Module: TD::ClientMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb
This is a generated module from current TDLib scheme It contains all available TDLib methods
Instance Method Summary collapse
#accept_call(call_id:, protocol:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Accepts an incoming call.
#accept_terms_of_service(terms_of_service_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Accepts Telegram terms of services.
#add_chat_member(chat_id:, user_id:, forward_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a new member to a chat.
#add_chat_members(chat_id:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds multiple new members to a chat.
#add_chat_to_list(chat_id:, chat_list:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a chat to a chat list.
#add_contact(contact: nil, share_phone_number:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a user to the contact list or edits an existing contact by their user identifier.
#add_custom_server_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a custom server language pack to the list of installed language packs in current localization target.
#add_favorite_sticker(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a new sticker to the list of favorite stickers.
#add_local_message(chat_id:, sender:, reply_to_message_id:, disable_notification:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Adds a local message to a chat.
#add_log_message(verbosity_level:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a message to TDLib internal log.
#add_network_statistics(entry:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds the specified data to data usage statistics.
#add_proxy(server:, port:, enable:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Proxy
Adds a proxy server for network requests.
#add_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Manually adds a new sticker to the list of recently used stickers.
#add_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a chat to the list of recently found chats.
#add_saved_animation(animation:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Manually adds a new animation to the list of saved animations.
#add_sticker_to_set(user_id:, name:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Adds a new sticker to a set; for bots only.
#answer_callback_query(callback_query_id:, text:, show_alert:, url:, cache_time:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a callback query; for bots only.
#answer_custom_query(custom_query_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Answers a custom query; for bots only.
#answer_inline_query(inline_query_id:, is_personal:, results:, cache_time:, next_offset:, switch_pm_text:, switch_pm_parameter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of an inline query; for bots only.
#answer_pre_checkout_query(pre_checkout_query_id:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a pre-checkout query; for bots only.
#answer_shipping_query(shipping_query_id:, shipping_options:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a shipping query; for bots only.
#ban_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:, banned_until_date:, revoke_messages:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Bans a member in a chat.
#block_message_sender_from_replies(message_id:, delete_message:, delete_all_messages:, report_spam:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Blocks an original sender of a message in the Replies chat.
#can_transfer_ownership ⇒ TD::Types::CanTransferOwnershipResult
Checks whether the current session can be used to transfer a chat ownership to another user.
#cancel_download_file(file_id:, only_if_pending:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops the downloading of a file.
#cancel_upload_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops the uploading of a file.
#change_imported_contacts(contacts:) ⇒ TD::Types::ImportedContacts
Changes imported contacts using the list of contacts saved on the device.
#change_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Changes the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user’s new phone number.
#change_sticker_set(set_id:, is_installed:, is_archived:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.
#check_authentication_bot_token(token:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication token of a bot; to log in as a bot.
#check_authentication_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication code.
#check_authentication_password(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication password for correctness.
#check_change_phone_number_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number of the user.
#check_chat_invite_link(invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkInfo
Checks the validity of an invite link for a chat and returns information about the corresponding chat.
#check_chat_username(chat_id:, username:) ⇒ TD::Types::CheckChatUsernameResult
Checks whether a username can be set for a chat.
#check_created_public_chats_limit(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks whether the maximum number of owned public chats has been reached.
#check_database_encryption_key(encryption_key:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the database encryption key for correctness.
#check_email_address_verification_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the email address verification code for Telegram Passport.
#check_phone_number_confirmation_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks phone number confirmation code.
#check_phone_number_verification_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the phone number verification code for Telegram Passport.
#check_recovery_email_address_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Checks the 2-step verification recovery email address verification code.
#clean_file_name(file_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Removes potentially dangerous characters from the name of a file.
#clear_all_draft_messages(exclude_secret_chats:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears draft messages in all chats.
#clear_imported_contacts ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears all imported contacts, contact list remains unchanged.
#clear_recent_stickers(is_attached:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears the list of recently used stickers.
#clear_recently_found_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears the list of recently found chats.
#close ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance.
#close_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the chat is closed by the user.
#close_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes a secret chat, effectively transferring its state to secretChatStateClosed.
#confirm_qr_code_authentication(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Session
Confirms QR code authentication on another device.
#create_basic_group_chat(basic_group_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known basic group.
#create_call(user_id:, protocol:, is_video:) ⇒ TD::Types::CallId
Creates a new call.
#create_chat_filter(filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilterInfo
Creates new chat filter.
#create_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, expire_date:, member_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Creates a new invite link for a chat.
#create_new_basic_group_chat(user_ids:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new basic group and sends a corresponding messageBasicGroupChatCreate.
#create_new_secret_chat(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new secret chat.
#create_new_sticker_set(user_id: nil, title: nil, name: nil, is_masks: nil, stickers:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Creates a new sticker set; for bots only.
#create_new_supergroup_chat(title:, is_channel:, description:, location:, for_import:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate.
#create_private_chat(user_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a given user.
#create_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known secret chat.
#create_supergroup_chat(supergroup_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known supergroup or channel.
#create_temporary_password(password:, valid_for:) ⇒ TD::Types::TemporaryPasswordState
Creates a new temporary password for processing payments.
#create_voice_chat(chat_id:, title: nil, start_date:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCallId
Creates a voice chat (a group call bound to a chat).
#delete_account(reason: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes the account of the current user, deleting all information associated with the user from the server.
#delete_all_call_messages(revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all call messages.
#delete_all_revoked_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all revoked chat invite links created by a given chat administrator.
#delete_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a chat along with all messages in the corresponding chat for all chat members; requires owner privileges.
#delete_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes existing chat filter.
#delete_chat_history(chat_id:, remove_from_chat_list:, revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all messages in the chat.
#delete_chat_messages_from_user(chat_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all messages sent by the specified user to a chat.
#delete_chat_reply_markup(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes the default reply markup from a chat.
#delete_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a file from the TDLib file cache.
#delete_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all information about a language pack in the current localization target.
#delete_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:, revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes messages.
#delete_passport_element(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a Telegram Passport element.
#delete_profile_photo(profile_photo_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a profile photo.
#delete_revoked_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes revoked chat invite links.
#delete_saved_credentials ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes saved credentials for all payment provider bots.
#delete_saved_order_info ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes saved order info.
#destroy ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance, destroying all local data without a proper logout.
#disable_proxy ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disables the currently enabled proxy.
#discard_call(call_id:, is_disconnected:, duration:, is_video:, connection_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Discards a call.
#discard_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Discards a group call.
#disconnect_all_websites ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disconnects all websites from the current user’s Telegram account.
#disconnect_website(website_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disconnects website from the current user’s Telegram account.
#download_file(file_id:, priority:, offset:, limit:, synchronous:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Downloads a file from the cloud.
#edit_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilterInfo
Edits existing chat filter.
#edit_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:, expire_date:, member_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat.
#edit_custom_language_pack_info(info:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits information about a custom local language pack in the current localization target.
#edit_inline_message_caption(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the caption of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
#edit_inline_message_live_location(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the content of a live location in an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
#edit_inline_message_media(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a document, a photo or a video in an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
#edit_inline_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the reply markup of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
#edit_inline_message_text(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the text of an inline text or game message sent via a bot; for bots only.
#edit_message_caption(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message content caption.
#edit_message_live_location(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message content of a live location.
#edit_message_media(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a document, a photo or a video.
#edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message reply markup; for bots only.
#edit_message_scheduling_state(chat_id:, message_id:, scheduling_state:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the time when a scheduled message will be sent.
#edit_message_text(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the text of a message (or a text of a game message).
#edit_proxy(proxy_id:, server:, port:, enable:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Proxy
Edits an existing proxy server for network requests.
#enable_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Enables a proxy.
#end_group_call_recording(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Ends recording of an active group call.
#finish_file_generation(generation_id:, error:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Finishes the file generation.
#forward_messages(chat_id:, from_chat_id:, message_ids:, options:, send_copy:, remove_caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Forwards previously sent messages.
#get_account_ttl ⇒ TD::Types::AccountTtl
Returns the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
#get_active_live_location_messages ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns all active live locations that should be updated by the application.
#get_active_sessions ⇒ TD::Types::Sessions
Returns all active sessions of the current user.
#get_all_passport_elements(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElements
Returns all available Telegram Passport elements.
#get_application_config ⇒ TD::Types::JsonValue
Returns application config, provided by the server.
#get_archived_sticker_sets(is_masks:, offset_sticker_set_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of archived sticker sets.
#get_attached_sticker_sets(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of sticker sets attached to a file.
#get_authorization_state ⇒ TD::Types::AuthorizationState
Returns the current authorization state; this is an offline request.
#get_auto_download_settings_presets ⇒ TD::Types::AutoDownloadSettingsPresets
Returns auto-download settings presets for the current user.
#get_background_url(name:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Constructs a persistent HTTP URL for a background.
#get_backgrounds(for_dark_theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::Backgrounds
Returns backgrounds installed by the user.
#get_bank_card_info(bank_card_number:) ⇒ TD::Types::BankCardInfo
Returns information about a bank card.
#get_basic_group(basic_group_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::BasicGroup
Returns information about a basic group by its identifier.
#get_basic_group_full_info(basic_group_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::BasicGroupFullInfo
Returns full information about a basic group by its identifier.
#get_blocked_message_senders(offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageSenders
Returns users and chats that were blocked by the current user.
#get_callback_query_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::CallbackQueryAnswer
Sends a callback query to a bot and returns an answer.
#get_callback_query_message(chat_id:, message_id:, callback_query_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message with the callback button that originated a callback query; for bots only.
#get_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns information about a chat by its identifier, this is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
#get_chat_administrators(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatAdministrators
Returns a list of administrators of the chat with their custom titles.
#get_chat_event_log(chat_id:, query:, from_event_id:, limit:, filters:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatEvents
Returns a list of service actions taken by chat members and administrators in the last 48 hours.
#get_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilter
Returns information about a chat filter by its identifier.
#get_chat_filter_default_icon_name(filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns default icon name for a filter.
#get_chat_history(chat_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, only_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns messages in a chat.
#get_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Returns information about an invite link.
#get_chat_invite_link_counts(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkCounts
Returns list of chat administrators with number of their invite links.
#get_chat_invite_link_members(chat_id:, invite_link:, offset_member:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkMembers
Returns chat members joined a chat by an invite link.
#get_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:, is_revoked:, offset_date:, offset_invite_link:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinks
Returns invite links for a chat created by specified administrator.
#get_chat_lists_to_add_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatLists
Returns chat lists to which the chat can be added.
#get_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMember
Returns information about a single member of a chat.
#get_chat_message_by_date(chat_id:, date:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns the last message sent in a chat no later than the specified date.
#get_chat_message_count(chat_id:, filter:, return_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns approximate number of messages of the specified type in the chat.
#get_chat_notification_settings_exceptions(scope:, compare_sound:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings.
#get_chat_pinned_message(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a newest pinned message in the chat.
#get_chat_scheduled_messages(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns all scheduled messages in a chat.
#get_chat_statistics(chat_id:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatStatistics
Returns detailed statistics about a chat.
#get_chat_statistics_url(chat_id:, parameters:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL with the chat statistics.
#get_chats(chat_list:, offset_order:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns an ordered list of chats in a chat list.
#get_connected_websites ⇒ TD::Types::ConnectedWebsites
Returns all website where the current user used Telegram to log in.
#get_contacts ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns all user contacts.
#get_countries ⇒ TD::Types::Countries
Returns information about existing countries.
#get_country_code ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Uses the current IP address to find the current country.
#get_created_public_chats(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of public chats of the specified type, owned by the user.
#get_current_state ⇒ TD::Types::Updates
Returns all updates needed to restore current TDLib state, i.e.
#get_database_statistics ⇒ TD::Types::DatabaseStatistics
Returns database statistics.
#get_deep_link_info(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::DeepLinkInfo
Returns information about a tg:// deep link.
#get_emoji_suggestions_url(language_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in to the translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements.
#get_external_link(link:, allow_write_access:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the current user on a website after clicking an HTTP link.
#get_external_link_info(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::LoginUrlInfo
Returns information about an action to be done when the current user clicks an HTTP link.
#get_favorite_stickers ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns favorite stickers.
#get_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file; this is an offline request.
#get_file_downloaded_prefix_size(file_id:, offset:) ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns file downloaded prefix size from a given offset.
#get_file_extension(mime_type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the extension of a file, guessed by its MIME type.
#get_file_mime_type(file_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the MIME type of a file, guessed by its extension.
#get_game_high_scores(chat_id:, message_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GameHighScores
Returns the high scores for a game and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
#get_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCall
Returns information about a group call.
#get_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:, can_self_unmute:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns invite link to a voice chat in a public chat.
#get_group_call_stream_segment(group_call_id:, time_offset:, scale:) ⇒ TD::Types::FilePart
Returns a file with a segment of a group call stream in a modified OGG format.
#get_groups_in_common(user_id:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of common group chats with a given user.
#get_imported_contact_count ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns the total number of imported contacts.
#get_inactive_supergroup_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of recently inactive supergroups and channels.
#get_inline_game_high_scores(inline_message_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GameHighScores
Returns game high scores and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
#get_inline_query_results(bot_user_id:, chat_id:, user_location:, query:, offset:) ⇒ TD::Types::InlineQueryResults
Sends an inline query to a bot and returns its results.
#get_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of installed sticker sets.
#get_invite_text ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the default text for invitation messages to be used as a placeholder when the current user invites friends to Telegram.
#get_json_string(json_value:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Converts a JsonValue object to corresponding JSON-serialized string.
#get_json_value(json:) ⇒ TD::Types::JsonValue
Converts a JSON-serialized string to corresponding JsonValue object.
#get_language_pack_info(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackInfo
Returns information about a language pack.
#get_language_pack_string(language_pack_database_path:, localization_target:, language_pack_id:, key:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackStringValue
Returns a string stored in the local database from the specified localization target and language pack by its key.
#get_language_pack_strings(language_pack_id:, keys:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackStrings
Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization target by their keys.
#get_localization_target_info(only_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::LocalizationTargetInfo
Returns information about the current localization target.
#get_log_stream ⇒ TD::Types::LogStream
Returns information about currently used log stream for internal logging of TDLib.
#get_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:) ⇒ TD::Types::LogVerbosityLevel
Returns current verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log tag.
#get_log_tags ⇒ TD::Types::LogTags
Returns list of available TDLib internal log tags, for example, [“actor”, “binlog”, “connections”, “notifications”, “proxy”].
#get_log_verbosity_level ⇒ TD::Types::LogVerbosityLevel
Returns current verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib.
#get_login_url(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:, allow_write_access:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the user on a website after clicking an inline button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl.
#get_login_url_info(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::LoginUrlInfo
Returns information about a button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl.
#get_map_thumbnail_file(location:, zoom:, width:, height:, scale:, chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file with a map thumbnail in PNG format.
#get_markdown_text(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Replaces text entities with Markdown formatting in a human-friendly format.
#get_me ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns the current user.
#get_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message.
#get_message_embedding_code(chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns an HTML code for embedding the message.
#get_message_file_type(message_file_head:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageFileType
Returns information about a file with messages exported from another app.
#get_message_import_confirmation_text(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns a confirmation text to be shown to the user before starting message import.
#get_message_link(chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:, for_comment:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageLink
Returns an HTTPS link to a message in a chat.
#get_message_link_info(url:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageLinkInfo
Returns information about a public or private message link.
#get_message_locally(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message, if it is available locally without sending network request.
#get_message_public_forwards(chat_id:, message_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::FoundMessages
Returns forwarded copies of a channel message to different public channels.
#get_message_statistics(chat_id:, message_id:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageStatistics
Returns detailed statistics about a message.
#get_message_thread(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageThreadInfo
Returns information about a message thread.
#get_message_thread_history(chat_id:, message_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns messages in a message thread of a message.
#get_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns information about messages.
#get_network_statistics(only_current:) ⇒ TD::Types::NetworkStatistics
Returns network data usage statistics.
#get_option(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::OptionValue
Returns the value of an option by its name.
#get_passport_authorization_form(bot_user_id:, scope:, public_key:, nonce:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportAuthorizationForm
Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with a service.
#get_passport_authorization_form_available_elements(autorization_form_id:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElementsWithErrors
Returns already available Telegram Passport elements suitable for completing a Telegram Passport authorization form.
#get_passport_element(type:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElement
Returns one of the available Telegram Passport elements.
#get_password_state ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Returns the current state of 2-step verification.
#get_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentForm
Returns an invoice payment form.
#get_payment_receipt(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentReceipt
Returns information about a successful payment.
#get_phone_number_info(phone_number_prefix:) ⇒ TD::Types::PhoneNumberInfo
Returns information about a phone number by its prefix.
#get_poll_voters(chat_id:, message_id:, option_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns users voted for the specified option in a non-anonymous polls.
#get_preferred_country_language(country_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns an IETF language tag of the language preferred in the country, which should be used to fill native fields in Telegram Passport personal details.
#get_proxies ⇒ TD::Types::Proxies
Returns list of proxies that are currently set up.
#get_proxy_link(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTPS link, which can be used to add a proxy.
#get_push_receiver_id(payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::PushReceiverId
Returns a globally unique push notification subscription identifier for identification of an account, which has received a push notification.
#get_recent_inline_bots ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns up to 20 recently used inline bots in the order of their last usage.
#get_recent_stickers(is_attached:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns a list of recently used stickers.
#get_recently_visited_t_me_urls(referrer:) ⇒ TD::Types::TMeUrls
Returns URLs recently visited by a newly registered user.
#get_recommended_chat_filters ⇒ TD::Types::RecommendedChatFilters
Returns recommended chat filters for the current user.
#get_recovery_email_address(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::RecoveryEmailAddress
Returns a 2-step verification recovery email address that was previously set up.
#get_remote_file(remote_file_id:, file_type:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file by its remote ID; this is an offline request.
#get_replied_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message that is replied by a given message.
#get_saved_animations ⇒ TD::Types::Animations
Returns saved animations.
#get_saved_order_info ⇒ TD::Types::OrderInfo
Returns saved order info, if any.
