Class: TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- Inherits:
- Object
- TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- Includes:
- Attributes, ClassSelectors, Helpers, TypeSelectors
- Defined in:
- lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb,
noinspection RubyTooManyMethodsInspection
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#can_use_id_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute can_use_id_strategy.
#class_chain_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute class_chain_selector.
#closing_parenthesis ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute closing_parenthesis.
#default_find_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_find_strategy.
#default_scroll_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_scroll_strategy.
#driver ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute driver.
#from_element ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute from_element.
#image_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute image_selector.
#index_for_multiple ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute index_for_multiple.
#last_selector_adjacent ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_selector_adjacent.
#scroll_deadzone ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scroll_deadzone.
#scroll_orientation ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scroll_orientation.
#scrollable_locator ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scrollable_locator.
#single ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute single.
#strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute strategy.
#strategy_reason ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute strategy_reason.
#xpath_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute xpath_selector.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(other) ⇒ Object
noinspection RubyNilAnalysis,RubyUnnecessaryReturnStatement.
- #[](instance) ⇒ Object
#add_child_selector(params) ⇒ Locator
New child locator element.
- #add_class_chain_child_selectors(locator, selectors, single) ⇒ Object
#align(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, scroll_to_find: false, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element (by default) on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the top/bottom/right/left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align!(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element (by default) on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the top/bottom/right/left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_bottom(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on bottom of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the bottom of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_bottom!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on bottom of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the bottom of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on left of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_left!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on left of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on right of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the right of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_right!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on right of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the right of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_top(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the top of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
#align_top!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the top of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times.
- #as_json ⇒ Object
- #as_scrollable(orientation: :vertical, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
#child ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return first child element.
#children ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return all children elements.
- #clear ⇒ Object
#click(x = nil, y = nil, double: false) ⇒ Object
(also: #tap)
if both x or y, or both are not given, will click in the center of the element.
- #double_click(x = nil, y = nil) ⇒ Object (also: #double_tap)
- #drag_by(amount, direction: :top) ⇒ Object
- #drag_down_by(amount) ⇒ Object
- #drag_left_by(amount) ⇒ Object
- #drag_right_by(amount) ⇒ Object
#drag_to(to) ⇒ Object
noinspection RubyYardParamTypeMatch,RubyScope.
- #drag_up_by(amount) ⇒ Object
- #execute(skip_cache: false, force_cache_element: nil, ignore_implicit_wait: false) ⇒ Selenium::WebDriver::Element, Array
#exists? ⇒ boolean
all timeouts are disabled before check, and enabled after check.
- #first ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #first_and_last_child ⇒ Object
- #first_and_last_leaf ⇒ Object
- #fling_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #fling_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #fling_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #fling_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #following_sibling ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #following_siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #from_parent(selectors = {}) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #in_viewport? ⇒ Boolean
#index(*args) ⇒ Integer?
element index in parent element, starts from 0 noinspection RubyNilAnalysis,RubyYardReturnMatch.
- #init(params, selectors, single) ⇒ Object
#initialize(driver, from_element, params = {}) ⇒ Locator
locator parameters are: single: true or false scrollable_locator: [TestaAppiumDriver::Locator, nil] for scrolling if needed later default_find_strategy: default strategy if find element strategy is not enforced default_scroll_strategy: default strategy for scrolling if not enforced.
- #is_only_id_selector?(selectors) ⇒ Boolean
- #last ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
#long_tap(duration = LONG_TAP_DURATION) ⇒ Object
performs a long tap on the retrieved element.
#method_missing(method, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
method missing is used to fetch the element before executing additional commands like click, send_key, count.
- #page_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #page_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #page_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #page_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
#parent ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return parent element.
- #preceding_sibling ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #preceding_siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
#scroll_down_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls down until element is found or end is reached.
#scroll_each(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, direction: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls to the start of the scrollable containers and scrolls to the end, everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed.
#scroll_each_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls down from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the top) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed.
#scroll_each_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls left from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the right) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed.
