Class: Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::Protobuf
- Inherits:
- Object
- Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
- Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::Protobuf
- Extended by:
- T::Sig
- Defined in:
- lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers/protobuf.rb
‘Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::Protobuf` decorates RBI files for subclasses of [`Google::Protobuf::MessageExts`](
For example, with the following “cart.rb” file:
~~~rb do
add_file("cart.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
"MyCart" do
optional :shop_id, :int32, 1
optional :customer_id, :int64, 2
optional :number_value, :double, 3
optional :string_value, :string, 4
end ~~~
this compiler will produce the RBI file ‘cart.rbi` with the following content:
~~~rbi # cart.rbi # typed: strong class Cart < Google::Protobuf::AbstractMessage
sig { returns(Integer) }
def customer_id; end
sig { params(value: Integer).returns(Integer) }
def customer_id=(value); end
sig { returns(Integer) }
def shop_id; end
sig { params(value: Integer).returns(Integer) }
def shop_id=(value); end
sig { returns(String) }
def string_value; end
sig { params(value: String).returns(String) }
def string_value=(value); end
sig { returns(Float) }
def number_value; end
sig { params(value: Float).returns(Float) }
def number_value=(value); end
end ~~~
Please note that you might have to ignore the originally generated Protobuf Ruby files to avoid _Redefining constant_ issues when doing type checking. Do this by extending your Sorbet config file:
~~~ –ignore=/path/to/proto/cart_pb.rb ~~~
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Field
Constant Summary collapse
Constants included from Runtime::Reflection
Runtime::Reflection::ANCESTORS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::CLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::CONSTANTS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::EQUAL_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::METHOD_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::NAME_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::OBJECT_ID_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PRIVATE_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PROTECTED_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::PUBLIC_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::REQUIRED_FROM_LABELS, Runtime::Reflection::SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::SUPERCLASS_METHOD, Runtime::Reflection::UNDEFINED_CONSTANT
Constants included from SorbetHelper
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
#add_error, #compiler_enabled?, handles?, #initialize, processable_constants
Methods included from T::Generic::TypeStoragePatch
#[], #has_attached_class!, #type_member, #type_template
Methods included from Runtime::Reflection
#abstract_type_of, #ancestors_of, #are_equal?, #class_of, #constant_defined?, #constantize, #constants_of, #descendants_of, #file_candidates_for, #final_module?, #inherited_ancestors_of, #method_of, #name_of, #name_of_type, #object_id_of, #private_instance_methods_of, #protected_instance_methods_of, #public_instance_methods_of, #qualified_name_of, #resolve_loc, #sealed_module?, #signature_of, #signature_of!, #singleton_class_of, #superclass_of
Methods included from Runtime::AttachedClassOf
Methods included from RBIHelper
#as_nilable_type, #as_non_nilable_type, #create_block_param, #create_kw_opt_param, #create_kw_param, #create_kw_rest_param, #create_opt_param, #create_param, #create_rest_param, #create_typed_param, #sanitize_signature_types, serialize_type_variable, #valid_method_name?, #valid_parameter_name?
Methods included from SorbetHelper
#sorbet, #sorbet_path, #sorbet_supports?
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
Class Method Details
.gather_constants ⇒ Object
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers/protobuf.rb', line 159 def gather_constants marker = Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods enum_modules = ObjectSpace.each_object(Google::Protobuf::EnumDescriptor).map(&:enummodule) results = if Google::Protobuf.const_defined?(:AbstractMessage) = ::Google::Protobuf.const_get(:AbstractMessage) descendants_of() - [] else T.cast( ObjectSpace.each_object(marker).to_a, T::Array[Module], ) end results = results.concat(enum_modules) results.any? ? results + [Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField, Google::Protobuf::Map] : [] end |
Instance Method Details
#decorate ⇒ Object
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers/protobuf.rb', line 82 def decorate root.create_path(constant) do |klass| if constant == Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField create_type_members(klass, "Elem") elsif constant == Google::Protobuf::Map create_type_members(klass, "Key", "Value") else descriptor = T.unsafe(constant).descriptor case descriptor when Google::Protobuf::EnumDescriptor descriptor.to_h.each do |sym, val| # For each enum value, create a namespaced constant on the root rather than an un-namespaced # constant within the class. This is because un-namespaced constants might conflict with reserved # Ruby words, such as "BEGIN." By namespacing them, we avoid this problem. # # Invalid syntax: # class Foo # BEGIN = 3 # end # # Valid syntax: # Foo::BEGIN = 3 root.create_constant("#{constant}::#{sym}", value: val.to_s) end klass.create_method( "lookup", parameters: [create_param("number", type: "Integer")], return_type: "T.nilable(Symbol)", class_method: true, ) klass.create_method( "resolve", parameters: [create_param("symbol", type: "Symbol")], return_type: "T.nilable(Integer)", class_method: true, ) klass.create_method( "descriptor", return_type: "Google::Protobuf::EnumDescriptor", class_method: true, ) when Google::Protobuf::Descriptor raise "#{klass} is not a RBI::Class" unless klass.is_a?(RBI::Class) klass.superclass_name = "Google::Protobuf::AbstractMessage" descriptor.each_oneof { |oneof| create_oneof_method(klass, oneof) } fields = { |desc| create_descriptor_method(klass, desc) } fields.sort_by!(&:name) parameters = do |field| create_kw_opt_param(, type: field.init_type, default: field.default) end if fields.all? { |field| FIELD_RE.match?( } klass.create_method("initialize", parameters: parameters, return_type: "void") else # One of the fields has an incorrect name for a named parameter so creating the default initialize for # it would create a RBI with a syntax error. # The workaround is to create an initialize that takes a **kwargs instead. kwargs_parameter = create_kw_rest_param("fields", type: "T.untyped") klass.create_method("initialize", parameters: [kwargs_parameter], return_type: "void") end else add_error(<<~MSG.strip) Unexpected descriptor class `#{}` for `#{constant}` MSG end end end end |