#get_scope_notification_settings(scope:) ⇒ TD::Types::ScopeNotificationSettings
Returns the notification settings for chats of a given type.
#get_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::SecretChat
Returns information about a secret chat by its identifier.
#get_statistical_graph(chat_id:, token:, x:) ⇒ TD::Types::StatisticalGraph
Loads an asynchronous or a zoomed in statistical graph.
#get_sticker_emojis(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Emojis
Returns emoji corresponding to a sticker.
#get_sticker_set(set_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Returns information about a sticker set by its identifier.
#get_stickers(emoji:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns stickers from the installed sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
#get_storage_statistics(chat_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatistics
Returns storage usage statistics.
#get_storage_statistics_fast ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatisticsFast
Quickly returns approximate storage usage statistics.
#get_suitable_discussion_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of basic group and supergroup chats, which can be used as a discussion group for a channel.
#get_supergroup(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Supergroup
Returns information about a supergroup or a channel by its identifier.
#get_supergroup_full_info(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::SupergroupFullInfo
Returns full information about a supergroup or a channel by its identifier, cached for up to 1 minute.
#get_supergroup_members(supergroup_id:, filter:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMembers
Returns information about members or banned users in a supergroup or channel.
#get_support_user ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns a user that can be contacted to get support.
#get_temporary_password_state ⇒ TD::Types::TemporaryPasswordState
Returns information about the current temporary password.
#get_text_entities(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::TextEntities
Returns all entities (mentions, hashtags, cashtags, bot commands, bank card numbers, URLs, and email addresses) contained in the text.
#get_top_chats(category:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of frequently used chats.
#get_trending_sticker_sets(offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of trending sticker sets.
#get_user(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns information about a user by their identifier.
#get_user_full_info(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::UserFullInfo
Returns full information about a user by their identifier.
#get_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:) ⇒ TD::Types::UserPrivacySettingRules
Returns the current privacy settings.
#get_user_profile_photos(user_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatPhotos
Returns the profile photos of a user.
#get_voice_chat_available_participants(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageSenders
Returns list of participant identifiers, which can be used to join voice chats in a chat.
#get_web_page_instant_view(url:, force_full:) ⇒ TD::Types::WebPageInstantView
Returns an instant view version of a web page if available.
#get_web_page_preview(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::WebPage
Returns a web page preview by the text of the message.
#hide_suggested_action(action:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Hides a suggested action.
#import_contacts(contacts:) ⇒ TD::Types::ImportedContacts
Adds new contacts or edits existing contacts by their phone numbers; contacts’ user identifiers are ignored.
#import_messages(chat_id:, message_file:, attached_files:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Imports messages exported from another app.
#invite_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Invites users to an active group call.
#join_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds the current user as a new member to a chat.
#join_chat_by_invite_link(invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible.
#join_group_call(group_call_id:, participant_id:, payload:, source:, is_muted:, invite_hash:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCallJoinResponse
Joins an active group call.
#leave_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes the current user from chat members.
#leave_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Leaves a group call.
#load_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Loads more participants of a group call.
#log_out ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance after a proper logout.
#open_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the chat is opened by the user.
#open_message_content(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the message content has been opened (e.g., the user has opened a photo, video, document, location or venue, or has listened to an audio file or voice note message).
#optimize_storage(size:, ttl:, count:, immunity_delay:, file_types:, chat_ids:, exclude_chat_ids:, return_deleted_file_statistics:, chat_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatistics
Optimizes storage usage, i.e.
#parse_markdown(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Parses Markdown entities in a human-friendly format, ignoring markup errors.
#parse_text_entities(text:, parse_mode:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Parses Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Code, Pre, PreCode, TextUrl and MentionName entities contained in the text.
#pin_chat_message(chat_id:, message_id:, disable_notification:, only_for_self:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Pins a message in a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights or can_edit_messages rights in the channel.
#ping_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Seconds
Computes time needed to receive a response from a Telegram server through a proxy.
#process_push_notification(payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Handles a push notification.
#read_all_chat_mentions(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Marks all mentions in a chat as read.
#read_file_part(file_id:, offset:, count:) ⇒ TD::Types::FilePart
Reads a part of a file from the TDLib file cache and returns read bytes.
#recover_authentication_password(recovery_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Recovers the password with a password recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
#recover_password(recovery_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Recovers the password using a recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
#register_device(device_token:, other_user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::PushReceiverId
Registers the currently used device for receiving push notifications.
#register_user(first_name:, last_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Finishes user registration.
#remove_background(background_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes background from the list of installed backgrounds.
#remove_chat_action_bar(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat action bar without any other action.
#remove_contacts(user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes users from the contact list.
#remove_favorite_sticker(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers.
#remove_notification(notification_group_id:, notification_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes an active notification from notification list.
#remove_notification_group(notification_group_id:, max_notification_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a group of active notifications.
#remove_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a proxy server.
#remove_recent_hashtag(hashtag:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a hashtag from the list of recently used hashtags.
#remove_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the list of recently used stickers.
#remove_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat from the list of recently found chats.
#remove_saved_animation(animation:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes an animation from the list of saved animations.
#remove_sticker_from_set(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the set to which it belongs; for bots only.
#remove_top_chat(category:, chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat from the list of frequently used chats.
#reorder_chat_filters(chat_filter_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of chat filters.
#reorder_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, sticker_set_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of installed sticker sets.
#replace_primary_chat_invite_link(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Replaces current primary invite link for a chat with a new primary invite link.
#report_chat(chat_id:, message_ids:, reason:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports a chat to the Telegram moderators.
#report_chat_photo(chat_id:, file_id:, reason:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports a chat photo to the Telegram moderators.
#report_supergroup_spam(supergroup_id:, user_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup.
#request_authentication_password_recovery ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up.
#request_password_recovery ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up.
#request_qr_code_authentication(other_user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Requests QR code authentication by scanning a QR code on another logged in device.
#resend_authentication_code ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Re-sends an authentication code to the user.
#resend_change_phone_number_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number for the user.
#resend_email_address_verification_code ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the code to verify an email address to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
#resend_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Resends messages which failed to send.
#resend_phone_number_confirmation_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Resends phone number confirmation code.
#resend_phone_number_verification_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the code to verify a phone number to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
#resend_recovery_email_address_code ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Resends the 2-step verification recovery email address verification code.
#reset_all_notification_settings ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets all notification settings to their default values.
#reset_backgrounds ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets list of installed backgrounds to its default value.
#reset_network_statistics ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets all network data usage statistics to zero.
#revoke_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinks
Revokes invite link for a chat.
#revoke_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Revokes invite link for a group call.
#save_application_log_event(type:, chat_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Saves application log event on the server.
#search_background(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Background
Searches for a background by its name.
#search_call_messages(from_message_id:, limit:, only_missed:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for call messages.
#search_chat_members(chat_id:, query:, limit:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMembers
Searches for a specified query in the first name, last name and username of the members of a specified chat.
#search_chat_messages(chat_id:, query:, sender:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, filter:, message_thread_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for messages with given words in the chat.
#search_chat_recent_location_messages(chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns information about the recent locations of chat members that were sent to the chat.
#search_chats(query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats, this is an offline request.
#search_chats_nearby(location:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatsNearby
Returns a list of users and location-based supergroups nearby.
#search_chats_on_server(query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats via request to the server.
#search_contacts(query: nil, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Searches for the specified query in the first names, last names and usernames of the known user contacts.
#search_emojis(text:, exact_match:, input_language_codes: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Emojis
Searches for emojis by keywords.
#search_hashtags(prefix:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Hashtags
Searches for recently used hashtags by their prefix.
#search_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Searches for installed sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name.
#search_messages(chat_list:, query:, offset_date:, offset_chat_id:, offset_message_id:, limit:, filter:, min_date:, max_date:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats.
#search_public_chat(username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Searches a public chat by its username.
#search_public_chats(query:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches public chats by looking for specified query in their username and title.
#search_secret_messages(chat_id:, query:, offset:, limit:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::FoundMessages
Searches for messages in secret chats.
#search_sticker_set(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Searches for a sticker set by its name.
#search_sticker_sets(query:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Searches for ordinary sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name.
#search_stickers(emoji:, limit: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Searches for stickers from public sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
#send_bot_start_message(bot_user_id:, chat_id:, parameter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Invites a bot to a chat (if it is not yet a member) and sends it the /start command.
#send_call_debug_information(call_id:, debug_information:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends debug information for a call.
#send_call_rating(call_id:, rating:, comment:, problems:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a call rating.
#send_call_signaling_data(call_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends call signaling data.
#send_chat_action(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, action:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a notification about user activity in a chat.
#send_chat_screenshot_taken_notification(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a notification about a screenshot taken in a chat.
#send_custom_request(method:, parameters:) ⇒ TD::Types::CustomRequestResult
Sends a custom request; for bots only.
#send_email_address_verification_code(email_address:) ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends a code to verify an email address to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
#send_inline_query_result_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, query_id:, result_id:, hide_via_bot:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Sends the result of an inline query as a message.
#send_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Sends a message.
#send_message_album(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, input_message_contents:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Sends 2-10 messages grouped together into an album.
#send_passport_authorization_form(autorization_form_id:, types:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service.
#send_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, payment_form_id:, order_info_id:, shipping_option_id:, credentials:, tip_amount:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentResult
Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.
#send_phone_number_confirmation_code(hash:, phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends phone number confirmation code.
#send_phone_number_verification_code(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends a code to verify a phone number to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
#set_account_ttl(ttl:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
#set_alarm(seconds:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Succeeds after a specified amount of time has passed.
#set_authentication_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user.
#set_auto_download_settings(settings:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets auto-download settings.
#set_background(background:, type:, for_dark_theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::Background
Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the list of installed backgrounds.
#set_bio(bio:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the bio of the current user.
#set_bot_updates_status(pending_update_count:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven’t been processed for a long time; for bots only.
#set_chat_client_data(chat_id:, client_data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes application-specific data associated with a chat.
#set_chat_description(chat_id:, description:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes information about a chat.
#set_chat_discussion_group(chat_id:, discussion_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the discussion group of a channel chat; requires can_change_info administrator right in the channel if it is specified.
#set_chat_draft_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, draft_message: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the draft message in a chat.
#set_chat_location(chat_id:, location:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the location of a chat.
#set_chat_member_status(chat_id:, member_id:, status:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the status of a chat member, needs appropriate privileges.
#set_chat_message_ttl_setting(chat_id:, ttl:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the message TTL setting (sets a new self-destruct timer) in a chat.
#set_chat_notification_settings(chat_id:, notification_settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the notification settings of a chat.
#set_chat_permissions(chat_id:, permissions:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the chat members permissions.
#set_chat_photo(chat_id:, photo:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the photo of a chat.
#set_chat_slow_mode_delay(chat_id:, slow_mode_delay:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the slow mode delay of a chat.
#set_chat_title(chat_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the chat title.
#set_commands(commands:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the list of commands supported by the bot; for bots only.
#set_custom_language_pack(info:, strings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds or changes a custom local language pack to the current localization target.
#set_custom_language_pack_string(language_pack_id:, new_string:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds, edits or deletes a string in a custom local language pack.
#set_database_encryption_key(new_encryption_key:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the database encryption key.
#set_file_generation_progress(generation_id:, expected_size:, local_prefix_size:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib on a file generation progress.
#set_game_score(chat_id:, message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Updates the game score of the specified user in the game; for bots only.
#set_group_call_participant_is_speaking(group_call_id:, source:, is_speaking:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that a participant of an active group call speaking state has changed.
#set_group_call_participant_volume_level(group_call_id:, participant_id:, volume_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes volume level of a participant of an active group call.
#set_group_call_title(group_call_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets group call title.
#set_inline_game_score(inline_message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Updates the game score of the specified user in a game; for bots only.
#set_location(location:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the location of the current user.
#set_log_stream(log_stream:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets new log stream for internal logging of TDLib.
#set_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:, new_verbosity_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log tag.
#set_log_verbosity_level(new_verbosity_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib.
#set_name(first_name:, last_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the first and last name of the current user.
#set_network_type(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the current network type.
#set_option(name:, value:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the value of an option.
#set_passport_element(element:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElement
Adds an element to the user’s Telegram Passport.
#set_passport_element_errors(user_id:, errors:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the user that some of the elements in their Telegram Passport contain errors; for bots only.
#set_password(old_password:, new_password: nil, new_hint: nil, set_recovery_email_address: false, new_recovery_email_address: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Changes the password for the user.
#set_pinned_chats(chat_list:, chat_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of pinned chats.
#set_poll_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, option_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the user answer to a poll.
#set_profile_photo(photo:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes a profile photo for the current user.
#set_recovery_email_address(password:, new_recovery_email_address:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Changes the 2-step verification recovery email address of the user.
#set_scope_notification_settings(scope:, notification_settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes notification settings for chats of a given type.
#set_sticker_position_in_set(sticker:, position:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only.
#set_sticker_set_thumbnail(user_id:, name:, thumbnail:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Sets a sticker set thumbnail; for bots only.
#set_supergroup_sticker_set(supergroup_id:, sticker_set_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the sticker set of a supergroup; requires can_change_info administrator right.
#set_supergroup_username(supergroup_id:, username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the username of a supergroup or channel, requires owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
#set_tdlib_parameters(parameters:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the parameters for TDLib initialization.
#set_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:, rules:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes user privacy settings.
#set_username(username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the username of the current user.
#set_voice_chat_default_participant(chat_id:, default_participant_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes default participant identifier, which can be used to join voice chats in a chat.
#share_phone_number(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Shares the phone number of the current user with a mutual contact.
#start_group_call_recording(group_call_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Starts recording of an active group call.
#start_scheduled_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Starts a scheduled group call.
#stop_poll(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops a poll.
#synchronize_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Fetches the latest versions of all strings from a language pack in the current localization target from the server.
#terminate_all_other_sessions ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Terminates all other sessions of the current user.
#terminate_session(session_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Terminates a session of the current user.
#toggle_chat_default_disable_notification(chat_id:, default_disable_notification:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the value of the default disable_notification parameter, used when a message is sent to a chat.
#toggle_chat_is_marked_as_unread(chat_id:, is_marked_as_unread:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the marked as unread state of a chat.
#toggle_chat_is_pinned(chat_list:, chat_id:, is_pinned:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the pinned state of a chat.
#toggle_group_call_enabled_start_notification(group_call_id:, enabled_start_notification:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether the current user will receive a notification when the group call will start; scheduled group calls only.
#toggle_group_call_mute_new_participants(group_call_id:, mute_new_participants:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether new participants of a group call can be unmuted only by administrators of the group call.
#toggle_group_call_participant_is_hand_raised(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_hand_raised:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether a group call participant hand is rased.
#toggle_group_call_participant_is_muted(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_muted:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether a participant of an active group call is muted, unmuted, or allowed to unmute themself.
#toggle_message_sender_is_blocked(sender:, is_blocked:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the block state of a message sender.
#toggle_supergroup_is_all_history_available(supergroup_id:, is_all_history_available:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether the message history of a supergroup is available to new members; requires can_change_info administrator right.
#toggle_supergroup_is_broadcast_group(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Upgrades supergroup to a broadcast group; requires owner privileges in the supergroup.
#toggle_supergroup_sign_messages(supergroup_id:, sign_messages:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles sender signatures messages sent in a channel; requires can_change_info administrator right.
#transfer_chat_ownership(chat_id:, user_id:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the owner of a chat.
#unpin_all_chat_messages(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes all pinned messages from a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights in the group or can_edit_messages rights in the channel.
#unpin_chat_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a pinned message from a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights in the group or can_edit_messages rights in the channel.
#upgrade_basic_group_chat_to_supergroup_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new supergroup from an existing basic group and sends a corresponding messageChatUpgradeTo and messageChatUpgradeFrom; requires creator privileges.
#upload_file(file:, file_type:, priority:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Asynchronously uploads a file to the cloud without sending it in a message.
#upload_sticker_file(user_id:, png_sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Uploads a PNG image with a sticker; for bots only; returns the uploaded file.
#validate_order_info(chat_id:, message_id:, order_info:, allow_save:) ⇒ TD::Types::ValidatedOrderInfo
Validates the order information provided by a user and returns the available shipping options for a flexible invoice.
#view_messages(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, message_ids:, force_read:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that messages are being viewed by the user.
#view_trending_sticker_sets(sticker_set_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the server that some trending sticker sets have been viewed by the user.
#write_generated_file_part(generation_id:, offset:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Writes a part of a generated file.
Instance Method Details
#accept_call(call_id:, protocol:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Accepts an incoming call.
9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 9 def accept_call(call_id:, protocol:) broadcast('@type' => 'acceptCall', 'call_id' => call_id, 'protocol' => protocol) end |
#accept_terms_of_service(terms_of_service_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Accepts Telegram terms of services.
19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 19 def accept_terms_of_service(terms_of_service_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'acceptTermsOfService', 'terms_of_service_id' => terms_of_service_id) end |
#add_chat_member(chat_id:, user_id:, forward_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a new member to a chat. Members can’t be added to private or secret chats.
33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 33 def add_chat_member(chat_id:, user_id:, forward_limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'addChatMember', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'user_id' => user_id, 'forward_limit' => forward_limit) end |
#add_chat_members(chat_id:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds multiple new members to a chat. Currently this method is only available for supergroups and channels. This method can’t be used to join a chat. Members can’t be added to a channel if it has more than 200 members.
49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 49 def add_chat_members(chat_id:, user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'addChatMembers', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'user_ids' => user_ids) end |
#add_chat_to_list(chat_id:, chat_list:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a chat to a chat list. A chat can’t be simultaneously in Main and Archive chat lists, so it is automatically removed from another one if
63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 63 def add_chat_to_list(chat_id:, chat_list:) broadcast('@type' => 'addChatToList', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'chat_list' => chat_list) end |
#add_contact(contact: nil, share_phone_number:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a user to the contact list or edits an existing contact by their user identifier.
79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 79 def add_contact(contact: nil, share_phone_number:) broadcast('@type' => 'addContact', 'contact' => contact, 'share_phone_number' => share_phone_number) end |
#add_custom_server_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a custom server language pack to the list of installed language packs in current localization target. Can be called before authorization.