#scroll_each_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls right from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the left) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed.
#scroll_each_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls up from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the bottom) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed.
#scroll_left_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls left until element is found or end is reached.
#scroll_right_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls right until element is found or end is reached.
#scroll_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil, direction: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
First scrolls to the beginning of the scrollable container and then scrolls down until element is found or end is reached.
#scroll_to_end(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls to the end of the scrollable container (bottom on vertical container, right on horizontal).
#scroll_to_start(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls to the start of the scrollable container (top on vertical container, left on horizontal).
#scroll_up_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls up until element is found or end is reached.
- #second ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #send_key(*args) ⇒ Object
- #siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
#strategies_and_selectors ⇒ Object
resolve selector which will be used for finding element.
- #third ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #to_ary ⇒ Object
- #to_s ⇒ Object
#ui_selector(include_semicolon = true) ⇒ Object
Ui_selector for uiautomator find strategy.
- #ui_selector=(value) ⇒ Object
- #wait_until(timeout = nil, args = {}) ⇒ Object
- #wait_until_exists(timeout = nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #wait_while(timeout = nil, args = {}) ⇒ Object
- #wait_while_exists(timeout = nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
- #when_exists(timeout = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Methods included from ClassSelectors
#add_selector, #button, #buttons, #card_view, #card_views, #check_box, #check_boxes, #edit_text, #edit_texts, #element, #elements, #frame_layout, #frame_layouts, #horizontal_scroll_view, #horizontal_scroll_views, #image_button, #image_buttons, #image_view, #image_views, #linear_layout, #linear_layouts, #list_view, #list_views, #progress_bar, #progress_bars, #radio_button, #radio_buttons, #radio_group, #radio_groups, #recycler_view, #recycler_views, #relative_layout, #relative_layouts, #scroll_view, #scroll_views, #search_view, #search_views, #spinner, #spinners, #switch, #switches, #text_view, #text_views, #toast, #toasts, #toolbar, #toolbars, #view, #view_group, #view_groups, #view_pager, #view_pagers, #views, #web_view, #web_views
Methods included from Helpers
#extract_selectors_from_params, #hash_to_class_chain, #hash_to_uiautomator, #hash_to_xpath, #is_scrollable_selector?, #resolve_id
Methods included from Attributes
#accessibility_container, #accessible?, #checkable?, #checked?, #class_name, #clickable?, #desc, #displayed?, #enabled?, #focusable?, #focused?, #frame, #id, #label, #long_clickable?, #name, #package, #password?, #rect, #scrollable?, #selected?, #selection_end, #selection_start, #testa_attribute, #type, #value, #visible?
Methods included from TypeSelectors
#add_selector, #button, #buttons, #cell, #cells, #collection_view, #collection_views, #element, #elements, #image, #images, #navigation_bar, #navigation_bars, #other, #others, #scroll_view, #scroll_views, #secure_text_field, #secure_text_fields, #static_text, #static_texts, #table, #tables, #text_field, #text_fields, #window, #windows
Constructor Details
#initialize(driver, from_element, params = {}) ⇒ Locator
locator parameters are:
single: true or false
scrollable_locator: [TestaAppiumDriver::Locator, nil] for scrolling if needed later
default_find_strategy: default strategy if find element strategy is not enforced
default_scroll_strategy: default strategy for scrolling if not enforced
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 24 def initialize(driver, from_element, params = {}) # @type [TestaAppiumDriver::Driver] @driver = driver @index_for_multiple = nil @image_selector = nil params, selectors = extract_selectors_from_params(params) single = params[:single] @single = single if selectors[:image].nil? if from_element.instance_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) && !from_element.image_selector.nil? raise "Cannot chain non-image selectors to image selectors" end else handle_image_selector(selectors, params) end selectors[:id] = selectors[:name] unless selectors[:name].nil? if from_element.instance_of?(::Selenium::WebDriver::Element) || from_element.instance_of?(::Appium::Core::Element) || from_element.instance_of?(::TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) @xpath_selector = "." @xpath_selector += hash_to_xpath(@driver.device, selectors, single) else @xpath_selector = hash_to_xpath(@driver.device, selectors, single) end @from_element = from_element @default_find_strategy = params[:default_find_strategy] @default_scroll_strategy = params[:default_scroll_strategy] @can_use_id_strategy = is_only_id_selector?(selectors) if @can_use_id_strategy if @driver.device == :android @can_use_id_strategy = resolve_id(selectors[:id]) else @can_use_id_strategy = selectors[:id] end end @strategy = params[:strategy] @strategy_reason = params[:strategy_reason] @last_selector_adjacent = false init(params, selectors, single) end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(method, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
method missing is used to fetch the element before executing additional commands like click, send_key, count
98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 98 def method_missing(method, *args, &block) r = execute.send(method, *args, &block) @driver.invalidate_cache r end |
Instance Attribute Details
#can_use_id_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute can_use_id_strategy.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def can_use_id_strategy @can_use_id_strategy end |
#class_chain_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute class_chain_selector.
