Units of Time (Timstamp, Timedelta)

units-time library / gem - units of time (in epoch time) incl. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, years and more



The following methods are added on Integer (Fixnum and Bignum) and always return a Timedelta object (in seconds):

# plural versions
2.seconds       #=> <Timedelta seconds=2>
2.secs          #=> <Timedelta seconds=2>
3.minutes       #=> <Timedelta seconds=180>
3.mins          #=> <Timedelta seconds=180>
4.hours         #=> <Timedelta seconds=14_400>
5.days          #=> <Timedelta seconds=432_000>
6.weeks         #=> <Timedelta seconds=3_628_800>
7.fortnights    #=> <Timedelta seconds=8_467_200>
8.years         #=> <Timedelta seconds=252_288_000>

# singular versions
1.second        #=> <Timedelta seconds=1>
1.sec           #=> <Timedelta seconds=1>
1.minute        #=> <Timedelta seconds=60>
1.min           #=> <Timedelta seconds=60>
1.hour          #=> <Timedelta seconds=3600>
1.day           #=> <Timedelta seconds=86_400>
1.week          #=> <Timedelta seconds=604_800>
1.fortnight     #=> <Timedelta seconds=1_209_600>
1.year          #=> <Timedelta seconds=31_536_000>

Time arithmetics

You can add and subtract durations from Timestamp or Timedelta objects.

Timestamp.now + 2.hours      #=> <Timestamp seconds= >
1.week + 1.day               #=> <Timedelta seconds= >
2.minutes - 1.second         #=> <TimeDelta seconds= >

Note: You CANNOT add or subtract integers to Timestamp or Timedelta objects and vice versa.

# Bad
10 + 1.minute   #=> Boom! <TypeError>
1.minute + 10   #=> Boom! <TypeError>

# Good
10.seconds + 1.minute   #=> <Timedelta seconds=70>
1.minute.to_i + 10      #=> Integer

Note: Multiply an integer with 1.hour or 1.minute or 1.second and so on to convert to a time unit.

100*1.hour              #=> <Timedelta seconds=360_000>


The Timestamp class holds the time in seconds since unix epoch time (that is, January 1st, 1970).

Timestamp.new(0)   # or Timestamp(0)

To get the time now use:

Timestamp.now      # or Timestamp.new


The Timedelta class holds a time duration in seconds.

Timedelta.new     # or Timedelta(0)


The units-time scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

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Send them along to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!