91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 91 def add_custom_server_language_pack(language_pack_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'addCustomServerLanguagePack', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id) end |
#add_favorite_sticker(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a new sticker to the list of favorite stickers. The new sticker is added to the top of the list. If the sticker was already in the list, it is removed from the list first. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to this list.
103 104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 103 def add_favorite_sticker(sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'addFavoriteSticker', 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#add_local_message(chat_id:, sender:, reply_to_message_id:, disable_notification:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Adds a local message to a chat. The message is persistent across application restarts only if the message database is used. Returns the added message.
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 118 def (chat_id:, sender:, reply_to_message_id:, disable_notification:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'addLocalMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'sender' => sender, 'reply_to_message_id' => , 'disable_notification' => disable_notification, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#add_log_message(verbosity_level:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a message to TDLib internal log. Can be called synchronously.
133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 133 def (verbosity_level:, text:) broadcast('@type' => 'addLogMessage', 'verbosity_level' => verbosity_level, 'text' => text) end |
#add_network_statistics(entry:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds the specified data to data usage statistics. Can be called before authorization.
145 146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 145 def add_network_statistics(entry:) broadcast('@type' => 'addNetworkStatistics', 'entry' => entry) end |
#add_proxy(server:, port:, enable:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Proxy
Adds a proxy server for network requests. Can be called before authorization.
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 158 def add_proxy(server:, port:, enable:, type:) broadcast('@type' => 'addProxy', 'server' => server, 'port' => port, 'enable' => enable, 'type' => type) end |
#add_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Manually adds a new sticker to the list of recently used stickers. The new sticker is added to the top of the list. If the sticker was already in the list, it is removed from the list first. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to this list.
175 176 177 178 179 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 175 def add_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'addRecentSticker', 'is_attached' => is_attached, 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#add_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds a chat to the list of recently found chats. The chat is added to the beginning of the list. If the chat is already in the list, it will be removed from the list first.
187 188 189 190 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 187 def add_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'addRecentlyFoundChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#add_saved_animation(animation:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Manually adds a new animation to the list of saved animations. The new animation is added to the beginning of the list. If the animation was already in the list, it is removed first. Only non-secret video animations with MIME type “video/mp4” can be added to the list.
201 202 203 204 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 201 def add_saved_animation(animation:) broadcast('@type' => 'addSavedAnimation', 'animation' => animation) end |
#add_sticker_to_set(user_id:, name:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Adds a new sticker to a set; for bots only. Returns the sticker set.
213 214 215 216 217 218 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 213 def add_sticker_to_set(user_id:, name:, sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'addStickerToSet', 'user_id' => user_id, 'name' => name, 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#answer_callback_query(callback_query_id:, text:, show_alert:, url:, cache_time:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a callback query; for bots only.
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 228 def answer_callback_query(callback_query_id:, text:, show_alert:, url:, cache_time:) broadcast('@type' => 'answerCallbackQuery', 'callback_query_id' => callback_query_id, 'text' => text, 'show_alert' => show_alert, 'url' => url, 'cache_time' => cache_time) end |
#answer_custom_query(custom_query_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Answers a custom query; for bots only.
242 243 244 245 246 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 242 def answer_custom_query(custom_query_id:, data:) broadcast('@type' => 'answerCustomQuery', 'custom_query_id' => custom_query_id, 'data' => data) end |
#answer_inline_query(inline_query_id:, is_personal:, results:, cache_time:, next_offset:, switch_pm_text:, switch_pm_parameter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of an inline query; for bots only.
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 260 def answer_inline_query(inline_query_id:, is_personal:, results:, cache_time:, next_offset:, switch_pm_text:, switch_pm_parameter:) broadcast('@type' => 'answerInlineQuery', 'inline_query_id' => inline_query_id, 'is_personal' => is_personal, 'results' => results, 'cache_time' => cache_time, 'next_offset' => next_offset, 'switch_pm_text' => switch_pm_text, 'switch_pm_parameter' => switch_pm_parameter) end |
#answer_pre_checkout_query(pre_checkout_query_id:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a pre-checkout query; for bots only.
277 278 279 280 281 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 277 def answer_pre_checkout_query(pre_checkout_query_id:, error_message:) broadcast('@type' => 'answerPreCheckoutQuery', 'pre_checkout_query_id' => pre_checkout_query_id, 'error_message' => ) end |
#answer_shipping_query(shipping_query_id:, shipping_options:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the result of a shipping query; for bots only.
289 290 291 292 293 294 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 289 def answer_shipping_query(shipping_query_id:, shipping_options:, error_message:) broadcast('@type' => 'answerShippingQuery', 'shipping_query_id' => shipping_query_id, 'shipping_options' => , 'error_message' => ) end |
#ban_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:, banned_until_date:, revoke_messages:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Bans a member in a chat. Members can’t be banned in private or secret chats. In supergroups and channels, the user will not be able to return to the group on their own using invite links,
etc., unless unbanned first.
310 311 312 313 314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 310 def ban_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:, banned_until_date:, revoke_messages:) broadcast('@type' => 'banChatMember', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'member_id' => member_id, 'banned_until_date' => banned_until_date, 'revoke_messages' => ) end |
#block_message_sender_from_replies(message_id:, delete_message:, delete_all_messages:, report_spam:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Blocks an original sender of a message in the Replies chat.
325 326 327 328 329 330 331 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 325 def (message_id:, delete_message:, delete_all_messages:, report_spam:) broadcast('@type' => 'blockMessageSenderFromReplies', 'message_id' => , 'delete_message' => , 'delete_all_messages' => , 'report_spam' => report_spam) end |
#can_transfer_ownership ⇒ TD::Types::CanTransferOwnershipResult
Checks whether the current session can be used to transfer a chat ownership to another user.
336 337 338 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 336 def can_transfer_ownership broadcast('@type' => 'canTransferOwnership') end |
#cancel_download_file(file_id:, only_if_pending:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops the downloading of a file. If a file has already been downloaded, does nothing.
347 348 349 350 351 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 347 def cancel_download_file(file_id:, only_if_pending:) broadcast('@type' => 'cancelDownloadFile', 'file_id' => file_id, 'only_if_pending' => only_if_pending) end |
#cancel_upload_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops the uploading of a file. Supported only for files uploaded by using uploadFile. For other files the behavior is undefined.
359 360 361 362 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 359 def cancel_upload_file(file_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'cancelUploadFile', 'file_id' => file_id) end |
#change_imported_contacts(contacts:) ⇒ TD::Types::ImportedContacts
Changes imported contacts using the list of contacts saved on the device. Imports newly added contacts and, if at least the file database is enabled, deletes recently deleted contacts. Query result depends on the result of the previous query, so only one query is possible at the same time.
371 372 373 374 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 371 def change_imported_contacts(contacts:) broadcast('@type' => 'changeImportedContacts', 'contacts' => contacts) end |
#change_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Changes the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user’s new phone number. On success, returns information about the sent code.
383 384 385 386 387 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 383 def change_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'changePhoneNumber', 'phone_number' => phone_number, 'settings' => settings) end |
#change_sticker_set(set_id:, is_installed:, is_archived:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.
396 397 398 399 400 401 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 396 def change_sticker_set(set_id:, is_installed:, is_archived:) broadcast('@type' => 'changeStickerSet', 'set_id' => set_id, 'is_installed' => is_installed, 'is_archived' => is_archived) end |
#check_authentication_bot_token(token:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication token of a bot; to log in as a bot. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber. Can be used instead of setAuthenticationPhoneNumber and checkAuthenticationCode to log in.
409 410 411 412 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 409 def check_authentication_bot_token(token:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkAuthenticationBotToken', 'token' => token) end |
#check_authentication_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication code. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode.
420 421 422 423 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 420 def check_authentication_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkAuthenticationCode', 'code' => code) end |
#check_authentication_password(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication password for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword.
430 431 432 433 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 430 def check_authentication_password(password:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkAuthenticationPassword', 'password' => password) end |
#check_change_phone_number_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number of the user.
439 440 441 442 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 439 def check_change_phone_number_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkChangePhoneNumberCode', 'code' => code) end |
#check_chat_invite_link(invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkInfo
Checks the validity of an invite link for a chat and returns information about the corresponding chat.
449 450 451 452 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 449 def check_chat_invite_link(invite_link:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkChatInviteLink', 'invite_link' => invite_link) end |
#check_chat_username(chat_id:, username:) ⇒ TD::Types::CheckChatUsernameResult
Checks whether a username can be set for a chat.
460 461 462 463 464 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 460 def check_chat_username(chat_id:, username:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkChatUsername', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'username' => username) end |
#check_created_public_chats_limit(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks whether the maximum number of owned public chats has been reached. Returns corresponding error if the limit was reached.
471 472 473 474 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 471 def check_created_public_chats_limit(type:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkCreatedPublicChatsLimit', 'type' => type) end |
#check_database_encryption_key(encryption_key:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the database encryption key for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey.
481 482 483 484 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 481 def check_database_encryption_key(encryption_key:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkDatabaseEncryptionKey', 'encryption_key' => encryption_key) end |
#check_email_address_verification_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the email address verification code for Telegram Passport.
490 491 492 493 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 490 def check_email_address_verification_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkEmailAddressVerificationCode', 'code' => code) end |
#check_phone_number_confirmation_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks phone number confirmation code.
499 500 501 502 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 499 def check_phone_number_confirmation_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkPhoneNumberConfirmationCode', 'code' => code) end |
#check_phone_number_verification_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Checks the phone number verification code for Telegram Passport.
508 509 510 511 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 508 def check_phone_number_verification_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkPhoneNumberVerificationCode', 'code' => code) end |
#check_recovery_email_address_code(code:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Checks the 2-step verification recovery email address verification code.
517 518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 517 def check_recovery_email_address_code(code:) broadcast('@type' => 'checkRecoveryEmailAddressCode', 'code' => code) end |
#clean_file_name(file_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Removes potentially dangerous characters from the name of a file. The encoding of the file name is supposed to be UTF-8. Returns an empty string on failure. Can be called synchronously.
529 530 531 532 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 529 def clean_file_name(file_name:) broadcast('@type' => 'cleanFileName', 'file_name' => file_name) end |
#clear_all_draft_messages(exclude_secret_chats:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears draft messages in all chats.
538 539 540 541 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 538 def (exclude_secret_chats:) broadcast('@type' => 'clearAllDraftMessages', 'exclude_secret_chats' => exclude_secret_chats) end |
#clear_imported_contacts ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears all imported contacts, contact list remains unchanged.
546 547 548 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 546 def clear_imported_contacts broadcast('@type' => 'clearImportedContacts') end |
#clear_recent_stickers(is_attached:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears the list of recently used stickers.
555 556 557 558 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 555 def clear_recent_stickers(is_attached:) broadcast('@type' => 'clearRecentStickers', 'is_attached' => is_attached) end |
#clear_recently_found_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Clears the list of recently found chats.
563 564 565 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 563 def clear_recently_found_chats broadcast('@type' => 'clearRecentlyFoundChats') end |
#close ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance. All databases will be flushed to disk and properly closed. After the close completes, updateAuthorizationState with authorizationStateClosed will be sent. Can be called before initialization.
573 574 575 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 573 def close broadcast('@type' => 'close') end |
#close_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the chat is closed by the user. Many useful activities depend on the chat being opened or closed.
582 583 584 585 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 582 def close_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'closeChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#close_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes a secret chat, effectively transferring its state to secretChatStateClosed.
591 592 593 594 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 591 def close_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'closeSecretChat', 'secret_chat_id' => secret_chat_id) end |
#confirm_qr_code_authentication(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Session
Confirms QR code authentication on another device. Returns created session on success.
602 603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 602 def confirm_qr_code_authentication(link:) broadcast('@type' => 'confirmQrCodeAuthentication', 'link' => link) end |
#create_basic_group_chat(basic_group_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known basic group.
613 614 615 616 617 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 613 def create_basic_group_chat(basic_group_id:, force:) broadcast('@type' => 'createBasicGroupChat', 'basic_group_id' => basic_group_id, 'force' => force) end |
#create_call(user_id:, protocol:, is_video:) ⇒ TD::Types::CallId
Creates a new call.
625 626 627 628 629 630 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 625 def create_call(user_id:, protocol:, is_video:) broadcast('@type' => 'createCall', 'user_id' => user_id, 'protocol' => protocol, 'is_video' => is_video) end |
#create_chat_filter(filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilterInfo
Creates new chat filter. Returns information about the created chat filter.
637 638 639 640 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 637 def create_chat_filter(filter:) broadcast('@type' => 'createChatFilter', 'filter' => filter) end |
#create_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, expire_date:, member_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Creates a new invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat.
651 652 653 654 655 656 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 651 def create_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, expire_date:, member_limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'createChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'expire_date' => expire_date, 'member_limit' => member_limit) end |
#create_new_basic_group_chat(user_ids:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new basic group and sends a corresponding messageBasicGroupChatCreate. Returns the newly created chat.
664 665 666 667 668 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 664 def create_new_basic_group_chat(user_ids:, title:) broadcast('@type' => 'createNewBasicGroupChat', 'user_ids' => user_ids, 'title' => title) end |
#create_new_secret_chat(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new secret chat. Returns the newly created chat.
675 676 677 678 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 675 def create_new_secret_chat(user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'createNewSecretChat', 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#create_new_sticker_set(user_id: nil, title: nil, name: nil, is_masks: nil, stickers:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Creates a new sticker set; for bots only. Returns the newly created sticker set.
693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 693 def create_new_sticker_set(user_id: nil, title: nil, name: nil, is_masks: nil, stickers:) broadcast('@type' => 'createNewStickerSet', 'user_id' => user_id, 'title' => title, 'name' => name, 'is_masks' => is_masks, 'stickers' => stickers) end |
#create_new_supergroup_chat(title:, is_channel:, description:, location:, for_import:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate. Returns the newly created chat.
711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 711 def create_new_supergroup_chat(title:, is_channel:, description:, location:, for_import:) broadcast('@type' => 'createNewSupergroupChat', 'title' => title, 'is_channel' => is_channel, 'description' => description, 'location' => location, 'for_import' => for_import) end |
#create_private_chat(user_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a given user.
726 727 728 729 730 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 726 def create_private_chat(user_id:, force:) broadcast('@type' => 'createPrivateChat', 'user_id' => user_id, 'force' => force) end |
#create_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known secret chat.
736 737 738 739 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 736 def create_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'createSecretChat', 'secret_chat_id' => secret_chat_id) end |
#create_supergroup_chat(supergroup_id:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known supergroup or channel.
747 748 749 750 751 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 747 def create_supergroup_chat(supergroup_id:, force:) broadcast('@type' => 'createSupergroupChat', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'force' => force) end |
#create_temporary_password(password:, valid_for:) ⇒ TD::Types::TemporaryPasswordState
Creates a new temporary password for processing payments.
759 760 761 762 763 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 759 def create_temporary_password(password:, valid_for:) broadcast('@type' => 'createTemporaryPassword', 'password' => password, 'valid_for' => valid_for) end |
#create_voice_chat(chat_id:, title: nil, start_date:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCallId
Creates a voice chat (a group call bound to a chat). Available only for basic groups, supergroups and channels; requires can_manage_voice_chats rights.
774 775 776 777 778 779 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 774 def create_voice_chat(chat_id:, title: nil, start_date:) broadcast('@type' => 'createVoiceChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'title' => title, 'start_date' => start_date) end |
#delete_account(reason: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes the account of the current user, deleting all information associated with the user from the server. The phone number of the account can be used to create a new account. Can be called before authorization when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword.
787 788 789 790 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 787 def delete_account(reason: nil) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteAccount', 'reason' => reason) end |
#delete_all_call_messages(revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all call messages.
796 797 798 799 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 796 def (revoke:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteAllCallMessages', 'revoke' => revoke) end |
#delete_all_revoked_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all revoked chat invite links created by a given chat administrator. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for
other links.
809 810 811 812 813 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 809 def delete_all_revoked_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteAllRevokedChatInviteLinks', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'creator_user_id' => creator_user_id) end |
#delete_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a chat along with all messages in the corresponding chat for all chat members; requires owner privileges. For group chats this will release the username and remove all members. Chats with more than 1000 members can’t be deleted using this method.
821 822 823 824 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 821 def delete_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#delete_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes existing chat filter.
830 831 832 833 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 830 def delete_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteChatFilter', 'chat_filter_id' => chat_filter_id) end |
#delete_chat_history(chat_id:, remove_from_chat_list:, revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all messages in the chat. Use Chat.can_be_deleted_only_for_self and Chat.can_be_deleted_for_all_users fields to find whether and how the
method can be applied to the chat.
843 844 845 846 847 848 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 843 def delete_chat_history(chat_id:, remove_from_chat_list:, revoke:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteChatHistory', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'remove_from_chat_list' => remove_from_chat_list, 'revoke' => revoke) end |
#delete_chat_messages_from_user(chat_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all messages sent by the specified user to a chat. Supported only for supergroups; requires can_delete_messages administrator privileges.
856 857 858 859 860 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 856 def (chat_id:, user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteChatMessagesFromUser', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#delete_chat_reply_markup(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes the default reply markup from a chat. Must be called after a one-time keyboard or a ForceReply reply markup has been used. UpdateChatReplyMarkup will be sent if the reply markup will be changed.
869 870 871 872 873 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 869 def delete_chat_reply_markup(chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteChatReplyMarkup', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#delete_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a file from the TDLib file cache.
879 880 881 882 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 879 def delete_file(file_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteFile', 'file_id' => file_id) end |
#delete_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes all information about a language pack in the current localization target. The language pack which is currently in use (including base language pack) or is being synchronized can’t be
Can be called before authorization.
891 892 893 894 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 891 def delete_language_pack(language_pack_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteLanguagePack', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id) end |
#delete_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:, revoke:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes messages.
903 904 905 906 907 908 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 903 def (chat_id:, message_ids:, revoke:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_ids' => , 'revoke' => revoke) end |
#delete_passport_element(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a Telegram Passport element.
914 915 916 917 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 914 def delete_passport_element(type:) broadcast('@type' => 'deletePassportElement', 'type' => type) end |
#delete_profile_photo(profile_photo_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes a profile photo.