7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/ios/locator.rb', line 7 def class_chain_selector @class_chain_selector end |
#closing_parenthesis ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute closing_parenthesis.
6 7 8 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/android/locator.rb', line 6 def closing_parenthesis @closing_parenthesis end |
#default_find_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_find_strategy.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def default_find_strategy @default_find_strategy end |
#default_scroll_strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_scroll_strategy.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def default_scroll_strategy @default_scroll_strategy end |
#driver ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute driver.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def driver @driver end |
#from_element ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute from_element.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def from_element @from_element end |
#image_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute image_selector.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def image_selector @image_selector end |
#index_for_multiple ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute index_for_multiple.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def index_for_multiple @index_for_multiple end |
#last_selector_adjacent ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_selector_adjacent.
13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 13 def last_selector_adjacent @last_selector_adjacent end |
#scroll_deadzone ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scroll_deadzone.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def scroll_deadzone @scroll_deadzone end |
#scroll_orientation ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scroll_orientation.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def scroll_orientation @scroll_orientation end |
#scrollable_locator ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute scrollable_locator.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def scrollable_locator @scrollable_locator end |
#single ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute single.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def single @single end |
#strategy ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute strategy.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def strategy @strategy end |
#strategy_reason ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute strategy_reason.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def strategy_reason @strategy_reason end |
#xpath_selector ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute xpath_selector.
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 8 def xpath_selector @xpath_selector end |
Instance Method Details
#==(other) ⇒ Object
noinspection RubyNilAnalysis,RubyUnnecessaryReturnStatement
270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 270 def ==(other) elements = execute other = other.execute if other.is_a?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) if elements.is_a?(Array) return false unless other.is_a?(Array) return false if other.count != elements.count (elements - other).empty? else return false if other.is_a?(Array) elements == other end end |
#[](instance) ⇒ Object
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 239 def [](instance) raise "Cannot add index selector to non-Array" if @single if ((@strategy.nil? && !@last_selector_adjacent && @driver.device == :android) || @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR) && instance >= 0 locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR locator.ui_selector = "#{@ui_selector}.instance(#{instance})" locator.single = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator elsif (@driver.device == :ios && !@last_selector_adjacent && @strategy.nil?) || @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN locator.class_chain_selector += "[#{instance + 1}]" locator.single = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator else from_element = self.dup from_element.index_for_multiple = instance params = {}.merge({ single: true, scrollable_locator: @scrollable_locator }) # params[:strategy] = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH # params[:strategy_reason] = "retrieved instance of a array" params[:default_find_strategy] = @default_find_strategy params[:default_scroll_strategy] = @default_scroll_strategy, from_element, params) end end |
#add_child_selector(params) ⇒ Locator
Returns new child locator element.
