Module: TranslatedAttr::ActiveRecordExtensions::ClassMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/translated_attr/active_record_extensions.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#translated_attr(*attributes) ⇒ Object
Configure translated attributes.
#translations_for(model) ⇒ Object
Configure translation model dependency.
Instance Method Details
#translated_attr(*attributes) ⇒ Object
Configure translated attributes. Eg:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
translated_attr :title, :description
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# File 'lib/translated_attr/active_record_extensions.rb', line 60 def translated_attr(*attributes) make_it_translated! unless included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) attributes.each do |attribute| # dynamic validations # TODO forse va sul metodo translations_for... validates attribute, :translation_presence => true, :translation_uniq => true #dynamic finders (class << self; self; end).class_eval do define_method "find_by_#{attribute}" do |value| self.send("find_all_by_#{attribute}".to_sym, value).first end define_method "find_all_by_#{attribute}" do |value| joins(:translations). where("#{self.to_s.tableize.singularize}_translations.locale" => "#{I18n.locale}", "#{self.to_s.tableize.singularize}_translations.#{attribute}" => "#{value}"). readonly(false) end define_method "find_or_new_by_#{attribute}" do |value| self.send("find_by_#{attribute}".to_sym, value) || { |r| r.send("#{attribute}=", value) } end end # this make possible to specify getter and setter methods per locale, # eg: given title attribute you can use getter # as: title_en or title_it and setter as title_en= and title_it= I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| define_method "#{attribute}_#{locale}=" do |value| set_attribute(attribute, value, locale) end define_method "#{attribute}_#{locale}" do return localized_attributes[locale][attribute] if localized_attributes[locale][attribute] return if new_record? translations.where(:locale => "#{locale}").first.send(attribute.to_sym) rescue nil end # extension to the above dynamic finders (class << self; self; end).class_eval do define_method "find_by_#{attribute}_#{locale}" do |value| self.send("find_all_by_#{attribute}_#{locale}".to_sym, value).first end define_method "find_all_by_#{attribute}_#{locale}" do |value| joins(:translations). where("#{self.to_s.tableize.singularize}_translations.locale" => "#{locale}", "#{self.to_s.tableize.singularize}_translations.#{attribute}" => "#{value}"). readonly(false) end define_method "find_or_new_by_#{attribute}_#{locale}" do |value| self.send("find_by_#{attribute}_#{locale}".to_sym, value) || { |r| r.send("#{attribute}_#{locale}=", value) } end end end # attribute setter define_method "#{attribute}=" do |value| set_attribute(attribute, value) end # attribute getter define_method attribute do # return previously setted attributes if present return localized_attributes[I18n.locale][attribute] if localized_attributes[I18n.locale][attribute] return if new_record? # Lookup chain: # if translation not present in current locale, # use default locale, if present. # Otherwise use first translation translation = translations.detect { |t| t.locale.to_sym == I18n.locale && t[attribute] } || translations.detect { |t| t.locale.to_sym == translations_default_locale && t[attribute] } || translations.first translation ? translation[attribute] : nil end define_method "#{attribute}_before_type_cast" do self.send(attribute) end define_method "modified?" do if valid? # force the update_translations! method translations.map_by_changed?.any? || changed? end end end end |
#translations_for(model) ⇒ Object
Configure translation model dependency. Eg:
class PostTranslation < ActiveRecord::Base
translations_for :post
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# File 'lib/translated_attr/active_record_extensions.rb', line 39 def translations_for(model) belongs_to model validates :locale, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => "#{model}_id" }, :inclusion =>{ |l| l.to_s } # dynamic class methods (class << self; self; end).class_eval do define_method "attribute_names_for_translation" do attribute_names - ["id", "#{model}_id", "locale", "created_at", "updated_at"] end end end |