923 924 925 926 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 923 def delete_profile_photo(profile_photo_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteProfilePhoto', 'profile_photo_id' => profile_photo_id) end |
#delete_revoked_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes revoked chat invite links. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for
other links.
935 936 937 938 939 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 935 def delete_revoked_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) broadcast('@type' => 'deleteRevokedChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'invite_link' => invite_link) end |
#delete_saved_credentials ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes saved credentials for all payment provider bots.
944 945 946 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 944 def delete_saved_credentials broadcast('@type' => 'deleteSavedCredentials') end |
#delete_saved_order_info ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Deletes saved order info.
951 952 953 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 951 def delete_saved_order_info broadcast('@type' => 'deleteSavedOrderInfo') end |
#destroy ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance, destroying all local data without a proper logout. The current user session will remain in the list of all active sessions. All local data will be destroyed. After the destruction completes updateAuthorizationState with authorizationStateClosed will be sent. Can be called before authorization.
962 963 964 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 962 def destroy broadcast('@type' => 'destroy') end |
#disable_proxy ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disables the currently enabled proxy. Can be called before authorization.
970 971 972 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 970 def disable_proxy broadcast('@type' => 'disableProxy') end |
#discard_call(call_id:, is_disconnected:, duration:, is_video:, connection_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Discards a call.
982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 982 def discard_call(call_id:, is_disconnected:, duration:, is_video:, connection_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'discardCall', 'call_id' => call_id, 'is_disconnected' => is_disconnected, 'duration' => duration, 'is_video' => is_video, 'connection_id' => connection_id) end |
#discard_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Discards a group call. Requires groupCall.can_be_managed.
996 997 998 999 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 996 def discard_group_call(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'discardGroupCall', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#disconnect_all_websites ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disconnects all websites from the current user’s Telegram account.
1004 1005 1006 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1004 def disconnect_all_websites broadcast('@type' => 'disconnectAllWebsites') end |
#disconnect_website(website_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Disconnects website from the current user’s Telegram account.
1012 1013 1014 1015 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1012 def disconnect_website(website_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'disconnectWebsite', 'website_id' => website_id) end |
#download_file(file_id:, priority:, offset:, limit:, synchronous:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Downloads a file from the cloud. Download progress and completion of the download will be notified through updateFile updates.
1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1032 def download_file(file_id:, priority:, offset:, limit:, synchronous:) broadcast('@type' => 'downloadFile', 'file_id' => file_id, 'priority' => priority, 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit, 'synchronous' => synchronous) end |
#edit_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilterInfo
Edits existing chat filter. Returns information about the edited chat filter.
1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1047 def edit_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:, filter:) broadcast('@type' => 'editChatFilter', 'chat_filter_id' => chat_filter_id, 'filter' => filter) end |
#edit_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:, expire_date:, member_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for
other links.
1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1064 def edit_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:, expire_date:, member_limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'editChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'invite_link' => invite_link, 'expire_date' => expire_date, 'member_limit' => member_limit) end |
#edit_custom_language_pack_info(info:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits information about a custom local language pack in the current localization target. Can be called before authorization.
1077 1078 1079 1080 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1077 def edit_custom_language_pack_info(info:) broadcast('@type' => 'editCustomLanguagePackInfo', 'info' => info) end |
#edit_inline_message_caption(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the caption of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1089 def (inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) broadcast('@type' => 'editInlineMessageCaption', 'inline_message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'caption' => ) end |
#edit_inline_message_live_location(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the content of a live location in an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1107 def (inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) broadcast('@type' => 'editInlineMessageLiveLocation', 'inline_message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'location' => location, 'heading' => heading, 'proximity_alert_radius' => proximity_alert_radius) end |
#edit_inline_message_media(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a document, a photo or a video in an inline message
sent via a bot; for bots only.
1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1126 def (inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'editInlineMessageMedia', 'inline_message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#edit_inline_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the reply markup of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1138 def (inline_message_id:, reply_markup:) broadcast('@type' => 'editInlineMessageReplyMarkup', 'inline_message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup) end |
#edit_inline_message_text(inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the text of an inline text or game message sent via a bot; for bots only.
1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1151 def (inline_message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'editInlineMessageText', 'inline_message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#edit_message_caption(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message content caption. Returns the edited message after the edit is completed on the server side.
1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1167 def (chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, caption:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageCaption', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'caption' => ) end |
#edit_message_live_location(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message content of a live location. Messages can be edited for a limited period of time specified in the live location. Returns the edited message after the edit is completed on the server side.
1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1189 def (chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, location: nil, heading:, proximity_alert_radius:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageLiveLocation', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'location' => location, 'heading' => heading, 'proximity_alert_radius' => proximity_alert_radius) end |
#edit_message_media(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a document, a photo or a video. The media in the message can’t be replaced if the message was set to self-destruct. Media can’t be replaced by self-destructing media. Media in an album can be edited only to contain a photo or a video. Returns the edited message after the edit is completed on the server side.
1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1212 def (chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageMedia', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the message reply markup; for bots only. Returns the edited message after the edit is completed on the server side.
1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1227 def (chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageReplyMarkup', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup) end |
#edit_message_scheduling_state(chat_id:, message_id:, scheduling_state:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Edits the time when a scheduled message will be sent. Scheduling state of all messages in the same album or forwarded together with the message will be also changed.
1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1242 def (chat_id:, message_id:, scheduling_state:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageSchedulingState', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'scheduling_state' => scheduling_state) end |
#edit_message_text(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Edits the text of a message (or a text of a game message). Returns the edited message after the edit is completed on the server side.
1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1258 def (chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'editMessageText', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#edit_proxy(proxy_id:, server:, port:, enable:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Proxy
Edits an existing proxy server for network requests. Can be called before authorization.
1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1275 def edit_proxy(proxy_id:, server:, port:, enable:, type:) broadcast('@type' => 'editProxy', 'proxy_id' => proxy_id, 'server' => server, 'port' => port, 'enable' => enable, 'type' => type) end |
#enable_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Enables a proxy. Only one proxy can be enabled at a time. Can be called before authorization.
1290 1291 1292 1293 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1290 def enable_proxy(proxy_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'enableProxy', 'proxy_id' => proxy_id) end |
#end_group_call_recording(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Ends recording of an active group call. Requires groupCall.can_be_managed group call flag.
1300 1301 1302 1303 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1300 def end_group_call_recording(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'endGroupCallRecording', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#finish_file_generation(generation_id:, error:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Finishes the file generation.
1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1310 def finish_file_generation(generation_id:, error:) broadcast('@type' => 'finishFileGeneration', 'generation_id' => generation_id, 'error' => error) end |
#forward_messages(chat_id:, from_chat_id:, message_ids:, options:, send_copy:, remove_caption:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Forwards previously sent messages. Returns the forwarded messages in the same order as the message identifiers passed in message_ids. If a message can’t be forwarded, null will be returned instead of the message.
1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1332 def (chat_id:, from_chat_id:, message_ids:, options:, send_copy:, remove_caption:) broadcast('@type' => 'forwardMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'from_chat_id' => from_chat_id, 'message_ids' => , 'options' => , 'send_copy' => send_copy, 'remove_caption' => ) end |
#get_account_ttl ⇒ TD::Types::AccountTtl
Returns the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
1345 1346 1347 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1345 def get_account_ttl broadcast('@type' => 'getAccountTtl') end |
#get_active_live_location_messages ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns all active live locations that should be updated by the application. The list is persistent across application restarts only if the message database is used.
1353 1354 1355 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1353 def broadcast('@type' => 'getActiveLiveLocationMessages') end |
#get_active_sessions ⇒ TD::Types::Sessions
Returns all active sessions of the current user.
1360 1361 1362 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1360 def get_active_sessions broadcast('@type' => 'getActiveSessions') end |
#get_all_passport_elements(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElements
Returns all available Telegram Passport elements.
1368 1369 1370 1371 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1368 def get_all_passport_elements(password:) broadcast('@type' => 'getAllPassportElements', 'password' => password) end |
#get_application_config ⇒ TD::Types::JsonValue
Returns application config, provided by the server. Can be called before authorization.
1377 1378 1379 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1377 def get_application_config broadcast('@type' => 'getApplicationConfig') end |
#get_archived_sticker_sets(is_masks:, offset_sticker_set_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of archived sticker sets.
1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1387 def get_archived_sticker_sets(is_masks:, offset_sticker_set_id:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getArchivedStickerSets', 'is_masks' => is_masks, 'offset_sticker_set_id' => offset_sticker_set_id, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_attached_sticker_sets(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of sticker sets attached to a file. Currently only photos and videos can have attached sticker sets.
1399 1400 1401 1402 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1399 def get_attached_sticker_sets(file_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getAttachedStickerSets', 'file_id' => file_id) end |
#get_authorization_state ⇒ TD::Types::AuthorizationState
Returns the current authorization state; this is an offline request. For informational purposes only. Use updateAuthorizationState instead to maintain the current authorization state. Can be called before initialization.
1410 1411 1412 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1410 def broadcast('@type' => 'getAuthorizationState') end |
#get_auto_download_settings_presets ⇒ TD::Types::AutoDownloadSettingsPresets
Returns auto-download settings presets for the current user.
1417 1418 1419 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1417 def get_auto_download_settings_presets broadcast('@type' => 'getAutoDownloadSettingsPresets') end |
#get_background_url(name:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Constructs a persistent HTTP URL for a background.
1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1426 def get_background_url(name:, type:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBackgroundUrl', 'name' => name, 'type' => type) end |
#get_backgrounds(for_dark_theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::Backgrounds
Returns backgrounds installed by the user.
1436 1437 1438 1439 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1436 def get_backgrounds(for_dark_theme:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBackgrounds', 'for_dark_theme' => for_dark_theme) end |
#get_bank_card_info(bank_card_number:) ⇒ TD::Types::BankCardInfo
Returns information about a bank card.
1445 1446 1447 1448 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1445 def get_bank_card_info(bank_card_number:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBankCardInfo', 'bank_card_number' => bank_card_number) end |
#get_basic_group(basic_group_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::BasicGroup
Returns information about a basic group by its identifier. This is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
1455 1456 1457 1458 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1455 def get_basic_group(basic_group_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBasicGroup', 'basic_group_id' => basic_group_id) end |
#get_basic_group_full_info(basic_group_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::BasicGroupFullInfo
Returns full information about a basic group by its identifier.
1464 1465 1466 1467 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1464 def get_basic_group_full_info(basic_group_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBasicGroupFullInfo', 'basic_group_id' => basic_group_id) end |
#get_blocked_message_senders(offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageSenders
Returns users and chats that were blocked by the current user.
1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1474 def (offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getBlockedMessageSenders', 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_callback_query_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::CallbackQueryAnswer
Sends a callback query to a bot and returns an answer. Returns an error with code 502 if the bot fails to answer the query before the query timeout expires.
1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1487 def get_callback_query_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, payload:) broadcast('@type' => 'getCallbackQueryAnswer', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'payload' => payload) end |
#get_callback_query_message(chat_id:, message_id:, callback_query_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message with the callback button that originated a callback query; for bots only.
1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1500 def (chat_id:, message_id:, callback_query_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getCallbackQueryMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'callback_query_id' => callback_query_id) end |
#get_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Returns information about a chat by its identifier, this is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
1511 1512 1513 1514 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1511 def get_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_administrators(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatAdministrators
Returns a list of administrators of the chat with their custom titles.
1520 1521 1522 1523 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1520 def get_chat_administrators(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatAdministrators', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_event_log(chat_id:, query:, from_event_id:, limit:, filters:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatEvents
Returns a list of service actions taken by chat members and administrators in the last 48 hours. Available only for supergroups and channels. Requires administrator rights. Returns results in reverse chronological order (i. e., in order of decreasing event_id).
1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1541 def get_chat_event_log(chat_id:, query:, from_event_id:, limit:, filters:, user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatEventLog', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'query' => query, 'from_event_id' => from_event_id, 'limit' => limit, 'filters' => filters, 'user_ids' => user_ids) end |
#get_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatFilter
Returns information about a chat filter by its identifier.
1555 1556 1557 1558 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1555 def get_chat_filter(chat_filter_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatFilter', 'chat_filter_id' => chat_filter_id) end |
#get_chat_filter_default_icon_name(filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns default icon name for a filter. Can be called synchronously.
1565 1566 1567 1568 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1565 def get_chat_filter_default_icon_name(filter:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatFilterDefaultIconName', 'filter' => filter) end |
#get_chat_history(chat_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, only_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns messages in a chat. The messages are returned in a reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing message_id). For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library. This is an offline request if only_local is true.
1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1588 def get_chat_history(chat_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, only_local:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatHistory', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'from_message_id' => , 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit, 'only_local' => only_local) end |
#get_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Returns information about an invite link. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat to get own links and owner privileges to
get other links.
1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1604 def get_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'invite_link' => invite_link) end |
#get_chat_invite_link_counts(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkCounts
Returns list of chat administrators with number of their invite links. Requires owner privileges in the chat.
1615 1616 1617 1618 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1615 def get_chat_invite_link_counts(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatInviteLinkCounts', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_invite_link_members(chat_id:, invite_link:, offset_member:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinkMembers
Returns chat members joined a chat by an invite link. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for
other links.
1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1630 def get_chat_invite_link_members(chat_id:, invite_link:, offset_member:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatInviteLinkMembers', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'invite_link' => invite_link, 'offset_member' => offset_member, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:, is_revoked:, offset_date:, offset_invite_link:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinks
Returns invite links for a chat created by specified administrator. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat to get own links and owner privileges to
get other links.
1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1652 def get_chat_invite_links(chat_id:, creator_user_id:, is_revoked:, offset_date:, offset_invite_link:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatInviteLinks', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'creator_user_id' => creator_user_id, 'is_revoked' => is_revoked, 'offset_date' => offset_date, 'offset_invite_link' => offset_invite_link, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_chat_lists_to_add_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatLists
Returns chat lists to which the chat can be added. This is an offline request.
1667 1668 1669 1670 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1667 def get_chat_lists_to_add_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatListsToAddChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMember
Returns information about a single member of a chat.
1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1677 def get_chat_member(chat_id:, member_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatMember', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'member_id' => member_id) end |
#get_chat_message_by_date(chat_id:, date:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns the last message sent in a chat no later than the specified date.
1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1688 def (chat_id:, date:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatMessageByDate', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'date' => date) end |
#get_chat_message_count(chat_id:, filter:, return_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns approximate number of messages of the specified type in the chat.
1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1702 def (chat_id:, filter:, return_local:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatMessageCount', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'filter' => filter, 'return_local' => return_local) end |
#get_chat_notification_settings_exceptions(scope:, compare_sound:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings.
1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1715 def get_chat_notification_settings_exceptions(scope:, compare_sound:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatNotificationSettingsExceptions', 'scope' => scope, 'compare_sound' => compare_sound) end |
#get_chat_pinned_message(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a newest pinned message in the chat.
1725 1726 1727 1728 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1725 def (chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatPinnedMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_scheduled_messages(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns all scheduled messages in a chat. The messages are returned in a reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing message_id).
1735 1736 1737 1738 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1735 def (chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatScheduledMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_chat_statistics(chat_id:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatStatistics
Returns detailed statistics about a chat. Currently this method can be used only for supergroups and channels. Can be used only if SupergroupFullInfo.can_get_statistics == true.
1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1747 def get_chat_statistics(chat_id:, is_dark:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatStatistics', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'is_dark' => is_dark) end |
#get_chat_statistics_url(chat_id:, parameters:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method of getting the statistics are disabled and can be deleted in the future.
1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1760 def get_chat_statistics_url(chat_id:, parameters:, is_dark:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChatStatisticsUrl', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'parameters' => parameters, 'is_dark' => is_dark) end |
#get_chats(chat_list:, offset_order:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns an ordered list of chats in a chat list. Chats are sorted by the pair (chat.position.order, in descending order. (For example, to get a list of chats from the beginning, the offset_order should be equal to a biggest signed
64-bit number 9223372036854775807 == 2^63 - 1).
For optimal performance the number of returned chats is chosen by the library.
1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1779 def get_chats(chat_list:, offset_order:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getChats', 'chat_list' => chat_list, 'offset_order' => offset_order, 'offset_chat_id' => offset_chat_id, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_connected_websites ⇒ TD::Types::ConnectedWebsites
Returns all website where the current user used Telegram to log in.
1790 1791 1792 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1790 def get_connected_websites broadcast('@type' => 'getConnectedWebsites') end |
#get_contacts ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns all user contacts.
1797 1798 1799 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1797 def get_contacts broadcast('@type' => 'getContacts') end |
#get_countries ⇒ TD::Types::Countries
Returns information about existing countries. Can be called before authorization.
1805 1806 1807 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1805 def get_countries broadcast('@type' => 'getCountries') end |
#get_country_code ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Uses the current IP address to find the current country. Returns two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Can be called before authorization.
1814 1815 1816 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1814 def get_country_code broadcast('@type' => 'getCountryCode') end |
#get_created_public_chats(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of public chats of the specified type, owned by the user.
1822 1823 1824 1825 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1822 def get_created_public_chats(type:) broadcast('@type' => 'getCreatedPublicChats', 'type' => type) end |
#get_current_state ⇒ TD::Types::Updates
Returns all updates needed to restore current TDLib state, i.e. all actual UpdateAuthorizationState/UpdateUser/UpdateNewChat and others. This is especially useful if TDLib is run in a separate process. Can be called before initialization.
1833 1834 1835 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1833 def get_current_state broadcast('@type' => 'getCurrentState') end |
#get_database_statistics ⇒ TD::Types::DatabaseStatistics
Returns database statistics.
1840 1841 1842 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1840 def get_database_statistics broadcast('@type' => 'getDatabaseStatistics') end |
#get_deep_link_info(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::DeepLinkInfo
Returns information about a tg:// deep link. Use “tg://need_update_for_some_feature” or “tg:some_unsupported_feature” for testing. Returns a 404 error for unknown links. Can be called before authorization.
1851 1852 1853 1854 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1851 def get_deep_link_info(link:) broadcast('@type' => 'getDeepLinkInfo', 'link' => link) end |
#get_emoji_suggestions_url(language_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in to the translation platform and suggest new emoji
The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation.