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/ios/locator.rb', line 46 def add_child_selector(params) params, selectors = extract_selectors_from_params(params) single = params[:single] raise "Cannot add child selector to Array" if single && !@single locator = self.dup locator.can_use_id_strategy = false add_xpath_child_selectors(locator, selectors, single) if @strategy.nil? || @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN add_class_chain_child_selectors(locator, selectors, single) end if is_scrollable_selector?(selectors, single) locator.scrollable_locator.scroll_orientation = :vertical locator.scrollable_locator = locator end locator.last_selector_adjacent = false locator end |
#add_class_chain_child_selectors(locator, selectors, single) ⇒ Object
68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/ios/locator.rb', line 68 def add_class_chain_child_selectors(locator, selectors, single) locator.single = false unless single # switching from single result to multiple locator.class_chain_selector += "/" + hash_to_class_chain(selectors, single) end |
#align(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, scroll_to_find: false, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element (by default) on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the top/bottom/right/left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 70 def align(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, scroll_to_find: false, max_attempts: 3) deadzone = _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left) deadzone = @scrollable_locator.scroll_deadzone if deadzone.nil? && !@scrollable_locator.nil? sa =, locator: self, deadzone: deadzone, default_scroll_strategy: @default_scroll_strategy) sa.align(with, scroll_to_find, max_attempts) self end |
#align!(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element (by default) on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the top/bottom/right/left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
122 123 124 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 122 def align!(with = :top, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(with, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, scroll_to_find: true, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_bottom(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on bottom of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the bottom of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
95 96 97 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 95 def align_bottom(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:bottom, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_bottom!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on bottom of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the bottom of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 140 def align_bottom!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:bottom, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, scroll_to_find: true, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on left of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 104 def align_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:left, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_left!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on left of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the left of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 149 def align_left!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:left, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, scroll_to_find: true, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on right of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the right of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
113 114 115 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 113 def align_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:right, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_right!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on right of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the right of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
158 159 160 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 158 def align_right!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:right, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, scroll_to_find: true, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_top(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it will scroll to find it The element is aligned if the the distance from the top of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 86 def align_top(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:top, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#align_top!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Aligns element on top of the scrollable container, if the element does not exists it raise an exception The element is aligned if the the distance from the top of the scrollable container is less than [TestaAppiumDriver::SCROLL_ALIGNMENT_THRESHOLD] If the distance is greater than the threshold, it will attempt to realign it up to 2 more times. The retry mechanism allows alignment even for dynamic layouts when elements are hidden/show when scrolling to certain direction
131 132 133 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 131 def align_top!(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_attempts: 3) align(:top, top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, scroll_to_find: true, max_attempts: max_attempts) end |
#as_json ⇒ Object
