Class: Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::AASM
- Inherits:
- Object
- Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
- Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::AASM
- Extended by:
- T::Sig
- Defined in:
- lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers/aasm.rb
‘Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::AASM` generate types for AASM state machines. This gem dynamically defines constants and methods at runtime. For example, given a class:
class MyClass
include AASM
aasm do
state :sleeping, initial: true
state :running, :cleaning
event :run do
transitions from: :sleeping, to: :running
This will result in the following constants being defined:
and the following methods being defined:
sleeping?, running?, cleaning?
run, run!, run_without_validation!, may_run?
Constant Summary collapse
Taken directly from the AASM::Core::Event class, here:
T.let( [ "after", "after_commit", "after_transaction", "before", "before_transaction", "ensure", "error", "before_success", "success", ].freeze, T::Array[String], )
Taken directly from the AASM::Base class, here:
T.let( [ "after_all_transitions", "after_all_transactions", "before_all_transactions", "before_all_events", "after_all_events", "error_on_all_events", "ensure_on_all_events", ].freeze, T::Array[String], )
- ConstantType =
type_member { { fixed: T.all(T::Class[::AASM], ::AASM::ClassMethods) } }
Constants included from Runtime::Reflection
Runtime::Reflection::ANCESTORS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::CLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::CONSTANTS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::EQUAL_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::METHOD_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::NAME_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::OBJECT_ID_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PRIVATE_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PROTECTED_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PUBLIC_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::REQUIRED_FROM_LABELS, Runtime::Reflection::SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::SUPERCLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::UNDEFINED_CONSTANT
Constants included from SorbetHelper
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
#add_error, #compiler_enabled?, handles?, #initialize, processable_constants
Methods included from T::Generic::TypeStoragePatch
#[], #has_attached_class!, #type_member, #type_template
Methods included from Runtime::Reflection
#abstract_type_of, #ancestors_of, #are_equal?, #class_of, #constant_defined?, #constantize, #constants_of, #descendants_of, #file_candidates_for, #final_module?, #inherited_ancestors_of, #method_of, #name_of, #name_of_type, #object_id_of, #private_instance_methods_of, #protected_instance_methods_of, #public_instance_methods_of, #qualified_name_of, #resolve_loc, #sealed_module?, #signature_of, #signature_of!, #singleton_class_of, #superclass_of
Methods included from Runtime::AttachedClassOf
Methods included from RBIHelper
#as_nilable_type, #as_non_nilable_type, #create_block_param, #create_kw_opt_param, #create_kw_param, #create_kw_rest_param, #create_opt_param, #create_param, #create_rest_param, #create_typed_param, #sanitize_signature_types, serialize_type_variable, #valid_method_name?, #valid_parameter_name?
Methods included from SorbetHelper
#sorbet, #sorbet_path, #sorbet_supports?
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
Class Method Details
Instance Method Details
#decorate ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers/aasm.rb', line 75 def decorate state_machine_store = ::AASM::StateMachineStore.fetch(constant) return unless state_machine_store state_machines = { |n| constant.aasm(n) } return if state_machines.all? { |m| m.states.empty? } root.create_path(constant) do |model| state_machines.each do |state_machine| namespace = state_machine.__send__(:namespace) # Create all of the constants and methods for each state state_machine.states.each do |state| name = name = "#{namespace}_#{name}" if namespace model.create_constant("STATE_#{name.upcase}", value: "T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)") model.create_method("#{name}?", return_type: "T::Boolean") end # Create all of the methods for each event parameters = [create_rest_param("opts", type: "T.untyped")] do |event| model.create_method(, parameters: parameters) model.create_method("#{}!", parameters: parameters) model.create_method("#{}_without_validation!", parameters: parameters) model.create_method("may_#{}?", return_type: "T::Boolean") # For events, if there's a namespace the default methods are created in addition to # namespaced ones. next unless namespace name = "#{}_#{namespace}" model.create_method(name.to_s, parameters: parameters) model.create_method("#{name}!", parameters: parameters) model.create_method("may_#{name}?", return_type: "T::Boolean") # There's no namespaced method created for `_without_validation`, so skip # defining a method for: # "#{name}_without_validation!" end end # Create the overall state machine method, which will return an # instance of the PrivateAASMMachine class. model.create_method( "aasm", parameters: [ create_rest_param("args", type: "T.untyped"), create_block_param("block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.bind(PrivateAASMMachine).void)"), ], return_type: "PrivateAASMMachine", class_method: true, ) # Create a private machine class that we can pass around for the # purpose of binding various procs passed to methods without having # to explicitly bind self in each one. model.create_class("PrivateAASMMachine", superclass_name: "AASM::Base") do |machine| machine.create_method( "event", parameters: [ create_param("name", type: "T.untyped"), create_opt_param("options", default: "nil", type: "T.untyped"), create_block_param("block", type: "T.proc.bind(PrivateAASMEvent).void"), ], ) constant_name = name_of(constant) GLOBAL_CALLBACKS.each do |method| machine.create_method( method, parameters: [ create_rest_param("callbacks", type: "T.any(String, Symbol, T::Class[T.anything], Proc)"), create_block_param("block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.bind(#{constant_name}).void)"), ], ) end # Create a private event class that we can pass around for the # purpose of binding all of the callbacks without having to # explicitly bind self in each one. machine.create_class("PrivateAASMEvent", superclass_name: "AASM::Core::Event") do |event| EVENT_CALLBACKS.each do |method| event.create_method( method, parameters: [ create_opt_param("symbol", type: "T.nilable(Symbol)", default: "nil"), create_block_param("block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.bind(#{constant_name}).void)"), ], ) end end end end end |