1862 1863 1864 1865 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1862 def get_emoji_suggestions_url(language_code:) broadcast('@type' => 'getEmojiSuggestionsUrl', 'language_code' => language_code) end |
#get_external_link(link:, allow_write_access:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the current user on a website after clicking an
HTTP link.
Use the method getExternalLinkInfo to find whether a prior user confirmation is needed.
1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1875 def get_external_link(link:, allow_write_access:) broadcast('@type' => 'getExternalLink', 'link' => link, 'allow_write_access' => allow_write_access) end |
#get_external_link_info(link:) ⇒ TD::Types::LoginUrlInfo
Returns information about an action to be done when the current user clicks an HTTP link. This method can be used to automatically authorize the current user on a website. Don’t use this method for links from secret chats if link preview is disabled in secret chats.
1887 1888 1889 1890 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1887 def get_external_link_info(link:) broadcast('@type' => 'getExternalLinkInfo', 'link' => link) end |
#get_favorite_stickers ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns favorite stickers.
1895 1896 1897 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1895 def get_favorite_stickers broadcast('@type' => 'getFavoriteStickers') end |
#get_file(file_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file; this is an offline request.
1903 1904 1905 1906 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1903 def get_file(file_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getFile', 'file_id' => file_id) end |
#get_file_downloaded_prefix_size(file_id:, offset:) ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns file downloaded prefix size from a given offset.
1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1913 def get_file_downloaded_prefix_size(file_id:, offset:) broadcast('@type' => 'getFileDownloadedPrefixSize', 'file_id' => file_id, 'offset' => offset) end |
#get_file_extension(mime_type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the extension of a file, guessed by its MIME type. Returns an empty string on failure. Can be called synchronously.
1925 1926 1927 1928 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1925 def get_file_extension(mime_type:) broadcast('@type' => 'getFileExtension', 'mime_type' => mime_type) end |
#get_file_mime_type(file_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the MIME type of a file, guessed by its extension. Returns an empty string on failure. Can be called synchronously.
1936 1937 1938 1939 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1936 def get_file_mime_type(file_name:) broadcast('@type' => 'getFileMimeType', 'file_name' => file_name) end |
#get_game_high_scores(chat_id:, message_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GameHighScores
Returns the high scores for a game and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for
bots only.
1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1948 def get_game_high_scores(chat_id:, message_id:, user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getGameHighScores', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#get_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCall
Returns information about a group call.
1959 1960 1961 1962 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1959 def get_group_call(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getGroupCall', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#get_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:, can_self_unmute:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns invite link to a voice chat in a public chat.
1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1971 def get_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:, can_self_unmute:) broadcast('@type' => 'getGroupCallInviteLink', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'can_self_unmute' => can_self_unmute) end |
#get_group_call_stream_segment(group_call_id:, time_offset:, scale:) ⇒ TD::Types::FilePart
Returns a file with a segment of a group call stream in a modified OGG format.
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1984 def get_group_call_stream_segment(group_call_id:, time_offset:, scale:) broadcast('@type' => 'getGroupCallStreamSegment', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'time_offset' => time_offset, 'scale' => scale) end |
#get_groups_in_common(user_id:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of common group chats with a given user. Chats are sorted by their type and creation date.
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 1998 def get_groups_in_common(user_id:, offset_chat_id:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getGroupsInCommon', 'user_id' => user_id, 'offset_chat_id' => offset_chat_id, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_imported_contact_count ⇒ TD::Types::Count
Returns the total number of imported contacts.
2008 2009 2010 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2008 def get_imported_contact_count broadcast('@type' => 'getImportedContactCount') end |
#get_inactive_supergroup_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of recently inactive supergroups and channels. Can be used when user reaches limit on the number of joined supergroups and channels and receives CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH
2017 2018 2019 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2017 def get_inactive_supergroup_chats broadcast('@type' => 'getInactiveSupergroupChats') end |
#get_inline_game_high_scores(inline_message_id:, user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::GameHighScores
Returns game high scores and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2026 def get_inline_game_high_scores(inline_message_id:, user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getInlineGameHighScores', 'inline_message_id' => , 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#get_inline_query_results(bot_user_id:, chat_id:, user_location:, query:, offset:) ⇒ TD::Types::InlineQueryResults
Sends an inline query to a bot and returns its results. Returns an error with code 502 if the bot fails to answer the query before the query timeout expires.
2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2041 def get_inline_query_results(bot_user_id:, chat_id:, user_location:, query:, offset:) broadcast('@type' => 'getInlineQueryResults', 'bot_user_id' => bot_user_id, 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'user_location' => user_location, 'query' => query, 'offset' => offset) end |
#get_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of installed sticker sets.
2054 2055 2056 2057 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2054 def get_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:) broadcast('@type' => 'getInstalledStickerSets', 'is_masks' => is_masks) end |
#get_invite_text ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns the default text for invitation messages to be used as a placeholder when the current user invites friends
to Telegram.
2063 2064 2065 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2063 def get_invite_text broadcast('@type' => 'getInviteText') end |
#get_json_string(json_value:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Converts a JsonValue object to corresponding JSON-serialized string. Can be called synchronously.
2072 2073 2074 2075 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2072 def get_json_string(json_value:) broadcast('@type' => 'getJsonString', 'json_value' => json_value) end |
#get_json_value(json:) ⇒ TD::Types::JsonValue
Converts a JSON-serialized string to corresponding JsonValue object. Can be called synchronously.
2082 2083 2084 2085 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2082 def get_json_value(json:) broadcast('@type' => 'getJsonValue', 'json' => json) end |
#get_language_pack_info(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackInfo
Returns information about a language pack. Returned language pack identifier may be different from a provided one. Can be called before authorization.
2093 2094 2095 2096 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2093 def get_language_pack_info(language_pack_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLanguagePackInfo', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id) end |
#get_language_pack_string(language_pack_database_path:, localization_target:, language_pack_id:, key:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackStringValue
Returns a string stored in the local database from the specified localization target and language pack by its key. Returns a 404 error if the string is not found. Can be called synchronously.
2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2108 def get_language_pack_string(language_pack_database_path:, localization_target:, language_pack_id:, key:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLanguagePackString', 'language_pack_database_path' => language_pack_database_path, 'localization_target' => localization_target, 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id, 'key' => key) end |
#get_language_pack_strings(language_pack_id:, keys:) ⇒ TD::Types::LanguagePackStrings
Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization target by their keys. Can be called before authorization.
2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2123 def get_language_pack_strings(language_pack_id:, keys:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLanguagePackStrings', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id, 'keys' => keys) end |
#get_localization_target_info(only_local:) ⇒ TD::Types::LocalizationTargetInfo
Returns information about the current localization target. This is an offline request if only_local is true. Can be called before authorization.
2135 2136 2137 2138 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2135 def get_localization_target_info(only_local:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLocalizationTargetInfo', 'only_local' => only_local) end |
#get_log_stream ⇒ TD::Types::LogStream
Returns information about currently used log stream for internal logging of TDLib. Can be called synchronously.
2144 2145 2146 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2144 def get_log_stream broadcast('@type' => 'getLogStream') end |
#get_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:) ⇒ TD::Types::LogVerbosityLevel
Returns current verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log tag. Can be called synchronously.
2153 2154 2155 2156 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2153 def get_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLogTagVerbosityLevel', 'tag' => tag) end |
#get_log_tags ⇒ TD::Types::LogTags
Returns list of available TDLib internal log tags, for example, [“actor”, “binlog”, “connections”, “notifications”,
Can be called synchronously.
2163 2164 2165 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2163 def broadcast('@type' => 'getLogTags') end |
#get_log_verbosity_level ⇒ TD::Types::LogVerbosityLevel
Returns current verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib. Can be called synchronously.
2171 2172 2173 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2171 def get_log_verbosity_level broadcast('@type' => 'getLogVerbosityLevel') end |
#get_login_url(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:, allow_write_access:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the user on a website after clicking an inline
button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl.
Use the method getLoginUrlInfo to find whether a prior user confirmation is needed. If an error is returned, then the button must be handled as an ordinary URL button.
2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2185 def get_login_url(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:, allow_write_access:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLoginUrl', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'button_id' => , 'allow_write_access' => allow_write_access) end |
#get_login_url_info(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::LoginUrlInfo
Returns information about a button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl. The method needs to be called when the user presses the button.
2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2200 def get_login_url_info(chat_id:, message_id:, button_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getLoginUrlInfo', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'button_id' => ) end |
#get_map_thumbnail_file(location:, zoom:, width:, height:, scale:, chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file with a map thumbnail in PNG format. Only map thumbnail files with size less than 1MB can be downloaded.
2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2218 def get_map_thumbnail_file(location:, zoom:, width:, height:, scale:, chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMapThumbnailFile', 'location' => location, 'zoom' => zoom, 'width' => width, 'height' => height, 'scale' => scale, 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_markdown_text(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Replaces text entities with Markdown formatting in a human-friendly format. Entities that can’t be represented in Markdown unambiguously are kept as is. Can be called synchronously.
2234 2235 2236 2237 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2234 def get_markdown_text(text:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMarkdownText', 'text' => text) end |
#get_me ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns the current user.
2242 2243 2244 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2242 def get_me broadcast('@type' => 'getMe') end |
#get_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message.
2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2251 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#get_message_embedding_code(chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns an HTML code for embedding the message. Available only for messages in supergroups and channels with a username.
2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2264 def (chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageEmbeddingCode', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'for_album' => for_album) end |
#get_message_file_type(message_file_head:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageFileType
Returns information about a file with messages exported from another app.
2275 2276 2277 2278 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2275 def (message_file_head:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageFileType', 'message_file_head' => ) end |
#get_message_import_confirmation_text(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns a confirmation text to be shown to the user before starting message import.
2286 2287 2288 2289 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2286 def (chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageImportConfirmationText', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_message_link(chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:, for_comment:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageLink
Returns an HTTPS link to a message in a chat. Available only for already sent messages in supergroups and channels. This is an offline request.
2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2301 def (chat_id:, message_id:, for_album:, for_comment:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'for_album' => for_album, 'for_comment' => for_comment) end |
#get_message_link_info(url:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageLinkInfo
Returns information about a public or private message link.
2314 2315 2316 2317 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2314 def (url:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageLinkInfo', 'url' => url) end |
#get_message_locally(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message, if it is available locally without sending network request. This is an offline request.
2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2325 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageLocally', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#get_message_public_forwards(chat_id:, message_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::FoundMessages
Returns forwarded copies of a channel message to different public channels. For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2342 def (chat_id:, message_id:, offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessagePublicForwards', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_message_statistics(chat_id:, message_id:, is_dark:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageStatistics
Returns detailed statistics about a message. Can be used only if Message.can_get_statistics == true.
2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2357 def (chat_id:, message_id:, is_dark:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageStatistics', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'is_dark' => is_dark) end |
#get_message_thread(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageThreadInfo
Returns information about a message thread. Can be used only if message.can_get_message_thread == true.
2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2370 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageThread', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#get_message_thread_history(chat_id:, message_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns messages in a message thread of a message. Can be used only if message.can_get_message_thread == true. Message thread of a channel message is in the channel’s linked supergroup. The messages are returned in a reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing message_id). For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2394 def (chat_id:, message_id:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessageThreadHistory', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'from_message_id' => , 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns information about messages. If a message is not found, returns null on the corresponding position of the result.
2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2409 def (chat_id:, message_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'getMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_ids' => ) end |
#get_network_statistics(only_current:) ⇒ TD::Types::NetworkStatistics
Returns network data usage statistics. Can be called before authorization.
2420 2421 2422 2423 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2420 def get_network_statistics(only_current:) broadcast('@type' => 'getNetworkStatistics', 'only_current' => only_current) end |
#get_option(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::OptionValue
Returns the value of an option by its name. (Check the list of available options on Can be called before
2431 2432 2433 2434 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2431 def get_option(name:) broadcast('@type' => 'getOption', 'name' => name) end |
#get_passport_authorization_form(bot_user_id:, scope:, public_key:, nonce:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportAuthorizationForm
Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with a service.
2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2443 def (bot_user_id:, scope:, public_key:, nonce:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPassportAuthorizationForm', 'bot_user_id' => bot_user_id, 'scope' => scope, 'public_key' => public_key, 'nonce' => nonce) end |
#get_passport_authorization_form_available_elements(autorization_form_id:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElementsWithErrors
Returns already available Telegram Passport elements suitable for completing a Telegram Passport authorization
Result can be received only once for each authorization form.
2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2458 def (autorization_form_id:, password:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPassportAuthorizationFormAvailableElements', 'autorization_form_id' => autorization_form_id, 'password' => password) end |
#get_passport_element(type:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElement
Returns one of the available Telegram Passport elements.
2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2469 def get_passport_element(type:, password:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPassportElement', 'type' => type, 'password' => password) end |
#get_password_state ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Returns the current state of 2-step verification.
2478 2479 2480 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2478 def get_password_state broadcast('@type' => 'getPasswordState') end |
#get_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentForm
Returns an invoice payment form. This method should be called when the user presses inlineKeyboardButtonBuy.
2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2489 def get_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, theme:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPaymentForm', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'theme' => theme) end |
#get_payment_receipt(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentReceipt
Returns information about a successful payment.
2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2501 def get_payment_receipt(chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPaymentReceipt', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#get_phone_number_info(phone_number_prefix:) ⇒ TD::Types::PhoneNumberInfo
Returns information about a phone number by its prefix. Can be called before authorization.
2512 2513 2514 2515 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2512 def get_phone_number_info(phone_number_prefix:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPhoneNumberInfo', 'phone_number_prefix' => phone_number_prefix) end |
#get_poll_voters(chat_id:, message_id:, option_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns users voted for the specified option in a non-anonymous polls. For the optimal performance the number of returned users is chosen by the library.
2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2527 def get_poll_voters(chat_id:, message_id:, option_id:, offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPollVoters', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'option_id' => option_id, 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_preferred_country_language(country_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Text
Returns an IETF language tag of the language preferred in the country, which should be used to fill native fields
in Telegram Passport personal details.
Returns a 404 error if unknown.
2542 2543 2544 2545 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2542 def get_preferred_country_language(country_code:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPreferredCountryLanguage', 'country_code' => country_code) end |
#get_proxies ⇒ TD::Types::Proxies
Returns list of proxies that are currently set up. Can be called before authorization.
2551 2552 2553 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2551 def get_proxies broadcast('@type' => 'getProxies') end |
#get_proxy_link(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::HttpUrl
Returns an HTTPS link, which can be used to add a proxy. Available only for SOCKS5 and MTProto proxies. Can be called before authorization.
2561 2562 2563 2564 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2561 def get_proxy_link(proxy_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getProxyLink', 'proxy_id' => proxy_id) end |
#get_push_receiver_id(payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::PushReceiverId
Returns a globally unique push notification subscription identifier for identification of an account, which has
received a push notification.
Can be called synchronously.
2572 2573 2574 2575 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2572 def get_push_receiver_id(payload:) broadcast('@type' => 'getPushReceiverId', 'payload' => payload) end |
#get_recent_inline_bots ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Returns up to 20 recently used inline bots in the order of their last usage.
2580 2581 2582 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2580 def get_recent_inline_bots broadcast('@type' => 'getRecentInlineBots') end |
#get_recent_stickers(is_attached:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns a list of recently used stickers.
2589 2590 2591 2592 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2589 def get_recent_stickers(is_attached:) broadcast('@type' => 'getRecentStickers', 'is_attached' => is_attached) end |
#get_recently_visited_t_me_urls(referrer:) ⇒ TD::Types::TMeUrls
Returns URLs recently visited by a newly registered user.
2598 2599 2600 2601 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2598 def get_recently_visited_t_me_urls(referrer:) broadcast('@type' => 'getRecentlyVisitedTMeUrls', 'referrer' => referrer) end |
#get_recommended_chat_filters ⇒ TD::Types::RecommendedChatFilters
Returns recommended chat filters for the current user.
2606 2607 2608 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2606 def get_recommended_chat_filters broadcast('@type' => 'getRecommendedChatFilters') end |
#get_recovery_email_address(password:) ⇒ TD::Types::RecoveryEmailAddress
Returns a 2-step verification recovery email address that was previously set up. This method can be used to verify a password provided by the user.
2615 2616 2617 2618 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2615 def get_recovery_email_address(password:) broadcast('@type' => 'getRecoveryEmailAddress', 'password' => password) end |
#get_remote_file(remote_file_id:, file_type:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Returns information about a file by its remote ID; this is an offline request. Can be used to register a URL as a file for further uploading, or sending as a message. Even the request succeeds, the file can be used only if it is still accessible to the user. For example, if the file is from a message, then the message must be not deleted and accessible to the user. If the file database is disabled, then the corresponding object with the file must be preloaded by the application.
2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2629 def get_remote_file(remote_file_id:, file_type:) broadcast('@type' => 'getRemoteFile', 'remote_file_id' => remote_file_id, 'file_type' => file_type) end |
#get_replied_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Returns information about a message that is replied by a given message. Also returns the pinned message, the game message, and the invoice message for messages of the types
messagePinMessage, messageGameScore, and messagePaymentSuccessful respectively.
2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2642 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getRepliedMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#get_saved_animations ⇒ TD::Types::Animations
Returns saved animations.
2651 2652 2653 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2651 def get_saved_animations broadcast('@type' => 'getSavedAnimations') end |
#get_saved_order_info ⇒ TD::Types::OrderInfo
Returns saved order info, if any.
2658 2659 2660 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2658 def get_saved_order_info broadcast('@type' => 'getSavedOrderInfo') end |
#get_scope_notification_settings(scope:) ⇒ TD::Types::ScopeNotificationSettings
Returns the notification settings for chats of a given type.
2667 2668 2669 2670 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2667 def get_scope_notification_settings(scope:) broadcast('@type' => 'getScopeNotificationSettings', 'scope' => scope) end |
#get_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::SecretChat
Returns information about a secret chat by its identifier. This is an offline request.
2677 2678 2679 2680 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2677 def get_secret_chat(secret_chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getSecretChat', 'secret_chat_id' => secret_chat_id) end |
#get_statistical_graph(chat_id:, token:, x:) ⇒ TD::Types::StatisticalGraph
Loads an asynchronous or a zoomed in statistical graph.