286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 286 def as_json { strategy: @strategy, default_strategy: @default_find_strategy, single: @single, uiautomator: defined?(self.ui_selector) ? ui_selector : nil, xpath: @xpath_selector, scroll_orientation: @scroll_orientation, resolved: strategies_and_selectors, index_for_multiple: @index_for_multiple, } end |
#as_scrollable(orientation: :vertical, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 308 def as_scrollable(orientation: :vertical, top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) @scroll_orientation = orientation if !top.nil? || !bottom.nil? || !right.nil? || !left.nil? @scroll_deadzone = {} @scroll_deadzone[:top] = top.to_f unless top.nil? @scroll_deadzone[:bottom] = bottom.to_f unless bottom.nil? @scroll_deadzone[:right] = right.to_f unless right.nil? @scroll_deadzone[:left] = left.to_f unless left.nil? end @scrollable_locator = self.dup self end |
#child ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return first child element
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 431 def child raise "Cannot add children selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "child") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN && !@strategy.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy_reason = "child" locator.xpath_selector += "/*[1]" locator.single = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false if @driver.device == :android locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH else locator.class_chain_selector += "/*[1]" end locator end |
#children ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return all children elements
410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 410 def children raise "Cannot add children selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "children") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN && !@strategy.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy_reason = "children" locator.xpath_selector += "/*" locator.single = false locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false if @driver.device == :android locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH else locator.class_chain_selector += "/*" end locator end |
#clear ⇒ Object
390 391 392 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 390 def clear perform_driver_method(:clear) end |
#click(x = nil, y = nil, double: false) ⇒ Object Also known as: tap
if both x or y, or both are not given, will click in the center of the element
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 336 def click(x = nil, y = nil, double: false) x = 0.5 if x.nil? y = 0.5 if y.nil? b = self.bounds if x.is_a?(Integer) if x >= 0 x = b.top_left.x + x else x = b.bottom_right.x + x end elsif x.is_a?(Float) && x <= 1.0 && x >= 0 x = b.top_left.x + b.width * x else raise "x value #{x} not supported. Use integer as pixel or float (0..1) as percentage of element width" end if y.is_a?(Integer) if y >= 0 y = b.top_left.y + y else y = b.bottom_right + y end elsif y.is_a?(Float) && y <= 1.0 && y >= 0 y = b.top_left.y + b.height * y else raise "y value #{x} not supported. Use integer as pixel or float (0..1) as percentage of element height" end action_builder = @driver.action f1 = action_builder.add_pointer_input(:touch, "finger1") f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 0.1, x: x, y: y, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pointer_up(:left) if double if @driver.ios? # NOTE: ios is stupid, we have to do another move # NOTE: ios is stupid, works very wierd if duration is 0 f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 0.1, x: x, y: y, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) end f1.create_pause(0.1) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pointer_up(:left) end @driver.perform_actions [f1] end |
#double_click(x = nil, y = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: double_tap
329 330 331 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 329 def double_click(x = nil, y = nil) click(x, y, double: true) end |
#drag_by(amount, direction: :top) ⇒ Object
296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 296 def drag_by(amount, direction: :top) b = bounds x = y = case direction when :top y -= amount.to_i when :bottom y += amount.to_i when :left x -= amount.to_i when :right x += amount.to_i else raise "Unknown direction #{direction}" end _drag_to(,, x, y) end |
#drag_down_by(amount) ⇒ Object
252 253 254 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 252 def drag_down_by(amount) drag_by(amount, direction: :bottom) end |
#drag_left_by(amount) ⇒ Object
256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 256 def drag_left_by(amount) drag_by(amount, direction: :left) end |
#drag_right_by(amount) ⇒ Object
260 261 262 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 260 def drag_right_by(amount) drag_by(amount, direction: :right) end |
#drag_to(to) ⇒ Object
noinspection RubyYardParamTypeMatch,RubyScope
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 266 def drag_to(to) if !to.kind_of?(::Selenium::WebDriver::Element) && !to.kind_of?(::Appium::Core::Element) && !to.kind_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) && !to.kind_of?(Hash) raise "Parameter not accepted, acceptable instances of [TestaAppiumDriver::Locator, Hash, Selenium::WebDriver::Element]" end if to.kind_of?(::Selenium::WebDriver::Element) || to.kind_of?(::Appium::Core::Element) if @driver.device == :android bounds = TestaAppiumDriver::Bounds.from_android(to.bounds, @driver) else bounds = TestaAppiumDriver::Bounds.from_ios(to.bounds, @driver) end x = y = end if to.kind_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) bounds = to.bounds x = y = end if to.kind_of?(Hash) raise "Missing x coordinate" if to[:x].nil? raise "Missing y coordinate" if to[:y].nil? x = to[:x] y = to[:y] end _drag_to(,, x, y) end |
