All URIs are relative to https://secure.ultracart.com/rest/v2
Method | HTTP request | Description |
delete_chargeback | DELETE /chargeback/chargebacks/chargeback_dispute_oid | Delete a chargeback |
get_chargeback_dispute | GET /chargeback/chargebacks/chargeback_dispute_oid | Retrieve a chargeback |
get_chargeback_disputes | GET /chargeback/chargebacks | Retrieve chargebacks |
insert_chargeback | POST /chargeback/chargebacks | Insert a chargeback |
update_chargeback | PUT /chargeback/chargebacks/chargeback_dispute_oid | Update a chargeback |
ChargebackDisputeResponse delete_chargeback(chargeback_dispute_oid)
Delete a chargeback
Delete a chargeback on the UltraCart account.
# load the gem
require 'ultracart_api'
# Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = UltracartClient::ChargebackApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false)
chargeback_dispute_oid = 56 # Integer | The chargeback_dispute_oid to delete.
#Delete a chargeback
result = api_instance.delete_chargeback(chargeback_dispute_oid)
p result
rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ChargebackApi->delete_chargeback: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chargeback_dispute_oid | Integer | The chargeback_dispute_oid to delete. |
Return type
ultraCartOauth, ultraCartSimpleApiKey
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ChargebackDisputeResponse get_chargeback_dispute(chargeback_dispute_oid, opts)
Retrieve a chargeback
Retrieves a single chargeback using the specified chargeback dispute oid.
# load the gem
require 'ultracart_api'
# Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = UltracartClient::ChargebackApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false)
chargeback_dispute_oid = 56 # Integer | The chargeback dispute oid to retrieve.
opts = {
_expand: '_expand_example' # String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples
#Retrieve a chargeback
result = api_instance.get_chargeback_dispute(chargeback_dispute_oid, opts)
p result
rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ChargebackApi->get_chargeback_dispute: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chargeback_dispute_oid | Integer | The chargeback dispute oid to retrieve. | |
_expand | String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples | [optional] |
Return type
ultraCartOauth, ultraCartSimpleApiKey
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ChargebackDisputesResponse get_chargeback_disputes(opts)
Retrieve chargebacks
Retrieves chargebacks from the account. If no parameters are specified, all chargebacks will be returned. You will need to make multiple API calls in order to retrieve the entire result set since this API performs result set pagination.
# load the gem
require 'ultracart_api'
# Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = UltracartClient::ChargebackApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false)
opts = {
order_id: 'order_id_example', # String | Order Id
case_number: 'case_number_example', # String | Case number
status: 'status_example', # String | Status
expiration_dts_start: 'expiration_dts_start_example', # String | Expiration dts start
expiration_dts_end: 'expiration_dts_end_example', # String | Expiration dts end
chargeback_dts_start: 'chargeback_dts_start_example', # String | Chargeback dts start
chargeback_dts_end: 'chargeback_dts_end_example', # String | Chargeback dts end
_limit: 100, # Integer | The maximum number of records to return on this one API call. (Max 200)
_offset: 0, # Integer | Pagination of the record set. Offset is a zero based index.
_since: '_since_example', # String | Fetch chargebacks that have been created/modified since this date/time.
_sort: '_sort_example', # String | The sort order of the chargebacks. See Sorting documentation for examples of using multiple values and sorting by ascending and descending.
_expand: '_expand_example' # String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples
#Retrieve chargebacks
result = api_instance.get_chargeback_disputes(opts)
p result
rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ChargebackApi->get_chargeback_disputes: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order_id | String | Order Id | [optional] |
case_number | String | Case number | [optional] |
status | String | Status | [optional] |
expiration_dts_start | String | Expiration dts start | [optional] |
expiration_dts_end | String | Expiration dts end | [optional] |
chargeback_dts_start | String | Chargeback dts start | [optional] |
chargeback_dts_end | String | Chargeback dts end | [optional] |
_limit | Integer | The maximum number of records to return on this one API call. (Max 200) | [optional] [default to 100] |
_offset | Integer | Pagination of the record set. Offset is a zero based index. | [optional] [default to 0] |
_since | String | Fetch chargebacks that have been created/modified since this date/time. | [optional] |
_sort | String | The sort order of the chargebacks. See Sorting documentation for examples of using multiple values and sorting by ascending and descending. | [optional] |
_expand | String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples | [optional] |
Return type
ultraCartOauth, ultraCartSimpleApiKey
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ChargebackDisputeResponse insert_chargeback(chargeback, opts)
Insert a chargeback
Insert a chargeback on the UltraCart account.
# load the gem
require 'ultracart_api'
# Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = UltracartClient::ChargebackApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false)
chargeback = UltracartClient::ChargebackDispute.new # ChargebackDispute | Chargeback to insert
opts = {
_expand: '_expand_example' # String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples
#Insert a chargeback
result = api_instance.insert_chargeback(chargeback, opts)
p result
rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ChargebackApi->insert_chargeback: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chargeback | ChargebackDispute | Chargeback to insert | |
_expand | String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples | [optional] |
Return type
ultraCartOauth, ultraCartSimpleApiKey
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
- Accept: application/json
ChargebackDisputeResponse update_chargeback(chargeback, chargeback_dispute_oid, opts)
Update a chargeback
Update a chargeback on the UltraCart account.
# load the gem
require 'ultracart_api'
# Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = UltracartClient::ChargebackApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false)
chargeback = UltracartClient::ChargebackDispute.new # ChargebackDispute | Chargeback to update
chargeback_dispute_oid = 56 # Integer | The chargeback_dispute_oid to update.
opts = {
_expand: '_expand_example' # String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples
#Update a chargeback
result = api_instance.update_chargeback(chargeback, chargeback_dispute_oid, opts)
p result
rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ChargebackApi->update_chargeback: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chargeback | ChargebackDispute | Chargeback to update | |
chargeback_dispute_oid | Integer | The chargeback_dispute_oid to update. | |
_expand | String | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples | [optional] |
Return type
ultraCartOauth, ultraCartSimpleApiKey
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
- Accept: application/json