2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2688 def get_statistical_graph(chat_id:, token:, x:) broadcast('@type' => 'getStatisticalGraph', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'token' => token, 'x' => x) end |
#get_sticker_emojis(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Emojis
Returns emoji corresponding to a sticker. The list is only for informational purposes, because a sticker is always sent with a fixed emoji from the
corresponding Sticker object.
2701 2702 2703 2704 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2701 def get_sticker_emojis(sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'getStickerEmojis', 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#get_sticker_set(set_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Returns information about a sticker set by its identifier.
2710 2711 2712 2713 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2710 def get_sticker_set(set_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getStickerSet', 'set_id' => set_id) end |
#get_stickers(emoji:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Returns stickers from the installed sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji. If the emoji is not empty, favorite and recently used stickers may also be returned.
2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2722 def get_stickers(emoji:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getStickers', 'emoji' => emoji, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_storage_statistics(chat_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatistics
Returns storage usage statistics. Can be called before authorization.
2736 2737 2738 2739 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2736 def get_storage_statistics(chat_limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getStorageStatistics', 'chat_limit' => chat_limit) end |
#get_storage_statistics_fast ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatisticsFast
Quickly returns approximate storage usage statistics. Can be called before authorization.
2745 2746 2747 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2745 def get_storage_statistics_fast broadcast('@type' => 'getStorageStatisticsFast') end |
#get_suitable_discussion_chats ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of basic group and supergroup chats, which can be used as a discussion group for a channel. Returned basic group chats must be first upgraded to supergroups before they can be set as a discussion group. To set a returned supergroup as a discussion group, access to its old messages must be enabled using
toggleSupergroupIsAllHistoryAvailable first.
2755 2756 2757 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2755 def get_suitable_discussion_chats broadcast('@type' => 'getSuitableDiscussionChats') end |
#get_supergroup(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Supergroup
Returns information about a supergroup or a channel by its identifier. This is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
2764 2765 2766 2767 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2764 def get_supergroup(supergroup_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getSupergroup', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id) end |
#get_supergroup_full_info(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::SupergroupFullInfo
Returns full information about a supergroup or a channel by its identifier, cached for up to 1 minute.
2773 2774 2775 2776 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2773 def get_supergroup_full_info(supergroup_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getSupergroupFullInfo', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id) end |
#get_supergroup_members(supergroup_id:, filter:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMembers
Returns information about members or banned users in a supergroup or channel. Can be used only if SupergroupFullInfo.can_get_members == true; additionally, administrator privileges may be
required for some filters.
2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2788 def get_supergroup_members(supergroup_id:, filter:, offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getSupergroupMembers', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'filter' => filter, 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_support_user ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns a user that can be contacted to get support.
2799 2800 2801 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2799 def get_support_user broadcast('@type' => 'getSupportUser') end |
#get_temporary_password_state ⇒ TD::Types::TemporaryPasswordState
Returns information about the current temporary password.
2806 2807 2808 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2806 def get_temporary_password_state broadcast('@type' => 'getTemporaryPasswordState') end |
#get_text_entities(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::TextEntities
Returns all entities (mentions, hashtags, cashtags, bot commands, bank card numbers, URLs, and email addresses)
contained in the text.
Can be called synchronously.
2816 2817 2818 2819 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2816 def get_text_entities(text:) broadcast('@type' => 'getTextEntities', 'text' => text) end |
#get_top_chats(category:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Returns a list of frequently used chats. Supported only if the chat info database is enabled.
2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2827 def get_top_chats(category:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getTopChats', 'category' => category, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_trending_sticker_sets(offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Returns a list of trending sticker sets. For the optimal performance the number of returned sticker sets is chosen by the library.
2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2840 def get_trending_sticker_sets(offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getTrendingStickerSets', 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_user(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::User
Returns information about a user by their identifier. This is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
2851 2852 2853 2854 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2851 def get_user(user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getUser', 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#get_user_full_info(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::UserFullInfo
Returns full information about a user by their identifier.
2860 2861 2862 2863 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2860 def get_user_full_info(user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getUserFullInfo', 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#get_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:) ⇒ TD::Types::UserPrivacySettingRules
Returns the current privacy settings.
2869 2870 2871 2872 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2869 def get_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:) broadcast('@type' => 'getUserPrivacySettingRules', 'setting' => setting) end |
#get_user_profile_photos(user_id:, offset:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatPhotos
Returns the profile photos of a user. The result of this query may be outdated: some photos might have been deleted already.
2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2881 def get_user_profile_photos(user_id:, offset:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'getUserProfilePhotos', 'user_id' => user_id, 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit) end |
#get_voice_chat_available_participants(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::MessageSenders
Returns list of participant identifiers, which can be used to join voice chats in a chat.
2892 2893 2894 2895 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2892 def get_voice_chat_available_participants(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'getVoiceChatAvailableParticipants', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#get_web_page_instant_view(url:, force_full:) ⇒ TD::Types::WebPageInstantView
Returns an instant view version of a web page if available. Returns a 404 error if the web page has no instant view page.
2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2903 def get_web_page_instant_view(url:, force_full:) broadcast('@type' => 'getWebPageInstantView', 'url' => url, 'force_full' => force_full) end |
#get_web_page_preview(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::WebPage
Returns a web page preview by the text of the message. Do not call this function too often. Returns a 404 error if the web page has no preview.
2915 2916 2917 2918 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2915 def get_web_page_preview(text:) broadcast('@type' => 'getWebPagePreview', 'text' => text) end |
#hide_suggested_action(action:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Hides a suggested action.
2924 2925 2926 2927 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2924 def hide_suggested_action(action:) broadcast('@type' => 'hideSuggestedAction', 'action' => action) end |
#import_contacts(contacts:) ⇒ TD::Types::ImportedContacts
Adds new contacts or edits existing contacts by their phone numbers; contacts’ user identifiers are ignored.
2934 2935 2936 2937 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2934 def import_contacts(contacts:) broadcast('@type' => 'importContacts', 'contacts' => contacts) end |
#import_messages(chat_id:, message_file:, attached_files:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Imports messages exported from another app.
2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2951 def (chat_id:, message_file:, attached_files:) broadcast('@type' => 'importMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_file' => , 'attached_files' => attached_files) end |
#invite_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Invites users to an active group call. Sends a service message of type messageInviteToGroupCall for voice chats.
2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2965 def invite_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'inviteGroupCallParticipants', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'user_ids' => user_ids) end |
#join_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds the current user as a new member to a chat. Private and secret chats can’t be joined using this method.
2976 2977 2978 2979 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2976 def join_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'joinChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#join_chat_by_invite_link(invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible.
2986 2987 2988 2989 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 2986 def join_chat_by_invite_link(invite_link:) broadcast('@type' => 'joinChatByInviteLink', 'invite_link' => invite_link) end |
#join_group_call(group_call_id:, participant_id:, payload:, source:, is_muted:, invite_hash:) ⇒ TD::Types::GroupCallJoinResponse
Joins an active group call.
3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3002 def join_group_call(group_call_id:, participant_id:, payload:, source:, is_muted:, invite_hash:) broadcast('@type' => 'joinGroupCall', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'participant_id' => participant_id, 'payload' => payload, 'source' => source, 'is_muted' => is_muted, 'invite_hash' => invite_hash) end |
#leave_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes the current user from chat members. Private and secret chats can’t be left using this method.
3017 3018 3019 3020 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3017 def leave_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'leaveChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#leave_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Leaves a group call.
3026 3027 3028 3029 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3026 def leave_group_call(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'leaveGroupCall', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#load_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Loads more participants of a group call. The loaded participants will be received through updates. Use the field groupCall.loaded_all_participants to check whether all participants has already been loaded.
3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3039 def load_group_call_participants(group_call_id:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'loadGroupCallParticipants', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'limit' => limit) end |
#log_out ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Closes the TDLib instance after a proper logout. Requires an available network connection. All local data will be destroyed. After the logout completes, updateAuthorizationState with authorizationStateClosed will be sent.
3051 3052 3053 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3051 def log_out broadcast('@type' => 'logOut') end |
#open_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the chat is opened by the user. Many useful activities depend on the chat being opened or closed (e.g., in supergroups and channels all updates are
received only for opened chats).
3061 3062 3063 3064 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3061 def open_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'openChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#open_message_content(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that the message content has been opened (e.g., the user has opened a photo, video, document,
location or venue, or has listened to an audio file or voice note message).
An updateMessageContentOpened update will be generated if something has changed.
3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3073 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'openMessageContent', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#optimize_storage(size:, ttl:, count:, immunity_delay:, file_types:, chat_ids:, exclude_chat_ids:, return_deleted_file_statistics:, chat_limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StorageStatistics
Optimizes storage usage, i.e. deletes some files and returns new storage usage statistics. Secret thumbnails can’t be deleted.
3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3105 def optimize_storage(size:, ttl:, count:, immunity_delay:, file_types:, chat_ids:, exclude_chat_ids:, return_deleted_file_statistics:, chat_limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'optimizeStorage', 'size' => size, 'ttl' => ttl, 'count' => count, 'immunity_delay' => immunity_delay, 'file_types' => file_types, 'chat_ids' => chat_ids, 'exclude_chat_ids' => exclude_chat_ids, 'return_deleted_file_statistics' => return_deleted_file_statistics, 'chat_limit' => chat_limit) end |
#parse_markdown(text:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Parses Markdown entities in a human-friendly format, ignoring markup errors. Can be called synchronously.
3126 3127 3128 3129 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3126 def parse_markdown(text:) broadcast('@type' => 'parseMarkdown', 'text' => text) end |
#parse_text_entities(text:, parse_mode:) ⇒ TD::Types::FormattedText
Parses Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Code, Pre, PreCode, TextUrl and MentionName entities contained in
the text.
Can be called synchronously.
3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3138 def parse_text_entities(text:, parse_mode:) broadcast('@type' => 'parseTextEntities', 'text' => text, 'parse_mode' => parse_mode) end |
#pin_chat_message(chat_id:, message_id:, disable_notification:, only_for_self:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Pins a message in a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights or can_edit_messages rights in the channel.
3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3152 def (chat_id:, message_id:, disable_notification:, only_for_self:) broadcast('@type' => 'pinChatMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'disable_notification' => disable_notification, 'only_for_self' => only_for_self) end |
#ping_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Seconds
Computes time needed to receive a response from a Telegram server through a proxy. Can be called before authorization.
3166 3167 3168 3169 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3166 def ping_proxy(proxy_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'pingProxy', 'proxy_id' => proxy_id) end |
#process_push_notification(payload:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Handles a push notification. Returns error with code 406 if the push notification is not supported and connection to the server is required to
fetch new data.
Can be called before authorization.
3179 3180 3181 3182 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3179 def process_push_notification(payload:) broadcast('@type' => 'processPushNotification', 'payload' => payload) end |
#read_all_chat_mentions(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Marks all mentions in a chat as read.
3188 3189 3190 3191 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3188 def read_all_chat_mentions(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'readAllChatMentions', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#read_file_part(file_id:, offset:, count:) ⇒ TD::Types::FilePart
Reads a part of a file from the TDLib file cache and returns read bytes. This method is intended to be used only if the application has no direct access to TDLib’s file system, because it
is usually slower than a direct read from the file.
3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3204 def read_file_part(file_id:, offset:, count:) broadcast('@type' => 'readFilePart', 'file_id' => file_id, 'offset' => offset, 'count' => count) end |
#recover_authentication_password(recovery_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Recovers the password with a password recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword.
3216 3217 3218 3219 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3216 def recover_authentication_password(recovery_code:) broadcast('@type' => 'recoverAuthenticationPassword', 'recovery_code' => recovery_code) end |
#recover_password(recovery_code:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Recovers the password using a recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
3225 3226 3227 3228 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3225 def recover_password(recovery_code:) broadcast('@type' => 'recoverPassword', 'recovery_code' => recovery_code) end |
#register_device(device_token:, other_user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::PushReceiverId
Registers the currently used device for receiving push notifications. Returns a globally unique identifier of the push notification subscription.
3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3236 def register_device(device_token:, other_user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'registerDevice', 'device_token' => device_token, 'other_user_ids' => other_user_ids) end |
#register_user(first_name:, last_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Finishes user registration. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitRegistration.
3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3248 def register_user(first_name:, last_name:) broadcast('@type' => 'registerUser', 'first_name' => first_name, 'last_name' => last_name) end |
#remove_background(background_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes background from the list of installed backgrounds.
3258 3259 3260 3261 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3258 def remove_background(background_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeBackground', 'background_id' => background_id) end |
#remove_chat_action_bar(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat action bar without any other action.
3267 3268 3269 3270 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3267 def (chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeChatActionBar', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#remove_contacts(user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes users from the contact list.
3276 3277 3278 3279 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3276 def remove_contacts(user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeContacts', 'user_ids' => user_ids) end |
#remove_favorite_sticker(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers.
3285 3286 3287 3288 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3285 def remove_favorite_sticker(sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeFavoriteSticker', 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#remove_notification(notification_group_id:, notification_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes an active notification from notification list. Needs to be called only if the notification is removed by the current user.
3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3296 def remove_notification(notification_group_id:, notification_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeNotification', 'notification_group_id' => notification_group_id, 'notification_id' => notification_id) end |
#remove_notification_group(notification_group_id:, max_notification_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a group of active notifications. Needs to be called only if the notification group is removed by the current user.
3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3308 def remove_notification_group(notification_group_id:, max_notification_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeNotificationGroup', 'notification_group_id' => notification_group_id, 'max_notification_id' => max_notification_id) end |
#remove_proxy(proxy_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a proxy server. Can be called before authorization.
3319 3320 3321 3322 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3319 def remove_proxy(proxy_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeProxy', 'proxy_id' => proxy_id) end |
#remove_recent_hashtag(hashtag:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a hashtag from the list of recently used hashtags.
3328 3329 3330 3331 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3328 def remove_recent_hashtag(hashtag:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeRecentHashtag', 'hashtag' => hashtag) end |
#remove_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the list of recently used stickers.
3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3339 def remove_recent_sticker(is_attached:, sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeRecentSticker', 'is_attached' => is_attached, 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#remove_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat from the list of recently found chats.
3349 3350 3351 3352 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3349 def remove_recently_found_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeRecentlyFoundChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#remove_saved_animation(animation:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes an animation from the list of saved animations.
3358 3359 3360 3361 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3358 def remove_saved_animation(animation:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeSavedAnimation', 'animation' => animation) end |
#remove_sticker_from_set(sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a sticker from the set to which it belongs; for bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.
3368 3369 3370 3371 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3368 def remove_sticker_from_set(sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeStickerFromSet', 'sticker' => sticker) end |
#remove_top_chat(category:, chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a chat from the list of frequently used chats. Supported only if the chat info database is enabled.
3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3379 def remove_top_chat(category:, chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'removeTopChat', 'category' => category, 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#reorder_chat_filters(chat_filter_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of chat filters.
3389 3390 3391 3392 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3389 def reorder_chat_filters(chat_filter_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'reorderChatFilters', 'chat_filter_ids' => chat_filter_ids) end |
#reorder_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, sticker_set_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of installed sticker sets.
3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3400 def reorder_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, sticker_set_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'reorderInstalledStickerSets', 'is_masks' => is_masks, 'sticker_set_ids' => sticker_set_ids) end |
#replace_primary_chat_invite_link(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLink
Replaces current primary invite link for a chat with a new primary invite link. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right.
3412 3413 3414 3415 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3412 def replace_primary_chat_invite_link(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'replacePrimaryChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#report_chat(chat_id:, message_ids:, reason:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports a chat to the Telegram moderators. A chat can be reported only from the chat action bar, or if this is a private chat with a bot, a private chat with
a user sharing their location, a supergroup, or a channel, since other chats can't be checked by moderators.
3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3426 def report_chat(chat_id:, message_ids:, reason:, text:) broadcast('@type' => 'reportChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_ids' => , 'reason' => reason, 'text' => text) end |
#report_chat_photo(chat_id:, file_id:, reason:, text:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports a chat photo to the Telegram moderators. A chat photo can be reported only if this is a private chat with a bot, a private chat with a user sharing their
location, a supergroup, or a channel, since other chats can't be checked by moderators.
3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3444 def report_chat_photo(chat_id:, file_id:, reason:, text:) broadcast('@type' => 'reportChatPhoto', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'file_id' => file_id, 'reason' => reason, 'text' => text) end |
#report_supergroup_spam(supergroup_id:, user_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup.
3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3459 def report_supergroup_spam(supergroup_id:, user_id:, message_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'reportSupergroupSpam', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'user_id' => user_id, 'message_ids' => ) end |
#request_authentication_password_recovery ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword.
3470 3471 3472 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3470 def request_authentication_password_recovery broadcast('@type' => 'requestAuthenticationPasswordRecovery') end |
#request_password_recovery ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up.
3477 3478 3479 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3477 def request_password_recovery broadcast('@type' => 'requestPasswordRecovery') end |
#request_qr_code_authentication(other_user_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Requests QR code authentication by scanning a QR code on another logged in device. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber, or if there is no pending
authentication query and the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode,
authorizationStateWaitRegistration, or authorizationStateWaitPassword.
3488 3489 3490 3491 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3488 def request_qr_code_authentication(other_user_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'requestQrCodeAuthentication', 'other_user_ids' => other_user_ids) end |
#resend_authentication_code ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Re-sends an authentication code to the user. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode and the next_code_type of the result
is not null.
3498 3499 3500 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3498 def resend_authentication_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendAuthenticationCode') end |
#resend_change_phone_number_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number for the user. Works only if the previously received authenticationCodeInfo next_code_type was not null.
3506 3507 3508 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3506 def resend_change_phone_number_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendChangePhoneNumberCode') end |
#resend_email_address_verification_code ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the code to verify an email address to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
3513 3514 3515 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3513 def resend_email_address_verification_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendEmailAddressVerificationCode') end |
#resend_messages(chat_id:, message_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Resends messages which failed to send. Can be called only for messages for which messageSendingStateFailed.can_retry is true and after specified in
messageSendingStateFailed.retry_after time passed.
