell which is described by a cell record 4 2 Index to column of the last cell which is described by a cell record,

increased by 1

6 2 Bit Mask Contents

14-0    7FFFH   Height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point
15      8000H   0 = Row has custom height; 1 = Row has default height

8 2 Not used 10 2 In BIFF3-BIFF4 this field contains a relative offset

to calculate stream position of the first cell record
for this row. In BIFF5-BIFF8 this field is not used
anymore, but the DBCELL record instead.

12 4 Option flags and default row formatting:

Bit     Mask        Contents
2-0     00000007H   Outline level of the row
4       00000010H   1 = Outline group starts or ends here (depending
                    on where the outline buttons are located,
                    see WSBOOL record), and is collapsed
5       00000020H   1 = Row is hidden (manually, or by a filter or outline group)
6       00000040H   1 = Row height and default font height do not match
7       00000080H   1 = Row has explicit default format (fl)
8       00000100H   Always 1
27-16   0FFF0000H   If fl=1: Index to default XF record
28      10000000H   1 = Additional space above the row. This flag is set,
                    if the upper border of at least one cell in this row
                    or if the lower border of at least one cell in the row
                    above is formatted with a thick line style.
                    Thin and medium line styles are not taken into account.
29      20000000H   1 = Additional space below the row. This flag is set,
                    if the lower border of at least one cell in this row
                    or if the upper border of at least one cell in the row
                    below is formatted with a medium or thick line style.
                    Thin line styles are not taken into account.

Constant Summary collapse


Constants inherited from BiffRecord


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from BiffRecord


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from BiffRecord

#record_header, #to_biff

Constructor Details

#initialize(index, first_col, last_col, height_options, options) ⇒ RowRecord

Returns a new instance of RowRecord.

# File 'lib/surpass/biff_record.rb', line 1255

def initialize(index, first_col, last_col, height_options, options)
  @record_data = [index, first_col, last_col + 1, height_options, 0x00, 0x00, options].pack('v6V')