#drag_up_by(amount) ⇒ Object
248 249 250 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 248 def drag_up_by(amount) drag_by(amount, direction: :top) end |
#execute(skip_cache: false, force_cache_element: nil, ignore_implicit_wait: false) ⇒ Selenium::WebDriver::Element, Array
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 107 def execute(skip_cache: false, force_cache_element: nil, ignore_implicit_wait: false) return force_cache_element unless force_cache_element.nil? # if we are looking for current element, then return from_element # for example when we have driver.element.elements[1].click # elements[2] will be resolved with xpath because we are looking for multiple elements from element # and since we are looking for instance 2, [](instance) method will return new "empty locator" # we are executing click on that "empty locator" so we have to return the instance 2 of elements for the click if @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]" && !@from_element.nil? && @image_selector.nil? if @from_element.instance_of?(::Selenium::WebDriver::Element) || @from_element.instance_of?(::Appium::Core::Element) return @from_element end if @from_element.instance_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) return @from_element.execute( skip_cache: skip_cache, force_cache_element: force_cache_element, ignore_implicit_wait: ignore_implicit_wait ) end return @from_element end r = @driver.execute(@from_element, @single, strategies_and_selectors, skip_cache: skip_cache, ignore_implicit_wait: ignore_implicit_wait) r = r[@index_for_multiple] if !@index_for_multiple.nil? && !@single r end |
#exists? ⇒ boolean
all timeouts are disabled before check, and enabled after check
184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 184 def exists? # TODO: should be called visible? or present? found = true begin r = execute(skip_cache: true, ignore_implicit_wait: true) return r.count.positive? if r.is_a?(Array) # ios17 has phantom child elements that overlap parent so this returns false positive # return r.displayed? if @driver.ios? rescue StandardError found = false end found end |
#first ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
220 221 222 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 220 def first self[0] end |
#first_and_last_child ⇒ Object
325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 325 def first_and_last_child @driver.first_and_last_child(execute) end |
#first_and_last_leaf ⇒ Object
321 322 323 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 321 def first_and_last_leaf @driver.first_and_last_leaf(execute) end |
#fling_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
229 230 231 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 229 def fling_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _fling(:down, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#fling_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 239 def fling_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _fling(:left, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#fling_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
244 245 246 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 244 def fling_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _fling(:right, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#fling_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 234 def fling_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _fling(:up, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#following_sibling ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 519 def following_sibling raise "Cannot add following_sibling selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "following_sibling") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add following_sibling selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "following_sibling" i = index.to_i locator.single = true # in ios, the index can be false (0 when casted to_i), but inspector shows index as 0 # return nil if locator.xpath_selector += "/../*[@index=\"#{i + 1}\"]" locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#following_siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 502 def following_siblings raise "Cannot add following_siblings selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "following_siblings") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add following_siblings selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "following_siblings" i = index.to_i locator.xpath_selector += "/../*[position() > #{i + 1}]" # position() starts from 1 locator.single = false locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#from_parent(selectors = {}) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/android/locator.rb', line 73 def from_parent(selectors = {}) raise "Cannot add from_parent selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR, "from_parent") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR locator.strategy_reason = "from_parent" locator.closing_parenthesis += 1 locator.ui_selector = "#{locator.ui_selector}.fromParent(#{hash_to_uiautomator(selectors)}" locator end |
#in_viewport? ⇒ Boolean
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 198 def ws = @driver.window_size = ws.height = ws.width check = proc do |b| !(b.bottom_right.y.negative? || b.top_left.y > || b.top_left.x.negative? || b.bottom_right.x > ) end begin r = execute(skip_cache: true, ignore_implicit_wait: true) r = [r] unless r.is_a?(Array) return false if r.all? { |e| } rescue StandardError return false end end |
#index(*args) ⇒ Integer?