If a message is re-sent, the corresponding failed to send message is deleted. Returns the sent messages in the same order as the message identifiers passed in message_ids. If a message can’t be re-sent, null will be returned instead of the message.
3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3528 def (chat_id:, message_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'resendMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_ids' => ) end |
#resend_phone_number_confirmation_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Resends phone number confirmation code.
3537 3538 3539 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3537 def resend_phone_number_confirmation_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode') end |
#resend_phone_number_verification_code ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Re-sends the code to verify a phone number to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
3544 3545 3546 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3544 def resend_phone_number_verification_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendPhoneNumberVerificationCode') end |
#resend_recovery_email_address_code ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Resends the 2-step verification recovery email address verification code.
3551 3552 3553 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3551 def resend_recovery_email_address_code broadcast('@type' => 'resendRecoveryEmailAddressCode') end |
#reset_all_notification_settings ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets all notification settings to their default values. By default, all chats are unmuted, the sound is set to “default” and message previews are shown.
3559 3560 3561 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3559 def reset_all_notification_settings broadcast('@type' => 'resetAllNotificationSettings') end |
#reset_backgrounds ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets list of installed backgrounds to its default value.
3566 3567 3568 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3566 def reset_backgrounds broadcast('@type' => 'resetBackgrounds') end |
#reset_network_statistics ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Resets all network data usage statistics to zero. Can be called before authorization.
3574 3575 3576 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3574 def reset_network_statistics broadcast('@type' => 'resetNetworkStatistics') end |
#revoke_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatInviteLinks
Revokes invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and can_invite_users right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for
other links.
If a primary link is revoked, then additionally to the revoked link returns new primary link.
3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3587 def revoke_chat_invite_link(chat_id:, invite_link:) broadcast('@type' => 'revokeChatInviteLink', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'invite_link' => invite_link) end |
#revoke_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Revokes invite link for a group call. Requires groupCall.can_be_managed group call flag.
3598 3599 3600 3601 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3598 def revoke_group_call_invite_link(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'revokeGroupCallInviteLink', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#save_application_log_event(type:, chat_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Saves application log event on the server. Can be called before authorization.
3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3610 def save_application_log_event(type:, chat_id:, data:) broadcast('@type' => 'saveApplicationLogEvent', 'type' => type, 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'data' => data) end |
#search_background(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Background
Searches for a background by its name.
3621 3622 3623 3624 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3621 def search_background(name:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchBackground', 'name' => name) end |
#search_call_messages(from_message_id:, limit:, only_missed:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for call messages. Returns the results in reverse chronological order (i. e., in order of decreasing message_id). For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3638 def (from_message_id:, limit:, only_missed:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchCallMessages', 'from_message_id' => , 'limit' => limit, 'only_missed' => only_missed) end |
#search_chat_members(chat_id:, query:, limit:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatMembers
Searches for a specified query in the first name, last name and username of the members of a specified chat. Requires administrator rights in channels.
3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3654 def search_chat_members(chat_id:, query:, limit:, filter:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChatMembers', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'query' => query, 'limit' => limit, 'filter' => filter) end |
#search_chat_messages(chat_id:, query:, sender:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, filter:, message_thread_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for messages with given words in the chat. Returns the results in reverse chronological order, i.e. in order of decreasing message_id. Cannot be used in secret chats with a non-empty query (searchSecretMessages should be used instead), or without an
enabled message database.
For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3686 def (chat_id:, query:, sender:, from_message_id:, offset:, limit:, filter:, message_thread_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChatMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'query' => query, 'sender' => sender, 'from_message_id' => , 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit, 'filter' => filter, 'message_thread_id' => ) end |
#search_chat_recent_location_messages(chat_id:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Returns information about the recent locations of chat members that were sent to the chat. Returns up to 1 location message per user.
3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3704 def (chat_id:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChatRecentLocationMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_chats(query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats, this is an offline request. Returns chats in the order seen in the main chat list.
3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3717 def search_chats(query:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChats', 'query' => query, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_chats_nearby(location:) ⇒ TD::Types::ChatsNearby
Returns a list of users and location-based supergroups nearby. The list of users nearby will be updated for 60 seconds after the request by the updates updateUsersNearby. The request should be sent again every 25 seconds with adjusted location to not miss new chats.
3729 3730 3731 3732 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3729 def search_chats_nearby(location:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChatsNearby', 'location' => location) end |
#search_chats_on_server(query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats via request to the server. Returns chats in the order seen in the main chat list.
3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3740 def search_chats_on_server(query:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchChatsOnServer', 'query' => query, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_contacts(query: nil, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Users
Searches for the specified query in the first names, last names and usernames of the known user contacts.
3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3751 def search_contacts(query: nil, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchContacts', 'query' => query, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_emojis(text:, exact_match:, input_language_codes: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Emojis
Searches for emojis by keywords. Supported only if the file database is enabled.
3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3765 def search_emojis(text:, exact_match:, input_language_codes: nil) broadcast('@type' => 'searchEmojis', 'text' => text, 'exact_match' => exact_match, 'input_language_codes' => input_language_codes) end |
#search_hashtags(prefix:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::Hashtags
Searches for recently used hashtags by their prefix.
3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3777 def (prefix:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchHashtags', 'prefix' => prefix, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, query:, limit:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Searches for installed sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name.
3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3789 def search_installed_sticker_sets(is_masks:, query:, limit:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchInstalledStickerSets', 'is_masks' => is_masks, 'query' => query, 'limit' => limit) end |
#search_messages(chat_list:, query:, offset_date:, offset_chat_id:, offset_message_id:, limit:, filter:, min_date:, max_date:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns the results in reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing (date, chat_id, message_id)). For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3818 def (chat_list:, query:, offset_date:, offset_chat_id:, offset_message_id:, limit:, filter:, min_date:, max_date:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchMessages', 'chat_list' => chat_list, 'query' => query, 'offset_date' => offset_date, 'offset_chat_id' => offset_chat_id, 'offset_message_id' => , 'limit' => limit, 'filter' => filter, 'min_date' => min_date, 'max_date' => max_date) end |
#search_public_chat(username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Searches a public chat by its username. Currently only private chats, supergroups and channels can be public. Returns the chat if found; otherwise an error is returned.
3838 3839 3840 3841 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3838 def search_public_chat(username:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchPublicChat', 'username' => username) end |
#search_public_chats(query:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chats
Searches public chats by looking for specified query in their username and title. Currently only private chats, supergroups and channels can be public. Returns a meaningful number of results. Returns nothing if the length of the searched username prefix is less than 5. Excludes private chats with contacts and chats from the chat list from the results.
3851 3852 3853 3854 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3851 def search_public_chats(query:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchPublicChats', 'query' => query) end |
#search_secret_messages(chat_id:, query:, offset:, limit:, filter:) ⇒ TD::Types::FoundMessages
Searches for messages in secret chats. Returns the results in reverse chronological order. For optimal performance the number of returned messages is chosen by the library.
3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3871 def (chat_id:, query:, offset:, limit:, filter:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchSecretMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'query' => query, 'offset' => offset, 'limit' => limit, 'filter' => filter) end |
#search_sticker_set(name:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Searches for a sticker set by its name.
3884 3885 3886 3887 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3884 def search_sticker_set(name:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchStickerSet', 'name' => name) end |
#search_sticker_sets(query:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSets
Searches for ordinary sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name. Excludes installed sticker sets from the results.
3894 3895 3896 3897 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3894 def search_sticker_sets(query:) broadcast('@type' => 'searchStickerSets', 'query' => query) end |
#search_stickers(emoji:, limit: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Stickers
Searches for stickers from public sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3904 def search_stickers(emoji:, limit: nil) broadcast('@type' => 'searchStickers', 'emoji' => emoji, 'limit' => limit) end |
#send_bot_start_message(bot_user_id:, chat_id:, parameter:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Invites a bot to a chat (if it is not yet a member) and sends it the /start command. Bots can’t be invited to a private chat other than the chat with the bot. Bots can’t be invited to channels (although they can be added as admins) and secret chats. Returns the sent message.
3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3920 def (bot_user_id:, chat_id:, parameter:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendBotStartMessage', 'bot_user_id' => bot_user_id, 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'parameter' => parameter) end |
#send_call_debug_information(call_id:, debug_information:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends debug information for a call.
3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3932 def send_call_debug_information(call_id:, debug_information:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendCallDebugInformation', 'call_id' => call_id, 'debug_information' => debug_information) end |
#send_call_rating(call_id:, rating:, comment:, problems:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a call rating.
3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3946 def (call_id:, rating:, comment:, problems:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendCallRating', 'call_id' => call_id, 'rating' => , 'comment' => comment, 'problems' => problems) end |
#send_call_signaling_data(call_id:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends call signaling data.
3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3959 def send_call_signaling_data(call_id:, data:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendCallSignalingData', 'call_id' => call_id, 'data' => data) end |
#send_chat_action(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, action:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a notification about user activity in a chat.
3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3971 def send_chat_action(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, action:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendChatAction', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'action' => action) end |
#send_chat_screenshot_taken_notification(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a notification about a screenshot taken in a chat. Supported only in private and secret chats.
3983 3984 3985 3986 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3983 def send_chat_screenshot_taken_notification(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#send_custom_request(method:, parameters:) ⇒ TD::Types::CustomRequestResult
Sends a custom request; for bots only.
3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 3993 def send_custom_request(method:, parameters:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendCustomRequest', 'method' => method, 'parameters' => parameters) end |
#send_email_address_verification_code(email_address:) ⇒ TD::Types::EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends a code to verify an email address to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
4003 4004 4005 4006 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4003 def send_email_address_verification_code(email_address:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendEmailAddressVerificationCode', 'email_address' => email_address) end |
#send_inline_query_result_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, query_id:, result_id:, hide_via_bot:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Sends the result of an inline query as a message. Returns the sent message. Always clears a chat draft message.
4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4022 def (chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, query_id:, result_id:, hide_via_bot:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendInlineQueryResultMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'reply_to_message_id' => , 'options' => , 'query_id' => query_id, 'result_id' => result_id, 'hide_via_bot' => hide_via_bot) end |
#send_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Sends a message. Returns the sent message.
4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4044 def (chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, reply_markup:, input_message_content:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'reply_to_message_id' => , 'options' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup, 'input_message_content' => ) end |
#send_message_album(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, input_message_contents:) ⇒ TD::Types::Messages
Sends 2-10 messages grouped together into an album. Currently only audio, document, photo and video messages can be grouped into an album. Documents and audio files can be only grouped in an album with messages of the same type. Returns sent messages.
4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4066 def (chat_id:, message_thread_id:, reply_to_message_id:, options:, input_message_contents:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendMessageAlbum', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'reply_to_message_id' => , 'options' => , 'input_message_contents' => ) end |
#send_passport_authorization_form(autorization_form_id:, types:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service. This method must be called after getPassportAuthorizationFormAvailableElements if some previously available
elements are going to be reused.
4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4083 def (autorization_form_id:, types:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendPassportAuthorizationForm', 'autorization_form_id' => autorization_form_id, 'types' => types) end |
#send_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, payment_form_id:, order_info_id:, shipping_option_id:, credentials:, tip_amount:) ⇒ TD::Types::PaymentResult
Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.
4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4099 def send_payment_form(chat_id:, message_id:, payment_form_id:, order_info_id:, shipping_option_id:, credentials:, tip_amount:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendPaymentForm', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'payment_form_id' => payment_form_id, 'order_info_id' => order_info_id, 'shipping_option_id' => shipping_option_id, 'credentials' => credentials, 'tip_amount' => tip_amount) end |
#send_phone_number_confirmation_code(hash:, phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends phone number confirmation code. Should be called when user presses “*******&hash=**********” or
"tg://confirmphone?phone=*******&hash=**********" link.
4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4120 def send_phone_number_confirmation_code(hash:, phone_number:, settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode', 'hash' => hash, 'phone_number' => phone_number, 'settings' => settings) end |
#send_phone_number_verification_code(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::AuthenticationCodeInfo
Sends a code to verify a phone number to be added to a user’s Telegram Passport.
4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4133 def send_phone_number_verification_code(phone_number:, settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'sendPhoneNumberVerificationCode', 'phone_number' => phone_number, 'settings' => settings) end |
#set_account_ttl(ttl:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
4143 4144 4145 4146 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4143 def set_account_ttl(ttl:) broadcast('@type' => 'setAccountTtl', 'ttl' => ttl) end |
#set_alarm(seconds:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Succeeds after a specified amount of time has passed. Can be called before initialization.
4153 4154 4155 4156 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4153 def set_alarm(seconds:) broadcast('@type' => 'setAlarm', 'seconds' => seconds) end |
#set_authentication_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber, or if there is no pending
authentication query and the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode,
authorizationStateWaitRegistration, or authorizationStateWaitPassword.
4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4167 def set_authentication_phone_number(phone_number:, settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'setAuthenticationPhoneNumber', 'phone_number' => phone_number, 'settings' => settings) end |
#set_auto_download_settings(settings:, type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets auto-download settings.
4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4178 def set_auto_download_settings(settings:, type:) broadcast('@type' => 'setAutoDownloadSettings', 'settings' => settings, 'type' => type) end |
#set_background(background:, type:, for_dark_theme:) ⇒ TD::Types::Background
Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the list of installed backgrounds.
4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4191 def set_background(background:, type:, for_dark_theme:) broadcast('@type' => 'setBackground', 'background' => background, 'type' => type, 'for_dark_theme' => for_dark_theme) end |
#set_bio(bio:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the bio of the current user.
4202 4203 4204 4205 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4202 def set_bio(bio:) broadcast('@type' => 'setBio', 'bio' => bio) end |
#set_bot_updates_status(pending_update_count:, error_message:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven’t been processed for a long time; for bots
4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4213 def set_bot_updates_status(pending_update_count:, error_message:) broadcast('@type' => 'setBotUpdatesStatus', 'pending_update_count' => pending_update_count, 'error_message' => ) end |
#set_chat_client_data(chat_id:, client_data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes application-specific data associated with a chat.
4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4224 def set_chat_client_data(chat_id:, client_data:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatClientData', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'client_data' => client_data) end |
#set_chat_description(chat_id:, description:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes information about a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires can_change_info administrator right.
4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4237 def set_chat_description(chat_id:, description:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatDescription', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'description' => description) end |
#set_chat_discussion_group(chat_id:, discussion_chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the discussion group of a channel chat; requires can_change_info administrator right in the channel if it
is specified.
4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4256 def set_chat_discussion_group(chat_id:, discussion_chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatDiscussionGroup', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'discussion_chat_id' => discussion_chat_id) end |
#set_chat_draft_message(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, draft_message: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the draft message in a chat.
4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4268 def (chat_id:, message_thread_id:, draft_message: nil) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatDraftMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'draft_message' => ) end |
#set_chat_location(chat_id:, location:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the location of a chat. Available only for some location-based supergroups, use supergroupFullInfo.can_set_location to check whether the
method is allowed to use.
4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4282 def set_chat_location(chat_id:, location:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatLocation', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'location' => location) end |
#set_chat_member_status(chat_id:, member_id:, status:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the status of a chat member, needs appropriate privileges. This function is currently not suitable for adding new members to the chat and transferring chat ownership;
instead, use addChatMember or transferChatOwnership.
4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4297 def set_chat_member_status(chat_id:, member_id:, status:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatMemberStatus', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'member_id' => member_id, 'status' => status) end |
#set_chat_message_ttl_setting(chat_id:, ttl:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the message TTL setting (sets a new self-destruct timer) in a chat. Requires can_delete_messages administrator right in basic groups, supergroups and channels Message TTL setting of a
chat with the current user (Saved Messages) and the chat 777000 (Telegram) can't be changed.
4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4311 def (chat_id:, ttl:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatMessageTtlSetting', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'ttl' => ttl) end |
#set_chat_notification_settings(chat_id:, notification_settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the notification settings of a chat. Notification settings of a chat with the current user (Saved Messages) can’t be changed.
4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4324 def set_chat_notification_settings(chat_id:, notification_settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatNotificationSettings', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'notification_settings' => notification_settings) end |
#set_chat_permissions(chat_id:, permissions:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the chat members permissions. Supported only for basic groups and supergroups. Requires can_restrict_members administrator right.
4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4337 def (chat_id:, permissions:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatPermissions', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'permissions' => ) end |
#set_chat_photo(chat_id:, photo:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the photo of a chat. Supported only for basic groups, supergroups and channels. Requires can_change_info administrator right.
4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4351 def set_chat_photo(chat_id:, photo:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatPhoto', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'photo' => photo) end |
#set_chat_slow_mode_delay(chat_id:, slow_mode_delay:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the slow mode delay of a chat. Available only for supergroups; requires can_restrict_members rights.
4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4363 def set_chat_slow_mode_delay(chat_id:, slow_mode_delay:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatSlowModeDelay', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'slow_mode_delay' => slow_mode_delay) end |
#set_chat_title(chat_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the chat title. Supported only for basic groups, supergroups and channels. Requires can_change_info administrator right.
4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4376 def set_chat_title(chat_id:, title:) broadcast('@type' => 'setChatTitle', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'title' => title) end |
#set_commands(commands:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the list of commands supported by the bot; for bots only.
4386 4387 4388 4389 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4386 def set_commands(commands:) broadcast('@type' => 'setCommands', 'commands' => commands) end |
#set_custom_language_pack(info:, strings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds or changes a custom local language pack to the current localization target.
4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4399 def set_custom_language_pack(info:, strings:) broadcast('@type' => 'setCustomLanguagePack', 'info' => info, 'strings' => strings) end |
#set_custom_language_pack_string(language_pack_id:, new_string:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Adds, edits or deletes a string in a custom local language pack. Can be called before authorization.
4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4412 def set_custom_language_pack_string(language_pack_id:, new_string:) broadcast('@type' => 'setCustomLanguagePackString', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id, 'new_string' => new_string) end |
#set_database_encryption_key(new_encryption_key:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the database encryption key. Usually the encryption key is never changed and is stored in some OS keychain.
4423 4424 4425 4426 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4423 def set_database_encryption_key(new_encryption_key:) broadcast('@type' => 'setDatabaseEncryptionKey', 'new_encryption_key' => new_encryption_key) end |
#set_file_generation_progress(generation_id:, expected_size:, local_prefix_size:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib on a file generation progress.
4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4434 def set_file_generation_progress(generation_id:, expected_size:, local_prefix_size:) broadcast('@type' => 'setFileGenerationProgress', 'generation_id' => generation_id, 'expected_size' => expected_size, 'local_prefix_size' => local_prefix_size) end |
#set_game_score(chat_id:, message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Message
Updates the game score of the specified user in the game; for bots only.
4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4451 def set_game_score(chat_id:, message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) broadcast('@type' => 'setGameScore', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'edit_message' => , 'user_id' => user_id, 'score' => score, 'force' => force) end |
#set_group_call_participant_is_speaking(group_call_id:, source:, is_speaking:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that a participant of an active group call speaking state has changed.
4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4467 def set_group_call_participant_is_speaking(group_call_id:, source:, is_speaking:) broadcast('@type' => 'setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'source' => source, 'is_speaking' => is_speaking) end |
#set_group_call_participant_volume_level(group_call_id:, participant_id:, volume_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes volume level of a participant of an active group call. If the current user can manage the group call, then the participant’s volume level will be changed for all users
with default volume level.
4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4482 def set_group_call_participant_volume_level(group_call_id:, participant_id:, volume_level:) broadcast('@type' => 'setGroupCallParticipantVolumeLevel', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'participant_id' => participant_id, 'volume_level' => volume_level) end |
#set_group_call_title(group_call_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets group call title. Requires groupCall.can_be_managed group call flag.
4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4495 def set_group_call_title(group_call_id:, title:) broadcast('@type' => 'setGroupCallTitle', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'title' => title) end |
#set_inline_game_score(inline_message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Updates the game score of the specified user in a game; for bots only.
4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4510 def set_inline_game_score(inline_message_id:, edit_message:, user_id:, score:, force:) broadcast('@type' => 'setInlineGameScore', 'inline_message_id' => , 'edit_message' => , 'user_id' => user_id, 'score' => score, 'force' => force) end |
#set_location(location:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the location of the current user. Needs to be called if GetOption(“is_location_visible”) is true and location changes for more than 1 kilometer.
4524 4525 4526 4527 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4524 def set_location(location:) broadcast('@type' => 'setLocation', 'location' => location) end |
#set_log_stream(log_stream:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets new log stream for internal logging of TDLib. Can be called synchronously.
4534 4535 4536 4537 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4534 def set_log_stream(log_stream:) broadcast('@type' => 'setLogStream', 'log_stream' => log_stream) end |
#set_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:, new_verbosity_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log tag. Can be called synchronously.
4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4545 def set_log_tag_verbosity_level(tag:, new_verbosity_level:) broadcast('@type' => 'setLogTagVerbosityLevel', 'tag' => tag, 'new_verbosity_level' => new_verbosity_level) end |
#set_log_verbosity_level(new_verbosity_level:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib. Can be called synchronously.
4559 4560 4561 4562 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4559 def set_log_verbosity_level(new_verbosity_level:) broadcast('@type' => 'setLogVerbosityLevel', 'new_verbosity_level' => new_verbosity_level) end |
#set_name(first_name:, last_name:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the first and last name of the current user.
4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4569 def set_name(first_name:, last_name:) broadcast('@type' => 'setName', 'first_name' => first_name, 'last_name' => last_name) end |
#set_network_type(type:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the current network type. Can be called before authorization. Calling this method forces all network connections to reopen, mitigating the delay in switching between different
networks, so it should be called whenever the network is changed, even if the network type remains the same.
Network type is used to check whether the library can use the network at all and also for collecting detailed
network data usage statistics.
4585 4586 4587 4588 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4585 def set_network_type(type:) broadcast('@type' => 'setNetworkType', 'type' => type) end |
#set_option(name:, value:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the value of an option. (Check the list of available options on Only writable options can be set. Can be called before authorization.
4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4597 def set_option(name:, value:) broadcast('@type' => 'setOption', 'name' => name, 'value' => value) end |
#set_passport_element(element:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::PassportElement
Adds an element to the user’s Telegram Passport. May return an error with a message “PHONE_VERIFICATION_NEEDED” or “EMAIL_VERIFICATION_NEEDED” if the chosen phone
number or the chosen email address must be verified first.
4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4610 def set_passport_element(element:, password:) broadcast('@type' => 'setPassportElement', 'element' => element, 'password' => password) end |
#set_passport_element_errors(user_id:, errors:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the user that some of the elements in their Telegram Passport contain errors; for bots only. The user will not be able to resend the elements, until the errors are fixed.
4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4622 def set_passport_element_errors(user_id:, errors:) broadcast('@type' => 'setPassportElementErrors', 'user_id' => user_id, 'errors' => errors) end |
#set_password(old_password:, new_password: nil, new_hint: nil, set_recovery_email_address: false, new_recovery_email_address: nil) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Changes the password for the user. If a new recovery email address is specified, then the change will not be applied until the new recovery email
address is confirmed.
4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4638 def set_password(old_password:, new_password: nil, new_hint: nil, set_recovery_email_address: false, new_recovery_email_address: nil) broadcast('@type' => 'setPassword', 'old_password' => old_password, 'new_password' => new_password, 'new_hint' => new_hint, 'set_recovery_email_address' => set_recovery_email_address, 'new_recovery_email_address' => new_recovery_email_address) end |
#set_pinned_chats(chat_list:, chat_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the order of pinned chats.
4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4653 def set_pinned_chats(chat_list:, chat_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'setPinnedChats', 'chat_list' => chat_list, 'chat_ids' => chat_ids) end |
#set_poll_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, option_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the user answer to a poll. A poll in quiz mode can be answered only once.
4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4667 def set_poll_answer(chat_id:, message_id:, option_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'setPollAnswer', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'option_ids' => option_ids) end |
#set_profile_photo(photo:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes a profile photo for the current user.
4678 4679 4680 4681 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4678 def set_profile_photo(photo:) broadcast('@type' => 'setProfilePhoto', 'photo' => photo) end |
#set_recovery_email_address(password:, new_recovery_email_address:) ⇒ TD::Types::PasswordState
Changes the 2-step verification recovery email address of the user. If a new recovery email address is specified, then the change will not be applied until the new recovery email
address is confirmed.
If new_recovery_email_address is the same as the email address that is currently set up, this call succeeds
immediately and aborts all other requests waiting for an email confirmation.
4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4692 def set_recovery_email_address(password:, new_recovery_email_address:) broadcast('@type' => 'setRecoveryEmailAddress', 'password' => password, 'new_recovery_email_address' => new_recovery_email_address) end |
#set_scope_notification_settings(scope:, notification_settings:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes notification settings for chats of a given type.
4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4704 def set_scope_notification_settings(scope:, notification_settings:) broadcast('@type' => 'setScopeNotificationSettings', 'scope' => scope, 'notification_settings' => notification_settings) end |
#set_sticker_position_in_set(sticker:, position:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.
4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4716 def set_sticker_position_in_set(sticker:, position:) broadcast('@type' => 'setStickerPositionInSet', 'sticker' => sticker, 'position' => position) end |
#set_sticker_set_thumbnail(user_id:, name:, thumbnail:) ⇒ TD::Types::StickerSet
Sets a sticker set thumbnail; for bots only. Returns the sticker set.
4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4731 def set_sticker_set_thumbnail(user_id:, name:, thumbnail:) broadcast('@type' => 'setStickerSetThumbnail', 'user_id' => user_id, 'name' => name, 'thumbnail' => thumbnail) end |
#set_supergroup_sticker_set(supergroup_id:, sticker_set_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the sticker set of a supergroup; requires can_change_info administrator right.
4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4744 def set_supergroup_sticker_set(supergroup_id:, sticker_set_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'setSupergroupStickerSet', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'sticker_set_id' => sticker_set_id) end |
#set_supergroup_username(supergroup_id:, username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the username of a supergroup or channel, requires owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4756 def set_supergroup_username(supergroup_id:, username:) broadcast('@type' => 'setSupergroupUsername', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'username' => username) end |
#set_tdlib_parameters(parameters:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Sets the parameters for TDLib initialization. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters.
4767 4768 4769 4770 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4767 def set_tdlib_parameters(parameters:) broadcast('@type' => 'setTdlibParameters', 'parameters' => parameters) end |
#set_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:, rules:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes user privacy settings.
4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4777 def set_user_privacy_setting_rules(setting:, rules:) broadcast('@type' => 'setUserPrivacySettingRules', 'setting' => setting, 'rules' => rules) end |
#set_username(username:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the username of the current user.
4788 4789 4790 4791 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4788 def set_username(username:) broadcast('@type' => 'setUsername', 'username' => username) end |
#set_voice_chat_default_participant(chat_id:, default_participant_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes default participant identifier, which can be used to join voice chats in a chat.
4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4799 def set_voice_chat_default_participant(chat_id:, default_participant_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'setVoiceChatDefaultParticipant', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'default_participant_id' => default_participant_id) end |
#share_phone_number(user_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Shares the phone number of the current user with a mutual contact. Supposed to be called when the user clicks on chatActionBarSharePhoneNumber.
4811 4812 4813 4814 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4811 def share_phone_number(user_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'sharePhoneNumber', 'user_id' => user_id) end |
#start_group_call_recording(group_call_id:, title:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Starts recording of an active group call. Requires groupCall.can_be_managed group call flag.
4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4822 def start_group_call_recording(group_call_id:, title:) broadcast('@type' => 'startGroupCallRecording', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'title' => title) end |
#start_scheduled_group_call(group_call_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Starts a scheduled group call.
4832 4833 4834 4835 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4832 def start_scheduled_group_call(group_call_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'startScheduledGroupCall', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id) end |
#stop_poll(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Stops a poll. A poll in a message can be stopped when the message has can_be_edited flag set.
4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4844 def stop_poll(chat_id:, message_id:, reply_markup:) broadcast('@type' => 'stopPoll', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'reply_markup' => reply_markup) end |
#synchronize_language_pack(language_pack_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Fetches the latest versions of all strings from a language pack in the current localization target from the server. This method shouldn’t be called explicitly for the current used/base language packs. Can be called before authorization.
4857 4858 4859 4860 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4857 def synchronize_language_pack(language_pack_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'synchronizeLanguagePack', 'language_pack_id' => language_pack_id) end |
#terminate_all_other_sessions ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Terminates all other sessions of the current user.
4865 4866 4867 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4865 def terminate_all_other_sessions broadcast('@type' => 'terminateAllOtherSessions') end |
#terminate_session(session_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Terminates a session of the current user.
4873 4874 4875 4876 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4873 def terminate_session(session_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'terminateSession', 'session_id' => session_id) end |
#toggle_chat_default_disable_notification(chat_id:, default_disable_notification:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the value of the default disable_notification parameter, used when a message is sent to a chat.
4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4883 def toggle_chat_default_disable_notification(chat_id:, default_disable_notification:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleChatDefaultDisableNotification', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'default_disable_notification' => default_disable_notification) end |
#toggle_chat_is_marked_as_unread(chat_id:, is_marked_as_unread:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the marked as unread state of a chat.
4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4894 def toggle_chat_is_marked_as_unread(chat_id:, is_marked_as_unread:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleChatIsMarkedAsUnread', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'is_marked_as_unread' => is_marked_as_unread) end |
#toggle_chat_is_pinned(chat_list:, chat_id:, is_pinned:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the pinned state of a chat. There can be up to GetOption(“pinned_chat_count_max”)/GetOption(“pinned_archived_chat_count_max”) pinned non-secret
chats and the same number of secret chats in the main/arhive chat list.
4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4908 def toggle_chat_is_pinned(chat_list:, chat_id:, is_pinned:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleChatIsPinned', 'chat_list' => chat_list, 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'is_pinned' => is_pinned) end |
#toggle_group_call_enabled_start_notification(group_call_id:, enabled_start_notification:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether the current user will receive a notification when the group call will start; scheduled group calls
4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4921 def toggle_group_call_enabled_start_notification(group_call_id:, enabled_start_notification:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleGroupCallEnabledStartNotification', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'enabled_start_notification' => enabled_start_notification) end |
#toggle_group_call_mute_new_participants(group_call_id:, mute_new_participants:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether new participants of a group call can be unmuted only by administrators of the group call. Requires groupCall.can_change_mute_new_participants group call flag.
4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4933 def toggle_group_call_mute_new_participants(group_call_id:, mute_new_participants:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleGroupCallMuteNewParticipants', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'mute_new_participants' => mute_new_participants) end |
#toggle_group_call_participant_is_hand_raised(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_hand_raised:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether a group call participant hand is rased.
4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4947 def toggle_group_call_participant_is_hand_raised(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_hand_raised:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleGroupCallParticipantIsHandRaised', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'participant_id' => participant_id, 'is_hand_raised' => is_hand_raised) end |
#toggle_group_call_participant_is_muted(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_muted:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether a participant of an active group call is muted, unmuted, or allowed to unmute themself.
4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4960 def toggle_group_call_participant_is_muted(group_call_id:, participant_id:, is_muted:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleGroupCallParticipantIsMuted', 'group_call_id' => group_call_id, 'participant_id' => participant_id, 'is_muted' => is_muted) end |
#toggle_message_sender_is_blocked(sender:, is_blocked:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the block state of a message sender. Currently, only users and supergroup chats can be blocked.
4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4973 def (sender:, is_blocked:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleMessageSenderIsBlocked', 'sender' => sender, 'is_blocked' => is_blocked) end |
#toggle_supergroup_is_all_history_available(supergroup_id:, is_all_history_available:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles whether the message history of a supergroup is available to new members; requires can_change_info
administrator right.
4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4985 def toggle_supergroup_is_all_history_available(supergroup_id:, is_all_history_available:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleSupergroupIsAllHistoryAvailable', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'is_all_history_available' => is_all_history_available) end |
#toggle_supergroup_is_broadcast_group(supergroup_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Upgrades supergroup to a broadcast group; requires owner privileges in the supergroup.
4995 4996 4997 4998 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 4995 def toggle_supergroup_is_broadcast_group(supergroup_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleSupergroupIsBroadcastGroup', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id) end |
#toggle_supergroup_sign_messages(supergroup_id:, sign_messages:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Toggles sender signatures messages sent in a channel; requires can_change_info administrator right.
5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5005 def (supergroup_id:, sign_messages:) broadcast('@type' => 'toggleSupergroupSignMessages', 'supergroup_id' => supergroup_id, 'sign_messages' => ) end |
#transfer_chat_ownership(chat_id:, user_id:, password:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Changes the owner of a chat. The current user must be a current owner of the chat. Use the method canTransferOwnership to check whether the ownership can be transferred from the current session. Available only for supergroups and channel chats.
5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5021 def transfer_chat_ownership(chat_id:, user_id:, password:) broadcast('@type' => 'transferChatOwnership', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'user_id' => user_id, 'password' => password) end |
#unpin_all_chat_messages(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes all pinned messages from a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights in the group or can_edit_messages rights
in the channel.
5033 5034 5035 5036 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5033 def (chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'unpinAllChatMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#unpin_chat_message(chat_id:, message_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Removes a pinned message from a chat; requires can_pin_messages rights in the group or can_edit_messages rights in
the channel.
5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5044 def (chat_id:, message_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'unpinChatMessage', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => ) end |
#upgrade_basic_group_chat_to_supergroup_chat(chat_id:) ⇒ TD::Types::Chat
Creates a new supergroup from an existing basic group and sends a corresponding messageChatUpgradeTo and
messageChatUpgradeFrom; requires creator privileges.
Deactivates the original basic group.
5056 5057 5058 5059 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5056 def upgrade_basic_group_chat_to_supergroup_chat(chat_id:) broadcast('@type' => 'upgradeBasicGroupChatToSupergroupChat', 'chat_id' => chat_id) end |
#upload_file(file:, file_type:, priority:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Asynchronously uploads a file to the cloud without sending it in a message. updateFile will be used to notify about upload progress and successful completion of the upload. The file will not have a persistent remote identifier until it will be sent in a message.
5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5072 def upload_file(file:, file_type:, priority:) broadcast('@type' => 'uploadFile', 'file' => file, 'file_type' => file_type, 'priority' => priority) end |
#upload_sticker_file(user_id:, png_sticker:) ⇒ TD::Types::File
Uploads a PNG image with a sticker; for bots only; returns the uploaded file.
5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5085 def upload_sticker_file(user_id:, png_sticker:) broadcast('@type' => 'uploadStickerFile', 'user_id' => user_id, 'png_sticker' => png_sticker) end |
#validate_order_info(chat_id:, message_id:, order_info:, allow_save:) ⇒ TD::Types::ValidatedOrderInfo
Validates the order information provided by a user and returns the available shipping options for a flexible
5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5099 def validate_order_info(chat_id:, message_id:, order_info:, allow_save:) broadcast('@type' => 'validateOrderInfo', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_id' => , 'order_info' => order_info, 'allow_save' => allow_save) end |
#view_messages(chat_id:, message_thread_id:, message_ids:, force_read:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs TDLib that messages are being viewed by the user. Many useful activities depend on whether the messages are currently being viewed or not (e.g., marking messages as
read, incrementing a view counter, updating a view counter, removing deleted messages in supergroups and channels).
5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5116 def (chat_id:, message_thread_id:, message_ids:, force_read:) broadcast('@type' => 'viewMessages', 'chat_id' => chat_id, 'message_thread_id' => , 'message_ids' => , 'force_read' => force_read) end |
#view_trending_sticker_sets(sticker_set_ids:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Informs the server that some trending sticker sets have been viewed by the user.
5128 5129 5130 5131 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5128 def view_trending_sticker_sets(sticker_set_ids:) broadcast('@type' => 'viewTrendingStickerSets', 'sticker_set_ids' => sticker_set_ids) end |
#write_generated_file_part(generation_id:, offset:, data:) ⇒ TD::Types::Ok
Writes a part of a generated file. This method is intended to be used only if the application has no direct access to TDLib’s file system, because it
is usually slower than a direct write to the destination file.
5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 |
# File 'lib/tdlib/client_methods.rb', line 5141 def write_generated_file_part(generation_id:, offset:, data:) broadcast('@type' => 'writeGeneratedFilePart', 'generation_id' => generation_id, 'offset' => offset, 'data' => data) end |