element index in parent element, starts from 0 noinspection RubyNilAnalysis,RubyYardReturnMatch
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/android/locator/attributes.rb', line 112 def index(*args) raise "Index not supported for uiautomator strategy" if @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_UIAUTOMATOR this = execute(*args) children = self.dup.parent.children.execute index = children.index(this) raise "Index not found" if index.nil? index.to_i end |
#init(params, selectors, single) ⇒ Object
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/ios/locator.rb', line 9 def init(params, selectors, single) if is_scrollable_selector?(selectors, single) @scroll_orientation = :vertical if !params[:top].nil? || !params[:bottom].nil? || !params[:right].nil? || !params[:left].nil? @scroll_deadzone = {} @scroll_deadzone[:top] = params[:top].to_f unless params[:top].nil? @scroll_deadzone[:bottom] = params[:bottom].to_f unless params[:bottom].nil? @scroll_deadzone[:right] = params[:right].to_f unless params[:right].nil? @scroll_deadzone[:left] = params[:left].to_f unless params[:left].nil? end params[:scrollable_locator] = self.dup end @class_chain_selector = hash_to_class_chain(selectors, single) @scrollable_locator = params[:scrollable_locator] if params[:scrollable_locator] end |
#is_only_id_selector?(selectors) ⇒ Boolean
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 74 def is_only_id_selector?(selectors) # since, name and id is the same thing for iOS, if @driver.device == :android selectors.keys.count == 1 && !selectors[:id].nil? && !selectors[:id].is_a?(Regexp) else selector = nil if selectors.keys.count == 2 if !selectors[:id].nil? && !selectors[:id].nil? && selectors[:id] == selectors[:name] selector = selectors[:id] else selector = nil end elsif selectors.keys.count == 1 selector = selectors[:id] unless selectors[:id].nil? selector = selectors[:name] unless selectors[:name].nil? end return false if selector.nil? !selector.is_a?(Regexp) end end |
#last ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
235 236 237 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 235 def last self[-1] end |
#long_tap(duration = LONG_TAP_DURATION) ⇒ Object
performs a long tap on the retrieved element
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 6 def long_tap(duration = LONG_TAP_DURATION) action_builder = @driver.action b = bounds f1 = action_builder.add_pointer_input(:touch, "finger1") f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 0, x:, y:, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pause(duration) f1.create_pointer_up(:left) puts "long tap execute: {x: #{}, y: #{}}" @driver.perform_actions [f1] end |
#page_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 209 def page_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _page(:down, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#page_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 219 def page_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _page(:left, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#page_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
224 225 226 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 224 def page_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _page(:right, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#page_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 214 def page_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _page(:up, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#parent ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Return parent element
396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 396 def parent raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "parent") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add parent selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "parent" locator.xpath_selector += "/.." locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#preceding_sibling ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 483 def preceding_sibling raise "Cannot add preceding_sibling selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "preceding_sibling") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add preceding siblings selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "preceding_sibling" i = index locator.single = true return nil if locator.xpath_selector += "/../*[@index=\"#{i - 1}\"]" locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#preceding_siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 467 def preceding_siblings raise "Cannot add preceding_siblings selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "preceding_siblings") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add preceding_siblings selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "preceding_siblings" locator.xpath_selector += "/../*[position() < #{index + 1}]" # position() starts from 1 locator.single = false locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#scroll_down_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls down until element is found or end is reached
174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 174 def scroll_down_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) _scroll_dir_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls, :down) end |
#scroll_each(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, direction: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls to the start of the scrollable containers and scrolls to the end, everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 21 def scroll_each(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, direction: nil, &block) deadzone = _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left) raise "Each can only be performed on multiple elements locator" if @single deadzone = @scrollable_locator.scroll_deadzone if deadzone.nil? && !@scrollable_locator.nil? sa =, locator: self, deadzone: deadzone, default_scroll_strategy: @default_scroll_strategy) if direction.nil? sa.scroll_each(&block) else sa.send("scroll_each_#{direction}", &block) end end |
#scroll_each_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls down from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the top) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed
40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 40 def scroll_each_down(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) scroll_each(top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, direction: :down, &block) end |
#scroll_each_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls left from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the right) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 61 def scroll_each_left(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) scroll_each(top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, direction: :left, &block) end |
#scroll_each_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls right from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the left) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed
54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 54 def scroll_each_right(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) scroll_each(top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, direction: :right, &block) end |
#scroll_each_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) ⇒ Array<Selenium::WebDriver::Element>
scrolls up from the current page view (without prior scrolling to the bottom) and everytime a locator element is found the given block is executed
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 47 def scroll_each_up(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, &block) scroll_each(top: top, bottom: bottom, right: right, left: left, direction: :up, &block) end |
#scroll_left_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls left until element is found or end is reached
192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 192 def scroll_left_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) _scroll_dir_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls, :left) end |
#scroll_right_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls right until element is found or end is reached
186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 186 def scroll_right_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) _scroll_dir_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls, :right) end |
#scroll_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil, direction: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
First scrolls to the beginning of the scrollable container and then scrolls down until element is found or end is reached
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 164 def scroll_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil, direction: nil) if direction _scroll_dir_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls, direction) else _scroll_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls) end end |
#scroll_to_end(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls to the end of the scrollable container (bottom on vertical container, right on horizontal)
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 204 def scroll_to_end(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _scroll_to_start_or_end(:end, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#scroll_to_start(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls to the start of the scrollable container (top on vertical container, left on horizontal)
198 199 200 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 198 def scroll_to_start(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil) _scroll_to_start_or_end(:start, _process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left)) end |
#scroll_up_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
Scrolls up until element is found or end is reached
180 181 182 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator/scroll_actions.rb', line 180 def scroll_up_to(top: nil, bottom: nil, right: nil, left: nil, max_scrolls: nil) _scroll_dir_to(_process_deadzone(top, bottom, right, left), max_scrolls, :up) end |
#second ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
225 226 227 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 225 def second self[1] end |
#send_key(*args) ⇒ Object
386 387 388 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 386 def send_key(*args) perform_driver_method(:send_keys, *args) end |
#siblings ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 451 def siblings raise "Cannot add siblings selector to array" unless @single raise, @strategy_reason, FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH, "siblings") if @strategy != FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH && !@strategy.nil? raise "Cannot add siblings selector to a retrieved instance of a class array" if (@xpath_selector == ".//*" || @xpath_selector == ".//*[1]") && !@from_element.nil? locator = self.dup locator.strategy = FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH locator.strategy_reason = "siblings" locator.xpath_selector += "/../*[not(@index=\"#{index}\")]" locator.single = false locator.last_selector_adjacent = true locator.can_use_id_strategy = false locator end |
#strategies_and_selectors ⇒ Object
resolve selector which will be used for finding element
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/ios/locator.rb', line 32 def strategies_and_selectors ss = [] if @can_use_id_strategy ss.push({"#{FIND_STRATEGY_NAME}": @can_use_id_strategy}) end ss.push({"#{FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN}": @class_chain_selector}) if @strategy.nil? || @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_CLASS_CHAIN ss.push({"#{FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH}": @xpath_selector}) if @strategy.nil? || @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_XPATH ss.push({"#{FIND_STRATEGY_IMAGE}": @image_selector}) if @strategy == FIND_STRATEGY_IMAGE ss end |
#third ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
230 231 232 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 230 def third self[2] end |
#to_ary ⇒ Object
303 304 305 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 303 def to_ary [self.to_s] end |
#to_s ⇒ Object
299 300 301 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 299 def to_s JSON.dump(as_json) end |
#ui_selector(include_semicolon = true) ⇒ Object
Returns ui_selector for uiautomator find strategy.
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/android/locator.rb', line 61 def ui_selector(include_semicolon = true) @ui_selector + ")" * @closing_parenthesis + (include_semicolon ? ";" : ""); end |
#ui_selector=(value) ⇒ Object
65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/android/locator.rb', line 65 def ui_selector=(value) @ui_selector = value end |
#wait_until(timeout = nil, args = {}) ⇒ Object
177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 177 def wait_until(timeout = nil, args = {}) args[:timeout] = timeout _wait(:until, args) end |
#wait_until_exists(timeout = nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 160 def wait_until_exists(timeout = nil) args = { timeout: timeout } _wait(:until, args) end |
#wait_while(timeout = nil, args = {}) ⇒ Object
172 173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 172 def wait_while(timeout = nil, args = {}) args[:timeout] = timeout _wait(:while, args) end |
#wait_while_exists(timeout = nil) ⇒ TestaAppiumDriver::Locator
167 168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 167 def wait_while_exists(timeout = nil) args = { timeout: timeout } _wait(:while, args) end |
#when_exists(timeout = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/testa_appium_driver/common/locator.rb', line 139 def when_exists(timeout = nil, &block) found = false begin wait_until_exists(timeout) found = true rescue StandardError # ignored end if found if block_given? # block is given # use call to execute the block else # the value of block_argument becomes nil if you didn't give a block # block was not given end end self end |